I Paid $100 For This VINTAGE Mystery Box! Mystery Box Unboxing

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well I'm an emoji guy then we're doing something different today you know we have here $100 pirate booty bop it's awesome $100 mystery box mystery box you have no idea what's in here that figured it'd sound a lot more exciting than doing another hunk dollar - Madhuri chicken so let's see if we can make a profit off this and by the way if you want to get your own this key from our French store dog sapphire he's got all kinds of them for sale we're trapped inside we know a lot of you guys probably traffic yeah that's it yourself you want something to do get yourself a mystery box let's see if we did good for $100 I want you guys to put your guess as a value of all this in the comment [Music] personalized messages yeah we are all right grabbing something fresh new year Oh everything's wrapped I'll think of it first okay where you go oh okay we have some performance sport these are decent gel toe sock but Murphy says Delta sock insole yes put in this this is a Ticketmaster what is this for no rain or shine if you read that I'll open this all right this is for whoa this is a Boston this might be with Boston I think this is probably from a concert yeah that's probably the actual tickets done well they probably wanted to take it online so they couldn't get a hard ticket stuff yeah I'm assuming does that is the ticket and this is probably a rag take big the king from the concert it's actually Chronicle he actually got smell like this when I was 11 years old I want to have a name concert weird story I've seen you seen a movie 8 mile i sat right next to the we didn't even know until happy to conquer right next to the woman that play Eminem's mom in the movie kickbacks yeah no idea no idea she handed us a rags and here you go and somebody behind us if you know that is all right what you got okay a box it says highway miniatures light delivery wagon figuring that a little figurine to put together as the manual what there's a table here this looks pretty old it doesn't go look at the manual here that's really old model our our scale Jordan products it looks really really old like it smell it yeah oh you know that old paper smell yeah all right guys you guys help us down tell us what they think it is yeah this doesn't count but this is just in here I love lovers band another one for our collection did you small for my big uns I want more paper I'll wait all right give the paper looking really tiny what is that what is this what is that multi-use might know well this is definitely mystery I'm glad that a mystery box like a sharp edge on yeah is this like a finger puncture angle actually oh yeah oh wait so here's a little er it's an old ruler look at that it opens up oh it's an old ruler Wow definitely empty no signal box Mickey Mouse Mickey spider call you for noun 1 all right beautiful of course the whole time man American Civil War Confederate infantry this is a heroic rebel troops waiting for the Olli is it brand-new includes forty eight figures molded and rebel grey that's pretty cool actually I'm gonna go down my history nerd you have history like her so that's pretty sweet I give you again like Christmas I'm gonna have to get pirate booty boxes well I know I don't worry more oh okay this says you guys Navy Kennedy boat it looks like another thing you like put together and we see yeah it's a kit brand-new sweet just like the little horse wagon one I have some melted oh you got two for one about fits a plate girder bridge atlas gauge on it another thing that you put together and this is shown through the box yeah the pieces are in there I don't want to like slowly everybody drop that yeah so cool that all right well you know what I got this that is obviously let's see sing a song for Spanish heritage vintage collection this is a $28 price hang on that one figure so hey there's the picture of what the figure looks like right on the back of the set of three hand painted porcelain accessories ah do I take it out all right let's see Santa feel super late oh they're really tiny you see that with they're all brand new but super tiny huh people like vintage so that's a good fine oh I got so hot willows at the peanut that is the demon named mr. peanut mr. peanut mr. peanut so this is an an athletics NASCAR Hot Wheels racing mr. Peanut's car says congratulations you have an authentic Hot Wheels racing vehicle sleep poetics crappy tea but yeah you are yeah see what this one is yeah Oh another one a Hot Wheels The Mercury News a newspaper a Silicon Valley Oakland Athletics Hot Wheel car brand spanking new and it's pretty cool two of them in there well see we get more that kind of color that is those station wagon I guess we're brand-new again yeah Sena three that's very sweet anybody's get more one of these awkwardly shaped a tree across the side of the box let's see [Music] opening day March 19 idea these tickets at Rocky's let's see if kids get in a protective thing which means probably something interesting let's see what is this this is the envelope I think this is that envelope though it was actually used by the team as probably why this kept in there because look yellow these aren't stickers this is not a sticker this is actually put on the envelope so see a sport MLB 1998 yeah see I thought that was I thought they put stickers all on these are legitimately on the envelope they're made like that that's probably a collector I like it this hat 1998 I'm gonna have to wear this every day that's pretty cool put it back in that thing I want to damage it don't touch the next thing touch I'm gonna do about it my turn well mine's on the floor I think you purposely not trying on - mine says no not today doesn't doesn't Lord yeah [Music] what is this pirate what this is a bra is brand new at least but it's a bra a 38 b/c it'll fit me and I think I'm more of a TT guy not soon maybe like techno tag-team woman hell just the left um you know I'll take the right up alright spinning we're gonna brawl what then this one here together way alright hold on let's look at these first so we got some silver colors and all of their actual silver or not let's say like have some red stones in them just like that that's pretty cool I can set pair of earrings this has like three strands with beads at the end of them you can see that well try to zoom in as much as possible here's another pair I was like all fancy and stuff look at that that's kind of cool I really good newspaper like we're hearing three I know you guys think it's very she touched the last thing so naturally I actually get to pull another one you touch the last period [Music] this is publication date Jeanne Crain daily takes your order by Express publication date I don't know Edition 5:30 so there's a date on the back from 1956 of I'm assuming Jeanne Crain is her name and there's a budget information on the back that's my high school picture that yours yeah alginate I mean I think I gave maybe a little bit away no no I think I look pretty seen and with that two autographs we have burns and number seven for the Athletics guys help us know who these guys are if so they're back here in the back while you're looking at it let's not pull it out but just has these two things the back Oh meet Bobby Crosby and Eric burns oh so it's like the EOC things like you go meet the players and they give you a card to make assignments tough I don't know I guess that's all 50 keys yeah I'd say so Paul this one two autographs it's pretty sweet what are we got in here though oh I got butterfly and two silvery necklaces kind of bad earrings but yeah that's pretty cool was that the only two in there are you trying to hit me with your Mickey hat mate that's not Maxie jewel eight years but we're starting to run low guys okay so take your bed well mark Oh see you had a date we have here is a Minnie Mouse pizza menu hold is that from the Disneyland Hotel oh cool does it have a date on it no it just says the Walt Disney Company and then this right here is looks like the doorknob from Alice in Wonderland Alice and the doorknob and scene from Alice in Wonderland 1951 awesome thing Disneyland Hotel probably the same you calling your door the hotel you don't want the maids to come like oh you know like anyone else like it so mad at that like one makes no indie room they're like tuck your blankets so far under your back to get it out of why sorry I just made the connection between these three things so all of them came from the Disneyland Hotel this obviously you put in your door for privacy this has the television channels on the back and then this I guess is to their like in hotel restaurant that's weird that's I think is the last thing in the Box are boxed empty now but let's see what the Laughing in oh oh yeah like really I'm gonna with these don't even know oh this oh yes you know oh yeah you know I look good it's a bit thicker than I like them to be when I wear them I like to be basically just a shoelace that's the string just a shoelace yeah that's how I like that's my style pretty really they're more by the way not to mention we got a pound of shipping paper a large pot in a whole bunch stuff here yeah so let us know how much the value think we have in there you think it's worth more than hundred bucks I think yeah you guys let us know what you think down in the comments below if you enjoyed mystery boxes let us know because while we're gonna stuck in the house I'm thinking of buying lots of mystery boxes from different places cuz it sounds fun I'm getting really tired of lottery tickets yeah I'm just really getting tired of losing stuff and again if you won a pirate booty box storage arson pirate calm yes as low I think it's 25 and as hot as a thousand that's great that is a big but definitely checking out because I mean they're pretty cool definitely so if you enjoyed the video guys leaving a big fat thumbs up subscribe if you knew it until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 30,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mystery box unboxing, mystery box unboxing amazon, mystery box unboxing dark web, mystery box unboxing ebay, mystery box unboxing hypebeast, mystery box unboxing online, mystery box unboxing shoes, mystery box, mystery box opening, mystery box opening dark web, mystery box opening ebay, mystery box opening online, ebay mystery box, hypebeast mystery box, lowest rated mystery box, box opening, airpods pro, iphone 11, iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 pro max, sniper wolf
Id: 5jOO6PyXook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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