I Drove on the MOST DANGEROUS ROADS... | BeamNG Drive

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today i'm gonna be driving the world's most expensive cars on the world's most dangerous roads seems like the perfect combination to ruin some cars okay yeah [Music] hello everybody i am kindly keen and welcome back to be mng as you can see i'm driving a really weird looking supercar and as you can probably also see i'm driving on a road that looks really poorly maintained and it is this is a custom level called decent road i think that's kind of sarcastic because obviously this decent road is a little less than decent i would say but i think this would be a fun idea we're basically going to be driving some of the world's fastest and most expensive cars through this very very terribly maintained road that has a lot of cliffs to fall down but i'm going to try to get through this i i just kind of want to see it from start to finish so i'm going to take you guys along for the ride and we're driving this weird looking blue car i don't even know what this car is but it looks real funny and it goes real fast i mean i'm look at that okay slow down slow down oh i i totally meant to do that help everything's fine everything is totally fine my my goofy little blue car is is gonna be okay because i can just press a button and bring it back to life let's avoid doing full kickflips in our very expensive car i assume this car is extremely expensive it's gotta be right it's beautiful drive though what a wonderful day to take my goofy blue car up the world's most dangerous road don't go off-road though that's this is a bad idea keep in mind that bmng is designed to simulate driving real-life vehicles so it gets kind of sketchy when you when you start driving like a maniac and i can't help but drive like a maniac i played way too much mario kart when i was a kid when i get to the top of this thing oh you bet i'm gonna try to jump off this mountain whoa that's cool it's like a different area over there some kind of ancient monument nice another ancient monument that isn't actually ancient it's just a brick building that's pretty cool looking look at that we're on a bridge at least they maintain the bridge that's nice it would be kind of a bummer if you had to jump across a gap of a broken bridge this is like the start of some kind of crazy track okay that's pretty cool you could do like races and stuff down this huh that's kind of awesome um i guess we'll go down this this main track no because this goes down i don't want to go down i want to go up let's go this way this is so so sketchy though oh my goodness i'm gonna change my view back to a little bit closer to the car so that i can maintain control of the vehicle at all times oh my goodness are you serious oh death is on every side now it's there's no escape oh oh okay we we passed this earlier i understand so this path kind of continues this way oh i like this this is awesome ow that's less awesome that's fine but that's part of my strategy to drive up on the side of the mountain just a little bit get a taste of it we got a hairpin turn do it do it blue car there you go good job okay and then another hairpin turn could you imagine racing through this people are gonna die that that's what it boils down to this is not something that you do with other cars on the road at the same time oh man okay there was a little bit of a uh like a turn there i don't know where it was supposed to go and is this the end yeah it is all right that was sick and i don't use that word lightly that was crazy awesome um let's drive down this like really fast because i kind of want to break this car and that's exactly what's about to happen oh my gosh this is so bad this is like a half pipe oh gosh oh ow ow ow oh that is literally a launch ramp okay that's cool i can't believe this thing is still driving this is absolutely absurd there okay yeah it's main engine broken i i would say we're we're not doing so good anymore yeah okay good times on decent road just gonna slowly slide my way down to the finish line i win oh there's a piece of my car tumbling down the road that's awesome all right but we got more maps to try out and more cars to try out so let's do it welcome to the canyon of speed that's the actual name of this level and uh we're driving uh ferrari in case you were wondering and we're gonna go real fast and probably crash a lot oh gosh okay that said road closed uh i probably shouldn't be driving down this road it's probably closed for a good reason right oh my gosh oh my gosh yep yeah i understand why it's closed now al don't worry everything's fine there you go and my ferrari is still going that is kind of incredible we just launched off of that uh okay that was cool can we oh how cool would it be if we could jump up that i kind of want to try that please come back ferrari thank you everything's fine it's like it never even happened we've got a nice runway here so if i go down this road and then just turn around i got myself a perfect straightaway to launch up that ramp although i don't know if there's a real like jump on the other side but we're gonna try i mean look at that that looks like a ramp to me i like the look of this so we're gonna try to jump up what we just jumped off oh no oh no oh we're loose oh gosh that's probably not the way that i i wanted that to go um yeah yeah definitely not the way i was planning that to happen i lost control as i was going up because there was like a little bump i don't know if this is possible i don't think it's like it's rampy enough but uh let's give it one more go a few moments later ah uh i'm losing control yeah okay just driving in the middle of the desert it's cool it's cool okay let's give this another shot shall we this is so dumb oh my goodness okay so we're just going to cool you know 120 miles per hour 130 okay yep yep just just just oh front flip for style i almost weaved through that little hole how incredible would that have been could you imagine rolling up on that crash site but uh let's go back home yes okay so this is the starting point uh there's a lot of different ways that you can go this map looks super cool there's like a big old lake over there i guess it's supposed to kind of be like the grand canyon uh i see a very kind of windy scary road going up the mountain over there so it's calling to me let's do it and maybe there's some sick jumps along the way that we can jump off of and destroy our ferrari with okay so we've made it to the road that we saw off in the distance um i have no idea where it's taking us is that just is is that just a jump i think that's just quite literally a jump it wait wait no it's not i'm glad that i didn't just full send that because i would have been launching off the side of this mountain which also would have been kind of cool but then it would have ended our adventure here on this very scary road and we got more scary road to see all right we're still going up uh it's kind of opening up though it's like we've kind of made it to the top of this mountain this is a really cool looking area oh there's a jump right there okay you know what i can't resist a sweet looking dirt jump so here's what i'll do i'll set my home point right here and then after we turn this ferrari into a coke can uh we'll we'll just we'll just respawn there you go my gosh [Music] that was incredible that was so cool um i i really want to do that in slow motion let's go back so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna launch off this giant jump again over this insane rock chasm but we're going to slow it down right as we hit it slow down slow down more there you go so we can get a real shot of the chaos that's about to happen holy moly i mean as if you're not already high enough in the air just from jumping off of a ramp why not add on top of that the fact that you're jumping over a massive canyon and uh we're about to land in that massive canyon i do also see that there's like a real jump on the other side we need to go that real jump let's get things back to to normal speed yeah okay kind of saw that coming there fair enough and this is where we live now okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go past this crazy dirt jump and go to the other side of this canyon where there is like an actual like evil knievel style jump just waiting and asking to be launched off of holy moly look at that thing it's beautiful so what kind of straight away do we have for this insane jump let's find out it's pretty good uh there is like a little whoopty do right there which is kind of scary because you get air and then you lose control i think this is good why don't i set my home point here and then uh let's make history and by history i mean let's absolutely destroy this ferrari all right home point has been set let's do some launching this is what i was worried about though this little this little jump right there okay now oh oh see yeah you kind of lose control there okay i don't like the look of this this is not the trajectory that i wanted oh gosh well if you guys want to see this part of the canyon a little bit closer there you go you're you're welcome i guess let's try that again try not to get too much air on this little bump though i don't know why they have to have this little bump right here it's it's not a great spot for your for your launch ramp okay okay okay this is looking much better this is looking door um there's nothing to land on there ow now al yeah this time i'm gonna try really hard to keep the trajectory going straight oh yeah i've already messed up i've already messed up oh no okay okay okay okay yes yes and then slow down slow down slow down i'm pressing the wrong button okay yeah that's uh probably not gonna make for a great landing but it looks real cool i mean it's basically a car doing a handstand through a canyon how many people have done that probably not a lot who yeah that's kind of how i expect things to go when we landed it's uh it's a painful day for this ferrari i'm sorry mr ferrari although i'm not really because this is kind of awesome let's go to real time does it still dry that is the ultimate question it totally still goes this thing is indestructible well done italy you've created the world's most durable vehicle and i'm glad because it was really expensive i don't actually know how much a ferrari is but i know that they're not cheap i'm gonna try to make it to the bottom of this canyon and just and just drive away as if nothing even happened i don't know if it's gonna happen here but come on just flip over flip over no that's okay we have cheats there you go see it's like it never even happened and now we can continue our adventure down this canyon or not all right let's do a little bit more exploring i do want to see where this road continues to i'm also going way faster than i probably should 100 miles per hour on the top of a mountain yeah you probably shouldn't be doing that okay yeah there's a turn coming up so let's let's slow down let's cool it here for a second wow um yeah that's uh that was a good call to slow down let's just say if i had continued straight on um probably would have ended pretty poorly for mr ferrari you know what i think we have a good idea of where this road goes i don't really care where it ends we're here for the crashes so let's do some crashes i'm going to do exactly what i was avoiding to do and it's going to be beautiful and let's change up our ride i don't even know what kind of cars these are i don't think i've ever seen this brand of car is this a real brand i googled it they're totally a real brand from sweden and uh they look like real fast cars uh let's do the special one with max noss power yes please this thing sounds insane i you hear that it's such a high-pitched noise okay all right let's set our home point there you go and um let's launch this super expensive fast car off of a mountain oh my goodness it's so hard to control but we are going so fast 180 miles per hour oh my gosh wow that get well cool subscribe if you want to see more of that see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,111,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng drive, car crash, beamng drive crashes, beamng crashes, beamng realistic, beamng realistic crashes, beamng high speed, keyin, kindly keyin, beamng luxury, beamng sport
Id: JixqsdGA-pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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