I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses 2

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(tabs beeping) - I already destroyed 10 computers with computer viruses and I will be destroying 10 more computers within this video. Without any further hesitation, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and get this video started. This is the infamous USB that has a lot of viruses on it. Over a hundred viruses. Last video received around 27,000 likes at the time of this recording, so if we can obliterate 27,000 likes, if we can get 50,000 likes on this video. I know, I know that's asking for a lot, but you guys really seem to like the computer virus videos. In this video, I'm gonna be destroying Windows 11 with computer viruses. I'm gonna be destroying all the Windows 11 virtual machines. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and run this Windows 11 instance right here. Oh, boy. Look at that, that's the Windows 11 boot, Crypto NWO, subscribe to the channel. Don't try this at home. Whatever I'm doing in this video is actually pretty damn illegal if you try to do it for nefarious purposes. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and grab the USB, plug it into the adapter 'cause I'm using a MacBook over here. Pop that baby in, we're disconnected from the internet, very important to know. Real-Time protection off. And you can see over here that we have a crap ton of computer viruses installed on this USB device. The first virus that we're gonna be opening up on the computer is titled NoEscape. Now, NoEscape has been heavily requested in my comment section. I just wanted to repeat, don't do whatever I'm doing in this video, you can end up in a lot of trouble but we're gonna go ahead and hit NoEscape, tidy.exe. Oh, do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? Yeah, let's go ahead. This malware is no joke, continue? Let's hit, yes. What's gonna happen? It's restarting my computer, Windows 11. (screen beeping) Okay, what happened? What, what, what? - [Computer] Hello motherfucker. - Oh, no. - Oh. (upbeat music) Password is incorrect, what? - Oh no. - Oh, I smell an ARG. Oh, dude, this is the first virus we're downloading, NoEscape.exe. There's passwords. Incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, incorrect. In, oh, oh. I think I just cracked in. I love well made Creepypasta viruses like this. This is NoEscape.exe and this is not a joke. I'm pretty sure once you download this virus onto your computer, this is exactly what you see. And literally quite literally, there is no escape. Oh, password is incorrect, oh, my God. Okay, so all of these are password encrypted. I'm gonna just do a quick Google search and find out what the password is. - [Computer] One Google search later. - Death, death. According to a user online, the screenshot right here, the password is all lowercase death. - [Computer] (laughs) Oh, no, no, no, no. (laughs) - Okay, threats found. Is that really gonna help, are you okay? Oh, okay, that's just not gonna go away, isn't it? Start menu does not look like the start menu anymore. Open with. What? Oh, bro, I have to right click for a left click and I have to left click for our right click. Your computer is mine, you cannot get rid of this malware. Take a look, one finger. Two finger. Oh, this is a nightmare, NoEscape. Oh, that's actually terrifying. Those are all the users? Oh, my God, all of them have different passwords. Oh, that's a good, that's a very well made virus. I like it. Well that's malware number one. We're gonna go ahead and send that to the shadow realm. Now we're back on Windows 11. We're gonna go ahead, pop the USB back into the computer and go ahead and open up the next computer virus. Oh, baby. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - [Computer] Oh, no. - Stop this. Found threats. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Allow on device, allow on device. Real-time protection off, that's good. Disconnect from the internet. The next computer virus that I'm gonna be opening up is MrsMajor3.0. MrsMajor1.0 and MrsMajor2.0 have apparently cause absolute destruction. And here they are again with MrsMajor3.0. Put it onto my desktop, we're gonna press MrsMajor. Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? Absofreaking absolutely. This program you run is actually a malware. This malware is only for educational purposes only, it will harm your computer and make it unusable. If you run this program, you agree that you are the only one responsible for any damages caused by the execution of this program. Now, if you had your internet turned on, let's say they started spreading online through email and whatnot, you can end up in jail for this, you know? So, I'm gonna hit, I agree. I'm gonna hit Run because I'm running on a VM right now. This is Major, this is MrsMajor. It's restarting my computer automatically. It opened a page, this is good. Oh, my God, blood left. What's this, what's this, what's this? - Oh, no. - Oh, my God. What do I do? What do I do? Oh, my God, can I do anything? Oh, an eyeball, open up something. Oh, this is not good. (eerie slow music) Help me. Okay, what happens when she runs out? Oh, this is crazy, I can't do anything. Oh, my God, this is a nightmare, MrsMajor3.0. This is actually terrifying. What if I open Microsoft Edge? Oh, my dude, that's messed up. I'm gonna hit shut down. And you can't even shut it down, oh, my God. I am destroying Windows 11 right now with computer viruses, please don't arrest me police. I have to disconnect from the internet, real-time protection and shut it off, yes. Perfect. - Perfect. - The next computer virus that we're gonna be opening up is called HorrorTrojan Ultimate Edition. And we're gonna hit, of course, of course we want this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to our device. Do you want to play with me, AKA destroy your PC? Well, why are we here in the first place? Absolutely, go to sleep. Fun fact, it's actually 4:58 in the morning right now. I should go to bed. But, oh, oh, oh, it's Jeff the Killer. Okay, so, oh my God, it's SpongeBob Squarepants. This is great, so it's just a bunch of memes opening up. This is wonderful. Oh, no, oh, no. Oh, oh, it's the MrsMajor. I just opened this, why is she keep? - Oh, no. - Bro, she just appeared onto this PC as well. That's a scary computer virus. (eerie slow music) Yo, MrsMajor3.0 found its way onto the other PC. I didn't even do that. What did it just say? Enjoy your PCs. Oh, dude, this is an actual destruction and the music is even creepier. It's a banger though. Your device ran into a problem, it needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, then we'll restart it for you. Oh, oh. - Oh, no. - Okay, so you can see what this is right now. It took me to the boot page of my computer. This means that the computer virus absolutely destroyed the boot sector of the computer, which is a bad thing. So we're gonna go ahead and open up yet again, another instance of Windows 11. We're gonna disconnect from the internet, real-time protection off, yes, of course. Now we're gonna take the USB, put it back into the computer. My God, I'm actually having a lot of fun doing this. The next one I'm actually about to open is called an Enderware. And that sounds pretty damn scary to begin with but let's go ahead and turn on this Enderware over here called Evascape, Evascape. - [Computer] Bruh. - What just, it literally just pulled the picture of a cat. I'm not even joking, it literally just pulled the picture of a cat. Look at the VM, you think I'm capping right now? Shut down, it's gonna shut down the PC, okay? Okay, this is good, that's great. So let's go ahead and run the next computer virus there. We just obliterated that one. The next one we're gonna open up is COVID computer virus. What does that even mean? A (beep) computer virus. I don't even know what that means but we're about to find out. It's apparently a ransomware, these are all ransomwares. Now what a ransomware is, is pretend like your files get locked up in some sort of ball. Every important file you've ever had, all the music, all the important pictures, videos you've ever had are locked in this little caged ball right now. The only way to get all your files from this caged ball is to send money into this ball. Now that's called a ransomware attack. We've pressed COVID 666 and there's a couple of them. There's, I'll open up 666. That can't be good. What's this? Oh, my God. You're about to be signed out. You have only four minutes to complete the payment or all your data is lost forever. That's that quick? What about this one? What if I press this? File corrupted, this program has been manipulated, and maybe infected by a virus or cracked. This file won't work anymore. Oh, oh, oh, sh. Encrypted your, and enter decryption key. COVID-29 is a multi language ransomware, translate your note to any language. This is a multi-language ransomware. All your files have been encrypted. Your computer was infected with a ransomware virus all your files have been encrypted, and you won't be able to decrypt them without our help. What can I do to get my files back? You can buy our special decryption software. Oh, my God, the price for the software is $6,666. Payment can be made in Bitcoin only. Purchasing Bitcoin varies from country to country and you're best advised for do a quick Google search yourself to find out how to buy Bitcoin. But I can't do a quick Google search 'cause my computer is destroyed. It says I have four minutes to pay. What happens after four minutes? - [Computer] Four minutes later. - Okay, so the computer just shut down and look at that, the computer is gone. We're gonna go ahead and open up yet another Windows 11. If you guys enjoy what you're watching, go ahead and smash the like button guys. We're gonna go ahead and disconnect from the internet. Now I'm gonna go ahead and take the USB, plug it into the computer. In the last video that I made, I actually had a Windows XP Horror Edition. It was the last virus of the video and it was the best virus of the video. And if you guys haven't seen that part of the video, the ending, go ahead and watch the Windows XP Horror Edition and then come back to this video. Because later in this video, I am gonna be going through Windows 11 Death Edition. So again, go check out Windows XP Horror Edition. But right now we're gonna do the SpongeBob virus. And that's not a fun image, but let's go ahead and open up the SpongeBobNoSleep. Again, this Trojan is no joke, do you want to run it? Absofreakinglutely. SpongeBob is watching you, burr. Oh, oh, oh, oh. SpongeBob is watching you, SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. This image of SpongeBob watching me. - [Computer] SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. - What's up with this blood, bro. - SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. - Bro, MrsMajor3.0. - [Computer] SpongeBob is watching you. - Why does this keep happening? - [Computer] SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. - This is so creepy. - SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching. (gibberish) Watching you. - Dude, this is so weird. - [Computer] SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. SpongeBob is watching you. - Dude, that's messed up. And again, it destroyed the boot sector of the computer. So now the computer is never gonna work again. Bro, don't mess around with SpongeBob because a SpongeBob I'm gonna have to send this VM to the shadow realm. SpongeBob really took out that computer, man. We're gonna go ahead and disconnect from the internet, real-time and threat protection is off, right? Yep, the next computer virus that we're gonna be running on the computer is called Teletubbies. The Teletubbies virus, what could be so wrong with a bunch of mind controlling creatures that we've seen on TV back when we were kids? Teletubbies.exe. Of course we want to allow this app from unknown publisher to make changes to our computer. You know, again this Trojan is not a joke, do you want to run it? Teletubbies destroyed your PC. They're all. (computer beeping) Oh, that's messed up, oh, that's messed up. Oh, that's messed up. (computer whooshing) (computer zapping) Oh, I hate that sound. What happened to Window? Oh, my God. (ominous music) This is not good, I don't like those sounds. I don't like those sounds she? Okay, this is obviously an epilepsy warning, a little late, but oh, this is insanity. (computer humming) This is the scariest thing I've ever seen. Let's restart the computer. (computer bleeping) (dramatic ominous music) It's not letting me restart the computer. That's an annoying computer virus. Even after deleting the computer virus, it took like four seconds for it to actually go away. That one was utterly terrifying. So far the Teletubbies.exe has been the scariest one I've dealt with, I'm not even gonna lie. But we still have Death Edition for Windows 11, a virus that's been coded for Windows 11. I think it's the first computer virus that I found that has been coded specifically for Windows 11. So if you guys stuck around till this part of the video, it's coming, I'm excited. But I just wanna go through as many of them as I possibly can because I want this to be a very good video for you guys. But that's great, we have another VM open. Oh, we have to make sure we disconnect from the internet. I almost plugged that in, that was close. Now we have to go ahead and take the proper precautions. When I mean the proper precautions, I mean the wrong precautions. You don't wanna this, you don't wanna hit virus and threat protection, go to manage settings and turn your real-time protection off, when you're downloading computer viruses deliberately onto your computer. Who the heck wants to do that? But now I want you guys to take a look. I have a folder here called, lot of viruses number 1. It's 744 megabytes large of just code. It's a large, large folder containing computer viruses. So if you guys want me to keep making these videos and you haven't hit the like button and placed a comment already, go ahead and do it because I love making these type of videos. And if you guys wanna see them again, then liking the video is actually a really good way to get the next video recommended onto your algorithm. So if you hit the like button then the next video will be recommended onto the algorithm. But, let's go ahead and take the YellowSkull virus. I don't even know what that means but the YellowSkull 2.0. Yes. Now why is this sponsorship Yu-Gi-Oh card blank. It's because I don't get any sponsors on this channel. Nobody wants to sponsor these type of videos. If you wanna show some support to Crypto NWO, if you enjoy what you're watching right now, if you like this video, go ahead and click the red subscribe button. It's free, you can go ahead and do it. If you wanna show some even further support, find the second link in the description, it's gonna take you to my Patreon page. It's patreon.com/CryptoNWO, C-R-Y-P-T-O, N-W-O. This is what a Crypto NWO edit looks like. It's truly painful to make these videos. So if you do wanna show some support, like I said, subscribe to the channel. Even further support, go into the Patreon. Let's get back to the video. What happens? (ominous music) Oh, my God. YellowSkull 2.0 locked your PC. To unlock your PC, you need to pay me 10 Bitcoins. Do not reboot your PC. 10 freaking Bitcoins, 10 BTC. That's how much 10 Bitcoins cost on this day? Enter unlock code 1, 2, 3, 4, unlock. Incorrect code, oh, my God. Oh, my God, YellowSkull 2.0 is here. There was a 1.0? What if I restart the computer? So, I restarted the computer, let's see what's gonna happen. This is good, this is good, this is great. Oh, oh, this is not good, this is not good. I'm running all these random applications from a computer virus folder and that's- (computer humming) Oh dude, that's creepy. Oh, and it destroyed the boot sector of the computer. So now you can't even send 10 Bitcoins. It didn't even give you an address to send the Bitcoins to. 10 freaking Bitcoins. I'm gonna have to take that VM and send it to the shadow realm. Oh, my God. I'm actually running out of Windows 11 so I have to keep cloning them. I basically have an infinite amount of computers with an infinite amount of computer viruses, so this is good. So we got another Windows 11 booted up. We're gonna have to disconnect from the wifi, very important. The next computer virus I wanted to open up is called Anna. I'm gonna go ahead and press it and, but what TSA, not trusted. Enable trust install this certificate, what the? It's telling me to download an antivirus onto my computer. I'm gonna press it Install Certificate. Should I just put in the USB and put it in another, okay. Oh, my God. Compatible with Windows 7. Unfortunately I'm running this on Windows 11 right now, so something is telling me that this is a rogue program that's actually trying to take over my computer. Scan Crypto NWO. That's not good. Though, you can't close it. I got a computer worm. Oh, my computers not, my computer's not having it. My computer's not having it, my computer's not having it, oh, my God. Now we have the final instance of Windows 11 over here and we're finally gonna do what you guys have been waiting for me to do. If you guys have been waiting until this point of the video for Windows 11 Death Edition, that means you guys are really enjoying the video. I would really, really ah. Allow on device, I don't mind. Microsoft store needs an update. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no it's okay. But like I said, if you guys made it to this point of the video to watch this point of the virus, that means you guys are probably enjoying this video and I would really, really appreciate the like button. And here we are, the Windows 11 Death Edition. Let's copy it onto the desktop. I'm actually kinda scared to open this. I have my headphones on right now, they're on full blast. Important to know. And Windows 11 Death Edition source code. Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device, your Windows 11 device? Just very, very specific, Windows11DeathEdition.exe? Yes. Warning, this malware is not a joke. And that's the GitHub page of the person that posted it. Shout out to the person, pankoza-p1. Press any key to continue. By installing the software, the creator will take no responsibility for any damage or loss. Oh, that's not good. The software has no warranty, press any key to continue. (tabs bleeping) There's no, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no. No, no, no, no, this is hell. Oh, my God. (eerie slow music) There's no escape. My trigger finger itchy, bro. My trigger finger itchy, bro. Oh, this is so creepy. Oh, my God this is so creepy. Oh, I'm almost there, I'm almost there, but it's still opening. Terminate all, close all windows, close all. Baby, oh, my God. This is actual hell. Oh, this is hell. Okay, so what do I do? Do I just restart the computer? My Mac is gonna die soon, oh, that's not good. Restart. Okay, so what happens if I restart the computer? Is it gonna work? Is it gonna work? It destroyed the boot sector of the computer. - [Computer] Oh, no. - Oh, my God, ladies and gentlemen, the Windows 11 Death Edition. That's actually frightening. Subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already, put on the notification bell to be notified whenever I upload videos like this onto the channel. Actually, if you click this video right here, I know you'll enjoy this video because I hand selected this video personally. But, damn, ladies and gentlemen, that's all for installing dangerous computer viruses onto my computer. But thank you guys so much, I'll see you in the future. Love you. (blowing raspberries)
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 3,622,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I downloaded the most dangerous computer viruses, virus, windows 11, windows 10, no escape, computer virus, mrs major, malware, wannacry, trojan, i love you virus, viruses, bonzi buddy, computer viruses, memz, pc, download, The World's Most Dangerous Computer Viruses, I Downloaded The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses 2, crypto nwo
Id: S0bOq801zO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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