Junkyard Kubota DIESEL powered Roller/Compactor build COMPLETE! (Lets try it out!!!)

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[Applause] hey what's up guys welcome back to diesel creek today we're going to be working on this monument in my driveway that is my pull behind vibratory roller now if you guys haven't seen the previous videos on this go ahead and uh either click up in the corner or down the descriptions the link to the playlist all the videos on this roller uh the quick back story i bought this thing for 200 in the middle of a field had trees growing out of it and everything cut it out of there had a four-cylinder wisconsin on it at the time uh did a little bit of work to wisconsin got it going used it on a few jobs not a whole lot boom head head exploded on wisconsin way too expensive to get parts for wisconsin plus it's a fuel hog so i was able to scare up this four cylinder kubota diesel in a junkyard for not a lot of money pretty cheap and i was able to get it going the injection pump was seized up on it and a few other things but it runs real good right now i've got everything rigged up and converted over to work on this roller and we just have some finishing touches to do today so what we have left to work on here is the exhaust mounting our permanent fuel tank this is just temporary removing the 12 miles of battery leads that we've got here and shortening up that harness and we're going to build an automatic throttle advance for it see this is a big centrifugal clutch out here and the engine can be running at an idle and uh well without the clutch engaged you can rev the engine to the moon it doesn't matter but once you engage this over center clutch here that puts power to this thing this is a big centrifugal clutch and after the engine hits a certain rpm this thing starts spinning which in turn spins the counterweight down inside the big drum down here which will pulverize the ground so the thought is you put an automatic throttle on it that way you can have a just a long lead on it stick it on whatever machine you're pulling this thing with and be cruising around and when you get to the spot where you want to start compacting you just flick the switch and the engine revs up the vibratory kicks in and you roll to town and kick it out when you want to so as i said first thing we're going to be working on here is an exhaust so this is the exhaust that came off of the like industrial card or cushman cart that this engine came out of and i've had this thing mounted up here just for testing before uh not any particular orientation and this muffler is super quiet which i'm a big fan of you know big loud diesels are nice for about 20 minutes and then you're like okay i'm sick of this so i want to put it sticking like so uh so it shoots out the side here you know no harm no foul if you're back here working the controls or running the wheels up and down while it's running anything like that you're not going to have exhaust blowing in your face or choking you the trouble is with uh the pieces we got here to work with is we're about three four inches too tall this way so i need to shorten this thing up and i was gonna just cut it here and cut it here and weld it back together but i actually got to looking at the muffler orientation here and we can just make a slice right here in 180 the muffler so that we would gain all this space here so that's what we're going to go ahead and do so the flange on this exhaust is thicker right here so i'm going to cut it right above the weld here so that we've got the most meat uh to weld it back on with that this real thin metal is you know tricky if you don't do it every day which i i don't i've always been better with thicker metal so i'm gonna cut it where it's thickest and weld it back on where it's thickest should make it the easiest [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there we go oh yeah we got some got some serious meat there to weld too i like that cut turned out pretty decent i'm gonna go ahead and just take the flapper wheel and clean up the edges on both of these give them slight bevel so they're ready to weld [Music] sometimes you just wish you had a third hand go ahead and attack that all right i just double checked everything it all looks good go ahead and buzz it in grinder and paint makes me the welder i funny thing about it is i actually did go to school for welding after high school and uh i can stick well pretty darn good but never really got good at mig i don't know why don't get me wrong i can mix something together and it's not going to break just like this but never really just looks like glass like some people do helps if you ground the work piece take two our ground is angry wowsers take three four that'll do pig that'll do now of a moment of truth will it work will it fit in the hole these questions we've been asking our entire lives are about to be answered we have clearance there we go look at that huh now i just need to work out some sort of bracing for the end of it out here and we're going to put a 45 cut on this thing to keep the rain water out hopefully anyway might even end up having to cut it off and put a 90 on it but let's go ahead and fire it up and hear it with a muffler for the first time that'll be nice huh a lot of times you guys can't tell the difference between uh before and after you know how loud the sound really is on camera it makes it tough so i'm gonna play it right now before the muffler [Music] and here we are with the new muffler so [Music] all right i know these old belts aren't the best shape but we're going to go ahead and throw our cover over them so that we can fab up a mount for our muffler now see we need to have some way to support this weight out here all that weight on that uh exhaust manifold will snap it over time or could so we'll get something to support this weight [Music] so here's my simple uh exhaust mount now we want to rubber isolate this thing because it is going to move independently from this frame that this thing is bolted to so i got that deal there this is just a hunk i cut out of the side wall of a tire and a little metal tab here and some holes drilled and we're just going to lift this thing up to take a little bit of weight off of it buzz that tab right on right there run a bolt through it clamp it down and she is going to be nice and isolated and that also is up against this thing here so it can't let the muffler bang into this shield [Applause] [Music] [Music] good enough for my liking simple as that bolt through here now the idea so much with the bolt here isn't uh like hanging on the bolt but clamping it and see we're gonna use these big washers here and they're gonna clamp all that surface area together and that should hold it down real good beautiful i'm digging that good enough [Music] okay so i'm not the best at electrical anything um so this diagram is as much for me as it is for you guys to understand what we're doing here so this is our push well this is just a pull solenoid okay and this is what we're using to pull the throttle on the engine and make it rev up so it will start vibrating on the solenoid we've got three wires coming out here we've got a ground we've got a pull and we've got a hold so when you want to use this solenoid you have to get 12 volts on the pull side as well as 12 volts on the hold side but the pull side is only momentary the pull voltage has to go away as soon as it gets to the hold side because this plunger will suck back in and then it transfers over onto the hold side if you leave the pool side energized it will burn up the solenoid solenoid i know everybody always yells at me for pronouncing it wrong solenoid anywho so the only way i can figure out how to wire this thing up to be remotely actuated without having to get really involved and do relays and all kind of stuff that is above my knowledge is a switch so there are switches out there that have two poles one momentary and and then one latching um they're kind of hard to come by they're not something that any store is going to stock and i want to get this thing done right now and they're also relatively expensive for you know regular switch um something like this that's just an on off you know something like that's only a couple bucks but i was looking at like 15 18 for one of these uh double pole half momentary half latching switches so anyway what i came up with oh anyway we've got a battery here 12 volts into the switch and then you know you've got to have your double pull out for pull and hold anyway so what i came up with just something i would be able to get off the shelf around here was a generic lawnmower ignition switch so this is just a regular like key switch out of your riding lawnmower so this switch has three positions you've got off run and start that fulfills all our needs here for uh pull and hold and so on the back here there's a lot more switches going on here or a lot more plugs than we need but uh they're all stamped so we've got a a b an s and an r which i'm assuming stands for battery start and run so that's going to be repurposed for us instead of run and start what that's going to be is your 12 volts in will be your battery and the hold is going to be on our run and the start is going to be on our pole so now this is going to be our remote that we're going to have up on the machine pulling the roller and so when you want to turn the vibrator on and throttle up the engine what you're going to do is go to run and that's not going to do anything you're going to have to go past run to the start and that'll suck that plunger in on our solenoid and then it'll automatically spring the key switch back to the run position which will take the voltage away from the pool and leave it on the hold and then it'll keep the solenoid activated and when we want to throttle down all i have to do is kick the key switch back to off and the throttle will release and it will idle back down all right so here we find ourselves i just spent the last couple hours cleaning up the wiring here getting everything neat and tucked away and i've got our key switch rigged up here that's what those wires are there coming in here's our key switch right here unfortunately it doesn't work uh it's where it's right in theory and i should have seen this coming but this little key switch will not carry enough amperage to run the pull function on this solenoid that takes a lot of a lot of juice i guess to suck this plunger back now watch what happens when we try it this part here should fly back in like that so that should be our latching and that should pull it in there you can see it's trying but it doesn't have enough uh amperage i guess to pull that in there now it will as i just showed hold it there apparently it doesn't take a whole lot of amps to hold that thing and you know i can't release it i can't overpower the magnet and uh it does work so the theory's all there unfortunately our cheap little switch here just can't carry the amps but the show must go on right so what i've got here is less than ideal but it will function i have a toggle switch rated at 50 amps and a push button switch rated at 60 amps now as i mentioned earlier i could make this all work with a lot less amperage stuff by using uh relays i just don't feel like messing with all that and wrapping my head around that much wiring i really just despise wiring so this one's actually waterproof too i already had it out of there remove the cap anyway we're gonna get these rigged up and hopefully that should work alrighty wowzers well in real time this is the next day here i ended up uh i got my switches all wired up here and i ended up having to go get a completely new cable because uh the old one that i was trying to use here was just like an old extension cord or something and i don't know there must be some corrosion in it or something or the you know that was 14 gauge maybe it just couldn't hold the current this is 12 gauge and when we press our button here it works so we flip our switch to on bam and now she's accelerated you want to idle it back down you flip your switch back to back to idle so we can button all this up now uh this cover i did have it drilled for the ignition i'm going to get a new one of those eventually i'm not going to make a special trip for that but we'll get a new one of those so we don't have a big hole in the middle there and yeah pretty excited all right let's go ahead and try this out all i have left to do in this department is just uh get my digital tack out and get this engine tuned into the right rpm for our vibratory i forget what the engine speed is but it's written on a plate down here [Music] [Applause] oh yeah that's gonna look snazzy huh okay well i just got this thing back from the neighbor's place i took it up there because he's got a garage he uses as a paint shop and i said hey man could i uh paint this thing in your garage since the weather's become too cold to really do it outside now he said oh yeah sure bring it up and uh i was going to go up and do it myself because i kind of i knew what i wanted here and i wasn't trying to make this thing a showpiece by any means but i was going to make it look pretty good and he thought i just wanted to rust proof it basically and he did me a solid or he thought he was you know i'm not mad at him i mean i didn't really explain to him and he he went ahead and just painted it for me with the paint that i had taken up there and he kind of didn't do the greatest job he he brushed it on in places and then sprayed over it and there's brush strokes all over it which i'm not very happy with but i'm not mad at him at all it's just i was going to actually make the thing look pretty decent i've spent enough time working on this thing that i wanted it to to look good still in a few years but it is what it is it'll keep it from rusting over and it's just a piece of heavy equipment that's going to sit around honestly it's not really going to get used super frequently so all we need to do now is finish putting it back together we can try this thing out for the first time [Music] okay everything is mounted and it is officially done officially somebody always picks on my grammar in the comments anyway it's officially done the last thing i'm gonna do right now is this is one of those uh digital tachometers and what you do is you attach this reflective tape to the pulley on the crankshaft and then shine this thing at it while it's running and it'll tell you the uh minimum maximum and average rpm there's our reflective tape [Music] [Music] okay so i know these plates on the side of this roller are hard to read here but according to these our engine idle speed should be between eight and nine hundred rpm and our engine speed under load should be 2100 rpm which should equate to our vibrator shaft speed equaling 3600 rpm or vpn excuse me um so i don't have a way to test this but uh i can test this guy here and to get to 2100 rpm we're gonna have to do this so our resting idle right here looks like this with this spring okay and that's just barely snug onto the uh throttle arm when we engage our throttle solenoid that pulls back and that spring stretches out quite a bit so we only have so much throw with the solenoid so to get this thing up to the 2100 rpm we need i'm going to stick a zip tie through there while that thing is engaged i'm going to stick a zip tie through that spring and start clicking it shut until we get to our 2100 rpm and then it should be good it'll spring open until the stretch of the zip tie and that's it [Music] foreign [Music] okay we have this thing out here at the farm it's ready to take on its first compacting job uh as a lot of you guys know and been following the channel for a while i put my driveway while half of my driveway in this past uh winter and summer here i got a lot done and it's way out there it stops and i've been running on this part of it you know with vehicle traffic and stuff up until about my truck there and then past that i never really gets run on yet because it doesn't have a destination so i'm gonna get the tractor hooked up to the roller here and we're gonna go ahead and start compact and away you'll really be able to see a big difference out here on this piece that hasn't been uh tracked on much it should settle that rock down quite a bit keep it nice and level versus you know running in with vehicle traffic yeah it gets packed in where the wheels go but it doesn't pack it really ideally it packs it on the edges and the middle doesn't get packed and that can actually cause the mud underneath to pump up so the mud comes up through the middle basically and uh i haven't had that happen here luckily but we're just now getting into the wet season so we'll try and avoid that we'll take the roller right down the center of this one several times make several passes just hitting just the middle here so that should keep the middle push back down hopefully thing of beauty right there boys all right i think we should be ready to roll get it dad joke anyway i got the key here we can get this thing fired up but first i'm going to tell you the operating procedure just so everybody knows you guys have spent enough time looking at this thing i figure you probably want to know how to use it uh so we get this thing hooked up to a tractor in this instance so we stretched out our remote throttle lead i stuck it up there on the fender where it's easy access while we're operating the tractor i checked all our fluids that's ready to go so i pulled the wheels up and i believe you guys have seen me do that before but to do that all you do is uh push this valve up or down and run the electric motor that runs the wheels here and uh that's just about it so you lift the wheels greased everything we're ready to last thing we need to do will be after the engine starts but i'll just tell you now i could even do it now it doesn't really matter but this is the clutch lever here this engages your uh centrifugal clutch that's down in here so we'll go ahead and engage that over center let's fire this thing up maybe i'm having problems with this stupid little starter relay i'm gonna have to get another one of those these connections still yet i'm gonna get uh tucked up underneath here but i just pulled that out to fiddle with it maybe it'll start one of these days oh i just have to override the starter relay for now and get another one of those tomorrow i forgot to turn the key on all right it's running should be ready to go let's try it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well we're back to shut down that quick uh first time out with a piece of equipment like this uh just still kind of working some bugs out of it i realized after a couple minutes that the electric fan the radiator wasn't kicking on here and we were up to like 200 210 something like that so i shut her down bring it up here i'm trying to diagnose why the i know the fan works because it used to kick on when i'd be testing this thing out in the driveway so either the solenoid is giving us trouble or the temp sensor so trying to diagnose which one that is so here's proof of concept on the fan if i bypass it so that thing's working fine all right well that's another task taken care of i hope what it was see i just put this terminal on here now and i don't even i don't need to connect it to anything i just used a ring terminal because that's all i had with me but there was two black wires over here coming out and i guess they used to go together and in the process of me tightening up all the wiring on this thing before i left the house i had cut some of the old harness that was for that cart thing off and so this this leg here actually still goes to ground and this one here i guess used to tie into it further down and i had cut out that joint so now this guy was just out here in the wind so the solenoid had no ground so now it should work just fine all right everything's back in action let's make sure this radiator fan works huh well the coolant fan must be working because we're still staying right below 180 and that was running it pretty hard there for a minute it's uh it's doing a good job taking the hump out of the middle of the driveway too i'm happy about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no the fan was actually running right now good deal yeah the fan appears to be working good every time i came back and checked the gauge we were still right at 180 but the uh the fan was not on so it must have just shut off every time i checked it but it's running this time and uh yeah this thing's working perfectly best i can tell the only trouble i'm noticing here [Music] we have we've acquired a leak and i can tell just by touching it here it's nice and clear that has got to be our 90 weight from this gear case here which is very unfortunate i actually put a new seal in this thing whenever i installed it but it's uh obviously not working so anyway i got the driveway rolled in and it looks beautiful here i know the leaves make it really hard to tell but it it did a great job taking the hump out of the middle as i mentioned before it actually smoothed out some of the small depressions and potholes that were forming and if you've ever graded roads or even dirt whatever it is it always is much easier to grade after you've rough graded and then compacted and then you can come back and final grade because it makes the depression show up so much better you know because if you're cutting virgin ground and filling you know now you have fill right next to virgin ground so it looks level but after it's compacted that loose fill will pack more than that virgin ground so you end up with dips and doodles uh if you don't ever compact it so it's really helpful from a grading aspect to rough grade compact and then finish grade so this is looking nice eventually i'm going to get a millings like asphalt millings to top my whole driveway here and i might be doing that soon so we'll definitely be using the roller for that when that happens but ultimately like i said i'm happy with it the only thing it's going to need starter relay definitely gonna need that soon i noticed too that this fuel tank is kind of losing a little bit of fuel i can't tell it's coming out the top here where this pins through it or if it's leaking around the threads but i might try to look into something to do about that here it's not losing much but it is just running everywhere and it's going to get all dusty and dirty and look like crap [Music] all right there she is resting in her new home until i have to call on her but i do believe i'm gonna start her relay she is ready so that marks the end of a video and the end of a project that has taken oh two years maybe closer to three i don't know but it's always good to scratch one off the list i get comments every once in a while does this guy ever finish anything yeah but you know not not the stuff i get to cover for youtube that's more hobby stuff so the hobbies always come second so i get a lot of stuff done just not always stuff i can record so whenever i can i take you guys with me and i'll appreciate you guys coming along for the ride so if you like the video don't forget to give me a thumbs up and i will catch you guys on the next one thanks for watching [Music] later [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 520,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diesel, creek, mechanic, welding, miller, plasma, cutter, thermal dynamic, welder, fabricating, redneck, heavy, equipment, dozer, skid, steer, loader, bobcat, excavator, excavation, roller, compactor, compaction, mig, wisconsin, kubota, caterpillar, komatsu, digger, shop, project, country, boy, farm, dog, rosco, diy, built not bought, tow behind, essick, multiquip, ingersol, gallion, wacker, packer, smooth drum, acid, cleaning, muratic, fuel tank, steel, plastic, gasoline, electrolysis, rust, removal
Id: PQfoX_g5z8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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