I got a FREE Diesel Trench Compactor!!! Will it run?!?

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome ed with channel I got a free trench compactor how about that huh I already jumped the gun and did a couple little things to it I will talk about that here once we get it unloaded it's kind of cold and crappy so let's get it off the trailer [Music] [Music] so I haven't got the old forklift running not top-notch yet but it should work good enough to get this thing off the trailer the compactor weighs close to 3,000 pounds I'm pretty sure and I think the for close range for five so we should be golden I was barely able to get it onto the trailer with a little cat 305 excavator [Music] the real stuck on flat ground on the wet metal plates you just can't win okay give you a little walk around here so this is what they would call a skid steer type vibratory trench compactor this is a ram Maxx brand buy multi quip believe the models of 33 45 or something like that actually on the nameplate it says RW 1414 something but when I look that number up I can't really find anything so I don't know the 33 model I'm talking about looks just like this it's got a lot number on it obviously it was in an auction but it was sitting next to a dumpster at the job site I'm working on and it was left behind from the last company that was there and I'm pretty sure they were just gonna throw it away so I asked and they said yeah take it so took my trailer to work through it on there and hauled it home now I got a little overexcited before I got my camera out you could see I had the motor cover off there laying on the trailer nothing was bolted down I was able to just lift that off so that tells me that somebody's been in here before it had a battery in it I pulled it out it was in here but this was hanging just like you see hanging just like you see there when I got it so it was already opened up somebody's messing with it the key is snapped off in the ignition that's no bueno this cover over here only has like one or two bolts holding it on so we'll see what the story is on this thing I'm betting all the hydraulic functions function if the motor will run so this has independent drives these two wheels were spin and then the other wheels will spin and you have independent control and that's how you get this unit this to turn unlike more modern units or articulated in the middle and they'll pivot and turn all over the place you know I believe this one also vibrates in both drums which is nice so as I said I've got a little bit too excited when I brought it home before I got the camera out and I tore into it a little bit I threw a jump pack on it and tried to turn the key but that wiring looks very suspect over there I wasn't getting any clicking noises no turning on the starter no nothing so I came back here and these actually come with a hand crank although of course the crank is missing from this model but you can start these very easily with a hand crank and I don't have one of those cranks laying around here so I took an old junk socket cut a notch in it so it fits there's a there's a dowel pin that runs across the inside of this hole in here so I slide this in here it engages on the dowel pin and I should be able to spin the engine over very easily and she no spin I'm betting that's why it's parked and why I got left behind so this is a Perryman diesel motor I looked it up just so happened I found a couple used ones on Facebook marketplace not too too far from me but I want to tear into this one first and see exactly what's wrong with it what went bad and what's caused it to seize up I've seen stupid stuff actually my plate tamper that I have I got it out of a junkyard and the only thing that was wrong with it it wouldn't make a full revolution when you pull the rope start it would bind up and the only thing that was wrong with it for some reason a little chunk of the piston had popped off along the edge above the ring seat and it was coming up and hitting the head and it wouldn't let it make a full revolution I took it apart removed the chunk and the chunk was very very minimal it doesn't even affect it I've been running that thing for years now with a chunk of still missing from the piston and it runs great fires up that thing starts reliable every time so we'll get into this thing and see what the heck's causing it to be locked up like that so upon a closer examination here this thing looks like it's had its fair share of abuse over the years it's a 1993 model I don't know if I mentioned that I can see the air cleaner here hasn't welled across there that's been repaired this bracket here holds on that engine cover the bolt holes are snapped and Waller doubt on it over here next to the lifting eye this is the hydraulic tank this isn't a comfort this is the actual tank it's made out of some pretty thick plate and on both sides of the lifting eye is been smashed and repaired that's got weld all through it on both sides so I'm guessing this hook probably got bent and slammed over into there or something like that I don't know and of course these things are running in tight confined ditches all day long them and that's their entire purpose so the sides are always worn plumb off from scraping up against the edges that ditches all the time not uncommon to see them like this all rusted on top because when people are back filling ditches if this thing is in the way a little bit it gets a little bit of gravel sprinkled on it too and it doesn't really hurt it but it eats the paint off of it and yeah it's probably never ever spend the night indoors and tonight's gonna be no exception as soon as I'm done tinkering with it here it's going back outside so I can get get all four key back in here so let's pull that the valve cover off and see what we can see there I'm always talking up the wobble sockets with a 3/8 impact in the garage here I don't care what your your color poison is but if you don't have one of these in your shop by now you're missing out a baby's owner okay let's play a game what's behind door number one that suckers on there I think this plastic washer is holding us up sometimes they really get jammed in there yeah that sucker was threaded on there that's a good washer I cannot tell but something is holding up this valve cover come spring I'm gonna bring it doesn't make any sense I know absolutely nothing about Perryman Diesel's by the way so if you know anything about him let me know down in the comments oh it's a stinking oil return line that I'm catching on and it's quickly dumping a puddle of wool nice oh well the odds that things ever been off here comes even more a little oh yeah well that valves open tree moving that one's not so after some considerations I think I'm just gonna go ahead and rip the whole head off and see what the story is in that bore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what's behind door number two here but I'm betting it's not a trip to Hawaii and stinking breather hose running to the intake it really gone there I cannot get it off I do not want to hurt it one of these steel braided lines man that thing is on there there we go yeah I think didn't want to come off well moment of truth let's see what's behind this head huh well the head doesn't look too bad interesting junk wants to come off I don't know if I want to pull that jug just yet the real kicker could be that this motor isn't locked up at all it's hooked directly to a hydraulic pump and if the hydraulic pump is locked up the motor would be locked up as well being that the junk moves easily on the piston that leaves either bottom end or the hydraulic pump we tore his head off for nothing though it's kind of a gamble either way nice thing about this style of head though and these uh these Germans are always thinking is this is a brass sealing ring in here and there's no like paper or metal gasket that we have to worry about we could just bolt this right back on there we're good to go there so I was starting to get concerned that it might have actually torn this head off for nothing I mean I did find a stuck at exhaust valve but that wouldn't have held up the engine I pulled off this little access cover here around the governor assembly and I can see we've got a little bit of carnage down in the bottom not sure what that is pretty thin almost looks like a one of those locks that you'd put on the on the rod nuts the thin piece of metal or maybe it's a shim not sure about that few other pieces in there I can see oh yeah the oil oil seems to be magnetic yeah we've got carnage in there yay so at least now we know where our problems lie I'm gonna bet a hundred percent that's why they quit using this unit just a bunch of metal shavings and bad news down there but I was afraid of but you'll have that on these big projects so I am disappointed it wasn't just something stupid I don't even know what something stupid would have been that I could have just got this thing running again you don't get that lucky too often like I was talking about with the compactor or the the plate tamper but I can't afford the space to keep this whole thing in here so we'll go ahead and just pull the motor off now and I can set it over there on the bench and tear it down and now uh there's not a whole lot of parts availability from what I'm seeing online so there is a supplier and dealer forum down in Florida somewhere so I'll probably call them and price out parts to repair this after after I see what's all wrong with it and if it's gonna be too much money I'll just source a replacement because I work on cleaning up our mess and yanking this motor over here now oh no I got that cover off you can really see down into the belly of the beast here we're gonna take these bolts off and hopefully this hydraulic unit can just slide back enough or I'll unbolt the motor and slide the motor forward enough to get this off without having to disconnect any lines because I don't feel like making a big hydraulic mess right now okay and there's been a development and I don't understand this may be one you guys down in the comments will have an idea but I went to slide to jump back on cuz I had pulled it up but so far I hadn't had the piston you know move the crank had been stuck which is what I thought was wrong with this thing but I went to slide the jug bag on and the piston actually went down with it so I got my tool back here and I stuck it back in here thing spins over pretty decently I do hear some sort of bearing noise and I'm definitely not gonna disregard all that trash in there but I don't understand how it was stuck when all that I found so far was a stuck exhaust valve you know the push rod sure if I was up against the exhaust stroke I wouldn't have been able to turn it the right direction but I should have been able to turn it the other direction you know what I mean I don't see how that could limit it to being completely seized and yeah that's where I'm at right now all right well since I got spinning now futile as it may be I'm gonna go ahead and pull off this oil filter housing and that should allow me to see into the bottom of the crank just to see what's going on in there because for as much debris as I found in the oil pan on the governor side you know I didn't feel anything grind in or chop and it actually feels pretty smooth there's a kind of like a divider plate over here that keeps me from seeing over into the crank side through this inspection port so we'll go ahead and pop this thing off and see what we can see on this side didn't even get crap everywhere what's fun isn't that everything I've seen so far it looks really nice except for the the port on the exhaust side there was a little bit of rust in there and I'm sure that's why that exhaust valve is stuck so and I don't understand how water could have gotten into the exhaust side if it was the intake side I'd say fine but the exhaust sides all inverted I don't I don't know how water ever got in there all right to the covers off in there hmm the old Oh like shedding some light on the situation no you can see I don't know if you guys can see a bunch more shrapnel down there in the bottom end laying on the pan and I still can't be I'm pretty sure it's a rod bearing at this point there's a lot of heat marking here on the on the crank I don't know if that's showing up on camera but to wiggle it back and forth here doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of slop for all the carnage we're seeing let's take it a full revolution here I mean for all this carnage down here you see if I can get my little paws onto it how much sharp yeah look at all that I'm there's just a pile of it back here uh-huh I'd be stunned if it's not a main so we get this cap lined up and just go ahead and pop the cap off there see what we're looking at I just like to try to guess and see what things are before I actually rip them apart okay this is gonna be the last mystery door we have to open on this engine go ahead and see what's behind here oh I thought she was gonna start turning on me oh yeah yep she is frazzled the reason there wasn't any slop in it it's because the pieces actually broke broke loose and went underneath of each other and wedged themselves tight Wow crank we won't know till we get it out but the crank doesn't look too awful bad hopefully we can just get that lapped or something would be good at this point we might as well go ahead and yank this yank the jug off on the piston there's a whole one that there engine all right now that we definitely found our problem with this little engine we'll go ahead and definitely remove it throw it up on the bench and start tearing her down you and finally success ended up having to pull off this flywheel cover because there's a rubber rack joint for the pump in here and it wouldn't fit through the housing I don't I don't know how the heck they put it together because I doubt it was the way I just took it apart but yeah let's get this thing carried over the bench and get this rest of this heap out of here okay not too bad for a free project huh maybe not a home run but it's definitely repairable this is a low priority project for me I just got really excited about getting it so I had to tear into it so the next video you guys see on this thing you're gonna see me finish tearing down the engine we're gonna inspect for damage and source the parts for it and if it's too expensive we're gonna go another route my biggest concern is that that crankshaft is in usable condition hopefully we can just soak it in some acid get the deposits off of it polish it back up and she's ready to go so let me know down in the comments if you think this thing's worth saving also if you have any experience with these ferryman Diesel's let me know down in the comments what you think about them if you had good or bad experience with them anyways guys that's it thanks for watching and I'll catch you guys next week later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 342,598
Rating: 4.9200835 out of 5
Keywords: multiquip, rammax, wacker, nueson, compactor, roller, sheep, foot, skid, steer, diesel, ditch, dirt, construction, equipment, gasoline, gas, engine, motor, rod, bearing, blown up, siezed, project, farymann, parymann, rw, 1403, rw1403, 33/24, hydraulic, shop, garage, forklift, allis chalmers, propane, mud, stuck, fork, lift, loader, digger, excavator, dozer, hoe, oil, sludge, rollar, grader, crane, bomag
Id: OaGy_XHuixU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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