I Got More Than What I Came For | Robert Madu

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Wow anybody loved Jesus today at Christ Fellowship come on can we give Jesus a big clap a big praise in this place today hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord don't get comfortable you might be back up again come on anybody excited to be in the house of God today and man I am I'm not just excited to be here at Christ fellowship I am red bull excited and expressed so elated I've been waiting with tiptoe anticipation for this morning and to be honest with you I already feel like I'm a part of the family had such an amazing time with your young people at five conference it was amazing I'm telling you this place was filled with more than just Axe body spray okay the presence of God was here in such an incredible way and I just went on the onset thank you for being a church that cares about the next generation a man how many believe God's gonna do great things and you're wondering wonder why I'm here while I'm sticking around it's actually a funny story the pastor Todd called me up a very quick conversation very quick and he said Robert do you believe in free speech I said pastor Todd absolutely I do he said good stay and get five on this weekend so that's why I'm here preaching or not that's not what happened but I do just want to pause and really give honor to where honors do and thank God for your incredible pastors you gotta understand great churches like this don't happen by accident they happen because of the grace of God and because of great leadership and you are blessed not with just with great leaders but they're just great people and I want you to help me celebrate pastor Todd or Pastor Julie for who they are come on y'all can do better than that y'all are blessed so blessed and I'll celebrate you I thank God for you I bring you greetings from the great country of Texas who lived there my entire life I'm married to the finest woman on the planet her name is Taylor will be married let's see in a few weeks six years eight days nine minutes of 22 seconds and she's so kind this season of our life to let me travel because we have three kids three and under hey man pray for us that's out there it is let me be that dad come on y'all I made that that is uh that's my oldest at the top she's three years old her name is Everly I call her evey she is the reason that my prayer life is at a whole nother level all right that's my son down at the bottom my namesake my man child Robert Madhu the third and then our newest addition Remington Elaine I call her Remy mom and she's just 10 months old so uh I put up there pictures everywhere I go cuz I think fatherhood is the best to it come on there's nothing like being a dad so that's my crew but uh and I'm excited to share the word with you today if you feel like hearing this like I feel like preaching it it's gonna be good it's gonna be good now I want to look at mark chapter two mark chapter two we're gonna look at verses 1 through 12 but really to set the tone and the trajectory of where we're going and I was reading this passage I was reminded of a man who called up his doctor in complete panic he said doc I gotta see you now walks in the doctor's office the doctor says what's wrong the man said everything doctor knows everything he said yeah doc he said every place in my body that I touch I immediately keel over in excruciating pain the doctor said every place he said yeah every place doc said okay touch your knee man touched his name he said touch your elbow touched his elbow doctor said touch your hair touched his hair doctor said dummy you got a dislocated finger somebody I'll get that tomorrow see sometimes in life you can think that there's something wrong with everything with an actuality there's just something wrong with one thing and if you could get the one thing together everything else would take care of itself come on somebody I'm already preaching it here today I think Jesus is concerned with getting to the one thing that's affecting everything else and we see it so beautifully in mark chapter 2 let's read it together it says a few days later when Jesus again entered Capernaum the people heard that he had come home and so many gathered that there was no room left not even outside the door and he preached the word to them some men came bringing him a paralytic carried by four of them and since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and after digging through him lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying gone when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven now some teachers of the law also known as the haters we're sitting there thinking to themselves why does this fellow talk like that he's blaspheming who can forgive sins but God alone immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts and he said to them why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say get up take your mat and walk but that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he said to the paralytic I tell you get up take your mat and go home and he got up took his mat and walked out in full view of them all this amazed everyone and they praised God saying we have never seen anything like this can you say a man come on home you know that is good all by itself I want to preach today not long probably about four and a half hours just using this as a title I got more than what I came for I got more than what I came for would you do me a favor look at your neighbor getting their face getting their personal space and just say neighbor oh come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church come on say neighbor if you get to Jesus you'll get more than what you came for oh come on if you know it to be true would you give God some praise up in here come on let's pray before we go into this word it's gonna be a long prayer but just bear with me would you bow your heads god you are awesome speak to us today amen I got more than what I came for how many would say just by a showing of hands that you were raised in church can I see your hand if you're raised in church oh wow a lot of hair so I'll keep it lifted raised in church oh I just need to see who needs the counseling I'll lift up my hand with you and I'll let you know that I too was raised in church and if you lifted up your hand you are acutely aware of the fact that the life of a church kid is distinctly different than the life of a regular kid oh come on somebody there are trials and tribulations and situations that you go through as a church kid that other kids aren't even aware of okay I know this - well because growing up in our household we had to be in church everyday the doors were open had to be in church there were no discussions there are no debates or diatribes it was not a democracy it was a dictatorship okay had to be in church I vividly remember one Sunday I think I was like 13 and I woke up that Sunday feeling bold brave a little gangster and I said to my father I said to my father I said Oh to my Nigerian father said I'm not going this Sunday I don't feel like it I said that to my Nigerian father and Nigerian father said to me he said let me tell you something boy no no no let me tell you something you have two options huh you can get out of that bed and go to church or I can kill you and we will go to church and have your funeral but either way you will be in church because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that's a true story y'all clapping at the abuse I endured dinner's dinners were different in our house dinners are different because you could not eat your food you could not touch a meal without my momma hitting you with this question what's your favorite scripture before you can eat your food you had to give a scripture before you could touch the plate you had to give a scripture Church you don't know hunger until your mind is racing to the Bible just trying to find a scripture so you can eat your food I remember one dinner being so exasperated with my mom I looked at her and said jesus wept give it a chicken what are you playing with people's food that is the environment that I grew up in and to be honest to be honest I'm thankful that's the environment that I grew up in because it has produced something on the inside of me it has produced this insatiable desire for the Word of God I am obsessed with the Word of God it is the hinge upon which my faith has its mobility the Word of God is the irreducible substantive essence of what it means to know who Jesus is those you who think that book you're holding is some boring antiquated book that doesn't really relate to your life you have lost your mind then it's the only book that's still alive it is the only book that's still breathing it is the only book that has power it is the only book that was written in antiquity but yet it can speak to the specificity of your life there is nothing like God's Word you understand that other books you can read but the Bible is different because the Bible will read you it will show you who you are and whose you are so I love the Word of God it's steroids for my spirit but although I love the entire book I do have a favorite section come on we always have our favorites and I think my favorite literary genre are the Gospels I love the Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John just give me those four and no more in fact I've spent so much time studying the Gospels I feel like they're close personal friends of mine I'll call a Matt Marky Mark uncle Luke and little John's because it's in the Gospels that we get to see the Ministry of Jesus Christ himself I can see how he walked how he talked how he handled situations one scholar said that the Gospels are Christology in narrative form it's just a fancy way to say that the Gospels are the closest thing that we have of a biography of the greatest man who ever walked the face of this earth and his name is Jesus I I love the Gospels here's what I love I love that these four Gospel writers are all talking about the same Jesus but they do it in totally different ways totally different almost like for film directors who've been given the same subject to film but if he's been given their own cinematic license to film it each one of them to give us a different HD 4k view of who Jesus really is and that's why I'm glad Marky Mark is our director for today if you like movies where it action where things get blown up and people get beat up go straight to the book of mark mark is Jesus Christ in action mark is so gangster he don't even have time for baby Jesus oh yes please read book of mark you will not find a manger in mark he skips Christmas and just go straight to full-grown Jesus with hair on his chest smelling like old spice mark is not playing games with you Maude wants to let you know with clarity and precision that before there was a Russell Crowe in Gladiator before there was a male Gibson and Braveheart before there was a Denzel my twin hello before there was any of them please believe there was a king Jesus and when he stepped in a situation it had to come under his divine authority because he wasn't just a good man he say god man he was God in flesh walking among us with power in his pan I feel like preaching that mark tells us in mark chapter two that Jesus has been traveling and and picking up on his frequent Walker miles and it's funny to me and he gets to a certain house a certain house historians believe it's Peters house and the Bible says when Jesus gets to this house all he does is he sits down to rest in the house just sits down to chillax in the house and within minutes of him sitting down to rest all of a sudden throughout the entire region people start going yeah guess who's in town Jesus just showed up yes I saw it can you believe it before you know people start getting on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and start putting the address on blast saying a party over here Jesus just showed up and before you know it the entire house is jam-packed with people simply because his presence sat down to rest in one house people from different walks of life people from different backgrounds all converged in one place because his presence sat down to rest in one house come on the Bible is clear use this picture s language it says there wasn't even room outside the door this is standing room only because his presence sat down to rest in one place what is it about the presence of God coming to rest in the place that causes people to be drawn from everywhere I'll tell you what it is because people instinctively know if you can ever get God's presence just to sit down and rest in a place come on how many know something life-changing something supernatural something miraculous is bound to happen oh come on somebody you don't believe me why are you in church today oh yeah come on you could be sleeping in right now you could be playing golf right now you could be brunching right now why in the world would you get up on your only day off put on that good Tommy Bahama shirt all that Mary Kay and Matt make up just to come into the house of God you didn't come to hear the worship team as awesome as they are you didn't come to hear me preach I think I know why you can you came because you knew God's presence would be resting in this place and when God's presence shows up oh come on somebody something is going to happen miracles can break forth if his presence will just sit down and rest in one place I love it I love it because he hadn't even done anything yet but just his presence caused an atmosphere of expectation in the road well I can see him I can use my exegetical imagination I can see the sick and the house gone if he touches me if I just touch his clothes I know I'm gonna be made whole I can see it I I can see practical things like a mom with a little kid who's not even paying attention he's just on his iPad just she's like what pay attention Jesus in the house it don't tell you something that's why you get in trouble at school cuz you don't listen to anybody listen to Jesus he's gonna change you're like I can see I can even see some ladies in the house because how many know Jesus was single and in the ministry come on single people you don't be alright so I can see some ladies in the house time about girl yes your way is fine you see that hair oh ha ha last weekend a Whitney turned water into wine yes he did don't let him ask me out on a date I'm ordering water I mean I can't in this house and they're waiting they're waiting perhaps to see what he was going to do this should have been waiting to hear what he was going to say because the Bible says they're all packed in this house all Jesus does he stands out clears his holy throne the Bible says that Jesus preached the word to them sauly did he preached the word and that might I get you excited but that gets me excited because I love to hear people preach the Word of God something powerful happens whatever the Word of God is preached understand I've been preaching since I was like three years old and I would preach to my stuffed animals so they got saved sanctified it's to feel with the Holy Spirit is repented of all the stuff I know it's cheesy but it's early I'm trying to keep you engaged I love people preach the Word of God something powerful happens whenever the word of God is preached in the presence of God never negate moments in the presence of God where you get to hear the word of God this isn't just a cute talk today this is God's Word that is coming into your heart into your spirit if you don't believe there's power in the word haven't you notice any time you make a decision to get ready to go to the house of God that's when all hell starts breaking loose in your life come on your dog starts barking your kids lose their mind that your goldfish jumps out of the tank your ex from 1972 starts to text you when you get ready to go to the house of God cuz the enemy knows if you can get in God's presence and hear his word something will happen in your life always gonna push you out of your path and propel you into your destiny oh I love to hear people preach the word I'm telling you if you are preaching the word I am with you I'm telling you to kill your style of how you preach it that's how mature I am I don't even care you're a style of how you preach the word I like calm preachers that preach the word and just stay in one spot and smile and and say this is my Bible I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do I like column preachers their priest or I like preachers that get really excited when they're preaching the word it got veins popping out of their kids sound like they have an asthma attack between each one got an organ behind them come on you know that preacher they're more like this is my Bible I am what is this I am oh man I preach like that in some places but I want to scare somebody out here in Florida I love to hear people preach the words but how many you know in my text today this is no ordinary preacher this is Jesus this is the greatest preacher to ever preach do you know why I preach like I had six Red Bull today cuz I had six Red Bulls today but you know I preach with so much passion and exuberance and I do my best to give it everything I got is because I know when I get to heaven nobody wants to hear what I have to say come on we don't want to hear any preachers when we get to heaven put your little podcast to the side the only person we want to hear when we get to heaven I got to get all my preaching out now you understand like when I preach a pastor table preachers a pastor Julie preaches we just have a word Jesus was the word he was the Word made flesh that means in Jesus risen one to preach a good sermon it's all he had to say and he's still what a penetration oh he was the Word made flesh what would it have been like to have been in that room that day listening to the Living Word preaching the written word there they are trying to pay attention to Jesus sermon but in the middle of Jesus sermon they get distracted they're trying to pay attention but all of a sudden they're like it's somebody on the roof you know debris starts falling down in this house often a hole starts appearing in this roof and a few hands and a few heads appear in the hole and a ray of sunlight comes through the room as this hole gets bigger and bigger and bigger now understand historians believe this was Peters house Peter's house they put the hole in Peters room okay let me explain the disciples some of you didn't new to church if there's any disciple you don't want to put a hole in his roof its Peter okay put a hole in the disciple John's roof you know the one that's always laying on the chest of Jesus cuz you'll just look up and say oh now I can see the stars that the Lord has made Hey but not Peter okay Peters like some of y'all you love Jesus with all your heart but don't let somebody cut you off on the highway okay who was crazy Peter would cuss you out Peter would cut you so I can see this hole getting bigger and bigger and bigger and Peter's like man what and Jesus goes watch your mouth Peter watch your mouth come on we talked about this I'm a son of God I'll make you a new roof it's gonna be all right and all of a sudden they start lowering this man down down down all the way at the feet of Jesus pebble didn't tell us the man's name doesn't even do us the courtesy of letting us know when his paralysis occurred all the Bible tells us is that he is a paralytic man why is that important it's important because if you study the Gospels one of the literary nuances you will find is that anytime Jesus interacts with a person rarely do we get their name more often than not we just get their gender in their condition have you ever noticed this there was a man with a withered hand what was his name there was a woman with the issue of blood there was a man who was deaf a man who was blind it just says their gender in their condition and you know what it speaks to I think it speaks to the human tendency to identify people by their issues oh yeah we do the same thing today people love to put labels on you because labels limit you and it is comforting to the human conscience to put people in categories because it makes us feel better about ourselves have you ever noticed this and you can hear when they talk about other people they'll say oh you see him he's an alcoholic oh you see her she's on her eighth husband oh you see him he's a drug addict it is funny how people will define you about one issue or one moment in your life in fact humans are the only people that will call you something for 15 years that you did one time in your past in five minutes and think the sum total of your life is the mistake that you made but I got some good news from heaven for somebody in this place today how many you're thankful that if you are in Christ you're a brand new creature come on your past has been washed away when God looks at you he don't see your fault you don't see your mistakes all he sees is the blood of Jesus and he says that's already been taken care of oh that's good news for somebody in here today that you don't have to be defined by your dysfunction that your issue doesn't have to be your identity you are more than your mistakes greater receive that is in you than he that is in the world they just call this man a paralytic man and watch this he's in the presence of God but he's got a paralysis he made it to God's presence but he still got his paralysis I know you can't say anything in here today because his church ain't gonna act real spiritual like you floated in here and had communion for breakfast but if we could be real and take off our church mask today you'd be shocked if the person sitting right next to you lifting up their hands singing all the songs but if you're honest about your spiritual condition paralysis I'm talking about the thing that affects your walk with the Lord I tell my the thing that maybe your crowd to God in a secret place to say God if I didn't have this I'll walk with you would be a whole lot better maybe you're here watching online you feel like this man today you feel stuck you're watching other people pass you by you feel like giving up you feel like throwing in the towel but God sent this crazy shout and sweating chocolate brother from Dallas Texas to tell you you cannot give up you cannot give up God has a way of putting you at the right place at the right time to hear the right word at the right moment so you can get up and walk and every single thing that God has for you come on somebody thank God for these four friends these are the type of friends I want in my life I want tear the roof off friends I don't want friends are gonna keep me in places of mediocrity I don't want Fred to see me on the ground and say you know what the ground is not that bad in fact target has some mats on sale you want me to go get you another no give me take the roof off friends who say no you cannot stay here God has more in store for you now somebody get his arms i'ma get his legs Jesus don't meet with you today I'll tear the roof off he is gonna meet with you today they tore the roof off and no wonder Jesus responded to their faith not just the faith of the man the Bible says their faith that's the faith of the four friends who said I'll do whatever it takes for him to get a breakthrough they come through the roof Tom you know if you're preaching a message and somebody starts coming through the roof that's a good place to shut that sermon down okay this is a huge interruption the room has gone crazy I can see the crowd they can't believe that somebody's come through a roof but they're all so excited come on this is what they paid their ticket to see it's already been rumored throughout the region that Jesus has supernatural power so as soon as the guy hits the floor I can see the crowd going oh it's about to go down I'm telling you y'all Jesus got power he has real power I don't know if he's gonna take mud and rub it on his legs I don't know what he's gonna do but this is gonna turn out good you better get your camera put this on YouTube and the man the man who had to be embarrassed to be lowered in the presence of all of these people but all of a sudden his embarrassment is eradicated with the feeling of elation and hope because he knows for the first time in his life he's got to be able to stand on his own two feet for the first time in his life he's gonna be able to feel the sand between his toes for the first time in his life when he's at a wedding and they do two cha-cha slide and it says what hop this time he's gonna be able to do it while the crowd is waiting to clap at a miracle and the man is waiting to dance Jesus who has the power to heal him the first thing he says first thing he says is son your sins are forgiven what okay all you super spiritual people when I said that you went Oh hallelujah glory to God yes the problem but no you read the Bible here's how I read the Bible when I read the Bible I jump in the page of the Bible I imagine what it would be like to be that particular individual and that lets me know that I probably would have gotten kicked out of the Bible yes right around Genesis chapter 1 because whenever I am frustrated whenever I'm annoyed I have the tendency to be a little bit sarcastic a little bit sardonic pray for me so if that's me if that's me and I've just been carried through a crowd outside of a house onto the roof a hoe has been broken to a construction has happened for me to get into the presence of a man that everybody's saying is gonna heal me everybody's saying is gonna make me walk again and the first thing the first thing he says is not get up and walk but says son your sins are forgiven I'm going Oh appreciated Jesus you know that's why we came all the way down here to get my see yeah that's the real obvious apparent issue get my sins forgiven yeah I don't leave these legs huh I don't want to walk I came all the way down here to get my sins forgiven hey guys since we're giving mission accomplished let's go home what is Jesus talking about people gotta read your Bible it is funny stuff in your Bible because Jesus seems to be the only ignoramus in the room who don't realize this man didn't come to get his sins forgiven hello he wants to do the moonwalk Oh what do you do when Jesus doesn't address the thing you thought he should have addressed what do you do when Jesus appears to be acting ignorant Lee oh and Jesus appears to be acting ignorant late that's when you have to pay close attention he's about to give you incredible insight let me say more eloquently there is a pro funda T in the alleged stupidity of Christ was good because this man just like you and I didn't even realize that he was in the exact place posture and position that God will often reveal himself to you hear me Christ Church there is a place in life that is frustrating that is annoying but it's often the place that God will reveal himself to you and that place is this whenever your experience doesn't line up with your expectation God is trying to give you a revelation of who he is say it again whenever your experience doesn't line up with your expectation God is trying to give you a revelation of who he is because rarely is Jesus recognized he's more often revealed and he will reveal himself at the place where our experiences don't line up with our expectations come on anybody ever been there before have you ever had a seasoned life where your experience was not lining up with your expectation but in hindsight you can look over that situation and say who it was good that God didn't answer that prayer it was good that that door got shut it was good that that didn't turn out the way I wanted to because God showed me something else all I'm telling you your experience does align up with your expectation God is trying to give you a revelation of who he really is come on sometimes it's not until you get the bad doctor's report that you get a revelation that he really is a healer sometimes it's not until your money is funny and your change is strange and you've got more bills than you got income the God will give you a revelation that he is Jehovah Jireh your provider he is gonna take care of you sometimes it's not until you watch people you thought you could trust stab you in the back did you get a revelation that he'll never leave you he'll never forsake you he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother I'm telling you Church the thing that you're complaining about you could flip the script and start praising about it because it just might be a setup for God to reveal himself to you in a deeper way come on somebody give God some praise he's revealing himself to you what is he revealing to this man well look at what he says he says son your sins are forgiven only a savior can say that only a savior can make that declaration and in that moment that man had to be thinking oh Jesus hello my legs oh why did I come to you you don't even know what my problem is do you saying no you don't know what your problem is dummy you got a dislocated finger you think your legs are the issue but your legs aren't the real issue in fact your legs are the fruit of the issue sin is the root of the issue and I cannot deal with the fruit of an issue until I go deeper and deal with the root of an issue because if I deal with the fruit and not the root there will be a perpetual cycle of dysfunction oh can I tell you something about church people and I'm a church person we love to invite Jesus to come into our life to deal with the fruit of issues God fix them fix my boss it's my husband fix my wife fix these kids they're all crazy so many times God will shine the light on your own heart to get to the root of the issue so that healing can take place in you he says your sins are forgiven to get at the root of the issue and as soon as he said if the Pharisee said oh he's blaspheming who but gone alone can forgive sins that's what they thought that's how haters do who thought it didn't say it out loud and Jesus is so much God he responded not to their words to their thoughts he said why are you thinking these things which is easier to say to this man your sins are forgiven or to say get up take your mat and walk he says so that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sin come on can we pause right there and thank God that he has all authority come on he has all power whenever you're stressing about can I tell you God's not stressing about it he has power and authority to handle the situation is this I know the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins he looks at the man who says I tell you get up somebody say get up oh saying like you got some power shake it up oh saying like you got some face shake it up I love the way Jesus did this miracle he didn't say imma do a six week series on how you can get up he didn't say I need a protein with a big bottle of Crisco oil now all that's good but not for this miracle he said for this miracle I'm just gonna give you a word and now you gotta exercise your own faith and do something you've never done before so you can step into something you've never stepped into I'm just telling you to get up and you got to respond to the word that you heard come on somebody came all the way to church just to get two words get up God is taking you to a new place kids Oh God got more in store for you hey get up from anything the enemy would try to hold you down in tells him get up I love Jesus cuz he's not just powerful he's practical cuz he says get up in the whole place eruptive giving God praise man standing and in the middle of the excitement Jesus says something else that when I first read it made me laugh out loud he goes get up and he says all take your mad man Henry thinking oh Jesus I'm good you know how long I've been laying on that mat he says no you're not good bro take your man thinking why do I have to carry this mat around I think it's because Jesus didn't want him to ever forget it it used to be down on the ground come on somebody if you're not careful when God raises you up come on especially if you've been walking with the Lord for a while if you're not careful you'll start to get anointed amnesia and you'll forget where you should have been and where you could have been if it had not been for the grace of God in your life come on this is why you can never look down on anybody you ought to have a laugh that remind you of where God brought you from come on what he's done in your life is there anybody in here that can testify today it says I have a man testimony of God's goodness of His grace of his favor come on you know you're not where you are but what you did it was God's goodness in your life oh don't forget your man don't forget where he's brought you from then tells the man to go home I can see this man going home maybe knocking on the door of his house just maybe his wife comes to the front door sees him standing there and tears begin to come down her face she sees her husband standing and just maybe he looks at her and says sweetheart you can't even see the real miracle real miracle isn't just that my legs have been healed the real miracle is that my sins have been washed away he dealt with the thing nobody else could deal with I thought I was just coming for my legs but I got so much more than what I came for fact these legs are proof positive that he's done a deeper work on the inside Jesus will always heal you from the inside out the same Savior that did it for that man is willing and able to do it for you in this place today would you bow your heads can I pray for you Father thank you for your word today father I thank you that the grass withers the flower fades but your word will stand forever but I pray that in the midst of the laughter in the midst of everything that was said she spoke to the hearts of your people or the change would take place father with the precision of a surgeon would you get to the root of the issue so that we can be healed and whole yea just since God's presence in such a sweet way with his Bauhaus clothes have yet here you just be so honest to say you know what there was something or maybe some things that are at the root of the issue I just need to surrender to Jesus I don't know what that thing is but I believe that he would give it to him today you could actually get up and walk and all that he has for you be here today and you be so on to say you know what I know what that thing is I sent the route and today God I'm giving it to you try to complain about the fruit of the issue I give you permission to get to the road yes you would you just lift up your hand today say that's me and today God I'll give it to you I surrender it yeah just lift it up you can put it right back down today you've never taken that first step which is to say Jesus my life is yours you just need to get up and begin a relationship with Jesus today this is your day you don't have to get yourself together to come to Jesus guess what you can't get yourself together that's why you need a Savior to be here today say man I need to give my life to Jesus would you lift up your hand I'd love to include you in this closing prayer thank you God can we just pray this prayer as one big family for those who lifted up their hand the second time would you say this from your heart say dear Jesus thank you so much thank you so much for loving me enough to pay the price for my sin Jesus I know Jesus I know that because of what you did on the cross my issue does not have to be my identity forgive me of my sin wash me clean wash me make me brand new from this moment for this come walking with you in Jesus name a man a man a man come on give God some praise god bless you church
Channel: Christ Fellowship Church
Views: 7,181
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: Christ Fellowship, Christ Fellowship Church, Latest Message, Latest Sermon, Pastor Robert Madu, Pastor Robert, Robert Madu, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Bible, Bible teaching, encouragement, freedom, hope, peace, faith Madu Ministries, Trinity Church, Hillsong Church, Elevation Church, Gateway Church, Church of the Highlands, Lakewood Church, North Point Community Church, Saddleback Church, Life Church
Id: Ag4fgS-ke6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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