7 Ways to Steal My Little Brother's Emeralds! - Minecraft

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today I'm gonna be showing you seven ways to steal emeralds from my little brother Joshua and I can promise you in this video you're going to see some of the craziest things in Minecraft you've probably never seen this is my little brother Joshua's house but before we go over there I got to show you guys the first way we're gonna steal his emeralds here inside of Minecraft we stole his diamonds in Minecraft that video did 10 million views so thank you to everybody so what I've got in my hand right now is a powerless transformer so what we're gonna do is we're just making like a little pyramid we're gonna put TNT on the very top of this crafting table now normally with TNT you would ignite it with redstone foot and steel you know something other than your fist but we are actually going to be igniting it would the powerless transformer because watch what happens as soon as the crafting tables are done being consumed by this vortex we now will have the power to basically play prop hunt inside of Minecraft so watch this if we right click anywhere on the ground we instantaneously turn it to a crafting table time to get into the nonsense ladies and gentlemen here you can see Joshua we've got to manage to sneak by him and we've got a ludus chance for the emeralds I have no idea what chest has emeralds and what chest does not have emeralds so we need to be very very sneaky and cautious while we're inside of his house come on where are the emeralds Joshua what oh oh he might be coming downstairs now hold on No he's opening up a chest okay post is clear what about this chest really these Jets look so super Sneaky too I figured they would be right there oh he's got a basement bro my little brother has built the basement oh my gosh Joshua might be coming downstairs oh my up he is he's on the staircase turn oh that was way too close for comfort as you can see the only unfortunate thing is about where he chose to become a crafting table is we are right in the middle of what I think is his kitchen I don't know if this is the sneakiest method audience please leave a like down below so I do not get caught stealing emeralds by my little brother Josh he literally just looked at us and then walked down his basement stairs this might be the best way we've ever come up with stealing emeralds I'm not even getting now the question is how do we get upstairs without being like ah whole way too close for comfort way too close for comfort Josh is literally right next to us right now I don't like this dude my little brother must be a genius at hiding emeralds there is literally nothing inside of any of these chests wait one moment ladies and gentlemen we have found these 64 emeralds hidden behind his pillow in his master bedroom the second way we are going to be stealing my little brother's emeralds is by using the powerful device that is inside of this castle which is a very well guarded by this parkour but too bad we are the parkour king here today audience so inside of this castle there should be a lego transforming gun I don't know exactly where it is but I promise you it is very close by I think oh it's definitely got to be up behind this I mean look at this we got up we got three keys to lock this up definitely inside of that chest right here behind this Bob wire hold on I have encountered more parkour inside of the tower I've got a suspicion that we've got a secret key that is hidden away from us up here pass this parkour in the chest ladies and gentlemen the yellow key has been Fez er we'll all there's water thank goodness okay please don't miss this Preston imagine missing that and dying right there wait we put the key in right now hole I'm key yes well what do we have here we have a secret basement Oh with skeletons thankfully I brought to my trusty diamond sword I really should have probably bought some armor so oh my gosh the skeleton just a water day no chill chill fam got two and a half hearts yo relax guys chill chill really really that was so rude stop okay I don't know who gave these skeletons power bows but they need to stop it this is it the skeleton must die this guy was way too powerful but at least we have the red key okay listen we are doing great things right now big man things only put that red key into the key slot now we need one more remaining key before we could steal Joshua's emeralds oh this just opened which was not open prior what there's a king and he is on his throne see you've worked hard to gain two of the three keys to my treasure room I possess the final key you see so is this the king of Legos what what else would it be I don't know okay my court jester is occupied at the moment and I'm feeling rather bored today and so he wants me to be his form of entertainment do you know devaluing that is king fail to amuse me and face the consequences okay dude this guy is literally a jerk of Potamus wait a second hold on with all the materials we found so far we might be able to make a firework will that entertain the king I feel like the king has probably seen a firework once or twice before in his life I'm gonna be completely honest with you I mean fireworks are really nothing special they are fun to look at but I don't know if this guy forgot how to make a firework hmm no I didn't wait do we uh I have to go back and get the materials again but I think it's magenta yes why did I forget to do I just don't does anybody here make fireworks on a regular basis because I do not then you put the gun batter with the piece of paper and that's how you get the fade to magenta magenta magenta I don't know how I mispronounce that cake King be entertained wait oh it did say to magenta how wonderful the faded gather fills me with a joy listen kid just give me the blue key it's also very strange he gave me a blue key for being entertained with magenta colors I mean it wasn't a blue faded rocket but I'm not going to complain because I now finally have the key to the treasure to troll my little brother Joshua look at this notice the name of this gun it says a mysterious gun transforms blocks into Legos acts as of magnets win and you're off hand listen Joshua this is nothing personal little brother I have no idea of Joshua likes Legos but then again who doesn't like Legos I think everybody on this earth probably likes Legos now the reason we have to change his house into Legos is store does not mess with the magnetic interference in the offend what they say the perfect key bundle doesn't exist until today the Preston Sal summer bundle comes with three t-shirts $50 only while supplies last good news over we have now turned the majority of my little brother's house into Lego house now let's see if this magnetic device actually does its job Oh what whoa um you up what you have to right-click with oh I Loki feel bad right now which is somehow stole eight blocks of emeralds which is over an entire stack of emeralds for my little brother Josh I did not know this gun would be that powerful I don't know if you saw that if you could play it back in slow-mo it likes looped out the blocks of emeralds in a blink of an eye that was so sick that Lego gun Ward so well but for the next way to steal Joshua's emeralds look up you guys see that that is the battle bus ladies and gentlemen and inside of this village there is a chest hidden was something very special inside of it that we're gonna be using to make a ticket to teleport them up to the battle bus here it is ladies and gentlemen the orange cart fit with a villager spawn eggs you guys probably notice I've got a couple of other items in my inventory combining one block of emerald with a battle bus ticket and then the villager spawn egg we get a merchant spawn egg how cool is this now we're gonna place a chest underneath covering it with the orange carpet and then of course finally placing our little merchant right to your hello ticket merchants how are you doing still I want to show you guys how this works you put two blocks of emeralds in you get a ticket to the battle bus when you right-click this you can immediately teleport it up to the battle bus with a light rum however so the only difference with everybody else's battle bus ticket which will be Joshua is he will not get a light row so it's basically going to have to jump down and unfortunately die so if you guys want to see more videos like this make sure you guys get to a brand new video in the first 60 minutes because you got a chance and a venue come it's featured here on screen so get here as quickly as possible if you want to be featured Joshua was already making his way to the desert temple right now yes a battle bus ticket merch I mean if you guys didn't know this my little brother still competes and plays for tonight every single day he's so good at it and if you guys haven't watched my channel you know the t be in our frags channel where you post Fortnight videos with Joshua you need to watch him in action he is so good sometimes it makes me dizzy when we watch him play it's literally the most insane thing ever Joshua's a big spender guys he just bought for battle bus tickets which if we do the math that should be eight blocks of emeralds once again look at me goes let's get this dump wait is he up there Josh do not jump no job good did he jumped he jumped Josh that is one of the biggest Hoops we have seen here today ladies and gentlemen he did not check to see if he had to light rub and uh yeah he just kind of died I'd ticket merchants oh wait wait a second how did we get ten blocks of emeralds if he only bought four tickets I'm not going to complain about the math there because that just makes us all the more wealthy with our emeralds but let's go ladies and gentlemen yes Joshua I have ready to play some hide-and-seek the fourth we're gonna be stealing his emeralds is by wagering fake emeralds although he doesn't know that they're fake and I might have also hidden a couple of epic things inside of my chest one we have a potion of invisibility two we have a player tracker so we're gonna be playing two rounds he's gonna give me 15 seconds to hide here I'm just gonna drink it it's an eight minute invisibility potion the only way Josh was gonna be able to find me is if somehow he notices the particle effects but knowing my little brother Joshua he always plays with his graphics at the lowest settings possible so he can get the most frames per second cuz he's a sweaty tryhard in fact actually I would have followed Josh let's see if we can follow without making any sound Oh Josh you're going the wrong way wrong the way to judge I'm just gonna tease him in the chat whole time I'm gonna mess him up I'm actually north I have lost track of Joshua but I don't think it matters at this point he is literally 10 seconds and you know what because there's only 10 seconds remaining don't forget to that subscribe button if it is red you gotta make it grain unable that bail notification so we can keep stealing inroads to my little brother Joshua okay so now we've rounded number two this is where Joshua gets to hide and I get to be the seeker although Joshua has no idea that we currently have a player tracker and I can also kind of just hear where he went so I don't really want to break the news to Joshua but I can see his nametag which means he not sneaking but I'm still gonna used to play your tracker because look at this bad boy this is epic you could literally see the silhouette of his minecraft character do we just troll Josh like do we do we wait until one second is remaining like hold on and see if I could sneak he is no I look at him he's not sneaking who plays I didn't seek and doesn't sneak maybe he forgot nametags were enabled I have no idea three two one sorry Josh got you at the last second man one second remaining tough luck how did you find me so fast what do you mean I found you so fast there was one second left you won fair and square you can take the emeralds in my chest okay I'm gonna take your 64 emeralds but I'm also gonna take my fake emeralds back before you notice anything is different about them the next way we're gonna steal my little brother's emeralds is we are going to get very crafty as you guys could see Joshua has been getting a little bit sick of me stealing his emeralds and now it looks like he has fully built his house out of bedrock I guess this is what happens when you steal your little brothers and Bulls enough and he just decides to completely change the entire thing in order to get through this there is only one item that exists inside of Minecraft that we can kids that is going to let us go through bedrock because we do not have game-mode privileges unfortunately on my little brother Josh from a server but we have brains and I've got guffy alright so whoa whoa okay what is this blackcats as you guys know all we signify bad luck I'm not a big fan of that so far who turned out the lights somebody turned out the lights inside of this house and it's driving me kind of nutty spaghetti look at this creepy fish tank full of swamp water Garos finally I found all the levers to turn the lights back on I didn't want you guys to be watching a dark video kay was kind of spooky oh and a room just opened up inside of you yes this is it ladies and gentlemen spawn eggs into the tripwire we need the chickens to activate the tripwire come on chickens okay I looked away for a second but one of the chickens managed to activate the tripwire and check it out we now have the chest with the phantom membrane which is one of the items we need to craft this ghost material we need nether and then I think we need some cobblestone as well no wait no we need bones wait do we need cobblestone I think we might still be cobblestone listen I'm a derp turkey okay sometimes I forget things but the one thing I never forget is how to prank my little brother Joshua okay that is for sure oh it's not cobble still we need its bedrock I I scream tank tops are out for the summer look at out legit these are go pick yours up right now at Preston styles calm good news over go in the middle and then the corners like this fill in the rest with the nether Ward and you have a spectral remains item that literally allows us to phase into walls okay please now I've actually never gotten to test this before so hopefully this works oh oh my yo why does this not exist in real Minecraft check this shap now that we're inside of the house there's definitely gonna be some emeralds come on Joshi where you hide those emeralds little brother I know these emeralds are inside of here they're so delicious I'm a scooped them up in my mouth okay maybe I'm not gonna do that that would probably be very unsanitary considering emeralds come from mines and I don't think mines are very sanitary Oh ladies and gentlemen we hit the absolute jackpot every single one of these chests has emeralds inside of it I don't know why Joshua thought this would be a good idea to hide emeralds like this I mean spacing them out into single chests does not make your emeralds any more safe ladies and gentlemans make sure you keep that in mind baby baby covered it with bedrock that would make it a little bit more secure but dude we are gonna be okay I can't even make you guys watch me collect all these emeralds there's little leave so many inside of his house so we're gonna move on to this fixed way to steal my little brother's emeralds check this out guys not only do we have special dream powder in our inventory we also have a dream catcher I'm sneaking up on Joshua right now is he asleep this is probably the earliest I've ever seen Joshua sleep and look at this he's sleeping backwards and sideways on his bed sprinkling the dream powder he falls into an even deeper sleep ladies and gentlemen now using the dream catcher we must get to a very secure location I'm gonna stay inside of this bedroom we now have entered into Joshua's dreams how insane is this dude and now you're probably wondering Preston why did you invade your little brother's dream world because the reason being is I want to rewire his dreams to forcing him to give us his emeralds what are you doing in my dreams you're not that dreamy okay says you chief I think I am kind of dreamy sometimes maybe not right now I'm having a little bit of a bad hair day but most of the time I'm decently dreamy hold on we have a challenge from Josh for example I made it puzzle down in my emerald vault but for some reason I can't really complete it it must be linked in my subconscious ah very interesting Josh wait is this even a puzzle well here I don't know how Joshua wasn't able to solve the puzzle but basically if you jump to each emerald block you're fine basically all we have to do okay can we make this jump come on yes finally we made it to the end puzzle has been solved ladies and gentlemen check it out guys it Ward's we re-engineered Joshua's dream to break the iron doors in his emerald vault giving us complete access meanwhile he's literally just gonna go back upstairs to bed this is the first time I've ever messed with somebody's dreams inside of Minecraft and I can tell you right now it definitely will not be the last time the seventh and final way we're gonna be stealing Joshua's emeralds you will not believe it but I did it may or may not have something to do with this guy check this out the only thing that we have to do is we have to complete a very difficult dropper if you want to make it to the bottom I think we can do this in one shot okay don't quote me on that but I'm pretty good at droppers come on come on come on oh yes yes yes nerds let's go baby murdered right now where is the thing I'm looking for I promise you guys you better watch this video until the end because you are gonna freak out with what we are about to find look at him guys tell any little diglettz everywhere inside of Minecraft but behold ladies and gentleman the king diglettz welcome to my gay birth Walter what can I do for you I need you to eat my little brother's house made of bedrock I don't know if he's going to accept this request but he has accepted crazier things so I'm assuming his answer is going to be yes I will help you but first you must help us diglettz I don't know how to help diglettz I've never helped to dig a look before he usually just sits on my microphone see that box there to your right it is our food storage and it is empty three explorers came down before you and left behind their land dweller food so basically the the King Diglett has asked us to gather food in the cave and put it back in the chests which is pretty much the easiest challenge ever don't stop me now baby don't stop and now parkour all this a big jump big jump for Preston he makes the jump did seven steak but there is definitely more hidden I see other parkour we could get to as well yo dude what is this server on easy mode this part or is the easiest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life let me tell you something baby I have done a lot of parkour in my days okay I think I've done more parkour than I've done regular minecraft videos literally no joke 7 cooked cod I think he said there was more one more chest in this cave with food some lava parkour huh ok getting jiggy with it I like it I like it although this ain't gonna stop me baby ain't gonna stop me from the pain train about to deliver to my little brother Joshua is impossible outs behold King diglettz we have now given you these three food items you have required excellent work Walker this will feed us for many nights various baby king Diglett Azir stand back and follow me says aye-aye captain I don't know how King Diglett is able to literally eat through an entire bedrock house but I'm not gonna ask any questions ok Diglett are you related to King Diglett in any way now I tell you it can't be come on diglettz never done anything this cool like this is actually insane I'm so full I think I'm going to explode well you did just eaten him - all OH my god dude literally just spits up every single emerald block inside of Joshua's house let's go baby don't forget guys if you want to watch more epic videos like this one click either one of these videos YouTube is recommending to you
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 12,044,617
Rating: 4.906714 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: KHc-cmUudLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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