Growing The Most DANGEROUS WORM!

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today I'm gonna turn a tiny itty bitty baby worm into a planet eating monster it's gonna be great for the worm not for the planet [Music] hello everybody I'm kindly Kian and I'm a worm that yeah I'm a worm with nasty looking jaws and and I think wings or something I don't know I'm eating stuff left and right and uh it's fantastic so my understanding is that the the more stuff we eat the bigger and more terrifying we become which is everything that I hoped to be as a as a worm with with wings why does this worm have wings let's size up see that okay we're we're already getting better bigger better faster stronger let's go this way now and uh let's eat some nice business people they're just minding their own business having a a nice walk with after lunch I guess okay feeding complete yeah look at my health bonus I don't know what that means oh gosh okay um I can become small and quick or big and slow with 50 more Health it's everything I dreamed I I could be as a as a worm so I guess there's like different upgrade paths which which is really cool it's Naya cat what I could jump up in the air and eat this thing all right sure something tells me though that uh the humans and the chickens are gonna start shooting back they are they are shooting back okay I had a feeling that something terrible was gonna happen uh Rampage I'm rampaging right now okay this is awesome I'm becoming very powerful as if I wasn't already scary and powerful enough let's get more scary and more powerful and eat some some flying rainbow cats come here Nyah cat where are you going oh you're getting chomped that's where you're going how do you like that Mmm delicious I wonder you know I I kind of feel like Nyan Cat would taste like a strawberry Pop-Tart I don't know what it is about Nyan Cat that that makes me hungry for Pop-Tarts Nyan cat's kind of shaped like a Pop-Tart that's probably what it is let's continue what do we got Sleek spikes might get you killed what but I get 20 speed or might poke out an eye but 50 Health heck yeah I'm going Jagged spikes oh my gosh that's just upsetting and awesome I love that this thing is actually transforming and also now the military is here with jeeps and stuff and they're dropping bombs on me and they're they were riding cows Yep they're riding cows I I think that guy was carrying a bazooka and riding a cow as as one does I respect it I'm gonna eat some rainbows some flying cat Pop-Tarts yum delicious stuff wait I can kind of fly now you see this that is terrifying eat more do you think I can get those Jets if I get enough air oh man I'm so close okay there's probably an upgrade that will allow me to eat those Jets I I would think but I do need to eat all of the Cats we have three more cats remaining I think they're cats I think all the things that are left to eat are cats there it is Boom level completed oh my gosh this is so much fun continue what do you got from me okay skin mutation absorb ground nutrients no hunger pains that seems pretty good or blood fangs during Rampage you get a massive mouth oh my gosh both of those seem really good I feel like the hunger pains one is probably the better choice but blood Fang sounds awesome so I'm going blood fangs and I'm going for Rampage oh my gosh all the bombs just blew up at the same time that was crazy that was actually really loud okay yeah um yeah okay I think I made the right choice probably maybe I don't know no one's really thinking about it I'm just I'm just doing what I do which is eat everything in my path and also kind of fly I'm I'm flying I'm straight up flying now can I eat this jet I can eat Jets now too what that is truly horrifying and amazing well you got flame Jets light yourself on fire helmet head it's like a safety helmet minus 50 mind damage so the mines do less damage to me I'm catching myself on fire when I'm in Rampage mode Apparently that is that is what I'm going for now sure I'm in Rampage mode and I am on fire and I can just like jet my way through the sky holy cow this is nuts oh my gosh I am uh far too powerful that was a Gundam that was a straight up Gundam that I just ate um this is becoming absurd and I love every minute every second Shredder teeth goes through metal and metal heals you oh my gosh or mouth tentacles that's disgusting I'm going with metal I'm I love the idea of metal uh healing me look at how big this worm has become this is crazy oh my gosh um yeah I don't think the planet stands a chance honestly I feel like we have we have gone beyond the limits of all worm eating kind Mega Jump cool or Mega vacuum totally sucks I mean the mega vacuum sounds awesome I don't think I need Mega Jump because I can fly I have Jets on me we're going Mega vacuum wait what congratulations your worm has fully evolved man any machine that's all the upgrades but you can continue growing your worm and auto save it for later uh yeah I've reached worm Perfection but I would love to keep going up what do ability press space Oh this is the vacuum I'm I'm cleaning up this planet uh yeah that this is just this is crazy there's there's Jets way up in the sky that I would love to eat too um yeah this seems pretty good I I feel like I'm I'm pretty strong I feel like I'm I'm doing pretty good in life I'm eating jumbo Jets how um how much bigger can we get I'm like as big as the screen at this point but I'm continuing to level up and become even more powerful this is is terrifying look at this combo that was a hundred and twelve combo what does this thing have leaderboards because that would be really funny I'm starting to think that we're gonna become bigger than the screen and honestly that's kind of my goal can I go even higher up I mean I could just fly out of the world I I could just leave the planet I am so strong and we are continuing to increase the size of this worm ah this is just absurd I would love to see where this goes now we can't get any more like attribute upgrades you know like making our mouth bigger or making us tougher or making us eat metal or whatever it is but we are definitely definitely getting bigger and I want to see how big we can become I mean we're already half the size of the screen like as I fly through the level uh nothing can escape because I'm so large do you hear the chaos it's just it's pandemonium just explosions and and things being chomped left and right we're eating Gundams I I Gundams are I guess are a great source of nutrition for giant planet eating worms I'm sorry to whatever Planet this is I don't know if it's actually Earth maybe it's maybe it's a future human civilization maybe this is terraformed Mars whatever it is it's probably not gonna be around much longer because um it's a really big worm case you were one in case you didn't see it in case you missed the fact that two-thirds of the screen is just worm how big of a combo you think we can get we're at 400 I haven't been paying attention but I'd love to hit a thousand I think we're gonna hit a thousand for our combo yeah please there's nothing oh man I messed it up it up because I jumped up into the sky too much um remember we also have vacuum power which uh is useless I would say because our mouth is already the size of like the entire screen so why would I need a vacuum power I can absorb everything in my path without even having to try I just have to kind of stay on this sort of trajectory and I'm I'm good I'm good to go everything is great we're getting a real close-up shot of this worm's mouth because we've become so big I think our score is in the the quadrillions right now man we we've lost the combo at 500. that kind of bums me out I will say uh controlling this worm is becoming a little bit more difficult not like hard I would just say like every little movement that I make is much more pronounced because I am so massive I don't even know what our score is what is that how many commas are in there it's hard to to read it and I think we're at a billion I think that's a billion so we're approaching 2 billion is that good I don't know I don't care I just want to be a really really really really really really really big worm and I think I've accomplished that but let's be honest we can make it this one bigger and we're going to I can't even see the stuff that I'm eating anymore like we go through it so quickly that it just it doesn't even really appear on the screen we're moving so fast we we are so massive that there's just there's nothing it's just a trail of Devastation also how big is this planet and how many Gundams and planes and cows and Nia cats does this planet have because I I feel like I feel like at this point we would have consumed everything but apparently they've they've been preparing for this for a long time I don't know if they were expecting to defeat me but it kind of feels like more like they were just expecting to feed me they are just feeding me at this point I literally want this worm to fill the whole screen I want to not even be able to see the background I want this to happen and so I am going to make this happen I'm almost at the point where I can just hold uh W which is how you go forward and uh and I don't have to actually like adjust the direction that I'm going because my mouth is so cute in case you were wondering there is music playing in the background can't really hear it all I hear is just chaos and destruction which is kind of what I do you know as a giant rampaging Planet eating worm so you guys remember solar spash remember that worm thing that you could do to the planets and you could send the worms to attack the planet this is basically what it looks like at ground level this is this is the space worms eating the planet but we've always just seen it from outer space speaking of outer space okay I just jumped into outer space I just wanted to know I just wanted to know what it feels like can I just float away I don't think I can I could just I could I could fly up here though there's actually like Gundams and and aircraft up here which is kind of funny but uh not as much so you know I'm I'm gonna still stay at the ground level we are definitely approaching can't see anything but worm territory it's pure chaos I don't have a lot to complain about right now but I will say my my fingers kind of hurt I've been holding W down and then pressing a like every few seconds or every second or so and uh yeah my fingers are kind of cramping it's hard being a planet eating worm okay sometimes your fingers will cramp do worms have fingers I don't know they have big mouths I do know that so I think we've officially gotten to the point where we are so fast and so large that the enemies can't spawn into the game quickly enough to keep up with my combo you can see like I I get to like 20 or 30 and then there's just nothing else for me to eat because I'm going so quickly through the enemies it's just ridiculous honestly we're almost there there's almost nothing else on the screen other than worm it's so close keep it going little worm buddy I say little worm buddy oh my gosh that was awesome did you I just like oh there's UFOs up there I never even noticed that all right let's eat some UFOs shall we why not oh here we go this is this is like the perfect level now look at that now our combo is actually going up past 30. but I kind of have to like keep this guy flying through the air and then we can keep the combo going oh my goodness absolute Insanity what's the highest combo we got I wasn't actually keeping track but I think it was around 500. I don't think we ever got to to a thousand let's see nope I was gonna say let's see if we can do it and then I immediately lost it oh well I don't even know what I'm looking at anymore I don't even know where I am oh I'm in outer space of course I am I still see a little bit there's a little bit on the right hand side of the screen and I hate it I don't want to see that I want that to be worm I think we've officially accomplished startle I um I don't see anything I mean sometimes like when I jump off screen obviously like you can see the background but otherwise that's just all worm I've ended my run with a score of hold on give me a second there's a comma there there's a comma there this coming there that's a billion that's one billion 93 million 594 645 but here's the thing I want to do this again but this time I want to get different upgrades so let's uh let's get some different upgrades shall We There was definitely some some cool ones that we uh we went past so I want to see what different upgrades we can get and I don't know if the upgrades are random like maybe there's some that we didn't even see I don't know I don't know how any of it works because I've only played the game once let's go I guess shorter worm so now we are quicker than we were but we're not as uh as long that's okay I gotta eat these these dang Naya cats here we go oh oh all right but I went over him okay there we go there we go and I can I can kind of fly through the air and eat all the kitty cats yum delicious delicious treat for us all yummy now we went Jagged spikes this time let's go Sleek spikes and maybe get ourselves killed which seems bad but it looks cool I mean look at those spikes I look so so angry and now I'm in Rampage mode so you know I'm angry oh my gosh I'm so fast okay this this is kind of kind of hard to to control honestly but I do like that I'm fast enough to just fly through the air like this I couldn't do that until later on in the in the previous playthrough and I completely just missed the cat get that Jack get the other jet sure why not there we go okay next level skin mutation that's the one that we did not get last time whoa it totally changes the look kind of looked like a like a leopard worm that's right I'm a leopard worm oh my gosh oh my goodness oh it's beautiful what a beautiful thing we have done absolutely Majestic creature we've created yum and there goes Nyan Cat what's next let's get that that helmet head let's do it now I have a stronger face good for me eat some helicopters eat some cows some Pop-Tart cats delicious Pop-Tarts oh we got Gundams now okay the Gundams are here get them nope couldn't get them it's okay it's all right we'll get him nope jumped right over him my bad where you at Gundam there you are get chomped okay that guy got eaten sorry not sorry and you're done next upgrade uh we gotta go mouth tentacles gross just absolutely disgusting thank you thank you for this game it's very upsetting oh gosh what a way to go ugh not only do you get chomped but you get grabbed by nasty like worm tentacles I'm almost dead by the way which is kind of scary and then Mega Jump and there you go we've created a completely different creature oats oh okay dude that's kind of cool it's like a it's like a um like a NOS you hit the button and you hit the Nos and you just kind of oh my gosh what a disgusting creature we've created I love the variations though they're very very cool I will say this uh this setup of worm is not as strong as our last one we're dead but it was still a great time and I'm not really that hungry anymore
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 230,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, funny worm game, worm game, big worm game, new game, funny game, mobile game, flash game, biggest worm, most dangerous worm
Id: sMnCsyolxlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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