UniFi Dream Machine - the BEST WiFi router (Review and Advanced Setup)

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the dream machine this might be one of the best Wi-Fi routers I've ever had [Music] what makes this thing so so dreamy towards the end of the video I'll cover the geeky stuff like the tech specs and if you hang out until the end I'm gonna give away three of these dream machines thanks to ubiquity people who make dreams come true here so let's drop it let's see what's dreamy about this guy [Music] now I can tell you this it doesn't really do anything new if you look at ubiquity x' other products the the USG the unified security gateway the wireless access points which give us our Wi-Fi the cloud key which is their controller how we can manage all these devices get data get analytics this thing is not doing anything different from those products so again why is this thing so dreamy well the good folks at ubiquity somehow figured out how to take a in access point at USG the security gate which is which is our router and our firewall and a cloud key and they shoved it all into one beautiful package it is kind of beautiful if I'm being honest I do like the look and feel of it it's very dare I say Apple esque that is the power of this little device it does what all of those things do now I myself I have a security gateway I have an access point access points I have a cloud key to be able to do everything that this one device can do it's everything which is kind of why did I buy all that stuff now I'm a bit of a geek when I travel I like to take my router with me I like to take my Wi-Fi with me I like to control that environment and just geek out wherever I go I have a from my Airbnb in Paris I have a VPN connection back to my data center in Dallas Texas that's nuts it gets bad I had a whole suitcase dedicated to all that stuff at one point I have a problem at the beginning of the year my family and I decided to take this just crazy epic road trip three weeks to the u.s. west coast from Dallas and I decided to take this guy with me the dream machine let's put them to the test will this satisfy my geeky urges can I take what I basically have in my network Iraq right now but down into a little bitty capsule here yeah it's more like a capsule isn't it it was like a pill and it's something that can fit inside my backpack or just throw into my car so we arrived at our first Airbnb in San Diego and I go to set this guy up thinking I have to block out an hour to to get kind of tweak it and stuff no it took about five minutes you know let me just show you real quick it's that quick so here we go unify a dream machine set up for two minutes on that clock let's do it real quick right now okay you'll need three things to set this up first thing you already have it if you got a dream machine you the dream machine will go ahead and plug the power cable and let the sucker boot up oh we hear that fan mmm nice now you'll also need to connect this thing to the internet you'll typically connect it to something like a cable modem with an Ethernet cable so Ethan I cable come out of this guy right here which will be provided by your internet provider in most cases you know plug the internet into the LAN port of this dream machine which is the very bottom with the planet looking thing at the bottom and you'll know you're ready when you hear this beautiful sound isn't that nice I love that what a nice touch now to get the dream machine woken up and ready you'll need either a computer or a or a phone and I would recommend using your phone because it's so stupid simple crazy just elegance and just check it out watch we're gonna set this up right now you'll first go download the unifying Network app I already have it there but it's got almost 5 stars completely awesome now once you have it opened this is so cool watch this what it just Auto discovers that you're wanting to do something new dream machine found and how about that 3d rotation oh so yeah I want to set this up setup that's connecting it tells you to plug in the internet which we just covered there's a modem right there and woah internet connected now we'll click Next I'll name my dream machine Ron Swanson you'll be prompted to sign up with a UI account if you don't already have one I already have one so I'll select mine and click Next and then check this out Auto optimize and it just does things that are great for you and your network in your Wi-Fi and then I never send Diagnostics I'll say next and then you create your Wi-Fi network right here so when I was traveling I named mine Network Chuck is here password you've got to have something secure so a password 1 2 3 is what I'm choosing don't do that please don't use that you last past or something to secure yourself now if I click on Advanced Options I get one more option so like too much and ask if you want to separate your 2.4 in your 5 I can get your hurt networks I would say no it's it's too complicated I hate when I see 2.4 and 5 gigahertz separate on a Wi-Fi network so no don't do that it'll auto select for you it's it's smart so I'll click next choose your update schedule 3:00 a.m. with the witching hour sure and this gonna do internet speed test don't get jealous right now isn't that just a pretty graphic I love this yes I do have gigabit internet at my house we'll move on and that was it I'll click finish and it's setting it up liking its coffee break time we're gonna have some coffee what are you drinking today let me know below what your favorite type of coffee is and your favorite brewing method mine is French press it's my daily grind oh and while we're waiting if you haven't already hit that subscribe button if you like what I'm doing here hit that Bell icon to be notified when I go live or when I do stuff like this and if you like this video help me satisfy the robot overlords the YouTube algorithm and hit that like button it does help out a lot and setup is complete and then it has you Auto join your Wi-Fi if you have like an iPhone I assume Android kind of does the same thing I don't know I'm an iPhone guy alright so join my Wi-Fi yeah let's do this and we're done that was it I hope that was two minutes will that two minutes just like for it being two minutes if it was two minutes a whole and they have a matte black one I want the black one that looks amazing I'm gonna go to my dashboard and this is what's killer a theater Ron Swanson come on around Swanson yes I'll trust you if you're new to ubiquity or unify and what their Wi-Fi products and their routers are this is what makes them great is being able to have this controller that's smart it's called software-defined networking it's basically a computer that runs and says I want to make your network great all the time and it does that all the time it tells you hey everything is great a 99% Wi-Fi experience which is super cool you can see who connects and everything so and and this is it like no tweaking necessary no no this and that it says it's a smart controller it makes your Wi-Fi great all the time so we're done right like we can go home now video over no yeah we got to go in there tweak we got to go to the advanced settings and tweak it out right um some things we can do from the phone we can do it from the phone but we get a better experience from the desktop so we'll switch to a campaign okay to get to my unified go to that should be where he lives so here I can either just jump straight into my unifying Network or go manage my dream machine settings let's just take a look at that real quick the login should be your UI dot-com login you get a nice pretty view of what's going on go to performance you can look at all the stats CPU load CPU temer EO all that good stuff storage look at your controllers and then your settings general change the name time zone hardware do a reset reboot firmware updates this was already set when we set this up so nothing too fancy here let's get into our unified network now I'll launch that now again SB your UI comm login now right here we can already see where this is helping me out my setup needs attention because there's no internet connection detected my patch panel is all jacked up I'll be right back okay it should be better when do a quick refresh here alright everything is great after I fixed it of course now this white is blinding my eyes so let's go dark mode yeah there we go much better now this video will not be a deep dive into the unify interface it's amazing it's fun you should get one but right now I want to show these settings I'm going to change for the dream machine and what makes this a little bit dreamier than other solutions we have right now from ubiquity first of all let's jump to the threat management tab now what is threat management hmm I don't know it's not enabled right now what do you say we enable it let's enable threat management it'll take us straight to the settings and the threat and management option here right now this is in beta which means they're still working some bugs out but it's still okay to use just proceed with caution especially if you're using it for your home it's fine so right now the protection mode is disabled we have two options I PS and IDs what's the difference well IDs is the intrusion detection system it will check your network for threats attacks anything bad and it will alert you whereas IPS does the exact same thing except it's the intrusion protection system and they will actually potentially block those attacks so does everything IDs does it all detect all these things coming in but it will proactively block those things which is amazing who wouldn't want that for their house I want that for my house so of course I'm going to enable it right here now the killer thing about this little guy which is mind-boggling is this little guy can do 815 megabits per second of throughput with this setting enabled why is that a big deal won't because on the USG Pro the product I have which is which is designed for professional situations can only do 250 megabits per second of inspected traffic so this is crazy this thing is crazy now I want the biggest bang for my buck I'm gonna use IPs I want threats proactively blocked for me I don't want a hands-off approach I don't want to do anything you can tweak this you can say hey say hey I actually want malware hey actually we wanted mobile malware no no of course you don't want that you can tweak all these settings maybe you want to use tor still turn off tor and then of course you can add whitelist you can say oh these are things i want to allow so i'll go and apply these changes right now and suddenly I'll have IPS going it's awesome just that simple so thus far we've enabled an enterprise create firewall that is analyzing on your traffic and making sure there's nothing bad come or you accessing bad things out it's that's that's crazy so that's a must set up thing if you get this guy because in the third puts out of out of sight out of this world now what I want to do now is go to try new settings and they kind of redesign this and boom I get a different menu wait crazy weird here we go first of all look this new thing called Wi-Fi AI artificial intelligence as in beta right now essentially it seems like advanced artificial intelligence to scan your Wi-Fi environment and it'll choose the best settings the best channels the best power for all your access points in your home or your small business office whatever and just makes things better now keep in mind it is is in beta so they're still working on it but hey beta is good enough for me you can enable this and you can set it to scan at a certain time because it might be kind of intensive on the CPU so 3 a.m. is cool so yeah I'm with that setting who wouldn't want that setting now moving on what else would I changed first under internet I want to mess with the general settings and I thing I want to see and I this is so cool as enabling the speed test it will however you set what the frequency is let's say 20 hours that's cool it'll test your speed and it'll update your isp capabilities which helps us helps us determine if your Internet's working fine it'll adjust QoS settings it's awesome so I'll make that change next you could go under network to mess with your local networks maybe change from a one 92168 to maybe like a 10 dot 77 or something something that's not like super common so hackers can get you but this is fine for now but I would advise you to change that you can add networks right here next is hotspot enable guest access to your Internet to your Wi-Fi for your house or as you travel like I did for some reason I'm not sure why I did but I did it I don't think anyone accessed it but here we can enable that hotspot such a cool thing to do enable it authentication you could say a simple password that you have in your house you're not giving away your main Wi-Fi you can have them use Facebook Wi-Fi which is I mean this this whole thing is crazy let's just say no authentication let's say ya use Terms of Service so we'll say if you're by accessing this you're gonna allow me to look at all your traffic and in hack you like you could say that you can put a welcome text in there under or above your logo you can put a logo in there welcome to my Wi-Fi so we'll apply those changes and then we can go to the design section here and we can actually change the way it looks how cool is this it's awesome and then under Advanced you can tweak this settings just a little bit maybe I'm have a session expired for 24 hours they've been sooner because you don't want guests hanging around too long you can have a custom landing page but maybe directed them to some kind of service or product you have or hey if your family if you connect to my Wi-Fi I want you to go watch my video or something maybe rules for my house I don't know let's whatever you want and then going down to the bottom you can restrict their access which is so cool like before they connect after they all thought author an authorized authorized you can just squeak everything I'm not gonna do anything right now I'll just save my settings here now with these hotspot settings changed we do want to setup the actual Wi-Fi we have to go back up to Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi networks and here we'll add a new Wi-Fi network I'll click create Wi-Fi network I want to click on advanced because I do want to tweak some things and here I'll name my guest Wi-Fi network Chuck guest Wi-Fi I'll keep the network enabled for security I want this to be open guest policies I absolutely want guest policies that this will use whatever guest profile or hotspot profile I create that I can go hide the SSID I can create client groups which we can control how much internet traffic they're allowed to use fast roaming multicast all this advanced stuff this settings actually pretty cool optimized for high performance devices so you're basically forcing high performance clients to connect to five gigahertz only which i think is a cool setting but it's managed by auto optimizes so we're not too worried about that like that's not even I think we think about I love AI so now let's test it out I'm gonna go connect to my Wi-Fi here never Chuck guest Wi-Fi connecting it now and boom there's my guest portal yeah accept the Terms of Use ha sucker I can look at all your traffic now and then connect and success I'm connected so cool now we set up the guest Wi-Fi but right now it's sharing your same network if you want to be more secure a bit more fancy you can set up a separate network just for your guest people so I go to networks and local networks I can add or create a new local network I'll choose advanced and the network purpose won't be corporate corporate meaning like your house people you trust there our purpose this time will be for guests to name it guest network and here you can make things a bit more secure put on different VLAN VLANs 7 it auto populates everything for you so the gateways on the IP it's range one thing I would change and this coming down here under DHCP guarding this will protect you from very common networking attacks from like Kali Linux where people can come in and pretend to be a DHCP server and offer up things and kind of hijack your network and man-in-the-middle attacks this will prevent this from happening it'll basically look on your unify swish and say oh I see DHCP packets coming in its an untrusted source cut off your head you're done so we'll put a trusted server in here which will be our unify servers 1.1 and they'll go out and throw in 12.1 as well everything else I'll leave is default click done and then I do need to go back to my guest Wi-Fi network and make those changes and I'll make that change about changing the VLAN right down here under miscellaneous use VLAN and it'll be VLAN 7 and I'll apply my changes here and the new network is set up my guest Wi-Fi is perfect now a few more things I which week to make your dream machine a true awesome dream well scroll down to our internet security because internet security is the most important thing under threat management we can do some things like change our threat management settings once more we can adjust those same settings we saw earlier geoip filtering this is key geoip filtering is basically blocking IP addresses from certain countries that are known for having a bunch of hackers trying to mess with your stuff we can enable the setting I'll apply those changes now again it is in beta and then over here in DNS filters and alpha which means this is a cool feature probably not gonna work very well but still fun to try out this is killer because it's kind of like an internet filter for your house I'm gonna go in and able the settings show you what I'm talking about I apply those settings and I can add a filter to my network so this this is so killer I love this so much thank you unify I can add a family filter which network audits my land for my family and where did that do it tells me a blocks VPNs explicit content pornographic and malicious domains search engines YouTube set to Safe Mode which it totally did that when I was traveling I Nabal this setting and I realized I couldn't watch live video so it's gonna watch the live videos and I couldn't comment so it's awesome that's kind of like the Mac security mode you can go to adult and the security but what a cool thing deep packet inspection already enabled which basically allows you to be able to see all the traffic and kind of go oh we've watched this much of Netflix and we've done this much Facebook stuff and it also enables you to filter and block traffic so for example I may want to restrict some type of traffic so I add a restriction here see my kids been playing way too many online games saucy online games hey stop playing them online games it gives you options for all the online games that's crazy I'll just say all of them enable it block the traffic and log it let's do that and then I can assign that restriction to a Wi-Fi network which is what I have and yeah there we go I'm gonna apply that there Sid oh yeah then my kids can't you know go play online games and then network scanners another alpha feature which again proceed with caution but still super stinking cool like endpoint scanner it'll automatically scan your endpoints and see if there's any issues any vulnerabilities security threats which is crazy this just looks serious like companies pay big money for these features like a lot of money so to have this and this is crazy and then you can have your own internal honeypot I'll add a honeypot and I'll put that in my guest network my honeypot IP is to super cool and I went to my primary network - yeah let's do this that is so cool again an alpha setting but hey I'm willing to take the risk those are some of the main settings that would change on this bad boy to make it just scream it's awesome there are some other things that unify has that are amazing like VPN didn't create your own VPN server that can connect to back at your home and keep yourself secure while you're traveling I mean connect to another VPN unified device and create a VPN a VPN connection so super cool the your family gets a bunch of these and you can all have your big VPN network awesome and then you have a few miscellaneous settings alerts you can configure alerts to hit your phone if you have the app or emails whatever you want ap related events people a rogue ap detected or one goes offline have client events when a client enters the Wi-Fi or exits the Wi-Fi so you can keep track on people just a ton of stuff and then lastly one of the most important things you wanna make sure you're doing with your unify controller is going down to the bottom and going to controller settings and backup things aren't perfect you might lose your configuration your device and make sure you're backing up your settings regularly 7 days is cool I can download a backup right now and create backups automatically which will then save it to my controller or coming soon that's exciting back up to the cloud which is ideal right and that is what I would tweak for my dream machine this is also applicable to a lot of the other products like if you have a controller in the cloud or if you have control on your cloud key I do want to show you one thing now that I've already configured on my threat management if I go back to my threat management tab I get this just dare I say sexy looking thing here I get all the information I feel like I'm gonna in a sock a security operation center and I can look at my threats traffic logs endpoint scans and tells you how many open ports are on a particular endpoint it's so cool honeypot if there's any threats detected it's just its killer man I love this thing all right let's get nerdy and talk about the tech specs what makes this thing great first of all the biggest thing about it is that it's only 300 bucks that's crazy for all that we went through all you can do with this 300 bucks is a steal so that's a that's a huge win we went over a few the features we didn't talk about how it's a sea wave - which is good but it's not Wi-Fi six you won't be future proof like that much but hardly any devices are out right now for Wi-Fi six unless you have some of the latest phones but anyways you're not gonna see a big performance change unless you have a ton of devices in your network which this I think is more geared towards small business or your home your house it has a managed for port you give it switch which means you can change things have VLANs and such it's great this killer feature advanced security gateway we saw some of that with the IPS and IDs amazing that you can have all of that at one little package no need for a cloud key or an extra server you got the the controller built into this thing and of course you can add additional access points to this bad boy and just have multiple throughout your house if you need additional coverage now I do have to say I took my phone around my house and I got a two-story house this thing's nestled up in my office in the corner you know what they actually performed pretty stinkin well just by himself it's got a pretty good processor pretty stinkin fast I wanted to show this image because that's just thinking cool what they did there so that's what it looks like on the inside so let's talk about what I love about this thing and what I hate about this thing pros in the price you can't beat that sneak in price best value especially if you look at what you'd have to buy to have all the functionality USG switch APs this has everything built-in that's that's the most compelling part of this which I guess I'll call that like multifunction or something I don't know the other huge win on this is the 850 megabits per second of throughput when you're enabling threat management like IAS and IPS that's amazing way better than the current offering with the USG Pro which you would think pro means better but no dream machine knocks it out of the park and as far as the performance goes I've had no issues with this now the cons yes the dream machine does have a few nightmares one thing is it only has one land port which means you can't have Internet failover you can't support more than one internet provider so that's kind of a downside especially if you're buying it for your business another con and this might be for more of the advanced users no this is more for more the advanced users and that's that it has limited Advanced Options for example the the USG Pro you can go into the command line and you can make some custom configurations that aren't supported in the portal one of those custom things you can do is you can create a custom VPN connection like an open VPN connection to a VPN provider so like Nord VPN private Internet access you can have your internet automatically be connected like everything in your network go through that VPN connection super cool on the dream machine I tried to do this while travelling I'm thinking okay I want to protect myself in that way well I'm going from hotel to Airbnb and all that you can't do it this wasn't possible I tried for a couple hours and just it's not there so with that in mind who is the dream machine for who's the target audience who should buy this and who should say nah if you're a home user and you love messing with your networks and your Wi-Fi this thing is for you it gives you everything you need in one beautiful capsule you're not gonna have a ton of cores laying around cut a bunch of devices and having your a huge headache we trying to manage your Wi-Fi this thing is beautiful simple elegant I love it so for a home perfect also for a small business I mean the features this thing packs perfect for a small business the throughput you have for your firewall and IPS IDs rivals a lot of the super expensive enterprise products you can buy out there so a small business it's a no-brainer so home and small business definitely the recommended people you can add other access points to this controller and just have a really great Wi-Fi experience but if you need more if you need you know power for ethan if you want to use surveillance cameras from unify the unified protect options if you want way to failover if you want more of those Enterprise features if you have multi-site deployments you might want to go with a more professional product than the dream machine now I say that knowing that the unified dream machine Pro has recently been released and I am gonna get my hands on that soon so recap things amazing performs like a beast great for small business great for enthusiasts who want to have great Wi-Fi at their house but if you're a medium to large business definitely want to shy away from this because you're gonna need those enterprise level features that this thing just does not offer right now and by the way if you are just a geek and you love working on things like this we're messing with your Wi-Fi making your home automated if you're like the resident IT guy for your family you should go deeper and make a career out of this stuff that's what I did I used to work at Starbucks and I was only always a guy that they would talk to to fix the printer and the Wi-Fi and the same for my family I decided to make a career out of it so I studied I signed up for CBT Nuggets which I currently work at now and I learned from the ground up how to do this stuff so if you're wanting to figure out how to get your career started get into IT and learn about networking and everything else that is out there hit up CBT Nuggets links below I have a few courses on there that you can check out and it's it's an amazing ride anyways let's talk about that giveaway I am giving away three of these guys and a little extra thanks to the amazing folks at ubiquity I'm essentially giving away three separate prize packages the first prize package the unified dream machine this beautiful guy right here is what you'll be winning how do you win this comment below hashtag dream machine all one word and let me know what your favorite feature is of this dream machine prize number two it gets a little bit better a unified HD picture I'm giving away a dream machine and a UAP which is a unify a p access point beacon HD $429 value so you get this guy plus an access point to win the dream machine and the UAP beacon HD link below and finally the grand this is crazy Thank You Vic wa t for doing this so hey you fight dream machine o'clock key pieces not pictured Emmanuel HD reflects HD it beacon HT not picture you in one unify dream machine you'll also win a cloud key now why why do you want a cloud key get this one already kinda has a cloud key built in we'll cover that in a moment it also went 1/8 port POS which no why do you need that this already has a built in switch we'll cover that in a moment you'll also win this is crazy to ubiquity cameras from their unified protect platform this is why you want the cloud key and the end the POV switch the cloud key has the unify protect surveillance software so you can oh it's amazing I have it now check it out and then those cameras are just outstanding I'll be powered by the POS which oh this is so cool this is oh it's the best you'll also win a you ap nano HD a you ap flex HD and a you ap beacon HD guys this is a one thousand two hundred and fifty dollar value woo to enter that contest link below again huge things to ubiquity for providing this and also this amazing giveaway now if you don't win which I'm sorry most of you will not win you should still consider getting their products I've been using them for a long time actually a very long time and I always stood by I've installed him professionally and I've always had them in my house so check out the links below to pick up some amazing stuff three machine man get one whoo that's about it if you haven't already hit that subscribe button if you like the stuff I'm making if you like this video hit that like button because it helps me satisfy the YouTube overlords and hey that's all I got thanks so much for hanging out till the end of the video yeah I think that's about it I'll catch you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 459,764
Rating: 4.9129648 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, ccna, ccna study, ccna training, cisco ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco training, comptia a+ 901, comptia linux+ exam, information technology, kali linux, linux for beginners, linux tutorial, linux+ exam, raspberry pi, top 10, dream machine, unifi dream machine, ubiquiti, ubiquiti dream machine, unifi dream machine review, ubiquiti unifi, ubiquiti networks, unifi dream machine setup, best wifi router, unifi dream machine pro, unifi udm, wireless router
Id: BezoNUflqXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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