i don't have anything to talk about so....ASK ME ANYTHING (AMA)

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[Music] yes me [Applause] [Applause] what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck uh tonight we're talking about a bunch of random stuff because it's gonna be an ask me anything so thank you for coming and hanging out with me on a monday evening or whatever time it is for you and i'll just be answering questions now um no uh aaron i'm not drinking tanzania coffee today actually it's uh what am i i don't know what i'm drinking actually i forgot what i made i made it earlier um today's been a day of uh not recording but planning been kind of exhausting and i wanted to start out by answering this question i saw it from somebody on twitter i think it was let me find who it was real quick it's a good question because it tied right into what i was doing just now um well it was something about how do i do i write a script when i make a video or uh or do a lecture or do i just come in and just blah kind of like what i'm doing here well if you can tell by my live streams versus what i do on my videos my videos a bit more are a bit more structured and that's kind of how i do it so my process is actually kind of crazy in fact i'm working on a video now unless i can block out yeah so this is kind of my my wireframing and it'll be a lot more on the other side too i kind of wireframe my videos and then what i'll do and it's kind of it drives my kids crazy because i think they think i'm talking to myself which i really am i will uh pace around a room and i will talk through the video like i'll i will take everything i'm going to say and just talk through it out sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to an hour just to get all the ideas out to kind of do a dry run and make sure it flows well because i often when i forget to do that i just jump into a video it becomes kind of disconnected disjointed it doesn't make any sense because i'll forget oh i need to put this before that and this like like for example my docker video when i made the docker video i was new to docker never really played with it until that moment when i was making the video on it and i did not do that so when i made the video i recorded it i'm like okay it felt pretty good i think it's pretty good and i went to edit i edited the entire thing and i watched it back and i went nope it sucks can't do that so i went back to the drawing board rewrote my script and uh re-recorded re-edited everything i do that often i do that a lot actually it drives me crazy uh let me just check the chat anyways that's what i do now i i do write a script i'm not like what you might think very loose i lost my browser where'd it go i've got like 15 browsers open right now as you might expect if you saw from my other stuff um oh real quick i forgot to mention that oh and do my slurp here there we go the video today is sponsored by path solutions if you want to check out them i highly encourage you to do that they help you troubleshoot your network so i don't know about you but i've been in situations where um there is a lingering error or issue in my network i couldn't find it right like my boss comes to me every day hey um did the issue come up again i'm like no it's it's not coming up i don't know what's going on it happens every day at three or something i don't know you ever had that happen as a network engineer or a systems engineer or something kind of annoying i wish i would have a tool like this basically just analyzes your network does a really quick analyzation um one of the cool things i love about it is the gremlins tab and this is what you typically call uh a weird network issue you can't find it'll analyze and kind of collect all the data and tell you if you have any weird things going on weird issues going on it's fantastic so i highly encourage you to check them out it's pathsolutions.com i'll throw it into the chat real quick because i always forget to put my links in my description pathsolutions.com go check them out anyways back to our regularly scheduled programming i'm covid nuremberg trials asterisk asterisk versus free switch um actually i i've not used either of those those are both i think they're free open source phone systems i've not used either but you know all phone systems are kind of kind of similar i am messing with 3cx which i still have running behind me off of raspberry pi which if you didn't check out that video go check that out i did a phone system on a raspberry pi they're all very similar someone asked how can i how can i get it to where when i text a number a a script is run you'll need some kind of like some kind of app like twilio i think it will do those kind of things where you can accept the text and then it has an api interface that'll trigger things off that requires some integration some work so check that out by the way this will be a short live stream uh i think i've been working on this this project all day it's one of those technologies which i'm not going to tell you just yet it's one of those technologies where i um i have to go all in i have to lab it up i have to do a bunch of things i have to watch a million videos a million training videos to make sure i'm confident enough to to say something what you may not know is when i make a video yeah i don't go very deep i go very basic overview high level but in order to talk about it at that high level with confidence i have to go very deep in my studies to make sure i don't say something stupid sometimes you might you know sometimes i do say a thing stupid sometimes i don't do a good enough job but that process has to happen i have to go deep so i was probably spent last two or three days diving deep in this technology if you would have looked at my post on instagram the other day or was it yesterday you would have a have a peek into what i'm doing um got gauge play says what um i know yeah hold on what too much chat what can you use to hack without kali linux you can use any linux distribution now kind of windows because you can install linux on windows any of these distributions into these distros can have any app you see on cali installed on them so if you want to use nmap you can install install nmap on ubuntu you can install and map a lot of things actually uh you can install any of the tools you see there any of the password cracking tools or any of the the ddos tools you can install those on any other linux distributions the reason people use cali is because it comes pre-baked with a lot of stuff it just feels um it takes a lot of the work out of it for you and i keep it updated with all the latest tools i talk with the uh the guys at cali they're fantastic and they're working on that thing like crazy they're always putting out updates i did an update video the other day um it's fantastic that's why i love cali someone asked me about parrot os that's the other hacking distribution i mean these are all like debian based distributions they're linux they're not going to be very different from what you might see in ubuntu they just come pre-baked with applications that you can use for hacking and you just feel cooler when you use it right um so paired os versus cali i've never used paired os but they're they're all the same pretty much they just have apps installed these apps are not unique to the the distribution um sultan says do you need to know python for the ceh version 10 no uh you do need to be familiar with scripting so like i think bash probably pretty important for you but you don't have to know any one language to be successful with that i know let's get this question eventually who was gosh she goes so fast someone asked about sip provider so i did my 3cx phone system right so i've got a phone system running on my raspberry pi it's it's sitting back there and it's connected i can't grab it uh which is amazing and i also have a regular phone number you can call right now i've been having people ring my phone number my phone's back here all week you can call it but to connect your phone system to the public switched telephone network to pstn it's similar to what you might do for a home internet situation you have to get a public ip or a public telephone number to be able to reach your internal extensions or your internal ip addresses how we do that is through traditionally used to be pstn pri lines right old stuff you might have analog lines like we used to in the house now more popular what we'll see more often is through sip um session initiation protocol sip trunks and basically what that is it's it's called a sip trunk it sounds really fancy all it is is just a you're connecting and registering with a remote server and they're going to send calls to you and vice versa so if you place a call it's going to go to that sip trunk to that phone service provider and then get on the public switch telephone network and place a call vice versa um the one i used for my stuff is called sip.us and it's pretty simple to set up um they and 3cx all it involves is just going to their subjunct section and putting in the username and password they got walkthroughs through that so i know i didn't cover a lot of stuff on that just because it would have been a really long video but the walkthroughs are pretty good so you should be pretty well off i got a super chat in there i better go find it i wish i would have had my stuff up beforehand so i could have this ready but you know me guys i'm like last minute and sorry i missed last week last week i was getting a 12 passenger van for my new growing family if you don't know i'm expecting my fifth kid and um the minivan just wouldn't cut it so i got a 16 passenger van 16 12 passenger van which i have to say is kind of awesome i feel insane driving it it's a nissan nv by the way if you're wondering all right from keep it techy uh thank you for the super chat keep it techy he says chuck is 100 correct you can install all utilities on any distro cali just bundles it into one distro yeah and cali again is the team there is great they're always updating their their stuff so if you update cali you get all your your stuff updated with it as well got another stupid chat from powell pablo yeah i think it's pablo let me send that out there real quick um they say do you use mac at all or just windows i use it all i use mac linux and windows on a daily basis i used to be a hardcore mac guy but there's just something about building your own computer having your own components knowing you can replace them all pretty easily and also not killing yourself or breaking the bank and waiting for that next oh i can't wait for the next additional macro like i'm tired of that i built my own boy back there it's it's fantastic but no i have a macbook that i will um just kind of is my daily driver if i if i buy another laptop it'll be mac laptops i won't do pc i just there's that feel the feel of the trackpad and everything i just i have not found a similar option on pc so mac for laptop but for desktop man pc all the way and of course i got linux running everywhere i've got linux servers i remote into i've got linux running i think i've got linux running in vmware right now on my computer i've got linux it's everywhere i have so many things running everywhere i can't even keep track thank you pablo for the super chat they got another one coming real quick i'll try to get to all the questions i can guys it's just uh you guys are everywhere go another one from sean thank you sean for the super chat let me send that in there i didn't find it there it is says hey chuck love your show do you know of any resources to help the homeless learn pen testing can you perhaps do an episode on uh bt deauthorization oh bluetooth the authorization is what i'm thinking um i will be getting more into uh wireless hacking as i i'm actually going to be doing well i can i don't tell you that yet i'm going to keep that a secret but i will be doing some wireless and bluetooth stuff coming down the the pipe as far as homeless learning pen testing and to learn pen testing you have to have a computer you have to have internet so that would be the first hurdle i don't know if homeless shelters have these things um i mean libraries have these things but i would hope that the the admins at the library will keep people from installing applications they shouldn't and accessing places they shouldn't so as far as a homeless person learning pen testing that's rough i know that um i don't know what the resources resources are like so i know it's rough but you can find fairly cheap laptops and then you can you can learn a lot of things online for free i mean that's part of my mission right like i'm trying to make as many things freely available on my youtube channel and anywhere else or at a lower cost because i know i used to work for one of the big trading providers charging you 60 bucks a month just so you could study for your cca like that's that's i can't get behind that anymore um yeah so i think there's a lot of there are a lot of free options first of all you can find pretty much anything free if you search hard enough the reason you pay for training is because it's curated and nice and easy to understand for example my videos i know my videos people people tend to like them and they're they're easily understood but it takes me a lot to get to that point i'm studying all kinds of other stuff going through documentation reading and that stuff's not very friendly so i have to take that digest and put it something that's actually enjoyable to watch and listen to but yeah there's free stuff out there that may not be as fun to watch but freeze free and there's labs you can always get a hold of that are free um what's that what's that war games thing it's a like a look kind of like a hack the box situation where you have war games you can go through stuff uh cloud providers have those free free trials those free tiers you can get involved with you can do all kinds of crazy stuff azure aws google cloud nothing stopping you from getting free accounts on all three of those nothing stopping you from having multiple free accounts all three of those i know um i've got like three aws accounts that i keep restarting i know the limitation is that they they track your identity by uh getting your credit card but have you seen those credit card things now where like capital one's one of them where they have this service called eno and uh you can generate a random credit card number and you can have a different credit card for whatever service you sign up for so if you're doing netflix or if you're paying for um youtube and you want to join my membership uh shameless plug you can use a separate credit card that's auto-generated from this eno thing i think other other banks use it so yeah aws i just generate a new thing every time it's really cool yeah so that's what i would say like anybody can learn anything for free i think that the big hang up for someone who's homeless is going to be having a laptop and uh i don't know a lot of places that'll have a laptop that they can mess with and possibly break so unless however they're able to get to a laptop that they can access a web portal um and access cloud providers like azure aws you can get a machine that you can reload into and you can break that one so it's a tough situation i know um but that's the the minimum barrier to entry got a super sticker a unicorn from um sued 4k security crowd thank you for that thing the unicorn that's cool um anyways let me check and make sure i didn't miss any others oh sure enough here are some you guys are awesome i appreciate i'm it to add that in here real quick from andy thank you andy for the super chat says are there any courses on cisco webex codec configuration and api use that you can recommend tell you what man i i checked out on the collaboration stuff when webex became really really big so i'm not sure i know cisco is going to have and their training library some good stuff the things i relied on the most when i was a voice engineer collaboration engineer were um just the the documentations they have on cisco the the um the walkthroughs what's the official name for those things the srnd the the the official guides man i lived by those things i had those things downloaded pdfs in my evernote i'd go through them like crazy that's what i would look at it's got coffee my beard by the way that happens so yeah i don't know any good courses for that kind of stuff i don't know if it's like i haven't seen any of the latest collaboration stuff for the new cisco exams i haven't seen any training on that that's one thing i'm kind of curious about with so many exams on the new cisco trading tracks i wonder how good the training is going to be because i know a lot of training providers some of the big ones are feeling that pressure to produce all the training tracks or at least the the top you know five or ten which is still a lot and they're pumping out the content and when you pump out content you either have to um with good content you either sacrifice time or quality so when i produce my content i try to find that balance often it takes me too much time to make things it ends up taking too long you guys get mad at me for it but i hope it's good uh other training providers they focus on getting it out quick quick quick quick so they they sacrifice the quality and i think that's what i'm seeing a lot of right now so um anyways no i don't i don't know of any training right now got another super chat from i think it was william thank you william ever used hack five equipment had luck with them as a sysadmin i haven't yet but it's on my uh my to-do list if you don't know what hack five is they make um little hacking tools that they make the the wi-fi pineapple don't they so they make the wi-fi pineapple they make the the usb rubber ducky all these like cool little um hacking tools you can use i plan to go through those eventually there's just there's so much to do with hacking that i'm not bored yet with just the tools that are free right now i'm sure i can go out and buy stuff but i think it's more fun i i tried to i tell you my methodology i try to steer away from technologies that you can't play with along with me i want every situation i come about or come into to offer a solution for you to come and hang out with me and do it so that's why in most my videos i try to say okay let's do a lab together you can access this for free let's do it right now i want you to do something i want hands-on because i'm telling you when i'm learning the technologies i'm teaching you it's i learned it hands-on so i'm trying to give you the hands-on so these these hack five things are cool and i'll probably end up making videos about them but the reason i don't do them immediately is because i you have to buy it like that's why i love raspberry pies because they're not that expensive and you can do so much with them so yeah i i've heard a lot about them i haven't used any of them yet but i plan to and you guys are killing the super chats you guys are awesome anyways i'm gonna pull in some right now got one from uh krypto fur needs to play on words with christopher i appreciate that a lot i'm hey chuck i'm plowing through studying for my ccna and i started also during uh doing your aws course any recommendations on linux training i would say right now this one the best linux training i've seen is on comptia's direct stuff that's pretty good that's just coming from me because i like i'm more of a reader than a than a video watcher i i use both i recommend both uh but what i loved about comptia stuff is they would integrate reading with videos another one i loved and used a lot was it pro tv really good stuff so if you use my code it's code network chuck you get 30 off their membership so that's that's what i recommend for linux training and then if you're patient and can wait i will be producing linux training now i know all of you are like oh yeah chuckle produced that training in 2015. right now i mean 20 20 32 i can't even focus right now i'm doing intermittent fasting so i haven't eaten all day and all i've had was like 20 cups of coffee so if i seem a little weird and strung out it's because i am uh yeah anyways um yeah i'll check out check out iitpro tv i will be producing some basic linux stuff and then udemy has great courses too and then youtube of course i think the best stuff out there the best training out there is on youtube it's just not curated into a course you might you know be able to just follow through and keep track of but man the best content in the world is on youtube there's no creative boundaries you can just create whatever you want so man i i watch youtube all the time to get my best learning seriously and uh thank you for checking out the aws course i appreciate that all right get another super chat from dylan piper i'm gonna throw that in here real quick dylan thank you he says uh you've inspired me to start hacking any advice my best advice i can give to you is uh one don't get overwhelmed with all that you seem to need to learn that's the first thing i kind of encountered i'm like okay i want to learn hacking and there's a lot there's a lot of different ways you can hack something there's and a bunch of different categories too like there's network hacking and there's there's um looking for software bugs like kind of using tools to find it that way uh there's there's a lot there's pen testing and there's uh bug boundary like there's so many things take you one baby step at a time so what i'm doing is i'm just going through a course and i'm encountering a tool and i dive deep and i figure out how i can use the tool the best way i can often that ends up turning into a video that i make and i just i get excited about it and i want to produce it and it's fun that's what i would do is find the best way to have fun with it my best advice because and don't don't ever learn something that you can't immediately play with now some things like some things are just hard theory right like the hacking methodology it's hard to apply that exactly right when you learn it um often i'll tell you what i mean i in my studies i skipped right around that sucker i skipped right around the theory i went straight to playing with stuff and so yeah make sure you're always doing something hands-on and staying interested if you get bored and you feel like quitting don't just stay in that little same technology move on to something else i move on to something more exciting that's what i do i skip around a lot and you might notice that by my content i skip around to things that really interested me interested me and then my my i guess this is my third piece of advice uh when starting to hack make sure you don't ignore the basics hacking is just kind of an add-on an add-on module to what you should already know in it networking you gotta know networking you gotta know linux you gotta know sysadmin stuff that might involve knowing windows windows servers hacking just is just taking advantage of all these things that you should already kind of understand how they work now through the process of learning hacking you will learn more about those technologies without a doubt but it helps it helps to know already know how those things work how to build them and then at that point you could feel more confident in how to break them which is really the fun stuff but the reason i can kind of come into hacking with a bit more confidence and i think a lot of newbies could noobs is i've been doing it for a while i've messed with vmware i've messed with windows i've been a network engineer i've been a systems engineer i've done cloud stuff i have a lot of prerequisite knowledge i'm bringing into it so don't skip that stuff so if you are starting to learn hacking you find that like oh my gosh i'm hitting the networking section and i i'm writing this command but i don't really know what it's doing i have no idea what's happening maybe go back and and get your ccna maybe go through network plus like get that prerequisite knowledge it will serve you better that's what i would say hope that helps um i got another super chat from ionut buddha new hope i hope i pronounced that right i'm sorry i i'm hyped up on coffee right now thank you for the super chat and it says uh hello chuck what are the first three steps in learning linux from your perspective thank you salu from romania romania awesome first three steps on learning linux first step is start right now i know i say it a lot but right now means right now so as i'm talking to you on this video go to go google ubuntu download that sucker and get it going if you're on windows do wsl2 i mean linux is wonderful because it's everywhere and it's free that's the best thing about it it's free so start using it right now and find so i guess i guess number one is start playing with it now so that that usually means the first hurdle is just how do you get it that could mean that you're running uh virtual blocks on your pc that can mean you're accessing accessing it via cloud which i recommend it's awesome you get to learn two things at once how to build a virtual machine in the cloud and then linux or wsl2 which allows you to run linux on windows 10 like an app which is crazy so yeah get that going the second step i love that you give me steps because it gives me like kind of a framework to talk about it and the second step i would say is find a project to do most of my linux learning even before i officially got my linux plus was just through doing random projects one of my first projects i did in learning linux was uh oh an openvpn server so i wanted to i was learning french it was always a dream of mine to go to france and i did it but i wanted i was learning french and one of the ways you can learn a language is kind of immersion so watching french tv shows uh french news and all that kind of stuff but you know it's kind of behind a a wall you can't just access a french website and watch the news you have to be behind a french ip address that's one of the hurdles so i'm like okay how what's a project i can do in it to give myself access to french tv shows and stuff this is before i'm no i say it wasn't before nor vpn and stuff like that because you can do that now with nordvpn free or not free but it's much easier but i wanted it project so i i bought a cheap vps a virtual private server uh i think it was ovh that i used and it was based in france it cost like two bucks a month or whatever and i set up openvpn which involves a bit of linux it involves doing some stuff and i had most of it i had like okay i don't know what i'm doing just yet but i kind of researched it walked through it and got it set up it was awesome and i was watching french tv shows so find a project like that it's just a fun random project that allows you to kind of go through stuff get a raspberry pi if you can afford right now to get a raspberry pi so many fun projects you can do without breaking your own stuff right because you can end up breaking your stuff even if you're being really careful so you get a raspberry pi do a project like set up a file share set up a plex like there's so many things you can do just google some linux projects and then did i do number three at three would i say three learn bash and learn it well that's what i would say a great resource is codecademy they have a free version of their site it's code academy let me get you a link real quick get a free version which will take you through learning the basics of bash gets you hands-on immediately and they have a paid version which i recommend but i get a lot of people it's out of reach i can't talk right now i can't type right now talking seems to be impaired as well um codecademy i can't recommend it enough they're freaking fantastic but they have a great hands-on bash course i just pasted it in the uh the chat just now so that's what i'd say three things i forgot what they were but you can go back and watch this later thank you for the super chat let me check and make sure there's nothing else here and there is you guys are awesome i'm just trying to start the beginning here oh man you guys are going to keep me here all night guys you have to be nice to my wife i can't be in here all night [Applause] all right here we go thank you fixit.doug i like the name i have the comptia trifecta and ccna i haven't had a helpdesk job but i've been in isp tech for three years should i apply for a network engineer or help desk yes i would try both um i think you're in a position now where you've been in isp tech to where you yeah you could probably apply i wouldn't say network engineer i would change my keyword to look for a network admin or maybe even just junior network admin or entry-level network admin that's where you're going to shine or network technician that would be a good thing if you're having trouble finding a job with those keywords if you're having trouble getting interviews help desk traditional help desk will give you a great path to that next level because most of the time man get on a help desk there's me tier two tier three that are done with more network stuff and then you have your network engineers network admins interval guys who are working right there at that level you get access to those people you need to learn from them so see it as a learning opportunity and a way to step up that's how i did it that's how my brother did it that's how pretty much every network engineer i know did it so that's what i recommend see i know you're already in isp tech which i'm not sure exactly what you probably do right now but i can tell you you probably can apply for network admin jobs but i would keep my eye out for help desk jobs some of those descriptions are kind of cool because they they ask people with a bit of networking experience they might want your ccna for help desk job they might want you to have network plus they might in the job description want you to be able to do some networking things so you can kind of know oh that's my next step or maybe when you find a helpdesk job look and see if they have any network engineer jobs open at the same time and see what they look for in a network engineer so that you kind of have that path you know how to build that that uh that skill set that's what i used to do when i was on the help desk i would look at network engineer jobs but i would also look at help desk jobs and look and see if there's a path up see if there's a way got to find my way moving moving laterally sometimes the best option for you if you don't have an opportunity at your current company thank you doug for the super chat got one from sean flynn i'm gonna throw that in here real quick thank you son i'm losing it thank you sean for the super chat would you worry much about timelines for certifications i'm afraid that i'm rushing topics and not sure if i should go back on something's moving on my desk much better i'm afraid that i'm rushing topics and not sure if i should go back and dedicate more time i feel like i might use up too much time great question i've been there i am uh crazy guilty of spending too much time studying for certifications at the same time i've on the flip side i've spent i i went too quickly a great way to mitigate that is uh practice exams it's a great way to keep yourself uh honed in so when you feel like you're at a certain point we're like yeah i i've learned a lot i think i've gone through all the topics i you probably feel like what you just mentioned i've there are topics i feel kind of weak on i'm not sure if i i'm strong enough yet let me go back before you do that check in with yourself do that practice exam see where you're at see how you score they'll tell you where you got to brush up on they'll rate the categories for you if it's good and tell you where you're at other than that it's a tough balance because i don't want you to spend too much time studying for one certification and get kind of get that test paralysis to where you're you're spending so much time doing it and you never end up taking the exam if finances allow be prepared to take two uh take it twice so now right now back in the day when like scheduling that exam which could be you know 300 per exam i had to be very very careful like that was saving up a ton of money um i wouldn't have that money again for a while so i had to be i had to make sure i knew knew the stuff now i have a bit more disposable income that i'm further along in my career so i i don't wait that long it's okay if i fill an exam i often i end up passing it uh just because uh or not because i was ready and i i wasn't sure if i was so one thing i've learned in that and having that that disposable income to where i could take a few chances is that back in the day i probably would have been a lot more um i was a lot more ready than i thought i was back in the day i should have taken my exam a lot quicker so to answer your question a practice exam will be your guide but also on the flip side you want to make sure you learn the technology really well so i think a good way to mitigate that as well is to make sure you're doing hands-on stuff a lot get that confidence of building it build up that confidence by by doing hands-on doing a lot of labs surrounding those technologies make sure you can do what you're learning i understand the exam can kind of give you those trip up questions that the the theory questions where they might trip you up you have to memorize ports and memorize command line commands right but if you can do it if you can get into a lab and actually do it that's good that's a good indication that you're probably gonna be ready that's that's the two things i would tell you thank you sean for the super chat um get super chat from suit 4k again thank you for the super chat let me paste it in there real quick i don't know the answer the question but i'll try to stumble through it do i know uh tools to play with oauth tokens no i don't um oh wait do i i was playing with something last week or the other week no no i don't right now i haven't gotten there yet but i'll get to it but thank you for the super chat and it's something i'll keep in mind all right got a super chat from manjism joe put that in there real quick throw it up chuck what did you use to learn the ccna i have limited time to get my ccna and unfortunately don't have time for you to finish your series uh and his name is andrew i don't think anyone has time for me to finish my series i i'm gonna pick up the speed don't worry i'm just i've got a few things i've been playing with um but i will find a good cadence guys i'm working on five kids now so i got to be careful but no i promise i will become more organized so what did i use well i got my ccna back in 2013 which holy crap that was seven years ago wow yeah so um back then it was very different i used cbt and i guess to get my ccna i used the book and i used real equipment which you can still use today but i think the best option for you now is packet tracer uh gns3 no no package racer no sticker packet tracer that's the fastest way to success and then boson boson netsum that'll help you so if you have a short time span hmm so i i see where you're coming from some courses this is this is where it's frustrating right because you want to get a course that will give you everything you need but not too much the new ccna it goes wide it's very very wide and not so deep on a lot of things you can find a course that goes gosh i've seen like 80 hour courses for ccna i think that's too long too much um i would just get those exam topics printed out i mean not printed like in the pdf somewhere where you can you can mark it up and go through those or go deep into those topics get get the book so get wendell odom's book that's what i recommend or todd lamley's i i think i prefer wendell odom's so he's got a two volume series um go through the book get involved go deep but get your timeline going get your um get a study plan so what i normally do when i when i know oftentimes it's not that i have a tight timeline it's that i want to get off my butt and get to work and actually get it done and so i'll take the exam topics and i'll kind of look at the chapters in the book and see how long the chapters are and kind of determine how long it's going to take me to do it so i might devote a two chapters a week three chapters a week depending on how much time i have and um just kind of parceled out that way so that's what i would do is just figure out a tight timeline to cover every topic give yourself time to stir the topics in theory then lab and then uh that review time practice exams and then utilizing some of the tools i recommend in my other videos like using anki a space repetition system so when you get a tight timeline you want to be mo as efficient as you can with your study time and using a space repetition system will um make the best use of your time it's like you're not going to be looking at the same facts over and over and over trying to memorize it no it's going to give it to you you either know where you don't you know it it'll give it to you again in three days five days six days seven days two weeks uh and it optimizes your long-term memory but yeah so find a good course on you to me i think who's the best right now david bumble's awesome he's awesome i check him out and of course i love cbt you know i do i help make that course of course i don't work for them anymore and they took my money but uh no worries you can go watch that it's great oh wait did i miss something oh yeah here we go i'm kind of caught in mouth here sean bro i think of the super chat i'll throw that in here real quick can you teach us windows 10 users a hack live i'm guessing you're wanting me to show you how to hack windows 10 live i don't i don't like doing teaching live like this this live stream stuff is more for just hanging out this interaction with you guys i love it but when i'm teaching i like um i like to have it kind of curated a bit make it faster live teaching there's always first of all i'm scared the death of saying something stupid because i do i'm scared to death things going wrong they do every single video i make there's always something that goes wrong which is why i love the pre-recorded editing options it's all real but there are times when things don't work and i have to go back to the drawing board and figure it out so i don't do i don't do live training so now i'm not going to do live training but i will eventually get to the point where i'm going to uh do some windows hacking because windows be insecure sometimes think of a super chat got one from jacob here ah where'd he go thank you jacob well it's good to see you uh trying to break from help desk and go network or cloud got a bachelor's ccna and three years of experience should i get more certs what's your advice so three years on the help desk you have bachelor's in ccna hmm so that's tough because what are you having trouble getting off the help desk now um because three years in the help desk that's that's that's enough time to feel like you can go somewhere else and move up and take that leap if you got your ccna you get your bachelor's man you got the the search the pedigree and the experience you're you're ready so i'm wondering what's the hang up right now either your current company doesn't have the opportunity which that may be the case if they do man have that conversation with your your boss be transparent like this is not time to play games this is your career your life sit down with your manager and say hey i'm i'm going to move up it's going to be here or it's going to be somewhere else can we figure out a way a path a plan for me to move up in this company if not or i wouldn't give them ultimatum because they might fire you but you say i i express interest and like be serious like hey i'm looking to move up i'm i'm looking i'm ready um so identify that if your manager works with you and gives you a plan i'm telling you like if i man if i had someone like you say that to me when i was managing i wasn't managing a help desk but i was on the network engineer team i was working with my help desk manager a lot if i had someone like that that was hungry man i would take them under my wing bring them on let's do this but if your current company does not offer that that situation the opportunity then i would start looking um don't be afraid to make a lateral move if that lateral move will promise promotion at the same time it's kind of the same advice i gave the guy earlier uh start looking for those network admin network technician roles to move yourself up and your main question was do i keep looking or should i work on certs where you're at now with three years experience but it's only on the help desk i wouldn't focus too much on certs now you're looking to get in the cloud so it wouldn't hurt to get a cloud certification right now so either the aws associate architects associate whatever azure administrator either those two would be really good to get right now but i would really focus most of my time on networking getting that next job that's what i would do really really work that out if you're having a hard time finding a job um become creative start creating a blog make a youtube channel um network people online get active on twitter like go crazy like that that's what i would do go crazy with that there's so much power in the way we can use social media now linkedin and everything you've got the stuff ccna and help desk in three years and bachelor's you're ready you're ready so it's just a matter of marketing yourself i think that's probably the the the main differentiator i don't know where you are in the world where you are in the country that might be the other thing that's keeping you kind of holding you back a little bit maybe not a lot of opportunity where you are but i think marketing is probably the biggest thing work on that uh keep it techy thank you for the super chat throw it up real quick do i have plans to interview others in tech yes i am working on that it's going to come up soon i know i've done a few interviews so far um actually who do you want me to interview guys anybody you have in mind um i think it'd be pretty fun let me know all right guys super chat from zen odd yeah on these i i made the monday live stream keeping in mind that i want to interview people to kind of bring in other perspectives up beyond from just me talking to the camera right i it is hard to do interviews over the online over the phone but i'll get more out there don't worry so thank you um is it not for the super chat so hello chuck i love your videos i wanted a 20 20 idea from you i'm now starting um ee but i want to go cyber security what certifications is it best to start with as a network engineer or assist admin what do you think um so i'm trying to understand your question so you're saying what certification is it best to start as a network engineer or a cis administrator i guess you're not picky you can go either or what certifications are best so i would ask first what do you already have you want to have a solid foundation uh first of all do you know how to fix a computer do you know how to fix a laptop do you do you understand those basic components motherboard ram hard drives like do you understand that stuff you need to know that stuff there's nothing worse than encountering a network admin who never went to the the ropes of being on the help desk and knowing that stuff i think it's important it's vital do you know that stuff if you don't might be worth going down getting your your a plus or at least yeah a plus i would say far as moving into the sysadmin rule or network engineer role ccna i'm telling you it's one of the best certifications right now with a new revision it's it's uh it was strong before and being the best networking certification out there now with how wide it goes and looking to virtualization a little bit security a little bit of wireless a little bit of automation it's it's good really good to give you a really good taste to move into that next situation so yeah ccna all the way as far as this admin i don't know i know microsoft still has it i haven't checked in a while but i know i posted a video while back how microsoft's killing off the mcsa um they're their on-prem stuff and focusing on azure did they officially kill that office i know they they kind of forced the timeline because of everything going on they pushed it back i'm curious where they're at now but yeah any any one of the microsoft admin certs sysadmin can also include linux man learning linux again it's one of those technologies like python like security that's the just an x factor skill you can add to your your resume that'll differentiate yourself linux has helped me in every single area of it i've been in every area cloud collaboration networking everything so linux man pick up linux um and all the things you're learning now as far as like moving to certifications and getting to becoming a network engineer since admin all build up a path to cyber security all right get a super chat from dj throw it up here uh thanks dj he says hey chuck you do so much for us and i just want to say thanks keep digging my friend and do what feels right with this channel god bless i appreciate that thank you um it's it's awesome it's a privilege and a blessing to be able to do what i do i remember thinking a while back i wish and this is back when i would i had a full-time job not just at cbt nuggets but before i would think i wish i could just make stuff on youtube and uh and put it out there for free and make a living off that so it's cool to be able to do that now it's a huge blessing god's blessing me every step of the way um i would not be here without god trust me with that so i appreciate the the well wishes um everything i do emanates from that so i appreciate that you wanted to announce get to see you they're right up here i think i threw it up there oh no i didn't throw it up let me try again send there it goes uh thank you tan for the super chat he says taking tests next month still not feeling ready should i still take and see where i stand or reschedule again thanks so rescheduling again i've been in that loop man to where i'm like okay i'm coming up on the date 48 hours i'm gonna reschedule uh that's that whole thing with paralysis and feeling like you're not quite ready you can always study more you could always learn it better you can always do that but um nothing worse than being stuck studying for the exam exam forever um you got a month or you're taking it next month so i guess four weeks or less if if money allows i would just go for it go for it like i'll be honest like the linux plus i didn't feel ready for it didn't feel ready for it at all um i thought it'd be it was a tough exam but i thought it was going to be a lot harder for me than i than it was i'm glad i just went ahead and took it same for the devnet associate i passed that i didn't think i was ready for that but i'm like you know what i'm just gonna go for it i've been studying and working with this stuff for a little bit i'm not confident but i'm gonna go for it so if money allows go for it if money's tight you gotta you gotta judge it yourself i can't tell you a definitive answer um use practice exams as your guide find the best ones you can find so um if you're talking about networking bozon's the best thing out there in the world tell them i sent you um they will give you a good indicator of where you're at and um sometimes you just have to take that risk you have to you there's nothing worse than staying on one exam for too long because once you get past that then you feel great you feel awesome you can move on to the next stuff it's addicting that feeling there's nothing better than passing that exam then clicking on finish submit exit or whatever the thing says it comes up and says congratulations oh isn't that cloud nine like it's the best so definitely uh you should think hard and along about it but uh if if finance is allowed if you can afford to reschedule or uh do it again i'll just go for it go for it you don't have to feel a hundred percent but you want to be you want to be slightly confident you're uh just a little bit confident but please don't wait too long yeah i've been there my friend been there a lot super chat from william um oh you're the guy who actually hat five sorry i'm like what is he talking about uh thank you again i agree i love their equipment but so much you can do with a linux machine and what you can do with a wi-fi especially adapter that supports monitor mode yeah yeah seriously gosh i mean i i think most of the stuff back to the hack five question that william had posted earlier hack five designs hardware solutions for hacking most of their stuff can be engineered yourself so for example when i made my starbucks hacking video which it now says redacted because they they came after me if you if you didn't hear about that i had a video where i said i um i went to starbucks and i i didn't hack into their wi-fi but i did hack around their wi-fi using certain methods man in the middle evil twin attacks and stuff it was really fun but you can do all this kind of stuff by buying a raspberry pi and a little little usb wi-fi adapter which cost me like i think 15 dollars and it supports monitor mode which is important but you can build really fun hacking rigs on the cheap and it's so fun like that's why i love hacking because it's so hands on in real world and it's it's just cool it's cool anyway william i appreciate the super chat all right did i throw it up there here we go i'm super chat from uh zach zack says should i learn c language first before i learn linux or should i go straight to linux i have heard that c is the basis of it so i thought it might be better to learn that beforehand so first let's start out with what is your goal dude because learning c yes sure if you want to become like uh if you want to be the linux guy it would be the next line of tar bolts or whatever whatever you want to do sure keep that in mind but what's your goal you may not have to go that deep i don't know anyone who needs to go that deep that's craziness um you can become really great at linux without knowing what it was written in so what's your goal do you want to become a linux admin well then learning going straight into linux and learning linux is more than enough do you want to become a programmer laurier linux is great but i think you can do great learning python learning any other program i don't know what you're trying to be if you're trying to be a web programmer or anything else yeah uh learning ce just so you can uh can become better at linux i don't think that's a good path but yeah it depends where you want to be if you want to become a linux boss if you want to already start programming in c then yeah learn c i wouldn't say if your goal is to learn c in program and c then start with c and learn linux along the way but yeah my only piece of advice for that is what is your where do you want to end up what do you enjoy doing right now don't plan that far ahead we're like yeah i i did my first linux command and i i love it so i'm just going to i'm going to learn c because i want to become a linux boss i've been there like so many ccna guys do that right like you start learning networking you do your first show ip interface brief you're like this this is sick i'm getting my ccie hold on just because you enjoy networking doesn't mean you have to get your ccie it just means that you like it and you may only want to go so far and maybe pair it with other skills you might just find that you love that area not everyone needs to be a ccie oh let's go everyone needs to be ccie not everyone needs to be learning c to do linux so that's my advice there i hope i'd answer i answered your question not sure what direction you're looking at going all right let me see here man you guys are killing it i swear i'm gonna be here all night all right super jet from throw it up here real quick all right says uh hey chuck do you have any advice oh i didn't throw it out there did i make sure i did hey chuck do you have any advice for someone in their first position as an i.t tech devops guy who didn't finish their college degree at what point will experience be as valuable as degree uh right now right now your degree would have gotten you that job you already have it you're golden i made the mistake of thinking i was a i was going to wgu western governor's university when i was already a network admin and when you first sign up for it they ask you what's your goal why are you getting your degree and my only thing i could say was that i wanted to what was it my reason oh yeah my only reason was that i wanted to eventually work for the government i had grand ideas of like working for the president or something doing something important you know which is cool like i still wish i could have done that but that was my only reason i already some just shut off i already had the job uh that i a degree would have gotten me a degree would have just satisfied that that check mark that hr satisfactory thing to get me through those scans so first of all figure out your goal what is your goal what do you want to be if your goal is to be a devops engineer you're already doing it you're already doing it you're already doing it i think the x factor will be stepping into learning more about what you're doing now dive deep double down on your current job dive d like make your job your school make your job your degree make that it your experience right now you're building that degree it's it's your oh my gosh experience is so much better better than a degree um goodness yeah you're already there so yeah i would say your your experience is already more important than your degree now as far as like i know what you're asking as far as moving to that next company and holding as much weight i think probably probably two years of experience doing one particular job will be more valuable than a four-year degree maybe even one year but right now what you're doing at that current job having that job golden so i can't tell you i'll never tell you not to do a degree not to finish that degree because it might be in your best interest to do it but what i do what i will say is that degrees are designed to get you a job and if there's any way any way to get that job without a degree do it and if you already have that job you're done you're not done with accelerating but you're done with that degree that's what i would say degrees last resort in the u.s asterisk in the u.s and miles always great to see you thank you for the super chat says chuck i recently moved from help desk to network engineering role at only 22 i hate you no that's awesome i think that that's where i was too actually i was a network admin now kind of junior but that's awesome i'm wanting to go for devnet or c or uh or ccnp which one first great question great question so you're in a network engineering role you just move into it i would say first do you need your next certification just yet i know when i first moved into my network engineering role my first idea was like okay dude i've got my ccna i need to get that ccnp i gotta level up i gotta do this but what i ended up doing and i'm happy i did is i i ended up forgetting my certification for a second for a moment and kind of just what i told uh chick-fil-a breaky um double down on that job your job is what you want to focus on now become really great become known become awesome add projects to that resume figure out how to make it great so that might mean that might mean going down the path of becoming um more devnet focused and what do i mean by that well in your current role i don't know what you what your company has what they have you doing what you have access to i'm hoping that's like kind of a medium to large business where you have access to a lot of stuff where sky's the limit whatever you want to work on they'll let you work on whatever you're hungry for they'll give it to you if it's not no worries you still have opportunity but i would just try to make myself known double down on that and learn the network at the back of your hand be the go-to guy be the go-to person for stuff become awesome there that's what i would do um then once you become awesome it won't take it might take a bit because some networks are crazy complex and they don't just have what you learn in your ccna they're gonna have firewalls so they're gonna have f5 load balancers they're gonna have palo alto stuff they're gonna have everything that you didn't anticipate you have to learn and uh and it's it's fun it's great it's exciting it's scary um but once you get to that point i would focus on maybe learning a bit of automation to make it even better and that's where devnet comes in so i i always tell people get the next certification get the next skill that complements you right now that you can put to use immediately because learning a skill learning is getting a certification and a technology that you can't use right away is is good but it's frustrating and because you end up losing that that knowledge like right like if you if you let's say you were to get your devnet associate or you were to get your ccmp and there were things you learned in those technology tracks that you that aren't applicable to your current job guess what happens it atrophies you lose it you don't remember it it's gone so man build on skills that you can use immediately so i know for me like moving up and studying ccp collaboration stuff was immediately applicable to what i was doing in my job as a voice engineer um automation would have come into handy uh if if stuff were out when i was doing it but it's just a judgment call but right now i'd say if you if you aren't already like in it deep you know it well focus on that job and uh when you're getting like because most of the time certifications are great when you're looking to make a move or either up or out so i would get comfortable with your company company first become awesome there and then kind of kind of see where you're at look at the landscape but your experience in what you do there and making a name for yourself and the projects the things you do are way more important than that certification you get um in your free time what you're going to do and then the projects you complete is so much more valuable right now all right i got a super chat from i think it's kira thank you kira love your videos always wanted to get into networking and and uh i'm interested in cloud question i am a trans woman is this industry going to be rough for me i don't think so and that it's going to vary based on each company because you know what companies have policies people are different that's just how it is um it's going to be that manager who's there it's going to be who's in charge it's going to be the people you work with so i can't promise anything people are different i can tell you that companies i worked at it didn't matter it didn't matter um we'd hire whoever as long as they were great and good at what they did that's all that mattered right but i think with anything that's kind of polarizing it's going to be rough in some situations but it's getting better that's that's what i can say so it's one of those things where you have to double down and uh just be known for what you do and be known for what you know and double down on that and don't let anything else be an issue don't let it be any kind of factor for you be so good that it doesn't matter that's what i would say but i think in most companies most hr policies will be fantastic for you i think most people are awesome so go in thinking that go on assuming the best and be prepared you want you want to be prepared for the rough stuff but yeah my two cents is just to be optimistic be positive work hard and expect the best in people that's what i would say because you can't change it otherwise right you have to be positive you just have to expect the best that's what i would say all right super chat from uh oh wait where'd it go cj did it go up there okay cool i'm transitioning from salesforce as a certified developer and wanting to pursue cloud security what would be the best certification route to take um so interesting so you're you're a developer and salesforce man good money but yeah it's kind of pigeonholing you into one situation jobs aren't as plentiful when you focus on one technology right so i would just jump into the first entry-level cloud certification on whatever track you want to go down best one out there still most popular one is aws just because there's more jobs out there um so i'll get the aws solutions architect associate one day i'll get it perfect did i do okay i think i did okay um yeah go that route um it'll give you the base knowledge of aws and what it is like and and all the services you can use beyond that they have you know specific tracks you can down more and more sysops more developer focused tracks you can don't go down on aws but yeah you want to get your foot your feet wet you want to get a feel for how aws is and then go from there so get that associate level i would skip the entry level because it sounds like you are already pretty well versed in it i'm tyler whitland thank you for the super chat but you didn't post anything or questions or anything so i appreciate you but i didn't see anything so uh but you're awesome i appreciate it alright super chat from rickshaw i appreciate it thank you so much is your ccna series video or is my cc i can't even talk right now i haven't eaten today so i'm just going with that but i tell you fasting is awesome because it i fast most days because it gives me just so much clarity when i'm studying or producing videos but normally around this time i start to fade so i might find a second wind here anyway sorry rickshaw um is your ccna video series good enough to get certified not yet i will tell you this i'm taking the new ccna my see my ccna series is going to be more than what you need it will be because i'm going to be more real-world more practical than i need to be and that's just how i teach if i can't give you a real reason to use something then there's no point in me making a video about it i mean i i hate just dumb theory just for the sake of learning theory so everything i can take from the ccna make it practical i'm going to i will double down on my pace which doesn't take much to double down on what i'm doing now but i will i will have an awesome pace coming up soon and um yeah yeah it's gonna it's gonna help you now i i can never say that one series in and of itself is the end all be all for certification use multiple sources so that's why i love what me and david bomble are doing with this is it if you don't know what that is uh david bomble and i david bumble is the another trainer who another youtuber who has one of the best ccna courses out there makes fantastic youtube content we join forces we have a similar heart mission to produce training that's either free or very cheap for people not sacrificing quality when i say cheap i mean price only quality is going to be top notch we're making the best stuff we can and i hope it's really great for you but we're combining forces and he already has an entire ccna course on this is it so if you sign up for this as it either by joining my youtube membership here there's a join button somewhere over here and you sign up for the network chuck army or the beast mode options i think you'll get access or just go to this it.io you'll get access either by signing up through the 10x engineer option or the the other one i forgot what it's called but you get access to our entire library so whatever i make is going to be there whatever david makes is going to be there and it's just a way to support us speak access to all our stuff and um we can just buy his course for ten dollars but yeah always use multiple sources always use um use multiple modes of learning so lab get a book just get read multiple resources zach frazier thank you for super chat throw it up here real quick hey hey i have a college course where i can pick a certain certificate to focus on i am torn between picking the network plus or cisco routing and switching um so if your college course i'm assuming is going to pay for whatever you're doing ccna all the way now you're saying cisco routing and switching um colleges are always way behind that might be just them saying the new ccna because that's the only thing you can take right now yeah if your college is going to be sponsoring this this endeavor dude ccna go for that it's network plus on steroids a bit more hands-on more real world more what you're going to see so yeah without a doubt all right i don't know what this is saying but i'm gonna read it anyway oh uh matt matthew i appreciate the super chat how's your wife feel about you uh growing a beard for your trademark youtube logo actually uh it was reversed so my wife loves my beard um i have contemplated shaving it but she will not let me and of course i can't do that now because it's uh it's my thing that's my brand but yeah i know the beard was there first and then my i chose the logo because of my beard um i don't even notice i have a beard anymore like once you have a beard it just it's just there it's part of who i am um the only time i do notice it is when i'm drinking coffee and sometimes i haven't trimmed it in a while i get coffee in there or when i'm eating eating sandwiches and like hamburgers is almost impossible with the beard with the proper mustache going on my wife loves it to answer your questions she um wouldn't have any other way of course my children would not recognize me it'd be terrifying oh tyler there's your there's your message i'm sorry i missed your message if you had posted it before um is there a way to plausibly deploy sso at home for virtual machines docker containers and everything else i forgot about yes there is i've looked into it but i haven't actually done it so my big grand scheme is to eventually have this crazy lab in my house to where i'm implementing and using technology you might see in the real world sso um i'm trying to think there's a product i found that was free there's a lot of enterprise grade products that'll give you free access for you know low usage like maybe two users or whatever um let me let me google it real quick i'm just sitting here making up stuff um oh the open lab stack that's one of them octa do they i have free might have free that's not bad so you can use octa for two dollars per user per month so that's that's not horrible if it's just you but i'm sure a lot of these big vendors who offer two-factor um sso and stuff like that duo which was bought by cisco recently oh yeah duo you can get duo for free for 10 users so yeah so yeah you can utilize that for two factor and um of course you can use active directory as your your um game of thing right now your federated source blah blah blah all those words and and things but yeah you can use that use active directory which i know is not free inherently but um you can use linux they have a a software for um open lds or openld app yeah openldap i'm going to play with openldap soon as well nathan uh you read my mind today i guess if you're on my my youtube channel right now i'm going to tell you guys yeah i'm working on a kubernetes video right now it's funny you asked about that that was what i was working on today i um it's awesome it's awesome i have a lab in my house i have a lab in the cloud so i'm working on that now um so yeah the answer is yes i have an email from you i'm gonna respond to you here soon yeah good guess if you saw my tabs in my uh my post 20 of those tabs were kubernetes um thank you ideas dizzy for the super chat collab with john hammond hackable network by you that could be fun john i've seen john hammond around i need to reach out to him good idea there's a lot a lot of hackers out there i want to want to get on the channel it's just a matter of timing timing nathan another super chat from you i appreciate it spacex uses linux to run the rockets i i think i knew that and that's awesome see there you go learn linux right now because spacex do you guys watch that show on netflix called uh away makes me excited about space again i love it it's fantastic you should go watch it william is mpls dead almost no it's not dead although i did make a video with keith barker and jason gooley where we the title was is mpls dead and uh you know if anybody's gonna know about it jason gooly and keith barker would know about it it's not dead but it's it's a fading technology because um technology like sd-wan or software-defined when are making it not obsolete but less cost effective if mpls can bring down the prices it's still a win but sd-wan is too cool sd-wan takes our existing internet connections that you can just get broadband whatever just get it going cable modems fiber whatever you can get wherever you are sd-wan can turn that into an mpls like situation it's not perfect it's not always going to be as reliable as mpls but hey we're getting there like sd-wan is crazy and what it can do so i would say it's getting there the life of a network engineer sounds like you are making a killer youtube channel let me throw you up real quick thank you for the super chat he says hey chuck i'm studying for the ccnp score which is the security core exam on the new ccmp tracks is gns3 viral good to get hands-on training for it i don't see a lot of training material for the score exam again that's the problem with all these these new tracks they're doing is they they released all of them and it takes a lot of time to create great training and um it's gonna be hard now to answer your question about gns3 or viral i would say i'm telling you right now with um what cisco is doing with cml2 cisco modeling labs 2 which used to be viral but they changed it for well obvious reasons i think it was stupid i think they should have kept the name viral i mean um corona didn't change their name they're fine i think they're okay right i saw them in the story the other day um so i think they're okay they should have kept viral that's a cool name but cml2 is you pay 200 bucks for a year and you get all the legit cisco licenses their their product is amazing now um it's coming a long way it's really great so i would say at this point cml2 is the way to go if you're studying for advanced cisco certifications if you get anywhere np level cml2 and um as far as getting hands-on training uh as far as as far as training with you score i don't know any good things just yet i know i think it pro tv has something let me see i should know right they do sponsor me so if you want to help the channel out go check out it pro tv and tell him i sent you um oh i thought they did oh no they do they do they have it yeah yeah yeah so i think it protv has score check it out tell them i sent you i haven't watched it but i would assume it's good aaron dundee thank you for the super chat let me see if you posted anything because i don't see anything in the post um oh there it is let's see it thank you for the super chat um i'm not sure i can see the whole thing here you talk about jobs where you live what about remote work is that significantly harder or another reason you don't talk about it i had talked about it i just um especially now with the situation it's uh more prevalent and probably easier to get a remote job but i can tell you this i tried really hard for a while to get a remote job i eventually did get one but it takes time i'll tell you where where um when you're just starting out it's almost impossible to get a remote job because to work remote you have to verify and demonstrate credibility and trust you can't just come in being a freshie a noob on a help desk or a new network engineer at a company and expect them to trust you to be at home wherever you are and work on their stuff that's just rough they don't know you so um you demonstrate trust by either building up working at a company and then negotiating a remote from work a remote work situation so either saying hey can i work from home one day a week two days a week let's build that up let's make it happen most companies i've worked for in the past two or three years we had a remote work policy where it wasn't full-time but we had um two or three days a week we could use of course now it's way different and way more awesome there is a silver lining to things but as far as getting a full-time remote job to be able to get that you have to have some experience it's normally roles that are more high level so i'm talking like uh mid-level kind of jobs where you've maybe got five years experience you get demonstrated credibility from your past companies and becoming coming in and doing more high-level tasks you don't have to be doing hands-on stuff you want to be racking and stacking moving cables around it's all going to be remote based stuff that you can easily do anywhere so um oh cool kev tech i t sport come up and says i work remotely in new york so it's possible i mean i i'll tell you my stories i after driving in my car on my commute working or driving 30 minutes each way every day killing my soul in traffic it wasn't for me i hate driving i hate driving it's not for me i decided really soon that i wanted to remote work remotely i wanted to be at home with my family more often and i wanted to travel of course now with the situation it's been a blessing for a lot of people to be able to be at home with their families even though it didn't seem like that immediately uh so i had job searches remote work parentheses and or ccmp and or ccna i was searching everywhere i was willing to take a pay cut i was looking for remote jobs and they'd come up and i would get offers and sometimes they'd be too low sometimes they wouldn't be the right situation but i eventually did get one the second thing is that so i'll say this starting out it's hard if you have experience and you've demonstrated trust with your company or with your resume then there's there's flexibility so the way i got my first remote job is just by negotiating so i was a collaboration engineer that's a skill set that's hard to find it is it's a hard skill to find um it's not very popular so i i had jobs coming at me left and right um there it's hard to find guys like me who knew that so this job came around and they're like hey we need a guy to do this and i had the luxury to say hey i'm interested but i only want a remote job nothing in their job description said anything about being remote it was a full-time hands-on year in the office i said hey i'm interested but i only want remote they came back and said we can talk about that so after my interview um it was fully agreed i was gonna be able to do it remote not only that but they knew they knew what i was gonna do at that point in time if you look back at my channel i posted a video about it i had planned to take my family and travel in an rv full time so we're going to sell everything get into a little a little rv and rv and travel the country and i was going to work remote out of this rv in areas where internet might be crappy so i'll be you know using my cell phone and crap it was not going to be like the best working situation but they agreed to it they're like yeah um you can work remote sure whatever i didn't end up going through with that but once you have a skill set that is desired that's valuable you can negotiate don't be afraid to do that so just because they don't see a remote job in the description um don't be afraid to respond to that recruiter and say hey um i know it doesn't say that but i want remote and i'm awesome so they want me just trust me it's a way to do it all right i know i got more super chats when i refresh my screen here just guys i have to go eat sometime but you guys are awesome appreciate it all right um zach coming in again all right so okay so your question was a cca question he says i'm worried about losing motivation let me see if you post anything else this is worried about losing motivation to study for the ccna due to my busy schedule any advice to stay motivated so i i think i said this in my last live stream too um don't rely on motivation don't do it motivation sucks it's great when it's there it sucks when it's not and you can't depend on it because it's not always going to be there um figure out ways to bypass the motivation factor ways to do that is to make sure that you i'll give you two things real quick first is get accountability with your the people who are closest to you so whether it's your boss tell your boss man hey boss man boss woman whoever it is i'm gonna get my ccna and um i need someone to hold me accountable so i'm committing to you here's kind of a a pact we're gonna make here's my date my deadline can you can you help me commit to this talk to your spouse significant other friends whatever make that that agreement two time in a place don't don't let your study time become a thing of guesswork or a thing of chance like oh i plan to get i plan to study when i get home i don't know what i'm studying today i don't know when and where i'm going to do it but i plan on doing it no no don't do that every day know when you're going to do it where you're going to do it and what you're going to study have that plan beforehand so when you wake up in the morning if you know you plan to come home that day from work and study know what's gonna be at your desk know what your plan is so today i'm studying um let's say ospf i'm gonna lab ospf that's what i'm doing at minimum bare minimum i'm gonna lab up ospf that's what i'm doing today and have that lab ready have it planned out have what chapter you're going to read or follow how what lab you're going to follow and then communicate to whoever is at home that might otherwise distract you say hey today between the hours of seven and eight pm i am studying and i need you to be okay with that and let's negotiate that and talk about that and i need you to also hold me accountable to that because you know it's easy to get home and you're all tired and you're like man netflix just posted a new show and it looks awesome no no no you got a time and a place motivation can be derailed easily by netflix i know that don't let it come to chance um you will lose motivation go into this knowing that and uh be prepared in those situations and it's even more important because you're busy man i know i know i i've had a what many people would consider a large family the majority of my career and balancing work and study time and um it's tough it's tough because you're you have a finite amount of time and most the time it's not finding time it's borrowing or stealing time away from things that are important that happens it might be spending less time with your kids knowing that it's going to pay off because you're creating a better future for them so i know it's rough but take those two things and do those and the other thing i would say is uh find down time to kind of fill in those blanks so like when you're i don't know what your life's like and what you do on a daily basis but like a lunch break do one lap just do one thing it doesn't have to be the entire lunch break like today at lunch i'm going to study ccna the whole time it doesn't have to be that do one thing and then enjoy your lunch would you say you can do that one thing one thing that's it that's how you got to hack yourself you got to hack yourself your brain it's just a bunch of chemicals and neurons and things firing um it's just it's you got to hack it you gotta hack it you can't depend on how you feel in one situation been there done that all right i'm trying to find your super chat and hear darris i can put you on the screen there it is thank you darris for the super chat he says uh i'm a federal employee and we use red hat at my job as a sys admin should i bite the bullet for my rhcsa or get something a bit easier like linux plus um so are are you a sysadmin is what i'm wondering so you're at your current job and uh you use red hat so i'm assuming if you i'm gonna ask the question this way if you are a cis admin you're using red hat yeah get the rh csa linux plus is great for people who just need to learn linux the particular specific distribution doesn't really matter secret give it away linux plus they the the main distro they use is centos or centos that's just open source red hat get the arch csa it might be a bit harder but if you already know that your company uses that you have resources and people who can help you at your company that's going to be more valuable for you no doubt no doubt go that route all right dalton super chat coming in hi thank you dalton and he says um dalton and cloud i have aws um certified practitioner the aws sir uh solutions archipel architect associate going for the aws is that the the devops or the the devops associate is that what it is is that honey google that aws d a i don't know i'm assuming that's what it is oh gosh um i'm gonna focus now here we go i keep getting distracted okay um going for devsecops which i i love i love when you start combining all these these terms devops wasn't enough we had to add security in there uh i have knowl knowledge of kubernetes which is how we abbreviate kubernetes k-8 a8s docker and um ecs which is their elastic uh container something yeah rhcsa or ccna or dca cka for next certs which i know it's docker certified something and then the certified kubernetes blah blah blah for next certification man you are killing it though uh my first piece of advice always is what are you currently doing what does your current job look like double down on that double down on what they have what they need from you next i would look at let's see so rhcsa or ccna or kubernetes or docker i think learning solid networking skills or learning solid linux skills are more valuable than knowing docker or kubernetes i can get the basics of kubernetes in an afternoon i can lab it up and play with it in two days same for docker both of those skills require networking and linux so i think the more foundational things you want to build up higher and then docker and kubernetes are kind of one of those two things that uh just kind of build up from those those skills you learn and it'll be a lot easier to tackle but yeah i would say rh csa it comes down to rcsa or ccna but i think for cloud you probably would be more you better serve to learn linux so rhcsa that's just my opinion um if someone in this chat has a better better insight to that listen to them because i i'm not the the the end all be all thank you louie for the super chat says uh please interview gwyneth pena pina she is an azure cloud engineer she would provide perspective from azure women in the cloud i wanna jot that down thank you for the recommendation and as long as she's willing i will interview her azure i'll reach out appreciate it huzzah gamers i love these names you guys have thank you to the super chat and they say i was an i.t network guy for almost 15 years i then suddenly started having panic attacks what job should i look for now i need a low stress tech job coming from being a stay-at-home dad for two years feel you there my goodness one thing i don't always talk about i have but i don't always talk about it is because i try to stay positive upbeat i do get excited about this stuff like this stuff's awesome but it is stressful there's no getting around that because when you're working in it you're controlling the the the important part of the business the part of the business that runs everything when it goes down it's the you're the infrastructure right so when i t goes down the business goes down the business loses money like it does and they've got they've got numbers on that they got metrics on that so when when this network goes down or this server goes down they put a dollar amount on that and that's heavy on you if you've ever been in an outage and it's on you to fix that system that is the most stressful day of your life every time it happens it's the worst it's even more more worse when you get that that late night call talking like 3 a.m you get that call hey this stuff's down we got to get on in on all hands on that kind of situation and figure it out now nothing worse than a having no coffee being half asleep trying to remember complex things and and troubleshoot complex things super stressful so i hear you and if you're if you're a person who you have problems with handling stress and you are prone to these kind of things you might want to have that as a factor in your consideration not all it jobs are like that if you have a stressful it jobs or jobs where the companies aren't as big and aren't as organized so i've been to companies to where the organization was not great now the company was fine but the organization of how we structured our iit department wasn't great so we you know we try to get five guys out of one guy as far as um uh having experience and and and and the labor so most of the time i'm i'm always on call i'm always getting the call so no matter what like when i worked my two companies ago when the phone system went down it doesn't matter when it was or what was happening i got the call if the phone system was up uh but it didn't matter like i got the call that's a horrible situation to be in so you want to find a job in a company where it's made so long story short i went from that kind of situation which is a medium to mid-sized company which those companies are great to learn at not great to live at because they are more stressful moving into a larger company that has that has money to pay for four of you basically so there's there's you and you know what you know there's three more of you who know what you know three other guys who are the gals who are good at what they do and they know just like you so that's the company you want to be at because things go down it's not just you it's someone else they can help you the stress is uh load balanced to use a networking analogy that's easier having a second pair of eyes having someone with you to shoulder that burden lowers the stress so my my answer that question is find a company who's larger who has more money to spend on on staff who has that kind of stuff built into it who has it on call schedules my company that i worked in the past did not have an on-call schedule the on-call schedule was that hey you're on call i don't care what your schedule is so find a company that has on-call schedules that has people who can help you um that's lower stress so the company i worked out with that had that that system built in yeah there was stress but like it was man just crazy low compared to my other company um beyond that i don't think i know of a a non an unstressful job unless you unless you come in at a lower level so maybe you're just a lower level tech support and you're you're not the final tier right you can always escalate it's less stressful when you can escalate it's so much more stressful when you are the last wrong on the escalation tier that's stressful being the last guy like you're it if you don't know it then it's gonna be an all-nighter because you have to figure it out and then don't don't go to a company that's afraid to invest in support because um been there it's where i had to figure out everything most engineers have the cushion of being able to reach out to cisco palo alto f5 whoever it is and reach out to their support team and have that back up a second set of eyes so most of the time at a company like that an issue happens the first thing you do is you open a ticket you get that process started so you start figuring it out while you have another engineer at cisco another engineer at f5 or wherever it is also working on it with you or separately or whatever fastest way to that resolution so your boss comes up and says hey what's the status update oh i'm working with cisco the guy's checking it out we got this covered that's better that's lower stress better than a boss came up and saying hey um what's going on you got to fix this now you're the only guy here widened up yet that's horrible and uh soapbox moment also having a boss who understands that so i've i've been in jobs where my boss wasn't exactly technical more manager and didn't understand what it took to keep things up and keep them running and what it meant to troubleshoot that's rough so all those flags you want to look for and and good luck getting back in the workforce that that's got to be hard but i know you're going to be awesome thank you patrick for the super chat i'm going to lose my voice soon guys i won't be able to record my kubernetes video tomorrow um i have a cissp ceh and doing oscp i see most spin testing jobs pay poorly compared to system engineering any thoughts um you know i haven't looked into salaries on pin testing but that's interesting you may like my thought on that is well what do you want because that may be the case that you learn all this stuff and you're getting paid less than a system engineer so if you love pin testing it might be one of those passion projects where you go into it knowing you're going to make less money than what you would otherwise if money is an important factor for you more important than just loving pin testing maybe get into more enterprise um security maybe be on the security front of securing your your company instead of being the pen tester that's a good insight so yeah i would just i would i think about that um i haven't seen i've only looked i need to make a video about that about pen testing salaries and what it looks like because i know system engineers can make killer money network engineers can make killer money cloud engineers can make killer money that might be a better solution for you and you know what having your ci sp having ceh having oscp will just make you really great at those situations really great a lot of the cloud security jobs i see a lot of the any security focused job i see they look for those certifications so maybe go into more of the blue teaming situation um mitch hubbell man good to see you love seeing you in the chat make sure i send that up there mitch thank you for the super chat says what advice do you have for a for job interviewing while already working uh that's that's tough i've been there um i've been there a lot so i remember when i when you're when you're a network engineer and you've been doing it for a while this happens right like i would always say that you always have your your your resume polished up and ready to go be taking interviews keep yourself sharp even if you're not looking even if you're you love your job go for that interview you'll learn you'll two things happen one you're going to become better at interviewing which is always a viable skill you need keep yourself sharp two that job might be awesome like they might be amazing they might give you your dream salary in your dream situation you might be like you know i wasn't looking before but uh i'm ready to go now that's that that's another thing so yeah always be ready but again how do you how do you do that to how do you find the time to interview when you have a full-time job and how do you um do it covertly without your job being tipped off i took a lot of interview calls during my lunch breaks a lot walk out go for a walk take those interview calls then as far as interviewing it might be better now during the situation to most interviews are remote so that's probably better for you now but uh i just had to take time off or extended lunches or um a work from home day just those kind of things you don't want to lie you want to say oh i got this great you know dennis appointment i got whatever you don't want to do that uh but yeah you might have to take time off take a day whatever and uh do that interview that's uh my advice for you mitch is if you're even thinking oh i would say just try to interview when you can you don't want to snap all your is that by away your your vacation time just to do it for fun but if you can find a way to do it during your lunch break or if you're actively looking you might want to take some time off but yeah keep doing it keep yourself sharp see other people are looking for us for our skill sets um you're doing great that's fantastic great idea and uh yeah that's what i would say got a shot from knack lock i'm gonna throw it up here real quick make sure to miss anything else from you so i want to type your name in here so i just got my first dell power edge for my home lab right now running proxmox on it any fun projects you recommend to do with some spare time so i love dell poweredge you can find them so cheaply on on ebay so i've got two poweredge servers in my my um my lab right now proxmox is a alternative hypervisor to some of the big boys like like vmware so i use vmware just because i try to to simulate what i would see in a real world environment i know proxmox is legit though so i might end up switching here soon just i'm lazy any fun projects um you know what if you're up for it i'm making a kubernetes video tomorrow and that could be fun so deploy a few linux machines run kubernetes and those bad boys and have fun with it but there's there's limitless things you can do right now on your servers make a plex server do that make your own own cloud server your own cloud server it's called own cloud make that make uh run some docker run containers do active directory get some microsoft windows running in your environment do active directory you can do so much oh my wife's texting me oh it's i've been going for almost two hours you guys are keeping me um yeah there's so many things um i'm gonna real quick try to speed round the rest of super chats guys i appreciate you guys so much and i don't want to leave anybody hanging here william um i love taking your money man i appreciate it open ldap that would be awesome yeah i i've been wanting to do openldap for a long time if you don't know what ldap is ldap is a lightweight directory something something but it's directory services so basically it's centralized login information it's your single sign-on situation so uh the most popular one out there that replaced everything you know uh was it nortel is it no novell developed nortel it's that's something different novell back in the day active directory is microsoft but open ldap is open source and they're cool so i've always wanted to do that clay little let me throw you up real quick here you for super chat clay uh what's your advice for someone with no experience trying to get into the field degree or certs and what entry-level jobs should i look for so i give this advice a lot one thing is i you have to take what i'm saying with a grain of salt because i don't know where you are what you're like and not to say like what your strengths are you might be a great communicator and it doesn't matter you can come into a job interview and be like i'm the boss you can convince anyone to do anything and you might be more reserved and that's fine but you have to play to your strengths and then of course where you're at is a huge factor where are you in the world that's going to be a huge thing if you're in the u.s i would say you can score by without a college degree anywhere else i can't vouch for that i don't know with certainty what i do know what i have demonstrated here in the us and and many people i've talked with and my brother as well you can skip a degree go certifications and be very very very very extremely successful degrees are expensive certifications aren't so that's my advice there kind of weigh that um not all jobs are uh very friendly with you not having a degree but most are nowadays so i would say start work the beauty of it is a degree you have to go you know apply for college you have to get financing all that stuff all that jazz a lot of hurdles certifications you can start right now like seriously like as soon as you're done watching this live stream you can start right now in your ccna you start right now on your a plus i t pro tv use my coupon code network chuck you get 30 off that's 20 bucks a month you have the world the world you can study for right now you to me you can buy a 10 course i mean you can godly do so much right now so the beauty of certification is that they are crazy valuable and you can start right now with uh a low barrier and then as far as what intrigue level jobs did you look for start looking for help desk so get your get your job searches going linkedin indeed dice wherever it is search for help desk and start applying i don't care if they want five years it doesn't matter that they're gonna have to be okay with what you have which might be nothing um those are wish list be prepared to just ask for just be prepared to apply for whatever so apply for everything and anything pause for that resume let people know so i don't know what you've been doing if you've maybe been customer service oriented working at starbucks jack the box i don't care tailor that stuff to what your goal is right now say hey man i'm looking to get into it i'm a great people person i can help people i can communicate well i can help them solve problems that's what help desk want help desks can teach you i t it's really hard to teach customer service if you can demonstrate that you get that you get that best foot forward so look for that if you have a hard time finding help desk look for like computer repair jobs in your in your local area so like my brother started out working for a computer repair shop in our hometown a small little repair shop um just fix it like they fixed iphones he fixed again little kids gaming pcs they jacked up like he did still like stuff like that so there's a lot of opportunity and if um you're having a problem finding a paid position volunteer volunteer because you're right you have the right mindset experience and you got certifications degrees they waiver but depending on where you are experience is always king always so getting that experience is golden volunteer work might be your best avenue into it volunteer work often leads to a paid position network with people volunteer be helpful be willing to help out with people that's that's the golden thing keith barker throwing me a sticker appreciate it keith thank you sir um aaron did i miss something else from you or do you show us some love oh just show us some love i appreciate it aaron hope i give you some good advice on remote work um eric torres another super sticker for man you're killing it dude i appreciate it all right i'm gonna have to get off soon because i i'm tired all right i'll answer these last few i'm seeing that i have to go guys i'm sorry because i think my voice is actually going which i don't have very often so solomon assad thank you for the super chat he says i've got i lost my job four years ago which is rough i'm sorry about that what is a good place to make contacts to go back into it it's been difficult for me to find a job i have ceh and more so i don't know where you are but i know here in the us um there's meetups for people who love technology so like for example cisco if you're a cisco person we have the dfw which i'm in dallas texas the dfw cub or the cisco users group it's designed for people who just are geeky about cisco they actually meet at cisco's headquarters in richardson texas which is kind of cool and it's they give presentations about technology they meet up you talk people and one of the coolest things they do is at the beginning of the meeting they say hey if you're looking for a job stand up we're gonna write your name on the market on the on the whiteboard and um if anyone here knows a company that's looking to hire please help them out so like that's cool having that networking networking is cool so look for look for user groups i know vmware has their their v their vmug vm whatever it is all these technologies have uh groups and and geeks who love to meet up and talk with things look for those um that's what i would do and don't don't forget online i mean everything's online everything's virtual get heavily involved on twitter find people to follow engage create content give back to the community it does two things right first of all you get that warm fuzzy feeling of actually helping people as you're learning something teach it you're helping someone learn what you just struggled to learn yourself it's awesome two it demonstrates that you know something it demonstrates your ability to communicate write video whatever whatever whatever medium you choose it shows something about you and that's the thing you want to communicate and trying to find that next job it's those x factors that set you apart everybody has a resume everybody has a linkedin but you got to find the ways to make it look different stand out to really shine and use what you have at hand i mean making a website is easy now make a website make a youtube video make a blog post stand out all the best uh let's see super chat from network lunch box excellent name thank you and as a networking and cyber trainer i am trying to make quality content for youtube yours is really great i refer all my students to watch you keep the great work oh that means a lot thank you so much i appreciate it i love it when i hear that people are like hey go watch network truck and they're like students or it's colleges or teachers that's so cool because cat lee it's most the time it's just me here in my house dealing with my million kids and i'm just in my office right i don't see anybody so it's cool to hear that it's awesome i really appreciate that thank you the last one i'm taking and it's a it's an interesting question i might be soapboxing this one thank you george says do you think cisco voip or cucm which is cisco unified call manager is dead or no call manager cisco unified communications manager is debt i noticed a lot of companies are migrating the to microsoft 365. they can achieve the same goals with fewer money no i don't think they're dead but they are changing so i i'm i'm right there with you i i still have i still have call manager running in my house i haven't taken it off so i got 3cx running and i got call manager running but yeah so if you don't know what call manager is it's cisco's phone systems that's what i did for a long time professionally most of the time you'd have a server at your business that would run this phone system and it's very complex and does a lot of cool stuff and it's a whole certification track in cisco what we're seeing now the trend is is cloud phone systems which makes sense and a lot of people are doing it cloud pbx and uh microsoft is one of those uh companies that people are moving to so if you already are a customer of microsoft which is most companies you invest in the microsoft server stuff you have uh microsoft email stuff you're already in the azure cloud like whatever it just makes sense to to kind of add it's just one more feature a phone system microsoft teams microsoft i think it was called now they bought skype and now let's call something else but whatever it used to be a link i don't know yeah it's just an add-on and you get all these other companies who have solutions for phones that's just an add-on so why should someone go cisco i think cisco's still alive because a lot of companies need a huge enterprise offering so these large companies like target walmart um starbucks best buy not for that forever 21 that's a bad example h m all these large companies have cisco phones i don't think they're going to switch anytime soon because they they already invested a large footprint in those b a lot of things other companies can't compete on what cisco does they have features and things that the way they implement it can't be can't be uh i can't talk right now no one can match that they have an excellent product there's there's um their uccx platform which is their their call center ivr system which i that's my to this day my favorite thing to do and what i did that's killer and the way it integrates and everything so there's so much that they can do cisco is migrating their stuff to more cloud-focused stuff i know they they have cuc in the cloud it's cisco hosted now so it's their own cloud and we're going to see that more so i i'm hoping they move to the direction they may already have it i don't know i don't keep up with it anymore but they may have hosted cucm in aws or or google cloud or azure or whatever it is it's just gonna be different they're gonna migrate sure like just like their their networking platforms people are migrating from networking from cisco to juniper and and and palo alto and all these things because these other companies are coming up and have great features but no cucm isn't going anywhere but it's going to change we're going to see people move from on-prem to cloud-based solutions pretty quickly i think you're gonna have hybrid cloud probably more often than not you're gonna have a on-prem solution compared with your uh your cloud-based solution but yeah with what we're seeing i said soapbox i wasn't lying what we're seeing uh a lot of companies still wanted their on-prem pbx right so they wanted those um old legacy pris which are or um or their analog phone lines which are seen as more reliable but as our internet connections are better and more reliable sip trunks make make more sense they're cheaper um easier to install i i can set up a sip truck now in three three minutes on a raspberry pi and it works like a business phone system like i had someone tell me in the comments when i posted about the the 3cx option like man you saved me 600 bucks uh a year on a phone system because you just put this in a business and it runs like a business phone system often better than most so long a short answer to a long why can't i talk right now long story short uh it's it's still a viable skill to learn that i mean it's it's one of the the the court the um the paths and the certification tracks for cisco still collaboration what we're going to see now is more cloud focus stuff more automation if i were if i did not transition into instruction and becoming an instructor or a teacher i would have stuck with collaboration and gone even deeper i would have gone deeper down that path i would have become just a collaboration boss and to this day i i'm getting job emails constantly about cucm uccx all these technologies that still exist and stuff people still need them it's still a valuable skill to learn if you want to learn it and if you are doing it now don't fret like i used to this was five years ago i used to freak out and think oh man am i learning a skill set a technology that is going to be dead so i'll google that and worry about it and be all this but no it's going to be different it will change but it's still here don't worry about it anyways guys that's all i got i appreciate you guys hanging out with me tonight um it was random just ask me anything and uh yeah be looking for more content coming up very very soon um thanks again to the sponsor uh pass solutions check them out the description below i'll add it here in a bit and they're they're awesome and troubleshooting network stuff and if you want to support what i do here i'm helping make free content and uh i i pro i'll tell you this and this i don't want to sound too salesy but um a lot of my time is spent making sponsored content because i do have to feed my million kids here right so i do have to support my family and a lot of that is i have youtube income which is part of it but doesn't cover everything so i have to get sponsored videos which often end up not being ccna based or or hacking focused it might be something else so i have to make a sponsored content that i always try to gear towards you so i'll never make content that's like oh this is clearly just a sellout no no it's gonna be good content i'll say no to sponsors who who give me crap i'm not gonna do that like notice i don't do nordvpn anymore um because i got hacked but uh other sponsors i will work with but eventually i wanna get to a point where i don't have to worry about that to where i can just do this and that by might be just me creating udemy courses to where i can sell them not to worry about it or it might be that you guys support me but i don't i don't want to depend on that too much either but just know that that's my model that's what i plan to do to get more away from sponsored videos and be more available to do more free stuff here on youtube and elsewhere so that's my heart and soul on this that's all i got my voice is nearly done and i'll uh yeah i'll catch you guys next time appreciate you guys [Music] [Music] again [Music] again [Music] hey [Music] thank you [Music] oh come on [Music] again [Music] [Music] friendship [Music] all right just when you thought i was dumb but i'm not like any good marvel movie not comparing myself to marvel but maybe one day i've got the uh the end cap the end screen the the secret at the end where i give away a bag of coffee if you don't know what i do here i give away a bag of my own brand of coffee that you can buy to help support me and by the way i lose money on this because i give too much away but anyways doesn't matter andre i hear you i see you you came in after best path pretend i can't talk right now best path for pin testing andre i would say the best path right now would probably be going and starting with the basics of learning networking security linux so maybe any security plus linux plus ccna make sure you have that foundational stuff down and um i'm about to put my coffee stuff in so the website is i answer the question here in a bit andre one second the website is networkchuck.coffee i'm gonna give a gift card code here in the chat it's gonna give you 20 to buy whatever you want usually it's a bag of coffee first we're going to use it gets it if you get there it's like three dollars left it means you're too late about to post it it's already in there it's i'm about to hit enter anyways andre um as far as a pen testing specific certification ceh is good but only good if you have a company sponsoring you because it's super expensive for what it is oscp is the gold standard when it comes to this kind of stuff it's not cheap either but it's the path you want to go down but that's what i would do that's the path i would take so make sure you get the basics first because again hacking is just hacking and pin testing just building on skills that you should already have as a prerequisite that's sysadmin linux networking whatever anyways hope that's your question andre appreciate you coming in even though you thought you were watching me live but you weren't here is free coffee gift card code bam now get it and first person to use it at networkchuck.coffee gets you uh gives you some stuff again appreciate you guys and i'm tired i'm going to go sleep or actually i need to go eat i haven't eaten today later [Music] guys [Music] you
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 21,835
Rating: 4.9205675 out of 5
Keywords: networkchuck, network chuck, information technology, ask me anything, career advice, technology career advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 18sec (7578 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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