HOW IT'S MADE - Gold Nugget Jewelry

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hello everyone dan her with Dan her prospecting and I've got some friends here today we have Tommy Janos and we are at Lakeland creations a custom jewelry shop here they make custom jewelry out of real gold nuggets and of course all sorts of other stuff as well and today I'd like to show you the whole process of what they go through to make this beautiful jewelry sound like plan all right perfect hope you enjoy so Tommy here makes a jewelry of gold nuggets and here's just a bit of a sample so the bear claw with gold nuggets what I do is we carve the first design and then I make a mold out of it which I'll show you in a minute and then I inlay the golden nuggets where they belong and then there it is perfect now this is just a bit of a sample he's got hundreds of different designs for sure and we're gonna try to include as many as we can in this video this this happens to be an order for a customer of ours a lot of owls give nature things you know the little howling wolves which are really cute little pendants and of course we're gonna take you through the whole design process today we're get we have yeah this over here who's going to be carving out a wax mole for a custom piece today Tommy is gonna be going through the whole process very separate today right to the end all the way through the end yeah and we're gonna show all of it to you so hope you can learn a little bit about how this stuff is made and of course enjoy the beautiful stuff along the way yeah Evan just informed us that his job today is to get in the way phaeton plans to get in the way today awesome oh I love how red your face which okay so the first step of the vid of the process is actually gonna be to make the wax mold right what these are is the molds of our designs so inside this rubber mold is a bear pot right in there right okay so this is a vacuum wax injector it sucks out it sucks out the air from the wool and then shoots hot wax into it that quick that quick that was it that's it now we gotta wait for the wax to harden a little bit I popular feather no you said today we're gonna make a feather start to look at it we are making a feather or your wife hatches whoa excellent inside you have your pattern so here are all the wax molds that Tommy just made they're all ready to assemble onto what's known as a tree that goes inside some plat a plaster flask and be replaced with silver or gold later on yes and the neat thing with some bigger ones you can kind of see better so you kind of peel that out and inside you got yourself a beautiful Eagle ring and I happen to have a nice shot of the finished beautiful Eagle ring to put in here beautiful okay so then after I take my mold out of my my wax out of my rubber mold I make a wax treat so that involves just melting a little bit of wax and [Music] No so there you go manufacturing I like to put a lot on there as much as I can so that hence the tree because you kind of make yourself a little neat wax tree with all the designs and patterns all right their arms and kind of just make sure there's space in between and easy enough to cut out after when this become because you got to keep in mind that this wax will become air like space and then it will be filled with gold or silver surgical precision here steady hand for this say you do I wouldn't be able to do what I shake too much yeah after my little wax tree okay it's ready for the next step so now I got to do some math here I got a I got a way the wax multiplied it by the number is very easy for silver it's ten for gold it's twelve so I got three point three grams of wax so 33 grams and I like to throw a little extra just for the little button in the throat of 40 grams in now this is the rubber base that makes up the flats and that's the bottom of the flies that's right so anyway there you go that's my little wax tree okay now we're going to put the investment or the plaster around our wax molds into the flask and you're using a vacuum to do it this is gonna suck all the air out yeah we use a vibrator when in when we were doing out of school but I know a vacuum is supposed to be so much nicer 200 milliliters of water per scoop up investments all right good eat it with your egg beater do you know what your eggbeater making pancake mix oh you put cheer cylinder on your uh yeah okay so and this is now sucking all the air out of that dome which in turn sucks all the bubbles straight through the plaster and I'm not sure if we can see it through the dome but they should be bubbling and popping on the surface now so I do that seven bubbles and that's it just top it off a little bit and then I just lift that hard and before I stick it in the oven two hours so over the years we've been doing this for twenty whatever years with the gold magnets pops about that 20-some years we've designed all our paces and this is how many so these are our rings okay each one has a design inside which we've made the first original so there's this drawer this drawer this drawer this drawer this floor and those are all different designs that we've made did you separate your nuggets and your silver then yeah okay so the kiln is now telling us it is ready that the mold is hot enough all the wax is melted out and everything's ready to go so Tommy is just preparing the centrifugal casting machine winding it up just spin the gold in gold silver so silver in and we will be taking the hot mold out of the kiln in a second placing it in the machine that's right I have to put some silver in there okay okay get some silver and melt her down now the idea of this machine here is that once the molten silver is in there the hot flask is over here they're all attached together we're all ready to go we've melted everything we let the Machine go there's a spring inside we let it go and it starts spinning really quickly it's going to fling this arm outwards and then spin the whole thing around really fast and the centripetal action of that spinning around could take the molten silver that's in the flask and the crucible there we go in the crucible and it's going to force it out that hole really really really fast and that hole is could be aligned with the hole in the in the flask here of the the mold and it's gonna inject it straight into all of those voids they're left behind where the wax melted out that's the theory he's just in the way well hey I mean if you want to watch safety first [Applause] [Music] I know it's ready when I'm moving my words around I got and it's just kind of like water beautiful rock the borax will absorb any impurities and stick it to the side of the crucible right beautiful [Music] look at that skill doing two things at one time [Music] [Music] there it goes spinning spinning spinning forcing the silver in and in fact that silver went in in the first rotation that's just a millisecond oh yeah it goes all fast the rest is just to kind of walk cause it has to spin to slow down right well it's also holding it in place while it hardens because it takes a second or two to hard all right so the spinning still holds it in place well right yes though it doesn't take long to harden and I'm hard already so there it is there it is right nice and hot yeah the silver is still glowing hot but it is definitely solid now quenching it we should talk about a little bit too because quenching it while it's still hot is important because that breaks up the plaster and freeze everything out if you if you quench it after its cooled you have to pick away at everything beautiful and the casting turned out awesome when it's really pure white like that yeah that means you did a really good job with your temperature okay so that's what came Oh excellent all right so now my feather my Eagle ring my neck took everything I wanted and if anyone is saying that this tree looks different than what we just made that's because we sort of had to do two separate ones to make this film all work in one day yes sir that's right same pieces I throw it into a magnetic finisher which is a bunch of little pins magnetic pins and it just hits it just cleans up the gets a fire scale off gets all that crap off there crap hey that's not good mommy good terminology good turn reality I was taught by doing this not through a buck so my terminology is not quite up to date we modify so many of our tools yeah perfectly make them work for what you need them to do that's right yeah so we're throwing all our pieces in here with the magnetic pins then we use this fancy solution fancy solution a virgin raincoat [Applause] without inside here you got it just spinning and spinning and spinning and those little ten are just kidding [Music] just shinier it just gets the basically that skin off there no no Gail on upscale off there so it's a little shinier all right over here you knew she is gonna be carving a custom wax mold of a bee ring these are very popular with the young ladies these days so they're making a ring with a bee on it and he's gonna be starting from a picture and a block of wax and he's going to do all the carving to make a beautiful mold custom mold of a bead where do you think the gold nuggets are to be replaced Carol place in their wings okay here it may be on the bug day here or we do business ideas but maybe here are our might be honest it's all okay huh yeah and of course Anya Nisha's a worktable here he's got all the pieces that he's currently working on getting ready to just at different stages yeah there's lots of it up there once the nuggets that are ready to be inset in custom jewelry these are some of the bigger ones so they are they're chosen for specific purposes when needed and of course the mound of gold has used for Elaine the standard jewelry that they make and over at Tommy's workbench he's the one that's actually in setting all the gold nuggets in the pieces of jewelry he's got his pile of Nuggets ready to go and he's got the jewelry up here ready to have the Nuggets inset and soldered in place the watch the pegs a meeting so tommy was just telling me about the comparison between gold and silver here's two identical rings one made out of gold one made out of silver and just to show you sir the price difference that silver one would retail for about six hundred dollars that gold one would retail for about four thousand dollars gold is that much more expensive than silver because they're both polish so rail right now and reflecting so much you almost can't tell the difference between the gold and silver but really big difference in person okay okay Tommy is now actually going and choosing some gold nuggets to fit into these two howling wolves no I jump into the Eagle oh we're gonna be your first yeah that is a flux that prevents fire scale keeps the silver clean as you're soldering so I heat it up this is another flux right here that helps the solder flow so I put it where I'm gonna be soldering and I'm working around Dan's hand here shoulder that's all good so I kind of get I lift it up a little bit so I have a few pieces of solder which have a quicker melting point than the gold and the silver so you can actually start with them you'd hit up and I'm just kind of carefully around the massager okay then I put my nugget where the star is I hold my nugget there just kind of want to place it right right there heat it up once it close give it a second good put it on the backside give it a little heat just so just so I know it then I gets really secure with the solder and if it isn't it is now but just for just for the heck of it I put another little piece of solder on there Oh close done okay now it is an eagle holding a fish or well gold nugget and then making a fish so then when I have my piece so I inlay it in the mountain scene behind the wolf so I will I'm left-handed but I'll do it with my right cuz there's a camera right there so I'll pick some pieces and I'll just kind of estimate the size that's a nice one right there it kind of looks like a little bit of a mountain scene so I'll kind of put it along there and then if I have to I will cut you know make a fit so that's a perfect one right over there yeah it's kind of like that right and then I'll cut them out make them fit and then i'll solder them together so I melt the gold in there I usually put a nice little blanket a gold solder you know put my when I'm ready when I found my nugget which I pre picked I will put my nugget in there give it a little press heat it up and bam you don't want to heat it too much I'm not the whole piece yeah obviously not a solder melt tell that that's right it's a millisecond and it just grabs it and the Nugget changes color and you know well this is a nice one see that that isn't it yeah because that you know kind of looks like a little mountain oh yeah I mean it used to be the right shape I need a great shape I don't have to I love not manipulating the Nugget I just love leaving it a natural form so I give it a squeeze good thing about gold its malleable it's soft so I can kind of squeeze it into certain spots you know right there this is my little trick I do a little piece to get there at the end of the day I have a longing I gets at the bottom here just put it over so just cut one just I like to fill the whole space up with gold I don't like leaving any and just put it on the edge give it a little heat boom boom right in there [Music] last one here so I'll have to trim a little bit not much the golden egg looks like you've done this before my goodness perfect outfit was yeah yes many Nuggets and I see a little spot which is okay but that little spot by the leg there I will take a little snippet off of Nuggets and I will shove it in there as well just so then dawn over here and done back yeah you're tracing the shape onto the wax now yeah now I'm tracing the shape of the B on here and then I will know what parts I need to remove here probably will make split split shank so here's the piece that we're gonna do start to finish today there's the wax mold we made earlier there it is after it was cast and then the initial cleaning you'll notice there's a right and a left hand here that's if we were making earrings out of them and you notice there's a little bubble on the bottom that needs to be cleaned off and there's just a few little imperfections that need to be dealt with [Music] this ready for inlay Nuggets we're gonna find the perfect little gold nuggets here to put into this feather that we're following this is our part it's like making a puzzle right find the ones that fit yes perfect great so I'll do that I'll give it a little squeeze in there kind of you know roll the edges a little bit but you get that whole Nugget in there and then and then after again I reek lean it so it doesn't look so rough yeah you know but I just fill those slots up and gold and I like to use even a thin ones I like to use some with character you know got a bit of shape to it been beat up by some rocks going down the river or whatever and just kind of squeeze them in there this piece back in the day when I started working on gold nuggets and stuff like that it would take me about 20 minutes now it takes me about anywhere from five to like seven minutes kind of thing [Laughter] one would say I'm probably pretty good at putting puzzles together you are keep it's gotta be hard the whole time or the gold won't flow so while you're picking out Nuggets you gotta kind of keep it keep the piece nice and hot [Music] see that didn't stick there and I'm gonna quick keep switching tweezers cuz they get hot burning your fingers they burn my fingers yeah and I'm stubborn so sometimes like okay one more nugget but so there and I'll put one more I'm not quite happy with it right to the end I just really want that whole area filled up and then I'll have one more quick look and I could see the outer edge needs a little bit more solder in there as well show this one to nice yeah you brush like this [Music] that will let me get into all the cracks and other sports that softer but still a pretty rough brush so it takes off a little bit of surface I stay away from the Nuggets and my job doing this out I like a fast rate for the camera I should do it a little slower a little more precise but for this piece that's okay where you're polishing and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hang it in the ultrasonic and that removes any of the buffing the wax and then cutting now the the splitting shank we going closer to finish but it's hard to tell between those middle oh no it's easy to tell oh yeah if you'd like to get yourself a piece of Tommy's gold nugget jewelry I will leave a phone number in this video where you can call him up and order any of the pieces you've seen today on this video as well as many many more he also does custom orders and custom designs so give him a call chat with them let him know what you want and he will take care of you tommy is amazing I will leave a phone number in this video and in the description as well as a link to his website it works very slowly to make this details yeah you don't trash your job you so here's the be almost done but not quite unfortunately we didn't have enough time to get completely done but he's got this one side almost there and of course once it's all that it will go through the whole process we did earlier with casting plaster than cast against silver that's soldering and nuggets this could be a beautiful B ring when it's done well and I won I had a blast here playing around with this gold nugget jewelry and with Lake land creations hopefully we got a lot of good footage for you guys to see how the whole process goes please let me know what you think in the comments about this whole thing about making jewelry also I I would like to and so itami working on that yeah you would like to give away a piece of jewelry one of these feathers that we created today yeah we want to give to one of the viewers so if I get 4,000 likes on this video yes 4,000 likes I will give one of these feathers away to one of the commenters on this video leave me a comment leave a like when I get 4,000 one of you guys will win that feather sound good man yeah excellent yeah yeah thank you guys for watching thank you guys for hosting us today it was so much fun yeah please remember to leave a like a comment subscribe if you haven't hopefully you enjoyed this enough to subscribe if you haven't subscribed already and thanks so much to my patrons out there for supporting me in making these YouTube videos so until the next one everyone bye you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 388,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making jewelry, making jewelry with gold nuggets, making gold nugget jewelry, how to make jewelry, how to cast silver, how to cast gold, centrifugal casting, centrifical casting, wax carving, jewelry design, silver casting, gold casting, silver soldering, gold soldering, how to silver solder, how to gold solder, buffing jewelry, how to buff jewelry, how to polish jewelry, gold nuggets, how to, DIY, jewelry making, custom jewelry, gold smith, silver smith
Id: qgIkLPHrlRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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