Laura Dotson SCORES A $10,000,000 JACKPOT! (Storage Wars)

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welcome to the channel in today's video we're going to be talking about 10 laura dotson moments of storage wars now if you do end up enjoying this video it would be very appreciated if you would drop a like on the video and of course would also be heavily appreciated if you would hit the subscribe button and notification bell now with all that being said let's get straight into the video number 1 Brandis would have filled Locker I sign the paychecks so I'm taking one of the guys to help me get this stuff back to Orange Brandi bought a locker for $900 and found something that no one would ever expect as she's digging through all of the junk in the locker she comes across a box but this is no ordinary box it is a box filled with food items used by witches the box was filled with stuff like a deer skull and chicken bones which scared poor Brandi half to death she was of course incredibly shocked and her friends were poking fun at her which obviously didn't help anything he continuously teased her and one of them even pretended to be possessed this sucker was definitely something and it will certainly be remembered what is Bozak here Brandi it's a dude with the chicken on his head he's seen as better years number two Rene and he's Locker filled with old video games don't forget look all the way back in the corner this unit goes all the way around the corner and it's full to the top how far does it go back the producers of storage worse have wanted Rene since the first season however he didn't join until the fourth one which led into us having to wait but of course waiting for that time was worth it when he you got to see this find you guys spent $1,500 on the storage locker I'm not saying much more than that he's just crazy just who does that moving on he was very focused on what he saw inside of the locker at the option which was old video games and turns out the video games were nearly priceless boxes upon boxes upon games more and more kept coming some of the games alone were incredibly expensive like around $500 in the end the guy racked up around 44 thousand dollars number three bank robbers I got my good friend Ginny to help me out with this texas-sized Locker I'm just hoping we find some treasures to make her trip worth it in this episode they bought a blocker for $700 which seemed like a good deal in itself but of course it got even better when they found out what was in it Jenny and Mary found weapons used to rob banks from the 1800s these weapons included a machine to loosen Bolton bolts and they were very rare in interesting to learn we went to meet with an expert just like they always do and he explained that the prices of these items were really high after everything they got 1855 dollars which is definitely a win no matter how you look at it the Yale & Towne stockwell's patent 1892 some sort of clock number for a Pirates Locker okay so I bought this unit the other day yesterday I don't know why I bought I was on the phone pissed off with my credit card people who are here taking me the Dotson couple Ben and Laura of storage force got an incredible find really flew from Pirates I mean this being something you normally don't see around the locker was held for an amazing $500,000 worth of coins from Pirates however they did not realize this very important fact in the locker sold offered just over a gram according to sources the coins came from anywhere between the 16th and 19th century making them priceless without having to say much more you could obviously see how much of a win this actually is and also what are the odds of fighting pirate number five silver bars regulan see for me ami were looking through this locker they had just bought in found an old box of silver bars in then suddenly when looking further into the locker and they found another one they were in all sizes big small and there were a lot of them the silver ended up being made by one of the best businesses out there for silver making and when it was taken to an expert total cost was over one thousand nine hundred dollars and there struck by Johnson Matthey this is one of the best known manufacturers so that's a real plus for you number six newspapers about Elvis Presley's death dave hester's spent seven hundred fifty dollars on a locker which sounds like a lot until you realized the storage locker was filled with newspaper from Elvis Presley's death the finding was of course amazing and it gave us a look into what it actually was like when the news were at first released for obvious reasons the news shift everyone the newspapers will value $90,000 which obviously means that this was an incredible find no matter how you look at it number seven hats after spending a mere $50 on this storage locker people weren't expecting much however it was changed when Darrell found a pristine collection of vintage hats it was not only that he also managed to come across a vintage hats captured at first Darrell had no clue what this was it was just a strange machine it could be anything and he suspected it was a military object based on the green coloring of the stand upon going to Milner a female hat maker Darrell learned the truth about this machine in there was worth four hundred dollars he also found out that one of the hats he had found was extremal an old hat worn by Jews he at first thought it was a Russian hat however he later on learn about the history behind the hat even though he was more interested in the cache of Imbrium pounds he was obviously not wrong to be thinking about that because the have ended up going for $4,000 looks like Darrell just had a really good reason to keep his head high and we use all the time you can see we have quite a few of them so yours is a little bit different because as you can see my metal number 8 wheel song after biting a bolt for $175 Brandi and Jarrod were feeling pretty good about their find as they wrapped in a healthy amount of stuff and I'm a holy amount of 90 CDs everything was looking good they then later on stumbled upon a device to communicate with whale we decided to go to an expert one who specializes in sound effects and found an interesting bit of information all the while joking around and having fun with the interesting room in when I say that it was an interesting room I mean a trap door that leads to dirt use for sound effects the machine or musical instrument was once used to call to Wales and thus was given the name wheel saw it today however it is used to create sound effects and it turns out that it's worth around $1000 number nine animal bones there it is I brought solely with me today to help me go through the locker she can help me lift things and do the math they're all in these granddaughter going through this new Locker when they find some unexpected animal box the shocking find involved a bird a snake a squirrel in a bat all wrapped in plastic and bubble wrap Zoe he's granddaughter who absolutely adores animals she takes it upon herself to get the bone shake down while Daryl awaits his money with dollar signs in his eyes Zoe and a girl go to find price tags on these rodents and only to discover that they are illegal to sell loves money this is a perfect fine look at the tail and everything this place is really super cool hi number 10 a skeleton now that I found out that this is not a murder victim I want to know what this pile of Bones is worth a skull is almost intact and it's missing yes you heard me right a skeleton was found in a storage locker Barry Weiss a permanent storage worsen member found Jimmy Hoffa's body the incredible find is marked as the find of the century and people can't stop asking questions apparently it was a 10 by 10 lock holding mostly junk old tools and even stuff found in a pizza real even though the pizzeria stuff was weird this find was about to get even crazier ass in the back of the storage bin there was an old carpet wrapped up tightly in layers of plastic tape it took them a while to cut through all the plastic and tape in wise had high hopes for what they could find within however all of those homes were drinking from his mind when he uncovered remains of a human body yes you heard that right a real decayed rotting corpse found in a storage locker at first he thought it was Jim Morrison but the LAPD forensics lab concluded that it was 99.99% match for Hoffa even though the bones were worth millions 30 millions to be exact ways isn't willing to give them up he claims that he will hang them in his home as they could be a nice decoration I would personally like to disagree with that yes I do think it's disgusting for teeth in the mandible I would probably sell this skull for about 700 bucks then go to the next fake thank you for watching the video if you enjoyed the video why not smack that like button also if you want to see more of this content why not hit the subscribe button in the notification pail so you can stay up to date with all our latest 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Channel: Film Trip
Views: 335,769
Rating: 3.2768435 out of 5
Keywords: movie, tv show, education, entertainment, list, most amazing, storage wars, storage wars finds, storage unit, buy and sell, profit, money, business, finance, auction, storage rooms, auctioneer, aetv, storage wars full episodes, luxury, most expensive, most insane, funny, crazy, storage wars cast, brandi passante, dave hester, darrell sheets, jarrod schulz, laura dotson
Id: swhXQq_xD0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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