If I had to start over...which IT path would I take?

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey what's going on guys welcome back to network Chuck no I did not get locked out of my office again let me adjust my camera here I wanted to be I still have a hole in my door but no I'm not locked out of my office everything's good let me know real quick if everyone can hear me and everything is looking pretty good coffee in hand coffee here let's talk about what I would do if I were to start over in IT today now I thought it'd be kind of fun to look up from the perspective of if I were to start like now in my current state with being thirty years old having four kids and I wanted to change a career into IT what would that look like that'd be weird so I want to see what that looks like but I'm gonna sip some coffee first cuz I need some coffee whoo it's good stuff what are you guys drinking tonight I'm also testing out some new software so let me know how this looks actually I want to try it out right now let me know if this looks cool Frank Cruden no some says I can hear you great Frank thanks for hearing me I'll be answering questions like that here in a bit anyways so in case you don't know my current path in IT I started an IT I always lose track how much time ago it was I started an IT back in 2009 I started setting for the A+ back then 2010 I got my first IT job I was working for staples I was one of their easy techs didn't last very long because it didn't pay very much so I actually switched to plumbing sales sold toilets glamorous job loved it not really and then I got my first help desk job so from there I did not actually I did it end up getting my a plus I got my CCNA and then it was all history from there I was a network engineer I was a collaboration engineer and then I became this a IT trainer and now youtuber it's all good it's all fun but what would I do right now because things have changed quite a bit sorry I've got like a bunch of new things up and I'm trying to make sure I can not miss anything keep the video online please is it not online is everything fine yeah everybody hear me hope it's okay anyways I love you guys being here I love Mondays mondays are better for me because I get to spend time with you guys so yes so a key I've said the word so like 15 times there's someone like doing a drinking game with that any stop doing that I'm gonna try not say it so I can't help it right now programming is big especially in the engineering space if you're in network engineer what are you doing right now you're learning coding you're learning Linux things are so different right now what would you end up doing and my wife texted me told me everything's good thanks wife love you so if I started right now if someone came up to me if Network Chuck came up to me and said I think she get into IT there's a ton of money I'm assuming I have a horrible job let's say I hate my job let's say it's like a minimum wage I'm working in fast food which is fine and dandy I you know let's say I'm working for Starbucks I actually did we used to work for Starbucks loved it loved making coffee only problem it doesn't pay very much doesn't really help out with the family of four it's not a great idea so what would my phone started playing my video that is so weird it's the second time that's happened to me so what would I do first of all first piece of advice I would give myself a plus I always say a plus write a plus is the first thing you got to do I'm gonna switch to my handy-dandy screen here screw this over hopefully that works yeah looks pretty whoa the chats like all up in there I need to adjust that that's not healthy let's move that out of the way chat let's move you way over here zoom you down look at some live @ troubleshooting here and scoot you right down maybe we keep it smaller and scoot you back up ah going crazy thank you guys for being so patient with me as I figure out this new program anyways so right now I guess this ghost stuff pulled up you'll be surprised what I say about that controversial anyways pull this over here a little bit CompTIA is what what I would start with come to you actually that would be my initial step is to spend a lot of time to come to you because I believe the engineers of today need a wide base a wide base of knowledge I mean seriously as a network engineer it used to be okay that you just understood routing and switching that you should be the norm and that was fine you could live off of that as a system admin I may be a Windows admin all you had to know was system windows administration like that's that's all you had to know maybe a few things here and there but never has it been so jack-of-all-trades ish I used to be the biggest advocate of someone if you wanted to make good money and IT then you you find your specialties as soon as possible and then dive deep into that specialty and it worked for me and Cisco collaboration no one wanted to do collaboration I did it made money it's awesome but if I were to do it over again today I would not take that path what I would do is I would start with the CompTIA A+ gives you the base knowledge for everything you pretty much need you need you need to know to start at the same time assuming I'm a father of four working a fast-food or working at Starbucks I would also start applying for IT jobs immediately immediately immediately I would get on all the job forms I would do everything in my power to find that first job absolutely necessary check the chat make sure everything's good cool I'm not gonna say the new program and ask it's a secret I'll tell you guys later I'll let you know what how it actually works out where was I I would say I would start applying every job I could I would get on indeed like you know let's pull up indeed right now pulling up indeed I'm here in Dallas Texas I would search for helpdesk help desk jobs were you at entry IT and service support man that's you know that's really good salary its remote work which I think everybody's doing remote work right now guys check it out what are they looking for they want this a pretty cool job actually huh he wants this job come to Dallas it's amazing they want a 1 year by T per support which that's actually not bad guys look at that 39,000 heat into 78,000 which of course if you if you're on the one-year realm that's gonna be kind of low this is not a bad job not a bad job at all that's a valid job seems pretty legit though yeah yeah that's amazing so yeah one year of experience and so let's assume me I don't have any idea experience I would ignore that I would ignore that I would I would here's what I would do and you have to stop and I'll make a more detailed video about this but I would find this company on LinkedIn and I would go find everyone I could who work there and I would connect those people I would try to find the help desk manager I would try to find anybody and connect with them because people hire who they know just how it is you hire who you know if you happen to know that person pretty well you're gonna end up hiring the most the time you're gonna hire somebody you know over someone you don't know just make sense that's just familiarity that's how human nature works so I would try to get to know people I would try to network my way in that situation if I were right now starting from fresh scratch just nothing I would be applying for jobs like this let's see what else we got Tier one help desk man jump all over that looking for two years I would ignore that I would just say I'm your guy I've got fire I've got hustle I'm studying right now I work at Starbucks I know how to deal with difficult people you know what people are cranky in the morning they when they don't have their lattes yet they might as well be terrorists they just want to kill you you have to give them their lattes and they'll be fine they're like kittens after that but you had you have to work that angle um so yeah I mean the gosh doubt by the way if you live in an area where you don't have like the job search looking like this which I it's 38 jobs but I think it's kind of a filtered I could search IT support if you don't live in an area with yeah oh my gosh look at this with this many jobs here move to a different area that's and that's the other thing I do if I if I were working at Starbucks in Timbuktu or in middle of nowhere if I wanted to get into iti okay Starbucks is everywhere Starbucks will transfer me somewhere else I wanna get somewhere where there's a big massive huge IT infrastructure IT force and yeah that's what I would do so a plus without first a plus once I finish today plus assuming I can get that first job now here's the kicker here's the and you guys have heard me say this before you know I see this a lot if I were to make sure the chats all good 600 people in here how you guys doing if I were if I got that first job before I finished my a plus which is a plus is no joke it's a it's a big exam it's a it's a massive thing it's two exams two exams I remember taking it I remember the emotional rollercoaster of taking part one and then part two and you're like I finished it felt so good yeah snuffleupagus said great name I'll move to Dallas for that yeah that's a legit job eight hundred people welcome guys so glad you're here I'll go back and no toppling at my mustache any bearded gentleman out there I have the same problem but if I got that job before my 8 plus was finished I would drop the A+ and move on because you the A+ is valid and good for that first job unless unless you're still exploring what you want to do now I'll tell you what I in looking at the industry and all the things I've been able to touch and experience I'm very blessed to have done this so far I can tell you what I would walk down based on what I've become interested in and what I believe is the big when like the big bet you can put your career on but also it's not always just about what's gonna win you have to find out what you're passionate about in this I tell this to you guys all the time get the A+ so you concede which thing you like it might be networking it might be computer systems it might be Linux it might be cloud they'll give you just a little little little taste of it here and there but anyways a sip of coffee time so assuming at the first job I might finish a plus just see where I'm at where would I go next let's get back to my screen you're gonna laugh at me but I mentioned I want to go I want to go wide I would I would stay in CompTIA land for a while CompTIA what are they known for the known for the one to five years of your first IT experience that's what they're known for I would probably at this point I would go for Network plus and I know this is weird for me to say because I normally don't don't say go Network plus I normally don't say that but I'm saying it now now why am I saying that well because you know what this new CCNA thing that we have going on not impressed guys not impressed at all you've heard me say before the new CCNA is fine and dandy it's the CCNA name itself still holds a ton of weight because you know what while we all care about the changes in the new CCNA and we take the exams the rest of the industry doesn't quite know that yet they don't know the new changes that have come about they just know that I want a network guy I'm gonna look for a guy that has a CCNA but we know or I know at least and what I've seen and I share this opinion with a few others in the industry the CCNA is kind of weak sauce now it goes it goes wide it goes wide like the network plus and the exam was boring I'm sorry it was just boring as a boring exam no lab simulations now do I recommend you get the CCNA like I I don't I don't want to steer you wrong should you get the CCNA yes yes because it still holds value it does because of the name recognition currently right now will I be making a CCNA course you bet you I will because I love networking so yes go down that path but I would say network plus first because network plus might be all the networking knowledge you need now I keep saying what path would I choose right now we're still going wide you know that wide it breadth you that wide base of knowledge because we're you go wherever you specialize in as an engineer NIT you're gonna have to have that wide base now you have to because you're gonna approach you might end up somewhere and you'll feel like you have to go back and learn everything that's what all these engineers are doing right now who were highly specialized in one area you're having to go back down and learn the entry-level stuff of Linux Python and all that because they have been left behind in the area they're catching up so might as well get that great fantastic base and use that knowledge as you move forward at any track that you just fall in love with because you will fall in love with something IT is amazing you're gonna have so much fun and all this stuff sure we have our bad times never a bad day studying can get stressful but most the time and really on average it's amazing anyways I'm getting on a tear here as coffees potent today staying in CompTIA land here's Ross all we go nice check the chat real quick kind of beginner guide beginner's guide to networking good idea because I'm at the point now where certifications are fantastic they are they are because they they give you that industry standard thing on your resume however if you're just learning the knowledge because you already have a job you just need to quickly acquire that knowledge I think little little video training series that just give you what you need like maybe a little intro to Linux as a network engineering you don't need to know Linux system administration you don't need to know all of everything that entails that but you need to know a little bit of Linux to be able to work with your automation tools so a little intro to Linux course would be amazing I am going off on a tangent where would I go next a security plus security plus is a no-brainer that's what you know I'm gonna start drawing on things any I draw pen I haven't drawn on the screen in a while I want to do it but I can't find my pen program where to go I think it disappeared yeah it's gone I'm not sure one more time no it disappeared we're not drawing today so I'll go security plus industry standard you get that DoD certification man security plus is like one of the most PTO certifications one of the most popular IT certifications in general without a doubt go that way cloud plus won't touch it Linux plus yes yes yeah absolutely so I'm still a cocktail and I'm a I'm a data for working at Starbucks maybe just got my first IT job when I helpdesk I'm going a plus I'm going network plus and then security plus and Linux plus great base a lot of CompTIA stuff a lot of CompTIA stuff but it's fantastic it really is now at that point you could go the other CompTIA routes if you really want to get into cybersecurity Amancio is a solid pen test not really there yet I don't believe I'll have to look more into that as I go down my ceh path with it's yeah if you haven't seen that I'm going to get my ceh my video I posted a few days ago is up in live we check that out the rest come to you I would kind of sit on um after that me personally so this is this is where the path becomes a a bit mix based on what you find in your journey me personally I love networking I really do like did this despite where the industry is going right now I do it's dear to my heart so what I would do after all that is get my CCNA just because the CCNA is such a legendary networking certification it still is it always will be well I don't know why I said I always will be I I don't know I hope it does I hope it's I hope it's strong and solid I hope the exam evolved into something really really cool I think having the CCNA on your resume right now though is still always a good thing so get that CCNA there because Cisco's everywhere and if you work with any other vendor they're gonna be very very similar to Cisco so having CCNA is such a solid amazing thing to do but me personally my path stops there with Cisco really no way yes yeah if I were to start today I wouldn't go any further than CCNA mic drop I wouldn't go see CMP or any of you those other constants specialisations whatever they and just just because of I'm a marketing guy I make youtube videos I know what what holds value what changes things if you look at the certifications right where's the new paths I mean yeah here's all the paths a CCMP enterprise you can have what five different flavors or yeah one two three four five six different flavors of a ccnp enterprise like it's confusing how can the industry adapt to this I don't know how can HR adapt to this that it's gonna they may they may just it may become the industry standard to do stuff like this but oh you can't see it now you can see it sorry six paths six different types of CC and peas now and that's just one track that's the CCMP Enterprise it's confusing as heck and that's a bad recipe for marketing when HR doesn't know how to look for jobs when managers aren't really sure what to ask for it becomes confusing and I think that's what missus that's why I'm gonna go as far as CCNA also because I think the job of a gonna dog me on this telling you this this might be a controversial to stream all 900 of you in here now oh and by the way I forgot to mention I'm gonna take a pause real quick I've got to thank my members because you guys are amazing we're at four hundred and twenty eight members right now which is incredible like thank you so much for letting it not be so scary as my new entrepreneurial journeys taking off huge shout-outs on my beastmode members I got them right here I had them on the initial screen Eric Torres Z hi Brooke Anderson Michael Rossi and then digital marketing marketing partners PA respect that's some smart marketing right there and of course I've got my network check army a bit of a lower tier but still you guys are amazing I'm gonna pull you up right now although I can't find it right now I here we go here we go to read I'm on top of it I got this guy's network check army I've got four levels I realize just a matter of how much you can support so the network army got Jo Nez Brian J Gil Allah could be BKE three zero two two zero to dr. Lazarus and Ryan DEP I thank you guys for supporting me and of course the other tiers my my unicorn and my 10x engineers you guys are amazing thank you so much all right moving on Coffee time Cisco someone said I support your filling with Cisco yes yes yes yes Cisco has become frustrating because it used to be back in the day that the company if the company had Cisco they had everything Cisco it was great as an ESCO engineer you come in it's all Cisco all day baby you don't have to learn nothing else it's fantastic we've now more and more shops when I say shops I mean IT departments our multi vendor and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I mean we might as well have a white box which is white box routers because it's all about the code less about the hardware and man I just don't see the value and if me personally I don't see the value in going down the path of becoming a network engineer if I were just like I wouldn't tell someone to start from that from scratch today that's based on my own interest because I know what's out there I know what I'm gonna bet on here in the future now that's to say if you fall in love with networking go for it because you'll always have a place at least for the next twenty thirty years if you are trying to plan beyond thirty years then change it up but I'm more looking at what because like again I think network engineers will always be around you will always be able to enjoy and you'll make good money what I'm talking about is what's gonna be exciting cutting edge and what you could demand a lot of money for top dollar stuff many of you saw it coming what I'm about to say I would go cloud cloud without doubt cloud is where it's at you know I've dealt into the Microsoft Azure world I've dived into the AWS world a little bit but I think cloud is future if you don't know what cloud is if you're new to IT you're just getting into this you know like cloud you have heard that word as buzz word cloud is just someone else's computer someone else's data center so instead of putting all my servers and all my stuff in my own data center where I have to pay money for all these servers and red space and and and deal with all the physical nature of that we just put our servers in the cloud and we run everything in the cloud it's fast it's redundant it's relatively secure I know what's really secure it is secure many people are like 10 I'm not putting my stuff in the cloud the government is which may not be a good argument but banks are in other big companies it's what's happening my cloud makes it easier we can move faster we can be more agile and it just makes more sense now you before I jump into cloud I'm gonna mention this Chuck I know you're asking this Chuck what about network automation what about that what if you became a network engineer and you and you focus on network on emotion I'm frustrated with Network automation III just AM III think it's cool it's fun it's cool to add another layer of this fun on top of what you already do as far as networking but it's a frustrating environment here's where I see Network automation going nowhere condemnation is gonna be dominated by bi GUI tools that's it they will be we have this call to learn scripting we have this call to learn all these things which is I think you need to learn it but I think the the traditional network engineer is going to be using quick and click GUI tools for most Network automation we've been doing that work confirmation with SolarWinds for a long time guys before cisco came and tried to make their stuff popular DNA Center is gonna be the solution for a lot of cisco shops already is you know what it doesn't require a ton of programming knowledge or any it's clique Meraki ubiquity guess what those all use network automation and you don't have to know a lick of coding so as far as network on emission goes yes there's gonna be shops where they make their own custom stuff it's gonna be really cool and agile but eventually the vendors are gonna make a tool that's all encompassing real easy to use it's gonna be simple and all that's all that hype hype about learning all the detailed network automation tools while it's great for your career because that stuff bleeds into other areas of IT I think Network automation just gonna be click drag click drag on popular opinion I know because we have a new definite stuff coming out which i think is really cool the deadness associate exam was really fun it covered some great stuff like Linux it covered get and some Python stuff so like that it's it's a great example earning the the base level knowledge and those those technologies but I just don't think that's where in our condemnation is going now what I'm saying could be true maybe 10 20 years down the road because we're still using ansible we're still using all these these little tools but eventually someone's gonna get control of all this and say okay we can't have all these guys who aren't professional programmers writing scripts it's just it's becoming a little crazy let's get a tool that's organized that's dummy proof so we can actually organize some things no I I'm speaking in terms of like a network it's maybe not too big that's that's probably what we're gonna see big networks maybe have more more complexity and needs higher-level programmers on there at higher level network engineers so it's not like what Chuck saying is gonna be true for everyone I know this honest thing for the industry at large us where I see it going so I diverge let me get some more coffee whoo so to catch you guys up where am I at I a plus CompTIA Network+ CompTIA security plus linux plus CCNA and i stopped there for a second then I choose my cloud um how I choose my cloud would be based on this criteria right here you go cloud because I think cloud is gonna be the the future for many many many many many companies and I would do this search I live in Dallas let's search AWS 600 or six jobs what it's a lot okay let's search asher 399 pretty clear what i'm gonna do right now alright I'm gonna choose AWS just it's got almost double the amount of jobs now I'll tell you this most jobs a lot of jobs look for both that want you to know AWS then we into a sure they want you know Google like that's just they don't care clouds cloud and they want and they might use all these cloud vendors anyways I am choosing cloud because I think that's where the industry is going I also think cloud is very fun because all the things you learn in A+ all the things you learn in networking are there it's just in the cloud and it's it's not as like cool is spinning up a physical lab or a physical infrastructure it's not as cool as that but it is pretty cool that your entire infrastructure is up there it can be and then it becomes really cool when you get a DevOps so I'm taking my Network+ skills networking CCNA networking skills my Linux class skills my security skills I'm just applying them to AWS I'll start with the AWS cloud practitioner to see if I like it so I'm at this point I'm I'm okay let me go back because I'm kind of going over the place I get my CCNA I'm not going any I'm not getting any more certifications after that until I land that first job if I already have that first job I'll keep I'll keep going just keep going and prove to my bosses that I am gonna just kill it I I'm talking about us all the time I'm being totally transparent with them hey I'm on the helpdesk but I'm moving you give me more responsibility I want me to stay late yeah I'm gonna stay late yeah I'm not spending time with my kids as much as I should but I know it's gonna pay off I'm not gonna become a workaholic my goal is to get to the point where I have a high-level job and I could spend more time with my kids but that initial hustle especially if you are making that job shift or change is required it is it is I did it I stayed late I at the time so I'm saying me right now as a 30 year old with four kids and making that shift I did this when I was 21 and I had one kid I think eventually had two kids maybe 22 and married and my wife didn't works it was all on me and then trying to accelerate working the late nights I would work for free basically I going to the guy I was on the helpdesk I would shadow Maya network engineer shadow him go with him to the data center just say teach me what you got I will hold a server for you while you you screwing cage nuts I just want to learn so I can accelerate and you know what it paid off it did and that's what you got to do right now whatever job you're in do that find that network engineer become his best friend find that cloud engineer become his best friend or her best friend whoever it is become their best friend but at the same time work on the search because it's certs are so valuable to your career especially in the beginning especially in the beginning cuz I at the beginning of your career you have a lot to prove you have a lot to prove yeah that's pretty much the the crux of it you have to prove every every ability you have take a sip of water real quick scene check the chat make sure I'm not out make her than you feel good like I'll score at all thank you for joining the unicorn membership ok I'll go through comments here in a bit let me get back to talking about this so AWS cloud practitioner to see if I like it and see if I'm ready to go down at the same time I'm gonna start looking like I would never see it a job for longer than one to two years unless this promotion opportunity so if I'm gonna help desk get a job and I've been there for a year um if I don't see a clear path to move up I'm moving somewhere else ladder I'll move I'm gonna look for a help desk job at another company that might have AWS or Azure in their infrastructure how do you find that out see what the other jobs available are I that company company XYZ go to that companies job board search on LinkedIn and see what other jobs you have if they're looking for senior cloud engineers looking for AWS band that's company I want to be X I know there's a path to go up based on what I want to do so I'm doing I'm going AWS cloud practitioner to see if I like it I do I like it so I move forward I get the AWS certified Solutions Architect something something something and I see if I like it there now there is where I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop right there and I'm gonna focus hardcore on learning more Linux and learning more Python those two skills are gonna be super valuable and really any any any path NIT but in cloud yes yes yes yes you're gonna want to learn Linux really well learn Python really well I've got resources below how you can learn that stuff my favorite resource for learning Python is code Academy I've got a link below super fun way to learn Python I I try to do it every day I've been bad lately I'm gonna get back on that in fact I'll probably do some after this stream I challenge you to go check out code Academy too but yeah that's where I stopped I I know there's other AWS certifications like let's go check him out let's go check him out because I haven't actually looked in a while let's pull it up almost talked over my coffee AWS certifications let's mosey on down that Lane so the associate is what I was talking about I really want to draw I pulled my pen it's really bothering me I can't draw her it is it was hiding from me this whole time now I can draw so the associate level is what I'm talking about I get the Solutions Architect right there beyond that I'm not going to go anywhere else yet I'm gonna get that Python this pens out great I want to get that Linux I might say Linux plus am I going to get the RHCs a maybe go further than that that's a Red Hat certification by the way Python there's a lot really an industry standard for certification for Python that's good so I would just do enough Python to start doing some cool projects but look for that that next that job that that first cloud job my brother did it he moved from Cisco wireless engineer to AWS engineer I can tell you right now what he's learning is Python and Linux he's doubling down on those skills because that's required in that job role required beyond that I don't know if I could go any further really maybe um I've heard sis Ops is pretty fun DevOps is a little crazy too I don't know if I go advanced networking maybe security hard to say cuz I at the at this point you might be looking at companies that are pretty pretty stinking big that have a huge AWS footprint so yeah but then what if I chose a sure I would go down that path real quick where does that shows a sure let's go look at Microsoft Azure many of you may know that I do have my as your type of certification I do have my as your administrator certification as well as my AZ 900 the entry level I love Microsoft Azure it's it's fantastic what I would do for them is get the AZ 900 in the administrator associate which is right there yeah so this guy I probably stop there and then focus on any guesses focus hardcore on PowerShell PowerShell if you don't know what that is it's Microsoft scripting language and it's almost a full fledged program you can do anything with it I've seen people write full fledged programs with PowerShell and then I would also focus on Linux because you know what Microsoft is Linux now I'm not saying that but like with wsl to Windows so system for Linux - they have a Linux kernel basically in Windows 10 and a Windows Server so like Linux is the is their best friends now here they are totally best friends so yeah learn Linux learn PowerShell that's what I would do that's what I thought went down the Azure path and that's if I searched down the path like on indeed comm or any job or that's popular in my area and I found that Asscher was more popular than AWS but you saw the race was pretty close sure I think pulled up like 400 jobs and AWS was like around 6 to 700 it's pretty stinking close and with this out of the way now I know someone's already talking about this you know I'm gonna bring that shot up so I'm gonna bring it up a quick I'm gonna address this right now although I can't find it now all my stuff's going away I'm gonna bring in this chat I'll address your issue sir whoever I'm talking um oh there's a poll right now there's a poll going dadgummit ignore the poll guys I can't find that chat however someone brought up that Oh Chuck you're looking at doing hacking I'm like I'm learning hacking right now what am i unchanged in my mind no like right now I'm interested in hacking I'm talking about what I would do if I started fresh right now when I see what I think the most lucrative safe man yes safe safe and fun job for my interest would be I'm new to the hacking world honestly I don't know if I'm gonna like it very much so far I enjoy it but I've only done like script Kitty stuff basically I understand what I'm doing but I'm just running tools I haven't like done deep reconnaissance I've actually tried to do bug bounties or go to try Hackney and stuff I haven't gone deep down that path so I am not sure how interested I would be in that or how lucrative that would be compared to a cloud job so the way I view it is I I love the traditional path to becoming a network engineer or a systems engineer and I believe those jobs are morphing into cloud jobs I think that's where the money is right now that's what I would do that's the path that would take get your base understanding of an IT in general get your a plus get your network plus get your Linux knowledge down pat you want to get those things going someone asks you only send us there Chuck why Linux plus and not l poq because I was just off personal preference but knowledge I had just uh I knew what CompTIA Linux plus was before I knew what l poq was again certifications are all about marketability does someone know what they are I think there's more people who know I think there's more help desk job you know why am I even saying that let's go look let's go let's go see I will see if that's gonna be true I'm going to search let's do L pick one so many jobs come up hundred twenty jobs and they all appear to be well that's doesn't seem to be yeah I think we're kind of mixing careers here at wedding photographer yeah I don't know what's happening that may go it's an epic don't autocorrect me okay l poq yeah it's a I'm kind coming up no not a pic I can I'm having a hard time even searching for this Linux Plus okay Linux plus brings up a good amount of jobs I'm sure as probably just pulling in the Linux keyword as well let me see if I can just let's see if indeed lets me do this yeah I mean it's Linux plus is more marketable I think that's the only thing that's only reason I would say that is Linux plus is more marketable I'm gonna go stop that poll real quick it gives you guys mi notice there's a poll running for my last stream for some reason it's deciding to run right now I know you just love technology and turn this sucker off right now maybe I don't have to some questions here in a bit that's the path I would take just based on what I see in the industry what I think would be fun when you touch the cloud you touch everything when you learn the cloud you get to touch storage you get to touch system administration skew dealing with Linux Linux machines Windows machines all kinds of stuff we stop that pull close pull pull closed should be done I think I got some boats there anyways listen another one out there do I think that the olynyk's foundation is equivalent to Linux plus probably I I don't know I'd have to take a deeper look but anyways I mean I just gosh I just think that Linux plus is better just because of the marketability now let's go through some I lost my train of thought from earlier someone go through some questions here real quick I'm gosh it is crazy I'm gonna try and catch all the super chats I had so let me see here alright so Nigel's saying again apologize for the delay new program you know how it is think of the superset in Nigel level a resource you recommend but try code Academy and the rubbish in your opinion you hated it why did you hate it I like it I love it let's see my personal preference I like code Academy because you get the immediate application you need to immediately start down the path of having fun alright I'm gonna go through some chats here make sure I didn't miss any super chats do you guys disagree with my path I'm cuz like again this is just my opinion it says this is I'm not saying you must follow this if you want to make money like theirs you can pick any path in I teen if you're passionate about it you'll be successful that's what I believe and if you pick a path that happens is like if you pick a network engineering path and you become this like ccmp CCIE boss and you're amazing but then network engineering starts to die off and the jobs are hard to find guess what you can pivot you can switch because you always years of IT experience have built you up to this amazing god-like IT engineer and you you you have demonstrated that you can learn stuff so quickly you can pivot and be agile both in the agile sense of being able to move fast and also in the coding sense and being agile there too you can do whatever you want you can learn coding you can learn Python whatever part of me wishes no actually hit that back sometimes I wish I would have went down the coding path like the the traditional computer science coding path probably would have not liked it very much I've even like been tempted to like just do a test on myself and try to go to one of those coding boot camps and see if they're worth anything but I know that coding jobs are becoming very very common and it's harder to demand high dollar salaries for jobs that are becoming more common now they still need people in coding they still need people but there's more and more coders out there I think the the job paths that are more a little less popular or what we're talking about people who go down these AWS or Azure paths or network engineering paths because who heard about these in school I didn't hear about this in school I didn't know anything about that in school unless you go to like colleges like WGU we're stuff that they actually have Pat's designed for that and it might become more popular and not now but man you don't really hear about that at least I didn't so uh my chats gonna look crazy I want to try and get through all this I'm seeing another chance from people saying I might have locked myself out again that was funny I did not do that yeah I was getting my coffee don't you guys worry about it all right shouldn't go through here real quick look there's some chats I apologize if I missed your chats last week guys this thing it's crazy gaby says great question Gabby do network engineers do coding yeah they do a lot of them are all the traditional network engineers I'm seeing now are learning coding almost all of them if you don't it's fine it's fine you're not gonna die but it becomes more difficult to be competitive in the field oh great super chat or a great question from Deepak our Tony how would the chorus affect your decision that's my current situation a great question for me I think the corona yeah I said coronavirus dang you tricked me now all YouTube's going to monetize me I think that eventually this situation is gonna gonna go away I mean we have to believe that it will our society is change and it's different but it will go away now I chose AWS and Azure on the cloud path and learning Linux and Python and all that stuff because my biggest consideration is freedom and town my family I believe the most amount of time I can spend with my family is a job where I can choose where I'm gonna be and that's a remote job that's gonna be remote job every time I love working remote it's the best situation now so some people don't like that some people are experiencing it now and hate it or love it but I think a cloud job will give you the best opportunity to be remote because guess what the clouds up there you know around you and you can access that from anywhere most the time and I juggled me well more likely let you work remote in that situation just want to turn that off real quick let me know if you guys like that whole chat thing I think it's pretty cool this tool am using doesn't make it easy to find super chats so I'm just kind of kind of making my way through the town here I might just jump to the most recent stuff here that doesn't make it easy okay I got some super chats that kind of came through on this here let me see you guys chat too much here I'm complaining about you guys be awesome oh yeah Charles thanks so super chat 50% off the Cisco starting the Cisco sir 20 is the code which ya stinkin do that it's amazing I wish I could find that chat put on the screen its active until win this is the 26th so yeah actually I I need to buy some cisco certain valtor's it's a great recommendation Nigel I can't believe you didn't like Codecademy Oh Nigel Mike Myers is gonna try and get ahold of you he has been doing am a live video sessions yeah actually I got his email today I might do a live stream here with Mike Myers who was my hero when I first started studying for my a plus and it's really cool I get a chance to talk with him so be looking for that keep it techie like the name thank you the super chat hey Chuck have you look into any of the Linux Foundation certifications I'm sitting for LFC s I haven't looked at them yet I have it honestly again if you can do a job search two people are looking for that more power to you has to be marketable it has to be marketable that's where people that have already existing certifications out there when Tory thanks mr. pitch at how what can I do you know I'm just gonna switch to the most recent shot so I can make sure I'm putting on the screen this thing's a nightmare there it is there it is I almost lost it okay what can I do on my own time to get into IT yeah a certification that's what I would do so there's a lot of things you can do as far as like because experience is one of the main things that are been it's gonna benefit you NIT and and just to get started to get some experience under your belt so if you can volunteer somewhere and you're like I don't understand like it's a big commitment but if you can start volunteering churches need IT help a volunteer schools might volunteer homeless shelters might let you lend some IT services there I'm sure there's there's programs that need just people who can help out with IT I look for that to get that first initial bit of experience also my brother got his first job in IT just in a in a job that was like a small computer repair shop in our hometown and that was it like he was like one of like four people working there but that was enough to get him that next helpdesk job so just getting those initial getting those initial jobs I'm sorry my smart home system told my front door was open I should make a video about that oh yeah in the meantime get some certifications A+ start down that path the first thing I would just tell you is figure out if you like it because IT while I think everybody should learn IT and anybody can learn IT it's got to be one of those things that you enjoy because I can tell you right now it consumed my life like I I I fell in love with it and it's now like it's what I do that's what I do when I'm when I do things for fun it's usually IT related so fall in love with it make sure that you have fun with it but what Jeremy Chara always says you love what you know if you learn something well you probably end up loving it that's what I would do Thank You flipper chat let me see if I can pull some other stuff up Oh Harris my super chat I'm trying I'm trying trying to keep up I can't you guys are chatting too fast and this program is stupid I might switch [Music] someone said five rule destroy all this techies I don't think so people always need on need people on staff I'm checking my super chats guys check checking try testing if you have a question let me know you said testing someone's testing here we go here we go here we go here we go so Jared humble request for more adroit think you've a super chat I think you follow free training yeah yeah so I do plan eventually to now say eventually like it's gonna be pretty soon I'm gonna make an AWS course for free available on YouTube that's one of the things you won't find for free very often there are great courses out there fantastic courses but I want to create something for for free on YouTube because I know even just ten dollars is out early for some people so I'm gonna help you guys out and maybe something just want to dabble in or maybe you swing man just check it out so I'll be making a course on that pretty soon where you know I'm gonna answer this question real quick what is the best way to learn Linux are there any labs and the beautiful part about Linux is that you can find that stuff anywhere if you got Windows 10 right now you got when you got Linux on your laptop right now enable the wsl two windows subsystem for linux and you can install Ubuntu or Kali Linux like a like an application run this sucker it's amazing you get a phone call I don't know you Houston is probably a job actually and once you're in the industry you get a job like that all the time it's awesome yeah you can learn Linux anywhere learning the clouds actually great like I mentioned AWS and Azure a great little just introduction to Linux to cloud could be that you go sign up for a free tier which a free tier on on or azure is just a they give you access to their stuff for free for a certain amount of time some some things you can access forever but they give you access to free stuff that you just play with and you can spin up a Linux lab and just lab it up it's cool if you if you want to go deeper and actually learn some hardcore Linux I've got links are like IT Pro TV below I use my coupon code Network chuck at 30% off and they have labs built into their platform which is really cool all right I think my kids and my kids spent the night at my grandmother my uh my in-laws house last night I think they're home so I I hear pandemonium downstairs I might have to leave the chat here soon guys just gonna go through and try to find any super chats I may have miss but I appreciate you guys hanging out with me today this is a live stream is kind of over the place because I was trying to get this software to work and oh by the way I'm gonna throw this up here real quick did he percent off Cisco exams that's pretty cool and please don't take me saying like my design path if I were to you know do IT right now is like the the only way cisco search your valuable like crazy and the knowledge you gain is crazy valuable I just I just showed you what I would do my personal preference you went down the path to be fine you'd be great you would have a great time if you chose a different path you probably have a great time just my personal preference if you disagree with me I would love love to hear what you think because I'm just I'm just a person on the internet talking to myself okay going through a few things here gosh you guys again chat too much I appreciate it but dadgum okay great question from Doug Elle once you've learned Python how do you show employers that you know Python this is where IT is becoming more interesting in the the admin world coders have had to deal with this problem for a long time programmers have had this problem for a long time if you're a programmer you don't really care about certifications like that's not your thing you don't do that what you do is you have a github I get that's where you put your code you have your code put in your github account it's a showcase for what done the code that you've written if you're a web developer you might have websites that's where you put your stuff if you're a network automation engineer and you want to get a new job you have your network automation scripts and and github you've demonstrated your projects all project based I think yeah all of us in IT are actually seeing more but right yeah gosh I can't wait to me video series on this if there's so much I want to say if I were to quit or start IT right now there are so many things I would do to hack the system I would have github I would have projects I would make videos I would have websites demonstrating my skill sets my study process I would be making a vlog I would make a vlog a study vlog to show my future employers my hustle and who I am and my personality because half the battle yeah kids are yelling half the battle and getting a job is as people need to know you I said this earlier when usually when I'm interviewing someone half of it is only seeing what their skill set is the other half is I'm seeing it feel mesh with my team and that's that's just about our personality are they hungry are they willing to learn are they humble like there's those things that come and there's such a huge factor in getting a job and that's what I look for so if you can find a way to demonstrate that so yeah the answer your question Doug github projects that's how you demonstrate you know Python oh do I have oh my stuff I think my stuffs off I don't know someone said there's a sub sound that's annoying I'll uh someone said it's awesome I don't know you guys are confusing me I don't know cloud plus let me ask this question is cloud less worth it Tyler I don't want to see no because I haven't I haven't taken the cloud plus but from what I understand looking at the exam objectives and how they compare to others you'll be a lot better off if you get the AZ 900 which is Asher which I created a course on link below or the AWS cloud partitioner these are both entry level certifications for those cloud platforms the benefit of doing that is that you learn the basics of cloud just like you with the cloud plus but you also learn how to use a specific cloud platform you learn some of the stuff that they use when they call their stuff and how did how to interact with it that's valuable and it gives you that huge boost up to the next level getting the the associate level certifications and they hold more value in my opinion a great question from Attila what do I think about learning Sdn and DC oh that's like crazy valuable if you don't know if you're watching this and you're new to IT you don't know what Sdn is I'm gonna pull up my other chat so I can make sure people are still alive in here Sdn Software Defined when it's networked programmability just they they have a nice little software package on top of what we've been doing for a long time dmvpn it's how we can interconnect our sites how we interconnect our cloud environments to our data centers and DC stands for data center it's the new thing it's the new wave there are gonna be I believe Cisco certifications focused on SDI and we already have the book out it's a huge amazing thing I had a video about it talking about it last year the year before but it's it's crazy cool cuz I I when I was working as a network engineer those were my main jobs is maintaining branch sites and having them interconnect back to our site I used a Cisco ASA's remote site two sites I did dmvpn I know there's other solutions out there but Sdn is the new kid on the hole relatively new kid on the block and he's replacing everything cisco is not the only player out there there's others like Vela cloud and then there who else like there's some other players out there but cisco is trying to dominate that but yeah that's the thing like I'm again I'm giving you with my advice but really any of these things will be golden like if you want to go down deep into Sdn and data center technologies do it because you're gonna make money you'll do well you'll do well do I think that you'll make more money going on the cloud path yes I do I do and I think you'd be more fun because cloud is new relatively and it's exciting it really is exciting that's why I mentioned that all right I think I'm nearing Evan says SDU an I want to throw Evan up here in a minute if I can find the other tab I swear next time guys I'll be like 20 times more organized maybe like I can't really guarantee that but I'll do my best I sent the revving up there real quick here we go Evan I got your super chat man sinned there we go SDM versus MPLS I think MPLS is going away MPLS is a traditional way you would have sites interconnected through circuits and they're expensive well they used to be I mean they've come down to cost but I think Sdn which okay here's the here's the main difference and for you guys you don't understand that just yet you may be new into IT Sdn is interconnecting remote sites through most the time through traditional internet circuits something you might have at your house so like the Internet I'm using at my house would be what I get my branch offices where previously in the old days you might have not seen the old days people still use it you'll get a dedicated MPLS circuit that a provider will give you like AT&T or CenturyLink or whoever and they will have an MPLS cloud and can interconnect your sites but Sdn uses your traditional internet connection which is cheaper and you get some of the same benefits from MPLS so you got the you got QoS you've got all these bells and whistles that really help your your infrastructure you got on-ramps to cloud technologies really really super quick so there's a lot of stuff then that's involved in a lot of vendors out there I'm a big fan st web as far as a overall solution okay I've got a no super time I apologize for the super chance I missed guys here we go Alec stress I think super chat personal IT path recommendations for IT educators so I'm assuming that maybe you're teaching at a school or you're wanting to become more like what I do where you you teach people as an IT educator you got to go wide go wide so learn Linux learn Python get those certifications CompTIA is a great just event plastic place to start because it gives you a great breadth of knowledge and then yeah just whatever it's kind of the same as pursuing a job you want to specialize in a few things maybe cloud as your AWS yeah that's what I would say how how far do you want to go in education do you want to educate just people on a certain level like it's kind of like you know deciding when you become a teacher of like a high school do you want to just teach ninth grade unless you want to teach you know 12th grade you notice your AP English like how deep you want to go do you want to teach CCIE stuff like that's that's cool you'll make money doing that but you may just want to stick with teaching Linux plus or whatever yeah so personal IT path for IT educators pretty much the same as what I listed here pretty much the same all right we're nearing an hour here or we have surpassed an hour here I want to try and take a few more questions and then I'm gonna go say hi to my kids Vermont says how about this combination CCNA + Azure plus Linux plus yeah so it's fun I actually have all the certifications and I think that's a great combo for the market seriously because people are gonna hire you because they they want you to know as your stuff they oh hey this guy knows networking that's great oh he knows Linux too man let's get this guy on board he's hungry he's got he's got knowledge and we can we can mold them into our ultimate DevOps employee all right Spencer Coleman and great question thanks for the super chat have you had any thoughts about bringing back the podcast now I'll tell you this I do put these streams on the podcast so if you prefer just audio only and you're listening to this after the fact or you will listen to it again I don't know why you would I do put it on Spotify iTunes and everywhere else you might be asking about the podcast I did with david von ville which was called this is IT I can't tell you much right now so I'll tell you later yep I'm gonna leave with that leave it very very open that's almost a great question from cue tens and thank you the super chat how do you make a portfolio for cloud development that's the beauty of cloud man like you can you can spin up an environment in the cloud even if you're paying for it most the time it's crazy cheap cuz I know a guy went through the azure administrator course I created a course for that and I spun up stuff I went way past the free tier you can do a lot most of it in the free tier but yeah you can you can spin up stuff in the cloud and when you go to your interview you say do you mind if I pull up my cloud account my Azure account let me show you what I have I've got all this stuff I just did check out ash like that's what's cool about the cloud man oh my gosh I just I love this so much that's what's so cool is that like networking right like you can show up and say yeah I know I know networking I know OSPF bgp all day and it might ask you some questions and stuff but with cloud you can say hey here's my laptop login here's my stuff this is real infrastructure this is real stuff you can see you might have the same thing here in your environment that's what's cool about the cloud oh my gosh oh yeah that's that Dobby my portfolio is the cloud just do it do it in the cloud that's how I demonstrate those skill sets oh I know my wife seen get mad at me if I don't they give the super chat and I will I will change the stop for notifications I'll turn them off next time give me give me a break it's a new program okay any books or plow okay so this I don't like people spamming but I'll answer your question any books your platforms for learning Linux for free or quick the YouTube sphere has a ton of Linux stuff that's for free I'll be making an intro Linux course so I don't want you to wait I want you to start learning now so Google around seriously there's free stuff out there you want to wait for my stuff okay I'll make it enter Linux course soon soon all right pulling up more stuff just a few more questions and I really have to go I want to see real quick if I missed any super chats and then I'm gonna head out guys again we do this every Monday so if you want to hang out next Monday I'm cool with that too okay I think I think I'm almost done guys okay cool that's all I got so alright not what I wanted to do there we go real quick we recap on what I told you as far as like what path I would choose a plus start with a desktop desktop stuff get that first IT support job and then just grow from there and get the Linux Plus kit the security plus get the what did I say before in network plus and then get CCNA like and I guess I forgot to mention this before but like CCNA and r+ are almost at this point interchangeable so you could probably at that point pick either or I like the network plus because it does go a bit wider than CCNA but CCNA never plus or almost in my opinion equivalent and then I would after CCNA I would make sure you get that first job make sure you have that first job just have it before you go any further you don't get to cert heavy or it looks a little suspicious like you maybe have been brain dumping a bit but after you have that first job and you have your CCNA go to the cloud go to the cloud get that first cloud associate certificate or get some maybe the entry-level cloud certifications and get the associate level certifications and then I would dive deep into learning Python and Linux just do that or if you're going for the azure stuff learn PowerShell PowerShell will be your best friend in that world yep that's all guys so I apologize if I missed any any super chats I think you'd again to all my members you guys are amazing and I'll have a stream next week thank you to everyone supporting me and more content coming out if you missed my the beginning of my CH journey I posted that on Saturday I was recording some packing and we'll see how that goes maybe I become a hacker we'll see you know that'll be fun that's all I got I think I've been talking too much I need to go so take care I'll catch you guys later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 456,217
Rating: 4.878314 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, ccna, ccna study, ccna training, cisco ccna, cisco ccna certification, cisco training, comptia a+ 901, comptia linux plus, comptia linux+, comptia linux+ certification, comptia linux+ exam, comptia linux+ tutorials, comptia linux+ xk0-004, information technology, kali linux, linux for beginners, linux tutorial, linux+ exam, linux+ xk0-004, lpic 1, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 3, raspberry pi 3 projects, raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi tutorials, top 10
Id: E25SKW4-8wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 52sec (4252 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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