Cyan is a MOM?!

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is cyan a monster or she actually just a protector let's find out [Music] hello everybody I'm kindly keying and welcome back to another reaction to some fantastic rainbow friends animations by game Tunes we're starting out with this this lookies the name of this this video is the lookies get revenge of our prison they are broken free the most [Music] important yeah get them lookies they're like the cutest most innocent looking creatures but apparently they're very dangerous in large numbers so we have King lookie amping them up and experiments it's red that has been trapping them so they're after red which is fair okay what are they doing we need to send a message oh oh my okay they're gonna blow up the tower or just lovely fireworks smell buddy not that I can see anyway wait what smells like it came from oh oh I I thought cyan was saying that she was blind but it's it's because she's in the Smoke yes it's my lucky day wait wait wait the lookies are after cyan she didn't do anything purple feels like a big much someone's over doing it with the smoke machine that I mean there's no better place than an air conditioning vent to get fresh air or maybe the sun will leave inside and I can get into the air conditioning wait till some Wind Blows through and clears the air there you go brilliant those lookies are coming after them the lookies are the true villains of rainbow friends over but I I don't understand why they're going after the rainbow friends because the rainbow friends are just as much victims as as they are to Red really oh gosh oh they bite foreign they are strong in numbers they're like piranhas oh my gosh they just I think they just ate purple to see Drew I'm assuming that's great keep breathing allegedly just have to get to a door so green is black oh my gosh they got traps set up what is wrong with these little guys maybe they're doing all this to get to Red yeah the lookies don't underestimate those lookies they look like little candies something tells me they're gonna be able to get up there five hours okay brag about it these dudes are are tenacious ah someone help me I don't think anybody's gonna help you man nobody likes you you're kind of me what red what the heck is going on yellow and his helicopter I know as much as you do when I saw those fireworks burst I immediately took cover then I heard screams and thought I needed to get over my fears and save the day but I didn't realize that meant I'd be helping you trust me if I'm going to defeat these yellow is quite good the The Thinker is very articulate I don't know about that Brandon we can't have this park overrun by this is a freaks we need to free my money makers they're the rainbow friends truth comes out if you say so slam go per usual you're the one normally getting us into these Messes in the first place it's true it's true but they also don't want to get ran over by King looking huh well look who came out to play if it isn't the Evil Genius himself it's a big boy and me the giant lucky indeed the same giant lookie you created it and abandoned so red created the lookies I can kind of see the resemblance it's actually oh the lookies oh the subjects of your torment and create an army to take revenge that makes sense are even smaller it was actually much easier than you'd think you used the lookies as your guinea pigs they look like red balls what's going on rainbow looking so scary because I wasn't about to risk the lives of my greatest Creations so We Were Expendable well yes but one day you had an idea they're so little at that point any accuracy so he basically created his own demise until something beautiful happened oh the giant lookie is is a combination of all the little things I was merged from several lookies what a name somehow I could feel all their pain oh telepathy I could speak to them all because they're like they're like ants what the time is near our time to take action yes okay so they're Breaking Free we saw this at the very beginning the true mission what is their true missions so proud of yourself I love that they're red his takeaway from all of this is not that he's about to get murdered by his own Creations that he created something that's so smart it's all the credit and then leaving the other rainbow friends behind oh my gosh yeah he's the perfect Boulder he was designed for this wait he's the giant lookie that was blocking the path in chapter two now I've made the connection because remember he's sitting there on like the first three rounds or something like that of course if there's one thing these orbs like it's their sweets and here too looks like they had some extra fireworks from the explosion maybe we can use it absolutely when all else fails blow it up [Music] no mercy we will get our revenge if it's the last thing we huh gee she's so angry I love cake yes especially cake that has Dynamite yeah I got him something tells me that didn't work just as they should be that's so sad but now the lookies are so sad so do they have someone to take care of them I think we're gonna get our answer here in this kind of like continuation of that previous animation this dude looks like he should not be here that's cyan that is Syed it's so scary man cyan can really ramp up the scary Factor if she wants to oh I've gotta find somewhere to hide fast gosh that scream um hello is anybody in here I don't know probably cyan if I had to guess what the what's this [Music] the lookies are you you're so round and cute it's so adorable it is adorable are you guys you guys hanging here all alone shouldn't someone be looking after you yeah that's scary Mama cyan she mad oh man I love it here okay that was intense protecting the lookies you know that no but what the heck are these little things get away from the lookies now lookies yes serious is she gonna eat blue finger on them I'll see what the what I'm your friend doesn't care she does not care I'm sorry blue oh back to your senses came over me I guess I was just being overly protective yeah motherly Instinct what's going on like a mama bear that's okay it all started a couple days ago I was walking through Red's lab when all of a sudden I found these adorable little bug-eyed creatures they are adorable someone have tied them up ready to toss them in it was red he's awful thing yeah save it hold them Break Free and I love this I love the idea of cyan being their mom from that point on I swore to take care of the Lord anyone who would like to do them any harm this is so good they became a guardian that's so cute they sound kind of crazy but I guess I just really care for the little guys you know it's beautiful yeah when I set out to create wasn't for them to be just cute it was for them to be smart just like me they're his head that doesn't make sense that they look like him they're smart we saw what they did when they grouped together [Music] [Laughter] yeah yeah welcome to life with toddlers and get your stuff together here red causing yourself more pain [Music] he's leaving the whole part out where they like group together and broke free and started like capturing everybody but we'll just ignore that part flamethrower I love it innocent creatures possibly be good yes get them don't care no Red's the monster he's somewhere safe and don't let red find you I love it you're safe blue is the Patrick of the rainbow fans you know SpongeBob he's very sweet and genuine but that's messed up dude she's just protecting her babies the thing is a vacuum too it's a flamethrower a sleeping gas dispenser and a vacuum Coopers were slippery he took my babies she doesn't she does not sound happy about this [Music] all right how are they gonna do this they're not monstrosities found them it's messed up dude those are her babies this is your last warning red step away from the lookies for you should just go down to sit back and watch he just happened to have like buckles on the floor where she was standing this guy thinks of everything blue blue is going to let you get hurt yeah uh yeah I don't think so what kind of Uncle would that make me a bad one guys I like the sound of that get him the power of lookies bust out the flame throwing vacuum sleeping Gas machine you're free science shackles yes that's it lookies are cute the Blue's getting absolutely destroyed I created all of you and now I'm going to destroy all of you it's messed up man you do a lot of messed up stuff I know I keep saying it but it is it's messed up do you think cyan has like Venom you think you can kind of snake lights just because there's I wonder if her bite is poisonous sometimes does it does it need to be poisonous I like the way this is going because red deserves this let's get out of here yeah you guys don't want to see this part look away sheesh
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 295,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, rainbow friends, cyan, rainbow friends cyan, gametoons, animation
Id: hWHrzFdYV6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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