Olive wagyu Steak, The RAREST and most Expensive!

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today we're going to be reacting to the most expensive steak in the world this video has over 80 million views look at how small it is medium rare there you go wow that's a beautiful cut of steak notice that it's not too large which is exactly what you're looking for and he is cooking it under low heat nothing crazy not too much fire it is way different the way I cook it because I'm looking for an incredible crust notice that it's under low heat unlike me everybody it's all hell break loose with fire man and I can tell you right now he's going to have a nice golden brown crust in the end versus me which is that nice caramelization reaction may large reaction to be specific oh no crust yet wow it is really under low heat that is incredible if this was on my charcoal grill this thing would have been done already you see how much he sees in it a lot of people is afraid to season the steak season your steak properly it will be better interesting wow wow oh I know what he's gonna do yep he's making bite size pieces that's what it is using their own fat that is being rendered to fry that steak which is a great idea but man it's taking a lot longer than I expected with me whenever I'm cooking Japanese fly there is flame everywhere all hell's breaking loose notice how big my Japanese Wagyu A5 is this guy is tiny pieces and for good reason they're doing it right because it's a steak for you to have little bites versus eating the whole steak whenever we cook Japanese Wagyu A5 we share it with everyone is that cognac or whiskey a little flambe action nice wow I've never tried that okay now he's going to slice it in small bite-sized pieces it is incredible how he's keeping the heat really really low everything's still nice medium rare is you're going to re-cook it again oh wow he's playing a fine line right there because if he cooks it for too long that medium rare is going to be gone that's the thing with Japanese Wagyu A5 you know you really want to render that fat everybody if not it doesn't taste as good fat is great but you don't want it to be chewy even though this thing like literally melts in your mouth every time you take a bite I'm guessing that he's going to be making garlic chips out of that yeah probably what it is flipping it constantly definitely is the right way to do it whenever you're trying to cook garlic like this it can burn in an instant keeping it low heat is definitely the way to go you see that's one of the things with garlic the gut is stuck to each other so after you started cooking for a little bit you can actually separate them without any issue you see what I'm talking about everybody small tiny bites very very different from American portions and for good reason this is the right way to have the steak that way you can really enjoy it and not get tired of it you don't want to get tired of this steak or he's using a sauce now I think that's panzo sauce and of course the beer hello how are you okay what is he gonna do different or is he actually just cooking it every single time individually so you have a nice hot experience whenever you're eating the steak yeah he's just warming it up everybody wow the attention to detail making sure that you're having every single bite nice and hot Wasabi huh interesting well we eat that it's surprising to me that he's not serving it with rice not serving it with anything else a little bit of ponzu sauce wow and that is how the Japanese does it quite different the way I do it I love to serve it with something else because it is extremely rich but obviously he's not preparing the whole steak he's preparing each individual bite for you if you are going to spend so much money with a steak like this you got to make sure every single bite counts that's why we always say it whenever we're trying this steak it is Rich it is a steak for you to share there is no right way or wrong way you can literally put this thing in the microwave please don't do that but you can and it's still going to be fantastic because it is fantastic already even before you start but the thing is if you are going to cook this steak and you're spending a tremendous amount of money make sure you have people to share it is Rich it is the best steak in the world make sure you share I hope you guys enjoyed this video and learned something new let me know in the comments down below if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 1,141,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, wagyu, rarest, olive wagyu, expensive, most expensive, best steak, how to cook wagyu, cooking wagyu, the most expensive, wagyu steak
Id: 8_6R9vF_zAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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