I Found the RAREST Axolotl in Minecraft Hardcore (#46)

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in the brand new 1.17 update axolotls were introduced into the game of minecraft an interesting mob that could be found in five different color variants pink yellow brown cyan and a fifth ultra rare kind the blue axolotl so today i set off on a long journey doing whatever it takes to find the fabled blue amphibian again this thing is so rare there is absolutely no guarantee i'll find it no matter what i do some are even convinced that this thing doesn't even exist oh my god this looks ridiculously fake i i'm i was just going to start recording and then i noticed something stupid ridiculous no this is so dumb this is so dumb come here right now where'd you go come here it's the fabled purple purpley blue axolotl this is ridiculous no that's so dumb this was going to be the point of today's whole video i was just about to you're so rare well now that i found the ultra rare blue axolotl before the video even started which has a 0.083 chance of spawning by the way it's time for me to go ahead with the idea for this video and make myself an axolotl farm in my hardcore world so i always have infinite axolotls and hey if you go on to enjoy today's video do me a favor and press subscribe and join the wawa army it's absolutely free and i promise you won't regret it anyway enjoy the video g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome to another episode of hardcore minecraft it's the start of a brand new day so let's plant some brand new melons in our melon farm [Music] all right and just like that i've added another 200 melons to the melon farm for today at the start of every hardcore episode i plant another 200 melons to this melon farm so if you want to see how big this melon farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe yeah wow let's get into the video alright now there's a little something i need to address because i was stupid in the last video and didn't realize you don't need a tame an axolotl there's no such thing as taming an axolotl you can always pick them up your bucket just has to have water in it first so i apologize to everyone that had to watch me fail to capture axolotls for the entire last video i didn't know that you couldn't pick them up if your bucket was already empty it just it didn't make sense to me and let's see what my uh glow squid farm's been up to oh 32 glowing sacks not bad anyway towards the end of the last video i didn't include it in the video but i set up this beacon because i was going to try and make an axolotl farm and then straight after that i discovered that there was axolotls literally spawning underneath my floating island over there but i still thought the idea of making an axolotl farm in this world could be cool so that's what i wanted to do in this video and the whole point of this video was going to be to find the blue axolotl but then i found it before i went to record the intro but anyway so the whole idea of an oh gosh oh never mind anyway the whole idea of an axolotl farm is actually quite easy because it doesn't require anything special and the spawning conditions for axolotls is actually uh it's it's really simple all you need is natural stone blocks with a bunch of water on top make it pitch black and axolotls will spawn it's that easy so my whole idea was literally just to dig out a massive underground cave turn it into a giant pool of water and once we've done all that we will have a room that will infinitely spawn axolotls and glow squids forever i just realized i should be using a uh i should be using a silk touch pick so i can just dig up a bunch of stone [Music] oh gosh what have i just dug into all right i wouldn't mind trying to spawn proof this ravine because i feel it'll probably help us out in the long run with having a more efficient axolotl farm oh i guess so let's just jump in [Music] me [Music] okay i think i've pretty much spawn proofed a lot of this cave i like how i traveled out ten 000 blocks and explored caves for like two hours trying to find axolotls oh gosh and now i'm just seeing them everywhere like why did i even try so hard anyway this entire ravine is now spawn proofed as well as the surrounding caves and that should help us out later on oh gosh oh this is not good that's a lot of skeletons how dare you look at all the arrows in the ceiling alright so now with all the digging done it's time to move on to the next step we have to create some water pools now so quite simply i'm just gonna dig out the entire floor of this thing i should have seen that coming [Music] slime oh we found a slime chunk that's so cool i really need to make a slime farm in this world sometime soon all right so as far as i know water depth does not matter at all for axolotl spawns but i think it probably will be more efficient to have a deeper pool of water so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna mark out a how deep five blocks i guess five blocks will be a good depth so this is one two so this is the new bottom of our pool and hey it's important i make sure that all these blocks down here at the bottom of our pool layer a stone because that is uh one of the requirements for axolotls and glow squids to spawn and just when we all thought i was done with digging it's time to dig again [Music] oh okay i why i was not paying attention to my pickaxe alright so i've used up a lot of my silk touch pickaxe i'm going to put that away and it's time to use just my regular normal pickaxe now which means no more stone and a lot more ugly cobblestone but hey we're pretty we're pretty close to have dug out our the entire depth of our pool which is good [Music] all right and that's the whole depth dug out now all we got to do is fill it up with water except there's actually there's one other thing we need to do before we do that as far as i can tell from what the patch notes say axolotls can only spawn in water that is above stone blocks so here where we have all these patches of dirt and iron and coal ores i don't believe they can spawn above these blocks so what i'm gonna do is uh go around this entire area and just replace all these blocks with some stone that's it and that way this entire space will be spawnable as soon as we get some water in here alright now if i'm not mistaken i think we are ready to get some water in here hey please leave me alone slime please all right and when i turn around in a second this entire space is an infinite water source all right but the water is only filled in as far as the bottom layer we still want to make this thing full all the way up to the top layer [Music] all right and there we have it i've gone around this entire perimeter with water and now i'm hoping i can use kelp all around the outside of this thing and hopefully have the whole thing full with water this may take a while oh that's so perfect it is filling in all the way across [Music] look at that we got layers oh and it's working finally we got some glow squids to spawn which also means axolotls can spawn all right and now our entire pit is full of water there's just a few more things we've got to do look at that what a giant pool all right step one i want to grab a bunch of cyan wool all right now another one of the spawning conditions for axolotls is uh complete darkness so of course it makes sense for the next step to be to take away all lighting from this artificial cave and now i'm adding carpets here instead to prevent any mobs from spawning on here all right and that could technically be done that could be our axolotl farm um it's not super efficient all right i'm doing a little test right now i'm i'm 100 or more blocks above our underground cave right now trying to minimize the amount of mob spawns in the area and hopefully get a whole bunch more to spawn in the space that i've created down there because otherwise the amount of space i've kind of allocated for this thing has been way too big because i've only been able to get like six mobs to spawn at a time so i'm hoping if i just wait up here for a minute or two and then i head down real fast there'll be like tens of axolotls and glow squid all over the place all right can't bother waiting any longer let's see let's see if that helps at all oh nope nope it it didn't help nice oh well that's cool all right now if i could i've come over this way now to smelt up a whole bunch of glass because there's still a bit of building i want to do for this failure of an axolotl farm gonna need some green dye for this so let's melt up some cactus as well all right all of our glass is smelted but our green dye is not we can still go ahead and turn most of this into cyan stained glass now this is super unnecessary and will only probably make the farm less efficient but i wanted to create some walkways going through the middle so it's easier to like get around this place and say if there's an axolotl i want to grab it'll help us get there in a faster path than going all the way around the outside or having to swim so i wanted to create this pathway out of glass for two reasons one you can see through it so you can still see what axolotls and mobs are beneath but also mobs can't spawn on glass either all right i also want to have a bit of a pathway going out this way [Music] all right very cool now we've got this glass crosswalk it makes it a little bit cooler and now i guess you could say my axolotl farm was done i mean it works it's a room underground that spawns axolotls but i figured if i can't make the most effective axolotl farm i can at least make it look good so now it's time to do some building but hey if you're enjoying the video so far and you aren't yet subscribed maybe consider pressing that button so you can see more content just like this and if you are already subscribed liking the video helps me out a lot too okay back to the video so we've made ourselves quite an aquatic farm so i figured a good block to go along with it it would be some prismarine and if i come down here you can see we've got a bunch of prismarine shards so i think let's just get loaded up with a whole bunch of prismarine how do i get the dark prismarine all right i figured it may be handy to do a bit more afk just to restock our prismarine so i'm just gonna stay up here for a little while [Music] i am in need of some more squid ink because i want to make some dark prismarine and unfortunately you need a lot of black ink to make that so i've already been swimming around for a while and i've got two stacks of ink sacs but we're gonna need a lot more i really need to make a squid farm in this world i'm sick of doing this every other episode [Music] five in a bit stacks of ink sacks i'm hoping that's going to be enough now just to craft the dark prismarine okay and that should be all i need from my guardian farm here i think i've got plenty of prismarine and there's only one other block i want to collect and that block is sandstone which fortunately we have a fair bit of but i don't know if that's gonna be enough oh anyway time to get back to work and uh step one here i'm gonna bring the ceiling up a bit because it's a bit claustrophobic in here oh that's not good all right well this bit's going to take a while i really should have raised the ceiling before i filled this entire room with water all right i've finally dug out another layer in the ceiling now it's time to start uh actually getting some blocks in here and doing some [Music] building [Music] all right now i'm actually going to have to dig another layer out because i want to replace this layer with blocks now course it makes perfect sense that it's raining underground all right so i want majority of the ceiling to be out of sandstone but at the moment i'm a little short on sandstone so i think what might be helpful is if i spend a little bit of time making some prismarine designs in the ceiling all right cool that's great and i guess next up i want to do a few more prismarine designs in the ceiling around these dark prismarine sections so that'll be our next little step i guess [Music] so now i can fill in the rest of the area around here with just sandstone all right well that is this corner of the of the room done at least for the ceiling we still have a lot of space to fill in so i'm going to carry on pretty much copy what i've done here so i've added a couple new details to the ceiling over the top of our walkways here i've just made the ceiling slightly higher and now i think it's time that i honestly just fill in the rest with sandstone i think we're pretty much there [Music] okay and our ceiling is now complete finally that took a long time and a lot of effort i think it's really good like there's lots of detail and like it's not just flat but you may be wondering why i've kind of created these sections with the dark prismarine and it's because i wanted to add some that way that's kind of annoying right yeah i wanted to add some like waterfalls in each of the corners of this thing which should act as more space for axolotls to spawn but also it kind of just adds to the kind of feel of this place all right now i just got to do that to the other three corners but my tools are getting very low on durability so i figured now would be a great time to make a trip over to the end repair all my tools and then get right back to work all right and now it's finally time to start doing some work on the walls in this place [Music] okay and so far this is what the walls and everything is looking like it's looking good i like it a lot um but i am unfortunately out of sandstone [Music] all right and we are back in business [Music] all right and i believe that's now everything i've added these little kind of like waiting rooms off to the side i don't know maybe i want to afk down here and try and get axolotls to spawn i still don't know what's the most efficient way to use this space now it's time to move outside of this room come out this way [Music] so the final thing to complete our build was a staircase to the surface and i even experimented with the new tinted glass block to try and keep the room nice and dark the staircase followed the same theme as the rest of the room using the sandstone and prismarine blocks and i was working hard and over halfway done with the staircase and you would not believe what happened next or you were actually joking you're actually joking it happened again where'd you go there you are there you are hello hello twice in one video it all paid off we found our second blue axolotl that's so cool so hey even though i got extremely lucky at the start of this video i guess i can still say the axolotl farm paid off and now it was finally finished [Music] and after all that i actually managed to find myself wait no come back here two blue axolotls two extremely rare blue axolotls both with less than one percent chance of spawning actually both with less than 0.1 percent chance of spawning and i found two in the same video well that just leaves the question what do i do with them now what do i name them and hey it is nice to finally have infinite axolotls cheers oh hey if you haven't already go follow me on my instagram and twitter for additional wordsy content and speaking of additional content i've also been posting quite often on my second channel as well so go check it out all links are in the description
Channel: WadZee
Views: 4,181,593
Rating: 4.9626312 out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, I Found the Rarest Axolotl in Minecraft Hardcore, I Found the Blue Axolotl in Minecraft, Finding the blue axolotl in Minecraft, Minecraft Blue Axolotl, Minecraft Purple Axolotl, How to find the blue axolotl, Minecraft Axolotl Farm, finding the rarest mob in minecraft, I made an axolotl farm in minecraft, WadZee Minecraft, Minecraft Caves and Cliffs, Minecraft 1.17 Update, Minecraft Axolotls, WadZee Hardcore, WadZee Blue Axolotl, WadZee Purple Axolotl
Id: tEZRDlMVjg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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