I Escaped a Maximum Security Prison

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what's up guys my name is finally caught up to me but it looks like there might possibly be a way we can get out of here and i can go back doing what i love [Music] also just before we get started here make sure to smash that like and subscribe button just like jeremy smashes that metal tray into my head on meatloaf mondays [Music] monday hey what are you guys doing over there what are you guys doing over there no peeking over here i want to know what's going on over there we're just getting big in here we pump on mondays i don't even feel like i'm pumped right now okay can you pump me up dude can you plug it up [Music] i can't take it anymore hey guys you want to get out of here let me shake let me shake let me shake here i want to shake i want to shake i can't [Music] if i'm an influencer i'll just simply influence them hey we found something over here hey what is that it's a pipe a pipe we need a pipe give me a pipe pass it over give me pipe [Music] all right reach your hand around i am it is cupping it doesn't fit in here oh it does it's this is all goopy is it a goo why isn't it it's a goopy key it's all goopy wow that's oh that's that's oh we got it we got it we got this discus oh that's viscous we can sleep finally hey i'm gonna read to you and you're gonna tell me if these things make sense okay february 26 1962 we're keeping count of the days until we escape on the walls if anyone could see through these walls like we can they'd be free in no time i guess this is still a pipe dream for now you guys have a pipe over there right can you scream or look or smell or taste anything in the pipe nothing's in a pipe it's just a pipe in the wall there's nothing in there are you sure you're gonna listen are we gonna die what are you gonna freaking do about it why don't you put this on you monkey [ __ ] away go to double jail go to double wait somebody just fell out of that oh maybe there's a key that they can use nope oh my god we got a card stop we can't let this place tear us apart i have a little doodad hey does this mean anything to you does this mean anything to you this thing what is that i don't know want it hand it to me so what was that card you got by the way it's just like a rook is it bad oh it's like a chess thing yeah it's just something about chester hang on it says he plays chess can we get hey can we get a hit and then force them to pay attention to it number two prisoners that's funny i don't remember being a cell number two prisoner to you or one does that one yesterday [Music] [Music] i'm sorry this is literally it i should never have taken these people you want to keep i've got one right here for you okay well we don't need that okay give it second please please say please please please pretty bleach [Music] a rope in oh we can hitch and move something through this hey pass us back that hitch that [ __ ] check this out no i think we i think we pass it i think hey we're passing you a rope now there should be a rope coming out of your tube wait what you're right now i'm so bad at knots you went to boy scouts i know you did i did yeah none of it paid off now what would this grab onto i think that no i just think the the the thing with the art of war on it oh i see it yeah all right i'm getting a little sweaty in here oh now you want to get out check this one check this out for sides yeah crazy [Music] oh it's locked or something guys guys i need motivational words if i'm gonna do this it's attached to a chain [ __ ] you can do it i can't it actually is attached to a shame no oh no our sock is gone you need to get it back i don't want this i have to get the sock back yeah here let me jesus christ good god i thought it was just my special meat in there dude there is no way wait wait here connie hold this hold this hold this i'm gonna shove my whole body outside of these bars [Music] oh crap a lot mean a word from the art of war book how about this one war no it's a four-letter word wart uh i guess i'll just give you the art of war book and you can tell me if there's anything in there you like we have a diagram basically a says 12 books b says personal papers c says paint box we have a personal papers crosstalk ash train tobacco crossed out bathrobe crossed out oh okay okay okay hang on uh so which le which is personal papers this is a b c d e so b what's ashtray e uh that's e yeah what's bathrobe n cleaning powder t bench ben to the words bent bent yes yeah dude don't get all bent out of shape about it yeah high five buddy we got it hey that's really cool um could you get us out of here now that's a magnet my g oh no way oh yes and it's gotta go over here [Music] what happened oh hey i heard something what was that a key do you want it huh you want it you little baby yeah i do yeah i do yeah i want the key yeah what do we say um hey oh they're gonna put us right back in jail wait what is this we got a tarot card a tarot card put it in pocket we need it later we got a chain we got a chain with a key on it wait is this no way surely not [Music] that's the girl that stole my popcorn chicken back in third grade you wanna know what happened to her why are you hungry why are you in here are you in here i don't think you want to open them that's what they say right nobody says that they say that no notice anything on the prison jumpsuits we're wearing them what is this 35 what's on the other one look man what's on the other one 35 that's how old my kids are 72 72 35 72 7235 hello [Music] oh [ __ ] mom no still not a real job um yeah no i'm still an influencer just now i'm also in jail all right she's open yeah you guys got cheez-its in here uh is there nothing no an empty box no it's a secret card and what is this is this a magnet is this everything it is wait a second what do you see when you look through the wall i'm trying i see a 5 10 15 7. what 5 10 15. what are you saying 10 15 17. these pipe these pipes show me a 20 20 28 17 28 17 28 baby that wasn't it hello all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 20 17 get out no no no no no no no no no no no it's electrical something's coming apparently okay there's flashlights in here oh here's a little this is both trolling it's like it looks like there's something down there too what escape game what could that mean oh do you have to slide down oh we have to go in here yeah i think we do and what's that behind you a pressure gauge that i can't see because it's too dark o equals left x this tic-tac-toe in that [ __ ] oh oh oh i'm gonna go in i'm gonna go in so the first one is blank top left blank top middle is an o okay oh it's left yeah always left top middle is a circle okay keep going that's it no there's two more games i don't know where those are i dropped a button a button a button i dropped a button oh my god it's a [ __ ] vacuum oh hey something fell right next to me almost on my head really and i'm taking it for myself guys this is a colored directional lock okay and so what about these psi gauges there's 40 well i feel like that has to do something with those psi oh [ __ ] it's directions too you don't know we need to be stuck down there there's buckets here there's a there's a little hey there's a there's a little look take their toes [Music] okay baby where would the last tic-tac oh [ __ ] where was the last tic-tac-toe the ceilings they always hide things that we because we don't look up we're always looking down because we're too hard on them because they're looking down at us what if we needed to oh dude wait what if we match the arrows to the direction of the gauges so what if we oh my god wait you're right you're right you're right this like here you're right oh my god you're right with this you're a genius no i'm just a criminal it would be r a i t s rats it would be rats rats are a thing rats rats we stop at night we pray at night we're the rats dragon rat that makes all oh that's cool real ah oh what's that it's a note well that wouldn't make any sense yes yes i will look at this look at this there's holes where we have to put it over top of something where there's holes or something oh i have holes sisters you have holes put it over top of your holes okay the holes are too small wait wait i know exactly what this is bro because i remember this very vaguely from this page which means if you like this we'll get a code and the code is t r e i think it's fried fried like chicken like butt like my fried popcorn chicken wait have you tried wait maybe fried is actually makes a lot more sense okay well i thought it was fried like chicken okay so [ __ ] whatever come on man fried chicken don't get my hopes up fried chicken i will kill again i will kill again guys someone help me i can't read i'm coming i can read you hold the camera no yes no but you can't read i can read i always could what the [ __ ] did he should we oh my god what was it what was it what was the code it was free my dad is um he's pretty strict and he uh he doesn't call me anymore hold on i think we got to take out the warden do it throw it out just a peaceful day in my office nothing strange going on here pretty breezy in here i tell you what well would you look at that back in jail guys look wow upon the wall what if we just did our time rehabilitated you guys ever think about that we only have 23 minutes left i mean i can rehabilitate in 23 minutes um guys we only have 18 minutes boys no books that are not on the checkout list no smoking or fighting do you think if we smoke fight gamble and swear we can get out of here i'll give you 20 if you say uh [ __ ] and and and blow a doobie and then uh punch me in the ball 20 is not worth my dignity no but it's a gamble oh [ __ ] [Music] i really liked my my new gang members today everyone was mean to me again what is it what does that say a player pollux oh yeah where's the black pawn on it for all different moves then what's that one over there what's the final lap the title of this one is maria where's the horse the black horse the black horse on this one is uh if you go to the top left down two over one okay the white pawn uh where's that bishop bishop it's the peace where's that one yeah so it's the queen's right here if you just have your queen and then you put it where's your queen where's your queen where's this queen grizzly you had it literally a second ago grizzly i need a favor of you grizzly grizzly will you be my queen [Music] right in front of me dude how deep in there was that that was really in there man i don't i didn't get it out so fast how much has he smuggled where is it it goes right there [Music] this is it this is it after this we're out all right everybody yeah this is a big move checkmate on three [Music] one two three check me [Music] oh there's a dead person hang on wait do you guys hear someone say something is there someone what's that okay guys we had to switch to our standard issue prison iphones because our standard issue prison gopros stopped recording so don't worry take a couple steps back and look at the formula spaces created where the books are not okay but that has a picture of it on there oh is it called oh i am dumb seven one seven one i don't even understand how that was acquired still do you think i know what negative space is use i think this is a negative space with you chill out man okay sorry use the map elevation e of battery number three use the map elevation s of temporary barrack equal sign there's battery number three here elevation this is so elevation east of battery number three is 44. oh e means east so 44 plus yeah yeah sure 109. wait what 47.65 i don't know what anything is that's 112. one twelve twelve and twelve no no no no no no no no it's not so what is that what is that i don't wanna be caught in electrical again man i don't wanna be caught electrical again lose some wires boys oh no among us how do we unlock the wires is it possible that we're just [ __ ] stupid guys what if the password is one two three that's what i make all my passwords have you carefully felt the arrangement of pegs inside the mailbox are they i don't know braille let me feel them okay well the first one is just that two this the second one is just one wait no three three is the first one one pick one so three one the last one is all four pegs four zero seven three one seven three one seven oh oh yeah yeah oh it's actual wires it's actual wires can we do this together um well people are conductive so no he'll die not us probably yell one okay okay that's it that's it cut it cut it you got this you got this you're like six minutes running out of time you got this come on if we don't get some shots are you gonna dramatically wait six minutes to cut the wire bro cut i love you all and i just want you to know i never actually went to prison i just snuck in here to hang out with all of you guys if you can zap dockets out let's go [Music] yes
Channel: Slimecicle
Views: 1,267,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slimecicle, i got sent to prison, prison challenge, jail, escape room, the escape game, funny, comedy, i went to prison, slmccl
Id: P0c2mrOBUzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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