AAA (Triple A)

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amen what's up whip rezaian church Woodbridge mono y'all whip me I want you to be all of you today to turn in your Bibles if you have one Exodus chapter 3 if you don't have a Bible or you have a nap or something use your Exodus chapter 3 and I'm gonna look at Exodus chapter 3 and exits chapter 4 today Exodus 3 and 4 it's the second book in the Bible it's towards the front amen toward the front let's go up sit see because you know if you gotta look at the table contest that's cool but if you want to be smooth you know we try to impress people we just be flipping like we know where we going it can be way in the back some way I'm saying yeah if you pass anything you pass anything but Genesis you went too far Exodus 3 my subsequent day is Triple A I don't know how this is happening but last week it was triple T I'm not promising a series I'm making it up as I go Triple A I want to talk to you today about your assignment your anointing and your assistance your assignment your anointing your assistance and I want to use Moses and his story here in Exodus 3 and 4 to help frame this conversation for background Moses is having a conversation with God in which God says that he has recognized the condition that his people are in they are in Egyptian bondage in their slaves to Egypt and he's saying it's my time now to move on their behalf and they changed their situation what an exciting time it is and God says beginning in Exodus 3 7 he says then the Lord told him New Living Translation I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt I have heard their cries of distress because of their harsh slave drivers yes I am aware of their suffering now this may be a message is gonna have a lot of content so I would advise you if you're a note taker this might be a day where you want to write something down or you want to make a note in your phone because I believe God's gonna say something to you that will be helpful along your journey in your life what I love about this verse is that God says I've seen the oppression of my people I've heard their cries and I'm aware of their suffering God says I see what's going on I hear what's going on and I'm aware sometimes that's all you need to notice God sees what you're going through he hears what you're facing and he's aware God I don't know were you gonna do something about it but I'm just happy that you see it you hear it and you're aware of it that's enough to give you a little bit of comfort right man that dude that he's not he's not he's not in the dark about what you're going through he sees it he hears it he's aware of it but then he says in verse 8 so I've come down to rescue them from the power of the objection Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt everybody say out of Egypt then he says and into their own fertile and spacious land it is a land flowing with milk and honey the land where the Canaanites Hittites amma writes perizzites hivites and jebbie sites now live now I want to give you I'm gonna give you three main points today I'm going to talk about what is God's plan what is in Moses his hand and who is in Moses is band just trying to rhyme that's all what is God's plan God's plan is right here in verse eight he says I'm coming down to rescue them from the politicians and deliver them out of easier every day out of Egypt and then he says I'm going to take them into their own fertile spacious land which is the promised land now in Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 we give further clarity about how this all went down Exodus 13:17 says this let me turn to it Exodus 13:17 says when pharaoh finally let the people go God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory even though that was the shortest route to the promised land God says that the people are faced with a battle they might change their minds to return to Egypt that's Exodus 13:17 here's Exodus 13 18 so God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness everybody say wilderness towards the Red Sea thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle so his regard says I could take the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land but if I take them from Egypt out of bondage 430 years of bondage straight to the promised land if they run into an enemy they may get scared and go back so I'm gonna take them another way to prepare them for the Promised Land I'm gonna take them through the wilderness I'm gonna take them out of Egypt through the wilderness and in the wilderness they're gonna get tough and learn how to fight so by the time they get to the promised land they will arrive like an army ready for battle so here's God's plan this is our this is God's plan first of all my plan is to take them out of eat out of bondage to take them through the wilderness and take them to the promised land I'm taking them out of bondage through the wilderness in the wilderness to go ahead Wars through the wilderness to the promised land out of bondage through the wilderness to the promised land y'all got it say it after me out of bondage through the wilderness to the promised land I want to tell you something when you have an assignment in your life I don't care what kind of work you do your life's work will always include something of this nature God wants to use you to help people get out of something it may be out of something dark it may be out of something confusing and then he wants you to help you he wants to use you to help get people through something out of bondage through what the wilderness so you got to help people get through difficulty and challenges some of the things you got to help people get through is getting through wanting to go back to what God got them out of you know how do you know there's some times you want to go back into something God got you out of that was about to kill you and destroy your life but but guess what because it's so familiar so strong sometimes we want to go back so helping people get out get through and get to to their dreams or their vision to their promised land your life's work will always involve something of that nature helping people get out say god I'm ready to help people get out to help people get through and help people get to that's God's plan that's God's plan and it's a great plan here's the problem God has a problem finding people that will help him do it look at verse 9 look the crime the people of Israel is reaching me and I've seen how harshly Egyptians abused him verse 10 now go he's talking about it now Gulf I'm sending you to Pharaoh you must leave my people Israel my people Israel out of Egypt you must do it Moses God's got a great plan here's the problem it's always his man or his woman that he gets pushed back from you would think Moses said short thing God whatever you say you're by God the Bible says Moses protested verse 11 Moses protested to God Who am I Who am I that I should have people for Pharaoh Who am I that I go lead the people huh who me I believe guys hearing a whole lot of hormuz from people who me you you you you can't mean me you you you I'm committed to comfort I'll build my whole life around comfort in fact I believe the Bible says that he came that I might have comfort and have comfort undisturbed comfort I'm building my whole life to be as comfortable as I can don't you come right here who me you see my credit report you know my history you're not sensitive I am God you're not easily my feelings get hurt I'm not about to do something because it's going to disturb my comfort and that's where people place a boundary up because they allow their fears to keep them from doing what God wants them to do like Who am I who me like you can't mean me you can't mean me you can't be talking to me because I'm not I'm not qualified I have my family has no background for this you know I got health problems I got mental health problems I got these challenges I'm a woman I'm black I'm man I'll handle money and actually that makes you a perfect candidate because you ain't gonna have no problem depending on God because you need them there's two psychiatrists two lady psychologists in the late 1970s that wrote an article where they first introduced the concept imposter syndrome an impostor syndrome is when an individual nullifies their achievements or accomplishments and then because they nullified their accomplishments they actually try to justify their incompetence or inability to do something and then they live with a constant fear that they're gonna be they're gonna be exposed as a fraud so it starts with nullifying my accomplishments then I kind of kind of conclude that I'm incompetent and then I live with this fear that I'm gonna be identified as a fraud it's a pathological thinking that's filled with fear and it's our way of thinking our way out of doing stuff anything that would make me uncomfortable so I always think my way out of it and most people would look at Moses and he says well how's Moses going protest god that's what happens in verse 11 he protests to God God's trying to get something done and Moses is fighting back saying I don't want to do that Who am I Who am I and most of us were saying why would Moses do that and I'm saying why do you do it like God always has a great plan you know what his plan is you heard me say it it's the bring people out to bring them through and to bring them to is to do what bring them out of some bring help them get through some help them get to where they're trying to get and and he the plan is not the problem it's always the people who are willing to serve Him they're willing to put aside their own agenda and also so here's what God said to Moses and I believe he says in US you want to know who you are I've got a solution for that verse 12 Exodus 3:12 I will be with you that's gonna shut it down right then mostly Who am I God says you with me I'll be with you whenever whenever I go down to the comic what's the place called now the Capital One Arena whatever it's called now they change the name so much I have a pass I have a credential as under Washington Wizards where I can move around the building I can go into garage I can go through a private elevator I can go in the back in the locker room areas because of my credentials every now and then I'll have somebody with me and if you don't have credentials you're not supposed to get through security areas they'll stop you and say where are you going and you know what I say they with me it's not that it's not about who they are is who they with you missed that so so sometimes they can go on the places that they're not qualified to go because there was somebody who is so when Moses says Who am I you know what God says you with me now you would think we could close the Bible and go home all right then let me do it you know what Moses said well who are you that's the necklace next question is well who who when I go when I'm so seldom who I'm most say you are then God says I am Who I am that's the main answer right there in the Hebrew it is it is the imperfect tense of the is the imperfect tense of the Greek verb of the Hebrew verb to be it's the imperfect tense of the verb to be which means God is literally saying there has never been a time that I wasn't I just am who are you I am there's a song we just sing in the church back in the day called God is how many remember that song God is it's a lot of truth to that song because that's just you can't define them in a table Church because you can't compartmentalize God he just is he says I am don't tell him I was I'm not just the god of history even though I created all things and I started this thing but I'm also the god of now by me the whole world is consisting in Hell together in me you live and move and have your very being without me you can do nothing I'm not just a God of history I'm the god right now but I'm not just a God right now I'm also the God of the Apocalypse I'm the God of all things coming in fact I'm the same yesterday today and forever I just am so don't tell them who I was they may think I'm tired and old tell me I'm not becoming I'm not growing into my best version of myself I'm not developing I didn't go to a school of the deities to become Who I am I've been God I am God I always will be God I am best thing I can give you in fact everything we need in this life God doesn't just have it he is it if you need peace he is peace if you need joy God says I am joy you need to deliverance God says I am deliverance you need salvation he says I am salvation you need direction he says I am the way you need true fee says I am the truth you need life he says I don't just have like I am life everything you need I am in fact he could have Flexcon Moses and did it like this he could have said Moses let me tell you how I am I am when you were a little boy the insecure leader of Egypt was killing little boys your age all little boys your age that were born were getting killed but because I am your protection I made sure you were undetected I made sure the maidservant didn't the midwife didn't expose you and then I had you putting a little straw boat a little boat that they made a straw put you in the river and push you out into the river and you out in a river in a straw boat as an infant and I made sure the river stays still enough that you never kept side y'all ready you never even capsized and never troubled and then I made a little rope come right back to the shore so that your mother would raise you and you'd be growing up in the same house and a man that wanted to kill you that's hot why was y'all ready to Bible right here that's how I am I am then when you got older I want to kill somebody then when you kill the Moses you went on the run because there was a APB out for you Moses will own Egypt's most wanted list for murder but I'm sending you back to the same place and the same people that want to kill you and ain't nobody gonna touch you cuz I'm the same God that kept you in their boat I the same God that kept me from caps on I'm the same God to protect your life because I am now you would think then after God told him I am ease up a bit let's do it God goes through the rest of chapter 3 proving the Moses that he's got him that everything will work out and Moses when you thought he would say I'm good chapter 4 verse 1 guess what he does he protested again that's first protest God says I want you to do your assignment I need you to help me bring people out through an end to it mostly Who am I so God said I it ain't you I'm gonna be with you well then he says well who are you I am then he says well here's his third complaint here's the third try to get out move he said um he says well what if they don't believe me would they would they say you ain't come from God so God says I I gotta do this different I've been focusing on your assignment now I got a shift to your anointing I've been focusing on my plan now I got to focus on what's in your hand Moses what's in your hand I'm not even talk about that sound anymore because that's overwhelming Moses had talked now see see Moses needs to know that I've given him everything he needs to get the assignment done see some of you are timid aided by your assignment because you're focused on the assignment cuz you think it's too big but if you ever knew what was in your hand you know he's already given you everything you need what's in your hand chapter 4 verse 2 Moses said I got a staff I just have a shepherd staff this is actually Moses is Shep I'm joking the center this is what I work with this is this is my missile amount one of my working tools and God says throw it down understand this I'm moving down from the assignment to the anointing anointing by definition anointing my definition means to be smeared with oil it is a ceremony that takes place when somebody is inaugurated into an office or they inaugurated into a pre ship something that could be something spiritual or something political but it is a demonstration of a promotion or inauguration what I'm using it for for the purpose of this message is is what is what are you empowered to do where does God uniquely empowers you to do what's in your hand and God says what's in your hand most of my Severson he said throw it down Moses threw the thing down and it turned into a snake and Moses jump back verse 3 when Moses threw it when Moses threw the snake down verse 3 says he jumped back from it how many of you of a snake was moving around in this floor right now it would make you jump that's the nature of a snake they can be venomous they can be deadly so when he when he threw the snake when he's through the staff down and turned her snake Moses the old King James says he ran from it then God says go back and grab it by the tail and pick it up by the way I wish I could make that thing turn into a snake I am figure that up he says pick it back up when he picked it back up there was a staff again when he threw it down he became a snake I'm doing too much he said grab by the tail he picked it back up it was a staff most like wow that's what's up God says you wanna know how you're gonna believe you do that they'll believe you verse 5 when you do that in front of them they're gonna know you came from me see see watch this see the reason why Moses jumped back and ran from his his staff he wasn't scared of the staff he was scared of his potential see some of y'all got something and what she wants is it doesn't scare you it's not into scares you it's what God can use when you take it out of your hand and put it in his hand when I first knew I was supposed to preach when I knew that's what God put in my hand it scared me because I found I was a preacher I just started preaching I was 19 years old I just be riding in the car and thing would come on me I just started preaching to like to myself I wouldn't do it when anybody was around and I was living right so if I was at work I would go I worked at giant food I think I'd go back in the back in the stock area and I just be back there preaching and hiding cuz I ain't want to confuse people hey yeah God going through this and God I was like I was like where's this coming from and it scared me and I ran from it for two years until I surrendered to it I surrendered to it now I'm able to help get people out of stuff and help people go through stuff and help people get to stuff because I took what was in my hand and gave it to them and said I'll use it for the assignment what about you what's in your hand there are three things three things I want to talk to you about about what's in your hand first of all the first thing you got to do is you got to discover it you have to discover what you put in your hand discover if it's covered up you have to uncover it what is it are you a writer are you a you a your designer are you a stylist are you a motivator are you a coach are you an encourage or are you a great listener are you a counselor do you give great advice are you a teacher are you a consultant are you a mentor do you do hair well what is it that he's uniquely empowers you to do and watch this can you somehow take that and bring people out and bring them through stuff and bring them to stuff I'm telling I'm on assignment to talk to you today that's your anointing that's what he's anointed you to do that's what he put in your hand for the assignment what can you do you discovered the second thing you do it is you develop it look at what it says God says God says take what's in your hand and draw it down okay mistake he said pick it up came to staff again throw it down it's a state you know what he's doing he's developing his gift throw it down Moses pick it up Moses getting good at this throw it down left hand throw it down behind your back getting good with man finger rolling I want you to practice it in private before you do it in front of Pharaoh the reason why some of you your anointing is not effective is because you don't develop it you got a gift you had to give for 20 years and it said the same level is when you got it sometimes when you're developing the thing that God has anointed you to do you got to do it for free you can't get compensated for it because you're still developing it who I where y'all at who am I talking to today I just needed the rest of y'all dismissed you develop it you work it out and the third thing you do it is you deploy it you deploy it it's now time to actually use it as a part of your assignment they're people whose God's trying to bring out of stuff and the reason why you got out and got through it or the reason why you're in it is because you're gonna bring you out of it and bring you through it so that you will have the map to help somebody else get out and through your focus on what you're going through don't focus on what you're going through what you're going through is a sign of what you're going to deploy it I want you to look down your row real quick just be knows you just look down left and right of your Road you see who's what I want you to know is it's some real anointed people on your row but you'll never know it you know why you'll never know it because they'll never surrender to what God put in their hand it's a shame that one day you're gonna die without ever discovering developing and deploying what are you put in your hand and you know what when you die the funeral home gonna put your hands right here on yours that's what they do how do they put them just like this they can put your hands right here and you know what we're gonna walk past your casket and we will never know what was in your hand you live your whole life for you the world is not better cuz you came through it because it was too much about you you know what you know what fear makes us not want to serve God but what he put in our hand because we weren't what if they don't like me what if they don't follow me what if they don't buy what if I open up the business and nobody supports it what if I fall flat who cares if you did it because you love the people who are trying to help it doesn't matter how it turns out it wasn't it's really not about you when God called Moses he say nothing about Moses he says I hear their cries I hear their oppression I'm aware of what's going on with them I'm trying to help people I just want to use you can I get a little help you spirit on my shoe so God says you try that miracle they'll believe you cuz Moses say first of all Who am I he says don't worry about that I'll be with you and ain't about you I'll be with you well who are you I am well if they don't believe me try this they'll believe you throw that stick down and come a snake and pick it up mister stick but if that don't work verse 6 he said I got another miracle for you he says Moses take your hand and put it inside your cloak his cloak was his outer garment it was like a sachet something they were wearing over there over to her just there under clothes and he says put your hand in your cloak most put his hand in his cloak and then he took it out God didn't tell him take it out but he took it out when he put his hand back out his wife his hand was full of leprosy leprosy was an incurable disease it was a skin infection that bait and it had levels to it when your hand was completely white and it took the skin and the hair off your hand that means your leprosy was spreading through your bloodstream through your body in fact give me a Leviticus 13 3 and Leviticus 13 3 it says one of the jobs of the priest was to examine people's leprosy to see what degree it was and if it was what we call full-blown leprosy that means it was spreading through your bloodstream into your body and the priest had to pronounce that person ceremonially unclean so what happened right here back in Exodus what's happening is where Moses puts his and his cloak and he pulls it out he is literally ceremonially unclean he has full-blown leprosy at that point God says now put your hand back in your cloak he put his hand back in his cloak Moses pulled it out and his hand was completely healed now Moses God says now if they don't believe that stick and that's think put your hand in there they see that leprosy and put it back in the city leprosy gone they're black Oh a real deal right there because people knew that if you had leprosy if you were ceremonially unclean you had to be quarantined from people for seven days at a time like you couldn't even be around people you couldn't serve you could support you had to be in isolation but and so that's a miracle but what I took away from this was a little different what I took away from this is because of where Moses had to go to find that out God says go inside your cloak and what he pulled out showed me something it showed me this no matter how anointed you are and how great your assignment is there is always something wrong with you that if God is not merciful it will disqualify you who knows what I'm talking about right there right right don't you ever get it twisted don't you ever think more highly of yourself just because you're out there doing miracles you touching lives you posting great stuff about the Lord on Facebook and all that stuff but every God if God ever needs you right reminds you of how raunchy you are all he's got to do is say put your little hand in your clothes and remember what I did for you remember what's really in you see a lot of people are tripping because he was able to heal what was in them what I'm saying is the fact that he was able to go in there and there's something in him that is ceremonially unclean who understands what I'm talking about of here I help me out help me out help me out I want you to look at somebody you say I got two hands I got two hands I got two hands don't get it twisted I know you only see the Holy Hand but there is another hand I got and if you catch me on the wrong data upper hand might come out I got a worshiping hand and I got a wicked hand I got a righteous hand and I got a ratchet hand I got a clean hand and I got a cruddy hand and but for the grace of God keeping the cup somebody ought to praise God that you got a cloak there's kept your hands covered that there is something so dark in you then it can make you disqualified that makes you appreciate the fact that God will serve you but there's also something so powerful in you so light in you that it actually overcomes your own darkness and if you ever think I'm lying you have to understand Paul put it this way even when I do good evil it's still present with me there is something about us that is listen this something about us is so wrong that God should even use us but he still does so why you remembering how I known as you are don't forget what's in you he says I'm gonna do that miracle then I'm gonna do a third one in verse nine he says I'm gonna do something - now I'm gonna turn water in the blood and it won't go back to the water he says I'm gonna do three miracles cuz remember Moses first thing was well Who am I God says I'll be with you well who are you I am well what if they don't believe me imma give you three miracles you can do you would say why Moses you got to be good now nope look at verse 10 we in chapter 4 Moses begins to plead with the Lord now he said well I can't talk i'ma go to Pharaoh tell me no even though you be talking to me and stuff I really don't write it's all God Bobby begin the doc take your words out you know how God responded you think I'm not aware of your limitations next verse who made your mouth how dare you tell me I'm the one that made you some of y'all think because you have a dysfunction or a disability or whatever it is you can't serve God God you think you surprised God you think God gonna come to you and say I want you to help me get some people out through into and you're gonna tell God but what about my mental health problem you think I didn't know that you think God is that oh I forgot about that ah next person there's not a there's not a insufficiency that you have that God is not aware of God doesn't choose you because you're sufficient he chose he chose you because you're available and he wants to use you he's gonna get some glory out of your life because all of us have something about us that makes us unworthy you say I can't talk that's what my next excuse by the way five times Moses tried to get out the same assignment one time he tried five ways are you laughing how many of you tried you've had to do more than five you know I know you've done more than five cuz you ain't done nothing for the Lord in your whole life like with some more years like how many times have you how many times have you been quietly protesting how many times have you gotten away we're like I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that oh no God you got the wrong person or like we laughing at Moses because he's trying five moves to get out how do you do this and you're an expert at telling other people about what needs to be done and the church needs to do this random government needs to do this man did somebody need to do something you're an expert about tell people to do but you do nothing talking loud and saying nothing I don't know the rest of the song but that is a song no you ain't talking loud and saying nothing you saying a lot you're talking loud and doing nothing yeah so now God gets mad at him in verse 14 gets mad at me no why God's mad at him because God is tired of Moses making this about Moses you know when fear is and whenever you about to do something for God and you get scared what intensifies your fear is your self consumption whenever I'm self-consumed I get intimidated because I'm so worried about how I will be viewed and what will they say about me that's self consumption by the way let me go back to verse 12 for a second this was clear this morning to me when I woke up it was like God was just saying it to me say this to people slowly and clearly look at verse 12 amount of verses chapter 4 God told Moses go I will be with you and I will instruct you he's talking to Moses about his assignment so he says I'll be you when you speak and I was struck I'll tell you what to say but what God told me to tell somebody here today is is those three things go that's the directive and here's the promise I'll be with you and I'm going to instruct you so my knees are right there down in that order go it was so clear to me this morning that's that like like I am talking God is talking through me directly to you go and as you go I'll be with you and as you go I will instruct you and the hardest thing for most of us to do is the first thing to go because when you serving God you have to go without details you have to go when it doesn't all add up I'm going cuz I love I love who I can get out and get through and get to Morton but so God says you have to go because I cannot I am your global positioning system I'm your GPS proceed to the highlighted route I cannot direct a parked car go and as you go as you go I'll be with you he told Abraham in Genesis X we'll go to a land I will show you I will show you as you're going very important I don't know who you are but it's clear he promised if you go he'll be with you annal instruct you because it ain't about you so we get diverse we're versatile a Volvo so in verse 14 God's mad at him so God says all right I got to do another move I started out with the plan then I went to West in his hand now I gotta find out who's in his band rhyming here there I can rap down I needed a word to rhyme we're playing and hanging so band is your circle it's your group it's who you make music with it's who you do life with who's in your band and God says I think we should go with Aaron because because no matter what your assignment is no matter how annoying is you are you're gonna always need assistance you need assistance so he says this what we gonna do Aaron's gonna speak for you because he can speak now you don't have any excuses you say you can't talk so I got Aaron for you see God will put you in a situation where all of your excuses run out see see it was real cute when you were saying who am i first that was humbling because everybody should say Who am I when God tells you to do something grateful for Who am I but after a while that's not humility anymore that's that's disobedience I was saying in Fort Washington few minutes ago this between humility and hiding when Saul was called to be king and it was time for his inauguration they got the ceremony set up the stage set up the speaker's in place the oil in place and the Bible says while they're waiting on soil the Bible says an old King James Version Saul was hiding in some stuff he's got some luggage or something I don't know he was in bushes but he's hiding he's hiding not because he's humble but because he's self president he's in the self-preservation he just wants to make sure he's not harmed see humility says god I'll serve you and you get all the glory hiding says don't count on me because I don't want nobody to hurt my feelings and I don't want to be rejected and I'm saying you're gonna die with your hands like this and we'll never know what was in your hand and then you gotta answer to God like I did nothing with what you do you think that God let you know how much of a miracle it is first of all to be born people can't do people is trying to have babies can't have their babies they can't get out the womb alive here you are you didn't came out you should have been choked out in the womb you just slid out anyway you're just slid out and then survived everything didn't die in the crib didn't get killed in the event then get stabbed when it gets jump did every sickness got cured everything that could have took you you're still here and we can't even get your hand to work you're gonna bring nobody out through or two there's your whole life there's a focused on you so in verse 14 this is how you know here's my question to you who's your God if I got an assignment and you've anointed me who's supposed to assist me who's my errand who's my errand let me tell you a couple of ways to identify Aaron right in this passage go back to verse 14 for me in verse 14 it says Moses God says Moses how about your brother Aaron the Levite I know he speaks well here's one thing you'll know when you got the right Aaron the person is competent and confident in an area of need that you have for the assignment Aaron is competent and confident confident he speaks well we need somebody to speak he does it well whatever you need for your assignment that you don't do well Aaron you need you know when you have the Aaron when they do well what you don't do well or what you don't want to do or what you don't have time to do you need somebody do that well somebody who's competent you cannot have a team of incompetent people who are just your family and friends you can't build a team like that and think you're gonna do something positive somebody on the teams got to be competent and their confidence is not arrogance when you got the raipur see the reason why you need somebody confident and competent confident and competent it's because you don't have a lot of time to be coaching people up saying and you can do this you can do this you can do this look if I do all that I need to do it you could do that for some people but not Aaron when Aaron gets in the right seat they flourish here's the second thing about iron the verse says go back to verse 14 not only can he speak well but look he's on his way to meet you now in Natta coincidence there's a coincidental nature to Aaron that's the best way I can describe it best way I can describe is like this God will make your Aaron appear to you at the intersection of your of your assignment being fulfilled and your need being filled it's like you don't go looking for Aaron God will send them to you by the way Moses and Aaron were not strangers you're Aaron is somebody you already know you just never saw them doing that it's deep when it comes to you be like I know oh my you I never thought of it and wow it's going to be so clear to you by the way Aaron is is usually not the first choice it's usually after you tried to get Moses to do it first which solidifies Aaron because we are trying somebody else we know you're supposed to do this we already trying to miles at it significant it's coincidental let me tell you something else about how deep this is how coincidental it is for Aaron to just happen to show up at this moment while God and Moses are basically having an argument about Moses not wanting to do his assignment and then God says I can use Aaron and guess what day is right there let me tell you how my reckless that was Moses was nowhere to be found go back to chapter 3 verse 1 when Moses is having this conversation with God he is in a place that we don't even have they don't even have labeled the place where he was because he was taking Jethro's sheep he was leading his sheep and he ended up somewhere that the old King James caused the backside of the desert he is in the Bible I tried they said he's in a peace far way into the wilderness what Moses was actually lost he's wandering around then he sees this bush in the wilderness was just weird but the bush is on fire and there's nobody out there he says it can't be a campfire but he's looking at the bush and the bush is not burning up it's actually God manifesting himself in the bush God wanted to meet him there away from everybody so I get his conversation widowed when he walks up to us the bush God says take off your shoes his holy ground then he has his conversation with him about his assignment Nana gets to the squadron of assignment after 5 protests he says let's use Aaron and by the way look who's here in the world and find them y'all missed that do you understand how difficult it is for you to find this man that he lost God made Aaron search for Moses unto the right time God will sing your area whatever look for just happens you like Wow well I never saw that I never saw that perfect timing let me tell you a third thing about Aaron how you know you got the right air it's the word camaraderie camaraderie when Aaron saw Moses look at the end of verse 14 when Aaron saw Moses the Bible says God says when he sees you're gonna be delighted to see you he'll be delighted to see you let me tell you something anybody that walks all the way through a desert define you and they find you and they happy to see you that's somebody and you get along with when you're building a team for your assignment do not work with people you don't get along with that's important it takes energy from you to work with people you don't like I know we supposed to love everybody but when you work with somebody you don't like you know how it's raining that is these two people got alone you want to have somebody that you enjoy being around you ever work with somebody and it's just the energy from working with them it's but you don't know you got to talk a certain way you don't know how to read that you got to be careful cuz you don't know how to gonna come back out their mouth then you like then the email is a little funny you're not most emails you just read it and then respond when I send an email you gotta be like uh-huh then you try to ask for details they just send you back one word got it okay don't you like that's what I like you I don't like working with you you not knows what to love it right but you don't like everybody if you're gonna get an assignment done the assignment is hard enough I don't need I don't need pressure from the assignment and from my assistance I'm not saying everybody rushes you can be friendly but you got your errands gotta be whoever's gonna be your right hand y'all gotta be good let me change that mess of our air verse 15 y'all getting anything out of this who is this helping let me just see you thank you I'm glad is helping look at verse 15 this is what you do when you get an errand if you Moses you teach him up speak to him put your words in his mouth show him how it's done this is how we do it here's the vision here's the plan here's the play then here's what God's gonna do God says in verse 15 and I'm going be with both of you now just as you Moses not just I'm gonna be with both of y'all and I'm gonna teach both of you you teaching Moses you speak to him imma be with both of you and i'ma teach both of you so Aaron's got to have Moses rhythm but he's got to have his own relationship with God that's what you look for now I'm done let me close this like this I've been looking at this whole story through Moses his lens what does it like to be Moses fighting an assignment and God meeting you at everything you know God really wants to use me when he keeps dealing with your protest that God's still pursuing us and we still acting like we too good why God just in our life I mean says we're gonna do nothing right is that's how loving is you ever try you have a couple with a great idea and you keep bringing to the same people they don't want to do it and after a while you just rather not give them an idea right so anyway so this is I want to look at the passage real quickly through Aaron's lens what does it like to be in Aaron what can you what can you depend on about this triple a if you're Aaron it's the same three letters same three a words but in a different order the first thing go back to verse 14 for a second it says God says to Moses let's pick Aaron because I know he speaks well he speaks well there's going to come a time when your anointing here's the first one in abilities will be recognized valued and rewarded you always knew what was in your hand but when it's the right time God's gonna let Moses see it you've been wondering why you keep getting overlooked because you can tell you got you're better than the person in front of you you're better than a person they got doing it down and you feel like gods holding you back he's not holding you back he's protecting you because God knows what comes with that elevation you want to be on that platform but God knows the drama that's gonna come with it and he knows there's something about you too can't handle that yet so he's trying to protect you but when it's time you won't even have to apply for it they're gonna come get you you're gonna be rewarded for your anointing and abilities on a whole different level number two the Bible says in the end of verse 14 that when when when Aaron saw Moses he was delighted to see him your assignment will be doing something important for somebody you admire God's gonna bless you I'm telling you he's gonna bless you to do something important for somebody you admire is one thing to do for something some great service he's gonna bless you to do something for somebody you always wanted to help I'm gonna give you a couple of quick examples because Aaron admired Moses you don't walk all the way through the desert with somebody on your honor admire give two examples two of my mentors of Pastor John Jenkins and a man named Bob bill bie bie HL I respect and admire and love both of those men I've learned so much from them I would them with no hesitation I wash their car I'll Drive them I'll pick them up but don't matter I'll carry their bags for having a problem serving both of those men over the last few years have empowered me have seen something in me that made them choose me to do something that I wasn't even looking to get from them I was just trying to help I was just serving them it was I it was my pleasure to serve back in 2013 I just went in tow faster jinkers hey if you need help with the chapel's I'm willing to help you so he was doing chaplains for the Wizards and he couldn't do them all I just started pitching in by the end of the second year he told the team this is your new chaplain he made me the chaplain a team and I wasn't even looking for it like I was just happy to drive him to chapel and help him out I'm saying God's gonna make something official that you just were willing to do just because Bob bill has been consulting people for 42 years he's the premier Christian consultant has 42 years of experience is written over 30 books has a plethora of information resources videos trainings tools contacts his resource lists he's been building a core of an accounting business for 42 years about two years ago or years old year or two ago he was interested in selling it and it was myself and a lady from Texas who were people he was interested in selling it to and the sale was for six figures for the company for just a portion of the company and and I couldn't see making the investment coz I didn't see how I would be a look at an ROI on it I didn't know how to work it well it was this summer that he sat me down in Phoenix Arizona Scottsdale Arizona up against the Camelback Mountain at a plush restaurant he and his wife sat across the table and talked to me a guy from Fairmont Heights High School and says we don't want to sell what we've built to you we want to give it to you we want you to carry on our legacy and he's giving it he says we chose you and it's a man from Vancouver British Columbia we said we believe you two should take this to the next one he's giving it to us and given us all of his materials all of his resources and it's going to spend time with us coaching us on how to do it like all I wanted to do was I never wanted this business I just wanted this wisdom I just wanted to learn from him I'm saying God's gonna let you you think he's gonna do that for your pastor they gonna do that for you like God's gonna bless you to serve somebody you admire here's the last thing your assistance would be the ongoing mentoring of Moses and the ongoing guidance of God you found it the ongoing mentoring of Moses look at verse 15 verse 15 says Moses keep talking to them and I'll be with you both and I'll teach you both put it back on the screen I know they want to write it you can put the point back up so so so here's what you got here's what you can depend on you're Aaron you got Moses and God the person you longed to help is going to continue to mentor you but watch this never take the mentoring of your Moses lightly some of you don't appreciate that but you have to understand this it's what Moses is is it's what your gleaning from Moses that you're pouring into your own Aaron because here's the deal there are going to be times in your life were you going to be Moses and there be times in your life will you be Aaron sometimes in the same season like you they're their roles you play in your life in your Moses and it rose in your life will you play your Aaron you got to know how to follow a lead and it's important that you stay close to your Moses because what you glean from Moses you're going to pour in the Aaron so when your anointing is for God has gifted you with something he put it in your hand he wants you to discover it develop it and deploy discover it develop that deploy discover it development working and use it for your assignment which is always about getting somebody out of something helping them through something so they won't go back to it and helping them get to their own dreams the question is not do you well here's the first question do you understand today's message do you understand that here's the real question I only want you to answer it what will you do with it what will you do with it you know I feel a little better because I did what I was supposed to do today I will be happy if you did it I could have came up here and preached a nice Christmas message about Mary's baby and learn the manger and you know did that's that wasn't where I was given just do what you're told just do what you're told and it'll be what was supposed to be done right guess how this works this Ida's work just do what you're supposed to do even even though if you go in your cloak you ain't worthy right the same hand that he put a gift in is that same Chanukah reveal what's messed up about us let's pray mmm I want so much for you to really give your life to God your life your gift your ability your service if such is such a privilege to sacrifice and not just be comfortable to serve and not just be served to break the cocoon that you've created around yourself it has made you a spectator and not a contributor I want that for you I want it for me surrender surrender trust him help people out help people out help people out if you go help them out you got to get in it with him that's tough I don't want that problem on my hands then you gotta help him through but you know why you qualified to help him through cuz he brought you out and he brought you through you got the cheat code and then he wants you to see him reach de jure you'll get joy out of seeing me happen I prayed it that's your experience in your life father thank you for the privilege of serving today thank you for my church family and my brothers and sisters and thank you for everyone listening and we pray that we won't just hear your word we've heated live it and I just learn from it but live it out we thank you for pastor Larry Page in his outfit and what he's gonna come before us how fly he is thank you for his for that and we just prayed it as we wrap up this service that you would keep your word on our heart and mind and may we align our lives to it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 3,774
Rating: 4.9545455 out of 5
Keywords: Triple A, AAA, Assignment, purpose, purpose in life, Pastor Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Keith Battle, Zion Church, Assistance, annointing, God, Jesus, Christian Church, Love God, Christ, God is Love, sermon, Teaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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