Beating Minecraft in a 1 by 1 BARRIER

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minecraft but we are in a one by one barrier this too tiny talks can we beat the entire game like this let's find out what do we do we don't do anything this is our lives now every time we get an advancement it will actually expand the border the first advancement would be getting wood blaster exactly let's go down blossom start digging man i don't want to be this close to you anymore man working on it there we go we got wood nothing happened craft crafters didn't do planks wait so getting what is that an advancement what about if i turn into planks into a crafting bench oh yes their fish sharks why is the face so mean they're dying they're angry they're fighting for their life so every time we get an advancement the barrier expands but also a random event happens i got a blaze rod and pearls oh me too how did we get these from the fish i don't know what okay this is this is a little more cozy i'm starting to like this we probably need all of this wood i almost died i want half heart are you serious no there's a skeleton we got stone age wait no another event a rose what's going on help me oh another day i got killed by a chicken i ate a fish raw and now chickens are attacking me that's an achievement i didn't know why do i hear more of them oh god three chickens before the barrier decides to shrink on us thank you so much for world of tanks for sponsoring this video are there tanks in this challenge world of tanks is a free-to-play game that a hundred million players play online on pc wait sucks there's a there's a creeper you have over 600 tanks to choose from destroyers artillery light medium you can even gain experience and then modify and upgrade your tanks so there's always a new way to play talk switch out you can roll over fields climb steep hills tear across deserts and sneak through urban or industrial areas there's over 40 battle arenas to play all of this is historically accurate which means authentic models and vehicles make sure to use the link down below to download world of tanks for free make sure to use code tank mania and you'll get 7 days free premium 250 000 credits sucks the premium tank excels your and rental tanks for 10 battles each including the tiger 131 chrome well b and the t-34-85m that's a lot of numbers that must be good i made a stone sword blaster sans is still in there i'm going in plaza i can't go again you i'm at three hearts man you be dysphoric you do it you dare shooting me and my friend oh you put me on one heart i got it yeah oh my god monster hunter so only if i get the advancement are you kidding we just put ourselves in danger for no reason wait if we make a stone pickaxe is that an upgrade oh yeah you don't have some pickaxe yet here here you go here's the stone and oh it works what advancement did we get getting an upgrade oh plaza the tickets are here got the tickets again i'm sending them down i'll never order shake it again i promise we're getting some pretty good gear out of them we're getting like a bow and some arrows oh that's gonna be good for the ender dragon fight so if i make a furnace is that another advancement oh no plus i don't want to do it i'm scared i'm sick and tired of raw chicken i did it oh it's not that was less scary than i thought let's burn the saplings we started a one by one plaza and look at it now just imagine how it's gonna be at the very end i know the next advancement plaza is getting another upgrade with iron wait what about flint's right flint is fire caveman we make fire i we still need iron all right i'm making like a mine shaft we have to go in that mine there there's some good food there oh god how are you supposed to get the iron if it's over there we just need one piece right first one the fine iron gets 10 000 robux that's a lot of book books i found i read yes am i right here world record over here this way there it is on the other side so there must be one block oh my god oh my god professional minor brother plays here dude that's one over here as well wait you know what you buy that i'll buy this we have double the iron now blossom if i grab this iron right now we're gonna get another advancement oh my god okay i hope it's not gonna be chickens i did it i did it free food where where's my food over the skies oh my god we needed this we actually got a positive event if you also like food make sure you're part of the percentage that's subscribed three different advancements we can make right now a pickaxe a suit up and the bucket we're gonna start with the pickaxe are you ready let's go what's it raining is it more food no way there's more food do you need a pair of pants i would love a pair of undies well i got you there oh butter shrinking what that's not what we wanted there's still another one we could do the bucket i'm doing it then we take this water and put it on lava oh wait we forgot the most important thing the shield now i can protect myself from any women wait i hear stands how was that yes i did it inviting gold socks out of my i don't need you any more blasphemy i can start a new life 14 blaze rods 15 ender pearls it's time to get a bucket of lava blaster literally seven zombies here we've seen because of a small barrier they could only spawn here oh my god there's like a whole army here explode wobble combo god it's getting hot here or is it only me did you see what i saw there's diamonds there was diamonds right there plus look we got to be very careful we are literally lava just above us this is weird there's like one oh and lava baditas look at this diamonds dude i never seen diamond placement like this it's kind of cringe to be honest plus i'm gonna do it okay i'm gonna mine the diamonds watch out there's a lot of lava here it's safe to get the diamonds well this one at least all right i'm going to bind the other diamond there's actually a lot more diamonds and this one's gravel so i'm going to be careful you ready are you ready lava is going to come from above i'll place a block i'll place a block oh okay okay open that up and i'm going to take a scoop scoop oh the cow oh yeah i kill you luckily there aren't any cows here i don't even want to go back up it's a battlefield i know what i have to do i'm going to use the water to make obsidian over here okay oh yeah a good idea i made it to the overground but there's literally killer cows i hear a lot of explosions i'm sorry cows i need your beef i'm cooking up all the cows what happened here there's so much broken stuff maybe the hundreds of creepers time to make this another portal if we get one more diamond we can make the diamond earpods and that's another upgrade where's the portal it's right here hey [Applause] how did that creeper get there and how do i have a diamond block spiders i picked up a diamond did we get it was the other thing diamonds and then because of the diamonds then we got another advancement that made spiders right for this guy why do we even have to go to the nether we have blaze rods why do i risk my life to be here so i hope my stuff is still here bro oh my gosh it's still here yes i didn't lose everything half of it is here we just need to find another fortress and we get another advancement and we're good plaza another oh my god i see it i just need to touch it i got it i got it we got it wait i got erosion not like this i'm just taking it to the ground i'm not i'm just chilling let's go back home we got all the nether fortress ones we can beat the game now plaza we can get advancement from getting obsidian and just going to the end and we're good let's let's go wait i i have the diamonds right here you have a crafting table yes oh my god you want to do the honors yes yes come on but be careful it can summon anything we're getting diamonds divers where they're they're summoning above let's get them there's a lot of flops here a little too many mobs here oh oh my goodness i found a diamond helmet i'm gonna make ender eyes let's hope the end portal is here oh damn portal has to be somewhere around here let's get ready for the ender dragon fight we could use these diamonds to make full diamond armor now what more do we need i need more armor look what i have don't craft anything what look at this look at you crafted i told you to stop crowding on oh what a waste i can literally do this it doesn't even matter that hurt me let's go to the ender dragon somewhere in that direction it's this way oh there it is oh my god wait no you gotta be choking me can we still no we can't put anything in we can't do it but i know one you do we can go fishing the pod the buff let's go back i found fish that fish right here what get him up bucket it up skeletons they're everywhere they're fighting each other they're crazy oh my god there's creepers on me there's creepers everywhere there we go oh my god there's a chest of open loose oh it actually worked oh my god okay let's go in again we're alive it's time to do this all right epic five second montage yeah make sure to hit that subscribe button for more thanks again for watching for sponsoring this video make sure to go use the link down below to download this game for free and use code tank mania to claim all these rewards
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 4,016,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, Beating Minecraft in a 1 by 1 BARRIER, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, 100 days in minecraft, beating minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, minecraft in a tiny barrier, minecraft funny, dream minecraft youtube, 100 by 100 minecraft world, minecraft in a barrier, minecraft 100 days, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft manhunt, challenge, minecraft manhunt but, hardcore minecraft, socksfor1 mods
Id: lGSb6IEBn30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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