The Dark Web Iceberg Explained

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what's cracking youtube it's crypto nwo here and today we're going to be exploring every level of the deep and dark web in 2021. i made this exact video last year and my audience loved it you guys absolutely crushed it with the likes that video hit 45 000 likes i'm actually blown away you guys wanted to see it again well here's the video but before we get started listen guys i just really wanted to let you know that subscribing to the channel and smashing the like button really helps out your favorite content creators it doesn't have to be me in general i just really want you guys to remember that for your favorite content creators these people spend hours upon hours upon hours recording editing and uploading these videos so if you guys enjoy exploring every level of the deep and dark web then go ahead and show the like button what the dark web looks like only to have it wake up in a red room i really want the like button to feel the wrath of 50 000 likes i also want to thank you guys for the time that you're spending with me here today don't forget to subscribe to the channel ladies and gentlemen without any further hesitation let's go ahead and get this video started level one of the deep and dark web now the difference between the clear net and the dark net the clear net is everything you see on the surface level of the iceberg everybody's heard this iceberg theory before right that clear net is everything we see the facebook the twitters the instagrams the tick tocks that is the surface level the clear net the dark net is everything below that the dark web is the lowest point of the iceberg but now getting onto the dark web you have to connect using a vpn and you have to use the tor browser we're not going to use google chrome we're not going to use safari we're not going to use firefox we're going to use tor but i'm using nordvpn to get onto the deep and dark web i open up the tor browser and i'm not going to be using duckduckgo i'm not gonna be using the hidden wiki every youtuber's overplayed it at this point every youtubers made a video about the hidden wiki and showed everybody what's on the hidden wiki i think it's personally a scam like who knows maybe the cops made the hidden wiki because there's so much freaking hidden wikis if these links are all owned by the cops then they're just going to be documenting everybody's ip addresses even if you're using a vpn i don't trust the hidden wiki and i don't trust duckduckgo duckduckgo gives me like 75 clearnet sites which is sites everything you see in this video any product you see any service you see in this video it's not condoned by me i actually recommend you guys to stay off the dark web at the end of all of my videos i tell you guys stay off the dark web instead of going on the dark web to find the stuff just come here watch this video and get spooked out so don't go on the dark web stay off the dark web any services or any products you see in this video is not condoned by me please stay away from it i'm going to be trying my best to blur absolutely everything that needs to be blurred you're going to go into the search bar you're going to type in after you type in it's going to bring up this yellowish weird-looking page it says on the top you see all of those clickable links on the bottom i know you want to click it don't click anything yet you see where it says raptor right click the link where it says raptor copy link location paste it into the search bar don't hit enter yet you see where it says ws at the end delete the ws and delete the https it should open up this website called raptor i really really like raptor but again don't trust anything on the dark web we're going to scroll down and there's a section called search engines you can see here ahmia and ahmiatore you see how ahmia has a c beside it that means clearnet that's a clear net link it'll take me to a com or a net or a dot ca website we don't want that when we're browsing the dark web so we're going to do the exact same thing we're going to copy the link locations we're going to be using ahmia as a search engine and we're going to be using torch as a search engine these are dark net search engines not clear net search engines we're gonna get started with level one of the deep and dark web the first thing we're gonna be talking about is hidden confessions now the website you see on the screen is called hidden answers this is where anybody and everybody can go to ask any question they wanna ask or basically talk about anything they want to talk about while i was using this website a couple of months ago there are people that basically admit to the murders that they have committed on here and they're in like very very very gruesome detail i'm not going to be reading any of them in this video but it's pretty messed up you know these people are taking advantage of the fact that they're using tor and a vpn so they're completely anonymous right now and these people admitting to the murders like think of all of the cold cases that have never been solved before and then these people go on the dark web and they just confess i think it's really freaking messed up hidden answers on the deep net actually has the reputation of being called hidden confessions because that's the question that they're asking everybody that's replying is basically confessing they're being as honest as they possibly can it's not the questions that are the confessions it's the answers that are confessions i find it really interesting it definitely deserves a spot on level one of the deep and dark web but this is the point i'm trying to make this is hidden confessions and this is level one of the deep and dark web well what are we gonna find in the later levels this website's actually really really freaky it's a great way to see what's inside people's mind to see the hidden deep depths of someone's second thoughts i think it's absolutely frightening to even know that this exists do you guys think this is real do you guys think this is fake let me know in the comment section down below but yes that is hidden answers we're gonna go ahead and move on to the next thing of level one and that is deep web radios deep web radios you can basically listen to a bunch of stuff that people are putting on here some of them are like podcasts some of them are actual like radio stations with music this one here says anime jazz and nami jazz don't know how to pronounce that sorry i don't know if i want to play this because i want to try to avoid copyright you know what let's press play [Music] oh this is live current listeners there was three listeners on that this one here has three the peak listeners was 11. this one has two listeners this one has one listener there's actually people on this deep web radio right now listening to these uh streams and i think that's really interesting i i found that really interesting to put on level one of the deep and dark web the way i found out about this i was actually reading through a forum and there was a story where somebody was just listening to like normal jazz music and then somebody came and started whispering in their ear telling them to kill their entire family it's a really really weird story i want you guys to look into it it's actually [ __ ] up the next thing on level one of the deep and dark web we're gonna be talking about is countless forums on the deep and dark web i'm not gonna be like going through the forums in this video i'm actually just like telling you that there's just countless forms like for anything there's cannibalism forms there's a form like this called the freedom form i can imagine it's about people that are like heavy on freedom of speech freedom rights all that stuff there's also scamming forms like you can take a look on the screen right here these are people that are teaching you how to scam on the internet now i don't want you guys using these services because you guys are probably going to end up like the people that go in my comment section and start spamming me with telegram and whatsapp scams anybody that says to oh message me on telegram or message me on whatsapp i know you're going to want to message them because it's like me responding to you sometimes and you're like oh crypto wow i can message crypto don't do it please don't do it these are scammers this is not me these people are going to try to take your money somehow i don't have no idea just just stay away from it don't do it don't go on any of these forms because you're going to end up like the people that go in my comment section but yeah there is countless forums on the deep and dark web for anything you can imagine another example being like the pirate bay forum like the pirate bay is a torrent website that people it's a huge website that like massive community you know and this forum is basically a place where people that are obsessed with the pirate bay can go ahead and communicate and like help each other give each other tips also on level one of the deep and dark web we have chat services we have the infamous talk to john doe i've used this countless times in my videos a lot of youtubers have used talk to john doe it says 116 people are online right now i'm going to hit a random chat let's talk to somebody let's see what's popping what's up buy services you see what i mean look at this telegrams anything that has a telegram that has a whatsapp group anything it's a scam stay away from this crap start a new random chat i started the conversation by saying no buy services and earn money by checking oh my god man the dark web has become a cesspool of absolute scams so freaking annoying man i just want to chat with some weird people we're all weird in our own way i'm gonna fight this guy again buy services there's 116 people online is he all 116 people is he matching with himself telling himself to buy services this guy has lost his mind dude is all 116 people that's online right now i assume this person is a man dammit crypto it's 2021 and you're still assuming okay so this person actually doesn't want to respond to me which makes me think it's actually a real person because i never get texted back jesus or tupac let me know in the comment section jesus or tupac oh bro i'm actually going to fight this guy this guy wants to scrap the man is getting tired with the copying and pasting now listen scammers does this work does this work are you seeing results because i feel kind of bad for you guys this man is sitting there with a twinkie in his hand copying and pasting everything you know i just predicted what you're doing i can't see you but you know i predicted what you're doing waiting for interlocutor now i'm actually oh what came first the bell delphine or the sim [Music] i'm gonna i hate him i hate him i hate chat with john doe but that is all with level one of the deep and dark web ladies and gentlemen we're gonna go ahead and get started with level two of the deep and dark web the first thing we're gonna be talking about is citizenships you can get citizenships from the dark web for any country any place anytime and these are people that are actually putting them up for sale like for example this is a website called usa citizenship a lot of youtubers have talked about this one in particular but usa citizenship gives you citizenships for the united states this website here claims to give you citizenship that is also backed by government data you know so that's really messed up i mean people are smuggling themselves across the border and this thing actually exists do people know this exists that's that's the question then there's this website here this is called the counterfeiting center as you can see on the screen canada usa mexico passports uk european passports new zealand australian passports look at this we have permanent residency here canada usa mexico social security number and cpn it's 0.0172 bitcoin so that's actually quite expensive given the fact that bitcoin is like an arm and a leg right now by the way every time i've talked about bitcoin in any of my surfing the dark web or exploring the dark web videos i hope you guys noticed that i have predicted bitcoin's future every single time go check it out if you don't believe me i don't remember exactly what bitcoin's price was when i released that video all i know it was under 20 000 and i said this statement people believed in bitcoin and they wanted to sell everything they had for bitcoin look at bitcoin today about to reach its all-time high once again the all-time high for bitcoin nineteen thousand something once it hits twenty thousand dollars then bitcoin has officially surpassed its all-time high that it hit in 2017. i'm excited for those days to come it is inevitably gonna happen because bitcoin the it's in the code it's in the freaking code it's in the code bitcoin is gonna be very very very expensive one day and it's gonna crash down before it goes back up though but anyways after doing the conversion 0.0172 bitcoin actually converts up to around a thousand dollars in today's bitcoin price to get a permanent residency for canada usa or mexico all you have to pay is a thousand dollars that's really really messed up that's a small price to pay for anybody that actually wants to get permanent residency that can't seem to find another way to do it or that's having some trouble finding some ways to do it you know what i mean do you guys think that this is real do you guys think that this is fake let me know in the comment section down below the next thing you can get on the deep and dark web is leaked bulk data there is tons of data on the dark web when i mean data by the way like take a look at this website fresh and validated credit card data apparently they harvested 13 952 credit cards and they have 9160 available credit cards to buy i don't believe it anybody could type that out i bet if i come back in three days it's gonna be the same number they basically tell you what you get they tell you why they're better they tell you what they are just like every single dark web service it sounds like every single dark web scam anytime they say why they're better and they say like oh everything else is a scam and you should trust us you're contradicting yourself if everything else is a scam then you're one of those everything else i just came across this because you're one of those everything else but you can get absolutely astonishing amounts of leaked bulk data off the deep and dark web like for example the next one we're going to talk about take a look at this one over here cyber chaos established in 2012 and today led by four partners it is a trusted group of experienced hackers providing illegal hacking services such as a network attack social engineering pen testing exploitation zero day sniffing spoofing reverse engineering virus development ddos attack and anything else you can imagine that's bad from hackers these people here sound like the real freaking deal because on the top right of the screen it says talk to a human this is the first time that i've ever seen anything like that on the dark web so i actually opened up their services to see what they offer you can see website and server hacking smartphone attack there are situations when your smartphone is lost or stolen or if you do need to get into the device of someone else like your partner's phone or your child's phone in order to get a complete remote monitoring about their activities their photos their messages and much much more that's freaking scary they also do data scraping web scraping web harvesting or web data extraction is data scraping used for extraction data from websites so they can basically pull any data off websites and um sell it to you now for example this could mean a couple of things they can extract like usernames and passwords that's a lot harder but they can do that and they can send you usernames and passwords for specific websites or let's just say you're a developer that has no creativity you just want to make facebook 2.0 so you go on facebook's website you get these people to scrape the code off for you send you the code so you basically know how to build facebook's website from the ground up apparently these are the people that's going to figure it out i mean the only data i want to see is how youtube's algorithm works that's my biggest question how the hell does youtube's algorithm work another part of leaked data on level 2 of the deep and dark web take a look on the screen only fans leaked pages now if you have an only fans account this is really really freaking dangerous because this is a leak of four terabytes of photos and videos from only fans ladies men anybody who has an only fans page keep note of this i want you guys to go on your pages if you have one and just make sure it's secure super secure because this person claims to have four terabytes of photos and videos from only fans leaked photos and videos that's really freaking messed up because the people that have only fans they're trying to make a living they're trying to make some money you know they're just trying to pay the bills and put some food on the table you know and now these people are getting leaked and four terabytes worth of it that's absolutely insane by the way hit the like button if i should make an only fans also on level two of the deep and dark web we have cash app mafia these people here this one is really freaking interesting again i don't trust it just like every other website just make sure you stay away from any of these services or any of their products but this cash app mafia thing i want you guys to take a look at this apparently you have to pay them weekly for a service that like it's like an app i think you download on your phone or i think it's on the computer and this app take a look at it it's going to give you 5 000 us dollars weekly trading limit like you can go send this to your cash app account probably like immense drug dealing or really really dirty money that these people have to get rid of so what they're doing is they're creating a service where you have to send them bitcoin they want your bitcoin and they're going to give you some of this dirty money they have an app over here up to 5 000 us dollar weekly trading limit so i think you can send this 5 000 us dollars to your cash app account i think it's a scam it's a freaking scam stay away from this stuff at all freaking cost i'm not going to be leaving any links on the screen so you guys stay away from it i just was like basically scrolling finding some links for this video and i came across cash app mafia this is absolutely insane this is absolutely crazy if this works this takes carding into a whole new level because karting is essentially the same thing they give you a limit and you're only allowed to have this limit and you have to pay them in bitcoin it's essentially the same thing except with cash app i mean that's revolutionary for scammers right there do you think that's a scam do you think that's a little too far-fetched let me know in the comment section down below i would love to hear your opinion guys cameras are getting a lot smarter just make sure you don't get scammed by anybody on the dark web or anybody in my comment section or any other youtubers comment section this is happening to a lot of youtubers not just me then there's this interesting website here called facebook account password hack that's really freaking weird but price per account 0.0045 bitcoin that's approximately 262 dollars to get access to somebody's facebook account password that's where i think it's a scam because people are willing to pay that much money to get into like let's say they think their loved one is cheating on them you know well paying 260 is a small price to pay for somebody that wants to find out so the poor person is going to send this guy 260 and get scammed off him you have to deposit 200 bitcoin into the address above i'm gonna be blurring it out so you guys don't fall for this crap and you have to send an email to this douchebag with the victim's facebook profile url which is username id and the transaction id from bitcoin if you guys don't know what that is basically once you send any bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency from person a to person b there's gonna be a transaction id to indicate the proof of this transaction so like if i sent you one bitcoin and you didn't get your bitcoin ask me for the transaction id so i can prove it to you and anybody can see this transaction idea so basically he wants a transaction id so he can verify it on the blockchain they will then send you the login account info after 24 hours the hacked data includes usernames passwords ip addresses and cookie sessions these people are claiming to bring you back results in 24 hours and i wanted to remind you that facebook uses hacker once protocol which is absolutely the largest hacker group in the world these are good hackers not bad hackers these hackers they try to hack into platforms like facebook huge platforms they try to hack into it and once they do hack into it they find all the little vulnerabilities and they take the vulnerabilities and they report it to facebook and how to fix those vulnerabilities basically the more they work and work and work on the security the more they hack into it they find more vulnerabilities and they improve the security of it these people are claiming to bring you back hacked information from facebook that's an immediate red flag where i call scam the next one is essentially the same exact thing with snapchat you know significant other you think they're a cheater you want to get on their snapchat you go on here and then you get scammed for your 260 dollars actually it says price contact us you don't even have a price for this which is interesting this one actually makes me believe that it might be legitimate you know because this person here apparently the same thing within 24 hours i can imagine that this was created by the exact same person i personally think that this is all a fraud and it's a scam but what do you guys think let me know in the comment section down below does this look like it's viable or would you not go nero with a 50-foot pole the next thing we're going to be talking about on level 2 of the deep and dark web is bitcoin mixing services not to confuse you guys too much it's basically exactly like money laundering except with bitcoins money laundering for the people that don't know it's where drug dealers hit men very bad people that make money in very illicit ways take all of that dirty money and they put it into like legitimate services legitimate businesses like for example the infamous reason why it's called laundering is because back in the day drug dealers used to put all their money into laundromats laundry mats and people would come in with cash and whether they were busy or whether they were not busy they would report all of their drug dirty money as laundry money they're like oh wow we just made like a hundred thousand dollars this month this is amazing the government cannot prove that that's dirty money because everything that's coming into the business is cash the laundry mat is taking in quarters dimes nickels and pennies and those people can lie they can say oh wow we made a hundred thousand dollars this month let's just put that on paper pay our taxes whatever bitcoin mixing is exactly the same thing however the difference is a drug dealer would put all of his money into a laundromat and whether it does or it doesn't work he's the one that's physically doing it himself but on bitcoin mixing services you have to take your bitcoin and send it to services like this that claim they're not gonna steal your money let's say you send them a hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin god forbid anybody ever does that please don't listen to what i'm saying right now just giving an example informing you guys let's say you give them a hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin you got this money from really really bad things like let's say you did something really bad and you got this money you want to clean this money you can't just go out tomorrow and buy a lamborghini without the police and the government asking questions so you take your 100 000 worth of bitcoin and you put it into a bitcoin mixing service this person's service and other services like this claim that they're gonna take your bitcoin and send it to thousands of other different addresses and then send it back to a new bitcoin address that you have basically making every single fraction of the bitcoins on there untraceable it's pretty hard to explain it but the best way to think about it is just washing your bitcoins clean which is essentially just washing your money clean sorry for all the people that's making money in very illicit ways but i don't really think that there's any bitcoin laundering services on the dark web once you send bitcoin to any address aka dark web addresses your friend's address your mom's address your dog's bitcoin address you can't get that bitcoin back unless they send it back to you or unless you cancel the transaction before it happens but once a bitcoin transaction happens you can't get it back so if you just sent over a hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin to this mixing service hoping that you're gonna get back clean money sorry to tell you but you just lost a hundred thousand dollars now i talked about it early on in the video and i want to talk about it again this is pathfinder this is a malware of virus yes you could download viruses off the dark web go ahead and check out a video that just popped up on the top right side i downloaded a virus off the dark web one time however it's not like the virus i had in that video and it's not like any malware you've ever had this type of virus is actually one that you have to send to somebody like through an email or for example like attach it to a text file and once somebody opens this text file on their phone or on their computer it's gonna have pathfinder on it you can actually remotely control phones tablets and computers if you successfully plant pathfinder on somebody else's device now that's really freaking messed up because for example i want to give you a little hypothetical scenario here let's say jane just unlocked her phone and then put her phone down to start brushing her teeth well somebody just installed pathfinder on her phone and she just unlocked her phone giving anybody that has remote control access a direct entry onto her phone well by the time she's finished brushing her teeth her phone will be completely wiped not just that though they'll take all your pictures and all of your videos and they'll send it to themselves so they can have all of your privacy everything you've ever done that's private on your photos i know i have some that can be up for grabs if somebody successfully adds pathfinder onto your phone now that's all with level two of the dark web ladies and gentlemen let's go ahead and move on to level three of the deep and dark web the first thing we're gonna be talking about on level three is paypal accounts yes you've seen it in my comment section you've seen it in my videos you've seen it in other people's comments sections you've seen it in other people's videos but stolen paypal accounts definitely deserves a spot on level three of the deep and dark web if you take a look on the screen over here these are all paypal accounts for countries all over the world we have the usa united kingdom italy spain germany let's say you're from germany and you wanted to buy a paypal account let's say you wanted to buy some gucci flip-flops well this is going to cost you 0.00564 bitcoin which again is 262 us dollars and you will get 2189.35 euros now the first question everybody has in their head is why the heck would anybody do this why would somebody take 260 dollars to give 2189 euros well we're gonna reference to what i actually said earlier these people are giving you dirty money they don't want to have the dirty money on them they want your bitcoin your bitcoin is very hard to trace it's not impossible to trace but it's very hard to trace they're willing to give you these paypal accounts with dirty money on it and all they want from you is 262 us dollars it's honestly stuff like this that drives me crazy and makes me think like is this a scam is this real i want you guys to let me know what you think in the comment section down below they have all these countries in europe these are all european countries except for united states i don't see canada anywhere but look at this on the bottom it says for accounts with bigger balances contact us oh yeah because you guys definitely have it oh how much did you want you wanted a million oh yeah we have a million yeah one hundred percent also on level three of the deep and dark web there's tons of counterfeit services where you can buy like counterfeit money but there's a website that actually caught my attention over here this one says buy real money the smartest money on the deep web yeah smart money and they couldn't even properly scale the wolf of wall street picture this is something over here that they stated it was a statement that they made i don't know if this is true i don't know if this is false but take a look at it in 2015 one percent of 425 million 993 1445 notes of chf which is the swiss franc note was destroyed by the swiss national bank this estimates at 722 million chf if a bill has holes in it totaling more than 19 square millimeters about the size of an aspirin it is unfit dirty and worn out bills are also sorted out with sensors tens 20s and 50 chf bills printed before 1996 are automatically pulled from circulation simply because of their age now it's that statement that caught my eye it's statements like that that make me see services like this and confuse me like thinking like are they real are they fake is this a scam is this legit but then it contradicts itself where it says we have a problem our team decided to siphon cash away slowly and stockpile it in bitcoins over many years now you might be asking hey guys why don't you just spend this money oh well they definitely answered that question for you too we can't spend it due to our location and access we would be caught quickly if we spent large amounts of pre-shred cash we want to maintain access therefore we do not want to risk spending it ourselves except in small amounts i mean they can make this sound pretty convincing but i don't trust this with a 50-foot pole anybody can make anything sound convincing if they try hard enough if i really really really really tried hard enough i can actually convince you guys to purchase this bottle cap off me from a water bottle that i finished a week ago that i found on my table i can get you to purchase this off me for a reasonable price let me know what you would pay for a bottle cap i don't know i feel like they're contradicting themselves but at the same time like they do sound pretty convincing but don't trust anybody on the dark web anybody can sound really convincing on the dark web when money's at stake and somebody has a chance of making hundreds of thousands of dollars they will say anything to convince you with this stuff so please don't fall for this crap if you think they sound pretty convincing i mean let me know in the comment section also on level three of the deep and dark web we have drugs now i know there's a lot of people that were waiting for this exact part of the video yes yes there's tons of this stuff on the deep and dark web if you go on any of these darkness search engines like ahmia and torch or excavator and you type in the magic four letter word that's gonna bring back a ton of results for example i opened up this website in particular uh because of the names of the items when i make these dark web videos these exploring the dark web videos i don't like saying the names of the actual things but this stuff actually like look at the names this one's called blue dominoes this one's called dom peryon this one's called heineken this one is called donald trump this one is called gray hearts then there's kit kat eminem's orange diamonds philip plane philip planet or planet q dance the tasmanian devil and there's tic-tac so 200 milligrams of blue dominoes take a look at this 100 pieces for 3.5 euro each that's gonna be 350 euro for 100 pieces of that i don't know what they go for on the street to be honest but i don't even know what i don't even know what blue dominoes are but it does say on the top all pills are made in-house with the purest mdma possible that's messed up apparently there is a 100 satisfaction money-back guarantee listen i've sent bitcoins out before i've sent cryptocurrencies out before once you send it like the person never sends it back when they say satisfaction guarantee they don't mean your money back they usually mean like they will do something else to reciprocate that they don't lose money with i've seen it happen countless times it's actually really really sad and really annoying but that's not the only page like i said there's countless pages with um this type of illicit substances on the deep and dark web i said it a couple times early on in the video and i'm going to say it again stay off the dark web don't go on any of these sites none of these services and none of these products are condoned by me crypto nwo they have cannabis seeds they got the el chapo they got the 3 a.m gone wrong party pill they also have what my dreams look like at night and they also have this we're not going to talk too much about this because this is super serious also on level 3 of the deep and dark web there are tons and tons of videos of people's street fights now i'm not going to be showing any of these on youtube that's a really bad idea because i can flag my entire channel but yes there is countless amounts of websites that show people fighting street fighting and it it it doesn't end until somebody's gone gone you know so it's absolutely freaking messed up it's nothing you want to click into accidentally because it gets really freaking graphic these people are really mad at each other for some weird reason street fights nah i i it traumatized me that is all with level three of the deep and dark web we're moving on to the last level the final level level four of the dark web the first thing we're gonna be talking about is poison we can buy poisonous substances on the dark web not just on one website but countless websites here it is you know buy potassium cyanide powder 100 gram powder for 375 us dollars do you guys know what cyanide is you don't know what it is i'll tell you what cyanide is it's actually a poison that like a little tiny little little bit of it in someone's food in someone's drink just in someone's mouth in general it will take them out completely take them out but i think doing that nowadays is a really stupid idea because we have toxicology reports and autopsy reports that are actually going to tell families and tell the cops that whoever just passed away just had cyanide in their system so it's a really really stupid method of getting rid of somebody it's a fast way of getting rid of someone because it's a really morbid painful way to go if you've seen any movie of anybody ever taking any poison whether it's a cartoon or anything it looks exactly like that when cyanide is consumed now we wouldn't have been exploring every level of the dark web video if we didn't talk about hitmen now i brought this service up over here and it says welcome to the number one hitman service now i feel like i've read this same exact line a thousand times from different websites claiming that they are the number one hitmen but there are two websites that i wanted to show you for the hitman page this person over here they offer a very complex platform encrypted communication between customers and hitman built in bitcoin mixer they have a bitcoin mixer so like a money launderer pgp support blah blah blah no complaints from users they don't even give a spot for the users to comment on something but it says yeah no complaints from the users you know not at all they have the lowest prices around and a 100 job completion rate i mean this sounds like everybody that promotes their business whether it's a scam or not ross albrecht couldn't get a legitimate hitman and you could 100 because this website exists right what do you guys think let me know in the comment section now this is the one that actually caught my attention over here this is the sinaloa cartel marketplace this is the one that i really wanted to talk about listen to this this is a legitimate gang that's actually like a real real real freaking thing and this is their official website i've heard stories about the sinaloa cartel but like i didn't actually think they had a website on the deep and dark web listen to what they offer under the shelter and protection of the deep web our hundreds of sinaloa cartel members offer you high quality drugs guns and professional assault services for affordable prices we can take out any person you want as long as it's not this guy or a very important person that is guarded by military we can also make it look accidental so that the police will not suspect anyone they also do kidnappings beatings and setting fire to people's property this cartel is absolutely insane definitely definitely whether it's real or not definitely deserves a spot on level 4 of the deep and dark web and that's the thing about websites like this and websites that we saw earlier for example some of them look really high quality some of them look really freaking low quality this one looks really low quality but for some reason for some weird reason i'm i buy this i'm scared of this i saw this and i immediately had to put this on level four of the deep and dark web i think we found real hitman services another thing that's on the fourth level of the dark web it's unfortunately everywhere on the dark web you know what i don't even want to say it it's this that is absolutely everywhere on the deep and dark web you can just be navigating doing your own thing just looking for some dark web news online and you will accidentally click a link that's on the side and it will open up something that you don't want to see i'm not gonna be spending too much time talking about this but it's absolutely loaded and riddled on the deep and dark web if i can say anything to stop this if i can say anything to change people's mind it would just be take this stuff down and stop uploading it some people will say that there is a time and a place for everything but not for stuff like that alright ladies and gentlemen we have one more website to check on the deep and dark web on level four of the dark web and it is red room the heavily requested red room this is the infamous red room page this is what the real one actually looked like back in the day but this is not real anymore this is completely fake you can hit the join button and it'll take you into the sign in page the reason why all the red rooms look like this in the sign in page is because this is what the official one back in 2012 looked like but for example a red room what is a red room for the people that don't know it's a room where people can live stream someone's torture or murder you know so for example let's say i got caught into a red room or the like button gets caught into a red room well me or the like button is actually gonna go through an immense amount of torture there are absolutely insane stories about red rooms all over the deep and dark web all over youtube there's a video called why i quit being a dark web hacker something like that for obvious reasons i'm not even gonna attempt to go into the red room but i want you guys to note over here this website never updates it's just it's fake it's really really freaking fake and you can see over here it says 0.2 btc with bitcoin's current price right now 0.2 btc is 11 727 us dollars so you are telling me to be a spectator a spectator you can only watch you have to pay 11 000 to only watch to be the commander you have to pay one full bitcoin to be the commander of a red room that's probably never gonna happen it's a fake red room oh my god i hope no one ever sends a bitcoin guys don't ever send one bitcoin to be the commander of a red room that's possibly never gonna freaking happen because one bitcoin cost fifty eight thousand six hundred and thirty five us dollars to be the commander oh ho that's not all though take a look at this to be the grand master you have to pay five bitcoins to be the grand master what you can download the video of the latest event which means download a computer virus onto your computer five bitcoins is 292 857 000 brah to be the master of a red room that's possibly not gonna happen oh my god guys never send five bitcoins to this i would pray for you for the rest of my life if anybody ever did my god well that has been exploring every level of the dark web 2021 2021. thank you so much for spending your time with me here today if you made it this far into the video and you enjoyed this video then go ahead and show the like button what the dark web looks like only to have it wake up in a red room and subscribe to the channel and put on the notification bell and you'll be notified the next time i upload a dark web video thank you guys so much i will see you in the future and remember to stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 69,999
Rating: 4.891294 out of 5
Keywords: Dark web, browsing the dark web, crypto nwo, dark web 2021, dark web explained, dark web exploration, dark web iceberg, dark web mystery box, deep web, deep web 2021, deep web browsing, deep web iceberg, deep web iceberg explained, exploring the dark web, iceberg, iceberg dark web, iceberg explained, iceberg theory, icebergs, internet iceberg, internet iceberg explained, nsfl iceberg, surfing the dark web, surfing the dark web 2021, the dark web, the dark web explained
Id: 9GFULje_lhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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