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Hey what's going on guys slog that zip here welcome to a serious adventure yeah it's gonna be exciting this is crack the safe press these four buttons upon loading up the map which is by lub Cubs gaming you didn't know you have a link to their channel in the description of this video and check out this is the man that made map oh man looks scary anyways you're probably wonder what we're doing in this map well it's simple there is a book in here titled your mission spy love Cubs I mean a secret agent let's read on do you wish to accept this mission yes go to page three okay hmm after acquiring information from a hacker organization the flaming ancient kinetic explosive spies decided it would be best to send me in you are our best agent right doesn't matter we have blasted you with an atomic scaler this allows you to be only 2 inches tall yes we realize it probably would have been better to tell you or ask you before blasting you and your sleep and dropping you up but since you are here you may as well continue with the mission after all you don't get it you need to start by hacking into the hackers computer no not technically like really get into that thing good luck agent Wow well we got our work cut out for us and looks like we're about to jump into an actual computer and my god what is this filthy thing I was not worried about too much we got some other books in here as well recording for YouTube I'm gonna take a look at these right now ooh this one's a book of cheats is the hint book I don't want to use this we're gonna leave this one here I'm a big boy alright and then there's a secondary objective as well and ER drives there's ten of them throughout the whole room if we find some we find some if we don't find somewhere on friends so I think we're good to start let's go ahead and begin start ooh actually what is this I can't get in here it's a barian what does it mean I don't know okay we can now get in nice look at this did you make this love Cubs this is amazing look how big Wow well there's the computer we got a hack into that somehow seriously what am i the world's smallest man in Minecraft tiny look at this it reminds me that dropper map yo this is crazy I love being two inches tall okay so there's a computer over here we got a trash can kick huh looks like someone's been blown and now it's disgusting and anyways we got that we've got hmm thank goodness for Optifine huh ooh that looks like a vent we've got some books reading flowers delicious is that a creeper it's a big old door right there we got a chair and we got everything else well okay let's start at the computer Oh chests that must be a drive I'm ready what kind of all right so where do we get in this thing huh oh here we go got a ladder okay so it's like a parkour oh uh I'm ready oh boy thought I missed I didn't though it's okay all right let's see well can't really get in through there we get through the bars can we see anything of importance from here though any chest hanging out oh wait we can almost definitely now hold on a sec I'm gonna get this and a chest yeah or Drive whatever you're called check it out we got one of those drives one ding or whatever okay yeah we did it all right let's go computer make our jump down on in come on we need to hack into the mainframe literally we're doing that right now that makes me feel so smart I'm smart I'm evil I'm both usually that happens all right so we're guys this is one of computers made of the finest technology beautiful thousands of dollars of getting into this device make it look real good but what am I doing here do I can't break this I'm in adventure mode okay there's some over here all right oh hey what is this oh wow wow wow the plot thickens yeah let's press that button press Oh nothing was found on the motherboard while we try to figure out your next step you should find a bite to eat I believe we saw a mini-fridge in that room well that's great I was so hungry let's go ahead and get to that mini fridge mini fridge okay are we not hacking anymore actually this wasn't here before maybe the command book that makes sense okay so we need to find a mini fridge now huh all right I feel it but where is it do we need to like oh is this the fridge okay I thought this was like a file cabinet or something delicious all right what does it have inside hopefully my favorite snacks and goodies yo everybody what's your favorite healthy snack and then what's your favorite junk snack I'm curious leave a comment you know mine is my favorite healthy snack probably gonna be a good fruit smoothie is always nice just some fruit ice and water and then unhealthy snack gotta hit him with the got him with goldfish yeah anyways what you want we're in the fridge it's a banana what is this ooh other than where it came in I'm stupid all right ooh can we get through here nice oh boy hey actually those ladders and stuff what do I want to do first mmm let's check it over here because it's easier to get to I'm not feeling like drought did you hear that do you hear that noise I wonder if that's part of the map or if it's just thundering oh boy I've missed actually what were we supposed to do oh you're supposed to check out love Cubs channel a bite to eat oh we're just trying to find food I thought we're trying to find like something real specific let's give this another shot this should take us to the food storage ooh hey another Drive that's two out of ten yeah all righty can we oh boy art would missed well let's check behind the cherries and Kate yeah okay nothing all right mmm want it Tyler need it look at me I'm just ascending all that wasn't really that bad at all to be honest okay up we are we're in the freezer the icebox ice pry smacking with a thirty baby anybody the reference anyone no all right fine um now what is this this okay so these are ice all right okay so these are ice cubes and then this is just more ice what are we doing here we got meat um oh there's a ladder can't get up here for anything Hey now we cookin up something good what is this can i I'm trying to be able to see what the f5 there's a button I should have known Yeah right log-odds if we tried scanning the room and found that there's a small crawlspace in the roof you should be able to find a vent up all right well oh man yo smallest man in the largest thunderstorm I'm getting a little bit nervous we got to find that vent in the roof though we're years um we can't do anything with this maybe we just need to wait a vent in the roof of the of the giant room dude I'm finna scape all right so we're out of the freezer into the fire something like that can't do anything yeah actually that's just trash is that just like a gross tissue filthy love cub what are you doing that's really Cruz man unless I'm just gross and that's not what it is so there's a vent that we need to get to how do we get up here well it I've noticed things have been changing when we press buttons stuff changes a little bit there's that vent from before maybe that'll lead us upstairs every time we press a button something changes a little bit about the map so we have to revisit oh man oh wait what do we have here was that say spawn point and jump oh man that must be for some wait a second there's the vent hey this seems perfect right is that it said find a vent up oh no this is the vent we've done it here's our spawn point yo we're doing great so far you ready for this hey what's going on guys log dad zip here before the video begins I'd like to remind you one last time that tomorrow is the final day for you to grab your very own whereĆ­s drumstick t-shirt in real life yeah so supplies are only good until the end of September 26 if you want one now's the time to act with that thank you so much for watching and the video ha oh boy Oh No e does bad alright so I only get a little bit of jump boost only ten seconds let's do this proper whoa ouch dan I keep falling through the game job yeah now do we jump again oh yeah up again man you'll get it with this Hey yeah oh shoot get up yeah okay we made it yeah excellent actually I want to see what those secrets were about you know yeah you know obviously think we're just gonna kill ourselves okay great good bye all right so let's see we're at the spawn anyways let's check out what some of these vents contain because they might have some you know what I mean let's see let's see let's see Oh hit the wall oh it's a barrier there's nothing I just wasted my time let's try this again up we go much better watch this doesn't lead to anything either no it's got to I see something oh there's a skeleton for a second the way the blocks you see what I mean kinda no all right fine well I don't care well let's see what's this way that's obviously the way we need to go days are the barrier I'm trying to find the drives mmm Oh lock that zip there seems to be a loose block near the light fixture will be hard to tell what is up there but you need to do this great alright thanks yeah this gotta suck but too bad it's a nail I swear what do you just have loose nails hanging around love Cubs dangerous what do you take me for I'm not trying to promote dangerous activities can we get through this no but does it lead to anything is there a chest just out of reach somewhere hey there was another end or Drive that's 3 ding perfect so far so good looks like we're gonna need to jump mmm ok here's a hole right but what's this maybe there's something we can do over here like I said try to get those chair off man nothing well we got this hole at least oh hey this looks like where we were you brat you nasty that is the filthiest dirtiest rat I've ever seen oh wow I didn't realize I'm wearing my dad hat right now nice y'all like it thanks yeah I have nothing else to add to what I was saying ok well let's see we need to yes we got past the rat feel if they did he wrote it maybe he's hiding something in his body like a Chester say you know what stupid stupid yeah he sucks okay so oh we can oh nice that went faster I thought so can we do because there's another hole over here oh man there's so many options I don't know what I'm supposed to do maybe there's a button there hey what's this about that's your chest I thought it did well but oh nice no wait a second a loose block near the light fixture that was it that's got to be it but we on the hunt baby for those drives Oh gross we've come across their den yo these ones are fat yo I'm a mess up all their noses they can't smell anything now his nose is pointing to the bottom right typical what come on and and why you eat a sponge I know it's not cheese you're not fooling me love Cubs anyways they're not in here wait I bet you this chest Elizabeth alright let's just go down I think it yeah oh now wait a second I've just done something terrible I hope I great job I think you might need to go digging for some Miller information maybe the garbage maybe the ladder I saw out there yeah I saw it not that smart why are we gonna go to garbage though that's what the slimes for by the way I'm not crying I've just I was coughing off camera it is a creeper and he's got some slime there you know what that means that means we got something to do with the creeper at some point later on okay okay so obviously right so there's wearing one to get to that's great and this is gonna take us where is the trash can anyways the trash cans that way but you see what I mean look at me I'm telling you I'm telling you ding yeah okay that's good so far all right so we got four out of ten like I said I'm not trying to find all ten I'm just trying to find as many as I can my final 10 yeah I'd be great nice I see that button let's use our what else we got around here that is not a chess that's a black will block well whatever let's see can we make it to the creeper from you I just no no no that's ridiculous we could never do that yeah well is worth a shot I love him look at him the kitty is a kitty cat I like those okay anyways let's get back to right oh man all right here we are I see my target it's the slime ooh whoo it's a little mouse oh wow and they got Minecraft on the screen oh nice well I'm gonna make this on my first try just for you love Cubs dang it all right want it need it gotta have it come on baby shoot I've even me to do that go man now we'll never get it yeah yeah it's gone come on mother please how do I keep missing how much was a make fat I can't do that are you kidding me love Cubs I'm just the world's smallest man and I keep falling actually what is that there's something on this middle one no way that's where I was before I think I think can I actually can I do something with this maybe maybe can I please let me jump to the trash can already I know the biggest well maybe something else here I can jump to maybe come on the I mean that's these whoa weird shapes and stuff I don't know but I can't reach that there's no way let's uh let's give this baby shot oh well I didn't even get to jump come on land on it oh boy not just carpet jump [Music] you know the lever on that I wanna let me see if I can hit it before I it huh oh wow what is it is it is slime how about it well I guess a mouse packet that do anything well it's all our issues right cuz it yeah we could just fall in here now but before we do Wow look at this he's playing Minecraft there's a chest I know what it's gotten it - oh I bet you we got to get to that some help maybe one of these would give me a thing you know what I mean something pressing them all come on and nothing well dang well there's nothing so let's just go ahead and Bob it bada-boom bada-bing hey hey not bad big jump we got that big jump now wait a second is that what that does hey what's this log that's it yes our first clue the paper said the safe path and restored the safe manual we think there's a thin black book we're not sure where to find good luck don't fall off the desk okay well great I have a feeling that means we need to be by the desk yeah I just you know I just make sense so let's go ahead and from that we've got that button press one more time oh do you work anymore nice well we have it here at least let's see big old jump would it Oh real big old huh well let's get up to the bulletin board right there yeah oh wait whoops that it oh wow oh no I'm not back here come on with it well at least watch this watch my move watch my move ah is it gonna work oh it is it is Oh what I hate this game it's good actually maybe something on the desk change you know what I mean I tried climbing up here before and it wouldn't let me maybe it lets me now it does there was a barrier block here before wooden let me climb ooh things getting real good No okay oh there's a ladder perfect let's see what can we do another ladder up we go I knew we'd climb it I'm the world's smallest man not the world's dumbest or inefficient although being very small would likely make me very in there's the mmm come free man hey get that oh yeah all right well let's see can we get it there for anything - I wonder let's see well we can't jump I think we gotta just yeah well at least I stole your into drive love Cubs I don't love you so I really mean I forget Wow I'm not good all right so now what are we trying to write this new spot so far so good maybe there's some drives hiding beneath behind the what art what even are these oh wow we're a winner's room nice oh I almost fell okay what is this a spawn point thank goodness that took a while oh that was killing me we had to keep going up to the stupid span up there I but what if we can't ever get back there what if we've missed that nice trying to hide ladders from me we may have missed out on some intro drives at this point we've gotten half of them and I really have no idea how long this map it's to be honest but now there's a button so we have to go for it we we have to does that say anything all right well we go this way instead that sounds good to me not try to hurt anybody man trying to explore other people's property I'm not cute look at him I want one give it to me I jump and boom and we are somewhere new somewhere fresh funky fresh clean any chests for me why see something but I also okay this looks like it's not supposed to have been seen or maybe I don't know I knew it I knew it I knew ooh now assume that does the same thing now what do we have over here hey does that oh boy I don't know do we now wait a second there's some so confused well I think at this point what let's hit this first right there we go hey oh oh no I didn't mean for this let me down a little bit let me down a little bit yeah okay are we still screwed though oh I think we are well now we can hit the stupid trash in the corner yeah watch this watch this Hey hey where does a safe I wonder if I just skipped in a billion amount of steps Oh alright we're still we're still looking for the code it's we're back here and I've got some jump boost so hopefully yeah it keeps me from taking damage excellent a is jest mmm and a drive and it leads to something I wonder what it leads to and are we stuck here what even is this a portrait is it a frame ooh it's a funny man's game oh boy added me to do that don't heal me please I mean I mean do heal me but don't don't come on don't kill me on jump with it alright well we're back here and now we can go this way ah one more jump though I think one more jump I bet you two something up on this one maybe may be come on oh now don't kill the things I do it's awful alright so here we are oh now wait a second I bet you there's something hanging out in between the medals unless there's not in which case I'd be wrong what does that become alright so what do we have here ah we've jumped nothing so far and it doesn't look like we actually missed anything I'm wondering I don't think those buttons do anything just for show okay well that's fine good we got to get to this piece of trash that's got the notes on it with a code come on and and up up up up up well there's a ladder there but can I do anything ever it doesn't look like it alright well we shall move on yeah okay good good good good I think I feel we get to the close we're getting to the close oh it's a silver plaque it's a little play button on neat I went to his room this is maybe it's mine Oh scared I'm in my own room don't realize so here we are there's a button no way with it do I need to jump to the mm II was close now I think yeah we were just over here it's gotta be to the creeper but let's see if there's anything aww I didn't mean to do that well it turns out there was nothing so we'll go ahead and press this button and head over to our creepy friend let's press it from yeah oh no I didn't press jump in time well goodbye oh well we spawn right there well I know I didn't run if it's not one thing it's the other okay we got a Wampus there we go while we're going through the whole time I was wrong in it well third time's a charm it's literally like even pointing to it right there I'm an idiot it's fine it's fine I'm just oh boy right because that's what the slimes for of course what I watch this ah and then watch this one oh yeah I love doing that it makes me feel so powerful now that's a doorknob I don't see any chests near it I think we would just you know what I feel like we're supposed to jump from the creeper to the Rye Rye right well don't mind me I would yeah okay perfect let's try this one more shot I check this out check this out check this out look get it oh I died alright I thought the flowers might have something good for me I will sue me for trying huh let's just move on what do we have well that's a that that looks promising definitely is there something hiding behind the pottery plants and such yeah I knew it ready for this one ding only three more we might get them all they might be like on the way I thought just want to hang out somewhere just in the room that we haven't seen you I don't know well we're about a later unless what okay there oh no wait a second I won't go on actively AG made things yet where are we right now these are books false books they're not real because we can walk in them okay hey oh it's Mitch's room I have your head I'm itch now I can tag you for views just kidding I'm not gonna actually do that you can check but uh that's funny that I would say that it's not that funny all right I'm just gonna take everything give me the sword Mitch oh he did all right sweet now we're ready for anything I'm gonna hold my drives I like to drive hey it's the diamond mine cut now I can really get some views hello everyone dan here man I put the terrible person okay so what's this one Oh Jen it's Jen Wow all these tags that I'm not gonna use but you know what someone out there would I am gonna steal your flower though Jen I'm throwing in the drives I throw the drives what have I done are you kidding me the diamond Monica what have you done to me dan you've ruined my map really though I would give myself more of those okay lesson learned don't throw those and naturally we've got ourselves Pat by popularmmos sorry Pat Botha from when I did Robot Wars yeah I don't want to wear any we got all the heads we could ever possibly need all four friends with us mmm and doesn't look like there's anything in those so let's step it down Wow more books one of them's gotta have something what's taffy oh look at stumpy yum yum mmm I'm still like all my youtuber impressions ooh I'll take that we got war two more I can't count two more to what we have here that is um oh gosh ash does be summer and squiddy I'll take your head oh yeah I mean well we may as well take them off okay nice big old collection big ol and it doesn't look like this there's nothing in the front there either all right there we go another shelf another shelf another one okay well maybe the last ones got a clue or something safe code logged on tip you found the password you should be able to get to the top of the fridge from inside the freezer crack that safe open and get us our information I don't mind if I do and the last book is not even a real book so it means I don't have my book mm sad love me okay so we don't want unless oh that that she didn't kill me well that was nice but we now need to get to the safe inna resting actually I'm curious now I couldn't do it I was gonna see if I could kill myself and get there faster I think we should just get in this way hey this is new okay okay and now we're on top oh we on top of it girl get it okay now what was the code the code was it didn't even write it I gotta go back are you kidding me oh my click cut as I'm saying God or good really I actually don't work oh well I prefer to not talk about how long that took so it is 7 9 4 3 but what we don't know is if the ones it doesn't label well I'm gonna go bike Eden so 7 9 4 3 anything okay so it wasn't that way now let's try the other way 709 4 3 II away it was is already open that after he was already open don't include my lap okay it's open oh oh it's open I was like where's where do we go I thought it was like a shelf no we did it we're inside and a flashdrive we got it nice any others oh I'm actually kind of bummed that we only missed two enter drives spawn point okay here spawn point flash drive and almost done okay what's next you found the flash drive bring it back to the headquarters where you started okay oh boy where did I start over there let's do it oh I'm gonna die I've died final chance to look for the last two chests before we make it to the hole I don't think we're gonna find anything a true shame really I'm gonna check right underneath this chair just in case that would been a great spot for a chest gosh love Cubs what's your name I don't remember sorry I think it's either love well I know it's either love couple herbs couple of but I brought it okay I brought the goodies headquarters enter I've done it resizing it's time to no longer be the world's smallest man or stampy for that matter okay welcome back aged thanks Oh Jerry well what's up Jerry I don't have either of those things you know this I've got some ender drives okay now what is that L Wow oh no oh no I just threw one anyways it's the worst day my life flash drive I did was I supposed to do that I just ruined nah now we did it right almost see what did I just ruin something please let me get this back please hmm scanning drive it accepted it I just drive scanned yes you win hey hey oh and now these are logged in to be found without me information thank you a team save the country did you get all energized or so play some the drive read if not go back and fine for bonus prize well we are just going to attend that we did okay that's what's gonna happen here boom oh boy put it in get it whooping I can't it didn't let me Hey it knows it literally knows it knows what I was up to hey man he's serious and your drums cinnamon all right well we won that's it well I figure this is the best way to use up the rest of our end drives but I hope you enjoyed crack the safe aka the world's smallest minecraft man my love cub cheerio channel linked in the description check out the download map if you want to see for yourself what is behind the secret Andrew drives actually I think I'm just gonna oh boy we're just going to check it out for ourselves I hope you enjoyed oh wow just a bunch of goodies well that's cool - I like goodies and if you like good you should leave a like on this video like I said and subscribe if not all ready to see an awesome video tomorrow and more information on Minecraft 1.7 if you're into that as well make sure you buy my shirts just like the agent said and have a great day my friends ceiling
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 578,769
Rating: 4.7923717 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft kids videos, kids minecraft channel, no bad words, no swearing, smallest minecraft player, smallest minecraft buildings, largest minecraft buildings
Id: afbgX8QfMLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2016
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