7 Ways to Steal My Wife's Emeralds in Minecraft!

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this is my wife Brianna and this is her house full of and Moses worsening mistakes gods this is insane seven ways to steal Brianna's emeralds in Minecraft the first way to steal my wife's emeralds in Minecraft we are going to be making the emerald thief tree that is right this thing actually exists an order to craft it you just need an oak sapling surrounded in emeralds and you get the emerald tree sapling if you read the war on this turn to do a tree that will seek out and steal emeralds the next thing we are going to craft is a chisel I can't show you guys what this is going to be used for just yet but stick around because it is epic behind me right now is Brianna's house and if you guys peek to the window with me you could see three double chests that have the signs all full of emeralds we've placed down the emerald tree sapling the imagery is different than regular like vegetation and Minecraft you actually have to water it if you want it to grow oh my gosh oh look at this okay this is my first time seeing this and this is actually insane now we get to use the chisel on the tree and watch the magic Preston plus Breanna I figured if Breanna sees this it'll make her a lot less mad at me for stealing your Bloods I mean come on look at it it's so cute and as we all know girls do love cute things ladies and gentlemen here's where the real magic is happening we just gave it more water it's reaching through the glass panes into the chest look at it soaking up the emeralds all above oh my gosh wait it's still going it's still going this thing is literally an emerald vacuum cleaner I have literally never seen something like this in Minecraft in my entire life until now and I am so excited how many emeralds is this tree about to grab for us this is insane before brand logs back on I'm gonna punch the tree come on dude literally raining money on our face okay let's count it up guys there are so many emeralds to grab what the heck wait a second guys over seven stacks of emeralds oh no there's one emerald that is floating on Briana's house we'll leave that one for her can we all get a life down below on this video for how hard this emerald tree just worked for us to steal Brianna's emerald and if you thought that was crazy this next way we're gonna steal her emeralds is even more insane down here is my secret laboratory where only I can enter using this insane crafting table we are gonna be crafting an emery satellite which we are going to send into orbit to steal her emeralds we're gonna need two of these these are satellite panels and then we're gonna need one of these which is the satellite core emerald satellite panel we just made two of them now we got to move on to the core four chests in the middle surrounded by tons of emerald blocks and last but not least emeralds and all four corners will give you the Emerald satellite core that ladies and gentlemen watch the magic happen first we are going to throw the satellite core now we're gonna throw one of the panels and then another one oh my gosh dude I cannot believe we just made a real-life emerald satellite my wife Briana is leaving the house right now I'm assuming to probably go mine more emerald since we we kind of stole all of hers from the turkey look that's what husbands are for okay all right go pre oh there she goes yeah that's right Bri you leave your house unattended ladies and gentlemen I repeat the coast is clear before we place down this insane satellite do me a favor guys it's subscribed time take the device you're watching this video on turn it like this make that red subscribe button great enable those notifications and without further ado let's place the satellite down oh oh what's going oh L right go for the Emeralds bunny you can't oh wait it's turning oh my gosh oh my gosh it's a vacuum cleaner it is an aerial vacuum cleaner eating the emeralds from her house wait I think this is even more in rows than the tree was able to get us it's going around the entire house it's still going no way there is no way this is real life I think it has literally cleaned Brianna's house entirely of every single emerald she has an honor of stealing my wife's emeralds in seven different ways we release this brand-new Preston Styles green st. Patty's Day t-shirt if you guys are to check it out ladies down below in the description thank you satellite for dropping off our emeralds this time we made it to get eight stacks of emerald plants no the third way to steal my wife's emeralds is using a Pokemon and a pokeball and can you guys guess which Pokemon we're going to use that's right ladies and gentlemen Diglett is back in action what you probably didn't know is Diglett is actually a highly trained emerald thief Diglett I choose you oh look at how cute he is I can't believe this right now so check this out guys I'm gonna put this chest down fill it up with emeralds Diglett I choose you to steal these emeralds oh my gosh he's digging look he's digging underground to go tinkle why did you go all the way that way okay dig look that was pretty close but it wasn't close enough come on Diglett if you're watching this video right now leave a like for Diglett he can do this we believe in you Diglett okay niglet I thought we went over this before we started filming this video you're kind of embarrassing me right now nobody ever became professional from criticism so I was motivating jiggler telling him he's got this and look at what he just did he just opened the chest grab the emeralds came from behind me and just gave them to me I think we need to make Diglett a forever character in the rest of my Minecraft videos I Diglett are you confident that you can do this now that bran is not in the house all right Diglett steal my watts in more roads wait where'd he go I don't even see diglettz nametag anymore guys where to dig let go we lost him oh no Diglett please don't get lost wait he's it yes go go go go quick come on what Breanna could be back at any moment in time she's still mining somewhere behind us oh no you take what didn't put the block back at Brianna's house okay Oh Diglett five stacks plus five of emeralds Diglett I am so proud of you you can keep a few of these in molds you have worked hard go buy yourself something nice you guys probably are not going to believe me but I am about to make a cat whistle to steal my wife's diamonds I even have a name tag with my wife's real life cat on it which we're going to be using later so stick around most people like to train dogs to steal emeralds but I am going to be using cats come here cats ladies and gentlemen welcome back to good news we have limited edition signed purple slime hoodies at Preston styles calm while supplies last thank you so much good news out we've already got five cats balling us come on we need more cats Oh what am i stuck in the fountain yes there you go come on come to Papa look at all these cute cats we have following us this is so epic there's 50 cats currently inside of all of these cats come on guys let's look some of them reclaiming the ladder and then seven never like falling off it's so adorable we've only got four cats who have made it up the ladder so far this is our fifth guys come on come on there you go there you go keep climbing the ladder cats oh no wasn't fell off the roof guys do not fall off the roof I will not be liable for cat damage now I'm going to individually attach leads to every single cat we have collected and then put them in the helicopter oh my god this is the most cat I have ever had at one moment in time in Minecraft have you ever seen this I have never seen this before this might be a bad time to mention that I don't have a helicopter license come on cats oh they're okay none of the cats are falling okay let's be let's make very careful no cats should be hurt in the making of this Minecraft video so far so good Breanna's house is approaching come on okay cats oh my gosh the cats have you know ladder for me I cannot believe this worked the cats have formed a left oh my gosh wait this is Briana's cat Eloise hold on I'm gonna give her a nametag because he's been stealing all of Brianna's emeralds I feel kind of bad as her husband I'm going to leave her a present where we have named her kitty cat Eloise but bats feelers are gonna stop him from taking her Emeralds three stacks of emerald ladies and gentlemen and we are out go go go I can't believe we were climbing a ladder made entirely I'm pretty much fully confident if we were able to make 50 cats attached to a helicopter that this next way to still brana's emeralds is also going to work flawlessly with no problems these are the materials required to make what we call a port a vault yes that's right ladies and gentlemen we are back to our incredible crafting table to iron doors on the bottom surround them entirely with these iron blocks then you are going to put chests everywhere in the center to make the porta balls welcome to good news the good news is that March 21st and 22nd Preston Stiles comm clip free domestic shipping using this code good news outhouse oh wait no no okay we didn't break our house we are a fully functional vault ladies and gentlemen so I've got five remotes to show you guys how this works if I place the five femorals into a chest then I'm going to turn back into a regular human again I will retain all five of the emeralds that are put in the chest that's right Bri go mine more emeralds oh my gosh wait did she really leave her door open bro I was gonna show you guys the custom spider-man glove I made to get inside of her house but I guess we're not gonna need it if she's just gonna leave her door wide open okay so where do we want to set up as the portable in her house we have a limited amount of time before she comes back from mining wait a second Briana's already building a vault and there's a perfect space in here for us to turn into the ball let's close this door perfect turn into the vault Oh oh my gosh no way Breanna is going to be able to tell that we are bolts before Brandon gets back if you guys comment in the first hour of a brand-new video being uploaded I don't read and feature your comments right here down below so make sure you guys comment and make it to a brand new video in the first hour if you want your comments feature I spy with my eye a little Brianna Oh Bri come on I see those emeralds put them inside of your delicious new portable why would she put her enrolled in a vault she didn't make I mean my wife is smart if you guys didn't know Brandon is a registered nurse in real life she has seen some very crazy things but when it comes to Minecraft she is still my newbie wife and I actually got to like it that way cuz it's really cute and innocent come on brick you get out of your brain that's right go ahead and leave boom-shaka-laka check it out all the emeralds she just collected and deposited inside of us have been uh oh no I've made a terrible mistake she closed the door behind her I promise you I will find a way to get out of here but it will take us a little bit of time two hours later I finally managed to get outside of Briana's house after getting stuck in there you know sometimes it's hard being an emerald thief guys okay for this next way to steal my wife's emeralds we are going to be making Apryl dust which will summon the emerald man if you put 10 blocks of emerald into the stonecutter you will then get every single piece of emerald powder you need I'll be honest with you guys the emerald man is kind of weird you need a cauldrons and a bucket of water you put it in there dump all ten of your emerald powders into the cauldron last one okay wait I swear this works the last time I did there's something epic happened what is going on oh wait a second something's happening hold the light okay okay I'm gonna stand back a little bit but I don't remember something this crazy happenin what what just happened wait a second this is the emerald man somebody please tell me this looks just like the kool-aid man from the commercials we saw as a kid mr. emerald man are you ready to steal some emeralds oh yeah mr. emerald man you must follow me to Breanna's house I this guy is not very good at following this might take some time finally we made it to Breanna's as you can see Bree is there next to all of her jests go emerald man oh my gosh she's going for it this is gonna bust through the Oh miss JC Breanna what are you doin chase - Breanna dude don't hurt my wife I just wanted you to get the emeralds what are you doing up there hey hey oh no she's got her job she's got the girl we gotta run run run run run I can't let Brandon know that I'm the person doing this what is going on oh did he just chase her out of her house wait I hear I'm opening up Jess this is probably one of the least sneakiest ways I have ever stole my wife's diamonds I cannot believe it is he still chains eager keep going emerald man you got this ladies and gentlemen in the meantime we have four stacks of emeralds as our spoils let's go for the seventh and final way to steal my wife's emeralds people said I couldn't do it even Elon Musk denied me not really but we are going to be sending my wife's house to the moon and do this we can't even use our secret laboratory because we have to go into the sacred sacred laboratory to make this thing possible this is the crafting recipe - a rocket to send her entire house to the moon I still can't believe what we are about to dude it's time to make the thrusters first you put in the rocket fuel then we have to outline all of the rocket fuel with iron blocks and this is how we can make our first thruster using two of our thrusters we need this to create our rocket surrounding the two thrusters in redstone blocks two pieces of glass and last but not least surround this with iron blocks and you will get the entire rocket ship alright now we have to be very delicate here ladies and gentlemen we're gonna place this down whoa using the extra two thrusters we are placing it on to Breanna's house on both sides so we can send this into orbit last one oh my gosh two one yay I can't believe this is happening Brianna's House is actually being sent to the moon as we speak it's like crumbling due to gravity oh it's out of render distance guys Brandis house is gone I can see the two remaining thrusters just barely but that's it now we get to get inside of our rocket initiating launch sequence open rocket silo doors the doors are being opened oh my gosh we are now inside of our rock you ladies and gentlemen start the launch sequence oh my gosh guys if we don't make it back tell my mom I love her I love you guys you're the best viewers in the entire world here we go oh my gosh oh no oh no okay we are very far up inside of Minecraft right now the only thing I can see is the Sun wait a second we're landing on the moon I can see Breanna's house as we speak I can't believe this oh my gosh look at the gravity whenever I jump we have anti-gravity when you take fall damage from how high you jump on the moon there is no Breanna to be found of currently as we speak but are there Emeril ladies and gentlemen there are which means we have successfully sent my wife's house to the moon honestly Brianna should be thanking me look at the view she has from her kitchen it does not get better than this don't forget ladies and gentlemen to click either one of these videos that YouTube is recommending you thank you for watching we'll see you all next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 13,679,953
Rating: 4.9132891 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: om6OLNKFhsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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