Robert Madu | Get Out | Celebration Church

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[Music] anybody loved Jesus in the house today come on can we give the king of kings and the Lord of lords the biggest standing ovation of praise tonight oh come on praise them like you got expectation God we honor you tonight but have your way in this place we are expected for you to show up show yourself strong and mighty Oh in Jesus name would you do me a favor I sent something in here already but would you do me a favor just to check your roll would you look at the person on the right or your left get in their face get in their personal space come on don't be afraid to look at your neighbor come on say neighbor I've got a feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night oh come on find another neighbor find another neighbor come on say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know I've got a feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night come on if you believe it give God one more hand clap of praise Amen you may be seated in the presence of the Lord anybody glad to be a celebration Church on a Wednesday come on you know you are saved and loved Jesus for real when you'll come to church on a Wednesday night church is always good help me know there's just something special about the family coming together oh come on this is also this is this is amazing and pastor Randy just took the words right out of my mouth this is my fourth time here and when you come to a church four times I mean you are straight-up family I go in your fridge get something to eat without asking you y'all are stuck with me whether you like it or not and that's shocking to some of you because you didn't know chocolate wasn't your family but you got a chocolate brother from Dallas Texas named Robert Madhu and I then I love this church I love what God is doing I love that you keep going from strength to strength come on the University campus come on now what here last time I was here I didn't know about it's amazing how you keep growing and I just want to pause and and just thank God for your leadership for your pastors for pastor Randy and Shireen for who they are no you gotta understand I am I'm just in a season in my life where faithfulness is so attractive to me come on we live in a culture where quitting is normal everybody quits so when you get people who are just crazy enough to be committed just foolish enough to be faithful and stupid enough to stick with it it is just amazing to see the fruit of that and I want you to really thank God for the faithfulness and the loyalty of your pastors for who they are come on they're just two of the greatest people on the planet come on celebration so you have to be better than that can you give honor to their honors who love you guys thank God for you and also thankful for my white chocolate brother from another mother that's the big man who is just the coolest dude first time I met him he had different hair and as soon as I came off the plane I said we gonna be boys I love what he's doing vision he has and we don't have fun ahead and I have to warn you I came to preach tonight I came to preach tonight if y'all feel like hearing this like I feel like preaching it something's gonna happen in here today not too much has changed still in the great country of Texas you know married to the finest woman on the planet only only thing that's changes we have another addition I would stop putting up pictures of my kids but we keep having them so let me show you that let me show you the crew let me show you the crew key I'll put my crew up come on yeah that is uh that's my Olga's my baby girl Evie at the top she is three years old and Oh keeping my prayer life strong that is my son on the bottom left robber madhu the third my manchild and he's two and then our newest addition Remington Elaine I'll call her Remy Ma and she is just she's just 10 months old so that's the Madhu crew if you're wondering why I have this glow emanating from my face it's not just the lighting it's not because I use exfoliating skin products it's because I have the greatest family who lets me travel out and we don't have fun in here tonight can I jump straight to this word come on it might have brought a Bible with you come on you got a Bible would you wave it in the air like I just do care come on even a Salinas campus watching online come on how many got a Bible that's what I'm talking bout some of your Bibles a glowing thank you for charging up your Bible I want you to look with me at mark chapter 5 tonight mark chapter 5 and I want to look at verses 21 through 43 March after 5 verses 21 through 43 quite a bit of Scripture but I need you to get all of it so you can get the full weight in the context of this text mark chapter 5 starting in verse number 21 when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need some time to find it say hold up oh that was a lot of hold ups the Gospel of Mark come on you see Matthew you really really close you see Romans you went too far if you and Genesis just close your Bible you ain't been to church in a long time I'm playing I'm playing no condemnation mark chapter 5 starting at verse 21 and it says when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue leaders named gyrus came and when he saw Jesus he fell at his feet he pleaded earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live so Jesus went with him a large crowd followed and pressed around him and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had yet instead of getting better she grew worse when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought if I just touch his clothes I will be healed immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was free from her suffering at once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him he turned around in the crowd and asked who touched my clothes you see the people crowding against you his disciples answer and yet you can ask who touched me but Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it then the woman knowing what had happened to her came and fell at his feet and trembling with fear told him the whole truth he said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be free from your suffering while Jesus was still speaking some people came from the house of Jairus the synagogue leader your daughter is dead they said why bother the teacher anymore overhearing what they said one version says ignoring what they said Jesus told him don't be afraid just believe he did not let anyone follow him except Peter James and John the brother of James and when they came to the home of the synagogue leader Jesus saw commotion with people crying and wailing loudly he went in and said to them why all the commotion and wailing the child is not dead but asleep but they laughed at him after he put them all out he took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went and where the child was he took her by the hand and said to her - Letha Combe which means little girl I say to you get up immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around she was 12 years old at this they were completely astonished he gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and then told them don't just stand there and look at the girl go to chick-fil-a and give us something to eat come on somebody that right it's good stuff it's good stuff I love this passage I love this text it is just pregnant with power and potency and I almost titled this message I almost titled this message get up because that's a good that's a good sermon tada that just makes me want to do cartwheels up and down the aisles of the church I thought that was the culmination of the miracle when he told the little girl to get up upon further reflection I realized that was a premature title I can't title this message get up and it's simply because of verses 40 and 41 I want you to look at it with me can we put that on the screen verses 40 and 41 because jesus walks in and said the child is not dead she's asleep the Bible says that they laughed at him they laugh who is the babe the negative doubting unbelieving faithless cantankerous you know those people that light up a room when they walk out like those people that for every solution they gonna find a problem that's today in this text and the Bible says they laughed at him and it says after he put them all out all of those negative doubting unbelieving people the Bible says that Jesus put all of them out the Greek actually suggests that he physically put them out see I don't want to mess up your theology or your Christology tonight because you think that Jesus just loving and kind and sweet and caring and he's a good good father and he is but this text lets me know that he is so so gangster because all of those negative doubting people come on he put all of them out then after he put them out he went to the little girl and said get up but she didn't get up until they first had to get celebration what if the power of a miracle is not just in the miracle itself but rather in the atmosphere and the environment that surrounds your miracle now you don't want to help me preach could it be possible you've been telling some things to get up but this is a season in your life when you new start checking your atmosphere and your environment and start telling some things to get I want to preach to you today for five hours four minutes and 33 seconds from the title get out get out look at your neighbor one last time like you got to add it to it I'm just saying get out come on slap the other neighbor next you tell them get out not now but in a minute come on let's pray it's gonna be a long prayer but bear with me with you bow your heads god you're awesome speak tonight a man celebration the divine intersection and collision of characters in this text today immediately gave me a nostalgic parental fatherhood flashback to November 2014 I remember it quite vividly because I was getting ready to leave our home in Dallas Texas to go preach at a conference which isn't anything unusual I often will leave to go preach at a conference except this time everything was different everything was different because I was not just leaving my house husband now I was leaving my house as a father our baby girl Evy had just been born so I was in that emotional position of leaving my firstborn daughter for the first time and come on every parent in here will attest to the fact that when a chauffeur's come on it is just different with your first child there are things that have with your first child that will never happen again okay like now now we have three kids three and under plus a demonic dog so when I leave the house now I'm leave like I got warrants for my arrest and I take the long route home the long route okay often my wife Taylor will call me with chaos in the background she's like babe where are you I'm like I'm in traffic she's like no you're in the driveway I'll see you come in here and help me with these kids but when is your first it is emotional so I'm picking up my baby girl tears are going this way it's going the other way I'm like daddy cares about you I love you so much I mean I was going to preach one night in Florida you were thought I was gonna fight in Iraq I was an emotional mess I leave the house I leave the house I get to the conference and I walk in and a guy by the name of Eddie James is leading worship okay and of course of course of all songs he's actually singing you're a good good father it's a mess how do you think I preached that night I've just put up a picture of my daughter say that's point one two and three and finish the service I got in the greenroom and the worship leader Eddie James comes up to me and says Robert Congrats on your daughter she's beautiful I said thank you I made her I've been said Eddie you know my daughter Evie might not have ever been born if it wasn't for you Eddie looked at me like I had lost my mind I said Eddie you probably don't remember this but in December 2006 you were scheduled to lead worship and to preach at Christ for the nation's Institute in Dallas Texas for their student Chapel but in route to Dallas your van broke down on the side of the road and he goes I've remembered that night I said Eddie when your van broke down you picked up the phone you called a man by the name of Adam McCain and you told him that by the time your van would be fixed there was no way you would be able to make the service that night so regrettably you had to cancel out of McCain got off the phone with you and looked at a roomful of people and said Eddie James just cancelled for our student Chapel tonight who in the world can we get last-minute to fill his spot in that room was a man by the name of Brian mean he looks at Adam and says I just heard this young guy named Robert Madhu preach he's local maybe he can do it all on my phone rings I hear a voice saying is this Robert Madhu I said yes it is he said Robert this is Adam McKay and I run Christ for the nation's Institute here in Dallas he said I know this is crazy this is last minute but is there any way you could come and speak to our Bible college students here at Christ for the nations now keep in mind during this time period in my life I myself I'm a Bible College student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University so I said to Adam Akane you know what it seems like yesterday I was a Bible College do to myself it would be an honor to come invest into your young people draw from southwestern assumes of God University to Christ for the nation's before I get up to preach Adam Cain says students before our speaker comes we're gonna have our Tuesday night testimony video where we show a video of a student in our body whose life has been impacted by Jesus Christ and all of a sudden on the screen comes the finest girl with the strongest Arkansas accent I have ever heard and she tells her testimony of Jesus changing her life preach that night don't even meet the girl at my school the next day I'm sort of girl testing all shoulder and says hey Robert I said it's pastor Robert Madhu now she goes was that you than I saw last night at Christ for the nation's getting ready to preach I said yeah Eddie James canceled they called me last-minute she goes oh my goodness did you see the girl on the screen that was telling her testimony before you got up I said yes I did she said I've known that girl forever I've known you forever and I always thought that you two would be perfect for each other but I never said anything but the fact that you were there and they showed her video you two have got to me I said Eddie the next week that girl and I went on our very first day at the illustrious International House of Pancakes to make a long story short that girl's name was Taylor Mitchell it's now Taylor Madhu we did what married people do Evie is the evidence of that and I am so glad your van broke down on the side of the road [Music] that story with you tonight because who in the world would have ever thought that Eddie and my Evie were connected because their connection is not one that is easily seen on the surface but once you begin to peel back the layers and dig down deep into the archaeological value of a person's life it becomes elusively clear that none of us get to live our lives in autonomy would just me myself and I but how many you know all of us are connected we are deeply connected come on testimonies touch testimonies miracles merge with miracles stories connect with stories all whether you like it or not every single one of us are connected all lives are not straight lines our lives are actually linked because all of us are so connected and then it frustrates you when people you love who don't understand this premise and then I don't worry about me don't worry about me you do you and i'ma do me just do you and i'ma do me and you want to look at that person to say well you doing you is affecting me because all of us are deeply and intrinsically connected we're connected and so it is not strange to me in mark chapter 5 mark begins by talking about this ruler in the Jewish synagogue whose name is gyrus but in the middle of joyousness story we are interrupted with the story of a woman with the issue of blood and the reason that mark has strategically sandwiched these two stories together is because the two of them are connected deeply connected in fact to talk about gyrus the synagogue leader and never discuss the woman with the issue of life is really to do an injustice to the integrity of this text because the two of them are connected they're so connected now not on the surface if you just look at the surface of their lives they couldn't be more opposite if you just look at the surface of their lives come on one of these things is not like the other they are completely so let's just start with biology 101 gyrus is a man she is a woman hello gyrus is named in the text the Bible doesn't even give us this woman's name gyrus is honored and respected in that society this woman has been shamed and rejected gyrus is a ruler in the Jewish synagogue this woman can't even come near the synagogue because her sickness has made her ceremonially unclean gyrus is a fluid he's got some money in the bank this woman is broke busted and disgusted and have spent all she had all worthless physicians who have made her worse instead of better let me just bring the text to the 21st century gyrus is driving a Benz but this woman is riding the bus they have nothing in common on the peripheral but yet life has put them in the exact same place posture and position because they both have been hit with something that they cannot handle oh come on somebody you do know that life will do that life has a way of evening the playing field life has a way that I'll hit you with some stuff that you no matter how much money you got in the bank they don't matter how many friends you got how many likes you got on Instagram how many retweets you get life will hit you with some stuff it don't matter how many degrees you got you can have more degrees than a thermometer life will hit you with some stuff that'll make you scratch your head they'll make you take a deep breath that'll make you step back and might I suggest to you that if the life has hit you with something that you cannot handle how many know that thing is a job for Jesus that's time for you to throw up your hands and say god I don't know what to do about this but surely you know what to do they have nothing in common on the surface but both ended up in the exact same place having to push people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus I love it I love it because now one of them had a pretty pathway with rose petals to Jesus no both of them had to physically push people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus I love John he's not supposed to be pushing people he's a pastor but he's still pushing I can see people that they gon hate gyruss I loved your sermon last week he's like you did people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus come on this woman is ceremonially unclean she's not supposed to be in public she's not supposed to be touching anybody hum you know she touched her body no pushin people out the way to get an appointment with Jesus why are both of them pushing I'll tell you why they're both pushing because desperate people do desperate things oh come on ham you know when you are desperate for God to do something in your life come on you don't care about procedure you don't care about protocol who you supposed to call well you are desperate for God to do something in your life it will pull stuff out of you that you didn't even know was there when you are desperate for God to do something come on you will come in on a Wednesday night at pre pre service you will lift up your hands you're single now you don't care whose nerves you kidding on you'll mess up all that Mary Kay and Mac makeup when you are really desperate Oh for God to do something it changes the way you handle yourself I love desperation you know God will often use desperation to drive you into your destiny oh yes God will often use desperation to push you into your purpose if that desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through that'll tweet I'll say it again I said desperation is the door that breakthrough walks through some people wonder why they never get their breakthrough sometimes it's because you haven't got downright desperate enough for God to do it in your life but can I tell you when you get desperate desperation will open up doors that complacency will keep shut and there's something about being desperate for God to show up in your life I love desperate people I like preaches to desperate people in fact I've been traveling for 14 years now and often people will ask me Robert where's your favorite place to preach your favorite place to preach and I always struggle to give them an answer because I want to articulate to them that the effectiveness of preaching and ministry has a little to do with the destination or an address of a place but everything to do with the attitude and the disposition of the people that are in the place oh come on so Bobby I would rather preach in a basement with ten desperate people then the preacher in the Bahamas with thousands of bougie stuck-up people who act like they don't need God to do anything in their life but come on if you give me a room of some desperate people who say Robert I didn't come to play games but there's something I need God to do in my life when you give me desperate people come on miracles it will pray for the supernatural will occur will your - for God to do something oh come on all the desperate people would you just take a praise break and give God some praise like this you need help they're doing this when you can be quiet but if there's something you need God to do I'm till you open up your mouth and lift up your hands and give God some poise like you're - you're desperate and you're desperate attained jizz the way you do things when you're desperate and it was it was the rolling tides of desperation that brought gyrus and this woman both at the feet of Jesus both at the feet of Jesus I love it because they had nothing in common on the periphery but they both ended up at the same place at the feet of Jesus desperate for him to do a miracle come you know that it's a picture of the church there's a picture of the power of the gospel that we can come in here today with all our differences but both end up at the same place at the feet of Jesus see there is something on me you to do in my life are you bored yet desperation because I would really like to delve into the details of their desperation because gyruss he gets to Jesus first and boy is he desperate gyres is desperate because his baby girl his daughter is dying so when he gets to Jesus he is speaking of Jesus with a vocal intonation of an on one one caller said Jesus I'll just need you to come to my house I need you to come to the house and I need you to hurry this woman is just as desperate but our situation has been going on for a while now this hemorrhaging this bleeding in her body and watch this look at how much mark wants us to know that the two of them are connected because it just so happens that Jireh says daughter who is dying is 12 years old and the woman with the issue of blood has been dealing with this issue for 12 years they're connected so you got a 12 year old dying daughter in a 12 year old disease a 12 year old dying daughter in a 12 year old disease so that means chronologically speaking the same year that this little girl was born was the exact year that this woman was diagnosed with the disease that means cinematically speaking if Mark chapter 5 was a movie and the producers of this is us were making the movie hello this would be the same but it would flash from the feet of Jesus and it would say 12 years earlier and the scene would then go to a hospital and walking out the hospital would be gyrus his wife and them holding a beautiful newborn baby girl smiling ear-to-ear in the full elation of parenthood and then perhaps walking out of that same hospital is a woman tears coming down her face because she's just been diagnosed with a disease and the doctors don't know what to do about it and maybe they were at the same hospital that day but didn't even see each other come on somebody in there just like life in that just like life sometimes sometimes you can be so preoccupied with your promise or so preoccupied with your pain that you don't even see other people you can be so preoccupied with what God has done in your life or so preoccupied with what hasn't come to pass yet that you don't even see other people around you and come on I want to warn some of us in this narcissistic individualistic selfie saturated society in which we live that we have forgotten the art of empathy we have put God with Romans 12 says that you got a rejoice with them that rejoice and then weep with those that weep come on somebody don't be so preoccupied with your pain or your promise that you don't see other people but thank God for Jesus because the two people didn't see each other at the hospital are now seeing each other at the feet of Jesus and now the two 12's are touching somebody say twelve twelve year old disease 12 year old dying daughter 12 year old disease 12 year old dying daughter 12 12 12 how many you know there are some numbers in the Bible that you don't need a Bible college degree you don't need to be a student biblical numerology to know there are some numbers in the Bible God has given you biblical blues clues that these numbers are a big deal okay 12:12 is one of those numbers 12 is a big number to God come on you remember when God began his covenant with his people a covenant that commenced with the call of Abraham that continued with Isaac and culminated in Jacob Jacob had not one not two not ten but twelve sons representing the strength of power and the authority of the Covenant of God and his people those twelve sons actually became the twelve tribes of Israel representing the strength and the power and the authority of that nation come on you remember when the high priest would go into the Holy of Holies and he would go on behalf of the people of God he would actually walk in with the breastplate that had twelve precious stones representing those 12 tribes of Israel and he would stand there in power and authority on behalf of the people fast forward to the new testament you remember our new testament high priest who is jesus the first time we see him in the temple is at the age of 12 and he marveled at the wisdom that came out of a 12 year old a junior higher was preaching the house now you remember when that 12 year old turned 30 and he got ready to pick his crew his role dogs if it was me I would have stopped at 11 but not Jesus he said I need a hater - come on Judas and pick 12 dudes to roam the earth with 12 12 what is 12 12 is the number of God's power it is the number of God's Authority do you know what Jesus is teaching us with the number 12 he's teaching us what he's been trying to show us since the moment he landed on planet Earth that Jesus is saying I don't care whether a sickness sand disease a blind eye a deaf ear a withered hand leprosy demon possession or even death itself how many know there is nothing that you're facing that's not under the jurisdiction of God's power and his authority come on somebody he's got power and authority to change your situation 12 hear me is a number of God's power is a number of God's Authority why is that important it's important because hear me your awareness of God's Authority we'll determine how much you receive from him say that again your awareness of God's authority will always determine how much you receive from him see too often we made this text about faith because jesus said to her daughter your faith has healed you and don't get me wrong faith is important come home you know faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not saying come on you me and faith faith is important faith is powerful faith watch this is our anchor pinkies our anchor but nobody takes the anchor and just throws it in the water you gonna lose that anchor you better tie that anchor to something you better connect it to something and my faith is connected to his authority it's a connected to the authority of his word the authority of his power that's what you got to attach your faith to I'm teaching you I hope you're staying with me are you good some of you think you have a faith problem you ain't got a faith problem you got an awareness of his authority problem because if you don't know that God is the ultimate authority your faith is gonna struggle oh come on somebody if you don't know that he gives the ultimate authority you are gonna struggle in your faith because your faith has got to be connected to God's authority give a subscription for that Robert I'll give you a subscription come on you remember the disciples remember the disciples no when they were on the boat and the winds and the waves were going crazy it was a hurricane in Jesus I love it in a hurricane he's in the bottom of the boat just about just sound asleep and what the disciples do they said Jesus woke them up don't you care without to die in Jesus summer sovereign swag he gets up in our hurricane in a hurricane mmm walks up to the edge of the boat cool calm and collected and a hurricane and just goes peace be still and a moment the winds and the waves are calm and what did the disciples do their jaws hit the floor and they go who is this man that even the wind's and the waves obey Him they marveled at his authority and what did Jesus say to them o you of little thing you know why your faith is struggling because you didn't have an awareness of my authority you didn't know who I was if you really knew who I was and my authority come on you should have looked at me when I was asleep in the boat and said who is this man that can sleep in the middle of a hurricane if this storm ain't stressing you out guess what it's not gonna stress me out Jesus stood over let me just cuddle with you cuz you're not worried about it why would I be worried about it come on somebody God is not stressing about what you're stressing about he's got power he's got authority I'm telling you you don't have a faith problem you got an awareness of God's authority problem because when you know that he is the ultimate authority how many know your faith can go to a whole nother level something you're trying to get more faith in more favours muster size faith you just need an awareness of his authority to connect your faith to see you think that the doctor is the ultimate authority you think your cousin in them are the ultimate authority you think internet trolls are the ultimate authority but once you know that he is the ultimate authority that God has the final say in no matter what the situation looks like then he has the final word when your faith can go to a whole nother level this is too much for Wednesday night Oh y'all still with me watch this Jairus got a house call from Jesus because that was his awareness of God's authority how did he approach you he said Jesus you got to come to my house my daughter's down you got to lay hands on her he's a classic pastor he said you got to come to my house you got to lay hands on he's Pentecostal too he said you got to lay hands on her and you got to heal her because that's the way healing works that's my awareness of your authority so Jesus like that show awareness come on I go to your house that was his awareness of God's Authority this woman had a whole nother awareness of God supported she said no you ain't gotta come to my house ain't got time for that if I just touched the hem of your garment I got a feeling that just in the hem of your garment I'll be here and that's what she got because that was her awareness of his authority but how many you know your Bible and you know ass interior that had a whole nother awareness of God's authority this soldier he rolls up on Jesus and says Jesus my servant is sick he said but Jesus I'm not even worthy for you to come to my house just speak the word and if you speak the word I know my servant is gonna be healed because I'm a man in authority and under Authority and Jesus spoke the word and somebody got in here without Jesus even being in the room how does somebody get healed without Jesus being in the room because somebody had an awareness of his authority oh and what did Jesus say to that Centurion never have I seen faith like this and all of Israel in fact he marveled at his faith Jesus why you marveled at his faith because he's got an awareness of my authority you ain't got a faith problem you got an awareness of his authority problem because when you know that he is the ultimate authority your faith can go to a whole nother level are you still with me tonight um I'm almost done let's just let's just think practically tonight how many you know if you doubt that somebody is the ultimate authority you will ultimately doubt the validity of their words oh come on you've been there before you've been on the phone are you talking to somebody and you knew there was a they were a mid-level employee and they're telling you something that is contradictory to good customer service and after a while you're talking them you just get it for you can I please speak to a manager can I please speak to your supervisor does this okay y'all real spiritual your address no but can I please just somebody with some authority please this happened to me not too long ago I was at a hotel that I had a reservation had a reservation have been booked for several months I get to the hotel and the girl behind the desk bless her heart she was like I'm sorry mister me too we're actually fully committed I was like what I had a reservation she's like no we're fully committed I'm so sorry I try to stay safe I said but can I please speak to your manager can I please speak to a supervisor all of a sudden the manager comes behind the door oh I'm so sorry girl move I'm so sorry mr. Madhu she's a new here it is right here found your reservation as a matter of fact I'm gonna upgrade you to an executive suite how did I go from about to be on the street to an executive suite for somebody with some power and some authority that new inch button to push got behind the desk oh come on somebody I hope you get so annoyed that what the enemy is doing to your life and for your family that you say you know what I need to speak to the supervisor I need to speak to the gods and for me I need to speak to the Alpha and the Omega the stars come on somebody that knows he is the ultimate authority would you give a great God some great ways [Music] [Applause] come on he's the ultimate authority Oh worship team join me this woman goes for 12 years for 12 years I've been speaking to mid-level employees she goes I demand an appointment with the supervisor she touched the hem of his garment and immediately she got healed watch this celebration her healing was actually an interruption to Jesus's journey to Jarvis's house don't forget who got to Jesus first gyrus did he got to Jesus first can you see it I can see how the whole thing went down Jarvis got to Jesus first remember he's desperate he's like Jesus please my baby girl is dying can you please come to the house Jesus says yes I'll go can you imagine the joy that filled Jarvis's heart when Jesus said I'm gonna go to your house all of a sudden he's like ha everything's gonna be good everything's gonna be ok he said he's gonna come to the house but the Bible is clear that there was a crowd of people there there is a crowd of people so Janice stan has to get Jesus through the crowd of people back to his house so I can see Jairus trying to get through the crowds like come on Jesus hurry up this way follow me and he's kinda maneuvering to the ground move scuse me scuse me scuse me no I got to him first move out the way come on Jesus hitting and it keeps checking to make sure that Jesus and still you still there good and it keeps going you still there good he's gone all of a sudden as he's getting to the crowd he looks back and he loses Jesus in the crowd wait a minute what is he doing I told him that this is an emergency she tells me Mom and all of a sudden he finds Jesus in a crowd of people talking about who touched me are you serious I just told you that this is an emergency and you will be playing 21 questions what you me hoots much - oh come on like you've never been there before have you ever told Jesus this is an emergency they bout to take my car Jesus this is an emergency and he just taken his heart it's about who touched me and then wait we'll wait who did it [Music] iris are you for real finally after a while who knows how long this took this woman sheepishly comes through the crowd says it was me and Jesus takes the time to talk to her wild iris is waiting and the Bible says that this woman told Jesus the whole truth another version says she told him her whole story she told him her whole story come on ladies I love you but have you got a lady tell him ha ha oh don't be in a hurry you better get you a comfortable chair yeah how long was this conversation Oh couple you want to do to tell you his whole story cuz we'll be like I'm good so healing and go just be a good time to tell your boy to hurry up Oh what do you do what do you do Church and you told him it was an emergency and he makes you wait oh it's not frustrating enough to wait he had to watch her get her healing if it's not frustrating enough to wait on your miracle what do you do when you gotta watch somebody else get theirs and you got that fake smile on your face like um you hear hallelujah there we go now it's funny but not when it's you what are you doing when you're waiting on a miracle you're watching other people get theirs waiting to get healed and watching other people shout about God healing them waiting to get married watching other people walk down the aisle waiting to have a baby and watching other people post pictures of their baby on Instagram what do you do when God makes you wait on your miracle and watch other people get theirs cuz I have found even in my own life God will often make you watch a miracle while you're waiting on your miracle and it's not to discourage you how many know he's a good good father he is a loving caring God it's not to discourage you it's actually to encourage you to let you know that if God did it for them he can do it for you too he is no respecter of persons and he did it for them he can do it for you [Music] cuz I actually set you up for that clap I'm sorry because they know what we often say in church God did it for me he can do it for you too and it's true but I think there's an erroneous ideology behind that because often when we say if God did it for me he'll do it for you we think that means he'll do it in the same way so if God blessed you with a house he's gonna bless me with a house in the same neighborhood and with the same square footage and I'm a message Iza so you better keep it even hear me he will do it for you but understand his ways are above our ways his thoughts are above our thoughts and sometimes it will not be in the same way I'm helping somebody tonight gyrus and this woman both wanted the same thing they wanted healing gyrus didn't get a healing he got a resurrection [Music] which sounds awesome until you remember that the prerequisite for resurrection is death so can you imagine how gyrus is heart sunk in his chest while he was waiting on his miracle while he's watching her get hers tap him on the shoulder and say Jarvis why bother the teacher anymore your daughter is dan when I read that I felt gyrus is pain but I also realized something that gyrus has horrible friends terrible friends hashtag the worst friends on planet Earth not because they told him his daughter was dead that was the facts my problem is the commentary they added to the facts gyrus why bother to have to use this voice cuz they annoy me gyrus why bother the teacher anymore your daughter that gyrus why bother the teacher anymore your daughter the NS is they're saying gyrus give up gyrus just throwing the towel watch out for people in your life that are so quick to tell you to give up to walk away from your dream to walk away from the promise that God gave you I'm gonna tell me to give up this ain't your daughter and you ain't got an awareness of his authority as you said don't bother the teacher but he's more than a teacher he's a savior he's a healer he's a miracle worker he's a wave maker action and the life so even death can't stop come on somebody give up to praise [Music] oh don't you give up that's exactly what he told Johnson gyrus I know you're afraid but don't be afraid just believe don't be afraid just believe somebody came all the way to first Wednesday to get that word don't be afraid just believe come on I know you got the text message before you walked in here tonight but don't be afraid just believe I can see gyrus I think when he got the news he was so dazed he was so hurt he didn't even want to move but I think this is when the journey switched I think it went from gyrus reading Jesus 12 a sudden gyrus getting the bad news thinking it was over 12 a sudden Jesus started leading gyrus and say gyrus come on follow me come on I need you to walk with the same enthusiasm you have before come on I know you think it's over I know you think it's down but come on gyrus come on follow me come on this is the way it's supposed to be you [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] get to the house they've already started the funeral he walks in he says why don't crying girls not dead she's just asleep and as soon as they said that the people that were crying watch this started laughing they went from crying to laughing you know your crying is fake if you can switch that fast from crying to laughing can I give you just a little bit more I understand the context during that time period they would actually pay people to cry at funerals these are the Criers in the room the reason they would pay people to cry at the funeral is because sometimes at the funeral the family had no more tears left to cry so they would actually pay people to come in and cry and give Akademi award performances to create a certain atmosphere at the funeral those are the people that are crying in the room cuz they're getting a paycheck because this girl is there can I tell somebody be careful for people in your life that are actually benefiting from your dysfunction there are some people who don't want you to be healed they don't want you to be home because it's a codependent relationship they don't want you to give up Oh but Jesus exposes them he says while crying she's not dead she's just asleep and Wendy said that they started laughing he said y'all think that's funny every single one of y'all that laugh the kids oh come on somebody kids come on this is your day to tell some things to get somebody give God praise in this place [Music] yeah I said she's asleep and not dead not because I don't know the difference between death and sleep he says I know that death is permanent but I have so much power and so much authority I can look at situations that everybody said is over everybody said its final I can say no it's not dead it's just a sleep come on how many I'm thankful that God will put a comma what other people are trying to put a period and tell you it's over there's some things that we'll never get up until some things first get out it's gonna master this moment every head be bound every not be closed in this place Jesus I thank you tonight for your word god I thank you that you don't only want to change us God you specializes in changing atmospheres and environments Holy Spirit help us tonight to check the atmosphere around us don't let us be looking at things that look like they are dead shouting get up we need to take our authority and tell some things to get out I don't know who I came for tonight but I know I came for somebody God's telling you to check your atmosphere some things will never get up until some things first get out in a minute I'm going to ask the worship team just to lead us in a song but before they do with heads bowed and I was closed all over this place in here tonight and you say you know what I know some things that need to get out for some of you it's people in your life people who keep quenching your passion your faith how many know sometimes you can look at people that you love and say I love you but you got to get out I find it intriguing Jesus didn't even take all the disciples in the room with them just Peter James and John were the only three which means you can tell people to get out and still love them but be selective with who you let around you for somebody as people for somebody it's an attitude it's a disposition that needs to get out come on sometimes you got to speak to yourself and tell your own thoughts in your mind to get out that thought that keeps telling you now God can't use you now this can't happen no tell that to get out you can be who God's called you to be you can do a goddess called you to - he's given you power and authority heads bowed eyes closed all over this place today if you're in here today you say you know what there's some things that I know they need to get out before some things get up and today I'm gonna tap it to the power and the authority of Jesus Christ and tell it to get out with heads bowed eyes closed you just lift up your hand say I know that under what that is and today today get out get out hands are going up all over this place tonight here's what I'm gonna ask you to do come on if you lifted up your hand or you should have I just want you to get out of your seat and get as close to this altar as you can right now because this is a moment this is a moment where you're gonna take that authority this is the night we said you know what no more he's got to get out it's out if you lift up your hand or you should have I want you to come I want you to come whatever that thing is today's the day today's the day it's got to get out we're shifting would you get ready to lead us I just want us to have an atmosphere in this place of worship and we're gonna tap into the authority and the power that we have because of what Jesus procured for us on the cross come on just as close to this altar as you can if you'd hit a knight and you've never surrendered your life to Jesus you said you know what I am the ultimate authority of my life that's all salvation is it's putting Jesus in his proper place and saying you are the ultimate authority you are my Lord and my Savior you're here tonight you've never surrendered your life to Jesus maybe somebody invited you and you've been running your own life and you see where it's getting you but tonight you're saying I'm tired of doing life on my own I need him to come into my life if that's you I want you to get out of your sin and I want you to come I want you to come [Music] give yourself away [Music] [Music] goodnight [Music] well [Music] it's no shadow you won't light up bouncing you all climb [Music] come on as the clarity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus father thank you for your power father thank you for your authority father we come against every lie of the enemy that would tell us it's over that is dead that is too late father I thank you that it is not over until you say that it is over come on somebody needs to stir up your faith tonight attach it to God's authority I don't care who's telling you it's dead it's over that that marriage is over to give up on that child it's not over come on until God says it is over he's the final authority thank you for it tonight Jesus come all over this place that we just lift up our hands just as a sign of surrender just make this declaration say Jesus thank you so much that you have all power and all authority Jesus I know you died on the cross got up from the grave when you declared it is finished that sealed the deal Jesus tonight I'll check my atmosphere I'll speak to those things that need to get out so that dead things can get up Jesus thank you [Music] the other resurrection you are the life all that I am is yours I commit my faith my trust and your power in your authority in Jesus name come on somebody say a man to give down a big hand clap of praise tonight oh come on you can do better than that could you give Jesus [Music] oh come on friends of like to know he's not power and authority [Music] about how many you say I truly received something from the Word of God tonight did you receive god bless you celebration Church thank you so much [Music] thanks for listening if this impacted you and you'd like to partner with us go to celebration Church CC / gift to help us reach people with a message of Jesus [Music]
Channel: Celebration Church
Views: 2,573
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: church, jesus, help, message
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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