I got schooled by YOU on Jamie Oliver, My Bad!

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mistakes were made when you're wrong you need to man up and admit it and I was wrong and here's why on my last video I critiqued Jamie Oliver's steak there was a lot of great information on that video what to do what not to do things that I have learned over the years that I've been cooking steaks even though I still stand behind everything that I said on that video one important thing I got wrong it was not Jamie Oliver cooking the steak now how do I know this well thankfully all of you let me know in the comment section I just want to point out this is not Jamie Oliver it's a chef called Peak bat how did this go through an entire recording session and then editing process and nobody noticed that this isn't Jamie Oliver cooking the steak it's okay what happened tell me what happened guys it was on his YouTube channel I'm sorry like it won't happen again but I'm sorry I I don't know what to say yo Leo you saw the video what do you got to say I heard Jamie Oliver's voice and I saw hands I had no idea that it wasn't Jamie cooking that's not his voice wait what is that his voice no yo Nick Nick so what happened with Jamie Oliver video the Google I have no idea here at sous vide everything we don't make those mistakes 100 we don't make those mistakes over here I feel like I should I deserve it but now today I'm going to react to a video that Jamie Oliver actually cooked the steak okay lovely food tubers now it's time to learn how to do the perfect steak ever in the whole wide world it will change the way that you cook steak forever no more tough steaks I like what he said everybody no more tough steak that's right tough steak should belong somewhere else not on your mouth the sirloin 32 pound a kilo today ribeye that's 32 pounder kilo as well affiliate that's the prize Jules 54 pound a kilo and here that's expensive wow that is quite expensive I have a little secret steak that I'd like to tell you is my favorite steak okay and all of those four Prime Cuts this my friend is the feather blade steak or the blade steak or in America you call it the flat iron steak that is correct we do call it the flat iron steak now here's the wonderful thing about this steak right here everybody it has a tremendous amount of flavor if you cook it properly and don't overcook it it's also extremely tender so yeah man I like the steak look at the fat marbling here it's absolutely delicious if you give me the fillet I'll throw it back to you you give me this yes mother as well then he said if you give him the fillet he will throw it back to me okay I'll take it we're talking about come and have a look at this as well 17 pound 90 a kilo a really good quality beef right this is the blade so it sits about here like that like I said that position kind of funny everybody just saying no it's these hard sinews that kind of make this cut a little bit unfashionable once you've taken it out you're left now take out the server skin nice any good butcher will do this for you phone them up so I want a feather blade or a flat iron steak they'll do it for you that is true the butcher will do it for you if you already buy it pre-made it cost more money everybody so if you want to save just like any Primal cut if you buy a whole rib roast and you cut the rib eyes yourself you're going to save a lot more money any work that you take out of The Butchers and do it yourself you're going to be saving a great amount of money and I highly recommend we're going to put a little bit of oil over the steak oh but here we go see he did the same thing as the other guy did he likes to put olive oil see there's nothing wrong with putting olive oil if you're using that as a binder right so that the seasoning will stick and hopefully that's what he is doing let's see I've got a thick bottom Pan on a very high heat I'm going to rub the steak all over the oil heavy on the pepper heavy on the salt ah yes Jamie thank you you gotta go heavy everybody the previous stake which was not Jamie Oliver he probably put half a teaspoon of salt in there everybody this is how you season a steak season it a lot a good amount of salt is quite important and pepper if you like so we go to a pan nice I want to put just a little oil in here as well yes Jamie thank you you add the oil to the pan as well you must use some oil on the pan as well if not there will not be enough heat transfer oil is a great conductor right it conducts the Heat and it makes all this heat transfer to the meat having a nice beautiful crust that's what you want so you definitely want to use a good amount of wire I'm going to go in with the steak I'm just going to wipe my hands nice so very importantly do not take your steak from the fridge and cook it take the steak out of the fridge for an hour before you use it cover it let it kind of get to room temperature oh thank you Jamie did you hear what he just said everybody that it kind of gets a room temperature let it kind of come to temperature so if you remove the steak from the refrigerator it will not come to room temperature not even within an hour it's just gonna raise a few degrees like I explained on the previous video but I get where he's coming from if the refrigerator is extremely cold like 30 degrees the steak will be actually kind of firm there's nothing wrong cooking it immediately that way though but it's more manageable for restaurants if you take a little bit earlier before and you cook it the steak tempered not room temperature the flat iron steak really benefits from being cooked medium rare thank you Jamie did he say medium rare the other guy said to cook your steaks medium everybody don't cook your steak mediums so turn it once a minute every minute you want even cooking from both sides yeah so being equal with both sides yeah keeps the moisture in the middle which means when you rest it it then comes back out again and gives you a beautiful juicy steak that is 100 good accurate information everybody that is right I agree with Jamie a hundred percent the supermarkets around the world love to sell you a portion kind of eight ounces I would advise go into a butchers and instead of getting a thin little centimeter steak get a double steak that'll serve two people that way you can create a really dark outside medium rare in the middle yes always go for a thicker steak everybody I cannot emphasize that enough that's what I say on my videos all the time thicker is better it gives you more wiggle room to get the perfect steak cooked right you know what I mean if you get a thin steak take your margin of error is so small that it's easy to mess up when you turn mistake and it's sizzling on top get that butter and just put it on top just like that just rubbing a little bit of butter towards the end is fine but you won't get the brown butter which is that may light reaction of basting the steak and the caramelized butter pieces gets stuck to the top of the steak which is what I like the most that sweetness from the butter is really beautiful and again that's going to add to that beautiful caramelization that looks good man this is time to use rosemary you could use oregano see man he's doing everything right man herbs are fantastic I love thyme I think Rosemary is a little bit overpowering for me it like it just takes over the whole steak and it changes the flavor but uh time is great so let's see how he uses his techniques let's go into this pan and just take that fat and just give it a really good whipping what the hell is that put in beautiful flavor what I've never seen that technique before everybody does that work what do you call that slapping the meat with time is that what that's called what I have no idea what I normally like to do is to baste it with butter but the butter actually heats up the thyme and it bubbles up and he infuses the flavor of thyme into the butter and then you butter base the steak it's amazing but this uh feeling the meat technique I've never tried it man I mean I try another way but you know never mind oh I've cooked this now for about three minutes on each side about three minutes from each side thank you Jimmy you see that like he cooked the whole steak for three minutes for each side the other guy cooked the steak for eight minutes and then another five minutes Siri let's come back to the steak over here nice that looks good man the max you want to go this is nice my wife would love this I would like it so you cooked it medium I thought you said medium rare oh there you go some parts are medium Rich it's just a bomb not many people know about it so it's super yo that's that looks great man I will eat that what are you doing with the olive oil just marbles that my friends will be the perfect stuff good ideas I've never done that on the kilo instead of 54 pound a kilo if I could fill it I'll tell you one thing I've always used the juices of the steak that is left over on the plate itself to eat it you can also pour that on top of rice it's delicious but shaking it with a little bit of olive oil very nice hmm they're good I prefer it to a fillet steak anytime I'll be happy to never ever have it again that is where it's at there you go everybody he's right again I was wrong my apologies to Jamie uh that was a big mistake on my part this steak was cooked nicely this steak was cooked that way actually I would cook except beating your meat which I'm actually going to try um hmm let's not talk about that anymore but anyway thank you for letting me know and holding me accountable for my mistakes not everybody is perfect everybody I am not perfect in any way and I am extremely grateful for everything that you guys let me know if I'm wrong because I'm not perfect I'm here to learn just like anyone else and I just really appreciate all of your support thank you yo Uncle Roger why do you hate him so much man I will eat the crap out of that steak maybe give him a second chance what does all of the nieces and nephew think should I give Uncle Roger a call and let him know I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe and I'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 1,049,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, grilling, jamie oliver, steak, steaks, how to cook, pan sear steaks, jamie oliver steaks
Id: XsH0qpkcJJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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