Storage Wars: Through the Decades: Best Vintage Finds | A&E

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- This is cool. MARY: Now, that is awesome. Top, top of the line. Yeah. Sewing and rocking. MARY: I made it. I see. You're only like 50 minutes late. It's not like I'm looking forward to this or anything. There's no way I was letting Mary get off that easy, so I went and bought a little locker for a little Mary. How much did you pay for this? IVY: $110. Oh, that's not bad. Oh my god. I would like to start with the small stuff first. Huh! IVY: Hey, that is kind of cool. Look, it's a little TV. Maybe like-- IVY: TV in a box. At least $10 monitor. Look, it's a table base. It's pretty cool. Legs, $5 each on those. This is trash. Hey! [bleep] Trash. IVY: Breaking my chops. Kids these days. No work ethic, I tell you. Now, this is cool. Hey, the coolest thing we've found so far. Hey, pay attention. This is cool. Ooh. Now that is awesome. I already said that. Hey, remember that three wheel thing? Oh! That goes to, yeah, the wheelie. Why are you taking so long to get it, so we can test-- get the three wheel thing. Slow on getting stuff, slow on the loading. Old school Hollywood. We've got to figure out what this baby's worth. Look. It has a thingy on it that says Mole-Richardson Inc, Hollywood, California. So, we could bet again. Ooh, OK. We'll both guess the price. Loser buys dinner for the winner, the one that gets the closest. I'm always up for friendly wagers. All right. You're first. What is it worth? I'm going to say $1,500. You know what? I won't even look long, because I'm so good at what I do. $2,350 MARY: Fine. Anywhere the person wants. Fine. Looks like I'll finally get to try that super expensive French restaurant. Hope Ivy likes escargot. The truck will be here in a couple hours. Waiting five minutes, and then I'm out of here. IVY: We're taking our light to Larry and Michael Parker from Mole-Richardson. Apparently, the Mole was their grandfather. Obviously, you do lights, so why do you have a stage? Well, this is a teaching facility, and we teach students how to use the lights, how to light a set, and how to be safe. Does this look familiar to you? Well, this one here is a Fresnel, manufactured in our factory in 1936. And Fresnel refers to the lens, and the lens, as you see, was designed to make a nice smooth, even surface for the light when you spot and flooded it. What fits in right here. Does something fit in? You put your barn doors in here. You can go ahead and cut your light, barn door the light. Or, you can go like this wak, wak, wak. [laughs] So does this thing work? Let's plug it in. We want the light to work. OK. Here we go. Watch your eyes, everybody. [trumpets playing] MAN: Oh my god. IVY: I called that working. We made a bet on how much this is going to be worth, and whoever was closest has to buy the other one dinner, so. [laughs] How much did you say? MAN: I said 1,500. And you said? IVY: 2,350. Well, they beautified this by chroming it, so that adds on to the value of it. If it were just sheet metal, it would be more nostalgic. This thing is a classic, though. I really think it's worth 2,500 now. You lost. [laughs] I haven't eaten all day in preparation for this, and I'm feeling fancy. No more betting for me with you. Onward, light. Now, you push this thing about as slow as you race. All right. [auctioneer chant] How much-- $100. I got 100 right there. [auctioneer chant] Yup, yup. [auctioneer chant] Go for it. I'll back you up. [auctioneer chant] Yup. I got 40. Five there. Yup. [auctioneer chant] Yup. [auctioneer chant] Yeah. Yo! Yup. Yo! Yup. Yo. Yup. Yo. Yup. Yo. [auctioneer chant] I got 15 there. This is bananas. Jared's still in it, and we've already doubled our $800 cap. 1,600. [auctioneer chant] Yup. Yo. 18 [auctioneer chant] Yup. Yo. Yup. 22. I got 2,100. [auctioneer chant] 2,200 going twice. [inaudible] BIDDER: You got it, babe. BIDDER: [inaudible] There is no way that locker was getting away from me. This is going to be leisure world gold. Nice. I want to teach you guys one way to find out how long this stuff's really been in there is to look at the date on the newspaper and see just exactly when this stuff was wrapped up. Sunday, December 1991. 20 years. So let's just get some of this stuff out of the way. All right, records. Let's see what kind we got. Miles Davis. Chick Corea. Awesome jazz records. The old original Woodstock album. I'm already finding tons of collectible vinyl, and I've only scratched the surface. You know what this is? These are made in Germany. This is an Thorens turntable, and they're very sought after. It's all package backed up in its original packaging. I might have a "mint in the box" one here, discovering it-- Yeah. Look at that. Never even been out of the box. This is top, top of the line. Somebody is going to kill to have this. This stereo equipment is in mint condition. I've got to go get this checked out. Thank you, Laguna. Let's get that stuff packed up and get to the truck. I spent $2,100 on this locker in Laguna Hills, and I think I totally scored on some old '70s stereo equipment. HOWARD: Hi, there. Hey, Howard. - Hey, how's it going? - Good. I'm Darrell. I'm the one that talked to you on the phone. How you doing? - Fine. Nice to meet you. I've got this Thorens here and was really shocked to see that it was kind of in its original condition. This is a very rare find. DARRELL: Yeah. HOWARD: This is quality German engineering. Just to show you, you can see that it's dynamically balanced, because it's drilled out here as part of the metal. So when they do manufacture it, to dynamically balance for proper speed, regulation, and low wow and flutter. This sounds like a foreign language to me, but as long as this guy's excited, that's music to my ears. I mean, this is in good condition. Right, Howard? HOWARD: It is mint as mint can be. Wait till he sees the speakers. HOWARD: Yeah, the Bozak was a very good American company back in the '50s and '60s, but we can hook them up and give it a listen and spin the vinyl and see what we got here, because that's-- - Let's do that. --the ultimate test is, how does it sound? [music playing] That sounded cool. And it was what we say flat. No treble or bass amplified in excess. Let's do this then. The Bozak speakers, the Thorens turntable. What would you pay me for it today? I would say-- [music playing] The whole kit and caboodle? Mm-hm. $1,800. Ding. I can move it. You got a deal. I gambled on this locker, and I won. Yowza, baby. All right. I got two units here. [auctioneer chant] Here we go. What are you going to pay. Say it, how much, how much money where. 100. AUCTIONEER: $100 there. [auctioneer chant] 100, how about that? Yup. 50. Phil. [auctioneer chant] To 25. [auctioneer chant] 25. AUCTIONEER: [auctioneer chant] I got 250. [auctioneer chant] I got 250 going once, 275 going twice. Whoa. 275. [auctioneer chant] all in, $275. Each one time still. - Looking for 275. AUCTIONEER: Got to go. Guess what? All in. [inaudible] Wait a minute. I want it. AUCTIONEER: 275 there. Yes, now 3. [auctioneer chant] It looks like Barry is getting special treatment, but I'm making this old dude pay today. AUCTIONEER: I've got $275. Now 3, 3, 3, $350 there. One more. [auctioneer chant] 325, now Barry. Who am I against? AUCTIONEER: [auctioneer chant] 325. It doesn't matter. Got to go. Guess what? All in. [auctioneer chant] You in? You know I am. 3 and 1/4. [auctioneer chant] Ivy is clearly a player, but, hey, I like to play, too. AUCTIONEER: 350 going once. One more time. AUCTIONEER: Out there. 375 now. He kicked me out? AUCTIONEER: 375, he kicked you the [bleep] out. 375 and you're out. You got 350. 375 going once. 350. 375, going twice. There's two of them? [auctioneer chant] Let me in. [auctioneer chant] That sewing machine ain't worth $800. This is round one. I got 99 more rounds to go. AUCTIONEER: I've got 375 now. [auctioneer chant] BIDDER: 400. AUCTIONEER: 400, 400. [auctioneer chant] 400 going twice. All in, all through. All through, all done. Gotta go. Guess what? [inaudible] Barry, you get them for 375 times two, Barry. I came on my bike, which appears to be a big mistake. I'm going to have to come back in like an 18 wheeler. I paid 750 for the first two vaults just to make a statement. [music playing] This one appears to be all books, but let's check it out. Feels like books, too. Unfortunately, nothing really in here that's old enough. Hope these things are worth something, because I am not finding much. Pretty well-made chair. Well, I got one of these mid-century chairs. Yeah. So we ended up with four of these mid-century matching chairs. Yeah, these got to be worth $300 or $400 for just the four of them. I'd say the rocking chair-- and actually it's a pretty good one-- got to be $100. Yeah, this is how I'll spend my nights-- sewing and rocking.
Channel: A&E
Views: 710,821
Rating: 4.672195 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, biggest, highest, finds, bidding, Dave, steal, Best of Dave Locker Steals, best locker steals, Storage Wars Watch, storage wars episodes, storage wars bonus, a&e storage wars, storage wars ae, storage wars all episodes, storage wars dave, dave hester, storage wars yuuup moments, Through the Decades, Best Vintage Finds
Id: vsRUH4KtJig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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