Allis Chalmers HD5 | 2-71 Detroit - Will it Run after 17 Years?

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last summer my brother bought a crusty old allis-chalmers hd5 crawler loader and I made a video where I helped him move that machine from a field where it's at we think for at least 17 years back to his house I'll roll a montage here what's dad doing there you know it's more junk no treasures it's been sitting here for how long 15 years you don't know what the last time it ran to 71 tea-tray so it's a little 2 cylinder two-stroke Detroit engine you think they'd turn [Music] oh yeah run by tomorrow I used me to make sure that racks not stuck or the injectors are stuck it's got the injector is stuck see this year people go bananas on the YouTube if you use a screwdriver as a pry bar so just tell everybody it's a pry bar yep we don't know what year the machine was built we think sometime around 1950 so it's about 70 years old we also don't know the last time that it ran the only clue we really have is that there was a battery in the machine with a date code of 2003 we don't know if it was installed in 2003 we also don't know if the machine ran when that battery was installed that's just the only clue that we have mechanically it's got a lot of problems the engine is free but it will not make a complete revolution so mechanically something is binding it and attempts to free that up have not been successful also the steering clutches are both frozen and one of the steering breaks is frozen so when we pulled it on the machine on the truck the the track on one side basically just we had to drag it my brother has done some work on the engine I think some of the exhaust valves were frozen he got those loosened up but a mechanical problem required him to remove the head and what he found is that one of the valves the heads of the valves had actually broken off and the valve head was sitting on top of the piston and getting bound between the piston and the cylinder head so he took the head to a machine shop I believe they pressure tested it made sure it didn't have any leaks and then they installed two new valves and two new seats the engine is at 271 Detroit diesel engine so it's a two cycle two cylinder diesel engine and on these engines they're a little bit different than what you're used to the valves that you see on the top but the push rods and the rocker arms and stuff those are all exhaust valves there really are no intake valves it's done with ports in the sides of the cylinders and really the only settings that are required are for the exhaust valves and for the injectors anyway he he told me that he's got the head back and he's got the head installed on the engine with a new head gasket so we're gonna set the valves and the injectors set up the rack and see if we can get the engine to run now fair warning this is gonna be kind of a down and dirty video there's no point throwing a bunch of money into this machine that I'm sure he'll never get back we just want to see if it's going to run so we're gonna throw it together and make sure we don't have any kind of runaway situation and hopefully it will start and run okay so you want me to bar it over while you watch this thing let you have all the fun okay so if you look from the top in that thing there's a there's a slot in that in the pulley yeah okay okay okay well then valves started coming back up so that must be the bottom of the stroke you might want to keep going more or keep going okay now you can go back there way we're going they want no more I don't know I'm not moving that's got to be the bottom of the stroke yeah okay that's it okay so I'll tell us what we're doing on what so it's a 271 Detroit Diesel right yes and we don't know very much about Detroit Diesel's just enough to be sort of dangerous so we've set one set of valves on one injector now we're doing the other set of valves and the opposite injector what's the last 20 thousands well 12,000 of course a claw hammer usually is the required for valve adjustment okay so many bees around here all right so tell us what works been done I tried to get it to go it would turn so far and stop right I took the cover off on the side the air box cover the one where you can see through the piston ports right and you can see something in there so I determined it was serious piston looked fine so I took it off took it to a shop and they put two new valves and two new seats okay was the seat actually dropped out of the head or was it just cracked it was cracked and then the valve actually broke or it was stuck okay so what happened is the head of the valve broke off and got between the piston and the top of the head you could turn it over right so he took the head off had the head reconditioned he's installed the head with a new head gasket and we're just getting ready to set the valves and the injectors and the rack and then possibly get it to run hopefully wait yeah so the spec is one point four eight four right so what he's doing is setting the injector timing he's basically setting the height of the injector from the top of the head and that that basically limits the total stroke of the injector you just do it with there's a fancy tool yeah where as he's in the depth link so it's rich currently within one thousandth we're gonna leave it alone yeah it's it's a quarter thousands okay not touching that help looks good okay okay so no now we got put the rack together and put the fuel delivery tubes on so we're assembling what we think the throttle linkage in the shutdown system it's kind of weird I said once I was gonna make a compilation to me dropping things on the YouTube and I was like I'm always gonna watch a two-hour long video that's it that's weird alright so we bounced the rack got the injector set I should explain what I mean by bouncing the rack so on these two cycle Detroit's they have unit injectors there's no injection pump each injector basically is is its own pump and the fuel delivery is controlled by a rod that comes out the side of the ejector and it turns a cam inside the injector and controls the amount of fuel for all intents and purposes that's the throttle now each of those rods coming out of the injectors is connected to a rack and the rack has levers that come in here and pull the rods out and when you bounce rack what I mean is you're you're using those two big flathead screws that you see on the levers to basically make sure that the the injectors are adjusted the same so that they all hit full fuel at the same time so it's very easy on this 271 because there's only two cylinders you set cylinder one and then just match cylinder number two to that the other danger with these Detroit's is that the the rack can get stuck so what happens is the the plungers coming out of the side of the injectors get stuck and sometimes they get stuck in the full fuel position and because all the injectors are connected together through the rack it basically locks the engine at full throttle and that's how you get a runaway bottle linkage is installed now we're hooking up some batteries we don't have any way to prime the fuel system because there's no priming pump standby freakin thing primed up keep it pg-13 it's okay I learned how to I learned how to blank out bad words I had had to do that on a recent video I wasn't paying attention all right look hurry up let's start this thing you'll notice throughout the video we're having a lot of problems with the starter so you can hear the starter spin but it's not turning over the engine the problem is with the drive mechanism so on a modern starter the way that it works is when you turn the key it powers the starter solenoid the solenoid provides power to the starter it's a switch but it also provides a mechanical motion to the drive gear to engage the gear with the flywheel on this old crawler it's all mechanical so when you want to start this machine you push a control lever and the control lever basically closes a great big switch on the starter and it also it controls I think some kind of a fork like a yoke and that mechanically engages the drive gear to the flywheel and that part of it doesn't seem to be working all the time so you see we're reusing crowbars and various things to try to get that that yoke to engage the flywheel and when it works it turns over fine but just doesn't want to reliably engage that compression see oil its oiling we must have well pressure because I see oil in the oil you know in the valvetrain here oh yes yeah fuels sure hell I think it's going to go Oh that cylinder anyway you're smoking on both cylinders now we had some RPMs it would run trying dear a little more fuel I got it max yeah it's not it's not coming up ain't trying to go maybe not battery up there you go now it's open we'll start with the shut off closed wants to go yeah but you see all that black smoke that's not either and I feel a lot of battery [Music] awesome Oh [Music] [Music] that's better [Applause] while long visit ten years fifteen years awesome that was way too easy awesome yup in there and starter turn the key what a sweetheart as well sell that cat one drop of hydraulic oil [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's pretty cool so we were just talking we don't think it started since 2003 17 years at least 2003 so it sounds pretty good I think we only had one cylinder when we first started it up but it's getting better closer to two cylinders yeah I think so too it's it's starting to kind of idle I didn't yeah we had an injector line that was kind of iffy so we didn't want to try to bleed the air out of that one so there's no coolant and there's no exhaust manifold so we don't want to run it for too long but yeah it's pretty cold out today so I don't think we have a problem where's that exhaust manifold this is what's left of the exhaust manifold it's basically a lost cause so probably will just take this flange and make some kind of a new a new thing out of some steel plates or something so we're kind of thinking that maybe what happened is they tried to start it and the rack was stuck one of the injectors oh yeah so one of the injectors was stuck open so we're thinking that maybe it ran away yeah it dropped a valve and then came to a very abrupt stop I was able to that's good we weren't sure about the injector because the injectors survived that or went through that valve dropping ordeal right that's our theory anyway we don't we don't know for sure the valve stem might have been rusty or something you know who knows but they definitely dropped a valve and busted the stem off the head off the stem of the valve and came to a very quick stop it's moving now well that generator is locked up I just fixed that for cusses maintenance not to edit out the heart wrist is a screwdriver in a brass yeah hole in the radiator I'm gonna try to catch that that might not be very much fun to get out no ok well I'm probably done for the day get back home out there she goes [Music] [Music] okay let's wrap this up so iran's I could set down an air hose try that again so what year is this we don't know so we've got a 1950 something allis-chalmers hd6 been sitting since 2005 ht5 sorry sitting since 2005 three early 2000s 271 Detroit Diesel and had the head when the head was repaired put back on and it runs hydraulics seem to work but we don't have enough oil to get the boom to raise the the scare fireworks the Ripper works but the the front hydraulics don't seem to want to work and there's a hole in the radiator the generator turns but it doesn't charge so probably bolted regulators bad one of the TREC clutches is stuck and the brake let's see one of the tracks is worn out the other track is good but it's off it's kind of not lined up right so anyway need some work but it runs that's step one pretty cool very cool it's fun working on this old machine you can take the whole thing apart with a hammer of head screwdriver and a 9/16 wrench there's a lot of work to do he's got to get the radiator patched up and if he gets that done we can try to work on getting the steering clutches broken loose and see about that one steering brake and at that point it should be functional I think the hydraulics will go it's teens more oil anyway I'll try to make some follow-up videos we'll see how it goes yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 269,810
Rating: 4.8986764 out of 5
Keywords: Allis, allis chalmers, hd5, hd-5, crawler, dozer, loader, tracks, construction, antique, vintage, detroit, diesel, 2-71, 2 stroke, 2 cycle, two stroke, two cycle, dropped valve, head, cylinder head, injector, timing, valve setting, lash, rack, first start, cold start, revival, rescue, restoration, rebuild, mechanic, fix, repair, old start, abandoned, left, forgotten, old school
Id: T8_wginEw8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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