How I'm Studying for the Linux+ XK0-004 Exam - Study Tools

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Coffee I have today is fantastic and we're talking Linux plus today so I'm gonna go officially live and it should be live and it should be great so guys um first of all thanks for joining me this Monday Monday is one of the hardest days of the week to get started but I try to choose to love Monday so Monday motivation all the way and let's talk about Linux I recently decided to take the path take the plunge to start learning Linux something I've been afraid of for a long time but now I'm doing it and I'm gonna get the new Linux plus exam the oh gosh figured it's called now the xkk whatever whatever something something something XK zero zero zero for something along those lines and now I'm having to approach an exam I've never like never even touched before Linux I'm very much a noob on and I'm having to decide how I approach this I wanted to tell you what my study tools are what I'm using to attack this exam really for two reasons first because I want to show how I study and second there's not much out there for this new exam as of yet now you may be watching this in six months and there's so much stuff available and you're lucky but for those of us right now wanting to start this journey it's kind of rough so let me go through it now if you're just joining now we're talking about Linux guys Linux Linux if you love Linux give me a one in the chat let's go Linux is actually really fun I've been studying it and I'm having a blast but let me show you what I'm using now when I study for something I approach it with three things I need I need a book I need a video series and I need a really really good lab and then maybe maybe a press practice exam I always sure will stay in practice exam maybe a practice exam maybe but not always because I like to go into a test with a real world experience and just try to take it dry out having practice a bunch of stuff but that's just my preference anyways got a good whoo from Andy Aloka appreciate it brother all right here we go I want also a big shout out to all my members here who recently joined our up to 40 members on the channel and it's fantastic so if you want to be a 10x engineer hit that join button below I'll put a link in the description too anyway so here's what I'm using let me show you my screen first what I'm doing and it's kind of a new thing actually switch back to me it's kind of a new thing I'm doing if you've ever heard of Kanban it's a way to it's an agile thing if you're an IT you're a project manager you know exactly what I'm talking about and if you've dealt with projects you know what I'm talking about but it's a way to visualize tasks and move them through a process and just makes it easier to manage and I'm like okay let me try this with a an exam a big studying topic so this is what I'm doing so here I have asana name of my thing over here so what I did is I created a an asana board and every one of the exam topics on the gnu/linux plus exam I created a little to do on it so you can see I have my to do section my flashcards lab done and then teach different phases of my study process so when I'm like studying for example module 3.1 I'll move it over to the notes flashcards and I'll start making my notes and you guessed it my flashcards then when I feel confident oh no not that yet when I feel confident I'm moving over into my lab process and then done and then I have an extra thing and this won't be for every topic but it'll be teach where I make a video about it or I teach my kids something now it won't it won't be every topic because I mean let's be honest not every topic is super exciting like grub and grub to boot loaders that's not very super exciting so I'll probably make a video about that but other stuff is really fun like projects I'm going to tackle and how it relates to those particular exam modules so I will be making videos like that on this channel but anyways let's get back to my screen so I create this asana board Kanban and again that's asana a sa a I'll let me zoom in on that so you guys can get it yeah asana there's also Trello I've heard great things about 12 so anyways so this is this is how I'm kind of tackling my study now you can tell I'm at the very very beginning of this so I'm still a baby on this and as I go through all these exam topics I will complete the note if I jump into one of these guys I'll actually have a further breakdown I think it froze up on me it's up in there I have a more breakdown each individual little subtopic and I can mark these office done now this is how I tackle every exam I am going to take now this this new thing I'm doing with the sauna is just a way of managing it but that's how you should tackle an exam go get the exam topics break them down and don't move on until you feel you know the topic on the exam people get in the habit of looking at a video course or a book and just going off the book or the video course as their Bible no no no no those are resources the exam topics are what you look at so that's really what you should come about this so anyways let me show you what else I got I'm by the way I will answer questions here as soon as I finish my schpeel about what I'm doing here drink a coffee so anyways I apologize for the creek as I'm moving my arm here sorry that was a coffee break okay so as far as the book what book am I using well right now the book is kind of slim pickins now I am using the old version of the Linux plus exam the I'll pick one so I'll refer to this the only reason I'm using this one is because it's available on O'Reilly and I pay for an O'Reilly subscription it used to be called Safari Books Online no longer that case but hey it's good I also I did it and I kind of feel weird about it but I went out and bought the the CompTIA official student guide exam book the only reason I feel bad about it is because look at that price 140 bucks for a book man it's it's rough so I bought it though because again it's CompTIA me the exam and I made the book so I'm like okay if they're gonna put it on the book they're gonna put it in exam I want to make sure I had this as a reference it may not be the best teaching material but it's my best for reference of how deep I need to go for each topic so that's why I chose this now I want to get into what I do for how I memorize the topic how I break down the topics and start to live it breathe it like I love to with a new exam sisqó stuff and the like how do I approach this and I'm a very big advocate of flashcards flashcards are the absolute best thing you can ever use and you really need a flashcard program that uses something called spaced repetition basically someone throws a factor you like hey what's what is okay what is OSPF what does it stand for right and then you answer that question and then it will give you the same question maybe in a day and you answer the question again and then they'll give it to you in three days and then in seven days and then in 12 days so spaces it out that way you cement that idea in your brain and I stink and love it because it's not like traditional flashcards where you're just going through oh yeah okay no no it's great to memorize things and my favorite all-time favorite flashcard program I've been using forever and you'll laugh when you see all my my decks I have in there is on key a nki sounds like donkey but it's on key and let me show you what I got um here is the me switches my screen here the website on key it's a free flashcard application that's the killer part it's fleet from have enough flee free but only on the desktop if you want to get out on your on your phone like iOS it does cost like twenty-five dollars so I paid that because I study on the go but this thing's fantastic and now here's my desktop application now you'll see I studied French and Hungarian and all kinds of crazy stuff but then within Linux plus I'll just go in here and create flashcards and the killer thing about this is you can create flashcards that have like fill in the blank so I like to do study now I can have a fill in the blank you can enter the command so you can mint these things into your brain and you by dan-o this one by the way if you know it put it in the comments or the chat command impersonally a root account anybody know this anybody know this anyways you'll get a cookie if you get the if you know that one so nuts that's what I do when I study any topic is I try to make a flashcard about it and I try to make it as challenging as possible so I can't remember it like I don't want just like a hoe yeah multiple choice no I want to like really challenge myself to where I have to know it I don't see what else am I using Oh videos CBT Nuggets the problem is right now if someone said it's free on Android so yeah Anki is free on Android they you get the Apple tax with aki why do they do that i guess cuz then they will pay it right had no choice sudo is the correct answer all my pseudo people coming at me never seen sort of pseudo in my life now I was told that it was supposed to be pronounced sudou but then I heard the only weirdo nerds do that and you really should just say pseudo I was told that so don't don't yell at me now it starts video courses video courses no one has completed their video course yet for for the gnu/linux exam nobody out there the CBT Nuggets is not immune to that but they have done a great job Shawn powers my buddy my friend his course I've been watching and he's got like two skills or modules out so far and they are fantastic I love it to death keeps me entertained and the labs are pretty good too awesome I mean so yeah for a video course and I got a recommend CBT Nuggets because Shawn is an amazing Linux instructor now as far as labs my favorite discussion laps what am i doing for laps around a video a previous video I mentioned there were a bunch of options you could put it on Windows even like that's insane you can go to the Windows app store and install the Linux subsystem on your Windows computer now people bashed me like crazy saying oh you're installing Linux on Windows how dare you and it's inferior and it's not gonna work well you're right the one the Windows Linux subsystem isn't a full-fledged Linux environment and I'm fully aware of that it is good just to try things out but it will not be a replacement and actually I've actually changed my tune on that I'm not gonna use it for my exam I'm not gonna use it for my study so what am I gonna use it so the question is with Linux it does have a lot of distributions a lot of distros a lot of flavors a ton of them so what we're not gonna use for this study what am i from my exam study I was thinking about now I have been saying Ubuntu but it's not it's it's a boon to and I'm getting so saying that Ubuntu boon - here we go I was gonna use that but then I CompTIA official guide said they are going to use scent OS on the C and T OS and that's what I'm gonna use it is a it's the free version of Red Hat so if you know what Red Hat is Red Hat it's like Enterprise Linux it's I mean it's it's killer and Sint OS is the the free version of that it's pretty much Red Hat so if you're learning sinto s you're learning a Red Hat and then you can jump right into the your Red Hat certifications killer to lapse what am i doing y'all know I love azure y'all know I love the cloud and I love any chance I can use the cloud and that's exactly exactly what I'm doing now yeah you could do a VirtualBox you could do a VMware Player you could install on a server if you get a server I've got servers I could install Linux right now on my servers in my datacenter but the cloud is too easy and I'm gonna make a video about it but the cloud is pretty much free for a lot of people for the first 30 days you get two hundred bucks credit we're on a linux machine in there and it's killer now the only thing I was worried about was okay i deploy well let me just show you what I have my am as your environment is ridiculous let me show you I have spent 50 bucks but I've been doing other as your stuff so don't don't think that's how much it's gonna cost anyways I go to my virtual machines and I've got my have got a bunch of stuff here but my Dumbledore machine here is my sinto s machine and he's beautiful so easy to setup and control and what's cool is that I thought I might have a problem getting to the GUI you know Linux does have a GUI and sometimes you might want to use it but I installed RDP it's amazing and actually remoted into it right now this is my Sint OS desktop and it's actually gnome or I don't have pronounce it good gnome I don't know but yeah you just this this is the desktop I can launch all kinds of tools I mean it's it's cool it's awesome I still have the option of going straight terminal by SSH but I do have this desktop option so I will I will make a video about that how do that and get yourself set up but I think man this is by far the best way because hey you get to learn a little bit of cloud while while you're learning Linux and I want to be able to spin up all kinds of distros just at the drop of a hat is fun and you shouldn't cost too much money like I auto shut down my machines at night so it's only running when I'm labbing and then it's done at the end of the day so as you're only charges you money when you're actually running your virtual machines that's it that's what's cool about the cloud you pay for what you use not for what you have so anyways that's what I'm using for a lab let me know what using for a lab if you're studying Linux right now you may have just replaced your desktop that's cool you may be doing dual boot you may have a Raspberry Pi which is cool too but I love the cloud and the ease in which I can just quickly like like I'll be honest when I was I was learning how to set up administration accounts and I was messing with the if you know what I'm talking about you'll you know you'll appreciate this the sudo edit command and I was editing that the sudoers file and I broke it I made a mistake and I broke it and I couldn't do anything they warned you about it and I broke it but yeah with ease I can just deploy another VM not a problem I'm in the cloud endless resources and it's incredible so I won't make a video about that because I think it's it's the coolest thing you can do now other stuff the other ways I'm going to learn Linux is by doing projects I'm definitely having like I have to admit when I get to the book and I feel like I'm getting to a portion of the topics where I'm just learning theory like how does Linux boot how do you lab booting you boot that's what you do you boot it I'm so like I love labbing I'm a lab I love it so much and I just got a lab so I want to have projects I can just jump into when I'm feeling bored when I need to just get my hands dirty and actually learned something so I'm definitely gonna be tackling like creating a web server and doing more advanced things I'm setting up ansible I'm connecting my my Linux box to my domain controller my Windows domain controller setting up a Samba you know all the kind of fun stuff but there's also this amazing website it's it's out of this world it's I was introduced to it by my pen test buddies I said it with this court server enough you guys knew that so I got a new community at the disc court server almost two thousand members and it's incredible so remember whatever certification you're studying for jump into it people helping you out I mean I've I've had these moderators who just design this discord for me and they're incredible so shout out to you guys you guys are amazing but anyways they a lot of pen testers from the mini-hats Club came over and they were showing me all kinds of stuff in one website it's called over the wire let me show you it's kind of like the challenge I gave in my Linux video but basically you go through you you ssh into these machines like the first challenge is bandit and it takes you for like a very entry level with a way of tackling these challenges and you kind of go bigger and bigger and bigger you can see I have levels over here on the left but essentially you've ssh into a server and you have to solve a challenge it's very based the first ones just like you know seeding around and changing directories but it gets progressively harder but you're doing something it's physical it's awesome and it's kind of like a CTF a capture the flag situation but it's you know it's not like super intense it's just fun you can go in there and do it these guys are amazing I'm so impressed by this whole system it's incredible anyways that's how I'm tackling learning Linux I'm having a ball with this stuff and I'm also going to try my best to take what I'm learning in Linux and apply it to the other disciplines I'm studying because I think that's the best way to learn so I will be picking up more Python after after that interview with Cisco Panther I mean how could any of us feel we should do anything else but learn everything so I will be picking up more Python and I'm trying to tackle that and and I'm gonna try and apply that with Linux and also I'm gonna be he challenged me to go through CCNA again there are things in the CCNA I have just plumb forgotten and it's sort of embarrassing for me to think to say that but no I haven't touched it in a while I've been knee-deep in Azure in collaboration I rarely you know touch OSPF I've got yeah grpe running in my house I don't touch OSPF so I forget things spanning-tree I don't have I have one switch in my head a fireman oh no spanning tree I like the back of my hand anymore so I've got to get into it so what I'll be doing and this kind of an announcement I guess for the channel is I'm gonna try and introduce more teaching not just oh hey guys motivation certification I want to do more teaching I want to teach more like I'll take a Linux topic and expound upon it because I love it and I'll take maybe a CCNA topic and expound upon it and go deep and maybe take her from CCNA to CC & peeta maybe CCI yeah I don't know and we'll just go deep and then maybe I'll try to automate it and then we'll just see how that goes so let me know what you think about that if you're game for that if you think that'd be kind of fun if not I won't do it because I want I want people to watch it obviously I think that would be fun I can't wait to just sink my teeth into the CCNA topics again that I've forgotten I mean I'll be doing that pretty stinking soon oh yeah I think we're at the point where I can answer some stinking questions because I've been talking for a while how are you guys doing discord oh the discord server Chris and of all said discord its Network shucks comm forward slash discord let me type it in there there it is so yeah I'm jumping I'm actually in like this court quite a bit more than I should be because I should be studying but um yeah it's it's fun I'm having a blast in there you should go go get in there yeah I saw someone post earlier about a I'm studying for the CCNA would it be unwise to jump into Linux add like another learning track into your your system here no I don't I don't think so I think it actually might help you because often you might get bored going down one technology like I do like I'll be working on Azure all day and I'm like I hate the cloud right now I need to jump into something else so jump like it's kind of like Cisco Panther if you guys haven't seen the interview go watch the interview the dude makes me it's embarrassing for me it's like he's just such a boss but uh I mean he'll he'll study Python then Linux then AWS and then he studies a networking is like his relaxing time which I don't understand that when I'm studying networking I'm having fun but it still worked for me it's not relaxing relaxing is me binging Netflix are playing a video game so that guy's insane anyways no I do see a question about was it I saw something about Red Hat miss Farr is best Linux certifications I will be making a video about that as I finish up the Linux plus I am I may keep going because I love it that much so I may go that direction because it is super super fun and I made Go Red Hat I may go I don't know what else there is beyond Red Hat to be honest I mean there's El pick but CompTIA kind of shamed them so I'm just kind of reading the comments alright so if someone asked about Asher he said is Azure really free what do I have to do yeah Asher is uh you can just sign up for an account it's free for the first 30 days what they do is they they're trying to get you in obviously but you can take advantage of it but if you stop for an azure account they'll give you $200 a free credit to use for the first 30 days with that means you can spin up as many resources as you want and when that $200 credit is exhausted you're done it's like there's like going to Chuck E Cheese and you get tokens you don't get charged anymore just your tokens are gone and then you can switch to a pay-as-you-go account and really it's it's not that expensive it really isn't like if you're running one Linux virtual machine it ain't nothing ain't nothing all right we got a super chat in the house from Patrick Patrick says I'm a CCNA circa 2010 we took a turn into regular IT for the last nine years trying to learn Linux in AWS and you started doing all this stuff awesome awesome yeah yeah if you have a particular question let me know but yeah that's kind of the mantra like I used to be very much a person who says if you want to make good money and IT specialize become an expert in one thing and that's true for some disciplines like it's still true I believe for a Cisco collaboration if you I truly believe if you chose to go down the Cisco collaboration path right now you can still make a ton of money because people just don't do it I'm telling you they don't I made a course on CCP collaboration in the first exam on CBT Nuggets it's not very popular course because people just don't learn it picking the rare skills definitely solid however man everything else you got to become wide you gotta have a wide breadth of knowledge to be a network engineer a successful one a boss one like Cisco Panther Python skills maybe some Windows admin skills AWS a sure it's all moving that way you gotta become a jack-of-all-trades almost in a way you do have to kind of pick your your expert discipline like I mean you do want to be the tried and true network engineer you got to know those things but you got to have those complementary skills to be able to be that guy all right okay fine I'll answer one CCNA question question a race how do you think this you think he has time to get his CCNA using the to test method before sir apocalypse if you don't already know this this code revamp their entire cisco certification track and the CCNA is going away as we know it there's a new CCNA just called CCNA and you have until February 23rd to pass the current one you'll see now it's July 29th oh boy that's a tough one I think if you hustle you can do it honestly I do I mean what is that so it's pretty much August so September October November December January February at six months give yourself three months per exam yeah I think you do it you do it only problem is if you get to an exam and you unfortunately if you fail it you know you're kind of losing time there but it's definitely possible still possible if this is juncture I think you can still do it so Duke go for it jump into our discord channel and will encourage the crap out of you so get in there and now again I'll be making videos about CCNA topics to just reinforce whatever you're learning I'll see a gerson I love your name dude I Pam oh I think she's answering somebody's question I Pam IP address management cyber area is free and good for Linux as well I didn't know was free I thought it was paid is there a linux learning game I don't know of any Linux learning games like good that over the wire thing I mentioned quick display on that again wait unless your phone switching back to it I can't see ya like this learning over the wire thing it's kind of a game in a way you're like capture the flag pin testing kind of stuff and also and in the end the disc or channel how we are talking about doing some capture the flag type stuff if you don't know what that is yeah go look it up look up capture the flag there's some cool videos on it how is kind of a new to the idea and it's it's wild that's pretty cool people break in just doing contests to break into things to see if they can actually penetrate something and and you're testing all your skills it's insane is really cool man eats more coffee I'm drinking some Guatemalan coffee today great question from Joe Joe Beach said dark roast or light roast always light roast I can't do dark roast anymore it's like drinking an ashtray I can't do it it's it's weird I used to love dark roast ace to drink well this is back when I drink Starbucks and I don't do that anymore but I drank the what was it Sumatra I think and now it's it tastes like an ashtray sand dirt to me it's medium roast all the way or even better light roast you can just taste the flavor enough geeky now let's see uh gosh I had I saw a question here that I wanted to answer and it's gone now let's see a library is paid by the way someone just answered that cyber area Spade they yeah they sold out no bad don't worry said we got a new member in the house I'll address that in a second Midori said joining a degree to be in networking or CCNA or CCMP oh well that's the Feist um I don't have a degree my brother doesn't have a degree and we are both very successful network engineers so no you don't in fact I I don't like college ball so welcome to the the team a new member super tally they queue for joining everyone to become a member it's only a dollar ninety-nine a month and you just get some cool stuff I'll be adding some really cool stuff later on let's see I got a question from William Murray how can someone find more remote work and networking it's been in the field for about 7 years lives in Alaska who sounds like you're already remote and I don't want to move again so this this was something that's near and dear to my heart and let me just look at the other question make sure I don't miss it I I worked very hard to try and find a remote job and it took me a while I think you need some experience before you become remote because you have to prove to employers that you are trustworthy then I just got a letter freshly minted CCNA fresh out of the gate work remote because you're not tested on if you're a valuable employee or if you can actually work at home by yourself and you have that self discipline you have to prove that first but for me it took building my skill set making myself viable and then advertising my resume that I only wanted remote jobs like only but I'll tell you how I got my first remote job it's kind of funny I kind of lucked my way into it I I it was a it was for an MSP they were desperate like they needed someone bad and it was for collaboration collaboration is a rare skill if you get it you can kind of call the shots if you're in collaboration and so I got the job or no yeah I went for the interview I got the job but I was like I'm only I'm only gonna do remote and this is when I wanted to travel if you guys remember the video where I made a video about me traveling the world my are traveling the u.s. my family in an RV we were gonna sell everything and move into an RV I never did that but that's all I wanted to do and so I told them on this is the only way I'm gonna work here is if I can travel the country and work remote and they said yeah because I had experience I had a skill set that was highly sought after and that was history but still now as far as like job hunting for remote jobs putting a resume remote job only like advertise that emphatically and if you got a good skill set people will find you and then just I had job searches like I linked in and everywhere just like a remote to remote remote remote and now it's and even if I wasn't qualified I would look to see you like what I needed to become a Robel person it's um I think nowadays it's very much you have to be rare with like programming skills I hope that answers your question William well we if you want to go to this course server we can talk offline I super chat from Dimitri thank you sir do you feel employers would look at Linux projects or any other IT projects as hands-on experience that's an interesting question I've been wanting to explore I think the answer would be yes um because like well think about a programmer if a programmer wants to get hired they don't grow the certification route they go and they create projects on their github right they they program an app make it look pretty and that proves their skills and that's kind of their resume I think the same thing could be applied to IT honestly um if I'll tell you what if I were just starting right now and trying to become a network engineer that'd be number two what I'd do to get a job if I were trying to hustle first I would make sure I was out on Twitter I was on YouTube I'm on LinkedIn and I'm posting I'm posting about my study posting about this and that I want to make sure the world knows I want to become a network engineer and I'm gonna advertise the crap out of that because that's how you get a job I'm second yeah creating like figure what would be fun is if you could find out like what I often do is when I apply for a job I try to find out as fast as I can what IT infrastructure they have either by googling around or something or trying to try out what I'll do is I'll try to friend the network engineer on LinkedIn or connect and I'll talk to them to find out what they have and then I'll try to get as much experience in that technology as I can by laughing it up I think it'd be cool to find out if we could find Network diagrams for companies that have their existing network infrastructure out there and then try to lab it up yourself and you I would put it on our resume I'd say and you want to be honest about it but I would say I created a network that does so-and-so and this and that I mean it's amazing what we can do now you don't even have to go out and buy a bunch of physical hardware you can do this all in gns3 or even G which I'm about to try by the way you don't you can do anything you want right now it's it's a crazy like that's why I love freaking cloud frickin Azure and AWS and Google Cloud II you can instantly say I've messed with the cloud by setting up with a free account in five minutes from from now you're watching this and you can see you had cloud experience it's crazy it's crazy what you can do now oh-hoh pants is your question be I think there'll be an interesting thing I think it'd be a really cool sociological sociological experience experiment easy for me to say right start to get tired I'll see any more burning questions I would love for you guys to jump into my discord community and start creating these scenarios create labs that you can either break actually you know it might be kind of fun for you guys to create labs for me to do live ah that'd be kind of fun like a stream where I try to break your lab or I try to solve your lab that'd be kind of fun testing your skills and my skills it'd be kind of hard actually I was thing about doing that with David bumble we were talking about that they're kind of neat so Timothy Niles asked what's my favorite cloud provider my favorite is whatever I'm working on and that's Asher I think Asher is gonna kill it AWS is the king right now without a doubt AWS rules the world right now but but what you better believe Asher is gonna swallow them whole because Microsoft is a monster they're a monster there I mean if you don't use a shirt you still use Microsoft still do all right welcome to the team we got a new member sebastian or landing knee I think I said it right thank you for joining I will be having exclusive member live streams I'd have an exclusive group and my discord community where it's just us members I check it every day I try to jump in there I'm very attentive to it so don't join the team jump in there ansible lab good idea boombox I do want to do an ansible lab I'm gonna I'm gonna be jumping a lot into an hour Kaname Shin here very very soon so I don't that's why you why do you think I'm doing this Linux stuff why did I am learning Python these are all skills that pour into Network automation and I don't want to just dip my toe in the water I don't want to jump in I want to get saturated in it I want to be like Cisco Panther I thought there should be a t-shirt or a bumper sticker I just want to be like Cisco Panther that's a beast question for you guys I I can't create a whole CCNA course I wouldn't do that but I do want to add CCNA topics that you guys struggle with as a video on youtube so let me know what topics you want to see I know like subnetting might be a big one ipv4 OpenStack good idea just all that I know ipv4 ipv6 subnetting might be a good one so let me know if you want to do that but what are other CCNA topics that just you would like to see me talk about if you already know it you want to see me talk about it or just you struggle with let me know let me know new member waddled penguin and welcome to the team I'm like I'm not gonna say I show favoritism to my members but I certainly do and I do have a dedicated members place in my my discord and I will if I don't know the answer that you ask like whatever question you asked me if I don't know the answer I will find some and I got contacts OSPF EIGRP now he had grps going away guys as far as the CCNA is concerned at the CCNA perspective es GRP does not exist but OSPF is very much alive but yeah GRP it will be nothing on CCP I am so stoked I keep forgetting about the new concentrations I'm so stoked for that spanning trees spanning trees a good one spanning trees a good one because I forget that stuff all the time I can't wait to go back through it I love spanning tree why is everyone thinking Timothy Niles what did he do where'd he go Timothy Niles why are you being thanked anyways uh sorry I'm like oh D D a TD Wayne Technologists a good one Oh actually found about this wimps way and simulator today I might be playing with networking doctors is that what's his name what's his name forget his name he's cool guy though no as far as Python I love code katha B I was talking about that with the with Cisco panther code Academy is great because you can just jump in there and just start coding immediately like yeah this time it's it I'm in a second thought he's going there in code and they take you through a process new member Donald Harmon welcome to the team thank you for joining OpenVPN I have used openvpn a lot I'm actually I'm wanting to so news about me I guess I I'm building a house I'm finally it'd be my first house purchase I'm building a house and I'm gonna outfit it with the geekiest stuff I can possibly find and I'm trying to figure out what hardware to put in there I'm not sure if I want to go Cisco Enterprise or if I want to go all homebrew open-source so I might be like doing pfSense and Open VPN or I could be doing Cisco anyconnect who knows Ezra thank you for the super chat icnd2 tomorrow oh good luck everyone wish Azra and good luck that's rough or is it a she sir I can't tell good luck Ezra and now let us know if you pass seriously let us know a great question from Farouk is the A+ core worth it it depends on what stage in life you're in if you are at the very beginning and you don't know squat about computers you can't fix your own PC or you couldn't fix someone else's like you're not that go-to for your family and you do not have a job in IT how to start the process a plus is good if you don't have a job on a help desk only place it's good now if you are already on a help desk forget it a plus gives you a help desk job start studying something else but it's great for getting that first help desk job so yeah if you're if you're trying to get started and it's always better to get started at the bottom you started in a company at the very bottom where you can move up and a plus will get you there so yeah if you're in that stage of life and go for it if you already help desk guy don't go for CCNA go for something else yeah sure whatever as your administrator Bryce or brace thank you for the switch at ubiquity I do actually have ubiquity in my house right now but I'm thinking about Joseph enough I'll see who's Jose's going for a CH I've been thinking about that one I I'm just I'm becoming more of a search I want all the certifications I'm also I'm also thinking about building a computer and building a PC for myself and my daughter one for me is can be souped up and crazy and also one for her that's gonna be all pink and unicorns but it also be souped up and crazy I want to teach her about the process and they might be that'd be kind of a fun video how with CCMP switch exam ICCP switches fun it's really really fun it's not an easy example the first time that's really fun though is it too late to start CCNA study know start right now though like start tonight like you should be after this livestream study right now oh no sorry I didn't start I didn't cover kind of my study progress as far as how often I'm gonna study for this Linux plus I'll be I'm gonna dedicate an hour in the morning and then I get my work done got a good work done I'll but as soon as my work gets done I'm back at it trying to do as much as I can flashcards when I'm at the store waiting somewhere I'm expecting oh yeah last Diaz's the network doctor doctor good guy it got a lot of passionate about my wife is almost do as well I'm having my fourth two kid and she's about to she bout to pop so I'm expecting some downtime here in a bit someone asked what Linux distro am i learning I'm doing sent OS right now because it is enterprise super chat from Network guy on the run thank you sir he says he's currently studying for a CCP trap and switch my video on getting those two certs by February motivated him good good and get those suckers men get it it's a great certification if you have it before then you're gonna win big time someone's going to WG you super Tao one members WGU if you have to go to college if you have to if you want that degree that's one of the best places that's the only place I actually entertained and I went to it for a while it's good it's great I just got to a point where I couldn't justify spending my time doing college because I already in network engineer I was already doing it didn't need it alright garrison CCNA security or CCNA Wireless before February 2020 well or CCP switch I would say CCNA whew that's a toughie what do you guys think that's a tough one you know it's the most the point we're getting CCNA security would be good you would have it for three years you look great in your resume but you could also go and try to pass one of these CC & P security exams just pass one of them and then you're halfway to see C & P security on the new track they also might be something something to consider and so if you if you pass one of the CCP security exams just one of them you have to get four take a ccmp security currently if you just pass one of them sir pocalypse it's suddenly you have a specialist certification and whatever that was in so if you if you got firewall you're you're you're a next-generation firewall or fire power specialist and then you just got to take the core to become CCP certified so that might be worth considering Gerson but I think security plumb be the best one so whether it's CCNA or CCP go for it so yeah I saw a good thing here below is there a replacement for CCDA no they'll be adding design specialties the sign concentrations on each tracks like Enterprise will have a design security will have a design but yeah design is gone the ççde will still be around because a lot people are still going for that and it's it's valuable but yeah design track is almost security what mark M just said security is so big right now it is crazy how big it is and with every breach you become more valuable it's crazy I can't wait for all the concentration seriously who docker and kubernetes which by the way is the coolest name for anything kubernetes I just love saying kubernetes docker is fascinating I did some docker training in my my Asher stuff on CBT Nuggets in which it's really fun docker is fascinating I I'll be doing more with that yeah actually I should do a video about that too cuz docker guess where it lives on Linux it also can go on Windows too but it's it's more more Linux based if I don't live in America can I get my CCNA yeah yeah you can there are when I was traveling in France and and Budapest I was about to take my exam for I forget what it was Oh Cisco related and there there are testing centers everywhere everywhere in the world it's crazy I almost went to one in Paris super chat from Jase Gibson thank you and he says should I just focus on my CCNA or would you recommend studying Linux and Python at the same time if you're trying to get your CCNA before cert pocalypse february 23rd of 2020 no go see seen a hardcore CCNA drink it limits sleep it put those suckers under your pillow that's your life right now I know if you're studying for CCNA to take it after sir apocalypse yes and this is advice I'm actually stealing from Cisco Panther in our interview um yeah if you're going for CCNA after the fact yeah I'm study Linux study Python it's all it's all part of it now anyway see see day won't go deep into the Linux stuff it won't go deep into Python but there will be stuff on there about it so yeah Jase CCNA all the way if you're going before sir apocalypse got a new member Mitch hobble welcome I think I've seen your name everywhere so Mitch I know you've been a lot around a long time thank you for joining Capital One had a breach whoa that's crazy yeah I mean I'm I'm gonna be right there with you guys I'm going back through my CCNA I'm sorry what's your for those of you going through CCNA what's your favorite course of course I love Jeremy Chara he's awesome I love David bumble he's awesome but what are you guys using I'm curious I wanna try and go through everything Andrew how do you become a member I'll put a link we find it I don't know where it is I'll I'll put in the description but there should be a button below my video if you're on a desktop it's like it's a dollar ninety-nine a month it's what it's for I'll just go ahead and spill the beans on this it's to support the channel it's Aldus as I I'm trying to invest in more and more time on YouTube I'm trying to get to where I'm devoting all my time of YouTube that takes slob things right it takes a lot of effort I spend a lot of time doing this stuff it's a lot of time and I love it I love I freakin love this and I want to be able to do more of it it's really the main reason plus I'll be able to put more time into the membership stuff and give you guys cool things David bumble he's he's awesome Ellen Chris Brian I was sure Chris buy it is incredible and so ii-i've been asking us to people as far as the book for CCNA would it be Odom or lammle I heard that lammle he's like the best I hear Langley is like the boss but I'd never read his book I always my OC g um Gerson asked what do I think about net Academy you know I've never done it um but I have I've hired a guy from networked Academy he actually started out as a it's great because they have a great job placement program I don't know how much it cost I think it's it's definitely more expensive than a self-study but his name wasn't Matt Matt if you're watching hi he still works where I used to work but he became a contractor with Presidio straight out of network academy like got a CCNA graduated from Newark Academy and he was working for a Presidio one of the biggest msps in the world I think and we contracted him to work at our company and then we hired him direct because he was so good yeah it's a good program and they're doing some cool stuff if you can't afford it but it's not required you can do so I I think self-study is like one of the best ways to to get into IT because it's why you're gonna be doing the rest of your stinking life you're when you get a diet you are you're becoming a professional students have to learn everything all the time Odom has a lot of words and it's overwhelming I could see that he's the official sort guide he's got to include everything I get that Narvik I hear Narvik is really good really good III did go through a few of his labs before I went to the written ie and I got my butt kicked but uh he's solid new member on the team Evert Lala thank you for joining sir um no I got a question for you guys um I want to do more live stuff and I don't know what to do like I love hanging out with you and just talking so this is fine let me know but I kind of want to do like trying to do live laps should I do live challenges so I do a live teaching live stuff what are you gonna see like I know like we have twitch streamers and then YouTube streamers who do gaming that's cool and you probably would have fun gaming with me but that's not why you're here you want to learn stuff you want to see me do networking stuff or geeky IT stuff lennick stuff so let me know what you want to see I'm willing to embarrass myself too so I'll do that thank you for the super chat Silver American I like the name lammle taught me everything about subnetting mb us their cable link the subnet masks I'll need to check out his book I'm gonna read it landlines have great guy he's been doing this forever live labs on Twitch that'd be kind of fun that'd be fun I think I was thinking about doing with David bumble I was talking with David last week I was like David you and I we should do like a twitch thing or we create a lab for each other we try to break it or you guys create a lab for us and we try to break it or solve a problem new member Robert willhoite thank you for joining sir I'll see you in the discord community yeah I think that a live Labs would be fun doing live labs because whoo I'm rusty and that would be fun Ryan Benny he's good Ryan Benny is great youtuber he cruises all this stuff for free I love the people who put their content on YouTube for free my professor Messer dudes a beast I love that now that's a name you remember Montague Holmes that is the coolest name ever I'm jealous of you oh my I might name my my son if I ever have one Montague thank you for joining sir let me let me get the member link I need to find it lot of people are asking for it there it is all right so if you want to join my membership it's a dollar ninety-nine a month at the base level I call it the 10x engineer level if you know what that means it's kind of an inside joke the tech community but there it is that's the joining link it's just a way to be a part of the community give back I'll be doing like I'll be doing some cool stuff I don't want to give it away just yet but the more people I get the more I can devote to it and I'm just gonna be teaching all the time basically I'm just showing you guys things yeah okay cyber ops I'm Brandon caps ed says on Cisco site that cyber ops is not changing yeah I guess it kind of at first it seemed like they were just gonna do away with everything but CCNA cyber ops might still be a thing on the website it's like yeah it's we're not we're not saying it's going away it's still here but we don't know it's gonna happen in the future DevOps is the new boss in town it very much is silver American DevOps is its killer what is DevOps I get a video video on that with Sean powers and funny enough it involves a ton of Linux a ton of programming and some some networking Mitch Hubbell said my brother's supposed to be a girl the entire pregnancy it could still happen I'm like halfway hoping for that my wife said she had a dream about that I'm like fingers crossed let's see how valuable is CCNA security the CCNA cyber security Adrian asks I made a video about that and I don't I I was willing to go like I said no it's it's bad he should go security cuz cyber security I think is gonna die but they're keeping it around so it's hard to say and the government certifies it was some some security clearances so it might still be a thing might maybe but oh it's it's rough I think I still think CC and P security would be the best route for anybody right now cyber security is kind of that weird thing link-up discord I will put it in there right now and then here's the join link again if you want to join the membership instead of Linux plus why not I'll pick one and Daniel no worries about being late welcome well you know I wanted to go to the gnu/linux plus mainly because Shaun powers told me to because he said it was an amazing exam and I'm prone to believe him because he's awesome but I heard it's really cool really really deep hands-on frankly I wanted two people to go for Linux plus because CompTIA has more brand recognition and as far as branding that's the king that's the game how that goes right now that's the reason that people get their CCNA and out there Jay NCA there's universe stuff that's that's the reason it's all about branding yourself and I'll pick one I hadn't heard of that until I started researching Linux certifications who's that what's the linic Institute her professional Institute nobody knows what that is unless you were in Linux does the HR person or a person hiring they're gonna probably know about Linux plus more than anything else that's the reason I want us through you guys right and I want experience for myself if I take the exam and I'm like this was utter crap I'll tell you I'm on a page he'll I'll let you know all right so I'm getting pretty close to where my wife is gonna kill me if I take much longer I just love hanging out of you guys and what let me know I'll go back through all the comments and I'll read all these things but let me know what you want to do for Mondays I love just coming live with you guys on Mondays kind of a Monday motivation I do want to have a topic I want to have something to talk about with you I don't want to come on hey guys let's drink coffee even though that would be fun but I want to like bring something to you guys oh l poq is known in Europe interesting see that's something I would not know that's why I always recommend guys go and look at your local job listings it's always gonna be different do you need physical hardware for the CCNA security can you study with something like boson Bosen that sim I don't think we'll cover CCNA security because you need those appliances like fire power and even ASA's and stuff you can probably get by with gns3 our virtual stuff shoot you can even install a SAS and fire power appliances in the cloud and azure which is cool why not the RH CSA the Red Hat stuff you know actually I was kind of like hmm should I have picking picking chosen Red Hat I'll probably end up doing that after Linux plus I think there'll be a lot of overlap but what I wanted is what the Linux plus is offering a good base overview bottom level starting from nothing and it's it's a pretty big industry search I mean Red Hat it's also really big and I'll probably end up going down that path afterwards I want to get a good taste good flavor of everything with Linux I will set up a poll in this court for the a weekly on Monday stream a great idea Mitch welcome to the team Moises Vasquez also a crate name I'll you all have the best names do not do that command sudo RM that's our F as far as I know and I haven't done the command that will murder your system maybe I'll just make a video where I just go on and I answer that command I'll just do that don't enter that command guys would I recommend Devon that after CCNA so there are Devon that certifications good question hard to say because the dead net prefer the definite associate and the Devon that professional is very much geared towards programmers is what it as far as I understand and from what I've looked at the exam objectives so it'd be like 90% programming concepts as far as and it won't be like teaching you programming be like how to use dev net and then like 10% networking possibly I method if you go down like the CCP enterprise track and you get the core which you have to to become ccnp enterprise you can pick your concentration there is an automation concentration which I will be helping out with by the way I'll be teaching that there's an automation concentration and that will be one half of the dev net professional so it's possible it's possible it's possible just delete it everything on route don't enter that command please do not enter that command oh boy anyways guys getting pretty close to ending you guys are amazing thank you for being part of this community for making this all that it is being an IT is the best thing ever and I'm having a blast learning Linux is fun learning Python is fun learning networking is fun and I I love that I'm able to make videos that you guys enjoy and I love that we had this back and forth it's fun so anyways I'm gonna call it a night and again I'll probably go alive oh welcome to the party Perry Thompson a new member I'll see you in the discord I'll probably try to go live every Monday and maybe one other day in the week maybe but I want to make you know the main content where I like pre record and edit so it's real quick and flashy and you don't waste your time but uh anyways I will see you guys next Monday I'll see you in the discord if you're enjoying the discard which you are I'm in the discord like everyday chatting too much so I'll see you guys in there that's it I'll catch you guys next time oh and by the way um I had a hundred thousand subscribers a few weeks ago end up making a video about that here soon now when try to do some giveaways and we do some cool stuff with that so be looking for that see you guys later
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 79,040
Rating: 4.9174042 out of 5
Keywords: comptia a+, comptia linux+ guide to linux certification, comptia linux+, linux+ xk0-004, ccna training, cbt nuggets, ccna study, cisco training, cisco ccna, ccna, information technology, linux for beginners, linux+ exam, ccna security, comptia a+ certification, comptia a+ 901, comptia a+ 1001 and 1002, comptia linux+ tutorials, comptia linux+ xk0-004, cisco ccna certification, comptia linux+ certification, linux tutorial, comptia linux+ exam, comptia linux plus, lpic 1
Id: 7Wia_5gn8jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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