minecraft, but i took horses way too far

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can upgrade horses to become cannibalistic psychopaths that eat fire and crap out op loot it's minecraft i felt really bad in the last episode about what the hell are you doing reginald stop stop my god you give me a freaking seizure here sit down here i felt really bad in the last episode about you know befriending a horse only for him to die in three seconds to my own tnt i felt like we had bonded though so i decided that we would upgrade horses to stupid levels now obviously there's multiple levels to the upgrade but it doesn't stop there each level has new abilities and we're going like full king arthur merlin satan in this one great whatever do you mean you ask hold on a second let me show you it all starts with the abuse of some oak trees a little bit of this uh-huh yeah say hello to my brand new wand hey death eclease where the hell did you go friggin horse is wandering off all right now beyond being a horse that looks like they've done a ton of steroids and meth obviously he does have some superpowers already and then with my magic wand well i should say multiple magic wands look you never know when you're gonna need a furnace okay actually i could i could craft pretty much anything i want now obviously i can't do any damage yet with this one well i guess i could hold on yeah sorry everyone inside of the gigantic crafting block gets to suffocate to death you're welcome anyway we can't do any damage yet so first things first we need to find a totally legitimate town and yes my horse can ride on frickin trees like naruto it's a naruto horse it's like haruto actually that sounds really bad behold civilization i feel really bad for all these people i wonder if i can jump on a sheep and kill it not yet oh sweet baby jesus carbs all right before i do anything just stay right there me me me me me this all right just just hang out there you may eat the villagers if you get hungry i need to find upgrading materials for our horse and my wand hey man y'all got tons of carbs up in here i love this place this is my people die heathen chickens that's what you get now you look a lot more like reginald after the brain damage oh there's an iron column hold on that's exactly what i needed all right all of the world's stupidity starts with one cobblestone sword hey waddle your ass over here okay fine how about now let me try and not kill myself real fast there we go okay i think i've decided what i want to use for our main weapon all i need is some lava and a new horse because the last one just blew up i see you over there horse give me a second we're hiring excellent health benefits although you may spontaneously combust now and again yeah actually surrounded by all this water i have an idea hold on grab this this this and there you go we have a water wand your village was not bountiful enough and thus you must all drown [Music] enjoy hold on i missed a couple of houses there we go perfect yeah there we go one over there oh mr roof okay well i think we really helped after seeing that i need to get lava anyway sorry horse i got sidetracked you know how it goes it's kind of easy with me into the pits of despair um i actually need the next creeper we come across i'm looking for your finest lava where is it oh god found it oh okay let's do that a little there we go with a little less immediate death all right lava plus stick equals lava wand all right hold on let me go back up here don't mind me i'm just doing some real quick mining gotta find gold now luckily i'm immune to my own magic here we go all right now we do need some light down here so uh okay i made the lava a little bit larger than i had previously anticipated on the plus side we've got uh plenty of light i am going to broil the ender dragon i'm feeling sick ender dragon i need some chicken soup well i guess when all else fails i'll take the super ore actually i gotta get it before the freaking lava comes down here oh god no good enough um reginald's like this is the best one all right hold on reginald i gotta get out of here yay oh i can fly i'm a wizard see flew right out of there and soften the landing i gotta tell you i will bet that the populace is glad to have me around don't you worry everyone i'll save the world whatever's left of it alright all the gold ends up blowing up before i get to it so you just chill out there i have a plan we got to get down to the end quickly after all cause like i'm legitimately running out of horses to feed this thing perfect eight horses over there like what you doing greg don't you worry i'm gonna give you the best grazing you've ever had yum yum ah there's the gold there we are and diamond i got freaking gold swords coming out the wazoo here i love debris all right horse we're gonna get you geared up baby oh yeah oh look at legit now and now his jump destroys all those that fall before it i love how i get bigger too when i mount this thing all right now that's pretty good but hold on hold on no no no come back the horse is like no you're making me fat all right now hold on this is gonna be even better ready for all the animals that it eats the line of loot i love how the loot just stays stupidly sized now i know what you're saying you're like gray you don't ever build a base that's because all i'm really interested in is death but hold on just for you i better eat this freaking apple here we go [Laughter] both of the great towers it just goes up and up there we go all right mega death there's one last thing we need there it is hold on right here got it obviously we can do this but i can also do this behold our horsey might plus the wand oh my god yay i've got to lift myself out of this hole again there we go all right now obviously we do need obsidian so um let's see do that and then i have to get up high enough to do this that perfect parkour over here damn it the problem is everything is all filled up with water now um hold on i need a way to get rid of all this crap there's a wand for that okay i made a uh i made a very special wand here it's like the flex tape of wands it fixes everything no that's a lot of damage there we go perfect oh god that was almost really bad i'm not gonna lie i don't really remember doing this over here go ahead and get rid of some of this oh never mind maybe i did do this actually the great part about being on the horse is it's very easy to aim everything because you're up so high anyway all right yeah repair your anus we're going to the homeland did i are you serious this is the best sport i've ever got in my entire life i i legitimately can't believe this youtube respond son uh we got a problem though my horse is actually so big that he's just sitting in the portal burning to death you know what just chill out there i'll i'll be back in a minute i'm gonna be like hey blazes i feel like the blazes are to be like not again the hell kind of chest is this double the flint and steel i'm coming right give me the rods i know you keep them in your wallet there we go all right we're partway there i hear freaking blazes up here somewhere oh hey piglin hold on there two birds with one stone yeah there's plenty more where that came from i'll be back beauty all right where the hell's the rest of the blazes ah ow ow ow ow making me go through apples here born to die born to die i would tell you to stop setting my chicken on fire but he loves it stay out of the lava you're as bad as reginald you better not drop that freaking blaze rod in this lava i swear to god uh-huh all right let's get our horse and get the hell out of here it's easy enough to find the portal since it's surrounded by fire and horse death all right buddy don't be such a wuss reginald's on fire every day here i'll put you out hold on there you're welcome all right now ender pearl says this way you don't want to know what's coming ender dragon everywhere my horse lands it just leaves craters that devastates the countryside one jump and a mountain is erased it's like the easiest traveling i think i've ever done i'm actually traveling faster than the board can be made on our way to get to the ender dragon i came across some chickens i feel like i've abused the chickens way too much lately so i'm gonna give them their own special ability a wand of their own if you will i had to get rid of the horse momentarily because it gets in the way and destroys everything at this point it stumbles slightly and erases volcanoes and replaces them with shatter volcanoes chicken i need you to cough up an egg i mean out of your ass here's some bread reginald don't eat the bread that's for the other chickens give me an egg or i'm gonna start throwing lava everywhere you all know what that's like ask the squid that sucks doesn't it hurry mr squid you have a chance to run away no man you can do it oh he did actually get away i heard something there it is okay you are the good chicken you may live your friend however must die i have to have him die way over there because if i cast it here i'll probably end up getting liquefied too anyway this now this and here we go all right now i should be able to hatch pretty much anything i want from this oh actually you know what just in case it ends up being violent i guess i'll hatch it inside of the lava hey yes lucky me oh my god all of the bombs oh oh god oh oh i kind of went out oh jesus i went out of hand i'm so sorry i'll summon some more to do battle oh my god well pretty typical scene for me to run away from on the channel oh god let us never speak of this literally one minute later uh i know i said we wouldn't speak of that anymore what just happened but i just ran across a village uh i have to do it sagehen forgive me [Applause] yeah oh i mean there was a village there and okay i think i may have gone slightly past it doing this last bit on foot oh hey there tortoises how are you guys doing they're like you know just trying to keep warm as a cold-blooded reptile oh really let me help yate they're fine uh okay we're there rather than take the time to dig all the way down you know how it goes there we go oh hold on oh i was gonna say i might not be there yet there definitely want our lava ready okay okay i hear lava that's good stop it or rather i heard lava coming from this direction ah here we go ow a little bit of that get ready ender dragon because me and my flesh-eating horse are coming what the hell how come you got to spawn all the way up there it's rigged hold on i'm coming all right ender dragon i can't wait to see how you deal with this hold on we just get rid of uh all that that could be anything left but lava it's just lava and loot all right i just gotta wait for her to land oh actually hold on let me get rid of all this other crap oh my god there was one jump in one lava boom i have decided that that wasn't stupid enough hold on we're going there this this this and here we go now then all right just just getting a good amount here all right now that we have a whole slew of both hold on let me let me back off and [Laughter] you want more time charge it up boom come on there's only a few left i need them to come on dry land or do i hold on oh my god more more the crown circle of llama and then doesn't want to finish it off now i'm satisfied they're all dead excellent amy folks hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 847,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, hardest minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, competitive minecraft, insane minecraft, graystillplays minecraft, minecraft graystillplays, minecraft speedrun, speedrun minecraft, minecraft upgrading, minecraft but horses, challenge, entertainment, funny videos, minecraft gameplay, minecraft evolving, minecraft upgrading mobs, upgrade, upgrading
Id: ct1kDguYe44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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