Chasing Speed with Two-Time Long Drive Champ Jamie Sadlowski

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we're not hitting that little play club and going to no no we're not going to peti up in a tournament here so we got Jamie saska here two-time World Long Drive Champion he's been playing professionally up in Canada for the last six seven years and now he's decided he wants to try and maybe come back and Dabble a long drive again so we've got some of his old data and we're going to kind of see where he's at now I don't think I've ever been on it's the most important in the last 5 years I think we've learned more about creating power from the ground under and under and wheel load there you go buddy send it 206 again 2065 2065 39 139 we do the force plates if the force weights look good but there's still a speed problem then we go to 3D to see where you're losing it right but if the force weights are problem we start there anyway cuz we got to get the force into your body after one or two more I want to get data I don't want you get tired let's let the doc do his work let's going to the lab it's still Jamie saski right one of the best swings in the game he doesn't have a huge build but his abil ility to create Club head speed is just a superpower that he has and I'm really excited to see what it's going to look like in the lab double plate ready interesting okay let's see look Peak vertical is that's crazy and J remind me are you a more information or less information kind of guy I may whatever you think I need to know kind of guy but what's interesting is um or's last before I say something let me just look at a couple things real fast Right comes in late so he's a right push late he doesn't really doesn't really drive off the right he he starts swinging down and then drives right late I think it's pretty obvious where we would go to get a little more speed there is some lateral but it's last in the sequence normally it's first in the sequence which is very unusual but again someone like Jamie maybe doesn't need all all four but I'm going to tell you if he had all four it could even be better right so it's always something we're going to want to explore when you push into the ground what does the ground do push back it pushes back so it's reacting to you pushing right so if you push with 100 lb it reacts by pushing back with 100 lbs right and we know that by you pushing into the ground and getting this Force coming back that Force coming back you can use to help create torque and speed and move the club now there are certain forces that bring the club up and down and there are certain forces that bring the club behind you in front of you it's the Symphony of those different forces that allow the club to swing around on a circle there are three forces and three torqus okay four for is like if I just push that's a force if I twist it's a torque okay we can actually measure twisting and we can measure moving right there are three movements I can move left or right that's horizontal or I call it lateral there's up and down vertical right and then there's Heel To Toe or front the back those are your three directions you can push now you can also twist in those three directions I can twist this way that's this is called horizontal torque I call it twisting yeah there's what's called frontal plane torque I call it rock and roll so there's there's guys that are rock and rollers there's guys that are Twisters right and then there's Benders these guys over here right so you can twist you can rock you can bend you can move lateral you can jump or you can go front to back forces proceed motion forces that we're looking at happen before the club moves if you don't apply all these forces before the shaft's vertical there's not enough time to get to the club and you're really not using him you're like here in your last one like you're great at doing this way early which is a superpower then we go to look at quantity what's normal rock and roll 21 good very good you're 30 2 okay what's normal twist 19 you're 30 pretty good balance between the two which I love right so really good um rock and twist vertical average on PGA Tour is about 198% of their body weight you're at 229.99 have much lck all your numbers are like here I don't see one that's here and the rest of them down here they're all pretty good but except for lateral you're showing me what a follower does not a driver and the last thing in the world I want is a long drive guy falling I want him driving I don't think you're driving off your back Li I think if we increase that lateral your other three are going to go higher through the roof when I'm inconsistent I'm always back I can't unweight the right back then you're not doing it right yeah and that's where the Force Space can really they help us teach you I always like to show my players the importance of a weight shift that's one of those that I I feel like you have to explore because if we just add more momentum into the system it might go faster even without changing the sequence when I'm not playing well it's cuz I have I don't get into my left side okay why okay that's what I think we can solve idea I I think I have a very good idea one of the superpowers of the longest hitters in the world is their ability to create energy early in the golf swing they create these ground reaction forces really early so it has time to get to the CL it's how you're loading in the back swing you have to load right to go left the goal is to get you left but how do you get left I got to push from my right to get to the left right it's kind of hard to go left pushing left yeah you know what I mean some guys are like I'm not getting left early so they try and go left and then what they end do is falling back more to the right if I want to crack a whip I'm not going to start with the tip of the Whip and then move the handle later you want to start the energy as far away from the club head as possible and then transfer it because it gives it time to build and create this swell of energy and power the forces the lateral vertical help create more torqu I want to experiment with seeing if the lateral can get you more more torque there but D this is really good really really really good stuff and one of you started to focus on speed or is it right now right now so we haven't tried anything yet nothing okay no I wanted to see where I was at before I killed myself trying to get speed because I felt like I haven't been efficient for a long time okay we got lots of crazy we can try so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to have Jamie hit 510 balls and then we're going to compare him to when he was here in 2010 when a player comes in I always say whenever you're hitting at your best you should stop everything come to the lab let us collect your data we won't say anything but we'll just hold it because there's going to be a day where you're going to want to compare yourself maybe something's gone wrong and you're going want to compare to see what you're doing wrong the best person to compare you to is you at your best and the beautiful thing about Jamie saski is we got him at his best in 2010 when he was dominating the long drive world it's really exciting to have that old data so we can quickly identify what he's doing different now double plate ready how'd you hit that one hit that one pretty good everything I'm going to tell you you're going to be like oh I remember that so this isn't new so let's do this set up like you're going to hit okay I want you to get your left hip high good now keep the left hip high and move everything back just move the whole thing back that's your upper body Jam's right hip is much higher now than it was in the past that leads to that downward attacking angle descending angle leaning left that we really don't want to see with our big hitters left high and then you're going to move the whole thing back keeping the left hip high feel loaded you feel over here welcome to your right foot double plate ready right hip is higher throughout his swing and he used to lift up a little bit more really important for long drive to lift up so you can unload your vertical help Drive Your Arms we're going to experiment with that a little bit there's only three ways to hit a ball farther power is force times velocity you can apply more force that means make you bigger push stronger gem Force second way is velocity move your arms faster the Third Way is apply that force and velocity for more time the higher your arms go away from you the more time you have to apply this Force more time you have to apply this more speed you can create double plate ready this is the value of old data it's so important to have old data your old swing by the time you got up here it moves up 2 in the one you just did was 6 okay so we can go up you can do you can go double Jamie used to elevate slightly one of the things that's important before you jump is what we call unloading elevating lifting up gets the handle farther away it actually helps them unload in the vertical part of their golf swing when you squat before you jump you actually take the weight in your body and how much weight you're applying to the ground and you reduce it when you reduce or unload your weight when you hit the ground you actually hit harder and actually makes you jump higher there it is 1.8 that's that's old school look at it your vertical already went to 231 remember it was 220 the goal here is to get more arm speed that is the secret in a long drive your arm speed was about 1,360 when we first started doing this back in the day it was 1,430 so it's in the 1400s yeah that's the first one you just cracked 1403 right now so arm speed's going up and you're not trying to do anything with arm speed nice right hold on we're going to do the force plate on this one so hold on a second so I want to see if it's doing anything to your vertical double plate ready he killed his moment AR doing this still not driving off that right leg I like I've never played but I've kind of exacerbated the right leg not driving you're over here now you're stuck over here I don't need the 3D anymore I think I need the force plate so I think I can cuz I want to do some weird with you yeah let's do some weird okay I'm going take this stuff off but Jamie we're not trying to create a new motor pattern we're trying to remind him of an old one but sometimes remembering these old motor patter patterns isn't as easy it sounds okay so now we got to take the uh Canadian tour brain and Away eliminate it and we're there's not much up there from that to be h a series of jump drills that I like to do that makes the connection between the lower body and the arms if I said jump aside you can jump let me see you do a vertical okay cool when you squat down what do your arms do so in a normal vertical jump as you go down your arms go down as you go up your arms go up golf's a little different as we're loading that's the back swing what are arms doing arms are going up as the legs start to jump we're actually driving our arms down so as you squat they go down and then as you jump they go up right okay golf's the opposite follow me stand tall do it again good and then as you jump arms are going to go down so squat NOP start dlex good we're going to do that again arms down arms down arms it's ass backwards as you squat arms go up and then as you jump arms drive down now I want your legs to drive your arms down that key to hitting the ball really far is arm speed the best players in the world are so good at this they're so good at the legs driving the arms as you squat they come up and then drive the arms down with your legs arms went a little bit before your legs okay take your hands like this okay as you squat just bring your arms over your shoulder like this and then jump and drop your arms down your arms are down before you're even jumping I want you I want you to I want you as you jump whip your arms down jump you get this on video cool we got that it's actually opposite if you stand up and try this it's kind of weird your brain first I like it hats on backwards now now we're getting serious here we go let's do it that was better that was better okay so now what I want you to do same same type of deal when you jump this time I need twice as much from the left and the right okay sometimes we do what's called chunking we'll take the pieces and do piece by piece by piece and just keep adding piece to piece to piece each one Builds on the next one so we're going up twice as much from the left and the right push back like this or just a push up vertical push so now twice from the left when you're done this time you're facing right there you're back 45 this way yep the left quad's firing if I take my right foot and I push backwards and I take my left foot and push forward those two forces create a horizontal torque it creates a twisting that's how you rotate and twist okay now now we're going to do the the squat jump still two from the left felt okay okay okay see it again I still think the arm's disconnected from the jump really important moment here with Jamie was when I asked him to kind of push me forward as if he was throwing feel like you're going to throw a ball okay stay right there now push in my hand here push me forward push me forward is that you trying to push me forward yeah like really trying to push me forward no he's much younger than me he's much stronger than me but I don't think he could push me forward when I say push me forward go aad and push me forward what is that right there oh you're using all your upper body put your hand up here if I said I'm going to push you forward my leg is going to drive you forward I'm not going to go like this that's you're not even using your leg to drive your arm there's something wrong right there when I look at that and I go the only reason that you can't push me forward is cuz I'm using my legs in my lower body and you're not you were just using your upper body I look down I see his legs bent that is not a great way to create force from the handle it's almost like the handle's cracked and you're trying to push with the tip of the whip I shouldn't be able to hold you at all right yes if you going to punch me you better punch me like if you punch me like this it's not going to hurt right right do the yes are you doing that in your swing no the whole point of the ground reaction forces is to drive your arms right I think they're asleep a little bit I don't think they're connected as much I want you to feel your leg pushing me over that was different did you hear that I mean as soon as he makes a swing everybody in the room could hear the difference including Jamie that was a light bulb right there you don't do that do you you know because I've been hitting it with my upper body correct it's one of those awesome moments where you go there is more speed there the great thing is once you create those motor skills that remind them what it feels like to be athletic when you swing the results are instantaneous Mark Blackburn does this with uh Max home all the time set up like he'll go Don't Let Me Whip come on push me back back yes come on push me back Drive the arms you're creating this athletic signature let's go in the gym real quick we can come on guys put these two together that's 10 15 M hour yeah hopefully not like that that was bad what are you going to do with the left leg creating these athletic motor skills you don't have to do with a golf club you can do with anything you can do with throwing a ball that's why I like medicine balls no okay so what now from here to throw the ball it's the leg pushes to drive the ball yes that's what I want to see and if you can make that athletic feel over and over again in a million different ways yes that's so much more powerful yes okay now I want to see you do it with the step we got some work to do on this guy creating power from the ground transferring to the body and then transferring to the Implement I want to get to the point where you drive off your right leg yes that was the best one I've seen so far yes what you just did right there is athletic yeah what you were doing before is not athletic so you'll like this about you'll be like man that's so much easier what the hell was I doing yeah when you pick up a golf club it just feels better to do it athletically we're going to do a shovel pass so you're going to go what am I looking for correct once you've developed a motor pattern you always have that motor pattern it's never gone it might be hidden it might be have some dust on it at least he warned you but if you can kind of remind them of what they used to do okay let's try a step use those previous motor skills we see this a lot with an athlete who played tennis who now is playing golf we might be able to use your forehand motion that motor skill to help us develop your golf swing so much more athletic remembering old motor patterns is way easier than creating new ones got that feeling hey come on number one by far setup yeah we're going to compete right now that's what we're doing okay number two if we're going to try and get more speed Drive the arms with your leg the medicine all that's the main thing then we go okay let's add some more fuel to the fire to do that I need you to elevate and I need you to drive you know Jamie spent the last 14 years becoming a competitive player Jamie can get back to Jamie salowski speed that's really the motivation piece here if we Elevate and drive we're going to keep adding miles per hour questions smiling on the inside questions from you guys for your time I'm excited for you man than you so much appreciate it I made a shift from long drive deploying so a lot of things in my golf swing changed um and to see it firsthand from data from 2010 we went over to now there's a lot of things that I did really good back then that I didn't really understand and now that I do um I'm going to try and Implement those things and and it it's just a really easy way to FasTrack getting back to where I was in 2010 it's you know it's obviously 14 years ago but after seeing the data like I feel like you know in a couple weeks the stuff that he taught me and that we went over going to be super simple to get back just the athleticism overall uh to get back to what I used to do
Channel: MyTPI
Views: 87,410
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Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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