2nd Gen Cummins Pulls 53’ Semi Trailer Through Trails

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Ah yes, the infamous SWIFFY

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirVelliance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That video is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Im pretty sure my cabinets were transported along this very same route given the condition they were in when i took them out of the boxes...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/munch_the_gunch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was great. However, anyone who drive a lifted truck with the tires kicked out like that is either a Mexican or a complete douche lord

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NOLA_AINTS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What’s the cpm pay at swiffy?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Gamble-Gamble91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
no oh my he just went in the woods what is he doing [Music] hello friends and welcome to the next episode of trucks that we think are extremely nice but are actually clapped out pieces of junk that have a rebuilt title that we didn't tell the buyer about i bought this second jet a couple months ago now i asked i always ask now i have proof here i always ask does this truck have any problems whatsoever i don't care if it's i don't care if it's low on turn signal bulb filament i want to know about it okay is there any problems whatsoever no there's no problems we got about 500 yards down the road long story short this puppy broke down e1693 oh god so i said yo what the freak is going on he didn't know my hauler i was like i was like hey can i get the title why does this say rebuilt right on the front of it anyways the bank owned this truck i don't think the guy owned it and then he says he's gonna right he's gonna sue me he's threatening to sue me because his license plate was on the truck in the video so i said i never seen that license plate in my life i fell off going down the road i think probably uh someone probably stole it i've seen in a while anyways he was threatening to sue me and i said okay so anyways apparently this was zero issues okay that was part of the zero issues maybe this was part of the zero issues i don't know but i'm glad some 16 year old kid didn't get this as their first truck and uh get a loan from the bank and be stuck with it because they would have been screwed over like usually that's something you tell people i'm just saying i'm just saying that's usually something we tell people when you sell a truck if it has a rebuilt title that's like something to mention you know but anyways this is no big deal it's not like it affects me at all we bought this 53 foot semi trailer it's brand new there's no problems with it at all we got a swifi trailer that's right swiffy trucking best in ass so we put a fifth wheel hitch on this we cut the bed off so we have a flatbed we accidentally busted the back window out damn it so this would be the first video on the new farm here and i'm really excited to break this place in literally anyways i bought new land not used land i don't get why anyone buy used land but that's like less than a mouse could pee dude that's nothing oh yeah [Music] okay cody you're good you need me come crank out for you got girls watching okay [Music] i chained the bed down because that's just mounted to the sheet metal of the bed i knew the bed would come up here zoom in on these bed mounts look at that they put like cylinders and blocks look at that cylinder on the bed up and there's nothing here one block there it's not on the other side and then more cylinders back there like it's a four inch body lift that truck squat a good like eight inches [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] how do you know [Music] oh my holy smokes oh i hit the tree yeah you took out the whole tree i didn't see it that tree is like this big oh i hit all those i didn't see it [Music] [Music] listen to that hear that that popping look back there show up [Music] you don't even know what's behind you behind you once you're rolling [Music] hold up how did that make that [Music] it popped me in neutral like three times yeah i saw that look at the bed the bed is separating from the cab [Music] [Music] i don't know how this thing is still running honestly like it does going over those bumps like the front ends get in the air when i hit the rocks the track bar is only bolted on this side so it's like peeling off of the other underside a little bit i don't know what the do you think it's a u-joint popping but it's just a joint in the back oh it's like level my drive shaft is level it's squatted so much my motor mount bracket hasn't broken yet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] dude they pulled it right through they're doing really good i'm impressed what are you doing no oh my he just went in the woods what is he doing what are you doing [Music] hey cody you can stop now he's not stopping and i think that's it [Music] the highway that way yeah you missed it how did i make it this far i don't know i hit the first like 10 trees and i was like okay it's gonna get caught up and it just kept going it was like plowing over everything holy crap [Music] i think the clicking sound was my dip i think it was missing a tooth on the gear oh my dick went out my rear dry chat is spinning oh my goodness look at the exhaust tip look oh my god no we're showing down low it like flattened out when i was a kid my parents always said and they didn't say they just referred to everyone always referred to digging to china right everyone always when you're a kid you're digging your sandbox oh you're gonna dig in china yeah that's what i was trying to do i dig like 10 foot deep holes with a shovel and my dad would be like put the dirt back in the sandbox it was like all the yard and piles and every stuff i thought that you could dig to china and you come you come out and there'll be asian people with rice ready that's what i thought and i just found out i looked on the map the other day i was just really bored i looked i zoomed all the way out on google earth right i spin the earth around did you know that if you dig through the ground in the midwest if you dr dig all the way through the core and out the other side you know what you get you come up on the bottom of the the pacific ocean you don't dig to china you dig to the pacific it's impossible you can't dig to china unless you're from like hawaii or something you can't so if you're thinking to china don't because you won't come out on land you'll come out and like the mariana trench at the bottom i didn't realize that so i'm glad i didn't but if you would the water would just pour in flood your hole on the other side so don't do that anyways it's just kind of disappointing i found that out you can't actually dig to china but anyways um i've just been wanting to get that off my chest um which means we're gonna have to fill in our hole crap well thanks for watching we're probably just gonna leave this here and we'll come back to the second gen videos in like six months or something when it's all grown up i don't know whatever we'll just leave it here if someone wants it come get it you have it can take it you can get past the barbed wire fence and the other 17 layers and john um ticks again it's gonna say something important what was i gonna say you say something i just want to remind you all that i have a i have a thousand dollar shirt for sale it costs a thousand dollars yes it's just a regular t-shirt cost a thousand dollars cash and you can also do four payments of 250 or 199 whatever whatever adds up to a thousand you could do four payments and you can do layaway on it or whatever but if you want that it's on my website it just says this shirt cost a thousand dollars on it so everyone knows instead of getting like gucci you just get the thousand dollar shirt no well you spent a thousand dollars they don't have to guess you can be like 1400 or 750 but this one's obviously a thousand but if you want if you want a thousand dollar shirt go get it i've already sold literally like 180 of them is it illegal to fake numbers i think it is i sold three of them so if you want one then i would have sold more than three
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 4,232,862
Rating: 4.8599215 out of 5
Keywords: #cummins, #semi, #truck, #whistlindiesel, #offroading
Id: 8gItU3K-Oq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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