I Explored The Internets Strangest Websites

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- [Crypto] I went on a journey to find some of the strangest websites from all over the internet. In this video, I'll be exploring many obscure, funny, and downright horrible websites. For those of you who don't want to look everything up this video will be perfect for you, so you can see the websites without actually visiting them. I've explored every level of the dark web, dug down internet rabbit holes, downloaded dangerous computer viruses and opened many dark web boxes. And today I'll be exploring many of the internets strangest websites. Welcome back to Crypto NWO, ladies and gentlemen. I am your host, Crypto NWO. I've got a bunch of tabs open here. In this video I'm not gonna be doing an explanation of these websites I'm actually gonna be visiting these websites. The first website we're gonna be taking a look at is called, planecrashinfo, self-explanatory. It gives you a literally air traffic control units, like actual communication with air traffic control from the plane. It gives you last words from planes before they inevitably crash. By the way, this is really disturbing. It says caution, may be disturbing to some individuals. Plain and simple at the top, it says last words. Cockpit voice recordings, transcripts, air traffic control tapes. That's scaring the crap outta me to be honest. We're about to hear people's or read people's last words. January 15th, 2009, the plane had just taken off from LA Guardia Airport when it suffered birds strikes in both engines. That's my biggest fricking fear. My biggest fear when it comes to flying is, oh, birds, the birds. They just go the engines. Oh my God, that's absolutely terrifying. Thrust was lost in both engines and the crew was able to ditch the plane in the Hudson river, all 107 aboard survived. - [Pilot On Recording] Hello, this is 1529 (indistinct) bird strike, he lost all engines. He lost the thrust in the engines, he's returning immediately. - [Pilot On Recording] (indistinct) 1529, which engines? - [Pilot On Recording] He lost thrust in both engines, he said. - [Pilot On Recording] Got it. - [Pilot On Recording] Couldn't get it to you. Do you want to try to land (indistinct)? - [Pilot On Recording] We may end up in the Hudson. - Oh, this is messed up, dude. Oh my God, you can even see the photos of people landing in the Hudson. Oh my goodness. I mean that one has a happy ending, but not gonna lie there is quite a few of them here that don't have that many happy endings. I'm not gonna be going through all of them in this video because we have quite a lot of websites in this video here. Air traffic control tapes of people's last words. But we're gonna go ahead and take a look at another website. This website here is called, internetlivestats. What I find creepy about this is seeing how fast it can move. Like for example, you can see, 735 million tweets sent out today. Oh my goodness, look, it goes up by 10,000 a second, 10,000 tweets are posted on Twitter every freaking second. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not trying to sound like a hater right now, but every time I go on Twitter, I get a nasty to taste to my mouth. 7 billion views as the current time of this recording on YouTube. In one day 7 billion views were shared across the entire platform. Websites hacked today. You can see that 201,000 websites-- It goes up at least one a second. Wow, is it that easy for a website to get hacked? There's 568,000 computer sold today. 3.8 million smartphones sold today. Do you guys find this accurate it at all? This is getting really serious, carbon dioxide emissions today from the internet. 3.1 million tons of CO2 emissions today. We gotta find a better way around this one. I don't even know how many gigabytes of internet traffic that is. That's 10.8 billion gigabytes of internet traffic. Oh my God. So this website, I find it really interesting, you know? Some people actually just stare at this, they probably get fried and they just stare at this website like, bro, what have you become? What is this nonsense? I find it really interesting. It actually reminds me of another website kind of like this it's called World-O-Meter, I'll show you guys right now. This is how much oil we have left in barrels on planet earth. That's not the interesting part, the interesting part is this over here where it says there's 15,052 days left until the end of oil. Less than 41 years from now. So you gotta-- You gotta think about the future. You know what I mean? That's not even cap there's that much-- There's 15,000 days left, less than 41 years until the end of oil. There's a fun fact that you didn't know. There's a lot of this stuff on World-O-Meter. Like for example, 43 million people have been infected by HIV and aids and that number goes up as somebody is infected. This is literally a website that is getting data from all over the world and incorporating it onto like a-- Some sort of counting website, like a World-O-Meter, like a meter website, you know what I mean? We've seen these before. I can sit and look at this website all day, it does get pretty freaking interesting, but then again, quite depressing, you know what I mean? Knowing that 1.7 billion overweight people in the world and 805 million of them are considered obese. That's kind of messed up. Let's take you to a cool website called, pointerpointer. You leave your mouse anywhere on the screen and it's gonna take you to a picture of somebody pointing at your mouse. So if I move the mouse anywhere on the screen, I'll move it right here, it's gonna find a picture on the internet of somebody pointing at the mouse. It's bamboozling. I can put the mouse over here. I don't know how this works. I don't know if I'm-- Who are these people? This blows my mind, man. I can sit here for hours and this dude pointed at the mouse. Oh, oh my God. Wait, where is it? Where's the mouse? Where's my mouse? Oh, my mouse is over there. They're all pointing at it. Oh my goodness. Oh, that was a lucky one. That's absolutely-- This is crazy. I can do this all day, man. These are truly the strangest websites on the internet. The camera was perfectly set so his finger would be exactly where my mouse is. Welcome to 2022, boys and girls. Just last one, I just wanna see if it's actually gonna work. Oh my God, it worked perfect. It worked perfectly. But this one here, this is called, poopsenders. The ultimate gag gift, sweet revenge at its finest. Guaranteed anonymous, package tracking emailed instantly. I guess, take elephant poop or animal poop and send it to people you hate. That is ultimate revenge. Let's say there's somebody you really, really, really don't like, and you're like, you know what? This person's just gonna get rhinoceros (beep). That's what this website is. Look at this, 2022 Spring Fling Mega Pack, three pound Mega Pack it was $99 but now it's $50. Hurry. Limited time offer. Obviously I'm gonna be blurring this out because there's elephant (beep) cow dung, gorilla poop, combo pack. Where are they getting it from? Are they just going to like nature trails? Do they own a gorilla? That's legendary. It's a website where you can literally take out your frustrations and anger on somebody you really don't like. This is a gift that every (beep) neighbor should get. This is what humanity is good for, you know what I mean? Just creating banger websites like this. The thing that's blowing my mind is that somebody is paying $20 a year for that domain, bro, I'm telling you. The next website we're looking at is called, deathdate. Now we're getting a little creepy down here. We're entering deeper down into the levels of the strangest parts of the internet. But death date, you type in your name, your birthday, if you're a male or female. They're not kind of 2022 standard. Now people don't prefer to answer that, some people identify as a basketball now, you know what I mean? So you have to tell them your height in feet and inches or in centimeters, you have to tell them your weight in pounds or in kilograms. If you take any stimulants, oh my goodness. Okay, so let's just type in my name. Let's take a look at when I am going to die. March 3rd, 2056 in 33 years, 11 months and six days. That'll make me 59 years old. Tells me how many seconds left until the demise, dude that's actually kind of creepy. That just made me really uncomfortable I'm not even gonna lie. So like you would type in your birthday, you would typing all this stuff that you do. This website over here is about telling you the day you're gonna die. We're gonna go ahead and move on to the next website over here. And this website is called, nohomophobes, it's kind of like the World-O-Meter website or the internetstats website, where it tells you how many people in one day used certain derogatory terms like these derogatory terms. And to be honest, I'm not gonna be saying them because I don't think YouTube's gonna want that. I'm gonna be just blurring out half the words and everything. But this is how many tweets have been sent. Dude, that's so bad. But look at that, that's good. This is good because you can see times changing. It kind of happened at the end of 2015, times are changing now, man. Yeah, so that's just that website. We're gonna go ahead and move on to the next website. And you guys probably clicked on this video for this very reason over here, but this website is called, thiscatdoesnotexist. You've probably heard of its equivalent, thisfacedoesnotexist, where it'll give you a face generated by an AI that doesn't seem to actually exist ever. These people don't exist, in this sense, these cats that you're about to see on the screen, I'm gonna refresh the page and refresh the page. All these cats don't exist. I'm gonna just refresh and these are all created by AI generated images. I mean, if you found these pictures of cats on the internet, I want you guys to tell me in the comment section, tell me where you found it, but these are all AI generated cats. And if you zoom into the pictures, you can actually see some imperfections. I'm gonna show you guys the human one later on in the video, it's gonna compile a brand new human face based off all the features that it gives it. This face that it's showing me doesn't actually exist on planet earth. Doesn't exist at all, it's created by a robot. Look what the world's gonna become soon, bro. I'm telling you, soon your girlfriend's not even gonna be an actual person. We're getting a little weirder here, but this website is called hosanna1.com or hosana1.com. And I just wanted to actually credit Tuv, almost half the websites from this video I found it from Tuv's video. He was talking about the websites, he was giving a description of the websites, explaining it to us and of course curious, curious guy over here I had to take a look at these websites and I decided I'd record it and show you guys. Some people wanna see what's actually on these websites instead of hearing what the websites are about. So here I am. I don't know what this website is about, bro. I don't even know what's happening here. We have some of the beautiful champion sired young male and female Afghan Hounds available now for show or pets. If you have room in your heart or love one of these most beautiful dogs of the world, please check out this page. Surely goodness and mercy, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want be maketh to lie down in green pastures-- What the hell's happening here? I'm not gonna lie, I've been here looking at this for the last few minutes and I don't even know what to of this website. This page over here is actually telling us which Christians smoke or don't smoke in the Bible. What's the point of this? Is there actually information of people smoking in the Bible? How do these people know who smokes and doesn't smoke in the Bible? Smoking what? Cigarettes, crack, weed? What are they smoking? I'm actually already bored at this website, I don't know what it is, it is creepy, it is weird. Dog as angels and I don't have flash on my computer because I don't even think they use flash anymore, bro. You probably heard of this very strange website before, this is heavensgate. Do I have to explain what Heavens Gate is? It's the infamous cult. There was this gentleman over here that you see on the screen trying to introduce a bunch of people into a cult. And he had them wear a bunch of joggers and he drank the Kool-Aid, something bad happens, he would take off to planet Jupiter or something. I don't know that-- That's all I know about Heavens Gate. If you guys know more about it, let me know when the comment section. To be honest, don't go too into detail because the FBI might be watching. By the way, if my internet service provider is watching this video, my ISP, this is just a YouTube video. They're probably looking at all my tabs right now wondering what in God's green earth is going on with this guy? But heavensgate, this is the website. The website still exists until this day, the dot com website. Whether Hale-Bobpphas a companion or not irrelevant from our perspective, however it's arrival is joylessly very significant to us at Heavens Gate. So basically they think that a spaceship was going to come to earth, pick them all up and ascend them all into the afterlife, heaven. So million red flags, obviously that's not the perfect explanation for it. There's gags all over in pop culture talking about Heavens Gate. You know, Family Guy, being one of the most infamous. You guys seen that? You guys know not to drink the Kool-Aid if somebody offers you the Kool-Aid, you know what I mean? I like the track suit, so the track suits are pretty fire. This is the transcript of the video tape that was recorded by that gentleman that you see on the screen. Everything that you see on the screen here was said by him in this video clip, what if I wanna watch the actual video? How and when Heaven's Gate may be entered. 60 minute-- These are tapes. Transcript of tapes, 60 minute read. Section two, 60 minute read. So I can imagine the people that really actually got serious in to this, they went through 12 sections. Each one, each section being over an hour. There's more sections, oh my God. Oh, these people read everything about it and then they tried to follow through. They followed through to the points of drinking that drink. You know what? I'm actually getting goosebumps right now just even looking at this website. The fact that this actually happened. They have a section here called, Our Position Against (beep). So basically after taking a look at this little description here, the way they look at humanity, the way they look at us is they call our bodies vessels, vehicles, for whatever reason that can learn the lessons needed to complete our own individual transition, as well as complete our task to offering the kingdom of heaven to the civilization one last time. I'm creeped out, I'm leaving this website. Heaven's Gate is a website that you can actually still find, the dot com website still exists, it's still available. The next website I wanted to show you guys is called, mapcrunch. Now mapcrunch here, it's so simple. You press go, it'll take you to a random place in the world on Google maps. Wait, what I find kind of interesting about this is like, you know, for somebody who goes urban exploring, for somebody who does like Randonautica exploring, I like stuff like this. Finding random stuff on the map is always kind of fun. You know what I mean? If I press go, for example, it's gonna take me to-- We don't know where this is in the world. Oh, actually it tells me right here. This is in Santa Domingo. Look at that man. For people that like exploring, you can literally check these places out. You can do the Google street maps and just actually, for example, let's say you like this place. I can imagine somebody going on this website, pressing this go button over here. And this is in central Greece, that's what Greece looks like? I don't know why I pictured like Zeus, like hovering above the place, I don't know. Okay, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Next one we're gonna look at, this is in Scotland here. That's a road in Scotland? Bro, you guys need traffic lights G? What is this? Press go again. I like this. For example, like I said, you can end up pressing something, you like the place. I can imagine you just looking around a place you've never even thought your eyes would look at. This is the closest thing we have to a teleportation device unfortunately. We can't teleport to these places, but hey, press go randomly and it'll take you to these places on the map. Map Crunch, that's another website. Take a look into it. But now we have infamous, scarymaze. Whoever showed you this game, you can find a time of your life where they were like, hey buddy, oh, you should try this game out, this game is so fun. It's actually one of the hardest games ever. I know this because it happened to me. This game, Scary Maze, you have to get your pointer through the maze, make sure you don't touch the walls and you have to get it to the red point of the map. I found the original game right here. The original Scary Maze, it says, turn your sound up. The game looks different, I don't know why. It's supposed to be a blue background, I don't know why it's a yellow background. But you wanna hear something cool? I know the cheat to this game, I used to hit the walls all the time. You have to hit play, hit the wall, hit play, hit the wall, hit play. But look at this, take a look at this. Everybody typically tries and they try and they try, challenge one is so easy. This one here, everybody hits the wall. I'm like, Kevin, stop doing that, just beat the game. What if I told you, if you held down your mouse, you can go over the black wall? Oh my God. Look at that magic. And then you go to the spot, hold your mouse, go over the black wall. Peek challenge two. This is where stuff gets tricky. This is where everybody turned from a child to a man or a woman. If you were boy, you became a man, your (beep) went down deeper, bro, I'm telling you. Just gotta skip over this is-- What I'm actually gonna try, if I lose, I'll actually cry. I forgot when it comes up. I forgot when it comes up. I forgot when it comes up. I forgot when it comes up. I forgot-- (screaming) My camera lady even got scared. Onto the next website and oh my God-- This is getting so freaking dark dude. The next website we're gonna take a look at is not actually a dot com website. You can find this on YouTube. This is called, don't hug me, I'm scared. Don't hug me, I'm scared. I'm not even gonna show you guys the full video of don't hug me, I'm scared. I'm gonna show you guys a little clip, me reacting to a little clip on the screen, but don't hug me, I'm scared is by far one of the greatest internet ARGs that you need patience to actually take part of playing. Can I tell you why? Because their last video they posted was three years ago. It has 16 million views. We're all being very patient. That was a trailer they posted three years ago, it's called Wakey Wakey. Don't hug me, I'm scared, they have 2.61 million subscribers. I'm gonna show guys don't hug me, I'm scared. Just a little clip. This is them getting creative on don't hug me, I'm scared. This is the weird part, dude. Really freaking weird part. (upbeat music) There is a whole ARG behind this game, like nobody understands the actual meaning behind it. There was a heart on the screen. (upbeat music) It's supposed to be a kid show. How about this? You're probably watching this video. This is-- Let's say this is the first time you heard of don't hug me, I'm scared. You're probably thinking this is the stupidest thing ever. This doesn't look scary, this doesn't look weird, this doesn't look like it could actually have that much meaning to it. What if I promised you that if you spent 10 minutes looking into the ARG behind this, the alternate reality game behind this, you will lose your mind. There's so much things like there's so much questions that I have for don't hug me, I'm scared. Anyways, you guys should go take a look at it. I'm gonna have the link for don't hug me, I'm scared in the description, go check it out. It's gonna say DHMIS, go click the link. I want you guys to go check it out. And comment on their Wakey Wakey video, tell them to upload the video because... (eerie music) I don't know what's going on here. There's so much happening apparently. (eerie music) I am gonna give don't hug me, I'm scared a spot on this list because they are definitely one of the strangest spots that you could find on the internet. I know you could find it on YouTube, there's a lot of strange stuff you could find on YouTube. If you guys want me to make a video called the strangest stuff you could find on YouTube, let me know in the comment section. But this is one of them. This is actually gonna make the top 10 to be honest because Wakey Wakey, don't hug me, I'm scared. The people behind this are not giving anything away and they never will give anything away. This was three years ago and they're gonna be absolutely patient probably two more years before we're gonna get the next don't hug me, I'm scared. The next thing I wanted to show you guys is called Godhatesshrimp.com that's an actual website. Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, all these are an abomination before the Lord. We call upon all Christians to join a crusade against the Long John Silvers and Red Lobster. Yes, even Popeye's shall be cleansed. The name of Bubba shall be anathema. We must stop the unbelievers from destroying the sanctity of our restaurant. This website is literally talking about how God hates fast food places that serve fish. They're saying Red Lobster, stop serving lobsters because this is an abomination, God hates shrimp. My friend said that this is actually either the greatest troll in the world, or this person is being dead serious and either or I'm genuinely concerned. Here are some of the photos of the brave God fearing souls who have made their voices heard in protests of the abomination that is shrimp eating. They are often obliged to infiltrate or counter protest the more mainstream protests of hypocritical shrimp-eaters, who call themselves Christians. So if you eat shrimps and you call yourself a Christian, don't talk to these people because they will actually crucify you. What if I married a shrimp? What if I identify as a shrimp in 2022, God hates me? The next website we're gonna show actually I'm adding a bunch of like random sprinkles of okay things just to like calm you guys down. Not just freak you guys out throughout the whole entire video. This website is something positive. This is called wtfshouldidowithmylife. Let's say you are bored, you go onto wtfshouldidowithmylife.com, it'll tell you to do something with your life. This one says you should be a post-doctoral fellow. I press hell no. You should be a baker. Let's say I want to become a baker, all you have to do scroll down, they give you an article on how to be a baker. What made you decide on becoming a baker? So this website from being bored can probably change your life. Not even kidding. Let's say if I don't wanna be a baker, I press hell no, you should teach English abroad. You scroll down, how to teach English abroad. Plain and simple. This could probably change your life. You probably are gonna thank me the future saying I'm a political engineer, I don't know what the (beep), a yoga instructor. How many people are gonna find that interesting? Let's say you press okay, it takes you-- Scroll down. How to be a yoga instructor. Hell no. Definitely a strange website of the internet that can change your life. What the F should I do with my life? Next website I wanted to show you guys is called hashimaisland. This is the censored version of Hashima Island and I actually found the uncensored version on the dark web. If you guys wanna see the uncensored version of Hashima Island, go ahead and click this video over here on the screen. Towards the end of that video is where I explored the uncensored Hashima Island. But this video here, we're gonna-- We're gonna enter the forgotten world of Hashima Island. Welcome Hashima Island. On the 27th of June, 2013, Google released brand new street views to a forgotten world of the coast of Japan in Nagasaki. Oh, this was in Nagasaki after the explosion. Oh, that's right, I forgot about that. Oh, so you can see the effects of a nuclear bomb. So for example, start at the pier. Hashima Island, oh dude, that's creepy. You know what? The whole Nagasaki part really just messed with me I'm not gonna lie. So what's the difference between this version and the dark web version? The uncensored, dark web version. Now on the dark web version, if you keep going off the coast of the Hashima Island, like if you go off the barriers of the Hashima Island, you will actually come across bones. You'll see stacks of bones on top of each other, like it looks like some sort of catacomb thing. If you guys don't know what a catacomb is, it's basically like a burial where a bunch of people are just exposed bones on top of each other. It was absolutely frightening. I saw it in that video I showed you guys earlier and I can't unsee it. Every time I look at Hashima Island, it freaks me the hell out, but that's Hashima Island. You can go on the Hashima Island website and literally explore the entire website, what's on the island today after nuclear explosions. A nuke from that time literally caused that much destruction and that's what's scaring me about like a 2022 nuke, man bro. You guys need to shut up about world war, bro. This website here I want to show you another interesting website that I found from Tuv's video. This is called essaytyper, strange website. You can type an essay about any topic. Let's say you wanna type a essay about videos and you just press letters on the keyboard. And as you're pressing random letters-- I'm just pressing literally random letters right now and it's actually giving me an article about videos. Like it's writing me an entire essay about video that actually makes sense. Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback and broadcasting display, moving visual media. I'm gonna get an ACE on my test, bro. All you gotta do is take this, put this onto Grammarly and put the entire plagiarism thing on act and you can turn this into original work, bro, I'm telling you. Video recorders were sold for $50,000 in the US in 1956. I like this website. So I typed in iPhone 13 and it says the fluidity of iPhone 13. Literally if I just type in random things, I can close my eyes and become the world's greatest performer. Look at this, I'm a monster. Oh my God, this is all facts about the iPhone, bro. The iPhone 13. Let's say you need an essay to write about water bottles. I have a water bottle here. So I wanna write something about water bottles. A water bottle is a container that is used to hold water, liquids or other beverages for consumption. Anyways, essaytyper.com. You can literally finish up any subject of any essay and you're pro. This is a good way to start. Let's say you have one day left for your assignment to be finished, this is a great way to start. Maybe a little plagiarism may be involved, but (beep) download Grammarly, put the plagiarism effect on and then just change up a little here and there. And bro, legal aspects are all cleared. You might be a douche bag, but it's okay. The next thing I wanted to show you here, this website, one of the strangest websites is called the worldsworstwebsiteever. I don't even know what's happening, it just says welcome, welcome, welcome. I don't know going on here. Aren't animals, we're just lamas. Who's gonna win? I'm faster. This looks like a pixel website. Have you guys heard of pixel.com? I made like a hundred pixel websites in my past, unfortunately they shut down. This looks like a pixel website. This is how many people visited this website since 2008. That's how bored the internet can actually become, bro. Do you think this is really beautifully designed website? Yes, but in pizza. Fantastic bro. This it's-- It's classic-- Oh, that's my porn's gonna come up-- Hold on. It's classic internet comedy dude. I mean the letter P, oh what's it gonna tell me? What's it gonna say? P, I, C, pick. I pickle-- Pickle. Parlor was shut down by right wing conspiracy theorists who secretly wanted to be liberal, but had too many cats to be progressive. The Office is the worst television show in history because no one uses paper and their Dunder-Mifflin Infinity website is dumb losers. That is truly the worst website that exists. The next website we're gonna take a look at is called angelsheaven. Universepeople.org. I don't know what this website is, again. Talks with teachings from cosmic friends. Heavenly angels are warning against chipping, and enslaving people. What is your spirit, soul and physical body? Contact with universe people, heavenly angels and forces of light, angelsheaven.org. What the heck? It's one of those weird websites. Oh my God. So for example, like they recommend a bunch of books to you where you can-- They teach you on how to communicate with angels. I know there's some people in my audience that would be interested in that. I know there's some people that find that kind of crappy. I'm not gonna lie I don't know where I fall on the spectrum. Here's a fun fact, I was watching a video from Wendigoon, he showed a picture of what angels actually looked like, this picture over here and I'm a blown away. I thought angels were gorgeous, I thought angels were-- Angels were fire but that picture I just showed you guys on the screen, that's what an angel actually looks like. I don't know, do you believe it? Let me know in the comments section. Where in the Bible does that say angels are describe as looking like that? Inside the spaceships, angels in star ships, the voice from heaven, Christ exposes the demon state. These are all books. Apparently these are-- What are these? Free downloads? Allow downloads from angelsheaven.org, allow. I have 14.5 computer viruses. Heaven and its wonders and hell from things heard and seen from Emmanuel Swedenborg. 1758? That's the thing, when you read such descriptive things like this, and you put that much time into reading all these descriptive things and you end up believing it. And what if it's wrong? If it's right, congratulations to you, you just found enlightenment. You found the true meaning to life, right? But what if this is wrong? And you just spent like 14 hours reading something based off someone's interpretation of what heaven and hell could be, not actual testimonials, you know what I mean? There's no actual testimonials of heaven and hell, unless there are, I don't know. This website here, communicating with angels, freaks me the hell out. But we're gonna go ahead and take a look at the next website here, skywaybridge.com. This website presents the plight of those less mentally stable or physically capable as the rest of us may think we are. It deals with the real fact that some people will jump off the public Skyway Bridge in an attempt to publicly end their own life. This site offers news, stories, opinion, and commentary on those public activities. This site does not promote, condone, nor approve of these public activities. Enter only if you understand what you just read. I am responsible, let me. Oh my God, guy struggling with her. He was in the front and she was a baker acted. There's a video here of somebody at the bridge, I'm not gonna watch it. Savannah R. Facebook was on the bridge today, stopped in traffic, a cop and another emergency vehicle got there around the time I made it to the top and was a abandoned vehicle. Crashed car or a jumper, don't know. Did not see an accident, but did see parked cars. Oh dude, that's creepy. People literally go there to publically end it. Oh my God, what's this? Anonymous woman in custody. Oh dude, that's creepy. Listen, the longer you scroll on this site, you're gonna be finding some-- These are all 2021 instances of people that were on that bridge that were about to do such activities or did such activities and I don't wanna scroll long enough to find people that actually did those things. I'm already chilled up. I'm actually already shaken up to be honest, I've pressed I'm responsible, let me in. I've seen enough, I've seen enough. They make a statement over here where they say this website may not be the best place to visit if you have been affected by that in any way, or are easily affected by facts, opinion or reality, public news or adult language, text, imagery found within the site. So listen, like if you outrage easily, apparently just don't go on the website. If you know, you're responsible, obviously go take a look at it. This is on dot coms. I don't condone you doing any of these things because here I am right now, you know? I'm exploring these websites, I'm exploring all these strange websites for you guys so you guys don't have to explore them yourself. So I pressed, I'm responsible, let me in. And literally like two minutes into the website I already wanna leave. So we're gonna go onto the next website here and here we are, the random face generator, thispersondoesnotexist. This genuinely does not exist and I'm telling you, if you zoom into the face, you will find some imperfections. I don't see any imperfections right now that I think the AI's getting a lot better. If you guys see it, let me know when the comment section down below, but I don't see it at all. Refresh image. The teeth, some people say the teeth are always messed up. Oh my God, the eyes, eye bags. What's weird about this, you're looking at these people and you're thinking, huh, I wonder if I have ever bumped into these people in my life. These people don't exist. This person does not exist. Generate random human face in one click and download it. AI generated fake person, photos, man, woman, or child. It tells you how it all works and everything. So wait, let's press refresh again. Another AI generated face, looks like somebody in politics, right? Looks like somebody that's been on TV before, right? That looks like they're being interviewed, right? This is so weird. Why is everybody looking in that one direction? Oh, that's where-- I can see it. I can actually see a flaw in this picture over here. The mouth is straight pointed at the camera, but the guy's face is sent-- Look at that, that's creepy. The mouth is actually from a photo of somebody looking directly at the camera, but the eyes are-- Oh, that's creepy. The next one I wanted to show you, really interesting, really weird. I'm surprised that there's no lawsuits involved unless it's an official thing created by Amazon. But it's called amazondating. You heard that right. Amy, 29 years old, $59.99 cents, subscribe and save. Will, 33 years old, Phoebe 28 years old, one hour delivery with prime. You have to have your prime membership, you know what I mean? So if I press Grace, 30 years old, I can buy Grace? I can get Grace's physical touch. She's 30 years old. I can get a different size Grace. I can get a midget Grace. I can get, oh my God, a two foot Grace. I wanna make her-- Holy crap, eight foot tall. How does this work? So this is Amazon Dating, Amazon Dating. This is a lit website, bro. Prime video, chatroulette. Enable camera. Chatroulette. Chatroulette.com. Enable camera. Download-- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I almost got hacked. I almost got hacked. Wonderful. The next website I wanted to show you guys, one of the strangest websites I found is called, quickdraw. Google's neural network is actually really smart. The AI for Google is really smart. They're gonna tell you to draw something and you're gonna try to draw it and it's gonna try to recognize it as fast as you can. You're probably like, dude, I don't even know what the heck you just said. Now for example, draw a house in under 20 seconds. Watch this. - [Google voice] I see stream blade. Oh, I know, it's house. - Easy. Draw a compass. - [Google voice] I see circle. I see blueberry. Oh, I know, it's compass. - I suck at drawing by the way. A broom. - [Google voice] I see knee or line. Oh, I know, it's broom. - A mouse. - [Google voice] I see squiggle or toe, or dumbbell or the great wall of China. I see shark or teapot or bear or bat or camel. I see dolphin or rhinoceros or cloud or bush. I see glove or gear. I see pig or car or frog or black cat. Sorry, I couldn't get. - It's not that smart. Also if you press the world's largest doodling data set, you can select any drawing. For example, hockey stick, you will see all the people in the world that drew hockey stick. That's why the neural network is so good. Even if you're a bad drawer, good drawer, amazing drawer. All the hockey sticks that were ever drawn in the world, this program figured out how hockey sticks look like. So if you're drawing it in the middle of drawing it, it's gonna tell you, oh, you're drawing a hockey stick. Let's go back to the-- To the game. Let's play the game again. Draw a radio. Oh, this is soft. - [Google voice] I see table or bench or keyboard or square or dresser. I see microwave or oven. I have no clue what you are drawing. I'm not sure what that is. Sorry, I couldn't catch it. - Okay, a trumpet. - [Google voice] I see line. I see dumbbell or arrow or spoon or key. I see shovel. Oh, I know, it's trumpet. - Boy. Draw peas. Oh, this is easy. Oh, this is easy. - [Google voice] I see circle or necklace. Oh, I know, it's peas. - Washing machine. Oh man, I've done stuff on washing machines enough to know what they look like, bro. - [Google voice] I see camera or microwave. Oh I know, it's washing machine. - Draw a map. Oh this is easy, I know how to draw a map. You just draw a square. - [Google voice] I see square or suitcase or stairs or lipstick. I see marker or anvil. I see hockey puck or stove or oven or door. I see power outlet or traffic light or hospital. I see garden hose or garden or sink. I see cooler or passport or newspaper. Sorry, I couldn't guess it. - A t-shirt. This is the last one. - [Google voice] I see zigzag or squiggle. Oh, I know, it's t-shirt. - Boy, that's it. Quick draw. I'm the best artist in the planet. Next thing I wanted to show you is, gizoogle. Gizoogle is the Snoop Dog version of Google. So for example, if you go here and you type in Spongebob, it's gonna give you a SpunkBizzle Sweatpants, a sea yellow sponge named SpunkBizzle Sweatpants whose (beep) rides hard for being a cold (beep) lil cook at the Crusty Crab. Lives up at the Pacific ocean. I ain't talking about chicken or gravy biatchio. Dude remarks on various adventures with his wild lil players at Bikini Bottom. I'm telling you bro, gizoogle.net, you search up anything. Why did SpunkBizzle get canceled? So I'm gonna go ahead and type in pizza. I like pizza, you like pizza, gizoogle. Pizzy be a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dish of Italian origin. How the (beep) is pizzy made? Dominoes, pizza, pizza for delivery or takeaway near your ass. New York City. Comprises of five boroughs chilling where the Hudson river meets the Atlantic ocean. I hate talking about chicken and gravy biatch for reals. At its core is Manhattan, a thugged-out densely populated borough that's among the ghetto's major commercial and financial culture centers. Its iconic sites include skyscrapers, like the (beep) Empire State Building and sprawling Central Park, Broadway Theater is staged up in neon-lit Times Square. Anyways, that's enough for Gizoogle. This website here is called, weirdorconfusing. Another strange website that I found on the internet. You press this, it's gonna take you an eBay link. And, do you want to play with my balls? By Cifaldi Brothers. The point of this website, weird or confusing is when you click this button, it's gonna take you to something weird or confusing on eBay. Now it's gonna send me to, what's this? Dehydrated water, 16 ounce empty can. 100% organic dehydrated water. Weird or confusing? Farting cat's coloring book. That's an actual thing? Something weird or confusing, black monster beast werewolf, killer apes, Zagone Studios, adult hand gloves. Something weird or interesting. Chia pet Bob. A Bob Ross Chia pet. I need it, I must own it. Oh my God. The next thing I wanted to show you guys is a website-- The website's called 11111111111.com. And if you go to the website, this is literally what comes on. This is the page that opens up. It's a picture. Oh, I saw something appear on the screen. You saw that too, right? Pump it up. Enter. Oh, there's enter button. What's this? Oh, it worked. Enter. I smell an ARG, there's money there. They put the twin-- Oh my God. They put the Twin Tower building. Okay, you know when you fold up the $20 US bill and then you make the buildings look like the burning towers. They've put that there. I smell an ARG here. Keep clicking the enter button until you're attacked by Weapons of Mass destruction. Don't forget to turn your speaker to enjoy our patriotic music. I've entered a serious rabbit hole right now. Confess your daily sin here. I am a YouTuber. Confess. This is one of these strangest websites that I have ever found online. Enter. There's another enter button. Oh my God. Enter. Oh, there's another enter button here. Jesus dancing. Yeah, you just basically have to look for all the enter buttons. This website, somebody was on a serious trip when they made this damn website. Is there any more enter buttons? Oh, there it is on the top right. Oh my God, oh my God, my God. They put Osama, oh my God. Saddam Hussein. What is this? What's-- What's happening? I'm so dumb. It's one of the strangest website I ever found on the internet. The 11111111111.com. I think that's a great way to end the video, ladies and gentlemen. If you made it this far into the video, go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already. If you put on the notification bell, you'll actually be notified anytime I upload a creepy video like this. Thank you guys so much. I'll see you in the future. And remember strangest part of the internet, don't go on there alone.
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 160,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I Explored The Internets Strangest Websites, The Internet's Strangest Websites (Part 2), crypto nwo, hashima island, internet's strangest websites, scary videos, scary websites, strange websites, strangest websites, the internet's strangest websites, weird websites, weirdest websites
Id: xFUEs1Q30sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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