What Happens When Minecrafters Dream... ASLEEP (Minecraft Custom Roleplay)

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oh hello what's going on logged on zip here welcome to asleep a Minecraft role-playing slash adventure map created by ninja Noah five have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep well take a journey my friends through your mind into the crazy world of dreams and hopefully enjoy downloads in the description thanks for leaving a like thanks for subscribing let's start oh man how's a good dinner but I'm tired let's get a pretty late probably go to bed I got to be up early tomorrow for work I think drum already went to sleep too alright we'll leave the light on just in case he goes out yeah it doesn't look like he's gonna be getting up anytime soon alright good night everyone huh all shadow border controls intervene right away oh man I'm always late it's not one thing it's another and I always get lost in these corridors where am I supposed to go yes Oh again shoot of course it's always the green path that's what they told me in training all right let's go get to work where's my computer all right down low we need to the daily grind it never ends those are some interesting figures attention bow meters look outside what's going on captain what's happening oh no incoming to Bruno Hey Hey should we be worried about this oh they're gonna hit us wait what are we supposed to do I didn't get any skate POG right now let's go oh man I didn't think this would actually happen come on escape pod where are you oh I should have paid attention oh jeez this is terrible let's go where's my escape pod do I need to activate it escape pods let's go oh man all right it could be good for now let's activate this baby come on preparing smash come on hurry up hurry up hurry up let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go into the Space Station need to contact earth so I get out of here ASAP which one of these levers was it oh this is terrible I don't remember which one I wish I brought my training manual with me come on one of these should work any of them come on why are there this many buttons anyways it's like they don't want me to escape come on one of these communication center the docking station another docking station one of these is bound to work come on I need to get out of here stat geez come on maybe through here locked again blast sums over here maybe I can access the computer come on computer help me out what are we doing hello anyone there yes we're here did you escape the spacecraft explosion yes please send help all right guys we're on it oh man this is terrible forward cell Bob family are they sending hope oh good they're coming in oh thank goodness this is awful oh there they are I'm so glad you made it okay if you land on the gold you win now spin to win look does if spin to win oh you know I will baby let's spin to win I'm feeling good about this one will he we're gonna get its find out slam oh god zip you've just won a million dollars what oh my life is about to chow and yeah life or a double or nothing good enough are you willing to play I guess let's do it you have three doors one has two million dollars behind it the others have nothing choose wisely man I'm out of gamblin man but I'm feeling pretty good about this one I'd say go right cuz rights always best but you know I'm feeling real left tonight baby let's do it Oh we'll give you one more shot alright let's go right you've just won two million dollars yeah it's raining money I want to okay do this sanity do you guys love me what I'll share something with you all if you just start cheering come on what I'm his mother no oh hey hey man you better watch out true Oh guess what what oh hey what'd you do what's happening what me oh no I got to get over this stat what's going on hey no not the house that was a nice place Oh sorption snow good which he was a huge - no not the squid huh what's going on how's rained from the oh we got a void the cows oh geez so both of the dreams of the day look like his most safe at least look at me all right gizmo you got it up this is the weirdest story I've ever heard man huh it's probably time to start heading home huh what was it Oh No the tracks blew up I got no way out now oh geez we got to find another way what's this oh I'm alive oh nice cave at least we got some goodies in here I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here you man huh yeah you come here he's speaking to me yeah jump on my back it's the only way no can't do that come on just do it I'm strong what do it all right I mean your job I'm true oh man you got some strong upper body strength friends this is crazy I don't feel comfortable jumping on you like this but I need to get home already let's go ah dead end now how am I gonna get out of here hey why are you glowing just about hmm button too huh huh hey oh man whoa unread cheers good you know I didn't mean it I don't know come on I don't want any of it okay Oh hey there welcome to the pit Kade here's some tokens for the game thank you have fun I came here empty-handed thank you so much now I can actually see what these pig caves are all about I've got some options here let's see what we want to play first I'm a big fan of pac-man let's give this a shot let's throw in our token pac-man let's do it no maybe a Pakman doesn't work all right let's try a different game how about this one what do we have nothing there either let's try that man again I think that's the best choice we've got all right let's see what we got come on I'm feeling it oh hey oh what the you gotta be kidding me all right let's do our best I got avoid these ghosts at all cost maybe we can find the power pellets we'll luck out and take them out step at a time so far so good no sign of the enemies yet wonder where they could be is that him right there is that a power pellet oh that's a ghost hey no stay away oh he's coming after me oh this isn't what I signed up for I'm starting to wonder if this is real life or if this is just a dream oh just dodged him okay we got to be real careful about this get all the pellets we can I'm pretty sure they're right on my tail oh man are they are they oh they're all on my tail hey take it easy boys I'm not trying to cause any problems here I'm just trying to eat some power pellets pretty sure we've gotten most of them by now still two more good hey no no no run oh there's another oh we should escape they're all on me right now I can't let them get me we're almost done with these pellets got to find the rest of them stat okay there's another ghost hey hey hey come on I don't mean it up stay away from me fiends where the rest of these pellets we need to get him let's see okay they're all on me right now I can see much more from this view almost there oh they're coming for me oh they're getting closer again so close last pellet come on let's go I think I got it maybe anything else come on come on Oh stay back ghosts you're getting a little too close for comfort right now two more two more come on Oh just made it oh well that was weird and it ate my other tokens but think I'd better take a look at that machine yeah I think so but supposed to tip I'm rigged about that machine it ate all my focus not a good Oh hey be careful oh oh oh he's in for it now yeah let's see how you do Punk didn't think so fire on 8th Street all available firemen report to the garage I'm on my way sir let's do it in we go alright let's dig him out boys on our way getting closer come on any day now let's get out of there good good good where's the fire oh all right there's a plant trapped oh jeez alright I'll save him let's go here we go we got to look out for this man where's he at I think he's probably upstairs I caught a glimpse of him up there I'm coming sir don't worry about a thing not a fair either where are you Oh be careful either I'm getting closer just come with me don't worry I'm here to help let's go you have to jump down okay there's a trampoline at the bottom let's go let's go let's go let's go you got Oh Oh be careful oh yeah did you make it don't you're good good go all right there we go watch out Oh is everyone all right man are you okay it's gonna blow out look out step back and ladies and gentlemen this is your pilot speaking we will be arriving shortly and our destination here the bath urge you to remain in your seats is there may be turkeys or other unexpected things pardon me oh I gotta go I've been holding this in for ages pants about to explode I better do it before we land all right don't mind me I just got it passed out make sure no one's watching whoo much better all right a place to wash my hands though this isn't good hey what uh uh oh hey captain what's going on here I got a bad feeling about this hey what are you doing um should I be worried right now um probably check out the front of the plane hey what's going on uh what oh hey what's going on all right screw this I'm getting out of here I got a jump oh it's just the right move what's happening oh man oh man oh man oh no all right let's tie my jumps a little bit nicer I feeling lightheaded right now this plate has got me feeling all sorts of weird ways oh man be careful be careful the last cloud all right right around the corner here but all right we're safe for now gizmo gauge that you oh no oh yes whoa oh wow guys I was quite a nightmare oh thank goodness it's over oh geez No where am I now oh what's going on hey what's this now what um um what do I need to know stay back what are you cRIO see what's happening no stay away from me I don't want to have to hurt you man no no stay back I'm a deaf with my bow all right I didn't want to have to do this hey hey hey no no no no not the minions stay away stay away stay away stay away Oh all right stay away I've had just about enough of you man those arrows what kind of magic demon are you I got a go for the strikes Oh No step away come on oh no this nightmare never ends I don't think so not today creo si I'm gonna use your own fire flames against you taste your own medicine Punk yeah that's right try and stop me now I'm unstoppable I've got as many lives as I want in this world and I'm gonna make use of every single one to take you out it doesn't matter anymore you don't scare me I mean to scare me a little but I've got a lot of health to work with and you ain't got nothing that's for me I'll find the strength to press on I don't care about your arrow brain you can't stop me now creo si I'm feeling way too good about this that's right that's right what do you have you don't have anything on me your strikes don't scare me that's right do something about it now huh who's gonna stop me huh huh huh oh the bridge it's rebuilding itself maybe now I can get out of here oh geez huh huh oh this bridge I thought it was that bridge well thank goodness let's just get out of here already I'm ready to call it a day must be that beacon over there all right we're almost out of here this is the strangest nightmare I've ever had I just need to wake up already let's go we're getting closer knowing me something else is going to pop up right now and just take away my only goal come on Oh oh that was insane huh probably up don't say DOS you friends that was asleep and that was my best faith effort the same character as best I could for asleep easily one of the coolest maps I've ever played I'd like to think I did I write given I did not know what was coming in between sheets map so I hope you enjoyed this roleplay if you do any want to see more role plays on the channel or just more fun maps like this then please a rating is much appreciated hope you enjoyed make sure you subscribe for future Minecraft videos again downloads in the description thanks for watching have a great day and have a nice sleep we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,370,989
Rating: 4.9113278 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft kids videos, kids minecraft channel, no bad words, no swearing, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, minecraft roleplaying, voice acting, minecraft roleplay adventure, roleplay adventure, minecraft dreams, minecraft asleep, minecraft dreaming, dreams in minecraft, logdotzip, gaming, custom, map, custom roleplay adventure, custom roleplay
Id: sEaERMjMC3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2015
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