Juniper certifications are FREE?? (CCNA alternative)

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck hope you got your coffee ready because today we're talking about juniper certifications and um you may not know what juniper is because i never talk about juniper and no i'm not i'm not switching to juniper i'm not crazy but i am interested in what their certifications are doing because as you know cisco is the best like the ccna is one of the best it certifications out there you can get by the way how you guys doing tonight uh let me know if you can hear me i gotta do that yeah here we go now so yeah ccna is the best i.t certification out there period non-negotiable it is uh but getting it is expensive cisco has a competitor cisco's not the only person out there the company out there making networking stuff one of their biggest competitors and i say biggest they're not a huge i mean they're a big company but compared to cisco cisco's still a dominant player juniper juniper is one of their biggest competitors and uh i've seen juniper around like as an engineer i've been in shops where we've had cisco stuff and we've had juniper stuff and i'm sure you have juniper stuff in your data center if you're in the chat let people know like yeah we use juniper in our in our in our core we use juniper as our internet router like whatever you use it for it's there and i know juniper is used heavily at isps uh in general i believe juniper is cheaper than cisco not cheaper in quality just cheaper in price and that makes them competitive so anyways getting to the point here juniper is a network competitive competitor to cisco but why should we care about the certifications normally up until now i've completely ignored them juniper does have a cisco equivalent called the jncia equivalent to the ccna right teach the same kind of stuff it's just from the perspective of working on their boxes if you get on a juniper switch a juniper router you're going to find that the experience is largely the same minute differences i'm telling you it's kind of industry standard by now there are differences don't get me wrong but it's not a big change now the reason we're talking about this because juniper certifications they're free they legit are free like every one of them now some of you i saw in the chat earlier were like oh um they're not completely free blah blah blah you get a voucher for 75 off no no no they're they're free you have to find out how to get them but they are free thank you martin puerta for joining the membership thanks for joining uh wait this is crazy to me though the fact that their certifications are free now normally you would have to go through like cisco uh study for the juniper certification let's say the jncia and you'd pay like 200 to go to pearson view and take the exam like if you tried to schedule it right now the traditional way if you went to pearson view and tried to schedule that that's what would happen 200 but they released this program called i think it's junos genius the genius bar whatever i don't know what it's called but through this program if you go through their material which it's free material again i told you free free free free for everything free training uh the website is actually pretty great and then as long as you go through their free practice test you get a free voucher that's so different from cisco actually that's different from everyone comptia cisco vmware uh red hat everybody they don't do this like most of the time certifications are geared to make money for that organization that's just how it works that's how it is juniper's doing it a bit different and i'm not sure i'm not sure how i feel about it i'll cover that here in a moment but let's get to it first of all why would you go for juniper uh juniper's a big player in the market they are i i keep telling you guys this you and in days past you would find places that just had cisco equipment like that that would happen right cisco switches cisco routers cisco everything and it was it was beautiful like that i was in that world and i loved it but uh now that's not the case it just isn't you'll get f5 for your load balancing you'll get uh palo alto for your firewalls you might have a cisco switch here and there you might have juniper here like it there it's everywhere i'm telling you um so yeah juniper is gonna be a thing the question is and this is the biggest question we have to consider right now is how does the ccna compare to the jncia because at the end of the day that's what you care about if you're just starting your career you're just getting into networking and you want to transition your job role to becoming a network engineer that's your biggest focal point what's going to be the biggest like i'm ready i want to i want to be this guy what's going to shine on your resume ccna or jncia ccna still wins without a doubt right like it just does like check this out um i'll show you how to get to the free stuff here in a bit but if we do a job search i know this probably isn't completely fair but we'll we'll look at it so if i search for ccna no filter uh blah blah i get 8 700 results for a ccna if i search for jncia 304 so that alone tells you that not a lot of people are actually looking for this um let me check out dice real quick just make sure i'm not playing favorites here ccna at dice let's see 879 jobs on dice uh let me do jncia 34. so there's a there's a huge difference a huge discrepancy that's just because cisco is known industry-wide for their certifications if really it's just if you know if you have the ccna people believe and trust that you could probably come in and work on a juniper device you can learn it real quick that's just how it is that's the industry standard but there were jobs that came up like there were jobs i've seen job postings where it would say ccna or jncia um so where does this come in for you as you're trying to become a network engineer i think this is interesting because the ccna is not cheap right it's like 300 to take the exam not to mention all the things you have to do to study for you have to pay for a great course or maybe you don't actually because i got a free ccna course right now on youtube check it out link below uh most of the time you have to pay a lot of money books labs all this kind of that's crazy right like it it hurts you and i i remember being in that place where i could not afford this stuff and i just like if i failed an exam it tore my soul apart and i had to keep waiting for that next exam and save up money for it but juniper's made it free so if you're in a tough spot and you're like i i want to get my certifications i don't have any money juniper is the way to go right now like seriously get your jncia it's it's legit free let me show you real quick i got a link below let me jump over here to my juno junos genius login and here's how you get to it it was kind of weird to find it so i'm going to walk you through it real quick i got the link below for this just click on that set up an account and then i'll log in real quick here i'm going to make this a little bigger so it's more obvious to see things the way i found this is by going to browse we'll click on i believe i went to certification and then right here ah jumped away from me jnci junos this is one of their they they have tracks just like cisco like look jncia cloud jncia security like they have five tracks for the jncia if i jump into the junos which is kind of the ccna equivalent i believe just the routing and switching but you can't say that anymore because routing and switching died if i click on that i can see i've got the juniper open learnings just go to juniper if i click on that let me go back and make sure you saw i clicked on that i kind of clicked on it pretty fast this course right here juniper open learning cisco to juniper this is all you have to do to get your voucher first the first thing you have to complete is this guy right here and it tells you how to get your free voucher it just says complete all this curriculum free training and if you scroll to the bottom you've got looks like you have one final assessment test for this one of course you have to go through everything as well but yeah then you get your your free voucher for the jncia junos and this applies to every one of the tracks so if i go back to let me close this out go to certifications let's just take the jncia security let me find that course here where is it where is it i mean is this it maybe oh no here right here juniper open learning security associate open that same situation read me to learn how to get your voucher jump in there it tells you you'll get that sucker for free right it says it yeah remotely for free so you take it through pearson view remotely at you at your desk where you're at and you go through and you complete the practice test and then take your final assessment you get a free voucher like that's killer that's amazing um i know mr packet thrower and uh kelvin from my discord channel uh server and i've brought calvin and mr pacquiao on the channel before they both did a challenge we're like you know what let's let's try to complete all five jncia tracks in in a week and was it a week guys i don't know let me know in the chat and they they did it like they cut all of them in a week um because it's free it's free right um which is kind of amazing so if the i'll say it's it's for it's for you i'm kind of i need some more coffee i slow down this won't slow me down but it'll stop me from talking for a second okay ready to go so if ccna is out of reach for you juniper do that seriously like no doubt it'll teach you the same technologies i mean these industry standard technology like spanning tree ospf like these these are all industry standard cisco doesn't just use them these others other vendors do too so if you learn it through juniper or cisco it doesn't matter you will learn juniper specific stuff commands and how their architecture is and it's a little bit different you'll learn that but the core technologies are still the same you'll learn networking the concepts of networking go across to everything in it whether you go to cloud or you're working in a virtual machine networking is still there so it's kind of amazing it's free so i would say if cisco's out of reach for you if you can't afford something or if you're waiting to save up for that next certification study for juniper right now that's so cool like that's that's kind of amazing you don't have to wait for your your approval from your job to to pay for your exam or your test no juniper is free just go do it like that's so cool um and and even like right now if you have your ccna uh and you don't know where to go next get your juniper certification i mean as we saw again not a lot of people are looking for jncia certified people but it's not going to hurt you to have that on your resume it's not it's not and again freeze free do it add that to your resume you can and there's a whole bunch there's a more advanced tracks with juniper they have devops stuff similar to cisco's devnet so and they were actually first to the market i believe they have it there it's it's really really cool so let me get to the next question though and that's i mean we kind of already answered it but ccna versus jncia um it's not going to look good as far as like trying to get that first job and and the weight of the ccna versus the jncia like it's there's a huge discrepancy more people know about cisco more people know what the ccna is but again it's free uh but i think it's weird though i i don't know how i feel about certifications being free i love that they do this it's a cool opportunity for people but i almost think that the certification itself loses value because we're not paying for it and that might sound weird right like because i i'm i'm i quit my job to do free training on youtube because i believe this kind of stuff should be free but at the same time i do believe there should be a barrier to entry because it's kind of like getting a degree like a lot of people want you to have degree a bachelor's degree because they know what it takes to get to that point you have to actually put your money where your mouth is you have to put the time in you have to find ways to pay for it like you have to you have to have some grit for it and i believe the same thing applies to certifications uh you know it starts low at the ccna right like you're not paying a ton it's still a lot of money for a lot of people but it's not like ccie level money you're paying 300 along with your training to get that but we still have that barrier that that you have to really put your money where your mouth is you have to really put the time in whereas juniper they made it easy and i don't know it feels like it's not as hard so more people will do it and it becomes saturated if that makes sense so i think the ccna actually holds more value because you have to pay for it because getting it is harder and the same thing goes for a ccie it's not just attaining the knowledge of the ccie that's difficult right it's the fact that you have to fork over a ton of money each attempt and it's not it's not you have to fly somewhere you have to go through a grueling process of a lab i forget how much it is like twelve hundred dollars right each attempt that's that's crazy but that that's the barrier and i think junos juniper has made it a bit too easy now again i could be i want to be wrong about this i want the industry to start changing to where this kind of stuff does become become more free because i think college is a ripoff if we make these it certifications if everyone starts to adopt that mentality that would be amazing right i believe this kind of knowledge should be free and the people who uh spend the time to study for it to actually to have the grit to get the knowledge should be rewarded for it whether or not they have the money uh that's that's what i love about i.t in general because we don't have to spend thousands like thousands and thousands of dollars on traditional education we can just pick up a certification and study for it and in a lot of cases 300 is a lot a lot of cases paying 50 50 ducks 50 bucks a month for training is a lot like it really hurts your wallet but it's worth it and then j juniper does some cool stuff like that that's amazing so i don't know what are your thoughts on it do you think this is worth it better question are you gonna go for your your and jncia like why not it's free and people use juniper like it's it's a valuable thing i'm sure you saw in the chat that people were talking about juniper and it's a real thing people use it and i again i know like a lot of you probably jump on the stream and go uh what is what is juniper i have no idea what that is it's not popular and and just like when you start your i.t education it's not popular you don't hear about it definitely out there in the field people definitely use it but how cool is that so let me know in the chat let me know if you're gonna go for it i think it'd be interesting they actually have a uh let me see if i can find it real quick i'll show it to you they have a transition to go from ccna to jncia because again there's there's a ton of overlap let me just i think it's a learning path let me jump in there i think i clicked on the wrong thing is it yeah yes juniper open learning cisco to juniper oh maybe the same thing yeah but there's there's not a ton of stuff you have to learn it's um again a ton of overlap yeah give it a try why not it's a huge asset to your resume just even if you already have the ccna i think it'd be a cool thing i see people at juniper on their resume i see companies using juniper so go for it now um that's pretty much all i had to say about that because i thought i thought this was really cool i've seen people talking about juniper certifications i'm like yeah that's a neat thing not for me because i think ccna has a ton of value but then i heard that was it was for free that's a different story so i think it could be it could go one of two ways it could devalue their certification track even more than it was compared to cisco or it could propel them to a really great standing because you know cisco's got a great ecosystem right they their certifications are industry standard and you learn they're like what great marketing that is right like yeah their certifications are the best to learn networking and you're learning how to use their stuff so that when you go to become a network engineer or a network admin at a company and you're and a lot of times even myself when i've been in a junior role i've been given uh the buying power to say what are we gonna buy and i'm like well i don't know obviously cisco right because i know cisco i know how to use cisco and if i'm gonna be the one configuring this it's gonna be cisco so cisco's really smart and having that ecosystem having the control of the certification so juniper is probably trying to get that that marketability by making their certifications free getting that knowledge so people could become more familiar with it and want to recommend it to their company and at the end of the day i got i love cisco to death i do you know i do but they're really expensive and when i worked for a medium to large size business and we were making buying decisions like you know i'm like cis go cisco like in the background sometimes it didn't make sense it was too expensive there were other vendors who were offering the same thing sometimes better and it was going to work better for us so it's a smart move from juniper i think it really is anyways that's all i had to say about that i'm gonna go to answering some questions uh we have three new members from uh or for the network chuck membership here on youtube and by the way i don't know if i mention this to you guys i've got four tiers in my membership the first two tiers you get some benefits but the final two tiers which i believe is the network chuck army and beast mode you'll get access to all the cool stuff you get on youtube but i'm also giving you this is it access as well so you'll be able to access my training david bomble's training that we're putting on this is it so check it out it's pretty cool and that's the sponsor of today's video by the way anyways let me go check the chat here i want to try and pull up a few questions here my chat wasn't pulling in on my other screen oh well thank you nicholas tavares for the cool super sticker i wish i could throw it up there but i can't um aaron shannon says do we need to learn juniper right now no that's the one thing i'll say no it's it's you don't need to know it right now um definitely helpful again knowledge free knowledge is knowledge i would wager that the stuff you'd probably learn in your juniper free courses here on their site and probably rival what you'd probably pick up in a college class so knowledge is knowledge man uh welles and tome i've just gotten the transmission is it true yes it is true you can get it for free free certifications go for it let's see i'm studying cisco packet tracer and gns3 in college what should i study with you packet tracer gns3 is too complicated for ccna start out with packet tracer uh john hellig um one of my members i think i said your name right thank you for being a member john i said i worked at an isp we used junipers and i never touched one need to learn asap well again you're golden because their trainings for free isn't that great like another reason for a company to buy juniper right like they can if they have existing staff that know cisco like okay we're gonna have to migrate to juniper we're gonna have to also buy training for our staff to learn juniper what what a pain no no there's juniper training for free you don't have to reimburse them for certifications that's free it's just another upsell it's crazy cool i hope it actually makes them better i hope it makes them more adoptable because i think that's a cool move i'm like i'm like shoot i'm thinking about changing teams because that's a cool thing george manley thank you for upgrading to the network chuck army because that does give you access to this as it you're supporting myself and david bomble and our mission to bring free i.t training to the people and that's why you know i'm kind of like team juniper right now uh net tech says juniper same with ccna cisco yes so juniper is equivalent to ccna or equivalent to the ccna is the jncia and yeah same thing they have different tracks like cisco does well like cisco did so they have the jncia security cloud all that fun stuff you can check it out um hathor the tech goddess says should i study for the jncia when i want to obtain a security plus cert um again you'll get i'm a broken record when i say this i t certifications when you're trying to land a job so when you're when you're trying to get that those letters to put on your resume to make you more attractive to possible opportunities it only matters to how marketable those certifications are so ccna is golden because so many people look for that as a standard like okay do you know networking i have the ccna oh well then you know networking or at least you you uh tested on it and you pass a test which in a lot of cases is good some cases it's not and i'll be honest with that uh the juniper situation again if an hr person got your resume and they saw jncia on it they'll go well the job request said ccna i don't know what jncia is i'm just an hr person they they probably wouldn't recognize that now if a regular i.t person or like oh jnca let me look this up oh juniper oh well they're equivalent let me look at the jncia oh okay they teach the same thing as a ccna that would be fine but who's going to do that no one's going to look that up no one's going to go through that process so it's all about marketability so to answer your question long answer to your short question i would say security plus because it's more marketable it just is uh jncia right now is kind of a fun search to have because it's free um again if and this is a golden opportunity for you if your company has juniper equipment and maybe you're on the help desk like maybe you're on the help desk and you don't know what your company has find out because if you find out they have juniper stuff dude jump on that jump on the opportunity because you can just simply go sign up for a free account you got free testing free free resources get a juniper certification show your boss show your uppers that hey i'm i'm ready i'm going to configure this unit for stuff let me know that's an opportunity or maybe you're you're looking for jobs in the area you're looking for network engineer jobs network admin jobs and you see that a few of them don't mind if you have your jncia or ccna or a higher level you know the the professional level so yeah dude so much opportunity there um epic games hd thank you for the super chat so i can pull the chats here i don't know why they're not pulling in that's really annoying i'm trying to fix it real quick live troubleshooting it would help if i had it on that's probably what the problem was anyways uh let me check it real quick so epic games hd currently a knock with a ccna and a plus any tips what my next networking job should be also into technical school no college so you're currently in a knock you have your ccna you have your a plus what should your next networking job be i would get to like this is what i'm serious this is the best environment like if i had to go back into the field this is what i would go to a medium to large size business you have the most fun there you just do i had the most fun these these companies have uh and this is this is the type company you want where it's big enough to where you're working with cisco equipment juniper equipment like you're buying some serious stuff for your company but you're not restricted on what your access is you get to a large company and you come in as a network engineer your only job as a network engineer or maybe your only job is routing and switching like that you're just you're siloed and that happened to me when i moved to a larger company i'm like this is very restricting and confining i don't like this because my previous company i was the cisco guy cisco voice guy i was also a domain admin managing windows servers doing vmware stuff basically if it was i.t and it buzzed and had a fan like i would fix it like it was everything everything and that was fun it's a fun environment so that's what i'll go to that's where you'll learn the most drinking from a fire hose situation but if you find a company like that they're normally easier to get started in get a foothold in and get in the door and you learn so much and you have the most fun trust me at a point in your career you'll want to move sometimes i don't depending on where you want to go you'll want to move into a role where it's larger a larger company and usually you'll make more money in that role and have less stress and that's that's a great situation to be in seriously that's good but initially when you're starting out look for a medium to large size business or the other option and these guys are always looking for people good people is an msp a managed service provider these are companies who not only manage their own i.t but manage other companies i.t that's their that's the business of it so a small company might contract out their it work instead of paying dedicated staff they'll contract it out to msp and msp handles it i know a lot of data centers kind of do that as well they have their data center stuff and they manage their customer stuff and they also do msp work so it might be an easy transition for you or an easier transition that was not for me i tried that out i didn't like it too much travel but for a lot of people it's it's amazing it's a great start drinking from the fire hose situation you'll learn you'll learn a ton of stuff just a ton of stuff uh very quickly it can be stressful at first but totally worth it anyways epic games think of a super chat i hope to answer your question all right my chats are coming in now perfect kev tech i t support let me get your name up in lights let me see if this will work now yeah there it is okay i think that worked okay cool um keep me making those free ccna courses it's helping everyone yeah um i appreciate that it's um it's something i've always wanted to do is put on free it training courses i'm hoping i can get more people to do it with me and actually i haven't officially announced this yet or i really have a system to to vet people but if you are thinking about becoming a instructor or you want to give back to the community in any way let me know uh either just send me a reply to me on twitter or something or send me an email you can find my email somewhere if you're really serious yeah if you want to if you want to test out your hand at making training content are you a blogger are you good at making labs are you are you trying to make video content let me know i obviously want to come in with some knowledge uh that you can offer people and we'll see what we can do yeah i'm trying to encourage people to do this more often because juniper's killing it i love that i think we can make this type of training more freely available anyways kept tech thank you for the super chat i think i missed another one somewhere daniel eckengals uh thank you for the super sticker oh that's these things are weird but i like them oh i missed one from raul let me uh grab a little stuff and put them up there roll you are on let's see i'm overwhelmed to be honest uh and thank you royal for the super chat having a hard time starting to study my ccna i really want i really want it just overwhelmed any tips thanks for reading this of course uh raul i know where you're at i've been there i'm assuming that maybe you ha you're you're working a full-time job and you're trying to manage studying for the ccna and especially if you're working at an it job right now and maybe you're not doing ccna stuff maybe you're on a help desk it's hard when you're dealing with technical issues all day like my printer is not working hey my password needs to be like all these annoying things you work with hey so many stupid things right when you're working in it all day the last thing you want to do is get home and study more i.t now sometimes you do like sometimes i could not get i could not wait to get home to crack open my book fire up my router or you know fire up pack a tracer gns3 whatever and get to work a lot of days didn't work out right you're driving home your commute sucks your commute sometimes it murders your your your motivation sometimes you're like okay logging on my computer getting my stuff ready i'm gonna get home i'm gonna study for two hours by the time your commute's over you're already thinking about dinner you're like yeah um i can skip today it's okay i'm just gonna netflix is on tonight you know it's always on we're gonna watch netflix tonight so it's rough i know so there's two things i would do one is really really figure out your why like figure that sucker out i got a bird it's like chirping it's driving me crazy uh his name's kevin number two because we killed kevin number one anyways that's a long story sorry i got distracted so yeah i would figure out your why and make it a good why why are you getting your ccna is it to get that next job is it to um make more money for your family like whatever that goal is is it just to get a nice car like dude like you know i interviewed uh ernest the the cisco panther his big thing was obviously to support his family but he wanted a mercedes like he had a mercedes background on his on his desktop and that motivated him right and now you look at ernest and uh he did this like within a year you get a ccna ccmp he bought that mercedes he's killing it like he got it so find your why identify that why make it part of your daily routine to remind yourself of that why if it's your kids man gosh just i mean just look at him and go kid ah help me you know just remember what you're doing it for and number two is uh and there's a million tips but this is the second thing i would actually i want to make it three two is define a time and place for you to study motivation really comes down to um motivation is a hard thing to play with because motivation comes and goes sometimes it's up to here sometimes you got nothing right like it sucks you don't want to play with that you want to you want to remove that variable as much as you can so define a time and a place where you don't have to think about it just becomes automatic so let's say you set up to where when you get home you have a place in your house whether it's in a dedicated office or maybe it's a bar stool at your your in your kitchen or whatever it's space and you say like call your wife your significant other and say hey can you have my space set up when i get home so that when i walk in i beeline to that and i walk i walk in i sit down i just do it make a covenant with your your people and your family saying okay i have to study when i get home make sure i'm not distracted like i i'm going to give in like if you tell me like let's go hang out i'm going to do it make have a covenant with your people tell them to make sure make me study please and then when you walk into the door you've got that environment get your environment set the book's already there the computer's already there the environment's already there there's no you don't have to like make any guesswork about your brain you don't have to make a decision it's just there you just do it make that happen number three and this i use this i use this today i use it every single day the pomodoro method if you don't know what that is find out it's where you study for 25 minutes 25 minutes and you only study focused attention you don't do anything your kids like hey you're like nope nope i'll see you in 25 minutes i'm i'm studying right now nothing else can distract me 25 minutes and then when you're 25 minutes is up well then you can walk over there and talk to your kid you can go talk to your wife or your husband or whatever and that would be a five minute break but then you come back set that timer 25 minutes focus time again why do you do that well it helps the distractions obviously but the second biggest reason that helps so much is that it's easier to say oh i can just take i can anybody can study for 25 minutes right like we sometimes we approach our study time like oh um i'm gonna stay for three hours tonight and then you get home you're like i don't have the energy to study for three hours i'll just wait till tomorrow that's what i'll do no it's it's easier easier to go okay i have my goal today just get 25 minutes of studying done that's it just 25 minutes and i can say i study today that's easier to manage and often what often happens what do you think happens right often you do 25 minutes and it builds up into another pomodoro i can't tell you how many times like i set my timer of 25 minutes and i'm labing away just going crazy and i'm like oh crap time's already up um reset 25 minutes let's go i'm i'm in this that's what happens it just takes a bit to get started so doing those little hacks because like you gotta hack this thing man it's just a bunch of chemicals it's just a bunch of soup up there uh caffeine adrenaline there's all kinds of things going on up there you gotta hack it you gotta hack your brain you gotta you gotta make that routine work for you so that's what i would do um and you said you were overwhelmed doing those things will help with you being overwhelmed so and sometimes it might just come down to maybe you're doing too much maybe you're studying too much and you're burnt out take a break no shame in that take a week off i know we have a hustle culture right like get the certification study every day eight hours a day let's do that that worked for some people sure some people are crazy uh that didn't work for me sometimes i'd be studying too much and i had to take a week off and that was fine it's fine you got to work for what uh you got to do what works for you so i will thank you again for the super chat i hope that helped out uh let me see if i got any more super chats here don't want to miss anything i think i may have missed a few so i want to see if i can refresh my other screen here man coffee's good tonight by the way have you seen my coffee network chuck coffee drinking some ethiopia right now okay we got a super chat from a 15 bill asking me about things i don't know but i'm going to try to answer anyway sending that to the live stream so a 15 bill says when is your ccna my free ccna course can be fully completed i don't know i'll be honest with you i don't know this is a kind of a passion project for me to where i'm going to do my best to make it the best thing i can make um i'm putting out one a week publicly on youtube i'm going to be banking them up a lot so as i get a good routine going as i figure out kind of my vision for it because it for me is a creative process so i'm going to figure out my vision for it and i have a lot banked up and that's going to be going on this is i.t immediately so if you want you know advanced access to my ccna course that's where you'll want to go i'll be putting probably i'm not making promises here but i'll probably be adding five to six videos a week on this as it and then one i'll be going live on youtube each week i'm doing that because not every one of you are here to watch my ccna content so i don't want to overwhelm you with like here's another ccna video that would be so annoying if you weren't going for ccna so i don't want to kill people with that but anyways uh to not answer your question i don't know um got another super chat from maxwell simpson thank you maxwell i'm gonna throw this up here and send it up right now and i lost it there okay maxwell says best career advice for someone that will be completing their masters in cyber security which is amazing congrats but does not have any real world experience in the it world so that's that's interesting because having a master's degree is pretty advanced before you jump into like your first it job so that's pretty advanced um i've seen situations where people who have advanced degrees can kind of skip the line a bit skip the line and jump straight into a network engineer role or a cyber security role like that can happen so i will lean on that degree um it might end up that you'll have trouble because again experience is king i don't care how many certifications you have or how many how much college education you have cert uh experience is the biggest thing in the world so don't shoot too high don't try to find that extra like i would advise you to apply for those those high-level jobs and not say hi like i mean like a network admin job may be looking for three to four years experience don't be afraid to look for that job don't be afraid to look for the socks job the security operation center jobs uh but it might end up being that you have to settle for a help desk help desk job and um and i say settle like help desk jobs can pay a lot like they can i i started out making like 29 000 a year but that's because i had nothing i was going from plumbing to um and i wasn't a plumber i was selling plumbing supplies i wasn't even good with my hands with plumbing i went to that so with a master's degree you could probably demand 50 000 a year on help desk i've seen that happen entry level that's what you make and that's that's a good that's a good salary anywhere you go right like that's great so yeah you might have to start out help desk entry level both with your degree and your hustle you'll go very high very fast so aim for those higher level jobs but don't wait for them if you find a help desk job jump on that because you need to start banking up that experience that's what i would do hope that answers your question got another super chat from salomon or solomon i might be saying your name wrong i'm sorry i'm gonna throw it up here real quick there it is solomon says i have ceh not the best but something four years experience as iet support uh what do you recommend to find a job as uh a security i i'm assuming admin or a pen tester or something so that that's interesting that's a good feedback uh for me at least because i'm i'm going for my ceh right now which if you don't know what that is it's the certified ethical hacker certification it basically teaches you how to be a hacker from the ethical viewpoint meaning you're not hacking for bad you're hacking for good you're hacking with companies permission he has four years experience as i.t support which is that's that's gold and that's awesome what do you recommend to find a job as security well the first thing i would do is look for opportunities in your current company i don't know what the hierarchy is like i don't know how big your company is and if there's any opportunity above where you are first place i would look is that so go talk to your manager and say hey manager here's my goals like be like go go to them and lay out your plan like be honest say i don't want to do this for like this is everyone do this please talk with your manager or whoever will care to listen and say i don't i love my job but i'm ambitious i want to go high here's my plan i'm going to i'm going to move up my career is there opportunity here for me can i become the network admin can i become a security admin can i work on the firewalls can i can i do something uh there may there may not be a job opening that's fine but get yourself ready they may invent a job for you just because you're hungry and they know how passionate you are most of the time like when i when i was trying to look for people on the help desk to move up we wouldn't give them you know the title of becoming a network engineer or a security engineer but we would get them give them tasks as a help desk person like okay we're not promoting you but you're interested in this so let me let me give you something to do that's above and beyond what you're currently doing so seek seek extra tasks seek extra responsibility that's in the security realm on your team identify with your manager what you want to do and ask for a plan like how can i become how can i move up help me with that that's my plan and if they say there's no opportunity or we're not going to help you then start looking like you got to start looking right it might be a lateral move you got to be real with that too it might be just moving to another help desk position and another i.t support position knowing that there's movement there's vertical opportunity there so that's that's what i would do you've got the ceh which is fantastic um that's on par um it's in my book it's better than the security plus but a lot of people don't hold the ceh to a high standard especially you know professional pen testers and such but it's still a great certification that satisfies the dod compliance um so it's it's solid it teaches you a lot of great security concepts you learn the mentality of a hacker i'm going through it right now and i think it's great that's what i would do now you already have the experience under your belt so i would keep moving on like maybe it depends on what you want to be right do you want to be just a security admin so you want to maybe manage a company security from the assist admin perspective well get some sys admin security certifications security plus would be great um getting some like networking security certifications maybe going for the ccnp security or um gosh what are some other ones i can't think right now uh maybe cloud stuff cloud security like there's a lot of options there but if you want to become like a pen tester and focus on that yeah you would need to go down the path of uh maybe the oscp the offensive security certified professional i think yeah that one is highly regarded so i would check that one out anyways hope i answered your question solomon um good luck on that let's see if we have any more super chats real quick and then i'm probably going to call it a night oh we do we do got one for my boy kelvin who did attain all five jncias just for funsies because it was free thank you for the super chat he says more jncia yeah dude i want to see all of you get a juniper certification no again i'm not saying like get juniper right now as someone asked before don't do that relax if again you you have a finite amount of time and energy right now so don't take this as me saying chuck said i need to get juniper because it's free i need to jump on this like don't take that as me saying that i would rather you pay the money and and it's expensive i get that to get a ccna because it's more valuable for your career i'd rather you pay the money to get that next advanced certification because it adds more value value to your career if you're at a point your career where you're like i'm i'm loving my job i just want to do something fun i'm gonna get the next certification yeah do it challenge yourself get the jncia why not but don't overwhelm yourself do not overwhelm yourself please don't do that uh we got another one from junior matthias now you gave me a super sticker the chicken give him a thumbs up thank you junior we got one from chris randle i'm gonna throw it up here real quick thank you chris for the super chat i want to thank you kelvin again for the super chat in case i didn't say that oh i missed a match real quick sorry chris i'll get to yours here in a second i'll throw that up there thank you matt for the super chat should i leave my current job despite how happy i am right now where i'm at it's a tough question circumstances have changed and i don't make nearly enough anymore um that's good so it is fun and amazing and this was me honestly this was me i was in a job where dude i was having a blast uh i was making good money good enough for where i was at my level i was ambitious and hungry and i knew that my experience and and uh the certifications i had demanded a bigger salary i was getting calls every day i was in high demand but my company was amazing i was appreciated everybody knew my name um i knew everyone hung out with everyone played ping pong in the break room like it was it was fun like i had fun i felt like i was it wasn't work to me it was it wasn't work i often think about that i do but i'm glad i left because there's a lot a lot of opportunity out there i've said it before on the stream every monday when i talk about this there is a lot you'll you won't make a lot of money if you rely on those incremental raises at the company you're at you're gonna have to make some movements you'll have to change careers you'll have to change uh jobs and that's painful that's the price you pay is you lose relationships you lose comfort and you have to embrace the change and it's not easy but that's that's what like you don't get any reward without risk and it's scary too like you're it's scary working uh walking up to a new job when you've been so comfortable so long at your current job and you know how to do everything you're familiar with everything so like you come it's almost on autopilot right sure you have your challenges but you know how to do it walking into a new job terrifying terrifying right because you have to learn everything new again you have that imposter syndrome always there thinking like oh man they're gonna figure out i don't actually know what i'm doing the last company was a fluke i had them all fooled this new one i'm not gonna be able to fool them that fear was with me every time i made a job change of course it's stupid not true at all you have you have the skills to learn you have the sk you have the skills you've built up managing i.t you don't realize how skilled you are so to answer your question um i'll answer it like this i could be making a lot more money than i'm making right now i could if i would have stayed in the field if i would have stayed working for cbt nuggets i would be making a lot more money now um but i chose happiness over that i chose more of a um and not just happiness either i chose joy i chose uh more of what i believe in a mission i want to accomplish that's what it comes down to so you have to ask yourself what's my mission what's my mission right now what's my goal what's my why have you already reached your why are you providing for your family are you happy then maybe you don't need that stress maybe you have good working hours you can come home to your kids you can hang out with your kids you can hang out with your friends moving that to that next job might provide some serious instability for you so think about that but if money is becoming a stress for you because you mentioned that there's been a change maybe and and you're making less tough decision tough decision but i can tell you this there's always it's always scary but there is a lot of reward when you when you take that risk but there's also stress like i've made changes to where it was really stressful and i i was very grateful that i was able to go back to my previous job which is funny uh they they took me back so be ready for that too but yeah it's scary but you can make it and thanks again for the super chat um so i got chris randall i'm gonna see if i can throw him up real quick i can't find him every time i look for him let me try this chris i'm gonna find you buddy aha there you are all right coming in hot chris thank you for the super chat he said would me having upper management experience eight plus years help me get hired if i'm getting my ccna with no it experience or a degree in it i'm under 30. dang dude you got eight years of upper management experience and you're under 30. well yeah um first of all any amount of experience in i.t is going to help you um because what people don't realize is the x factor your skills right your your customer service experience your your ability to deal with people your ability to deal with upgrade management is huge i've seen like i've worked with people who are scary like ridiculously stupid smart but their social ability their social skills were like nothing zero and they never went anywhere people with half their skill which is me this guy but could talk to people could actually interface with management could help people through their problems and can talk i went further than that guy and it wasn't because i was smarter than he is just because i had the x factor of having those skills having worked at starbucks having worked at wendy's having sold toilets to people like those things those skills built on to make me a really great it engineer same goes for you you those skills you learned as eight years of management yeah they will help you get hired now there will be a bit of a bit of friction initially as you're trying to find that first job because they're like okay this guy has like a lot of management experience but he is trying to get started in it and he's got his ccna and that's weird like i don't know how to hire i don't know where to put this guy he doesn't fit into my box on how i'm going to hire him so there will be initial friction on that uh but that's where like when i do my linkedin reviews that's your chance to when you when you describe yourself you're about me that's where you can tell a story tell a story about what you want say i've got all this experience and this is what it's going to do in my next role now you're under 30 i don't know what your situation is financially and if you have a family you have to support everything but oftentimes when you're making a job change you're making a switch it involves a little bit of pay cut to get into lit you can recoup that really quickly because it's amazing um but yeah to answer your question i'll definitely help you the experience will definitely help you get that uh that first job i mean eight years of experience is more viable than a degree even if you're not in it because people again like people can get into i.t with a degree if they're degrees in fabric softener i don't know something like political science like it doesn't matter they just want that degree check box sometimes so your experience checks that box it does um my kids are having a can y'all hear that hopefully you can't hear that they're screaming at each other um yeah it's gonna be rough getting that first job i think just because the the story you have to tell but it might not be so bad yeah it's gonna help you no doubt and i hope that answers your question thanks chris for the super chat let's see if i have any more coming in showing up here they are let's get this wow you guys really okay you guys are crazy okay here we go let's get this party rolling i need some water he's all dehydrating me okay what was i doing here we go snuffalumpagus thank you for the super chat gonna put it up here with the 1921 routers and a 3750 version 2 switches be okay for the ccna i also might get usg for two lands mainland uh uh ethernet then second lan being my lab did not interfere with the main wi-fi everyone uses so what you're describing is actually what i have in my internet my network right now um well kind of i've got a full unifi setup with a not a usg i've got a dream machine pro which is amazing i also got a cisco network live right now yeah 1921 is fine for ccna 3750 great that's what's great about the ccna is you don't really need too much as far as hardwood goes because i'm not looking for like super advanced ios or anything uh but as much as i love messing with physical equipment like i love having my stuff you don't need it so if you find that they're lacking don't worry about it too much packet tracer has it all package racer has everything but yeah what you have is more than enough um yeah you you can uh put them like you can set up a separate vlan in the usg and have your cisco network on a separate network and not have them interfere you can have it segregated that's fine that'll work i've done that many many times and again it's jeremy chara always says this set up your cisco gear as your home network no better learning experience than to have to set up in your home network and guess what happens you're just starting out and it breaks because because you're just starting out right you have to troubleshoot and nothing teaches you more than trying to fix things it just that's just how it works all right moving on and thank you again snuffleupagus for the super chat got super chat from oh where'd he go jonah i'm gonna try to find you jonah there he is jonah i have the old ccent i miss do you guys miss the old cisco certifications like it's it hasn't been that long but i missed them i missed the ccna collaboration the ccna security i missed all those things and the ccent what a great entry level cert i have the old csent my company currently has all aruba hpe switches uh trying to figure out whether to go for aruba asc i don't even know what that is but i'm it's an aruba certification or get my cacna so you got your c sense you have the base level foundation of understanding i forgot what season had but like layer one layer two maybe not too heavy on routing but you you learn subnetting there and stuff so you understand networking to a degree not like layer uh layer three stuff however you wanna know where should you go next hmm it's a tough one because if your company has aruba and hpe i would have a conversation with them i would you have to look at from two perspectives uh are you looking to make yourself more valuable to someone else or to them and you care about someone else ccna that will give you more value csent is gone sure it's going to show up on a few job searches but even by itself it didn't hold a lot of weight so ccna you want to have that but if you're trying to impress your current company if you're trying to move up and get that experience and move into an admin role on the network side ask them what they want say hey dude i'm jonah i'm passionate i'm hungry i'm about to get me a certification i'm gonna get it i'm getting it tomorrow fast i'm getting it tell me what you want me to have what will be an asset to your company how can i help you guys and they'll tell you it might be cca it might be aruba you never know but the the best thing you can do right now for your career is to become a better asset to your current company and that gives you upper mobility and then you can take those skills and move them somewhere else maybe you you get you become an admin you get all this aruba experience and then maybe you want to get your ccna afterwards but you want to get into those higher level experiences the admin experience is because that's way more valuable to you hope that answers your questions so we got a super chat from keegan see here let me throw it up here thank you keegan for the super chat oh i missed your super chat from earlier i'm sorry i don't know what you asked let me see if i can find it i i don't um i don't see it anywhere keegan i'm sorry i will try to find it later sorry keegan um mr william murray coming in hot with a super chat thank you william you're always here i appreciate you sir he says juniper is fun there's juniper virtual labs for hands-on practice free as well great video thank you william and that's that's amazing right like another battle with cisco is not only having to find the material to learn and pay for the certifications but you also have to pay for the labs now i know they have package tracer which is free but as you go higher when you have to deal with switches and a greater detail package ratio doesn't cut it because they don't handle switch stacking on all those advanced features that you have to look at so you have to go buy them or buy viral which is 200 bucks a year and you have to have the hardware to run that so yeah juniper has free labs again juniper mad respect for you guys that's amazing so mr william murray i know you are uh you're you're a juniper guy right like i assume that so yeah he's a big fan thank you junior matthias thank you for the peacock super sticker appreciate that we got another one from giddies i'm gonna throw this up here real quick um getty says it made a lateral move from network engineering to network security to work on palo alto firewalls love palo alto so clean at large fortune 100 in ohio any tips to relocate to dallas in the next year for similar roles i can tell you this um i don't know if palo alto is headquartered here but i know i used to pass to one of their corporate offices every day on the way to work uh we had a palo alto in our we had palo altos everywhere in my last company actually worked on in the field they're amazing and they're everywhere in dallas so my advice for you would be to make sure your resume is on point watch my linkedin live stream last one we did get your linkedin perfect and put on there that you're looking to relocate put on there that you're looking to relocate to dallas i would do that and then get your job searches going linkedin has that job search function where you can say i'm looking for anything with the keyword you know pcna or whatever their certification is palo alto engineer whatever have an alert every morning check those alerts click on link it look on linkedin look on indeed be ready for apply for everything you see and um what i would also do is just network network with people palo where there are people in the dallas area looking for people with palo alto skills every single day extremely valuable so that's what i would do um yeah i don't think relocating is that big of a deal if you're already in the us they don't care um if you're looking for relocation assistance be upfront about that they'll definitely like they don't want to think oh let's go we're gonna have to pay for this guy to relocate i'd rather have someone close by so be transparent about that the good news is that a lot of people are already interviewing remotely right so most of the time that would have been a huge barrier for you if you couldn't you know drive up the next day or you know whatever and show up for the interview that would be a oh this guy's in ohio why would we hire this guy but remote interviews that could work out so that's what i would do hope that answers your question we got mr heck heckhole here i appreciate the clean speech sir um thank you for the super chat i'm a 15 year old aspiring to be a network engineer a lot of 15 year olds coming up and wanting to be network engineers love that any tips to prepare myself i also love your content thank you mr heckle um i would say okay i'm a little torn right now because i think you you're in a great place you have a great mindset i'm trying to put myself in your shoes of me being a 15 year old again back in high school i want to say this you're only in high school once so enjoy that even if you're currently being quarantined or whatever enjoy your experience now don't spend too much on like because studying studying for these certifications and becoming an engineer is not easy it takes a lot of time so you have a big why you're 15 years old dude play some video games enjoy your life right now um you get time you've got time now again on the flip side if you're like i'm bored to death i i i just want to get my career started let's do that let's do that it's it's all about your mindset when you're why is if you're why is that you want to you want to skip the whole college thing you want to graduate from college or high school early you want to just leave this this kitty stuff behind you want to get into a career as fast as possible dude start studying now do what michael hilton did michael hilton's what 16 now and now he's studying for his ccie he got his ccna he got his ccnp due to beast you can be like him so i would pick up if you're just starting out now you want to be a network engineer make sure you understand computers first of all start with that you don't want to be the guy who shows up and like oh i i can work on routers but like i can't fix a computer don't want to be that person because most of the time you're going to start out on a help desk so this is what i would do right now if you're serious if you're really serious get your a plus get that sucker and then right now find is your first job find a computer repair shop it could be local in your town it could be anywhere find a job working with computers get some hands-on experience start right now do not wait do not wait for anything get that experience so the second thing i would do or i guess that's third so get your a plus get experience third and that's i wish i would have done that i wish i would have not wasted time on working at taco bell i did jack in the box i did uh movie theaters i i wish i would have not wasted my time and realize that i could have been applying at these computer shops like my brother-in-law nathan i thought he was so cool because he was 15 and he was working for this computer repair place i'm like how are you and he was making 15 bucks an hour i was over here making like 5 15 an hour i'm like what what am i doing wrong so you can do that uh third thing i would do is start investing in the community right now what i mean is um get that twitter account set start following all the right people follow me go follow follow all the people in the networking community so daniel dibb lab every day follow i.t career questions like follow all these people and get involved get involved my discord server so i've got a discord server that's a link below link in the chat get involved there do not be afraid to ask for help people will help you start offering help in turn just engage in the community you'll be amazed at the opportunities you'll find just by engaging so 15 years old man again life is short so enjoy your life right now but if you're if you're already hungry and you're already ready to go that's what i would do that's what i would do at 15 dude golly if i would have that mindset when i was 15 ah it's so so dumb you can get your ccna at 15 from a high school program right now it's so never had that mr charles russian thank you for the super chat make sure i'm still live i never know i'm looking at my stuff charles thank you i am working on my cyber officer at the moment but not really sure what to work on next and i want to be a white hat hacker so cyber ops good certification gives you some good stuff if you want to be a white hat hacker i would jump right into i wouldn't say so i i don't know this yet because i'm still experimenting with it ceh is fine but it's expensive they did not take the juniper route it's not free ceh you have to pay for the the training which if you go through it pro tv it's a sense right but then the exam itself cost a thousand dollars i'm not kidding a thousand dollars i would look at the oscp in order to start tackling the oscp which is a beastly exam it is um has a crazy lab you'll want to start learning some linux start learning some scripting like learning some python learn some bash i would start learning learning those beginner level things so um you don't have to get linux certified you don't have to become a python expert but learn enough to where you could do a few things so find a find a quick udemy course find a quick youtube series which i don't want you to wait for me but i will be making a python and linux series that will cover enough to get you started on you know if you're if you're a network engineer this is what you need to know to get your your your feet wet and start going if you're becoming a hacker here's what you got to know to start going in that direction so that's what i would do oscp is one of the most respected certifications in that field look at that and security plus like if you're if you're really starting from scratch and you're at cyber ops level security plus doesn't hurt like build up on that oscp might be a really big jump for you so look at that junior matthias thank you again like you already sent me a sticker now you get a super chat dude you're crazy throw that up there real quick um family is first god bless you and your family thank you junior you as well i appreciate that uh jeremy's it lab coming in today good to see you man the best of free ccna course on youtube right now wait i lost it i can't find you jeremy where are you there it is he says network shut coffee is legit you need to drink coffee right or drink it right now i appreciate that man uh he's in he's in japan which i did not realize that's amazing um that's pretty cool my sister-in-law is japan all right let me check and see if i have any more super chats my stomach just rumbled i think i need to end this soon all right i've got a couple more then i got to go mr slinger joe want to throw you up real quick all right thank you for the super chat sir um hey chuck where are you what are your thoughts on powershell how good are you with it i'm learning it right now and enjoying it so i'm a powershell novice i learned a bit as i was going through the azure administrator associate so i'm azure certified and that's definitely part of the the azure process now you won't i thought i would be tested on that as i went through it but i wasn't on the exam but knowing powershell is key so i've been a windows admin in my past and if you go into the cloud and you work on azure stuff learning powershell is a no-brainer if you work with anything microsoft at all in any capacity knowing powershell is the game changer for you it's the x factor trust me so yeah powershell is amazing um if you're if you're in a situation where you can use it become a master at it my buddy uh matthew man i love that guy we we came up as a network engineers together the same company he was much smarter than i was and he was a a beast a wizard in in powershell and uh he actually wrote kind of a network automation tool out of powershell and this is before network automation was cool right before devnet and all this he wrote this to help with our help desk they needed a tool to uh we had both been studying for the ccnp we learned about port security and we're like oh well we need port security so we implemented port security and ports kept getting shut down and putting into uh the air disabled state so the help desk needed a way to clear them so we weren't being bogged down so he came up with this tool for the help desk just to go in and find a port and clear it riding powershell so powershell is crazy powerful um yeah learn it learn it i wish i were in a spot to where i had to learn it and spend more time with it i'm just not all right mark a newborn you're coming up man thank you for the super chat when i throw you up here real quick thoughts on missed systems how do you believe it compares to other vendors now with wireless assurance wired assurance and now when assurance now i'm i've heard missed before i'm going to look it up now to refresh myself oh it's owned by juniper ties into what we're talking about here so it's like um ai driven network automation so honestly i have no thoughts on it cause i don't know much about it so i wish i could answer your question um another tagline on their website it says they were loyal to cisco aruba and others and then they saw mist so apparently it's good according to them um yeah i don't know much about them but i know the the landscape for um software-defined networking and ai-driven stuff is is competitive and cisco is going to be a big player but they may not win there's other big players out there so i'm curious but i'm sorry i don't really have a lot of thoughts on that i think cisco dna is a great product i don't know how miss compares so you probably know more about it than i do nathan soka i'm gonna throw you up real quick it's my last super chat then i gotta go because my family's gonna kill me um can you make a video on how to make a virtual network i don't have enough for hardware i love networking i want to know what cert i should start with so when you say virtual network i'm not sure quite what you mean i can tell you this you can virtualize an entire network so like my equipment here my routers my switches and a lot of your in your house you have a router switch access point combo and a lot of companies you have a bunch of network equipment you can virtualize all of that you can um i remember my last company we virtualized uh f5s and palo altos every vendor has their virtualized versions of their their physical hardware it's not widely adopted yet to replace everything but i know a lot of the companies i'm actually working on a video right now with a pretty big company talking about how they virtualized most of their network to make things quicker so that that's not what you're talking about i know but yeah virtualizing a network is not only just a hobby thing you do on your computer it's a thing that companies are doing now to make their to reduce the latency in the hops and all the points of failure to make things faster and more agile software-defined networking missed systems juniper buzzwords but can i make a video how to make a virtual network so i'm assuming you're talking about um like even g g and s3 uh viral or i'm sorry cml2 hate that name they shoot us up with viral they gave in uh those things i don't have any like in-depth videos but david bomblehead does so go check out david bumble that's what i would do um but you don't have enough for hardware which is rough now my the guy i was just talking about the young young youngster young whippersnapper michael hilton who's 16 studying for his ccie he created a video series on how to lab up even g with sd-wan which i might be overwhelming for you right now but it's software defined when which is routers and switches that run a wide area network anything that's not in your local area network in your house the internet basically he configured a lab virtually in aws which is the cloud which is all virtual and that means you don't have hardware at the home you don't have anything you just set up an aws account and yeah you'll pay you'll pay the bill like aws is not free for that level of hardware but it's much better than going out and buying this huge gaming computer or buying a massive beefy server so yeah you can try that out i love the cloud because the cloud is is uh initially cheaper for you to just try something out and i do that all the time i'm like okay i need to try out one quick thing real quick aws azure click click click done that's what i would do uh if you especially if you don't have hardware but also packet tracer if you're just looking to just play play with networking packet tracer is free so download cisco packet tracer it's what i'm using in my lab for um for my free ccna course so go with that and start with ccna start with ccna so go watch my ccna course right now go watch my playlist link below and see if you like it see if you like it no you may not like me so if you don't like me then go watch someone else's go watch jeremy's it labs or someone else but you probably are gonna love networking fall in love with it even more than you already do now and yeah i'm fading quickly guys thank you so much for watching and hang out with me on a monday evening if you haven't already hit that subscribe button like this video because it does help out a lot and let me know if you're going to go for a juniper certification it's kind of a crazy thing for me to be talking about juniper when i'm a cisco fanboy but juniper's doing a cool thing an amazing thing that i have to just clap for because it's free certifications free across the board you don't pay a cent for any part in the process that's crazy from the the i think they even have reading material they have courseware they have videos practice exams and then the voucher all free it's insane they're really cool for doing that and uh yeah uh the sponsor of this video this particular live stream is this is it so if you want to get access to my stuff david bomble stuff and support our mission go sign up below or you can actually sign up for my youtube membership you'll get access to a lot of that too if you sign up for the bottom two tiers and coffee i sell coffee now so if you want network check coffee go check out that's all i got guys you guys are amazing keep studying and if you have any questions comments let me know below or jump into my discord channel server and we'll talk it out i'll catch you guys next time again again friends foreign come on okay again again foreign is so and just when you thought i was gone i'm back real quick appreciate you guys for hanging on i'm gonna give you a treat here right now i'm pasting in the chat a a gift card to it's a 20 gift card the code is gonna go fast so you gotta be quick gotta be quick you ready here it goes in the chat for real and go website is whoever redeems it first gets it go for it anyways uh i'll catch you guys later and yeah i think it's still good cool you guys are awesome i saw someone talking about something not working my proxy chains things probably not working anymore i'm gonna take that down here soon anyways catch you guys later
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 152,376
Rating: 4.9214196 out of 5
Id: UHph4pvFZ4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 4sec (4864 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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