Found HUGE Jewelry Stash in Mystery Boxes from Unpaid Storage Unit Foreclosure Auction

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see what's in there Oh earrings the Lord look at this look at this my brand spanking new just I have to steal something she's bought up the whole dang stores what she did [Music] what's going on guys it's Jason thrift trader thanks for tuning in to another episode and I've got hot sauce with me today so anyways today we are going through a few boxes from a storage unit these boxes actually came out of the huge gold storage unit we had way back in February and we've been through some of it but now we're trying to take all this stuff out of boxes get this stuff for a yard sale up for yard sale find things to sell on eBay so we're gonna go back through it and a lot of this stuff you guys never really got to see in that video because we were going so quick just to get it loaded up so we're actually gonna go through some of these boxes and we're gonna see what we find today sound like fun sounds like a blast sounds like a blast we find books she hopes we find books I hope we find gold but I think the Gold's pretty well gone I think the Gold's pretty much gone too oh well we'll see what happens and it's hot it's very hot it's super hot I'm sweating my butt off but here we go alright guys so here's first box we're gonna go ahead and open it and what do we have like arts and crafts arts and crafts this is a bead bead bench bead holder okay so a lot of this crafting stuff I plan on just rotting it up in big blocks on eBay this looks like it's gonna be foam activity kit is what this is I guess it's for Christmas yeah that might actually go on Amazon I don't know if not the girls can do it as an activity and needle-in-a-haystack chameleon designs jewelry case - jewelry case little wicker hats this goes to the yeah there's like their little cute ones old folders whoa they don't work trash yeah got some yeah little bead yeah they're probably glass seed beads yeah a whole bunch of glass seed beads here guys that's cool oh hey oh hey guess what I just sold one of these for like 30-something bucks used on eBay so this will probably likely be an eBay item this family arts see beads and stuff I think this is just a cross stitch pattern stitch paper paper stuff oh that's paper right there man that's old yes it is that's old Christmas wrapping paper a whole lot of it you could sell it I don't know I've never tried to sell wrapping paper with it being older hmm that's cool that's pretty just a bunch of paper patterns patterns and then we have the big book of holidays patterns big book of patterns yeah of all different holidays nice yeah let this man dramamine that's that's probably not drama mine seed beads Oh creative those are candies oh I hope I hope it's candies Candy's not oh man ribbon a crap ton of ribbon you have the vines that went with the chocolates but no chocolates oh man donate the chocolates black glow stickers cute that's cool rhythm oh no making a mess it's not confetti that is confetti I know I'm saying let's not make a mess with a compact oh there's some round balls creative holiday lasting and cool alright we're gonna get this sorted in the yard sell vs. well we'll get it sorted into yard sell and trash and eBay stuff we'll move on to the next box alright guys next box take kitty it's a kitty that's yard sale that's cute it's a playful kitty look mm-hmm who's this that's oh that's trash this looks like a bit of a stamp collection here for different snowflakes designs I don't think these are well there's a snowflake I don't know if these are worth keeping that's a forever stamp but they're gonna be used yeah these have been used well that one's been used cuz it's got a stand right so there's this one these are one sentient force hat what they didn't use yeah stamp on 24 cent methane that's a little stamp collection here but I don't think any of these it really worth anything 15 cent all of our homes bless you thank you pretty sort of first class pretty sort first class she just cut these out put them in this except this one she put on a paper club these are pencils I think these are European stamps well that's cool that's interesting likely these stamps are going to end up in the trash because I don't think they're worth anything there's a Purple Heart stamp 1986 is when that one was stamped that's crazy yeah I think this is mostly trash oh wow holy moly ditching stitch or Die that's cute that's cool holy crap water colors but we've got more seed beads more floss the whole bunch holy cow that's a bunch nice Hey oh it's just some other set of gangers this is an unbranded pair of embroidery scissors this woodland Christmas that's cool it's so cute that'll go in the the feet are weighted too so it'll stand up it's just about time to start selling Christmas stuff to guys on eBay because it's a beginning of September before we know it that'll be Christmastime I'm gonna put all of this stuff in the yard sale and I think I think we should be doing mighty fine with the yard sale a lot of craft stuff a whole lot of craft stuff would they pay for this bag 114 114 dollars oh my gosh what we got here it's a voids Bears and friends and this is uh its marked for 20 bucks here so she obviously was trying to sell this looks like it's got an edition number and hand numbered as well and we got and there's a bunch of these peppermints sugar free and some more these are more beads here seed beads what's that it looks like more sequins no no like hot glue like things you would decorate with hot glue these are they clip shut I can't remember what they're called but they hold things in place okay hey it's a girl robot Oh goofy little sunglasses in there yeah there's uh some accents I guess this is for what do you call it scrapbooking scrapbooking yeah so this is scrapbook accents yeah there's more of these foam glitter stickers all their Christmas trees or just trees get something it's a little piggy bank that's interesting bunch of beads yeah these are like wooden beads and this looks like a what do they call that Christic a Celtic knot yeah that's cool oh yeah goosebumps rules right I got stuff in there yep oh snap oh motorcycle from Wendy's oh wow I can't remember her name who can anybody remember this who this is yeah I'm gonna sit these out here here's another one these look like Marvel or DC one of the two oh this is a little frog that actually swims mm-hmm he's cool power ranger transformer this is an old cheap car made in China that's cool remember I was hoping it was one of those raisins they're raised oh yeah yeah sure oh he's a hopper a little finger cool toys got stuff in the checkbook what's the only sure thing about luck is that it will change ain't no joke he who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet I'm gonna check make sure that those yep right yeah you never know with this thing with this storage unit guys always look really closely at pens and because high-end pens are made some some high-end pens are made of gold and so you you have to yeah yeah so you have to look really closely at pens of course nothing here is made of gold but you never know really never know I was State Fair of Oklahoma September 15th to October 1st 1995 that's a great big it's really neat it's heavy to paperweight I guess I don't know what this is this is miniature rock collections okay it's a pencil see this is the pencils oh I get it and there's little bitty rocks in here and here's the eraser that's pretty neat that's really neat um no this might be a belt oh oh what's this say attached to invoice okay yeah is that like one of those like under the breast belts wouldn't you have like a really shirt you know maybe you see that's how yes right that's really nice is really cool that's like thank you earrings look at this oh oh that's too cute little barrette here's a couple of that looks like it's copper bangle there's another earring wow that's a long one it's broken - is it yeah there's a pendant another earring here and a broken brooch oh yeah well so she was making it Lewis she was making little bitty oh you t-shirts out of seed beads that's pretty neat see the scissors oh yeah these are nice scissors another pair of those that's the goose they're made in Italy yeah Swan scissors yeah like the eBay these are really neat though really cool I'll put those in the yard sale they're really cool I'm gonna see you it is a stamp of and then Guana honey Gorman no wow that's a chameleon Oh communion why better little matchbook calculator that's cool literally the size of a matchbook whoa look at this the world's smallest calculator leave that oh no way how does it work okay right here does it work a letter opener nope oh that's really cool it comes with this thing to put these these are little crystals and it looks like there's a tooth of some sort in their ears or crystals Wow oh there's a spider in a let me see that yeah that's cool champion oh it's Chinese yeah there's more earrings okay what is that this metal product contains various amounts of lead is not suitable for children that is not gold gotta work around the spider no basic sewing tools it's a hemming like that's on him this is for hemming okay you have your seam ripper scissors more like a wolf his rubber gems that's cool and this is a computer what is it it's a computer got us oh look the floppy disk yeah let's go funny holy under the floppy disk and that's it we're gonna get things sorted up and go to the next off to this one Hey oh it's an empty I just trash it more earrings is harder than their you more seed beads oh it's a little it's a pattern that's cool a bracelet I don't know looks like it thank you says right here yeah something necessaries for sunflower box so this makes a little sunflower box interesting Wow these these are all rocks that's crazy what you got oh my goodness here's another receipt from Hobby Lobby eleven bucks she bought it kept it in the bag put it in a box and forgot about it Wow seahorses these are magnets that's cute it's probably something to make a necklace out of right seahorse teeth Wow mask yeah oh what the heck we're going to chemistry class I don't have these I mean do you put beads in it I guess it's on your table with bees those are glass I feel like I should be in chemistry [Music] geez Lewis more glass beads Wow were those in there no that's just it there it is that's cross-stitch it's a is why GART truster a 2009 more thread and some red glass beads seed beads Wow that'll be trash my goodness more scrapbooking like that booking scrap scrap scrap booking tons of scrap booking these are some really cool beads in here guys holy cow she's $24.75 she just bought it tossed it in here $1 for that what's the big deal about that is that pearl or something we got Open Sesame thread a whole bunch of thread Wow look like bobbins that's okay that that the kit makes that little Cardinal thing look like little bobbins though like premade bobbins you just put anything like these yeah that's something Bob don't have a clue that's crazy I'm just I'm expecting this to be yeah bunch of beads more floss I think so it looks like maybe scrap floss no that'll be trash oh here's the earring it's a little earring backs or the dangle easier to bet almonds dick that's not what's in it yeah that's no monster oh jeez okay nope it's a Zenith almond stick yeah that's domey stick don't mean it no that's not what it that works okay I'll wipe out furniture scratches oh okay so we don't eat it no don't plan on it Dinks huge spool of thread that's probably four I can't think it goes on a craft bag sir these are little crystals this is trigger hmm makes a bag makes a trick-or-treat bag yeah a trick-or-treat bag oh that's cool just glows in the dark it says yeah that's cool I gotta be careful what direction I face this bag because there's personal information on the other side well folks look at this guy's we've got these are pendants this is a brooch oh wow just random stuff some of these could be sterling silver see see the see where it says SS there that means it's Charlie silver so these are this right here is sterling so I'm gonna have to be very careful with that it says SS there I don't know if you can see it or not there's another SS bunch of random stuff in here lots of crafting lots and lots and lots see that's a crystal it's a blue crystal and it's a Swarovski it's how you say it Moravsky ocean blue teardrop crystal so I don't even know what anything like that can be worth feed glass these glass beads there's seed beads that's a weird-looking glass green-brown spoon pendant hmm that's cute bunch of zeros resin crystal red white daisy pendant this is a glass pendant Wow it's uh the PI to light pink it's all from Fire Mountain Gems enjoy crimp beads that is crazy these accents little little bitty bows another hemming measure Covenant Health Systems what is this Oh band-aids we need band-aids oh you got some now oh there's a pin cushion don't have a clue but this is empty yeah I'm at pattern little bead barrel huh my guys says beer helping men to dance since nineteen if since 1862 faceted Aurora beads tons and tons of crafting guys this is happy hunting it's in here is that a shot glass mmm Canada sticker on it Canada yeah police don't have a clue see ya be plumb full of beads this is crazy what does this looks like a scrap yeah scrap jar yeah hey ready more bees hole beads what is that it's a flaw Suri floss organizer interesting this is crazy there's something in here wow that's old it's really pretty - that's really old holy cow that's plastic though that's crazy bunch of random stuff look at those old clothes pins there there was one that she had she turned it into her reindeer yeah that's cool there's no beads goodness it's just she collected tends to so she keep all this stuff in this has got a bunch of floss and beads gloss and beads and stuff in it oh look at this Jess this is a stamp and the wax it's a wax stamp that's so cool so they she used this to seal envelopes with there's a cancer pin that's breast cancer that's nice we're this lease yeah hmm interesting unless we got here don't know some floss like a thimble that's an axle nut well it's just three bucks on it but what is that it's really colorful I mean it's a rock of course--but maybe something's amiss there's more floss whoo those are pretty ornaments yep they're ornaments Wow Wow little heart-shaped ornaments that's pretty amazing hmm they're heavy too go ahead well we got in there first let's look at the bottom I was hoping it said Longaberger but it does it ready one two Oh hold it these might be military service pins huh I'm hungry I was just gonna say these are bowing these are all this different times different buttons not pins buttons these great big ones Wow this could take forever it's this darling that's pewter handmade Denmark I can't tell exactly what it says but it's handmade in Denmark looks like it's got a bit of a bend there oh wow wow it well I don't think they're Valerie Stevens Wow she was obviously selling this stuff I bought a crafters entire inventory yeah good night this is insane Wow do some knobs knobs yeah wear this you got a squirrel squirrel get in there Hey what way to untangle them for you mm-hmm I'm just looking for the clasp there's one of the clasps it's marked something I just can't read it they see yeah hmm I'm gonna go see if I can find my loop and we can look that up real quick all right guys so we checked these this silver colored one is is not marked at all so I'll run a magnet across it and we'll check on it and this one this one's marked it says 14 slash 20 so I don't even know what that means I doubt that it's gold it does have a bit of a gold luster to it so I'm gonna put this one back and find a magnet and put a magnet to it and we'll see what happens okay well I can't find my really strong magnets so but I've got a little bitty magnet here and if you can tell it is sticking just a little bit and that tells me that it's not gold oh well on to the next bucks let's see what we got here this looks like just Halloween depressing laughing boxes yeah we'll put these in the yard sale somebody might want these I mean so much arts and crafts there's about so it might be a piece of sterling we're styrofoam balls or graphic more bead things these are little bead well she got in there bunch more the bead containers synthetic lubricant with teflon staples Chevron staples yeah Aero staples somebody will love that somebody crafting a lot that's it I'm not that crafter that would need them no oh look at me those little what are they called gyroscopes those huh kid toys yeah this is Oh lemierre's come on there you go things in here I don't know about that that's pretty that looks like it might be pearl way these brooches like this that's pretty this is Sarah Kevin tree it's missing a couple pieces right here or one piece but that's that's a nice brooch vintage brooches sell guys so these these might actually this one's not marked sounds pretty my mama wore something like that that's nice I'm just missing the pan no I don't yeah that's a pendant and this one's missing some things that's cool that's a very huge there's another clip on this is missing the yeah pin to it another clip on okay yeah interesting yeah well that's cool I'm interested in that pink bag this doesn't have any markings on it it's got a lot of weight to it though what is this hostage fed okay all right no nice gloss you know post-its wasp there's more oh yeah this stuff sells well on eBay and whoa oh Oh earrings the Lord look at this my brand spanking new just I have to steal something she's bought up the whole dang stores what she did yard sale I guarantee you saw the heck out of this stuff in the art style is was it pretty earrings kitties dude I don't even have the time in the day to sell these one by one piece by piece Wow look this so old the pocket the earrings were on is now coming apart that's crazy holy cow wow I like these oh well it goes brand new package tons of jewelry this is all earrings oh those are cute are these big loops yes what are these these are like little looks like a bowl is insane all the same area here fashion jewelry says Libra Taurus answer Libra Wow that's insane wow this whole bag full that is it count mesh Oh what the heck do we have here just right this is $4 for all so this is huge sequence it's just tons of sequins in it sequins and thread yeah beads beading needle this is all sequins this is stuff I used when I made dresses holy cow oh this is overwhelming no this is cool Holly I don't know these all this sequence stuff will probably just go in the yard sale I seriously had something like this and I was in high school when I made dresses tons and tons of suit I would sew them on individually oh and these are stacked yeah more Wow orange yeah sound over wow wow she's so organized I applaud her organization it's crazy more floss who's this man that's front o clock Wow well it's an earring but you make you make it yourself so you put the post up here and I have no idea what that is see that what is that it's to make an earring see this is where the dink like this is where you'd been your jewelry down here Wow all right guys well that is it for this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you haven't already please hit the subscribe button like the video if you liked it leave us a comment if you saw anything that's worth value but I guess that's gonna be it for today keep on picking that trash and making that cash okay I can say [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 17,221
Rating: 4.844523 out of 5
Keywords: Thrift Trader, HawtSaucee, Found Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, New Jewelry, Jewelry, Mystery Boxes, Unboxing, Mystery Unboxing, Unpaid Storage Unit, Foreclosure Auction, Storage Unit Auction, Storage Unit Foreclosure, Foreclose Auction, Storage Locker Auction, Real Storage Auction, Storage Auction, Huge Score, Found Profit, Secret Stash, Mystery, Found Beads, Found Vintage, Found Vintage Buttons, Found Vintage Crafts, Crafting Supplies, Found, I Found, What I Found
Id: q5sYLYxtnS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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