I Got Trapped in Noob1234's Minecraft Prison!

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I am currently trapped in new 1-2-3-4 prison and I have no idea how to escape but first let me show you guys how I got into this mess check it out guys business new one two three four house and I've been told by a reliable source he's got a new secret house that we are going to pray we just have to find out how to get inside of it and then we are good to go Oh what is this a leaper to his new secret house yes please wait wait the doors behind me just slammed shut wait a second hold on I know where we are we're in a prison what is new one two three four doing on the other side of this prison cell well well well who do we have here Oh Kristen it looks like you felt right into my trap don't you dare try to call me dumb at this moment in time noob one two three four audience I cannot believe we fell for this bait I'm actually very disappointed in myself right now I finally can get back at you for all of the pranks you have done to me oh I don't think you're gonna get away with this look at this guy's he even has a new prison guards that look identical to him how did he hire these people and they're buff hold on sorry we're missing out on a lot of important information from the new if you have noticed you are locked in one of my super secure prison cells yeah noob I kind of realized I'm in a prison cell by looking at these iron bars you pleb you will not be able to hold me forever what this noob does not realize is I am a master escapist I've escaped from more prisons in Minecraft than probably any other youtuber on the planet I'm a professional okay don't ask me why I always end up getting in prison because I don't even understand why oh yeah keep walking oh look at this guy he's trying to be fancy get out of here dude get out of here get out of here with your backwards Krauts walki you just ran into a wall you big dummy if there's one thing I know about prisons in Minecraft the people who put you here always leave some way to get out and judging by this painting I bet there's a way to walk completely through it I just have to make sure that the guards are not noticing me hold on yes if we're over here like this there's no way they can pay attention to us come on I know it's somewhere come on yes let's go I told you noob you won't be able to keep me here forever unless did he mean to put this here does he want me to find this chest with the prison key inside of it am I being set up again no no no no the noob is not that intelligent guys come on wait the key doesn't fit inside of the lock are you kidding me this has got to be some kind of sick prank there could be something back here that we just didn't notice Oh a hidden stone button you hear the prison cell door creak open let's okay how are we supposed to get past these guards though there are now I don't know if you guys can see this there are prison guards above me and below me patrolling the cell how are we supposed to escape the biggest question I have is how these guards not notice my door wide open they don't even press the lever or shut the door that's how you know these are newbie prison guards okay if we can just manage to escape we've got cameras over here so we've got to be extra extra careful when sneaking out ladies and gentlemen do me a favor leave a like on this video so we can escape the noobs prison we just barely managed to get away from both security guards let's go Oh No Oh guys there's a prison guard one of the noobs okay he's coming right for me we gotta go oh okay we're good oh he was so close to finding me there looks like there's no guards no security cameras in here so we should be good for the time being what is this monstrosity I've never seen something like this before this looks like okay that's got to be a ventilation system I bet we can parkour up there wait a second we've got a lot chest over here audience that means something is inside of there that is not supposed to be let's loot all these chests let's see if we could find something that will get us up to the vents yes we found a chest we've got a noop one two three four portrait oK we've got a a keyring with a bunch of prison keys new one two three four c-notes what uh okay that day I don't even I'm throwing this away nobody wants to see that picture ladies and gentlemen recent improvements have been made to the ventilation system the worker did a good job but left his screwdriver behind I put it away dude to read the text can you guys follow along if you guys are having difficulty reading let's get some fire mo G's in the comments right now I put it away near the vent if anyone needs to use it which means it's probably in that locked chest that we found earlier bingo noop one-two-three-four second note wait that's not the screwdriver wait where is the screwdriver we're looking for something totally different right now but the second note says to whoever is looking for the screwdriver I don't know where it is gah dude girlfriend one two three four was here and I had to show off my cool new screwdriver to her she really liked it so I let her have it for a while to color papers with how do you color papers with a screwdriver I don't think that is humanly or physically possible wait wait wait hold on I saw this colorful thing over here is this it Oh bingo baby this screwdriver now can we okay but can this open this Oh Oh a little bit of a quad jump action right there you loosen the first screw using oh come on yes what did we tell the new at the beginning of this video he cannot hold us back we are going to find a way to escape this prison if it's the last thing we do I will not be in prison by my wife my best friend but especially not by noob 1 2 3 4 or his girlfriend audience do me a huge favor while looking for the exit take the device to watching this video on turn it like this make that red subscribe button gray and enable those bail notifications so we can escape from this noob prison Oh what is this a staircase wait a second okay do we want to press this believer I'm gonna do it because I love you guys yes go ahead what okay that was so weird oh no there's more do this ventilation system is massive I've never seen something like this before in Minecraft it's absolutely huge come on oh oh wait what is this oh yeah that's okay do we want to drop down here yes we do but I do need to get a drink of coffee Preston needs energy while he's inside a prison we drop down the vent and there's a problem we have a prison guard he's watching the footage of the prison cell live right now I wonder if we could put him to sleep I've heard it if you right-click and new but he will be put to sleep I found this on Twitter yes good news this weekend only if you use this code you get 15% off your entire order at Preston Stiles calm happy Easter everybody good news out to prison guards over here wait a second I seen Ubuntu three four wait can we switch cameras how do we get to a different camera okay no there whoa look what we just found I switched to a new security camera and I see escape elevator we need to keep this area in mind and write down the coordinates where is the noob what is this this looks like I think this is like a prison library or something that's our cell or we started whoo finally we found the noobs office hold on hold on we can even see what he's typing good thing I just updated my office security system to use key cards I have to remember I kept spares in my computer room and library what does that even mean wait the library we just saw on the footage and my new secret wall code is super secure no one will be able to crack it hey new why don't you just do me a favor why don't you just go ahead and type it to me huh especially not my dumb prisoner is he talking about me you would have a fist fight bro just kidding I won't have a fist fight with you because I'm a Christian wait oh no I was not paying attention as to what Cody just pressed I didn't even notice the buttons on the wall we are going to have to try to guess the combination in his office if we want to crack this thing I'm pretty sure if we turn off all the levers it'll disable the security footage so they won't be able to notice me while I'm inside of the prison Oh CCTV has been disabled let's go that's exactly what we wanted I am hiding inside of doors right now so the prison guards don't notice me audience take a look at this those doors right between those chests is where the noobs office is I wonder if we can make it wait entry denied green and red key cards needed where am I supposed to get those key cards oh do this is bad okay I'm stuck inside of these doors prison guards are all around me what do we do yes we finally found the computer room okay shut the doors I don't see any guards oh my goodness there are so many chests inside of here how long is this going to take me somebody get your phone out put a timer on right now how long is gonna take Preston to find this key card oh not very long who put stuff behind paintings these days I've been in enough prisons and puzzle maps inside of my graph to know to always check any kind of painting in Minecraft because there's almost always something bloated how did I just fall in the lava I am so embarrassed that you guys had to see that wait what is this new book krypter a specialized tool that gets into noob OS computers the noob krypter device a specialized noob tool that gets into noob operating system computers why am I still on fire come on fire you got to stop bullying me right now right this is getting ridiculous thank you so much I don't understand how I still take fire damage when I got turned into this lava character I was promised by the scientist who did it but I would never take fire damage again yet I still continue to take fire damage on a regular basis and it really frustrates me low power flip the lever to cycle what flip it a few more times okay stand on the pressure plate got you I'm standing on the pressure plate stay there I don't like that this computer is telling me what to do whoa what is happening come standee okay spin around three times one two three jump twice spin 180 push button dude why am I being told what to do by this dadgum computer there are you happy are you not gonna are you seriously not gonna work for me after all that work you just put me through Thank You noob OS wait did you guys notice the version was nice little I saw that nice little detail there noob okay insert the noob krypter device what new one two three four computer suck to go inside oh haha I want to know since when is there parkour inside of somebody's computer I have seen a lot of things inside of people's computers but I have never seen parkour ok can we make this job of course we can make this jump rise that's a big jump though do me a quick favor audience if you want to get your comments featured and read here on the screen make sure you make it within the first hour of a brand new video being posted and you will have a chance to have your comments featured what is inside of this chest the great gate guard a green key card belonging to the new one-two-three-four whoa and just like that we were teleported outside of his computer that was insanity now that we have the green card we need to get the red card which is inside of the library whoa we are making plays today ladies and gentlemen oh ok it's against the Ten Commandments in the Bible to lie but also I don't want to go back to prison but I also don't want to lie what do we do all right you know what we're just gonna be honest I impressed in place hear me roar limited edition of Preston styles fire zip up hoodies signed it by yours truly giant fire logo in the back had depressed as that calm good news is over there what do we say to that aren't you supposed to be in your cell no new but one two three four let me out to stretch my legs okay that was a lie well I mean technically the noob left the key for us and then we used the key to get outside and then stretch our legs so am I really lying yeah it's a loophole all right I'm like a lawyer right now but warden said you can't ever leave yourself well why did he leave me a key to stretch my legs then you ever think about that I don't didn't know we could let out prisoners well I mean he let me out and here we are oh well if the warden said it was okay then it's fine oh thank you God you are the best prison guard we have a problem the prison guard even though he's nice and he's not gonna throw his back in a Cell he did say you can continue walking around but I can't stay inside the library which is really unfortunate because that's where the red key is and that's what we need to get inside of the noobs office so we're gonna have to improvise I need to find a security guard outfit so I can blend in with the nude and I don't have to keep having conversations with them that make my brain want to run we have found it the storage room I just need to make sure to the right are we clear I do see a guard over there and then to my left I see two other guards there's definitely a guard coming right to us okay three two one go go go go go let's go as fast as we can all right inside the storage room I am guaranteeing you there's got to be left over security outfits I found some blue dye which as we know most security uniforms are blue wait a second a crafting recipe which gives us the new blue is that a trademarked color I didn't even know new blue was a specific type of blue I knew that there was new book and there's blue but I don't think there is definitely a new blue I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and try to find these items so we can make this I suppose we've got nothing to lose by trying to craft this recipe I have no idea if this is going to work and we got the new blue potion a blue potion patented by new one two three four are you sure you want to touch it if I drink this do I turn into a noob no do we really want to do this if there was any other opportunity to get out of this prison without drinking this I would but we don't have another choice promise me something audience you will still love me even when I look like a noob I'm trying to give the flow there's nothing we can do oh my gosh wait we don't look like a noob we are in the security outfit but we are not a noob oh thank you Jesus why did I not turn into a noob I will never know maybe it's just because I have too much Pro DNA in my body the world may never know dude check this out this outfit works perfectly guards are now just walking past me they're not stopping me for questions they literally think I'm a security guard even though I look nothing like them other than my pants and my shirt and of course I got this fancy badge over here on my shirt we've made it back to the library now we can finally get the red keycard I believe it it's inside of this chest oh no there's a code we need something in the bookshelves if you need a code I always right-click bookshelves and eventually you find something that will help you crack the code nailed it have a book with library secrets due to some recent events I have decided to lock up my key card the secret code has been put into two books on the shelves don't forget the secret phrase new book blue I've searched most of these bookshelves but apparently there are still books inside of these wait is at these what the number eight has appeared on my screen I almost said the letter eight that would have been so embarrassing six what does this mean eight six four oh wait wait wait hold on hold on so if we're gonna get this code we should probably start from like A to Z we can't start from Z to a that'd be working backwards one two three don't say the next one's for of course it's for one two three four the code the entire time was one two three four we spent all this time trying to crack this overly complicated code it's literally 1 2 3 4 by the way never make that your password or your PIN for your phone don't even make it your birthday don't make you your dad's birthday make it something unique because otherwise there's gonna be a bad person that is going to enter 1 2 3 4 potentially on your device and they're gonna get in like it's nobody's business the moment we've all been waiting for ladies and gentlemen the new book 1 2 3 4 office finally we can open the door now there was something I Begley remember the newb saying after he pressed the coat he said in is 4 new I don't think it's on the iPhone but have you guys seen those patterns what do you like your swipe in a pattern and it unlocks the phone what if this one is like this I'm gonna try the in come on come on oh no that did not work um maybe we pressed the wrong wait a second come on I know it's in it's got to be and maybe I'm just pushing it in wrong come on come on yes ooh baby let's go this is what the new has in his office some levers and some paintings really is this all that's back here I don't even know what - okay what whoa okay we've got it a weird of hidden room behind the spider painting Pig I know you have something for us I heard a dinging sound effect so I flipped one of the levers and it made a day are there more dings to go around whoa dude hold on the Spyder painting just had blocks open up this room was not here before wait a second emergency escape labor do not pull we're pulling it let's go we're getting out of its prison baby oh no oh no the emergency alarm has been activated not only is it terrifying but it's letting every guard know that a prisoner has escaped no they're panicking they're panicking hold on they're looking for me do they know I'm camouflaged as a guard though I wait a second I seen you 1 2 3 4 name tag do not come inside of here let me escape maybe they won't notice it to me hold on they have no idea to me okay we're getting out of this place I remember from the CCTV footage that the escape elevator should be this way if I'm not mistaken business gotta be it yes this gave elevator no no no no what how did he just do this you really caused quite a stir there how did you guys just now notice it's me now what are you going to do I'm going to escape let me inside of the elevator there is nowhere else to run dude this is starting to feel like the beginning of a horror movie oh yes yes I can't believe you opened up the gate you big pleb let's get out of here guys go go go come on elevator yes oh my goodness I have now learned my lesson ladies and gentlemen so do me a favor guys click either one of these videos YouTube is recommending you thank you so much for watching have a blessed day take care and I will see you all next time
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 13,042,254
Rating: 4.907362 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: lGj1_xZM9KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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