I Got 2000 People to Join my Kahoot Game

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JustAStupidGamer 📅︎︎ Dec 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
oh here they come is this gonna be the biggest Kahoot game ever is that what this is right here so guys what am i I guess I'm a teacher I guess I guess I'm a teacher this worked Oh welcome to Kahoot family and friends basic host fun Kahoot games at home and with friends and family get started a work host engaging quiz up to 20 players do I need to sign up for this one to get all couple thousand of you into this I am now buying that build now 384 pounds is gonna bill me it's gonna bill me 384 pounds right now want to pay by him I don't want to be billed 384 pounds for code I don't we're gonna have one stream out of this it's a scam it's a scam guys I've done it I've done it I just hit by now it's processing your card has been temporarily put on hold please use a different card or contact your bank I'm trying oh oh Lloyds Bank you will shortly receive an SMS from lies back to confirm recent activity on your card it can't believe that I can't believe that I want to spend this much okay even my bank is trying to stop me this is it payment confirmed let's get yourself with an account I just bought for $500 I'm ready to play right what topic should we do guys dish we do trivia let's do trivia for the first one fun trivia bye mrs. lace let's do fun trivia guys oh no you're gonna see the answer okay oh here we go guys I want all of you in god this is loud this is like hurting my ears I'm turning that all the way down there we go everyone join oh here they come [Music] is this gonna be the biggest Kahoot game ever is that what this is right here hello I'm your scruffy fun cool lovable teacher mister suit okay let's begin we're starting oh my God look at that JPEG right let's go I'm ready question one what does a group of unicorns called font knows a oh my god ate a blessing sure a blessing how BIG's the delay okay I can't be that big everyone got it right everyone got every most people got it right just just wait for the thing to come up guys before you start spamming what is the dot over an iron J called tittle I think it's a tittle I'm guessing it's a tittle I think it might be a tittle good it was a tittle I knew I was right a tilde the second most of you said tilde hey smart people smart people can you put a tilde in the chat for me please there we are they look there's tildes you're idiots God you guys said we should do minecraft trivia yeah I saw a Minecraft trivia there it's a research find me a clue about Minecraft here we go this one's got caught of a million plays okay well we'll do minecraft we'll do minecraft dude play it's minecraft time ladies and gents it's so many technically Oh was this worth the money guys do you think and now we're here I think we're almost full army I think this is it is this it is this everyone almost that's it okay we got a hit start because that's everyone first question here we go oh I'm not in armed just have to watch you guys I'll tell you guys the answer does the ender village exist no everyone hit no it doesn't how to find the ender portal in my pic of ender village please wait what is this what hold up they're not there n cities right is scuffed this is scuffed mate oh god here we go how many biomes are there Oh God okay um picture of biomes minecraft I ever made this was obviously like a Boomer that didn't know how to safely purchase how many biomes at 17 or I wouldn't have got that right so how'd you make a cake dude can we do a real quiz this is a real quiz guys who developed Minecraft where what is the least best it's leather leather okay okay that was what I would have gone for probably so see the next one which one stronger yeah a child made this a child made this was made by a child a literal child made this quiz yes okay who put Guardian who put guarded 200 of you put guardian boomers all of you boomers dude I'm gonna give you guys the right answer on this next one you just need to press it okay how do you make a beacon ah another star and glass and obsidian wait that's um ba ba ba ba blue blue blue blue no no right it's red look at me oh that's tragic is tragic okay I'll tell you guys the crackdown system what are murders a noob use what red I guess red both both were both were right both were correct I get it but we're handing out too many participation rewards in this minecraft Kahoot quiz you've got to get it right can creepers come out right I'm gonna tow the answer you ready it is uh red red red red red red red red red red red red red red red red red red I want to see no one getting this wrong it is red it is red it is red it is not maybe it is not so it is red it is no the answer is no press read on your devices please I want to see no one getting this wrong if someone gets this wrong I am I am launching myself out of my balcony window [Music] those of you that got it right those of you that got it right I'm gonna get a special star and a hug from your teacher you're not getting a hug from the teacher the parents teach your conference and a big thing about this you get a gold star and a pat on the head a nice platonic pat on the head right if however those either get it wrong you are losing golden time your name is going in you're getting a red card on the little slot on the wall I'm gonna put a little red card in for you you're missing golden time you're gonna have to stay in during break you're in detention you get I don't know [ __ ] and executed you're in trouble right so on this next one I'm gonna tell you the answer and I want to see everyone get it right okay what is the strongest boss here we are it's the ender dragon is the answer which color is red it is red red I want to see red on your device's red okay always the bloody waiter it's the bloody waiter how is the Witcher stronger than the ender dragon in what world is the whitter stronger than the ender dragon I'm moving on this is a [ __ ] quiz box said you kicked out of school you do you've got you're expelled did squashy defeat the wither blindfolded who who the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is squashy what you probably [ __ ] did didn't he I mean the fly would they have this question of he didn't yeah of course he did of course course squashy did [ __ ] squashy dude you [ __ ] you you are the worst class I've ever gone for now cahoots just gonna crash again who does is because this just crashes load this yellow bar is the is the my thing is broken okay question one that's a great picture of me that's like brilliant picture of me here we go is he a Boomer a baby simple voice I'm gonna hit Boomer wait okay the answer was senpai I'm wrong on my own Chris how tall is Wilber okay I can did this was a genuine question I can answer here we go it's taller than KY I got one right I'm now only in five hundredths place Wilbur's favorite thing is it's gonna become isn't it the answers gonna become the answers gonna become oh it's cats minecraft j sh j sh lat spelt wrong and Harry Potter does well I've never seen Harry Potter the romance quiz bromance let's do this one from four years ago then we just put on my romance hat [Music] welcome to romance class here to teach you romance class I want no talking no going on your phone I want no I don't know rituals no exorcisms in my class all right you're gonna be good okay questions about romance see you ready first question I want to see you will get this one right okay very easy question here what is the name of Troy Bolton school in high school news what is the name of Troy Bolton school in high school musical no talking alright the answer was East High right you signed up for this you signed up for this class in romance and you don't know that Troy Bolton from High School Musical went to East High if you got that wrong you can get out you know where the door is leave see who got that right I skip through it right in the last song who played the main girl you see quest kids I know you were really upset when you heard that me mr. Gronk was gonna be your teacher today but I feel like over the year we've been together and learning together I feel like I've really made a connection with you and I hope that when I send you on into next year you guys gonna be really good you'll be happy to know that Wilbur suit was fired and he's died in a pit he died of an overdose in a pit so don't worry about him anymore mr. Gronk's here gonna be glad I'm glad you came so far if this is so weird let's see some crabs gonna see some crab emojis
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 13,962,966
Rating: 4.9448404 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays, kahoot, 2000, people, quiz
Id: XgW3KKoconw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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