1000 BLOOD SLIMES vs 1 POWERFUL LIGHT SLIME - Slime Rancher Mods

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here we have a blood slime i'm gonna call this one harry the hemoglobin now we saw what these guys do on the last video they multiply multiple times what happens if we add a light slime in there though these guys actually eat slimes go on eat that one watch what happens oh a blood plum he's gonna eat another one nice keep going keep going champ are you not hungry anymore he's going back for thirds yes hey that's an infected blood plot no way where did all you guys come from oh they're starting to come out oh oh we have a mess there's blood slimes everywhere it's an invasion i feel like these ones could take over very quickly oh that's bad okay we need a clean up crew i'm gonna put a light slime in here in this corral and just let him slowly munch through all of those blood slimes it's gonna take a while thankfully i've got some more uncivilized light slimes right here these guys can be sent into just that little ranch over there okay here's my cleanup crew go ahead and start eating all these blood slimes for me please these guys should be able to eat them all very quickly now do i have a drone set to pick up plots someone's got the messy job of cleaning up plots all over the floor anywhere there we go clean up ports anywhere that sounds good destination put them in a silo do i have a silo i do awesome all right i'm just going to get all these hens that's a lot of hands it's about 300. whoa that's so many heads get out of the way get out of the way drones what are you doing oh no it's a battle of the blood slimes and the light slimes oh what there's so many of them there's so many okay shiny slime ego champ this guy's gonna have a lot of hens i'm not gonna lie these are the cutest hens they're way cuter than the regular ones the infected blood slimes eat the blood floats and they multiply oh what's happening i think we need some dark slimes okay there's a dark slime yes i need two of these guys created like a mess that i don't really know how to clean up all right dark slimes help us out come on start eating all these blood slimes okay that's not bad the dark slimes aren't multiplying oh no way i think i need tar normally dark slimes eat a slime and then they multiply it's not happening all right here dudes i need a tar okay i never thought i'd say that but i really do okay let's get a heavy plot okay eat that oh yeah he's a cool looking one calico heavy metal largo yeah nice you could do it like a pink plot okay pink plot come on yes now i need a tar yes all right i'm gonna grab the tar come on dude you can munch on my face it's okay come on gotta go fast okay there we go go ahead and start eating these slimes whoa what's happening here look at all the blood slimes running away he can't bite any off there we go what's happening even the tar isn't multiplying when he eats the blood slimes this is totally out of hand oh no how do we get rid of the blood slimes i think i might actually just have to vacuum them up old school here we go let's just pick them all up come on champs get in my gun i'm gonna have to fill the ocean with blood okay i think i managed to catch all the ones outside the corral there were 130 odd and they started out with just a couple and then they multiplied like mad now i've got this uncivilized light slime slowly munching through all these blood slimes and creating plots that's awesome oh there's one out here so you think tara bad blood slimes are probably the worst for multiplying we have to dispose of these guys sensibly straight into the ocean hey my cool oil expander thingy is finally ready what did you do uh it created oil plots okay i'm gonna pick those up oh no oh no get out where's all my other slimes oh the infected blood slime probably ate them i finally have enough resources to make something called a discovery 3000. i'm going to make one of those things we're going to put it in and see what it even does the other thing i want to do is test out a mod that i've used before it's the custom corral model i'm gonna see if i can get this thing working oh yeah there we go so we can put a corral in or a corral wall right across there like this all right let's go i think there's a good spot for one yeah yeah cool look at that it works like a wall so that this guy can't get through there see that no wait how did you get through there how did that work okay i'll put the fruit there can you get to the fruit come on come on come on get through yeah cut that's good so it creates like a gate to my wrench i can't get random slimes just coming in here that is perfect yeah yep you're not allowed in not allowed in hey no okay let's place down the discovery 3000 the thing just looks like a regular drill okay we'll just let it go we'll come back and find out what it produces later on i think it does something with material slimes like it makes material slimes i don't know hey some tar okay that's actually kind of cool there's a lot of weird slimes going on there i wouldn't mind it if he cleaned up some of them so there's two types of slimes that i want down on my ranch and provide a slime and a nubuck slime i'm gonna have a look around and see if i can find those guys all right new box slime hey is that a that's a metal slime not to be confused with the heavy metal slime which the metal slime actually eats okay i got a plot so we could feed this metal plot to a wood slime i think i think that's actually one right there maybe you yeah wood metal lago there's another one oh cool he's like brown with a metal mouth hey an ice slime hey little chip all right come on let's get a new box slime metal plot i wonder if i can find an ice slime to eat a metal pool come on ice slime wait buddy hey that's cool we've got is that is that a provider slime i think it is come on eat that eat it what did he do oh he crapped out some stuff what is that silver mix yeah nice give me that provided slime oh another one they're definitely one of my favorite looking slimes they look so shiny and luminescent that's a real word i'm sure oh he's gonna eat you bro he's gonna eat you get him oh rip the metal plots are so heavy they actually don't fit in your vat gun you have to carry them like this a little bit like a lago hey cool what are those slimes oh nice it's the demon slimes yeah cool so they got an update to add flames on them and they look incredible i'm gonna get a glass slime though let's get that going yeah then you look for the demon slimes they look amazing they look very very good the reason i wanted to get a glass lime is that i could try and see if i could get him to eat this metal plot yes totally worth it metal glass largo i can't pick him up why can't i pick you up bro that's a cool looking largo so that's one of the best things about the material slimes mod is that it has its own lagos a lot of custom slime mods don't have that because lagos in themselves are kind of their own slimes the modder actually has to make them i want to see some more glass plots monochrome slimes hey there wood slime eat this glass plot don't you go running away there we go hey cool so the glass slime it kind of adds the mosaic sort of faceted look whoa come back there's a metal slime trying to run away why does he look like guitar in there all right i'm looking for an ice slime there's got to be one somewhere hey another provider slime here you go champ eat this eat it eat it it's a plot he eats plots come on come on it's a glass plot no not you you're a wood slime you're just made of wood go be a tree come on dude are you not hungry there's such a cool color here we go hey chip yeah eat that whoa glass ice like it's just a white blob thing oh oh oh we've got tar making it rain on them okay cotton slime there you go there's a yeah doesn't work so well on the white slimes they kind of just go like a super white hey cool civilized dark slimes out here how'd you get him oh maybe he got spawned from a mata slime that's actually pretty awesome give us one of your plots dude civilized dark plot i wonder if one of the other slimes can eat that so like a cotton slime for example hey come back where are you flying to i couldn't slide they're so fast they are so he just went right over the fence no i want you to eat this eat this plot come on eat that plot it's a good one i think it wants to okay so this is the discovery 3000 i think it makes material slimes oh totally does whoa we've got the soil slime over here and everything hey copper slime why you just go white i'm gonna show you guys a mod i had no idea even existed you might have seen it before i had no idea it's a mod that adds extra like upgrades for your corral you can have like an air net upgrade so it's stronger you can increase your storage capacity miniaturizer it makes like slime smaller that's pretty cool you can also get an internal garden and a sprinkler okay let's try this oh he's little there's so little whoa okay so we can grow beets in here yeah so we go and then they just grow so inside your corral becomes a garden even the veggies shrink as well they're so itty bitty all right go on get in there hang out with your mates uh most of my chorales are empty because of like all the experiments or stuff i've done let me know in the comments what type of slimes you would like to see in this car this is the one just like on this side of my ranch here i don't know i don't know what to put in there you guys can let me know i'm still yet to find hey emerald slime i'm still yet to find a new buck slime we gotta find one we got some bees ah bees every time i found a nubuck slime the guy's like gone hey it's an angel slime they got rid of the antenna on them thankfully that's so weird looking they're not supposed to be shiny but he's shiny and he looks terrible because he doesn't really have a skin eat that give us your cotton plot there we go all right what happens if a ice slime eats a cotton plot come on eat that where'd the cotton plot go oh there it is there it is eat it come on little ice slime bang it's just a big white blob again hate yourself discovery thing again let's go whoa no there's many this time still not bad though okay that slime just got eaten that's terrible oh no they're all turning into dark slimes uh oh leave the cement slime alone okay let's get ourselves a grass slime okay yeah go ahead just eat the hen first come on eat oh no you're too slow way too slow champ there you go hey grass slime so you'll notice i'm carrying around this concrete slime because i want to try and make a glass concrete slime here we go there's the glass slime right there will it become a white blob that's the question all right what is that that's a glass plot yeah let's grab it and run grab it and run okay here we go grass slime and glass it rhymes it's got to be a cool one yeah it's another white blob oh man what's with the white blobs so many white blobs come on come on concrete boy eat it eat it no not you what's with the wood slimes come on there it is what are you doing don't be scared don't make me shoot at your mouth yeah oh it's gross it's gross take it back what happened to his face he's like looking at me like why don't you love me vampire all right if there's any slime combos you guys want to see let me know in the comments and thank you very much for watching this video catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 239,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber, New Slime, shiny slime, rare shiny, shiny, slime rancher 2021, slime rancher 2, lucky gordo, slime rancher cheese slime, slime rancher update, slime rancher 2 release date
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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