Minecraft, But you can GROW Creepers...

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we made minecraft but you can grow mobs this means you can grow creepers with creeper seeds and you could actually dye the creeper seeds to get different colored gunpowder super cool and the different colored gunpowder also creates ridiculous special tnts that you just have to see for yourself the problem is is if you wait too long to harvest the creepers they just then grow up into full-blown creepers that can you know explode you and kill you and stuff so the first thing we're gonna do in this episode is we're gonna start growing creepers and to grow creepers to make a creeper farm we gotta get seeds and we gotta get gunpowder and combine those to make ourselves some creeper seeds so let's go ahead and get some well first let's get some wood and get our starter supplies and then we got to go down and get some gunpowder safely and it looks like we got some ouch scary boys in here hello gentlemen i could use your bones actually for the farm so thank you very much what i'm hunting for is the creepy boys we gotta get some gunpowder while i'm waiting for my knee to recover from the arrow that's an unfortunate place to get it by now i'll be honest with you oh there it goes it's gone i absorbed it but we gotta watch out for the colored creepers cause those guys are super overpowered if we kill him we get the colored gunpowder which is awesome we can use that for our tnt if we don't their explosion is pretty deadly let's go creeper hunting my friends yes oh yes all right big cave big cave and there's a creeper okay okay give me your gun powder am i good sir oh gosh this is so this is so difficult i don't mind with creepers when they explode because i usually have a shield or whatever but this guy ah man if he explodes i don't get the gunpowder that's all i'm hunting for okay well there's a red creeper it wasn't exactly what i was looking for hey buddy um i'm pretty sure these guys are insanely powerful please don't explode oh my gosh i'm gonna die oh please don't explode they're huge if i can kill them though oh yes he didn't drop it there's another one yes okay there's one more creeper over here hey buddy give me your gun powder please oh if we got the red gun powder that'd have been so cool okay okay give me the gunpowder please my good sir no why ah i need eight of them too to make one of the creeper uh i'll i'll be right back you guys i think it's time for a creeper killing montage time for a creeper montage killing creepers like it's my job [Music] two creepers two creepers [Music] oh stop exploding did i get gunpowder at least [Music] give me gunpowder time for a creeper hunting montage time for exploding boys to find their death time for exploding boy montage give me your gun powder i will eat you finally we got gun powder all right we got ourselves 15 gunpowder in total and now we need a seed to combine it to make a creeper seed then we can grow some dang creepers yeah seed all right well that was easy so i put my wheat seeds and then my gun powder around it and now we get ourselves some creeper seeds you can see the little tiny faces on it i don't know if you can see it hey there they are ah cute little creepies all right let's make them a creeper farm once we get our creeper farm going then we can start making crazy colored creepers and i'll show you that process but first let's get this creeper farmer brewing let's get our farmer hats on well this seems like a good as every place to make our farm let's just hold this land here and then now we plant our creeper seeds ah there they are hey little guys so it might take a little bit to grow these bad boys so in the meantime what i want to do is get myself a couple of dyes so once the creepers spawn we can combine creeper seeds with different colored dyes to make ridiculously colored creepers so that's what we let's let's do that while they grow keep it growing why are squids so bad at existing i wasn't even doing anything they're the only mob that just accidentally dies for no reason all right let's go get ourselves some dyes while these guys grow and we'll come back and see what they look like fully grown but we have to make sure we don't go too long because if the creeper seeds fully grow they actually grow into real creepers that can explode so and what i really want to make is an aqua creeper so i think that's gonna be the next step there is a cactus i was so worried look at how small oh there we go all right we got a cactus we can make ourselves some cyan dye yep there's some a little more oh my goodness i have never seen that happen before in my life there's a creeper down there should i go get him oh my word that scared me so much legit i almost fell oh my word that could have been death that is crazy all right well everybody watch where you break your cactus you might just fall to your death dude that is horrifying i shouldn't be standing on this oh my gosh ooh it looks like our our guys are fully grown oh this is perfect hey little ones all right so i believe if i just smack them uh i have to be careful and not to accidentally oh i did it right great they gave me uh more gunpowder and they gave me more creeper seeds so this is this is perfect oh and also there's a little scary guy up here oh excuse not you dude you're not even scary anymore man i just saw i think i just saw a purple creeper there you are hey guy um do you mind if i kill you real quick is that cool okay well he's done he's dead that's a big creeper hole oh there's another one there's an orange one over here too hey dude uh i could really use your colored gunpowder if you don't mind that'd be so sick we could start crafting that as well don't exp oh my goodness oh all right well we got our stuff back at least look at that creeper hole this is crazy i was really hoping we can kill him and then we get a little jump start on our our process but we do have our our creeper seeds uh some three new ones and we have some dyes let's make ourselves some dyed creeper seeds so we'll make like different colored creeper growth rows for our farm did that make any sense at all i don't know there we go so this will be like our colored creeper route putting that down and i'm crafting up my cactus that i so dangerously gathered earlier and we're making some cyandi so if i can combine combine this with a little bit of white dye then we should get ourselves some cyan oh no how do i make cyan die i just looked it up i need lapis ah we might have to go caving later but for now so i can show it to you we can at least start growing wait a green dye and a creeper just makes a normal green creeper we'll make a red creeper we'll make a red creeper farm what else do we have a dandelion we can make i think a yellow that you can make an orange creeper so we'll go ahead and make ourselves orange dye like this and now we have orange yellow and red dye so we should be able to make ourselves some really cool looking creepers so we'll plant one normal creeper and let's make ourselves our other creepers so if i put down my orange dye and then i grab my creeper seeds and put that on top here then there we are there is our orange creeper seeds now when i craft this and put it onto our uh farm here there they are they don't look very orange they look kind of like a sad sad yellow kind of like a vomit brown but regardless there's our little big brother and our little brother growing growing slowly ah beautiful now we made our red creeper seeds and they're currently drowning underwater sorry little guys we'll plant you right there and perfecto all right now that our little guys are growing if i want to get the insane tnts i'm gonna have to get all the different colors of dyes so i gotta go down in the caves get myself armored up just in case the creepers explode and give myself lapis to where i can make ourselves the rainbow tnt which you don't want to miss what that does it's nuts so grow little guys i'll be back in just a little bit here i've been going at it for a little bit i've got a really nice cave here so i think we should be able to find our lapis and then after we get our lapis everything else should be a piece of cake and that's a rainbow creeper okay great and we've got a rainbow creeper here oh my word they're everywhere all right we gotta be super careful here i don't wanna die i'm at a pretty good place all i need is lapis oh please don't explode oh my goodness it broke stuff all the way over there whoa hi buddy all right you're a normal creeper i don't mind you so much you're not so bad the other guys are a little scarier do you mind just dying real quick i wouldn't mind taking your insides that sounded weird hey we got him did we get it yes we got it aqua gun powder oh that's so good okay we only need like two more of those and we make the aqua tnt that's fantastic yes okay we got our lapis oh my goodness we got our lapis and that is essentially all we need let's grab this redstone now we should have pretty much everything we need to make a ridiculous farm for our creepers and then it's tnt time my friends we're back at the house and also check out our guys they're almost grown all the way up um our little guys are almost this is creepy being this close like i'm proud of them because they're my little kids but also this is horrifying being this close to creepers and we got ourselves our lapis lazuli and our green dye um i said it that way just cause it rhymed and now we can make ourselves our aqua creeper which is super stoked i'm super stoked it's super exciting something put our lapis in there put our green green dot oh that scared me blue dye oh man okay i make blue dye first then i make cyan dye that's what i want right wait no not cyan dye i need aqua i need i need aqua dye how do i make aqua dye wait wait wait wait oh hey hold up hold up hey chill buddy i was looking up the recipe on how to make one of your brothers hey chill chill also our creepers are fully grown oh you big jerk you broke my crafting table ah stupid creepers okay well let me just harvest some of my creepers here boom look look okay so now i have a bunch of creeper seeds um and i've read creeper seeds orange creeper seeds and now i have our gun powder so now all we need to have is sand to make ourselves our tnts but first we have to make a couple more of these creepers plus it just looks cool there we are beautiful gorgeous my friends now don't ask me why this works but if you combine cyan dye and light blue dye with creeper seeds it makes the aqua creeper seeds which that's what i was thinking of now those are beautiful i basically need to get all the different dyes to make our rainbow creepers and then we'll have everything that we need thank you little plant i will we put you into good use not bad some of them are growing more than other ones this red one just doesn't feel like growing i think i've also have everything that i need to make a rainbow creeper that's the most important ooh and our creep was ready to plant or harvest i should say harvest in plant thank you and thank you oh i love it are you ready too look at you you are my beautiful creations all right well now we have plenty of creeper seeds so i think we'll be set for a long time let's make ourselves our rainbow creeper and here is our rainbow creeper seeds ah that is so exciting boom the rainbow tnt ah from the rainbow gunpowder we'll harvest these get a rainbow gunpowder make the rainbow tnt uh and then and then like i don't even know what happens all right we got our cream oh shoot they grew up oh they grew up oh man i was oh guys they grow up so fast oh no dude look at them they're gorgeous by the way i love them we got to be so careful we have to kill them because we still need their gun powder oh man but we we got to do this without dying without having them explode oh please don't kill all my stuff oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no oh they could explode each other i guess but i'd prefer not because then it wastes the gun powder dude i need a better sword oh oh my word those red creepers are very very explosive get all our stuff i think we'll be fine get that rainbow the rainbow is the most important of all the things i have okay do we have it we still have the rainbow creeper seeds everything is fine all right if they stay in the water nothing's gonna oh they killed each other no stop exploding my little babies i need your gunpowder stop stop bro oh well at least they killed each other okay so i got some of the tnt there's the red gun powder we still have all our stuff so that's good that is such a bummer we got four aqua gun powder two orange two red let's try this again shall we we're placing down our rainbow tnt ah stop i think that was the last one i'm pretty sure that was let me just plant our creepers uh i'll i'll make the crazy tnt farm give me a give me a second here you guys look at em all look at how gorgeous this is let me see if they start popping up you can watch them just but like one at a time they make a super satisfying sound turns out bone meal and these guys work great together there they are that is so cool and actually they grow pretty fast as well so i'm gonna go ahead and grab some of the sand um so we can start making our tnts here pretty soon after we've harvest our creepers to get our colored gunpowder i'm building an army an army of creepers this is so horrifying what's even scarier is to know that at any point they can just fully grow and then explode on me so i gotta keep a sharp eye on these guys um are we our little guys yes they're grown okay now i gotta be fast as ever grab them quickly quickly quickly before before they grow up i can't even appreciate the fact that i'm getting all these cool colors and everything but this should be all that we need go go go go go fast flash fast fast grab the brown or i guess those are orange grab the aquas and now that just the blue is left and let's check out our inventory here boom eight vibrant 10 orange 14 blue yeah we've got plenty we got plenty to make our tnts oh that was a close one any others that i'm missing oh there's some gunpowder here some seeds on this side we'll put all our creeper seeds in here and put all of our gun powder in here as well and kind of tally up our totals so it looks like we don't have enough red gun powder to make a tnt with that so we have to plant one more set of our beautiful little creepers but we have plenty of blue gun powder so we can make ourselves the blue tnt and here is our blue tnt ah now i actually don't remember um what all of these tnts do so i do know the rainbow one is crazy but we'll kind of build up to it so our blue tnt is made let's launch a tnt hopefully far away from our farm should we put it in a cave let's put it right here here's our new blue tnt let's light it and go oh gosh i don't know what's gonna happen oh it just spawned a bunch of water oh interesting i guess that makes sense blue tnt water okay well that's cool our next tnt is the aqua tnt now we've had the blue one the blue one spawned water what does aqua just aquaman spawns and just hey how dare you eat a bunch of fish and just kills me light it run oh it might be huge i didn't even think about it what did it do oh that's interesting so it exploded but it also grabbed all the items that exploded and put it into one pile that's like really convenient it's basically like tnt with ocd i went ahead and crafted the rest of our tnt here because our little red guy still isn't grown so we'll kind of show these off hopefully he grows pretty soon and the yellow tnt light it light it and run what is this guy oh my okay did you see that poor chicken oh my word it also put placed it in a nice little convenient place oh man you know what let's put this purple tnt next to these cows here hey guys you guys uh you guys want to check out what my new tnt looks like oh gosh here we go oh they're dead and oh interesting it made like a line or something all the way down see that like a vertical line across it what about our pink tnt what does our pink guy do i don't know how far back to run truthfully oh what the heck are you serious that tnt drops dies do you know how long i was working to get dyes why couldn't this be the first tnt that i used that would have made my life so much easier it just explodes die wow orange tnt what do you do orange tnt make my life equally as miserable oh wow okay oh wow it makes its own little ravine that's horrifying you okay little buddy i'm sorry he kind of broke your home all right you might want to get out of the way of this vibrant tnt i don't even know what this one does vibrant tnt i feel like is going to be a weird one maybe super powerful i rented up food i ran out of food are you serious it goes all the way it explodes an entire chunk dude this is absurd if this is what the vibrant tnt does which was just the lime green tnt i can't imagine what a rainbow tnt's gonna do okay that was horrifying i ran out of hunger right as soon as i was about to run away okay i think our little red guy's fully grown or almost grown let's grab our rainbow tnt man this is the big moment this is what it's all been for oh thank goodness all right we got our our red gun powder we can make our red tnt and also our rainbow tnt here we go this is our rainbow gun powder mixed with our rainbow tnt ah we got our red tnt which looks exactly the same as normal tnt is that just normal it looks like a little bit more bright i guess but the rainbow tnt dude look at it changed color it looks amazing let's go ahead and launch out our red tnt i assume it's going to be totally normal oh or it's fiery or a little a little bit fiery that does make sense all right yeah that was worth it yeah i thought that might have been a little anticlimactic but now my friends it is rainbow tnt time i probably should make myself some armor at least i put my my chest on that works put that down light it run get my shield out [Music] oh my word what is it doing hey get out of the way donkey run oh no what are you doing you're like floating oh my gosh it's just a wall of explosions does it go on forever oh my word i see an abandoned minecraft down there this is crazy this looks like literally the storm from fortnite is how i imagine it okay yeah it's just gonna go on maybe forever it's like a massive tornado what happens if i get in it oh yeah that that's explosive okay absolutely destructive uh oh yep i'm dead i don't know if it's weird to call a wall of explosions a satisfying ending but i'll call that a satisfying ending
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 622,134
Rating: 4.7982445 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, creepers, creeper update, new creepers, new mobs, new creepers in minecraft, new mobs in minecraft, growing mobs in minecraft, mob farming, diamond farming, diamonds, mobs, minecraft mobs, farming creepers, how to farm creepers
Id: KIQ5OfbbQuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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