Defending An Island Of BEES From Invaders

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well it's up to us to make sure that this little beehive here doesn't get overrun by wasp in eight minutes so we need to make sure that we build up our little floating Hive here so let's just set up three Honeycombs here so the worker bees will collect the wax to construct the little Honeycombs out of and then once all that's in place we can build a wax Factory to get even more wax and we'll also need a kindergarten which will allow us to get more bees and it has a footprint kind of like that so let's just make sure that that's built up correctly next to the nectar is a good idea all right guess the honey is what that is because the bees require honey to grow as well as eggs that the queen is thankfully producing and what is she reading there what do you got there oh it's just art for the game that's fine by me just admiring yourself eh and we also need to make sure that we build a research center which is huge just line this up where I want it to go and then we can start to build this up to make sure that it will be sustained I think that's the right size for it oh no it's just much bigger than that great that's fine by me we still have six minutes speaking of let's start using that time to use this kindergarten that's been built and start to build up some fighter bees we'll just cue up six of those right away since we only have three of them right now we can also queue up a builder bee so that we can build structures faster and look at all these little bees going off to the islands to collect honey he's just gently making his way over right over to this to like a little patch and then flies on back so peaceful oh but we're also currently out of wax that's not good thankfully the bees are keeping the wax Factory nice and supplied so that we can hurry and finish up this research raft and I think something else I can do right now is just set up for building another wax Factory because we're definitely gonna need more than one ooh but right now we can put in the research center perfect that is a huge area to fill but once we get a second wax Factory setup we should be able to get more of the resources and beautiful two factories back to back and we could also stand to expand our nectar storage so we'll go ahead and do that right over here as well as our pollen stores so let's just get few of those set up and now the Builder bee gets busy building the wax Factory and voila beautiful two wax factories that almost look like one Factory and then this speed fills in the last little cocoon for the wax oh it needs a little bit more also I don't know why I called it a cocoon that's not how bees work oh but here's our defensive bees with their little Spears look at them oh it's so cute and they have wait do they have bones on their face that's interesting Uber Research Center is going in good get that built up nicely aha now we can research oh and we can give our bees better Spears increase damage dealt oh or we get a honey Factory you know what the attackers are coming in two minutes so let's get the spears right away which we should have all the resources for that even though our pollen is right now empty speaking of that I meant to increase the stores so we'll go and do that and the same to our nectar storage I suppose when I should queue up next is more worker bees so they can collect more pollen since that seems to be the basis for all of our needs right now that nectar which they are flying to very far out islands and some of them what it's a rib cage that looks shockingly human that's so interesting also is that a beat underwater that's a bee fish why is there a bee fish it's all fun and games till the fish start thinking bee also what is this over here we got Stonehenge and it looks like a resource spot that the bees can go to that is weird oh but the research center is going in oh hey we completed the spears nice so our defensive bee should have better damage now let's research the honey Factory because we'll definitely need quite a supply of that in order to get more bees and the attackers are incoming and I have no idea where they're coming from oh I can rotate the camera okay I don't see anything yet oh wait what's that coming from the volcano oh it's a it's a wasp wasp coming in to attack us go on again beautiful strikes that wasp doesn't stand a chance just getting bullied by bees yay falls into the water oh that was beautiful oh hi nasty horns are sticking their whiskers in Honey again this time we fought back sure we did pretty good that time and honestly that honey Factory could not come soon enough because we are all out of it for making new bees just seeing a little more pollen in order to fund it which thankfully the bee is smart enough to put it directly into the research Factory yes and that is very quick on the research I like that and now we have access to the honey factories which has a very weird footprint I think we can keep all of our factories to one little area so we will just build it up as such and then be ready for it as soon as they're done building it in the meantime what should we use for our next research this is a weapon a watcha I like the sound of this oh look at that little research spot the bee has it's got like peppermint in it that's fun also being a lab coat is probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen and now we only have six minutes to the next week oh or we can just start it right away I didn't know that I did that whoops I just saw a Flash and I'm like ooh clickies well hopefully we can defend against oh wow he is like right there already go on get him get him and there's more wasps coming in thankfully they're only focused on hitting the Defenders which already took out one wasp go on get the other one take him out yeah I've seen what bees can do when a wasp kills a bee bees are scary oh no we lost a b but there's also a loss down just one more watch to go go on get him poke him yeah we did it okay let's not touch the next wave button already and finish the research on the watcha so we're ready for it and there it is although here it says it's a kavacha not sure what that means but oh okay so we can see the attack radius of this putting it right here should cover the whole island so let's actually put over here next to the kindergarten and then we'll set up another one on this side of the island so we can get double coverage oh hi my queen I have important news Scouts have noticed that the Hornets teamed up with dragonflies dragonflies going to Target our buildings and spray toxic substance well that's not good what I think I'll do right now is research this save yourself because then that will let us get this aluminum bucket upgrade later oh and we can get a Ballista as well I like the sound of that okay now we just said a one watch uh here and one watcha here and thankfully we have plenty of wax to do that but we are very low on pollen right now at least now we're getting honey to get more units ooh the watch is going up yes beautiful this should help us defend against those dragonflies especially if we have two of them and now the research is well underway I'll probably wait on this so we can go ahead and stockpile up some more of our pollen and get more honey speaking of that I actually might as well just build another honey Factory out this way thankfully all of our bees are very good about that and I'm gonna get a second honey Factory oh my goodness look at the cost of the aluminum bucket honey wax and everything especially wax why don't I wait on that and get something that'll help our defense such as speed of the bees we can afford this and the good news is we're still getting bees made especially the workers that can get more resources oh do you see that the Beast collided delivering the pollen that's funny that's gotta be one of my favorite videos is the one of slow motion bees colliding in the air because they just do not register each other okay research is complete so the bees have better attack speed well not attack speed but you know speed oh we can give him a haystack as a helmet that's so bizarre but that costs a lot of pollen though let's actually save on that and we could research a telescope better range of the watcho shot which will also give us access to the ballista thankfully we have enough nectar for that at least I believe so so when I'm wondering in the long run is if it's worth building out to okay I guess I can't get over to that island with the volcanoes there are some very far out Islands what is going on over there and why can't I go there yet maybe I need to start expanding out that way so our bees can get range to the other resources I like the sound of that idea so we'll just build a small Bridge of our Hive out that way okay so we can reach that one that's good plus we need to do that to expand and anyway is there anywhere the bees don't seem to get to you right now there's a lot going on over here but this volcano also has no resources that are good for us so we can ignore it everything that gives us stuff seems to be collected by the bees which is good even this spot over here which looks like you would have a lot oh there is a resource node right there but it's very far away so it's not the most convenient in how we get access to the ballista we don't have time left before the defense so I'll wait on that ooh and we can increase wax production I like the sound of that and here come the new attackers okay where are they there they are right over there you wanna know something fun about these swatches you can take control of it oh that wasp is in for a bad time oh I hit it once oh we gotta reload quick oh dragonflies there got him yes and he crashes down Albany streets of toxic goop that's not good just get out of here with your burning mess oh no we lost a honeycomb that was honey storage oh that is bad oh did our attacker did our Defender bees get taken out the Wasps are coming in get out of here go away and bees get out of the way take him down take him down okay that was pretty bad if I had to be honest we lost honey storage oh that's so bad it's not even an option unless we finish this research and then go on to other things and all of our fighter bees got taken out very not good we need a lot more of these and you know what it might be worth it to queue up in second kindergarten just so we can get more units out the gate okay second kindergarten going in filderby is building the school which I'm not sure why it's called a kindergarten they don't exactly learn anything they're just born but in any case we can start up this queue and maybe we will get to ballista researched as soon as possible just so we have more defensive capabilities and also repairing some of the hive here and then we can fill in more Hive here probably also get a watcha set up way out here so we can get the attackers dealtless sooner and then that's also what I want to do is build up one here and then we can start getting some ballistas in place ooh and just a little bit more and we can get to the new era interesting so how much much does the ballista take up oh wow that's huge you know what never mind this just stop stop to work or build it up so I can take it down I'll demolish it sorry I have better plans for where you were and it just sings slowly to the bottom where it just sits okay it also seemed like our defense speeds were taken out kind of quickly so let's get the haystack research to give him better armor and then put the ballista in place oh that only costs wax and only two units of it that's pretty good I'm okay with that because our wax factories are thankfully in full swing even though they like to take it over to the research instead but why don't we queue up another spot for the ballista over here so we can have coverage on both sides even though the ballista's attack radius is absolutely huge you can't even see it it's that far out look at that it's almost reaching it is reaching the ribcage Island this is huge okay now the haystack research is going through that's good and now we get to start putting wax in towards a Ballista okay there's only a minute left until this next defensive wave I really hope I can get a Ballista before then and or you know it's a good idea to queue out more Fighters since I totally forgot about that bill the ballista build the ballista B work faster oh that is a beast of a Ballista I like it and the defense is here okay where are they coming from let's see I'm seeing whop store that way where's the dragonfly I want to say the blister for the dragonfly oh there it is oh and he's going for it whoa or he's going for that wasp wow but I need you to Target the dragonfly stay on target and fire oh no I shot over his eyeballs reload reload reload reload oh I was bleeding too much oh yikes that stuff is nasty and there's also two dragonflies and you're coming back you're on fire what are you doing just ah get out of here oh oh got him all right next dragonfly is coming in watch it shooting at it oh right in the eyeball get out of here with your toxic goo oh yes another shot how do you tank so many ballista shots oh that's not good something's getting destroyed we lost a kindergarten no oh that is very not good we need Builder bees over time so they can repair things at least I think they repair things and we need that kindergarten back I need bees oh gray and we're losing Honeycombs out here because they just stay on fire for whatever reason while a Ballista was kind of good it might have worked better if I wasn't controlling it to be honest but the kindergarten can go back in place and we need a lot more defense speeds somehow this number isn't enough oh hi teamed up with ladybugs targeted buildings and dropped larvae on them well that's just gross this is definitely not good let's research the bolstering so the ballista can reload faster and then get another Blister in place right over here I don't really want to know how tanky the ladybugs are and there's not a lot of time before that wave of Defense either okay so the bolstering thing is unlocked and we can get into the new era is this worth right now I think it's worth it right now a second upgrade tree I like that a medical center oh that could be good but what is this substance is that Ambrosia I need the hardened wax Factory for that that is so much wax for research I need to hold on to that for now whoa but look at our Research Center now hot dang that's looking fancy and what I could also use is probably some defenses over here so let's expand and fill in this Gap and then set up a huacha over here also coming back to the first tree let's research Mead to increase that because they'll give us wax storage which from there I'm hoping that it can unlock honey storage because I still feel bad about losing that first one okay here come the lady oh my gosh that's a big ladybug why is there why are you so huge oh my gosh that was just got sniped at least I think that was a wasp okay dragonfly is coming in hopefully ballistas can keep up with it oh knocked it off course a little bit take it down take it down yes we took it down oh no it's taking out Honeycombs that is that is gross not good ladybug is here I can't even see it with the camera like that oh there it goes down yes we took out a ladybug oh and the dragonfly now has a Ballista bolt for a hat and her defensive bees are locked in combat with the loss right now go get him oh yes knock them all down to the ocean just get rid of them all whoa okay bees can fly underwater to attack Colossus apparently they are more stubborn than real bees I'm surprised about that but we survived the waves that's good oh man that ladybug was something else thankfully we took care of it right away ooh we can get military reform for building Barracks I like to summon it oh and we could get anti-aircraft guns from that oh what so I think that's something worth saving for another video hope you guys enjoyed this one of bee Island if you want to see more of it then definitely let me know and thank you for watching subdue in turn and I do want to thank the channel members including bread Mr won ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C Donna Moto deviant X muffin stuffer Lucas s splatter sex the real nickname Edward Peggy Sue droop along tjb and seriously sarcastic
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 311,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, bee, bee game, bee games, bee island, bee island steam, bee island intern, intern bee island, sandbox games, base defense, base building, bees, wasps, wasp
Id: EC63EnoPgSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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