$25,000 Plane Ticket in Japan Airlines!

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ever since I was little I've been fascinated with Japan from the food to sightseeing everything to me is new and exciting it's a country that I've been dreaming about visiting my whole life and the first step is to get there from New York City to Tokyo Japan this is my experience flying first class this is the seat for the first class and you can check out the cabin wow this is so spacious that I cannot even uh reach over there we got some relaxation modes very nice relax this is the one I'm going to be using the most this is amazing this is so different than the previous fight because on the previous flight I could barely move around and here I have quite a few room which is very nice to get to New York I first flew American Airlines there is a huge difference between business class and first class it was a big wake-up call we had some goodies like a fancy headset noise cancellation to the max baby so they give me this little red box toothbrush you even get a mask I'll tell you one thing I am starving and they just told me right now that you can order anything from the menu anytime so we're gonna make sure that we got our money worth we're gonna order everything here's the interesting thing about dinner there are two menus one is Japanese and the other one is western style I chose to have Japanese but my wife chose western style now first course was the hors d'oeuvres they give me asparagus wrapped in Jamon the second was bread and duck liver pate which was quite interesting so first I tried the Pate that's amazing you gotta eat some green to stay healthy have you ever had the taste of unseasoned asparagus if you did you know that it tastes grassy well that's what it tasted like that was the first chorus I am ready for the second course come party I'll stick with ginger ale yes please but then the next course arrived the first thing they do is set up the table for you and this is very nice oh that looks amazing oh my God it looks so good next round bamboo shoot is Bangla show really bamboo bamboo shoots or bamboo Sprouts is whenever bamboo is starting to grow that little piece that comes off the ground is edible interesting enough it does not have a lot of flavor to me but since it was combined with seaweed it took the flavor from it so my wife chose the Western menu red apricot I'll stick with the Japanese okay next up check out the crab everybody oh wow it's like pickle but also at the same time quite sweet I don't think this is imitation crab at all absolutely delicious as you can see I really like the crab it was really good next up it was shrimp and clams those two things were okay but for sure the shrimp was way better than the clam now next up this one caught me by surprise you had mushrooms before right so have I usually mushroom takes the flavor of whatever you're cooking it with but I never had anything like this all right mushroom time with a little bit of this sauce oh that is incredible I've never tasted anything like that that was a shiitake mushroom but what I don't know is what was actually in the sauce because it made it taste like a steak everybody and the next thing also surprised me quite a bit that's not the root I'm discovering flavors that didn't even know existed everybody that was like 100 vegetarian dish no meat at all at the same time that mushroom tasted like a steak that's all I can say about that but enough with the vegetarian dish it was time to try some meat and this is what was next amazing Savory and slime and slightly sweet what the hell what black thingy inside of it it's making it sweet 10 out of 10 will highly recommend come to find out later that that was plum sauce and here's the next course just like that look at this it is beautiful take a look at that it's a little slimy what in the world is that tastes a lot of seaweed on the soup reminds me of shrimp cake or shrimp dim sum to be specific that was a good soup right after that soup the next course was up so this one is sashimi not sure about this one I'm just joking I'm gonna divide hours we got some White Fish I also have some shrimp what the hell is this some Jello you know what I'm missing here soy sauce I normally don't eat white fish without dry salsa white fish oh my God what is this so here's when I found out that they really give you soy sauce but completely different than what you would expect why is this so jiggly what is that oh okay I see where this is going so you grab this jiggly thing right here and you mix it with the fish because that's nice and salty and then you got your vitamin that was amazing but as I was super excited eating and enjoying some nice Seafood this happened can you guys see that they did not defend the shrimp so I'm gonna take up on myself and leaving the shrimp now that is the vein let's give it a go you know that tastes like cocktail shrimp let's move on to this what the hell is this wow it's some fish Jello I'll be honest with you this course was not my favorite and now it's time for the main course so this one right here is the roast beef it has some sauce we also have here something that I have no idea what it is got some pickled vegetables and also miso soup if there's one thing I love is white rice so the beef is actually sweet remember soup rice never had a first time that's it over here that I have no idea what it is miso I mean it tastes amazing the texture is very very very fluffy it's great talking about miso let's give this one a go I love Mr soup very nice main course from the Western menu my wife just got a sea bass and I just want to show it to you guys sorry it looked a lot better than this everybody my bad man I want to try this one I'm not gonna lie very juicy very flavorful perfectly cooked here before I eat the whole thing next stop caviar everybody got to carry on pearls right there some of this waffle is that even a waffle I don't even know put it right on the top salty Savory exactly what you would expect and also give you this ball right here I think it's cream cheese so good so my lovely wife Nathan filet mignon let's see if they hit the temperature in the middle of the air medium huh I think they nailed it it's nice and tender with a little bit of the potato and everything combined together my thing is as dry as the Sahara Desert you gotta use the sauce on this one everybody much much better but don't you forget about dessert because this one was quite weird like most of the things on this flight I have no idea what it is what the hell is that it's slightly sweet not too sweet you know usually in the us when we eat the desserts it's extremely sweet but not here later I came to find out that it was black sesame pudding I mean how am I supposed to know that right now this this this was my favorite part time to sleep and rest check this out on the wonderful flight attendant just came up to me and said like whenever you want let us know we're gonna go ahead and make your bed for you wow there's a bed we got a bed never had I laid down all the way on a plane like a bad everybody it was literally the first time I slept like a baby good morning everybody feel refreshed but now it's time for breakfast enough talking let's see there was also two options you could choose Japanese breakfast or Western breakfast my flight attendant made me a suggestion she said go with the West end breakfast we got the breakfast we have kind of like a novela Tobago with some cream cheese and papers I also order I guess it's like a Japanese egg now this one here really caught my attention it's like some naughty with sardine doing so good I'm so happy I went with this first surprisingly I love the sardines and seaweed it was amazing I even ordered more can I have one more of that okay so okay so this one is the Japanese dessert one I don't know what it is oh that's kind of sweet dreamy so I'll leave that towards the end and just because I haven't had bread yet I gotta order some bread everybody why is bread so good let's go for this bagel oh I love salmon I love fish overall not bad I went ahead and ordered some coffee and milk I'm sorry especially for what we are about to do in Japan we got a lot of things going on stick around this was my experience flying to Japan there are so many videos to come from this trip I went everywhere I did everything I possibly could I know you will enjoy this series I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe because there are a lot more things to come from the Japan trip see you guys very soon take care bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 1,560,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expensive, fly, air plane, japan, 1st class, japanese food, steak, travel, traveling
Id: s2gQv-y2jfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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