I Got Trapped in Baby Preston's Minecraft Prison!

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not only am i stuck inside of a prison cell it's my son's prison worker all and give me some toys baby press to check this out literally baby Preston is standing right in front of us best prisoner hello I am NOT your prisoner I am your father just wait till I tell your mother she is going to lose her chicken nuggets and you are going to be in a world of pain you are mine ha ha nosey ok he's literally ignoring my threats this is the problem with being an ultimate prankster as a dad the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and my son is like 10 times better at me when it comes to pranks and trolls than I ever was this has become quite the predicament don't take this the wrong way audience but I have been in prison more times than you can count not in real life but inside of Minecraft and I always know that there is a way to get outside of your prison cell plus my son's like 5 years old or whatever no way he can build a prison cell that can hold this 25 year old bad okay oh we got parkour baby let me show you what I'm made of son check it out yeah yo my doors open oh okay it's a challenge we have to get through the parkour before the door shuts oh let me tell you something baby Preston you're on helping say who's your daddy and then I realized I'm like I'm literally his daddy okay yes we have escaped from this little best prisoner cell way what are the other prison cells say wait there are no other prisoners in the cell except for me he built all of these prisons hello just me I can't tell if I'm honored as his dad or very very depressed and kind of sad I am currently on my way to the food court this prison is so big I think we just randomly bumped into the food court look at the tiny little guard why is that guard named rich it's literally a girl all right you know what don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to baby that's just how it works shake and bake look at these cute tiny workers though they like old babies oh wait hold up one of them's talking where's James James is talking to me where James you can't even see over the counter but howdy sir welcome to baby Preston's prison lunch hall what will you have today we have chocolate lollipops or maybe cookies I will take cookies my good sir audience if you haven't already go and smack that like button down below not just for me but also for your boy Diglett how did James know we wanted to escape he told me I should forget about escaping well first of all James I asked for cookies not candy you can't tell me what to do I'm also old enough to be your dad okay Seymour do you know how to get out of here I heard on the grapevine that you're trying to take a walk I can get you out but first I need you to obtain 10 cookies for me he's trying to make a deal he wants 10 cookies for information I already asked that guy James over at the counter for cookies I didn't get one cookie listen here James I need cookies I feel like James is not respecting his elder right now he goes Oh cookies are five coins you'll need to earn some money Jimbo the garb can take you I don't know if I won Jimbo the guard to take me what does Jimbo the guard look like speaking of which where is it why is this guard Jimbo once again it's a girl I just I don't why why is this currently happening to me Diglett how do you feel about this nonsense no Diglett I'm not giving you ten cookies as well I have to go give them there see more over here sir this is the toy factory wait a second am I in a toy factory because I've got to do some hard labor is that how you make coins inside of prison what is this the boss baby hey you maybe you could help me out I don't know if I want to help you out here chief I'm just looking for some coins I'll make it worth your while Oh some babies broke my machine fix it and I'll give you ten coins I need five levers on the green blocks and two pressure plates on the orange okay deal sounds easy as heck but I'm about to become rich I ten coins ten cookies where do I get the pressure place I have not been given wait why do I get the pressure plates and what do I get believers so he said we need to put pressure plates on the orange and then leavers go on the green but I have little been given no items not only does he expect me to do the labor he expects me to find the parts inside of this giant toy factory okay one lever has been found we need what do we need five levers oh that's the second one all right we're actually not doing as bad as I thought we would do third lever has been found okay two more levers two pressure plates how hard can be way CAI CAI steal this I I don't know if I was supposed to break that one but we totally just did wait where the pressure plates we have yet to find one single pressure plate oh wait a second I found it I've got five levers now sweet we've gotten five leavers seriously where are the pressure plates piglet I need you to use your beautiful beady eyes to find these pressure plates are they in these barrels up here I love me some barrels oh yes there was one inside if you're actually though okay audience Diglett may or may not be a low-key high key genius right now all right now we've got it we've got to think like a pressure plate if we were the second-to-last pressure plate where would we be hiding are you kidding me literally right for how did I not see that sooner maybe I don't deserve the ten coins I don't deserve to escape okay pressure plates on the orange leavers go on the green now you like that boss baby I think we've got a power the machine turning the machine on ladies and gentlemen fix the toy machine good work yo Real Talk though for all the work we just did is it really worth 10 coins could we maybe barter for 2015 can I get any more always giving me a secret if you're looking for more coins I've heard of a secret stash near the courtyard okay you know what he's not gonna give us the extra coins we wanted but this does suffice temporarily I may or may not have found the courtyard big boss baby was talking about wait wait baby Leah ash what are you doing inside of here wait baby unspeakable okay am I seeing things I'm gonna close my eyes and reopen them and these are gonna be disappearing because this is clearly a dream okay they're not disappearing hi welcome to the courtyard what are you doing out here I'm looking for a secret stash by the way why are you here why are there baby versions of other youtubers this is starting to really creep me out right now maybe look in the pond I saw baby Preston swim down there Thank You Lea ash I'm going to pet her on the head I don't I don't know if this is bedding or punching wait there's even a baby jelly no okay today could not get any more weird let's go check the bottom of the pond where is the pond is this the pond or is this the pond right here oh I see a secret all yes there it is the secret step wait remember coins on top of tree do not forget I just learned to write and this is my not use then to get to top okay great so my son clearly is 5 years old because it looks like he has even passed 3rd grade English yet and his grammar oh don't even get me started on my son's grammar it is an abomination right now so how do we get up on top in the street so I'm starting to think these have got to be the Vince he was talking about inside of the note hey audience I need you all to do me a very supreme solid favor if you have not already I know you guys have literally heard me say this probably a bajillion times but for the people who are not subscribed take the device you watch this video on turning like this unless you are watching on your computer Xbox Playstation but just make the red subscribe button grey that's the most important part and enable the Bell notifications because if you don't I will be forced to drop Diglett but nobody wants to see that right I mean come on he's so cute giggling I have some very good news Cinco DeMayo May 5th free domestic shipping on all orders just use code free ship Fiesta good news yeah we've got some parkour going to the top of this tree over here oh this is not the easiest parkour either I like it I like a challenge audience if something in life is too easy it's usually not worth it or it is a trap now what are we supposed to go oh there's a ladder dude I was about to try to go the other I would have been in very world of pain I do see a chest right there on top of the tree so far away dude I want to know who stashes money this far who heck is like this is really really dangerous Wow okay I actually took two hearts of damage right there I wasn't even sure if I was gonna make it I almost called unspeakable gaming and said please tell my mom I love her if I don't make this jump but thankfully the Lord was good and I made the jump now okay can I just keep at the top of this tree already no I feel like I've been literally climbing to the top of this tree half of this YouTube video 15 golden coins literally how much we were asking from the boss baby this is perfect whoa whoa hold on there's an argument right now inside of the food hall Seymour Chris calm down you're supposed to be calm are you ready for the coin drop wait a second come on somebody's dropping coins I would support give me some coins baby President Jimmy going son he's baiting us oh we just got one Oh got two got three give me some more give me some more dad gummit he's not dropping any more died can all three of them yeah that's right I'm rich you like me now Seymour the ashes chillin over here next to the prison mine she says hi again look at this she's talking about the ladders that are going down what is down there it's the mines I lost my rabbit down there can you help him find his way back please I'm gonna go down here because I am trying to be a nice human being Diglett sit up straight posture is everything oh she be coming around the mountain when she comes I where is this pet rabbit that rabbit I'm looking for you right now hey I found the rabbit yo-yo rabbit no no come here yes yes oh my god this is the slowest rabbit I have ever seen in the entire world I thought rabbits were supposed to be speedy listen guys while the rabbit is doing that don't forget it you guys get to one of the new videos in the first 60 minutes you have a chance to have your comments featured right here below so get to a brand new video as quickly as possible if you want to get your comments featured yes we have given you your rabbit back Leah now I do expect a very small reward okay so baby Leah ass just ran rate she's running away without the pet rabbit we just saved what about Fluffles oh wait baby Preston announcement system there has been a dick wood hidden away good luck finding it big prize diglettz where is your brother hiding inside of this prison tell me I don't know how big their orders for finding this Diglett but all I know is I'm gonna find it maybe it's inside of one of the chests that we found earlier who is it in that chest hold a foam baby wait it's not in there but I did get a lollipop chocolate bar and hard candy take that James you want it going for cookies I just Jack joke candy guys if my son has imprisoned you in his prison I apologize on his behalf okay clearly he has just not been disciplined enough by his mom aka Breanna she's been letting him run a little bit too loose lately is he up the tree okay why would Diglett be inside of a tree that makes no sense Diglett is a grand pokemon if he's in this tree I'm gonna be kind of upset he spaghetti because he really should be in the ground and not inside of a tree oh my goodness why is here so much bark or inside of prison oh my gosh I have been stuck inside of this present for far too long starting to Loki lose my mind yes wait it's a Diglett toy dude this whole time I thought it was a real Diglett it was a Diglett toy we only got 10 gold coins you gotta be kidding me I'm back in my cell right now and I just got a message if you can steal and bring me five candies I will give you eight coins use Vince in 14b how do we know dude I don't even know wait does a baby Breanna in here what since when did she exist is this cell 14 B I don't know what cell is what because there's no numbers on them this is the worst label prison I've ever seen in my entire life look I don't want to assume but if I know anything about my wife Breanna she loves candy and if there's anything like it honor its like a mother was it you baby Breanna did she hold the candy she was do you have the kids yes I've got the candies it's funny because my mother-in-law calls Breanna Baby B hey she took all my candy broham yo she asked for five she took all fifteen you little crazy baby dude I'm like going broke now it's time for us to finally buy cookies from James I would like ten cookies please bail me 50 coins what do you mean them and what thought it was brought so I'm not even kidding I thought that it was one coin per cookie not five coins that is so overpriced I literally feel like I just got robbed I got your 10 cookies cool so the secret is to go in the mine follow all the way back then busy through the wall with this pickaxe and you're golden wait what does busy does he mean mine is this a typo is it just a baby and he doesn't understand I have no clue I do know one thing I know that we must go down back into this monstrous hole where the rabbit was found am I going to need this iron sword or this Apple is this like a death flag that I'm about to be fighting somebody soon because I hope it's not at least we don't have to bring a rabbit all the way back to the surface that goes like two miles per hour that is the blessing and not the curse this time around here inside of the sewer Oh No wait why is my son here hey baby Preston hey don't call your dad a noob oh my gosh what are wrong with these spiders they're like candy red Oh Oh son you have no idea how mad you have just made your dead these spiders are literally getting shrekt yeah you got one more spider left like a tactic like no damage from them baby Preston hey where you going you're trying to run away from your dad yeah come back here you ain't gonna escape my clutches I've got you wait wet what my sore disappeared how do you keep making it deeper because I'm literally your dad kid you won't beat this room ha ha its craft room yes I could tell from all the graphic tables and the massive amount of jests I hid my supplies I bet you can't crap them I learned you know you really think I'm not gonna be able to get out of this you've got another thing coming I may hit you in the head cook then I might do that right hook but I'm not because you're my son there's a figure of speech guys craft a bow leather set wooden tools furnace and all die wolves do you realize how easy that is for a master crafter such as myself leather acquired and we just got the string for the bow oh and we've got wood which I know we need that for the bow and there was something else we needed it before I'll remember here just a moment huh so I think what do you call a stone because we needed to make a furnace and there was a couple other things you need it as well and finally the wool with every single Dino - man cut this is so easy dude literally wait can I just make the dye like this this is so dumb oh wait we made everything check this out we've got to be getting close there in his last defense baby Mays get me out of here chief Werner Olin I gotta say though the prison was magnificent I don't think I can build something that looks this good inside of Minecraft so I am Loki impressed although I do not like the fact that we are currently going through a vent maze I've never been good at mazes I don't know if my son is gonna mazes but if he's anything like his father he is probably hot garbage we're getting so close I could feel it in the chick-fil-a chicken nuggets there it is ladies and gentlemen we have done it baby Preston's behind it smell I'm not gonna stop baby Preston I'm your dad I tell you what to do ladies and gentlemen if you want to watch videos click either one of these have a wonderful day look at his paper baby present huh see you all next time [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 9,728,664
Rating: 4.9371929 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: bJ2Qm2rIyIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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