Noob1234 vs EXTREME Minecraft Would You Rather!

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the most infamous minecraft player in all of history has challenged me towards you rather I listed in your noob we have our first question would you rather die from raining lava or a ginormous slime do not choose the wrong question here okay slim no not slim this is not the Slim Jim commercial for the beef jerky the noob is gonna noob ladies and gentlemen no matter what she do I am Chuck wait a second wait a second the giant slime is much larger than we had originally anticipated ladies and gentlemen wow I didn't see that one coming raining lava deals barely any damage who would have thought giant slimes would deal more damage nuba that is what you get for not breaking through your deathbed I listen to your noob I'm going to let you decide which one you can read this okay how about you type this one out come on don't be don't be scared noob go and read it out come on the noob refuses he has a microphone guys but I've never heard him speak in my entire life but one of these days he is going to do it listen here nuke if this video gets 200,000 likes you have to talk in our next video deal let's see what he says it's a big drumroll please oh it's not a yes that means ladies and gentlemen label icon this video I want to hear the noobs voice is it dorky is it cute what if it really do blog leash alright he's gonna go choose dirt I am going to choose the lava parkour ladies and gentlemen oh yeah dude okay noob how long is it gonna take you oh dude yo this is actually very difficult dirt parkour oh I'm a little bit worried for the noob ladies and gentlemen I don't know this is gonna be very easy Oh real talk though this lava parkour be mad hot and spicy anytime you've gotta know magma jumps man it's a little bit difficult to do but I think we get oh my gosh of course there would be fire in my fart corn as well would it be lava bark or without breast of getting set on fire now what it ladies and gentlemen oh I can just skip that jump Oh big jump look at these guys tearing this up ladies and gentlemen that the me to the finish line just give me a few more moments over here oh look at these look at these moves look at these filthy lava moves last jump ladies and gentlemen wait the noob has managed to complete one two three four five six blocks are you kidding me right now are you even trying part coordinates are yes parkour is supposed to be hard noob it's not supposed to be easy next one mr. noob is would you rather fight an iron golem or a snow golem and we do have armor don't forget to put your armor on put your armor on noob you lost it how did you lose your armor idk are you kidding okay you know what just choose okay I would rather go do try to protect the noob guys should I go in hey what is it hey don't choose for me what do you think you are you think you're my mom you ain't my mom my mom is way more beautiful venue is I will choose the iron golem you can choose the snow golem I feel like this is gonna be a disaster for the new bows something is very bad is about they have oh my goodness gracious you think iron golems could stop V Preston no chance bro especially got full diamond armor these guys are gonna be easy peasy although I got a mint snow golems might have been the play here snow golems don't even deal any damage what for once the noob decides to pick the right would you rather I love snowman he says doesn't air new it doesn't snow in Texas okay I've seen snow like four times no don't break the glass what are you doing you're really trying to fight me right now when I'm wearing full diamond gear the timing so hard moving on to the next would you rather would you rather have an army of zombies or have an army of spiders now I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the noob is going to choose a'm be because he hate spiders types and the chat that spiders are scary do don't be like that man oh gosh wait we have to fight them wait we have to fight them or do they fight each other who's gonna win zombies are spiders ladies and gentlemen put your backs in the comments right now I have a feeling oh my gosh yo so the new book chooses right again this has got to be some kind of would you rather beginners like there's no way he knew that zombies were gonna kill spiders I didn't even know that zombies are more stronger than spiders alrighty I'm Rachel don't lose your cool Preston I'm gonna keep my cool would you rather run from zombies with slowness for or chased by zombies that have speed for I think I'm gonna go with the speed for zombies I don't think the new could handle this personally I think I actually have a pretty good chance at surviving this uh okay maybe I don't have a chance maybe I don't I take you back dude I take it back bro oh this is dangers actually though since I've got the full diamond armor the zombies barely deal any damage I see the noob just spamming a jet listen ooh I cannot help you right now I am dealing with my own zombies currently and they are very deadly and very destructive holy guacamole hmm no I'm gonna die no no I cannot die I need to beat the new that one would you rather come on president I'm running up sprint and broad sprint and wait the noob is he did you guys see that he was literally in a circle waiting for the zombies to kill him noob you're supposed to fight back with your diamond sword finally the last baby zombie ladies a jet stop it stop it why are you not using your diamond sword I let you win you didn't let anybody win you literally didn't even do anything are you kidding me you know what because you just did that I'm going to do this you deserve that but you can make fun of me I miss her noob let's see how lucky you are on this one would you rather steal food from a panda or a polar bear I'm gonna let the noob juice cuz I know which one is more deadly don't tell the new but polar bears are much more deadly than pandas what is a polar bear have you never watched a movie ever I've got a lot of patience for a Preston but I don't have enough patience to deal with the new board dude 3 bar is he cute uh sure yes he's very cute totally harmless yeah won't do any damage to you totally not ok noob let's see if you chose right hello dude he's gonna get whacked bro look at the polar bears they died like three of your pandas even deal damage yes oh ok well I do not remember pandas dealing this much damage when did pandas become so so mean in Minecraft is it because I catch them here for the video ok pandas I don't remember pandas being this difficult we're gonna be says they are cute though they are not cute you just died to pull their bears and you're calling them cute they just hit you through the glass that wasn't me that was the polar bears the polar bears are so you really want to do this again if you ever try to BVB me I promise you there is gonna be no competition would you rather fight girl 1 2 3 4 or TB in our life oh this is a difficult question either you've got to fight my wife or fight your girlfriend oh my gosh you're really gonna fight my wife Brooke you are going to lose the Briana I hope she bops your dude oh look at this girl 1 2 3 4 I like how there's three Briana's but there's only two girl one two three fours barely knows that even swing your sword ladies and gentlemen oh this is just too easy like stealing candy from a baby Lube why did you not put on your diamond gear this is the second time he has somehow lost the diamond gear that is placed into his inventory who would you rather be turned into a blue slime or a red slime wait wait I've still got my why's Briana lingering is she gonna attack me uh we've got some I don't like to do this to my oh oh wait a second we are red slimes why did you choose the same slime as me you plan but I was busy trying to remove the fake Briana's and then he decided to choose the same slime as ray are you really gonna kill me your no I would have definitely chosen the other slimes by the way just saying red slime noop you really want to do this to me you're really gonna do this okay that's it new you've you've gone too far I am sending the newb into the space as a red slime look how slow he's going he's like levitating so slow for a slime I can't send your dad okay fine you want to go down here I will send you down effect clear noob one two three four that where'd he go oh he did die I you told me to let you down noob that wasn't my fault you did not understand the laws of gravity alright noob lift it up would you rather fight the other with a special diamond sword or an emerald sword ooh I don't know I feel like I do knowing the newbies ice cream tank tops are out for the summer look at out legit these are go pick yours up right now at Preston Styles Calm good news over do I really want back on mice Wow let's see it let's see a new I don't see it let's see come on I even check are you even trunk let engine even in me one dime I we've got another would you rather coming in would you rather be turned into pro one two three four or noobs girlfriend you would rather be the pro than your own girlfriend okay I will turn into girl one two three four you could become pro one two three four I think he's just excited because he's never been good at Minecraft before oh look it up he's got diamonds oh this is disgusting guys look at this I literally have nothing but dirt blocks and a wooden pickaxe I think nuke knew that his girlfriend is even more newbie than he is and that's why I didn't want to become her I'm telling you I feel like the noob is starting to actually develop some form of brains I don't like it would you rather find 10 skeletons or Tim creepers okay I think the pneuma scared of creepers so he's gonna choose skeletons but technically here dude creepers are always easier to kill than skeletons what's he gonna choose I will literally force put this arm thank you I am going to force put on the rest of your armor if you don't do it no no don't give me the duck why would you give me the diamond gear you put the -- you need the diamond get ladies and gentlemen please I just I asked you a great favor if you see a red subscribe button please make it grain enable the Bell notification so one day noob can grow a fully functional brain just go choose your just choose I'm going for creepers okay I mean look at this you can just make the creepers Chain Reaction blow themselves up I've literally got four creepers that deal look at that over there noob is going to die in the blink of an eye imagine going it gives that many skeletons you have enchanted boughs look at the skeletons you look at these bows there's an obsidian armor skeleton oh that's gonna be coming later you guys just got a sneak peak you weren't supposed to see that so would you rather steal diamonds or emeralds from a chest noob he's going for the diamonds I'm gold for the emeralds come on scoop scoop scoop give me these emeralds baby gimme these emeralds Oh Oh angered the zombies hold on this was not supposed to happen ladies and gentlemen this is a new turn of events all the new gut dogs he got killer dogs oh this is so bad bro dude this zombie stole my emerald I cannot help you nu nu Blitzen you are just gonna have to deal with that by yourself man I still got four zombies to take on out okay now that we have dealt with the zombies and the dogs would you rather be swarmed in green particles or yellow particles I'm gonna go yellow no I'm I'm choosing yellow yellow is mine you can have green no don't you come over here that's right can't take a walk mister noob take a walk oh no I chose wrong the green particles give you emeralds from the sky and the gold are the yellow particles only give you gold ok noob would you rather be able to mind-control mobs or turn into different mobs I'm gonna choose mind control because I feel like the mind control you could do so much more the mob target okay give me this oh look at this I right-click the spider now all the other mobs are killing it oh wait a second this gives me an idea ladies and gentlemen wait the nubbins become an inner dragon kill the Ender Dragon mobs well I wasn't able to target him oh this is bad this is bad don't do a new don't do it okay we'll be back right after this special masters ladies and gentlemen oh this is a big one guys would you rather die from dirt or die from grapple I have a feeling he is going to cheat I knew it dude he chooses dirt immediately any time the newpsies dirt it's like when a fly sees a light and it flies toward only when a moth sees a lamp in a job oh gosh oh no look at you knew you didn't even manage the dodge the dirt bro come on I think I am oh I dodge the gravel I'm the king we finally chose something better than the new let's go baby would you rather die from a creeper explosion or a gas explosion I don't even know what a gas explosion looks like you're gonna choose gas really you no no no you you go into the creeper you're gonna go creeper whether you like it or not noob you're going to stay there okay okay we're both going creepers literally dibs exploded immediately No check me out baby I could've died in Attalla Pina look at goobers I would you rather chop down pin oak trees with a pickaxe or break 10 diamond ores with an axe I would rather I guess I'd rather chop ten oak trees with a pickaxe to be completely honest with you I don't know how long it takes of mine with a an axe I'm pretty sure if I use my fist it's the same speed oh dude I don't really use that with one diamond block could even finish one yet wait would you add that the navigate through a lava maze or a dirt maze lava maze easy peasy lemon squeezy ladies and gentlemen come on if you get to one of my videos in the first 60 minutes you have a chance to have your comment featured here on the screen so make it to a brand new video as fast as possible Oh Oh who's gonna finish first who's gonna finish first should he give you guys a little bit of a spoiler it's definitely gonna be me and if it's not I may or may not have the uninstall Minecraft oh shoot where do I go where do I stay Pistons running into dead ends Preston I lost you know new bet is the first time you've ever managed to spell my name correctly without a typo I'm actually very proud of you oh I did it let's go baby would you rather have a pet cat or a pet wolf people are gonna hate me right now I'm not much of a cat person I'm more of a dog guy a wolf is kind of like a dog but also way cooler I mean look at this the Wolves will attack the skeletons and defend you your cats literally did nothing go would defend your master brothers can we get a small clap for these dogs and their noble service would you rather fight each other with loyal tridents or fireballs to Ryden steve's loyal trident look at this you could just heat them and they coming right back here we go come on the way from the throw fire ball I mean I'm gonna hit it back at him come on okay noob you're about to kill yourself noop stop what do you do no no no I will not let you kill yourself I am gonna be the person to take you out of his world go oh would you rather teleporter with inner pearls or fly around with it a light rock I don't think the noob can handle in a light truck oh I've got a feeling guys the noobs gonna pick enderpearls because he's never been able to successfully kill an Enderman yet look at this oh dude this is so much better bro this is so much better being able to fly like this in real life would be so cool oh there's a book oh my gosh I didn't even know there was a completion button up here come on you try to eat it into prole try to nut it new oh okay what did I tell you what did I say would you rather wear Preston Styles fire armor or bedrock armor bruh Preston Styles all day everyday wearing a smile fire t-shirt right now by the way yeah there we go whoo what's gonna be stronger oh this is only leather gear though oh but it sets the mobs on fire as soon as they damage me I'm literally taking almost no damage oh no but my Preston Styles gear is kind of weak oh no the durability is not very strong Oh Weaver we had zombies dying oh my gosh no no no my elbow just broke oh no oh no oh no oh yeah okay you literally just brought your zombies over here dude nothing it it up look at this I am keeping my preston leather chest play I've never taken this up I'm gonna keep this on for the rest of my videos for eternity you're trying to break my Preston place chest plate you broke my Preston place jazz plays oh oh okay that's it how about the slash kill command that's what you get would you rather eat waffles or pizza dude this is the easiest question you're gonna really do this to me right he's gonna go pizza yo I was gonna go pizza you copied me noob you totally copied me yo this pizza looks sick in a perfect world view choose both but I think I would rather live off pizza than live off of waffles if you punch me one more time - I'm gonna lose my shrimp Oh would you rather kill a giant with a god sword or a god bow bro always the god sword 99% of the time you knew but you're going to they got newbie you don't know how to shoot a bow noob you're not gonna okay the noob no no if you shoot it up you are gonna kill yourself with the arrow coming down god sword time baby yo the god sword Loki they'll ate the God sword I'm dying No what you think that supposed to be a god sword is this the after act of my god sword what is happening right now how is the noob doing oh the noob is also wait that's the new me shooting me with his new no you are breaking my Terra oh my god I just want shot the new you broke my would you rather back ladies and gentleman while I am cleaning up this mess from the noob click either one of these YouTube videos that YouTube is recommending to you
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 23,163,317
Rating: 4.9451447 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: gFZbtcaFeDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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