I Got Trapped in Noob1234's Girlfriend's Minecraft Prison!

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I am currently trapped inside a girl one two three forts prison if you guys saw a few weeks ago I got trapped in noob one two three fours prison which was a huge disaster and speak of the devil ladies and gentlemen look who it is what do you mean where is Preston I'm literally right behind you and your prison cell girl if you guys think I don't deserve to be in prison leave a like down below in this video we need to prove that I am an innocent man wait what'd you say welcome to my prison I hope you enjoy your stay I don't think I'm going to enjoy my stay inside of a prison although this is a much more spacious cell than your boyfriend cell when I was trapped in the noobs president let me tell you stuff that it was a disaster this place is actually half decent unfortunately you'll be stuck here a while the chocolate is impossible to open oh the chocolate dirt I was like what is it dirt she's talking about her door oh and then she just leaves me okay bye Felicia yo dude what have we got ourselves into today I don't know we've got a chest that is labeled as fun and um it's sand why do we have a block of sand that is labeled food okay then over here we've got pink wool is there no way to escape wait a second hold on the door is made of chocolate and if we can't eat the door what if we can melt the door yo check this out guys I'm out of the blow everybody's brains if this works you guys have got to subscribe oh that's freaking go dude that was too legit to quit I don't know how to make a Q with my hands but now you guys have got to subscribe if you see a red subscribe button you got to make it grain you got enable those notifications especially because it's gonna help me escape from being in this girl's prison hey she misspelled my name my name is not Preston it is Preston there is a T in my name come on so I'm wandering around the prison guys and I find a chocolate pink ice cream cone that looks like it's got like a waffle cone I don't about you guys I'm not a fan of cake comes I like waffle cones because they are superior to cake cones in pretty much every single way hello there girl prisoner I'm very disturbed by this large ice cream cone there is no cafeteria here she says what do you mean there's no cafeteria there's all these cafeteria tables nearby we all from the giant ice-cream cone that is so gross do you guys realize how many germs you would spread I heard a rumor that a secret is inside of it how can you put a secret inside of an ice-cream cone it's made of sugar and sugar and probably some more sugar hey what is she what is this prisoner doing is she park chorong no she is park chorong check let me show you how it's done over a girl prisoner okay you just got to do the wham bam shake held mam yo you know what I'm saying then you get to the top of this bad boy yo is there actually a secret inside of here I'm just gonna break this ice cream cone oh oh oh wait a second maybe there is a secret oh my gosh okay the girl prisoners are not as dumb as I thought secret hint bye girl one two three four and a piece to a ladder congratulations you found this secret message here is your hint there's a secret don't tell anyone entrance on the West Hall or was it north okay come on dude anyway there's a secret lever that reveals it good luck yikes so oh this is what the latter piece was born I was like so confused why I had that courtyard is closed toilet is being clean you've gotta be kidding but you tell me I can't even go out of there because something is being cleaned right now girl prisoner what have you done to me she gave me a glimpse of hope and now there is literally nothing to be found you know what my mom did tell me my mom told me growing up she said Preston nobody likes a complainer so I'm not gonna complain that I am unrightfully placed in prison but I am gonna complain at the same time because come on dear like like it ain't fair okay I should be watching anime or plucking videogames not being stuck inside of this dadgum prison where is this hidden leaver I feel like I've been looking for it for like 17,000 years hello oh wait a second yo just accidentally found the lever wait where is the oh it's BA this is like the most non secret lever in the entire planet I don't know why it took me that long to find I'm secret passage found do not enter yeah right dude I'm totally gonna um there is a unicorn inside of what are you doing inside of you you are a majestic and beautiful steed you should not be pigeon elde inside of this prison unicorn obstacle course you have 30 seconds to finish maybe I am kind of a fan of a girl prison because if I get to ride a unicorn inside of here I gotta say this is probably the best prison experience any prisoner has probably ever experienced in their entire life I mean who has been able to say they get to ride a unicorn inside of prison most people don't even get to do that in real life ohh oh my gosh come on one second left let's go baby course done you did it make a unicorn you have been the most magical steed of my entire life and I love you and I want to remind the unicorn if you get to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes of it being posted when its brand spanking new off the press you got a chance to have your comments featured here on the screen so make sure you guys get here do a brand new video as quickly as possible now I don't know why I am looting these chat I've got a bunch of dye inside of here I don't know but what am I supposed to do with all of this green wool purple wool orange wool so we've got to dye the wools and place them here it's some kind of secret code ladies and gentlemen oh wait a sec okay yeah you combine the dyes to go you guys probably already knew this I didn't because I literally am really bad when it comes to this kind of stuff in Minecraft how do you make green oh wait a second green dye is yellow and blue then the final one we've got to make is o orange probably red and yellow yeah definitely ready yo that was way too easy I thought this is gonna be some kind of really complex puzzle that was gonna take me ages to figure out no really this is too easy ladies and gentlemen the orange will go said pretty wolf secret faster jazz open and inside we've got another secret hint as well as a rainbow key what does the secret insane yeah you found the clue whoops capital log now that you found the rainbow key the next key is in the courtyard in the cave I managed to make it back in the courtyard it is no longer under maintenance because of the toilets that are being cleaned or whatever it was where are you secret but beat it up Oh Oh check this out baby big door open up inside of front of us Oh what is this rainbow key garden key the caretaker key or as the girl puts it the caretaker key okay so we've got the rainbow key now we've got to find the garden key and then the caretaker key I do not know where to find those things if you guys know where to find them go follow me on instagram at real TV in our frags because I post cool photos and I want to get to 2 million followers and I can't do it without your beautiful viewers helping me out ok wait what if the garden key is right here oh I bet you guys a million dollars that the key is here you guys don't have to pay the the million dollars obviously but I bet you guys there's a key here I don't know where it would be I mean there's a lot of flower pots here oh wait a second yeah I just write like this orange tulip found the garden key no I thought I was gonna have to spend like 20 minutes finding this key literally looted a flower for like what like five seconds managed to find it look at his split baby as they say I am in like Flynn now we just gotta find out where to get the caretaker key I don't really like the sound of that do we have to become like a professional nanny oh speaking of the caretaker why is she here waiting for me Oh was she gonna get mad that I'm out of my prison cell technically I'm not even supposed to be out of here noob one two three four said the cells needed more blue he ruined all of them Oh ice wait a second when they meant caretaker I think they meant like the manager or the warden of the prison not like a babysitter I have such a goofball if you fix it I will give you a key oh that's gotta be the caretaker key wait she's giving me something oh it's a pink paintbrush you guys have been loving the sign t-shirts we've got the orange sign flame tea we also have the yellow fire brick tea sign dota presents Alice calm before they run out this block is actually very difficult to paint on can I reach it from down over here yes we can Sam I am oh yo wait I just have no I don't even look guys I just hold right click every single thing gets painted this is so easy now we get easy peasy if I don't fall off we could just paint these oh yeah look at that efficiency ladies and gentlemen you know wait there is blue inside of the prison cells Oh sugar I did not realize that I just made a giant hoop see wait are there any blue wools wait a sec it is this can is blue all my gosh it does so wait the flowers inside of the cells which by the way why are there flowers inside of the prison cells that has amazing lanterns look at its blue inside of this prison cell it's a blue into your Duquesne Oh blue in here okay I'm just gonna do a very fast sweeping motion to get all these painted look at this one I am NOT going into the cow now I'm not going into that room the sheep / cow room I'm not going in there more blue inside dadgum it dude this one's underneath the cold Rijn it's like one of those hard-to-reach spots you dadgum kidding me I miss this finally we cut everything done that was so annoying I knew the new 1 2 3 4 would come into play in this video yes it is pink again thank you so much here's the key okay give me the key please oh no she says I think I left it in the staff library when I was eating my salad take this staff card on to clickity they're going get it bruh I just did an hour of painting work then you give me a staff key card I feel like it's very dangerous to give a prisoner a staff keycard that is probably not the smartest decision and the person who's watching this is out for lunch so that is even doubly as bad where are we gonna find this key is it like she said it was in the cafeteria or was it sigh dude I doubt remember where she said the key was my brain is too small for that ah way too yeah yeah did they just come back from lunch or something because these girl guards we're not here just a moment ago I am going to throw what if I throw the snowball it's what happens right there the snowballs oh yeah they do not like the snowballs guys I threw the snowballs break it out what if I you guys freaking out it's no wait a second hold on potion of leaping I did not notice this earlier ventilation room baby okay let's go tater tots yo gimme dis oh oh look at that okay I'm shutting this I'm gonna spit this out sorry I just littered I'm sorry no I'm not sorry because you guys trap you in prison what I'm not even supposed to be trapped it's out of here what's down here at the bottom oh okay ow that just took a lot of damage I didn't even mean to take is there the key where is the key let me tell you something right now guys if they hit this key in the bookshelf imma be angry speaking Greek don't you dare tell me it's inside the book chills I have a feeling it's inside of a bookshelf I'm almost 1 million percent sure okay maybe not I've literally searched every bookshelf where are you key I need a key dude I don't think I've ever had to look for a key this much in my entire life and I've even lost my car keys in real life before and let me tell you something that is not fun I'm finally thought it was in this bookshelf I swear I check that bookshelf guys good so I've got this key book what happens if I put it inside of here oh all keys oh that is so creepy I do a wall whoa whoo I don't know if I want to enter here why are these dolls inside of each other like this um okay yeah you know this is totally normal yeah 100% yeah I'm just gonna keep top what are you doing here girl why do you do it inside of here oh I'm so scared why are you bobbing your head up and down like that after I just saw some creepy dolls now you will face the wrath oh gosh what is she gonna do to me what is she good of my babe no do not sick the baby dolls on me anything but the baby dolls please those things are creeping me out so much No no I don't want to find the dog oh my gosh they're so scary I do not like this no no no no no creepy creepy dolls okay I don't even feel bad for killing them because they are very very creepy wait one completed week there's more work no no no no no no no please please Felicia stop it Felicia this is unfair and cruel punishments thank you thank you finally tell me that's the last one did you just stop it stop it you are bullying me I know I'm killing you but you're you're bullying me Oh what is OK walk spot the difference and we have the gamemaster ladies and gentlemen directly above us I do not like this Finn you want to know why you're here oh I was like thin my name is Preston not Finn she was saying fine for pranking newbie so many times is that your pet name for your boyfriend newbie yo bro that is cringe okay that is very much so cringe I am going to turn you into a pink wabbit no you are not you do not have the abilities of Harry Potter you can't turn me into a pink rabbit no matter how you try first you'll need to beat this impossible puzzle case she didn't even turn me into a rabbit how do I beat this puzzle oh okay I see so they're all very similar but one of them is not so which one is different from all the other ones ladies and gentlemen I do not know the answer that question yet okay this is actually kind of difficult all of these look to be the same oh I got one right okay so it was for I don't know how I managed to get that one right there was one block difference and I managed to still put out with my eagle eyes okay oh great now we've got another spot the difference okay looking at this very delicately it's got to be the flowers right it's got to be what way what's in the water hole ooh there's a white wool inside of the water old maybe that's what it is I don't know so the tulips are red orange red orange pink red orange pink red orange pink we've got more red orange pink red orange pink red orange pink wait a second that's what guys I found a book the log it's sideways in number nine but in all the other ones it's straight up and down I am going with my final answer number nine okay I thought it was gonna be the flowers but it was the sneaky wood oh boy okay what is this one we've got nether wart so sand love of mellow wait wait I already found it no it's number seven look this one's got small nether wart wait oh it's not the nether wart wait a second nevermind it's not the nether wart so it's something other than the nether wart what whoa I don't like this I do not like this oh wait wait wait wait it's this one yeah there's three nether wart on this one two on this one two on that one and two on this one my final answer is number two yes one more ladies and gentleman okay we've got coral blocks with C pickles right is it gonna be an extra pickle what's gonna be the difference here I don't know what the difference is I'm seeing C pickles in all of them okay I've now scattered out every single one and I don't know what the difference is ah dude oh wait if this one this one's got a red block these all have blue blocks underneath them eight is number six ladies and gentlemen let's go listen maybe for a new valid being an impossible puzzle but for a Preston it is nothing short of possible okay I'm pretty sure you guys could have also done that puzzles like really easy oh so you made it yes woman I made it and I am here and I feel very good about my life just in time my bunnies are ready for you no no no no more creepy things I'm getting the high ground so I can't die to some creepy bunnies oh my gosh bro these bodies are massive oh why is there a bunny up there not an exit nothing back here go away yo invited parkour to the exit I'm gonna be free I'm sorry giant bunnies I cannot stick around and see what you guys are going to do to me oh my gosh these bunnies you mess of damage Oh Google we're going to the exit sorry buddies I cannot stand around and play with you no I am NOT coming back why would I even want to try to come back ladies and gentlemen freedom of the prison watch either one of these YouTube videos that YouTube is recommending to you thank you so much for watching my videos have a great day and I will see you all in my next brand-new video
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 7,167,540
Rating: 4.9210963 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: GJZ5jXdtSck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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