Discovery Channel | Storage Hunters UK Season 3 (Greek Subs)

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now on storage hunters Heavy D is impressed by Charlotte's looks you want to save some of that air to blow up your date tonight I only wants to change them while lovebirds NAT and John take their relationship to the next one do you know what John this can be the end of our marriage and telling you now hey welcome onto the auction but it renamed me Sean Kelly I'm going to your option here yeah alright we're a Newcastle which is the second most beautiful city in all northern England next to Sunland have ourselves a good auction today you guys ready to do this walk that way turn right we'll do our first auction let's go the first of the days everybody ready ready Mile cut the lock let's see what got inside you see this guy right here is just like an idiot line up behind him pop in pop out get one good look let's go two minutes I'm gonna sell it garden gear always goes well garden centers cost a fortune I'm guaranteed to sell this sort of stuff so I'll ever go on the bin mystery is there a metal and that's what I want no it's too much of a risk well I want it oh yes no yes no I will begin on this I will be going on this don't even go there today you ain't got to go on now that's my arena that's a gladiators arena mind you that new girls a bit tasty would you impose menu you'll be lucky you want to save some of that air to blow up your date tonight I didn't realize that was a father Endora to be honest here I thought Hugh Hefner would come up to New Castle for the day one of his girls what do you think sons that's our fallen I know what's under there no you dang course I do there is one thing under the top in my opinion that's a ride on mower the make is the money on them so you're taking the gamble carrot crunches bill no anything to do with farm machinery I we start the bidding nice and low who wants a bit another 25 pounds warning me 25 25 another little 50/50 now and give me hunter panel 25 - Andrew - went from the tracksuit 250-pound bidder now 275 to 300 for the quarter 500 king [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you can't just bid like a normal human being do you know what John this can be the end of our marriage I'm telling you now I'm sick of it I said you were stupid family no names let's just lock it up and come back come on all right good luck what give you guys two minutes and we'll sell it okay it's obvious in it I mean I'm sure you guys know do you know what to do with it a classic retro dentist's chair they go for good money torture chambers like them there's a lot of kinky people in London and I can sell that that you start you start bidding Shan Shan is smart they smooth operators but hey they're dealing with the smoothest operator okay you're just about fit in the sofa sofa there's a nice little dentist's chair I've got a perfect customer lined up fuller for Heavy D keeps on him in the chair take you teeth out I want Charlotte to be the boss she can use her charm cuz that they don't want to look at me do they so okay use that to my advantage start the bidding nice low gear but any chance who wants I've been under 25 pounds give me twenty five twenty five hundred fifty fifty pound ovens in 75 75 Alma hunter soda pop I got 100 from the trophy wife hundred Palin ometer 125 150 or Olympic down below on somebody buy does it do hundred yes pays 200 from the trophy wiped out is it two and a quarter moon out a quarter got it quarter down we go two and a half to 15 Alberto 275 these have divided out is at 400 yes got forward it is at board a quarter portal for Dakota from Big John out is at four and a half four and a half 450 475 75 from Ione I find a face so 500 but we just ended quick five 600 yeah I got you six six out of seven hundred seven hundred plays seven now but eight hundred eight hundred eight nine thousand the trophy wife brought her money bags thousand pounds thousand and eleven hotter bells in this way twice she's dealing with let's do this we'd have time to go through so just close it right up we'll keep the auction going come on trophy wife give it a push it's not a trophy wife that is my daughter if you don't mind it's your daughter come on oh well I don't know you guys will you do what's your name well there's something to give you my trophy wife that's nice yeah and you were dreams I've got a funny feeling I've seen this at a festival I can't say exactly what he's on I give the game away to you guys the way that could you don't know what you mean I might know I might not know the gyroscope isn't it goes round and around and around hi out party celebration stack dues stag do shouldn't go I'm not after drink even more fun John you bring out that little gag again is he allowed to talk to me without your permission I'm well up for battening the pair of them John I kind of fallen out we have a bit of bad blood now but it's business it's not personal but I'll make it personal if he does get in my space you going for this 100% Linda somebody just pissed me off let's start the video up at 100 pounds he'll give me a hotter than this hard right in the middle number 150 150 150 number 200 202 now two two and a half two and a half 250 now 300 pounds 380 nowadays at Bordeaux's Florida four and a half four and a half five hundred five hundred six hundred and seven six hundred seven seven eight hundred pounds today you know what I'm gonna take the bid but I'm getting rid of you get him out of here [Music] 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,500 I gotta be seen on 16 16 now is it 17 definitely I'm having out for 1700 pounds seventeen seventeen eighteen ninety on a fan Eddie can go on 118 going twice you didn't win you lost take your loser and go that way so fair it's me I got to ask you guys y know what's going on this is one of them amazing rides all right that dork that's where you recognize yeah Mazzilli yeah let's go magic you is that really what you thought it was gonna be that's is really cool do they have these over here at the carnivals and circuses yeah so you can charge people how much they get sick by the way guys if you guys were gonna resell that thing how much would it be worth to an off to to something like just on that right there you made a profit stream boy it seems to me like you don't sell a piece like that right now these festivals you guys are down there collecting your fibers yeah easy morning not in John's heads are spinning they have a profit of 700 pounds but may set up their own stomach-churning business coming to a village fete near you soon with sick bags yeah if you guys want to pull that thing out and play with it you can't but if you do let me know because I want to come back and watch you do it bye you guys you ready dick goat we did go here we go Minnie Mouse cut the lock let's see we got inside I'm gonna give you two minutes and then we're gonna sell this thing he's like the rubbish clearances you think people put things in boxes means that they like them she says it's got a cooker and these stuff down at the fact that look like pool table things you get in clubs so she reckons it's good money Linda doesn't know what she's doing from the minute she wakes up so she goes to bed god bless her I think Linda's gonna go for that bin but I'm gonna have it you know what I mean I need to get something today I need to make some money I definitely want this but I only she started already marking her territory I'm gonna have to stand up to her I can't let her have this no give me twenty five twenty five or fifty alicia keys at fifty nine seventy five boom boom but it's rob a hunter one to divide the back time I want 50 whatever 175 yes yes green DeCordova in the boom now they're in half yeah 400 ha 104 to go to the four dashboard Rudy's domitor 175 boys about 612 the bids with you at 3,500 pounds [Applause] you said to her no no no visit 3,500 in a story 35 at for you get it for 3500 pounds once I'll take 30 second in the four thousand four to do 45 I don't blame you call in fair warned so for four thousand pounds everybody get him out of here let's go you should be grateful I am Linda what were you doing she had the better 35 yes didn't I I don't know well I didn't think Hobbs gonna do that I'll just follow your meds and then I went yes what'd you just say you just started in me head and then you wait yes I know that was cruelty man water under the bridge let's see if you made any money well you never know there could be some it kitten in it all right oh there's loads loads of skates in here of all different sizes I think they come from them places where you go skate in then used to skate when you're a kid yeah did you ever go to the skating place yeah but you didn't know what it was called do you want to ski what would you tell your parents I'm going skating Oh going skating Oh Oh weeks paper a net yeah yeah all right you have a worthless box of crap yep sighs what else oh I just found what's that oh you know what you could put that right over your business all right there you go look music hey I think you probably have about a hundred pair of headphones you could sell these all day long for about ten pounds a pop all right so here's say you have a thousand pounds and headphones 200 pounds and rollerskates you got another 200 with the rims you got probably 60 pounds good I really think that you're right around 1,600 pounds so you've lost 2,400 pounds here's good news because I like you and if you promise me not to do stupid like this again if you throw subscale on put the headphones on I will waive my commission on this one oh yeah it'd be worth the laughs Linda was always gonna be skating on thin ice by paying four thousand pounds for this unit and with a resale value of sixteen hundred pounds has plummeted through and had her assets frozen give me a high five high five man you got can't I love it let me see your moves you got any dance moves come on shake it dancing queen alright pull their early a Heavy D won the turf war and invested nine hundred pounds in some horticultural gear where's your money Heavy D but will the booming Shrek be in blooming profit or has he had his green fingers burned scary creepy garden gnome look at this one that I actually like dude that is nice man easy two hundred pounds scully worth over grand no 800 down 600 down kena beer 300 Franzen soaps that's sold 300 you got two on the bike you got 150 on the fountains over here on the gnomes you got another 50 see the table and chairs how much probably 200 when I look back there in the corner they got some terracotta pots you might be looking at another hundred hundred and eighty pounds which means that for all of this work you've got to do you will maybe eke out about 180 pound profit Heavy D has sprouted a small but perfectly formed profit of 180 pounds I wonder what he's gonna do with all those gnomes I can think of one thing come on oh my god all right listen up fifth and final band who's gonna buy it mini Mile cut the lock listen we got let me see you see a big idiot in the front and a Hawaiian shirt get behind and pop him pop out I'm gonna sell this in two minutes Aloha there's nothing I don't know about sports my body is like a temple just a pics impress all so Taj Mahal and the big dummies at the back that's top money you're why I actually start looking into mirror got you and that down the Ender can see two big dummies can I only go unless my car's driver Miss Queen roughly she'll powerhouse anyone down the tracks is jumping mm-hmm golf clubs in there sparring stuff as well maybe you got a running machine behind a tarpaulin I'm not quite sure but I want it I'm gonna make I only pay for this bin if she wants it she's gonna have to get through me there's some punching thing that I'd like to get on this leave me to do this one okey-dokey I might regret it you live and learn here we go whoo give me hotter yeah hundred one hundred ometer 125 to give me a whopping 150 nominal seven if I was about a penny one or two now go to the quarter record around between half TV tonometry 75 yes around it'll pull hundred hundred put a diameter for diameter forehead so / / 505 it is a quarter got a quarter to half take time to z77 Hubbard a tape number that's nine how many thousand pounds nine number thousand thousand eleven [Applause] trophies in tophi don't don't piss her off seriously 11 11 and I were to 1200 yeah Oh everybody's waiting on 1300 about 12 to quarter I got 1200 pound bidder going once [Music] twelve fifteen I'm gonna call it 75 12 somebody 530 now at 13 a quarter a quarter 13 113 twice 1325 13:59 1575 1375 14 out of 14 a quarter to 14 twice only fair warned so for 49er pounds show's over and Julie my my that's a fight for that one you have a way of bringing all the out of the Woodworks they just want a piece of you don't believe that you done that fades awful oh my god we should do let's just see where you got let's go with yeah you got to make up 1400 pounds so let's let's break it down going alright you got some golf clubs yeah 200 quid no way car boot sale 25 to 50 pounds I'll get more for that trust me all right boxy pants I like all the boxing stuff it's money in the bank that maybe beat you with this Shawn yeah please don't see me I lost money back oh I like that too you are you a bit of a boxing those things you got three of them absolutely but hundred quid Wow I'd say power 125 so you got 375 there you know what else you got yeah have you back yeah I'll be another 125 yeah 500 just on those I would say the boxing gloves and all that stuff another three to four hundred only yeah and then you probably have some stuff in here that pushes you up 2,000 pounds depend on how hard you push I'm gonna push ya I'm gonna sell it don't you worry yeah but the thing is is you know at 1400 here off by 400 pounds I only has more than just Charlotte to get worked up about after swinging and missing too often in the auction over bidding has lost her for 400 pounds stand back everyone she might just explode it's really that that wuntch dick that ran you up what's her name Charlotte if that was Charlotte what would you do to her like sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth earlier Sean and Charlotte bought an antique dentist's chair but have they got themselves a gold filling or just a kick in their teeth it's got to be worth twenty quid to someone probably turn out the way you're handling let's just Jack it out that's rubbish this is where the money is it's a dentist's chair I could sell that tomorrow Oh charming it's really nice that's great addition to that all right Shh Sophie daughter daughter yeah okay I mean I said what is it that you do for a living I'm a dealer and an auctioneer what do you think you can get at your auction house for the dental stuff 1330 80 pounds okay and all the added bits here a hundred things first bin at my auction and you guys are in the profit that's a good start Sean and trophy daughter Charlotte have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and have a bite-sized profit of 400 pounds tasty you'll always make money on quality it's not those shoes all the time remember profit do your best you gotta watch this let's do it Wendy scream if you want to go fast
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Views: 266,940
Rating: 4.4366865 out of 5
Keywords: discovery channel, storage hunters, storage hunters season 3, storage hunters full episodes
Id: QI6JZMk7hGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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