7 Ways to PRANK Noob1234's Girlfriend in Minecraft!

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I've never seen something so incredible in my entire life this behind me is new one two three four girlfriends house and if you're wondering how I know this is her house it's because Breanna found her on her YouTube channel if you want the proof you just have to go to Brandis channel to watch the video so you can see for yourself one thing I got a mint loopy would fit perfectly in new one two three fours girlfriends house seriously we gotta shorten that I'm just gonna start calling your girlfriend I think that's just an easier way to handle it roofie would you like to live here in girlfriend's house go okay listen give me any more attitude floopy and I will leave you right here on this piece of carpet for the first prank we are going to be trapping her inside of her own nether portal this says it even works okay her nether portal is so bad so not only am I gonna fix this for her but I am going to prank her with it and she also left on game mode privileges for her server so I'm actually able just to do things in creative mode I don't know if she actually knows how to enter creative mode but that's a her problem not an us problem so let's go ahead and turn the portal on for her and what we're gonna do is we're gonna make this a little bit bigger just like so once we build this up to the required dimensions we're gonna do it again it in the nether and on the front and back side of the portal we're gonna put purple stained-glass here so again because we're gonna want to watch her okay when she goes inside of this it is going to be hilarious I've got two teleportation blocks so I could teleport to the nether as we speak and this is what it's going to look like so what she goes into the nether she's gonna be really confused and of love she has building blocks and then her pearl she's not going to be able to get out and then she's gonna come back to the overworld and it's going to look like this except I'm gonna have this blocked up it's going to be amazing I drank an invisibility potion and she's now looking at her portal I should have put the front of the entrance on the other side but I still think she's now interested enough that she's gonna go check it out we have to be careful we can't make any noise okay she's punching at the Obsidian why hit don't punch the Obsidian her name is girl 1 2 3 4 that is way better than saying noob 1 2 3 4 s girlfriend which was very complex oh yes come on go inside you noob don't put a flower down yes this is perfect oh she's going in oh she's got go go go go here we go here we go fast fast yes wait hold on what is she doing in the nether right now yeah she's freaking out but it's exactly how I wanted it to go what is she doing well I think it's safe to say one she's not on to use game-mode in her server oh she's going back to the overworld and it looks like she has no building blocks and no ender pearls and there we go she has completely blocked both sides ladies and gentlemen I can't believe this worked this is so easy to get out of if you just had a pickaxe or a tender pearl and she's going back into the nether okay there is no helping this noob I don't know about you guys but I missed July 4th so for this prank I like to call it the firework prank she's gonna see this easy parkour display which you like you can't fail this it is so easy you don't even think you need a sprint at all to complete any of this parkour down inside of here we have these dispensers which are going to be shooting off awesome fireworks and what girl doesn't love a beautiful firework display I mean come on I'm a guy and I also love fireworks I mean I'm pretty sure everybody likes fireworks so we're gonna put these in the dispenser but in the final destination right here there is going to be a TNT block every we're gonna do we're going to encase the stage right over here with barrier blocks so she can't jump over it and jump out oh yeah this is perfect now we should put a sign down finish the end to see the most amazing firework show ever we drink invisibility potion and lie in wait Oh a target has acquired the sign she is now reading it okay the real talk though if this prank managed us to work I need everybody who was watching this on their device right now to turn their device like this make the red subscribe button great especially if you want to see more Frank's like this how long is she going to read this sign for does she really I know what a firework is she called it a firework is that a furry wookie from Star Wars okay if she manages to fail to parkour more than twice I'm gonna have the bar barrier blocks down so she doesn't fail the parkour yes No okay at least I have made it so that the water will teleport you back if you fail but this is starting to get ridiculous I'm about to start teleporting her stop looking down you can't make parkour jumps and all you do is look down why is she down looking up this is not a part of my pranking master plan oh she's about to make it to the first fireworks come on the first firework dispenser here she goes big jump yeah do that firework actually like a really cool oh yeah see by now she's probably geeking out she's thinking like wow this is the coolest thing since sliced gravy let's keep going forward don't go backwards what are you doing you need to go forward okay please go forward there you go yes the next firework is calling your name and it is going to be the same exact color way tonight okay I must have put in the same color fireworks forgive me oh they're literally all bacon okay whatever here we go she's almost oh come on come on just a couple more jumps yes yes you can do this one more jump please yes come on come on okay that worked out way too well this may be the world's most elaborate prank that I think I've ever done in Minecraft we were going to be building a treasure map for girl one two three four so we are going to be right-clicking certain areas for her to explore which will eventually lead to her and keating doom well she'll just get pranked okay that's a bad habit or but if we right-click her house that is where I want the first part of the treasure hunt to start then the second one we're gonna want to do is her nether portal and as you can see the map is continuously involving which like I said this is insane I am going to great links to prank her the third place we want her to inspect is this ravine moving along we have a new one two three fours head over here with a heart above it don't don't ask any questions okay and then what she goes here we want her to go all the way around this mountain into the entrance of the secret bunker which is our final destination and now that this is set up she'll know exactly where to go and we're gonna go inside the secret bunker I know it's kind of a big secret bunker okay I did not make a small secret bunker this is where we're gonna be putting down the red dress that of course has any girl one two three four look how big this thing is this thing is like this is massive it kind of looks like the red Preston Stiles Pizza fire hoodie I'm wearing right now which you should totally go check out at Preston sounds calm so now what we have to do is we need to set the tripwire hooks don't ask me how but I have fixed the dress alright now we're gonna put down our little tripwire hooks over heater with the string yes yes and I'm not going to tell you what happens okay that would spoil the prank but now we need to go deliver this beautiful treasure map to her mailbox the world's most ugly mailbox ladies and gentlemen treasure map has been delivered and the only doorbell we have is a giant Bell so we are just going to spam this and hope she hears it [Music] okay this is good let's get we are waiting at the entrance of the bunker knowing girl one-two-three it might take 10 years for her to figure out the treasure map I tried to make it as easy as possible so while we are waiting for the new but 1-2-3-4 girlfriend if you guys could do me a favor go to my Instagram page help me reach 2 billion followers route 1.1 million right now and I really want to hit 2 million before the end of this year that would be huge and now it pretty much yeah we're just gonna sit here and we're going to wait because I don't even see her name tag anywhere on her now love this is gonna take but they believe we have the magic of editing fine magic of editing has saved us here is girl 1 2 3 4 oh I see that treasure map in your hand girl you must to pick up that treasure map what you doing what you doing oh no oh she sees the dress she's like yes this is what I wanted come on take the bait take the bit oh my god literally the oldest trap in the book ladies and gentlemen so much so that I just felt through it myself look at that's actually massive like nobody is surviving this it's not like two blocks open up it's like that's like 10 blocks that's kind of insane I think I went a little bit overkill on girl 1 2 3 4 and what kind of feel bad so you know how I said I was feeling bad for girl 1 2 3 4 well this prank is kind of next-level we we have a crafting bench and we also have an empty box and inside of this empty box it is specially created to hold not only a spider spawn egg but also a wither rose and also a fire charge so what she opens the bugs a spiders gonna spawn she's gonna get the wither effect and she probably most likely get set on fire I don't know whether to call myself a genius or an evil mastermind oh sorry 2:5 it's even called a housewarming present because of course she's new to the neighborhood so bad I can't help it it's the inner prankster in me okay look how big this present is it's like bodacious on my screen well oh my gosh it's so big okay I was going to leave her a book but I think the president is going to do us the perfect amount of justice okay now I just need to make sure that she actually opens it up it's time to ring the doorbell ladies and gentlemen here we go oh come on go there she is yes take the box oh wait don't know oh my gosh if she opens it inside it might light her entire house on fire because it's made of wood planks okay wait wait I'm starting to regret this and she's got wool inside oh this could be so bad oh no save it as these what are these called I forget what they're called scaffolding that's what they're called she's geeking out in the chat now okay I feel so bad whoa oh my gosh okay thank God it did not set her house on fire why is she what she's killing the spider with the campfire I'm kind of an what am i watching right now the spider has like no interest in her speaking of fire this next prank is almost as diabolical as the last one we have rainbow sheep right everybody loves rainbow sheep they're cute too they're fluffy but these rainbow sheep are not necessarily so cute and fluffy I mean they still are very cute but what happens when you add a rainbow sheep spawn egg with a fire charge it engraved creates a rainbow flaming sheep you can't place them down on anything but irons if I place this down over here everything would catch on fire and the world would burn so I'm gonna place down about 10 of these or so and of course as a girl 1 2 3 4 she's going to want to open this and come cuddle with them but unfortunately she might meet her fiery it's free rainbow sheep for cute girls oh man there's something wrong about this guy's oh no she still she's gonna open the gate she's I would open the gate would you open the gate vomit if you would open the gate I know you would because I know I would open the gate oh no oh my gosh part of it's already catching on fire she's letting them out Oh oh my gosh no no oh this is bad okay I did not expect this much destructive power oh no no no no no no this is gone wrong seriously I did not mean for this to happen guys wait they're heading for her house no no no no no no no okay kill the Sheep oh my god can you believe there's too many there's too many sheep and it's heading directly for a house the entire world is literally being caught on fire as we speak no the flames the raging door there is nothing we can do to stop this oh my gosh it's gonna burn there's nothing we can do to save this even her four flowers in the front of her house are going down no no what she left her door open to the Sheep er go inside Oh okay cut cut this this is too much for this next prank we have a pot of gold in the middle of the jungle and as we all know Newtons can't resist treasure they can't resist gold diamonds all these beautiful things they love but unfortunately at the end of this rainbow it's not your average pot of gold there are these living gold blocks yes they are literally living if we grab ourselves a diamond pickaxe go into game mode zero and attempt to mind these they will then come alive and all started to edit a lot of damage like they deal a substantial amount of damage and there's only five of them and I plan on putting a lot of living gold blocks for girl one two three four and I'm pretty sure the poor girl's not even come harmed so she's literally not going to stand a chance whatsoever but they are killable as you can see I got rid of them I did lose a lot of hearts but they're not impossible to kill but for girl one two three four they're impossible alright I think I want to do like a nice let me see okay if we're gonna do this we're gonna do it the right way alright we're gonna try to be organized if at all possible I'm not a hippie I'm not a very organized person as you all probably know but I could still try to make this look decent it already looks pretty scuffed don't judge me we're already off-center and you get the point okay now we're gonna fill it in with a ton of these blogs I don't want to hear anything in the comments about how this looks ugly okay it is what it is all right it is one of this oh man this is so much living gold blogs this is going to be bad for this is gonna be so bad for her I'm little be worried I'm actually worried for her life I can't believe I would say that but I'm actually worried fur and you know we got to make it look irresistible so we're going for that like nice kind of pyramid stacking block effect look when you stack everything up and it looks just so nice you can't resist it oh yeah I mean come on look at that yeah that looks amazing you wanna mine it no matter what it's a stretch but I think she'll read the sign and she'll actually believe it free gold at the end of the putt I did what else do we say I mean there's like really nothing else to say maybe we'll just add in a cute little I promise no I can't say I promise I would feel too bad because technically I'm breaking a promise and a man is only as strong as his words nah guys she brought a wooden pickaxe why it says gold why would you bring a wooden pickaxe if you are trying to put did she survive that she did okay maybe I should add some water or like something bird I have built for her a puddle of water there is no way she can miss this she still came back and brought another wooden pickaxe what are you doing if you miss this no you jumped too far I can't what am I supposed to do with her I don't even feel bad for her anymore okay she she is just the biggest noob in the world oh here it is this is where all havoc is about to be released yeah she says she's she's got dual wielding wooden pickaxes I have never seen this before and I am not even upset dude it's gonna take her really it's going to take her ten years to mine through this first coal block come on girl one two three four dad's gonna break she's gonna break it oh my gosh oh oh look at all of these blocks chasing her I've never seen something so incredible in my entire life look she's gonna have to fight you can't outrun the vlogs oh my gosh okay once again look at the blocks they're like what do we do now oh I'm so glad I built this and did not put a ladder here so they are going to be stuck here forever don't worry I promise to treat - well blocks and feeds you once a month now if you've been watching my videos for a while you know I have this custom thing called a super dispenser which launches everything inside of the dispenser all at once it's pretty much the best thing since sliced toast and what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be placing it down but this time we actually have a super dispenser activator before I needed them to walk over a pressure plate or trip wire but now I've got a remote control which makes life infinitely easier and better this may be our best prank of all time so I've lined this area out as you guys can already tell and this is where we're gonna put a lot of diamonds like just spread them out in the area I gotta make it look believable okay I can't have them too close to each other and we can't have too many but we also can't have too few it's gotta be believable I mean this is a lot of diamonds okay if I solve this I would freak out now here comes the fun part this is where we are going to set up our super dispensers and basically what I like to call a crossfire oh man we're gonna put them all down on this side to even one do we want a double crossfire yeah I think we want a double crossfire we definitely want a double crossfire this is too much this is this is gonna be so many super dispensers shooting at once oh my gosh what have I done and then now okay the only boring part filling them each with arrows will take some time but don't worry the magic of editing I am so glad I'm in game mode because otherwise I would definitely get caught in this crazy crossfire pandu I see our noob she's mining iron there's all this diamond here and she's mining iron you can't help somebody who don't want to be helped ladies a gentleman you just can't come on yes oh this is beautiful oh she's probably yeah she's absolutely in heaven right now seeing all these diamonds I wouldn't mind a few wait she's got a wooden pickaxe she can't even mined them you know what release the Kraken yeah all this worked out this is this worth this is too good okay oh we might have froze the minecraft server holy guacamole what have we done okay let's and learn way less super dispensers are necessary when pranking girl one two three which brings us to the ports of the video where if you comment in the first 60 minutes we will feature your comments right here so make sure you guys comment join the notification squad have an amazing day leave your prank suggestions down below and I will see you all next time goodbye everybody [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 26,783,371
Rating: 4.8849459 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: xIuhi6dAt4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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