I made a minecraft mod EVERY DAY for 100 DAYS

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coding a minecraft mod every single day for 100 days while in hardcore mode while i'm trying to beat the game i can do that day one i want to start with the mods that affect the beginning of the game the most and then work through to the end of the game also at around 50 days in i realized all the mods that i hand coded myself were largely incompatible with each other so i'm going to be using mc creator to help me out all right what's the first thing that you do when you spawn into a world you get wood right to get a wooden pickaxe i changed that now you have to kill a wooden pickaxe to get a wooden pickaxe the only way that makes sense day one mod one done quick but i've got a lot to do day two now i need to buy them to build my basin but you know me i'm gonna make my own i want this to look like a place where you could settle down in also hell air color yeah let's go with red tree stem okay railroad tracks vines how about yeah torch oh my god i see it already okay i'm gonna set up my base on top of this hill build a nice green top beautiful however it is getting towards night and i need food and what better food than those potatoes that come in a carton specifically the kind from costco you know what i'm talking about probably not this is good right this is what they look like no and what do you get when you break potatoes hash browns i called them potato spuds accidentally i'm not gonna change it whatever then i went home and realized that i needed to make some better weapons to defend myself so i made a comically large sword three times as powerful as the normal sword on the fifth day i started a mine and then made myself a full set of comically large tools i just loved the digging animation i dug out a basement for my green top and then went mining i didn't know what to make this day so i made emerald blocks spawn in the ground do they drop emeralds nope they drop turtles i don't know why i need to smelt my iron what am i gonna use coal no diorite then i made a new pickaxe because my old one was too slow yup yup just like that that's exactly what i was going for oh my god i built a wall around my property got some shears and went into the ocean to get seagrass to craft my armor turtle armor because i don't know why next i stuck around my property to do some housekeeping before i could adventure anywhere i added a new painting to the game and the new song as well as a new block death i had a lot of homework that day it was also time for my first bow and arrow but we don't use bows and arrows around here i'm gonna make a glass of water is it a normal glass of water no it's an instrument of death i want it to look like one of those halo cups you know honey we have guests pull out the fine china yeah this is the coolest thing i've ever made death on impact finally it's time to go exploring i wanted to do some practice before we go to the nether so i added a randomly spawning structure i grabbed my tools and my weapons and i ventured to the tiger biome to find among us nature is beautiful i added a new potion that would help us in the nether and went back home on my way back i realized that i needed a dog so i made one myself i then brought him inside and expanded my wall i dug down the y11 and i gave myself a weapons upgrade this time i'm making a spoon don't question it we do need something to test it out on though so i'm going to add some more mobs into the game my favorite pastime i want these to look cursed okay lower this set this on top yeah of course more athletic alright let's go find these yeah i also added the trident as an entity which is surprisingly terrifying the mine cart i think makes a nice addition to the game see this is what i wanted it's just cursed how does this have six legs i did i didn't even make that not upset about it then i went home because it was finally time to head to the nether before i left i made a new disc then got my tools together to find obsidian do we go for a lava pool no we go for the obsidian biome all right here we go i built a small wall just to be safe i have so much in store i decided it would be better if food spawned in the nether so i added breadsticks not just any breadsticks breadsticks from olive garden first of all i did change the blazes to just ahead and i made them spawn everywhere along with iron golems and i made them attack everything it's a simple yet drastic change complete chaos just what i wanted i also added another spawnable structure but i cannot find it hello gamers it's me from the future i found the overworld but it's in the void then i killed the blazes and made my way back home i arrived back in my base the next day and expanded my property some more i removed my old wall i built up a new one i laid down some dirt and i started on my chest room i created a new entity that would just keep creepers away they're just gonna be small gas and they're just gonna spawn everywhere i gave myself another right pickaxe because i didn't wanna work for one and i added some new skeletons that just kill skeletons and i decided it was time for us to start farming what are we gonna make normal foods no what's the easiest thing to make probably chicken nuggets right double gulp slurpee cup agriculture is the future travis scott fortnight meal taquitos great american farming beautiful to finish up some odds and ends i made use out of death by making it into a storage block and i also ran out of coal so i added oil to minecraft finally and i made g-fuel a naturally spawning liquid i wanted one that could do damage too so i added gamer subs lastly to replenish our wood supply to expand our base i added a wood dimension where everything is wood we're getting real creative out here you also can't place water there's two things that we need to do next the first is more important we need to find the pillager outpost the second i want to get to the aether and to make it historically accurate there's a lot that it needs to prepare we need a lot more weapons trebuchet a beautiful weapon a brand new glass of water this time it explodes on impact to defend myself when i get there i made an anti-pillager that just attacks pillagers to find the outpost though we need to move fast so we need a car yeah yeah you got the windshield you got the car walls all right let's go they stand no chance against my spoon boom boom yeah some of these oh no my car is on fire all right here we go okay all that for this i've been scammed all right let's get out of here before i go though okay it's time to go to the aether the crown jewel of 2014 minecraft youtube over the next few days i gave myself some new tools spoon shovel fork pickaxe knife axe and spork sword i added in some gamer subs and the g-fuel as like golden apples then traveled back to the nether to get glowstone and built the portal at my base the moment of truth oh my god it's real all right let's go wow beautiful i don't know why i gave it that animation but behind beauty lies brain aneurysms because there's a lot of danger here i added in chris he looks nice but he does nothing except kill he's the boss of the aether i am not in a good position oh my god he does a lot of damage i forgot i gave him that he stands no chance against my g fuel spoon and trebuchet i bet you've never heard that sentence before yeah get out of my lobby also take this after getting home i went mining again and added edible iron and turned death into a new light source i added a new fishing pole the saint croix graphite 3000 from dick's sporting goods and finally added ikea desk to the game and i got ready to raid a mansion my final exploration before the end what i really need is a flamethrower one of those sick white ones and now that i have a car i also need a plane yeah yeah like this what what airline does this remind you of correct spirit airlines all right let's go raid this mansion oh my god at this point the world generation is just so messed up all right let's go move boom get out of here i also made furnaces and chests spawn as entities that we have to defeat surprisingly uh terrifying the chicken i need a trophy from here all right let's smoke this we did it we did it we saved the mansion after getting home i decided i wanted to do some odds and ends while i had the time before we prepare for the end i wanted to see what the smallest possible rideable entity was oh my god oh my god and added garfield a new poster among us replace the wandering trader with the irs and put herobrine back in the game he only spawns in caves i then tested some more weapons serial if it doesn't explode it's not a weapon and a booth stick which just says knockback 1000 but it's really fun alright it's time to prepare for the end we need an armor upgrade because while ours is cool it doesn't even do full protection what's that drip goku guy yeah something like this oh we got the hair he's got the looney tune shoes tom ford pants and that supreme t-shirt absolutely dripping i made a new ranged item a grenade launcher that i decided we were only going to use in extreme cases because it can easily kill me i added a new energy drink bang and then upgraded the totem defleza i also added the glizzy as her last line of defense for the ender dragon and lastly i decided that i would upload all the mobs i've previously made for other videos just to make everything look as cursed as possible before i leave sheep cod squid with face skeleton pig chicken enderman llama phantom zombie creeper gast iron golem piglen and lastly cat chicken well it's finally time to go to the end i gathered my weapons and wished my base and garfield and g fuel goodbye alright car let's go here we go arriving at the end portal i added some entities to protect me including me he follows and attacks enderman iron golems that also attack endermen roundup weed killer that kills weeds and nothing else and finally added the copper golem because he deserved it alright here we go i did add some more to the end though withers now spawn in the end along with multiple ender dragons and herobrine just like avengers end game come on guys protect this is just chaos boom get out of here oh boom there we go for the last two days subscribe and follow on twitch goodbye
Channel: ItsJim
Views: 3,530,540
Rating: 4.9004736 out of 5
Keywords: techonoblade, minecraft, fundy, wilbur soot, tommyinnit, boffy, minecraft hardcore, itsjim, yeahitsjim, minecraft mod, Minecraft but I coded, itsjim tik tok, minecraft coding, spifey cursed, skeppy cursed, dream cursed, spifey confusing, texture packs, logdotzip, imnotacasualty, i made a custom minecraft mod, craftee, custom hearts, boffy cursed, 100 days mods, i coded a minecraft mod, coding minecraft mods, making a minecraft mod, jschlatt, quackity, craftee custom hearts
Id: 8kVXGfKIk9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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