Guga Savagely Critiques Gordon Ramsay's Steaks!

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today we're going to be reacting to Gordon Ramsay he is a three Michelin star chefs and has incredible food to offer and if there is one thing that I have specialized on is cooking steaks today we're going to review critique and hopefully learn something from the goat himself do not disappoint me Gordon Ramsay right the guide to cooking a perfect steak hot pan the secret here is to make sure that we literally sear the steak and not boil it season it what happens is a lot of people don't get the pen super hot and then it just starts steaming the steak first beautifully done get some nice large grains of pepper so you've got a nice bit of heat I am against that if you get large size of grain of peppers what happens is they get stuck on your teeth so I like a finely crushed and a lot of people think that if you do that you burn the pepper and that is not true I've done a full experiment on it pepper does not burn when you're cooking it with the steak you're actually toasting it as it's being cooked with the steak the juices of the steak will not allow the pepper to burn all that seasoning and sort of push in four most important parts to make sure you take them out the fridge 20 minutes before you actually start cooking them what what did he say fridge 20 minutes before you actually start cooking them I have tried taking out the steaks before it makes absolutely no difference everybody what happens is when you take the steak out of the refrigerator and you leave it on the countertop sitting down it will not get to room temperature that fast honestly 10 minutes is just not a huge difference stone cold in the center you have to overcook it on the outside pans just started smoking a touch of oil in all that round and then just lay the steaks away always away from me good I always need a steak away that's the kind of noise you want to hear in the pan every time yep that nice sear again pair of tongs turn it over very carefully literally 30 seconds of the pan you can see the color that layer of fat on the back of the sirloin you want to render that down as well that's it there so hit that into the pan so a lot of times if the stick has a nice layer of fat like a New York strip as this one is I like to start searing that first what that does is that that will cool the whole entire pan with a little bit of that grease that way you can actually avoid the olive oil which is starting to cook with olive oil is not really the best for cooking steaks on a pan that's because it has a very low smoke point using something like a grape seed oil will give you better results and not give you any off flavor but if you want the best results use the fat from the steak itself since it's right there for you to render anyway depends your advantage till the pan that all that hot fat olive oil run down the back and it starts to sear the steak even better okay you had that good idea wow he's going to add that garlic right now just lightly crush and then I think it's a really nice flavor to the steak turning every minute so you've got that nice even color I love it he's saying that turn that thing every minute unlike other chefs and actually himself before he says only flip the steak once that is not true everybody flip the steaks as many times as needed to get that nice beautiful Golden Crust and it will also cook the steak evenly that is the right way and if you're turning your steaks every minute it starts to cook evenly a little bit of time it's really nice to get that nice fragrant I agree time is fantastic you touch more I quite like my steaks rare so rare's here opposite the palm of the top medium is there and well done is at the top of your wrist that is the worst advice you can give somebody to do my hand is much stronger than Gordon Ramsay boom roasted my nephew's Angel is much skinnier my wife's hand is even skinnier than that so if you think the same amount of pressure between here and my hand is going to be the same for somebody that haven't cooked steak like you have millions of time is impossible use a thermometer everybody your steak will be perfect every single time and there is no guessing I've even seen professional chefs get it wrong from time to time start off with my butter turn off the butter Yep this is where the steak starts to take on a completely different flavor tilt the pan and then just baste the steaks for that fried thyme that garlic nothing's burning and that's why we start off with olive oil so many chefs actually burn the butter and instead of becoming nice golden brown it becomes just black I'm guilty of that myself I have made that mistake but if you want the perfect steak it must be nice and golden brown it's called the maylight reaction and what makes the steak taste better don't let your butter burn it would just taste like got the garlic sort of brush the garlic over oh I like that idea you see he did not peel his garlic what I like to do is Crush my garlic and remove all of the skin this will produce more flavor into the steak there's nothing wrong doing it this way but I like my garlic golden brown I would definitely recommend removing the skin the gas try them out peaceful yep let them rest let them rest baby and off and then from there slice so for a steak like this I will let it rest for four minutes that's enough going on to medium rare oh you're not going to show it to us delicious you didn't show us the result wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where do you mean and show us the result you think he messed it up do you think he did let me know in the comments down below 10 amazing tips to nail the perfect steak tip number one take the protein out of the refrigeration unit and let it rest to get up to room temperature for at least 10 minutes before you cook it that is not going to work everybody I have debunked this myth if you want to watch the full video the reason why and how long it actually takes check out the card above number two season it heavily yeah because you lose 35 of the seasoning the minute it goes in the pan 100 agree on this one a lot of people are afraid of adding too much salt and I understand why because you don't want to over salt the steak however when you go on a steakhouse they put a lot of seasoning in there they want to make sure that you feel it yes you can adjust the steak in the end and add more salt but it will never be the same and as soon as you're cooking it on the pan You're Gonna Leave a lot of that seasoning behind shine on the pin itself the same thing goes with butter whenever you do butter basting make sure you add a lot of butter so salt pepper freshly ground pepper roll it in the seasoning and then literally season it again just before it goes to the pan number three make sure when placing the stake into the pan on the grill you lay it away from you never drop it towards you or if you're splashing hot all on your arms and you've got more control when you're laying away I agree 100 tip number four for me it's all about the Searing make sure you have an amazing sear on that steak and don't turn it unless it's colored remember no color no flavor well here's just contradicting himself right now don't turn it into a half color and he flipped that steak many many many times flip the steak as many times as necessary everybody how are you gonna know if it's a nice golden brown crust if you don't flip it and you look at it also if the steak is extremely thick you gotta keep flipping it so you cook evenly but I think the most important takeaway from this is a crust a nice beautiful steak crust will make your steak better remember this grill marks are for show you want a nice golden brown crust it will look better and most importantly it will taste better number five think about fragrance ladies especially when you dress up usually you put some my perfume is a perfume of steak and sweat and barbecue everybody hopefully that's a good one and you enjoy that aromatics garlic Thyme and rosemary if you put some garlic in there some thyme and rosemary it'll make that steak way more fragrant I agree with him but I think that Rosemary is a little bit overpowering for steak I almost never use it time is fantastic Orange Peel is incredible lemon peel is also great but Rosemary is just a little bit overpowering for me six for me this is a super important tip put a tiny knob of butter into the pan they are not cheap with the butter they want you to have an incredible experience whenever you go to their Steakhouse so they use a lot of butter and there's nothing wrong with that here's what most people don't understand you're not going to be eating all of that butter you're just looking for that incredible May light reaction as you're basting the steak and for that you need quite a bit of butter adding like a half a teaspoon in there it's just not going to work before you take that Steakhouse and make sure you baste it with that butter let the butter caramelize and it gives that really nice nut brown flavor on top of that steak I agree number seven the minute you take the steak out of the pan or off the grill you have to let it rest yes I promise you now if you let it rest there's going to be so much juicier it will be juicier in the end sometimes you don't want to compromise the amount of resting time with the temperature as you're eating the steak I really really enjoy a nice hot steak everybody so you got to play that fine line but not cross that line letting it rest we'll allow the fibers to relax so it's not going to spit out all of the juices as is being cut but at the same time a nice hot steak is nice so don't overdo it number eight steak moist keep it at least half a centimeter thick I agree with that to some extent here's the deal if your steak is a cheap steak and one dollar steak for example you want to cut that thing real thin cutting that thing too thick is going to be like shoe leather however if you're doing a nice Prime Steak or a choice grade like a New York strip definitely cut it thicker tip number nine so this is the most important one it's about the temperature you'd like your steak cooked so me medium rare you close your eyes and touch and take your pulse because again there is the same I don't understand why he keeps preaching this lightly bouncing it gives a little bit but it's just soft enough to understand that it's me guys this does not work look at my hand look at his hand nobody has the same amount of fatness and muscle like me so however my hand feels right here it's not the same how yours is going to feel use a thermometer it is the best way to know and be the most precise nothing will beat it I'd much rather be precise than have a big ego use a thermometer and my final tip behind any great steak make sure you've got someone to share it with enjoy that was a great tip and definitely that's one of the reasons I cook for my guys and my family I love to cook for them I love to see the reaction when they enjoy a steak and I also like to see the reactions when they don't enjoy it because let's be honest sometimes it's just kind of funny that's terrible hey meow meow what you doing over here hey what we're making a video no I'm not gonna I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe let us know what you want us to react to next and we'll see you on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 2,679,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay, cooking, steak, food, react, review, restaurant, best steak, grilling, steak expert
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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