in 2021, I'm doing NOTHING!!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so hey hey what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck and 20 20 20 yeah can't even talk today in 2021 it's been a while since i've done this forgive me i'm not doing anything at least that's what i'm telling you i'm telling you right now i'm doing nothing and that's the important thing i want to talk about today when you're setting your goals for whatever you want to do don't tell anyone don't do it just don't say a thing now many of you know i like setting ambitious goals i'm all about goal setting but when i come on this channel and i say hey i'm going to post a ccna video every week hey i'm going to do this hey i'm going to do this um i'm not very good at doing that am i um and real quick let me know if you can hear me guys good seeing you guys first stream of the new year and i wanted to talk about goal setting of course but i think one thing i've always advocated people to do is to say hey set your goals and then tell people about it i even told you like in the chat tell me about your goals i said go tell your friends about your goals make it public get all this accountability you think that might help you right like you think that might help you stay motivated remind you of what you're doing it actually may not be true i'm guilty of this i see so many people in my life guilty of this doing this over and over here's the thing and i found this article and i'll share it with you here in a bit oh coffee's good today by the way i got a few new cameras a new mic which you can't see that's the point let me know how things are going it's up to my new mods oh and by the way people are using the uh the new emotes right now so pretty cool stuff so today in the stream we're going to talk about goal setting we'll answer questions about goal setting i'll give you my mentality for goal setting but also the main thing i want to share is stop telling people about your goals like if you want to get your ccna this year shut up just don't tell anyone if you want to become a hacker this year be quiet don't let your words do the talking don't do that i'll explain why let me actually pull up this arc real quick um let me let me actually throw this in the chat it's freaking fantastic let me go to the desktop here so there's a guy named peter schaller he's like why telling people your goals as a fatal mistake and essentially the mentality is that when you tell people your goals your unconscious mind is getting that endorphin like oh it's causing an endorphin field rushed and telling your mind hey we've already done this thing if you like you know how you feel right like when you when you have this ambitious goal like i'm gonna get my ccna this year that's what i'm doing and then what do you do you imagine you imagine what it's going to be like to have your ccna when you have that plaque and what it's going to do for you and then for some reason the act of verbalizing it telling someone your goal like say for example your coworkers like hey bill hey bernard today this year i'm committing to getting my ccna your unconscious mind doesn't know the difference and this is what this article is about it doesn't know the difference between actually doing it and then or just imagining it so what happens is you get that endorphin-filled yes post-victory feeling when you actually did nothing so you might think that would help with motivation but it actually does the opposite it gives you a false sense of accomplishment and usually and this is science-backed by the way that you can read the article and google some stuff they've done studies where people when they made verbal commitments to their goals when they told people about what they're going to do these grandiose things and amounted to much less actual follow-through i'm guilty of that how many of you are guilty of that i'm starting on monday i'm doing this i'm doing so many cool things but you never end up following through that's my problem did i pass my exam be quiet matt some i'll talk about that here in a moment it's part of my stuff so what's the solution shut up don't tell anyone and the if you read that article which i highly encourage you to do so if you're watching this in the replay i'll put in the description um his advice is when people say okay what what are you doing what's your big grand plan this year what are your goals this year your response should be well just wait and see just wait and see what that does this is what this guy says it gets people to first you're not publicly telling people about your stuff right you're not broadcasting and getting that endorphin filled yes i'm gonna i i can already see myself with my ccna and then you end up not doing anything um so it keeps that at bay but it also gets people to go huh what's this person gonna do and it opens up a huge window to start speaking with your actions so what i advise and this is what i'm going to do so when i when i'm telling you this year in 2021 i'm doing nothing i'm also saying hey why don't you wait and see i'm going to let my actions do the talking i'm not committing to a number a certain number of videos i'm not committing to a series although i did promise ccna so i might probably follow through with that but i'm not going to say it because it's going to give me a false sense of endorphins but i'm not going to commit to anything you wait and frickin see what i'm going to do this year i'm not making any promises i'm not going to give myself that false sense of accomplishment my unconscious mind that endorphin rush no no no i'm not going to do that i'm going to put my head down and i'm going to let that what i do the work show what i'm doing so you should do the same thing so p tell people hey wait and see it's going to actually make them pay attention to you they're going to go huh what's what is bill talking about here what's he what's he up to i want to i'm going to kind of keep an eye on him and see what he accomplishes what what is he working on and uh let your let your actions go forward so that being said that's what i would do now this doesn't mean that you shouldn't like write your goals down or commit to something internally in yourself that that's not what i'm talking about i'm just saying verbalizing it i can't tell you how many people in my life like get off on that like that's that they love doing that they just love telling people this week i'm doing this do you know people like that or are you someone like that i'm definitely someone like that i i totally get off on telling people what i'm going to do i uh it's it is it's a rush isn't it so just stop it don't do it tell no one except yourself be committed to yourself now yes there are situations where having accountability will help you so telling telling someone and having them have accountability is helpful but just got to be careful with that because you can you're still in danger of having that endorphin rush but if if you have a situation of where hey like i i know people will say if i announce it on youtube if i announce it on here i'll have accountability not really accountability needs to be a structured focused situation like you and your buddy like you you sit down and say hey we're going to get our ccnas this year and by the way i see some super chats coming in i'll be answering these here in a bit guys appreciate it i'll be answering all kinds of questions here in a bit but you should say hey buddy friend maybe maybe you're going to get into my discord and find someone to help you out say hey let's you and i right here privately commit to getting our ccnas this year commit to getting our ejpt commit to getting our pen test plus whatever it is let's commit to that let's hold each other accountable so have have purpose have consequences have rewards but don't just let this let it be like a woo hair universe i'm doing something cool and make yourself feel good about it no don't do that keep it hidden keep your goals down low let your work your hard work do the talking that's what i'm going to do so this year as far as you know i'm doing nothing so you would you freaking wait and see so yeah so i normally on a on a on a video like this i might come on here and talk about my new year's resolutions what i'm going to do this year because i i love goal setting i really do i love ending year a year starting fresh and like committing to new things and i love telling people about it it's awesome but i'm not gonna do that this year that's not what i'm doing this year i'm committing to myself what i'm going to do i'm getting committing to people and having accountability with private groups not you guys you guys you're going to see you're gonna see so tell people just wait and frickin see um the one and only died doge i've got a discord group um guys let them know the discord is and by the way who caught the it pro tv webinar i wasn't there today uh anyways i will be answering some questions but uh i'll go into what i'm kind of doing as far as goal setting this year um i always start every year uh dude the one and only dude just get some can one of my mods like put that guy in timeout i won't put you in timeout i can't catch you yeah if you do uh apologies be quiet siri if you do exclamation discord you'll you'll get the command for discord um i start every year rereading some of the books that inspire me and get me focused on what i want to accomplish in my life and i'm going to switch to more something more philosophical when i i don't want you to tell me your goals again don't don't stay in the chat don't tell people don't do any of that stuff keep it internal and let them see and then announce it let the reward of telling people what you did be your your endorphin-filled amazing rush and that's going to be lit right like you know it's going to be cool just keep it down low work hard but let's get more philosophical on goal setting real quick i've made live streams on this before but i feel like it's always important to revisit these ideas because you'll forget you'll freaking forget um i forget this is why i i crack open books that i have inspired me uh one book i have not read in a while i'm reading it right now and i i really think everyone should read it it's the four hour work week and by the way edmund ramirez thanks for joining the uh the membership here let me make sure my my things my um my bots aren't like going off real quick i know that can be quite annoying if i have a bunch of things going off yeah i think it is let me turn it off cool but the book i read every year or i try to read every year is the four hour work week by tim ferriss i'll put a link in the description and if you have a link for me in the in the chat guys put it in there this book is about um it's not about having a four hour work week it's it is the idea but no one actually like i i've been working on this mentality for a long time i i work more than i ever have before but i do what i love to do and that's the difference but the four hour work week is all about stepping back and i've talked about this all the time it's all about stepping back and discovering or rediscovering what the heck are you doing with your freaking life dude like life can be life can go on autopilot right if you let life do its thing it will just happen oh wait i'm looking at the wrong camera if you let life do its thing it will just freaking happen and before you know it you're somewhere you didn't intend to be it's like life drift another book i read all the time is um your best year ever by michael hyatt and he talks about just if you if you don't keep your eye on i forget what the analogy was something with water and oceans and boats and stuff but you end up drifting and before you know it you're way off course um if you let your life just go on autopilot you're gonna end up somewhere you don't wanna be you you're gonna end up somewhere where you're gonna let other people at your circumstances people in your life control where you end up and before you know it you're 50 and you're sitting nothing wrong with reaching this point and going what the heck just happened nothing wrong with that but before you know it that can't happen you're like sitting there crap i've let everyone dictate what my life was going to be like and suddenly you're in a place where you didn't want to be so let the stream let some of these ideas start flowing what do you actually want out of your life are you just studying for the sake of studying are you getting your ccna just because you want to make more money um maybe making more money isn't your thing you ever thought about that like maybe making more money maybe getting into networking maybe doing all this stuff isn't your thing so and by the way it totally could be like for me it is my thing um but step back and determine to figure out your why um tim ferriss in the 4 hour work week does this thing called dream lining and i love the concept of it i'm not going to go in the full details of it you can get the book for it um but essentially it involves stepping back and asking that age-old question if money weren't an issue if you had all the money in the world what would you do what would you do right now if um it's and i i was trying to answer that question a couple days ago and i'm like dad gum i forgot what it feels like to answer that question and holy crap it's hard if you had all the resources in the world what would you wake up and do tomorrow another uh the way he phrased the question is if if you were the smart if if you were oh this is great actually a lot of us let our circumstances hold us back right like you may think you're not smart enough you may think you're um not witty enough not funny enough uh not quick enough like whatever it is the question he poses is what if what if you were the smartest person in the world what if you were the funniest person like what if what if all those things were not an issue what would you wake up and do tomorrow think about that think about if you if whatever idea you had you were you would be the best person at doing it and you could do it successfully what would you do tomorrow i i had a hard time answering that question and he gives a few more questions to help you answer it uh that's interesting isn't it so i want you to step back i know a lot of you probably let and i do the same thing to myself let imposter syndrome sink in like oh i can't become a network engineer i can't become a good hacker because i'm not as smart as everyone else but think think about what what if you were what would you do like would you just become the most amazing hacker would like would you become the best hacker on hacker one on bug crowd uh would you would you just go and make six figures like overnight i mean what would you do what would you do i think the point of that question is to get you to free your your thoughts on that because you totally can do it you can you're just letting your fears and what everyone tells you and your comparison dictate what you're going to do next so let this time be a moment for you to step back and kind of recalibrate what do you actually want if you had unlimited resources what would you freaking do someone asked uh where where is the ddos website guys i had to take that sucker down y'all are killing me with that so no more ddosing chuck's website um and also let me on the chat and let me know in the comments below what do you do for goal setting uh what do you do at the start of every year so four hour work week is a book i read um your best year ever by michael hyatt is a book i read it helps you kind of plan out your year and truly truly make it your best year ever nothing is going to happen unless you're intentional about it if you want to go if you want to be somewhere and go somewhere make it freaking happen and that only happens if you sit down and plan it out plan your course chart your course figure out how it's going to get done so that's the other part of uh like shut up and don't tell anyone your goal like don't tell anyone about what you're doing just say hey wait and see what you should do instead is sit down and say okay i'm going to do this i'm going to commit to studying two hours a day that's what i'm doing that's my process and commit to that now there's a lot of practicality or like how do you do that how do you how do you step forward and keep yourself motivated how do you how do you commit time how do you deal with the times when you feel overwhelmed and burnt out there are great like we i should probably do a stream on that another stream i've done before but there's a great book by james clear it's atomic habits fantastic freaking book i'll put in the description after the stream is done it's really about hacking your brain to help you be more productive to develop habits like i'm much more i'm much more about habits developing good habits i'm much more about that than like committing to these big grandiose goals instead of like oh i'm gonna become this amazing engineer how about commit to actually you know this is this is what he does in that book one of the big ideas is instead of saying i'm going to be something start acting right now like you are that something like for example if you want to be a hacker don't just like put out there one day one day i'll i'll become a hacker somewhere in the future no shut up uh today today you're a hacker with your mind you're a hacker today and go do what hackers do what the hackers do they hack they learn they study that's what you're doing today maybe you want to become a network engineer don't say oh in the near the distant future one day hopefully with my ccna i'll become a network engineer shut up sorry right now put in your mind i am a network engineer and i will do what network engineers do i'm gonna study because that's that's what i t people do they study that's what they do they get certifications they study they learn i'm going to lab up things like if you if you jump into a lab and you practice spanning tree you're doing what network engineers do you are a network engineer and you're slowly becoming more and more of a network engineer as you go around so change flip your mentality and that's i i love i love ideas like that i love books like that that are all about hey stop trying to fight yourself so trying to ride that motivation train motivation what does it do it comes and goes right you can't depend on the motivation so you have to hack your brain so that's one way to do it is by assuming the identity like for example if you want to start running more one day i'll become a runner i'm gonna no no you are a runner and what do runners do they run you get it you gotta adopt that mentality um so yeah that's my ideas on goal setting uh so maybe you're not a book reader that's fine i'm not not everyone likes books but dude get yourself a audio book so atomic habits is a golden one i talked about that last year uh four hour work week even if you don't plan on becoming an entrepreneur four hour work week we'll kind of have you step outside your zone and go whoa whoa what am i doing with my life right now i'm not even sure what what i'm going for and then your best year ever by michael hyatt will get you aligned we'll get you focused we'll help you chart your year because you gotta plan it out you got to plan it you got to chart your course do not let life do that because life will if you let if you if you don't take the wheel something else will something else will it might be your your spouse it might be your kids which you know in a lot of cases like okay yes you want to prioritize your family but don't let them dictate what direction you want to go in you can still love them and serve them the way you should while directing your life in a way you want to go so man goodness take control of your life take that wheel oh this turned into a big motivational speech but anyways yeah this year i'm doing nothing you wait and see and you tell me the same thing tell me you're doing nothing you wait and see what i want to hear in a month two months three months six months i want to hear about what you did i don't want to hear about what you're going to do that's what i want to hear um because you're you're you're tricking your mind to thinking you already accomplished it and that's that's just dumb we're all hackers here in a way right like even if you don't call yourself a hacker if you're in networking you're constantly hacking stuff if you're in i.t at all you're constantly messing with things and making it work or making it work the way it shouldn't um we're all hackers in a way you want to hack your brain too this can be hacked uh at the end of the day your brain is just like the way you feel the way you think the way you do things is a response to chemicals firing in your brain it's just chemistry up there you gotta hack it you gotta freaking hack that sucker um and for example like what's one way to get out of a rut what's one way to make yourself feel better exercise it's a hack because you're changing the chemistry in your brain you're releasing endorphins and suddenly the way you thought before this is that's isn't so important anymore suddenly your the script is flipped and you're you're feeling better when you're hangry like my goodness my um my my one and a half year old when she's hungry it's it's it's like her whole world is over she's just crying and screaming and nothing matters and she just wants to destroy the whole world you give her a snack and suddenly dude everything's rosy so you can you can change that hack that brain dude get that stuff going so just some uh this is not what we talked about here i kind of already did a summation but um shut up and just do it don't tell me what you're gonna do i'm not gonna tell you what i'm about to do um you better believe i'm ambitious this year like i dude i wanna do some crazy things i'm just not gonna tell you about it i wanna do something i wanna bring so much value to you guys but i'm not going to tell you what i'm going to do so there's nothing wrong with being ambitious there's nothing wrong with writing down some goals be realistic have them like do the whole what's the smart goals something that you can measure and all kinds of stuff i forget it uh but yeah i'll put all the books in the description that i mentioned today and go through them like going through the process of reading those books and and defining like do not let your life just be an accident make everything on purpose i want you by the end of this year to look back and go heck yeah i wanted to be this and i am this i wanted to accomplish this and i did this nothing like sure the life's gonna throw you some curveballs you might get knocked up recalculate get back on course dude shut up don't let anything mess with you like get on it yes uh frank just joined a quick recap so i i told everyone that i'm doing nothing this year and uh part of that mentality just to sum this up real quick is that when you tell people what you're committing to doing your big goals like i'm gonna get my cca i'm gonna make x amount of videos i'm gonna do this i'm gonna make all these i'm gonna become a network engineer saying those things out loud will actually make you less motivated to actually to accomplish your goal it actually does the opposite of what you might think you may think you're you're trying to attain a accountability you're you're stating your goals publicly and making it known you think that might help you no it actually tricks your brain into thinking that you already accomplished it it releases that endorphin rush like yes i kind of imagined it already and your unconscious mind's like you did a good job buddy now move on to the next commitment no no no you want to skip that part you want to make sure you're committing to your goals privately so my advice for you is when people say okay what are you doing this year you say wait and see you wait and see i'm gonna put my head down do the freaking work i'm not gonna tell you about it but you're gonna freaking see it you're gonna find out what i'm worth you're gonna find out what i do you'll see so um that was pretty much the summation of what i'm doing this year which you're not gonna know i'm doing nothing as far as you're freaking concerned i'm doing nothing as far as every one of your friends and people around you are concerned you're doing nothing but they're gonna see some stuff aren't they they're gonna see some stuff anyways let's get to some super chats i love going through some motivational speeches gotta get off that high huh coffee time the sip isn't gonna be as loud anymore because i'm not using my other mic by the way what do you guys think of this mic i think it's pretty good the first stream of the new year i'm so excited to be back i took a break because i did get burned out um i was i was pretty stressed out i posted about it on a new year's eve or new year's day i'm like i hit a wall too much um appalachian wonderer thank you for the super chat let me throw it up real quick you said just kidding oh they said uh my goal is to donate to your channel i said it and got hit of endorphins and i don't need to donate thanks but then they actually donated so hmm is this whole video fake no um thank you i appreciate that uh john a let me throw you up real quick man it's so good to be back and hang out with you guys and talking um i hate not making youtube videos i hate not being on here it's hard to get back into it if i'm gone too long but anyways uh john a thank you for the super chat he says it's uh oh he's been in it for over 20 years got lazy and let my cert uh expire 15 years ago thanks for motivating me to get back and start getting my new search and end updating old ones um that's awesome um it's never freaking too late um today my um in my my uh what was it is a webinar i did a webinar with it pro tv talking about the top certs to get started in it some of the things we mentioned are like no-brainers like a-plus ccna network plus um there's the it fundamentals which is good for really really fresh new beginners um yeah it's never too late to start and um and it's never too too late to recommit and and pick up where you left off because i know i get in the habit of i'm gonna do this and then i'll let it go away and i don't want to bother with recommitting it's okay get back up and try again am i streaming at 1440p no no i'm streaming 1080p but i the intake is 1080p wooden stick chuck where you've been so long um i had to take a break i got freaking burnt out i um i let myself get the tuna burned out a wall more cisco hopefully up in a minute a wall uh so i'll tell you what i did i get too ambitious at the end of the year i plan to take the month of december off that was my ambition that's what i wanted to do then i thought about hey i could do a christmas giveaway that'd be really fun and then i'm like okay i could probably just pre-record some videos have it all done when in one day not the freaking case what ended up happening is i worked more than i did in november i got too exhausted and by january i just i was like i can't i can't i'm done so i had to kind of unplug for a second plea a lot of call of duty which is what i do when i unwind um drink some white claws which i don't care if they're delicious dude i don't care what kind of hating um it's like drinking water it's almost healthy uh so i just relaxed unplugged for a bit did a bit of work here and there a lot of planning but i'm not gonna tell you about it a lot of planning a lot of getting prepared um because i do i do have ambitions this year um i wanna i want to do more i want to help you guys do more um yeah i'm feeling good i'm feeling good feeling refreshed like i i wasn't going to do anything today i i the it pro tv webinar i did today was going to be my day but i'm like you know what i can't wait i have to get on a live stream i have to get back and do something so it's really really cool to get back and talk with you guys today uh let me see let me get on the super chat up here actually i'll do i'll do a random chat from the stream um craig how do i find the super chat or the webinar you did today craig if you go to my youtube channel and look at my my community post i i did post a link to that webinar it should be freely available from it pro tv network chuck i like my brandy no shame here uh why is eve have i done my oscp yet not yet okay let me let me pull up a few super chats real quick where are they at um brian kaplan i'll throw here real quick says thank you chuck for all you contribute um i appreciate that thank you uh my goal i i guess i can tell you this it's not really a commitment it's just a mentality my my theme this year is the same as it was last year it's just to provide as much value as i can for you um i i was watching david bomble's uh interview with a ethical hacker today i like what this guy said i forgot what point it was but he's like i felt he's talking about motivating people to get into cybersecurity he's like i felt like i found gold and i want to tell everyone about it and that's how i feel about i.t like every path in i.t i felt like me myself i felt like i've i found a secret a shortcut a path it's basically cheating at life i felt like i found that and i want to tell everyone about it why wouldn't you tell someone about the most amazing thing you can ever find right so that's part of my mission this year is to again just provide as much value and content as i can i'm trying to get to more people like hey did you know that it's this thing that you can do you can skip college you can get certifications and it's actually pretty freaking fun and you can provide for your entire family and you can make a lot of money and it's really fun like did you know that not everyone knows that and that that's crazy so i'm kind of like an i.t evangelist in a way and i also want to help you get started because i understand like while getting an it is an amazing thing it's also not always easy finding good training finding good content isn't the easiest thing in the world so i want to help you do that so yeah my goal this year is the same as last year provide as much content freely available content to you as i can and a huge shout out to all my members so if you want if you want to help me do this if you want to help me commit to this mission i mean i'm not help me commit if you want to come alongside me and help me do this i've got a membership i got patreon all that stuff but you don't have to support me in that way like just come watch my videos and sit through the ads i mean turn off your pie hole for a bit and watch my ads that's more than enough like i don't care sit through my ad reads um but i'm gonna provide you content i'm gonna do it either way if you wanna support me that's cool anyways thank you brian because that does help me in 20 bucks dude like that's a lot thank you so much um oh brian says something really cool to your point chuck i know people who make a six-figure salary they are unhappy but have a ton of money and this is referring to uh setting your goals and your why because i know people get an i.t and this is a legit thing they get into it to make some serious money and you absolutely can you can like me i was on track to make some serious money as a network engineer um but i stepped back and went oh hold on is this the lifestyle like do i like working all these hours do i do i want more responsibility do i want to become a manager like do i want all these things even if it does mean i'll be making a quarter of a million dollars every year um so i actually took a pay cut and changed my position um so yeah you have to you have to look at your happiness happiness looks different for each person happiness for some person might be making bank and working like crazy and that's fun for you other people maybe they just like their nine to five and they don't care about me like they just want to make enough money to live and their their family life and that's cool too like just find your happiness garyvee's all about that if you want to get some serious motivation beyond what i'm providing here garyvee will be your freaking guy guys freaking amazing but thank you brian let me pull up another super chat real quick uh trust in klein let me throw you up a quick buddy if you're just tuning in i said i'm doing nothing this year and as far as you know that's what i'm doing i'm doing nothing it's it's a it's a a mind hack a life hack don't tell people your goals don't let them know because if you tell someone your goals you're tricking your brain to thinking that you already did it you're getting this false endorphin rush and your motivation goes so don't tell anyone put your head down work hard that's what i'm doing say wait and you'll see uh treston hey chuck you're a good guy thanks for everything uh i have lots of questions for you i know you're busy um tristan i can't respond to everything it's just because if i did that i would have zero time for anything else and my goal is to reach as many people as i can so involves making videos i can't do too much let me see uh you did post this let me answer that i've applied for so many help desk jobs and haven't even got one call yet please help me so par part of getting yourself ready to uh get that first help desk job is first you do want to start applying immediately so you're doing the right thing applying applying applying also if you're not getting bites if you're not getting people interested in you then maybe step back and look at your resume is your resume tuned and ready to go if it's not get some help i'm sure if you jump into my discord server we'll have some people in there who can like hey let me look at your resume let me tell you if you're being an idiot let me fix some things that you have on there let me look at your link let me look at your linkedin profile and see if you have something stupid on there reach out to the community like they they will help you out so reach out to people um that's what i would say that's the best thing and you're studying for your ccna that's great it's fantastic um oh great great suggestion from kev tech duke tech you're always in here having some great advice it says you need to build a home lab fix the resume talk to job recruiters perfect perfect yeah so building your home lab will give you a chance to get some hands-on you can demonstrate that to possible you know employers saying hey i don't have any professional experience but i sure know how to use it because it's in my home right now you want me to show you let me vpn for my laptop right now let me show you what my lab looks like do you know what that's going to do for for your their perspective of you though their perception of you holy crap and yeah talk to job recruiters like job recruiters their job is finding the right people and they like just go talk to one call one and talk with them let me uh pull some chats from the stream real quick at random because you don't have to pay to play here but i do want to honor what you guys are giving here sai lokesh me as a beginner i just want you to suggest some books for or videos for beginners like me and can we please get a live hacking session so i what i would say is if you want to get into hacking i mean there are a variety of different paths you can take for hacking but i think youtube is a great start i mean it's free and some of the best content you'll find in the world is created on youtube that's just the reality now i i think the world's changing in that you know it's kind of funny right like you'll see paid content that seems a lot lower quality than what you'll find on youtube and youtube is free i'm sure you'll have to sit through an ad uh but the quality is outstanding and that's what i found a lot of paid content it's fine behind a paywall but it's from people who i don't know just aren't gifted at making videos um so youtube and uh some free resources like try hack me and hack the box they have some amazing paths you can go down for free so check that out let me grab a random chat here uh uh vormor roto warm rodo so you need to do nothing right now please everybody you need to do nothing right now let me try it again you all just want me to say it thanks awol you need to do nothing right now how's that is that good all right i like that i like that that's that's my phrase right now but honestly yeah like don't don't tell people what you're doing stay under the water stay keep your head down freaking change your life and they'll see got some new emojis if you're a youtube member you can use my new emojis what do you think of this stuff shreki i'm too busy doing nothing uh tyler durham what are my thoughts on wgu so i went to wgu for a time still paying off a little bit of those loans i did not complete it because i realized i didn't need it but if you need a degree if you need that piece of paper which is valuable and it could help you out i recommend a program like wgu or another program like it because they offer industry certifications as part of the degree program that makes sure you're current right and that's amazing so you get a degree and certs match made in heaven that's if you absolutely need that degree i think you can do it all without a degree um that's to say if you're in america in a very specific situation if you're overseas if you're somewhere else you may have to get that degree for that first job i i can't tell you that you have to evaluate that for yourself uh but yeah if you're gonna go to college and you're dude i think uh i think wgu is is uh pretty cool oh real quick i wanted to say this uh i'm a big fan of having one word to describe your year to kind of be the theme for your year my theme and you know i'm i'm kind of stating my goals out loud i'm doing what i said i wouldn't do but my my my theme for this year is consistency consistency that's my thing what's your what's your theme word let me know in the chat let me know in the description the comments below if you had to sum up your year in one word what you plan on doing what you want your whole life to be around what's going to be minus consistency in every area of my life that's one thing i'm like really lacking on i'm working on that but i'm not giving you any concrete goals i think i'm i'm still safe right i'm still telling you nothing i think i'm good i think i'm good all right let me check the super chats here uh i got one from jake here thank you jake for the super chat let me find it real quick and throw it up so jake is gonna start a new job on monday a level three network engineer role it's safe to say yourself and the rest of the team at cbt got me there that's amazing man so level three network engineer that's huge that's big um dude that means a lot to hear that it means a lot to know that though you know with the work i put in and the work the other cbt nugget trainers have put in is is helping out that's awesome dude my favorite thing i don't know what you guys my favorite thing is hearing all these success stories because it's it's real we're not pedaling here on this channel and we're not like tai lopez saying oh if you if you read 50 books um you'll you'll change your life you'll have a lamborghini no no no you can get an it and make six figures within a year that's reality i'm not sure you have to put in work and and it'll vary for everyone but it legit can change your life it's a career that's insane again it's like it's like i found a shortcut i found a cheat code i found gold and i want to tell you about it will it be this way forever i don't know i hope so but right now right right now i know it is so jump on it don't waste time like start today start today like if you're thinking about starting a certification if you're thinking about doing something um if you're thinking about becoming a network engineer and changing your career stop thinking and start doing don't tell anyone about it don't tell anyone just start doing it um and and change your mind like say today like today i am a network engineer i am a network admin whatever you want to call yourself i want to do what network admins do and that involves labbing studying getting that certification that's what we do that's what we do and that's who you are identify as that and move forward anyways uh thanks jake for the super chat let me go grab one more real quick i got nate see you the question about how i do stuff here i get these kind of questions all the time let me throw it up real quick so hey i know you use photoshop to draw over your camera but what software do you use to draw on your screen um the same thing so it's like it's actually a little movie magic so um you know can i no i used to have a way to demonstrate it live i can't do it right now i'm still using photoshop but i draw over a uh a green screen so what i'll do for example let me show you real quick this is my photoshop right here what i'll do is i'll change this to a bright lime green like so and then i'll draw and white over that just like this oh wait let me change it to white and i'll draw over it like this but what i'll do is i'll use chroma key in my my live streaming software to key out the green and all i see is the white so that's how i'll do it live um i'll also just record this screen and edit it and post and do the same thing in post in my my editing software it's just a little camera trick nothing too fancy no fancy software but it is neat i'm glad you guys like it i like training uh trying new stuff like that um aerogamer thank you for the super chat i'll throw you up real quick as i keep keep on going the ability to push yourself is only valuable if you want to not if others want to that's good that's good yeah don't live someone else's dream that's another another buzz word another buzz phrase that people use but it's real like all these things are real don't live someone else's stream figure out what you want figure out what you want uh edwin ramirez thank you for the super chat here let me throw you up real quick ah where'd you go gave me two actually just do it is that the guy from waterboy you can do it um sorry about that thanks for the video you're doing man uh you're saying some uh some real stuff uh train even even when no one is watching the successful speak i appreciate it yeah that's another thing like i know like a lot of what i'm saying has been like sloganized and put on the t-shirts bumper stickers and stuff but it's it's true it's it comes from real stuff um yeah like don't tell people what you're doing keep your head down and let your work speak for itself uh thank you adam for the super chat let me grab a random comment from the stream real quick let's see if i can find some of the one words depression big sad dylan don't do that i'm searching that's good esteban cool guy says efficiency i like that discipline josh if i had to have a second word discipline would be my my second one i think discipline and consistency going in hand kevin lopez has pizza i can identify with that i can get down with that um ertaza ali says consistency same as that same as me good stuff uh ednan says rich like that if your goal is to be rich kill like do it like become rich do it um figure out what it'll take to get to that point and make it freaking happen um lionel says i'm overwhelmed by all of these courses and tutorials i want to do them all i want to do them all what do i do pick one uh pick one i focus on that like right it's it's when you get to a mountain that you want to climb if you think about climbing the entire thing it's overwhelming it's overwhelming like you you discouraged immediately but if you think about taking the first few steps well that's easy you can do that like there's no mental hurdle there just take the few steps if you think about a bigger road trip if you sit there and think oh man i got this 23 hour drive that's gonna be brutal i'm gonna die or if you just think huh if i did get up and say i'm just gonna drive two hours to my favorite rest stop maybe it's a buckies and i'll get a an iced coffee or something think about it that way easier to digest easier so you're looking at all these courses and things you have to do to become whatever you want to be no look at the first step i want to become this but to do that i have to just do this one first thing maybe it's a linux course maybe it's getting your linux plus maybe it's getting your ejpt which by the way the training for that is free i have to do is pay for the exam so like a lot of the hurdles we have in it are moved for us it's amazing we just take the first one step just focus on that and then move on to the next one dedication says howdy i love that uh drink oval team please says jay solomon um anthony gluttony hey you know what if you want to go for that that's cool man uh ben says learning learning i like that um toby play says determination i love these things uh cheyenne or shane buchanan says growth i'm loving that says employee that's good i like that very good stuff glitch fizz hey network chuck did you change your ubiquity password in two factors actually i haven't yet i need to do that i know they got hacked i need i need to talk about that somewhere i gotta kind of ah i was trying to unplug it's hard to do that when um the world's breaking down let you guys super chats real quick um james michael let's throw you up i appreciate it man if you're just tuning in what am i doing this year you'll never know you have to wait and see that's the theme james thank you for the super chat he says i'm getting out of the usmc which is the united states marine corps in 2023 and this year uh is certificate uptime or i guess re-up time love this video chuck stay motivated you inspire everyone and change so many lives i appreciate that james thank you that means a lot um i i started this youtube channel with the same mentality like when i was struggling to get my ccnp which i still am when i was like and this was like four or five years ago when i was struggling i loved watching people on youtube and there was people talking about it certification i t pads getting started in a career five years ago was like few and far between no one was doing it um this guy named george almazon was and i'm like dude this is so awesome i couldn't get enough of it i would i would watch his stuff and get myself motivated to study it's so awesome and i'm like you know what man i want to do that for someone else i bet i could do that i know how to make youtube videos i want to do that so i started out just making youtube videos with that in mind and document my process to show you what it's like and to help you along the the way and it's turned into this and i love that this is what i get to do so thank you so if you're a member of mine and all the super chats you give in any way you supported me you're you're making this possible and thank you like sincerely thank you i can't believe this is what i do it's freaking weird it's i'll be the first to admit this is a weird career but i love it and i love that every video i make has the potential to change someone's life and that's that's what i wake up every day thinking that's how i approach every video sure yeah sometimes my videos are clickbaity i don't care because youtube views like the way to get views on youtube um that's how you do it and i have to wrote people in i want to get you excited about it if i can get you a clickbait into watching something educational i'm going to freaking do that if i could trick you into learning i've done my job today i don't care so yeah it's good to hear um the way i can contribute to the motivation and i'm not the only one now it's so cool that we have a new community of people david bomble jeremy charra uh you've got a lab every day dwan lightfoot um uh so many like itc like there's so many people out there who are encouraging and motivating and teaching for free like do you like do you understand like the content we're making here on youtube is better than a lot of paid resources and like i come from making paid resources i i know what it's like i know what is behind there i know what goes into it youtube is such higher quality than a lot of things so show love to creators like we're putting these out there for free to build you up and to help you of course we we do have a motivation to make a living for ourselves and everything but at the end of the day i'm i earlier in the chat or the stream i i asked you and this is part of the four-hour work week book which you should read by the way so if you want to plan out your year step back and actually be intentional with your year some books you should read this year atomic habits the four hour work week and your best year ever i'll put in the description below but one of the ideas was dreamlining stepping back and kind of figuring out what you want to be what you want to do and i i posed the question if you had unlimited resources if you had all the money in the world what would you wake up and do tomorrow what would you do some people would say oh i would go into work because i'm i'm living my dream i i don't know what else to do that's what i enjoy doing for me it's the same thing like i would still do youtube i had to really think hard about like what would i do this i would do this i would make more videos i don't care like it's not about money for me it's about doing this kind of cool stuff so yeah thank you thank you kind of a tirade there uh real quick from the random chat here network check i wanna this is from mateo i wanna start learning linux and networking what's the best way to start and get a certification well the best way to start is to shut up and start now don't tell anyone about it uh but i'll just pick a certification dude like if you want to get started with networking linux first of all those are two very distinct and very time-consuming uh disciplines like it's very difficult to do both the same time so i would pick one and focus on it um i would say just depending on where your level is you could jump in to linux right now um maybe get your linux plus uh maybe get your ccna first so i would pick one or the other not both right now just pick one and go and like just do it give it to yourself and just finish it do it um certus gamer says chuck hacking or pen testing is better if this take at this take like a it takes like a hobby or a job and i want to see hobby is like a second career something complimentary so okay so let me kind of unpack what you're saying hacking or pen testing is better so i guess what you're saying is hacking like maybe bug bounty or pen testing so bug bounties where you can like right now become a bug bounty hunter that is out there called yeah and you can go to hacker one you can go to bug crowd sign up for an account you can hack apple you can hack all these these corporations as long as you're obeying the rules and you can try to find bugs no it's not easy it's hard it's difficult but you can get better at it and start making money from day one if you're again good at it it takes time don't let this this um description of it make you think it's easy it's not easy uh that would be more of a hobby it would be now you can make a career out of it but it's kind of like professional athletes like it's few and far between it takes a lot to become a professional soul career of bug bounty it's not impossible but it's it's hard it's hard so i would say hobby pin testing would be more of a career companies will actually hire you to become a red team or for their staff um you can work for a pen testing companies where your job is to go to different companies and perform pen test that's more career not to say that you can't make either one of those a hobby and you can do that for for fun on the side oh i like that mentor says the quieter you become the more you are able to hear that's good that's some deep stuff and there's some philosophical stuff i like that jeff says what's chuck talking about i'm talking about goals for the new year and about how you should tell no one about your goals i'm doing nothing this year you're gonna have to wait and see all right let me look at some super chats i know a few more came in let me refresh my screen here how long have we been on we've been on for a bit haven't we and you guys kill me a little super chats thank you so much i sincerely it's awesome thank you uh let me see oh trying to trying to get down to the super chats um mr jin jk i and i see let me pull you up mr j lee search for your super chat here and by the way in case you're wondering i posted on instagram and twitter that i uh found out this week that i'm allergic to latex like the like the rubber gloves because i i was teaching sunday school in church teaching the toddlers and the one was getting a little little rambunctious so i uh got one of those rubber gloves and i you know blew it up into a balloon tied it fun times woke up the next day and my nose like turned into like this disgusting rash thing so right now doesn't look as bad partly because it's healed partly because my wife puts some makeup on there i'm not ashamed to admit that it's a little makeup here going on um thank you mr j he says uh would you ever open a cluster of servers for people to learn to hack in a safe environment have like three different difficulties no um i will not put myself in the liability for that now the reason i say no is because there's already services out there that do that for example try hack me they have servers that you can freely log into they have free paths you can go through and go through their hacking exercises so i think and then hack the box it has the same thing hack the box is more difficult but they do have free boxes that you can connect via vpn and try to hack in a safe environment so they there are things out there that do that i'm not going to reinvent the wheel that'd be a lot of work a lot of maintenance my my time is better served making videos not maintaining servers but yeah that's like they've already done an amazing job i'm not going to sit here and reinvent the wheel but it's great i like your idea and and uh thoughts are in the right place just go check those out they're already there it's awesome meaner thank you for the the super sticker i love that um mr degree is that a college degree and then pull up let me try to search you with a different term here i've got a software that will pull up the chats but it takes a bit to find your stuff sometimes there it is i'm a 19 year old by the way thank you for the super chat i'm a 19 year old that will graduate from school in may with a bachelor's in network uh yeah network security linux plus security plus certs absolutely love your videos so thankful for the channel um appreciate that that's awesome i i love my one of my favorite things is to find out that uh people in college or and that are going through degrees or people in school or in high school watch my videos to learn like i never would have like am i the bill nye of networking and security and stuff cause i i will take that that that uh that role humbly that that's amazing to like be watched like that that's that's cool um i've heard people call me um what's that one spazzy dude oh they've called me the blues clues of networking which i will gladly wear that badge of honor if i can be spazzy and crazy for you to help you get motivated i will do that all day uh ben can you read my super chat please i'll i'll see you here in a bit i'm going through them uh chronologically um dr molex what about the meteorite nasa says is approaching should we keep on making plans anyway you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna comment on something let's real talk real quick um i know it's easy and if you're on twitter and you live in america or you're watching america from afar it is freaking easy to get distracted to let your doomsday mentality dominate your mind oh the world's gonna end everything is going to poop it's easy to let that happen you know what i do i turn off the freaking news because you know what i how my life is going to turn out how my life is going to be will not be determined by any politician or any external circumstance i'm gonna change my life today i'm going to change my circumstance today today i'm doing that don't any external thing distract you if the news is distracting you turn it off like the news is gonna like things are gonna happen the way they're gonna happen they're gonna play out the way they're gonna play out yes things are important yes these things are important but don't let them control you don't let them dictate you i don't think crap bother me because i know my life is too important for me to get distracted because i know right now uh my life's gonna be how i'm gonna be in six months is not gonna be up to what decisions are made externally from some higher up person how long is it going to be in six months it's going to be up to what i did today and tomorrow and the next day and what habits i develop so no matter what happens around me i'm in control i'm in control yes some things can be externally um effective on you like they can change your circumstances yeah sure but you know what i think you have more power with your daily activity so yeah that's what i would say i went on a little random tirade i hope that helps someone omega says you become what you think yeah you really do what you're thinking up here determines everything do get off social media um i have pruned my social media to be only motivating factors to be people i love and respect to be people that i know are motivating others and that motivate me that's what i do i don't get on social media to gossip or catch up on the scuttlebutt or do any of that or to see what other people are up to no i get on there to motivate others and to have myself motivated it's a tool for me it's a tool if social media is not a tool for you to make yourself better then shut that crap off shut it off right now it's a waste of time all right let me go through a few super chats real quick thank you x toby plays i didn't see a chat come in but let me uh search you real quick um whoa you posted a lot um first he says what distribution of linux would you recommend for beginners in cyber security it does not matter um wsl2 on windows um ubuntu because it's really common and easy um the only reason to go with a kali linux or a parrot os is because they they have a bunch of tools pre-installed for you the problem is you're not going to use all those tools all at once you can install any one of those tools on ubuntu if they go through the process of actually installing those tools would be helpful for you uh but it doesn't matter any any flavor of linux is great um a lot of hackers i know use mac um yeah ubuntu cali parrot os any one of those is fine kali is one of the most popular ones i would go with that if you feel like you want to start with and i'm a big fan of cali so and i work with the offset people if you're going for your oscp you're you know plan to get your osp they're the same people they make cali linux and they make the offensive security training i always say cali if you're if you're in a pinch but any linux distro will freaking do um do you have another question oh that was it that was it so thank you for the super chat by the way uh let me see matthew let me throw this up i like this let me find you real quick and don't make fun of my nose people says well i'm not gonna say what i'm going to do but i'll tell you what i've already done love it passed my ejpt exam a few days ago everyone give a shout out to matthew use my emojis to emote on him is that a weird way to say that let him know he's awesome i appreciate your channel as well as others on your discord for the motivation yeah dude my discord is fire people in there are amazing all my moderators my staff and the people in there who just get in there and encourage others dude fire and lit now let me say this real quick if you are a script kitty which means you are my definition of script kit is kind of loose i don't consider a script kitty just someone trying to learn and use tools i don't think that's the case but i think a script key is someone who has no interest in learning about how the tools work they just want to use the tools to do something nefarious if your interest is to come into my discord and start asking people hey how can i ddos the site all i want to know is use this one tool and and someone's network we're not going to help you we'll ban you you'll get banned the purpose of my discord is to help you become a hacker the only type of hacker there is in my mind is ethical that's that's that's the connotation i want to i want to bring into this the context ethical hacking is hacking hacking is ethical hacking there's bad hacking but we're going to ignore them hacking is good we're going to flip the script on that and yeah so don't jump into this chord trying to be a script kitty come in there to learn that's that's the point and purpose of my discord and thank you matthew felicia that was cool um epic games always good to see you three rip real quick take some water wrong print that up currently a uh been on noctech for two years with a ccna i feel like i can't progress with my current job do you have tips or job types i should look into so if you have if you have your ccna and you've been doing doc for two years i would not feel weird or or intimidated to uh apply for network admin jobs look for junior look for just regular network admin jobs apply for them start doing it now um if your current job does not appreciate you move don't be afraid to move it changing jobs dude is scary i know it is like some of my scariest decisions i've ever made my career which was changing to a new company because i was putting myself out of my comfort zone i was having imposter syndrome thinking i wouldn't be able to do what they're expecting me to do i'd make a fool of myself like i wouldn't be able to provide for my family because they fired me from day one because they realized how stupid i was all that stuff is stupid like this is another thing you'll get from the four hour work week is whatever you're afraid to do right now whatever you think is going to be a huge factor in you preventing you from doing something imagine the worst case scenario so if you're thinking about becoming a network engineer but you're scared about what that might look like if you think about leaving your job and starting a new one or like whatever venture you want to get out on but you're scared take your biggest fear take the worst case scenario and imagine that imagine it play it out in your head a lot of cases when you actually play it out when you write it down figure it out it's not that bad it's not that the worst case scenario is not that bad um for me changing jobs was scary but i had to sit down and do that scenario okay if i change jobs if i move to a new career if i jump to a new position that was that's terrifying uh what's the worst that could happen well they might fire me okay fine i could always probably get my old job back or i could find somewhere else like that's the worst case um if if i can't find another job well then you know i i can move it with some family like the worst case while it could be scary it's not that scary there's always a way to climb back up there's always a way to climb back out so play off that scenario um but anyways i was sort of applying for for network admin jobs if your job doesn't appreciate you move don't be afraid like my best career decisions were also changing companies you'll make some serious bank if you decide to move um diego thank you for the super chat let me throw you up real quick i always view your videos and feel very motivated last year i applied to cisco position i was accepted and now i'm here sharing it with you thanks yes everyone give give diego a round of applause here like that's amazing freaking a apply for a cisco position he's accepted he's he's living at duty he's living his dream that's awesome um and i'm i'm grateful and thankful i can be part of your journey that's that's amazing dude that's what this stuff is all about um matt update thank you for the switch that matt what time is it oh it's almost six i'll probably have to go around six i'll try to go through a few more chats here um so turn down a job that paid 19 000 more after getting laid off got an iam spot in healthcare which i guess is an identity access management position in healthcare i have a friend at the job i turn down and he's miserable my work-life balance is amazing right now work from home oh awol i'll get to you super chat a bit awol is messaging me and my discord awol by the way is one of my um staff and moderators everyone show him some love these guys are amazing um i'll read it here in a bit dude calm down just messing with you yeah so matt is exactly right on like you can if you prioritize money you got to be careful because some of the best paying jobs might result in a terrible work life balance so you got to figure out what you prioritize what you value for me my priority was work life balance i wanted time to study i wanted time to be with my family i wanted time to explore my creativity like um i moved to a new position at a company that was actually in my case actually worked out better i was making more my work life balance was better and i was able to focus more on youtube which was awesome because i was able to end up quitting um which is bad for the company but was great for me at the end of the day don't feel bad about leaving your company your company yes it's made up of people that you ex respect and enjoy working with at the end of the day you're a number you're a number you're you're a line on that company's budget and they can find someone else so don't feel guilty about leaving um don't burn bridges but yeah don't feel guilty and matt made a smart choice he prioritized his work-life balance and yeah he had been making more money um but that's and there was a chat that came in uh during the the webinar i did with anthony square today on it pro tv someone was saying hey i'm really scared about getting into i.t or cyber security specifically because i hear that the work-life balance sucks like i'm scared about that like i don't want to be like working on these long hours and going through maintenance windows and stuff like yeah that's that's a real fear and you know what that's a reality for a lot of people i've been in positions where my work-life balance what work-life balance my my life was my job i was the only one that could do what i did which meant i was always on call which you never want to be in that position i was always the one they called in the middle of the night for anything um and it was it was i'm having like ptsd that's why i'm kind of calming down it was the worst uh but i i made a change i decided to move to a different company and it really depends on where you go so you can find companies in it that will treat you like they will make sure that you have a break they'll make sure your work life balance is there that's where you want to be um anyways thank you matt for the super chat i'll grab some random chats here from the stream let me scroll through randomly here i will get to your stuff in a minute a wall um leonardo leonardo lucini lu ichi i love that name lucichi i can't say it hi chuck i do not have linux but therefore i got windows 10 and i don't know what hacking software i need um you want to use linux like that's that's the name of the game but you can run linux on windows 10. you got two options you can use wsl too which is amazing you can run windows windows subsystem for linux on your computer like an app and it's amazing you can run kali linux on your windows 10 desktop like an app um and it's cool it's not and it's not foolproof like there will be issues but it's amazing for the most part but the other alternative is downloading um uh virtualbox or vmware uh not fusion unless that's mac vmware workstation and you can run a virtual machine on your computer and it can be linux right there bam right there the other option is to just go to the cloud you can have links in the cloud you know what i didn't make a video about that add that to my list again i got goals but i'm not going to tell you what i'm doing um yeah don't let any of that stuff get in the way good good question any advice for when you fail a cert exam you need to cheer up uh for my second chance so very pertinent to me because i just went through that right i failed my cscmp encore in december i got pretty demoralized because like that sucked um i still am going to retake it now i'll touch on my my certification goals here in a bit i know i promise i'd get on january 1st and have this like crazy streaming marathon in the mornings on twitch i had to take a break i'm sorry but anyways any advice um first my advice is that everyone fail the realization that everyone fails everyone freaking fails they're certain exams even the best people i was talking talking with anthony square due to ccie which is one of the highest networking certifications you can get you have to be free you have to be pretty freaking smart to get your ccie but he failed certification all the time he's telling me about how he failed to sort recently that he's taken a couple times he failed the az900 which is an entry level cloud certification he passed it once retook it again and failed so even the best of us fail certifications we're all in the same boat don't feel bad about failing it's it's just a a path a rite of passage for anyone in i.t to fail exams yes there will be geniuses that never fail they're few and far between most of us fail and it's a reality so know that you're amongst good friends uh but you know what keep going reschedule that exam kill it again i actually think that you'll you'll know more than the person who passed the first time uh because you're having to study it so much um exams are tricky because they they do try to test your knowledge but they're not always the best indicator of proficiency in a technology so i think you actually end up growing more and becoming better um by going deeper and deeper and trying to figure out where your weaknesses are you learn it better so just know that yeah you failed but you're going to be better you're going to be better from this a failure means you're going to be smarter that failure means you're going to learn something new that you didn't know before any anytime you can increase your knowledge learn something new become better at something is it's always a good situation always try to increase um dude that's that's that's amazing that you're you're asking for help here that's that's the first thing like you're already doing what i would advise getting into a community asking for advice getting help do that like you're doing it right now um be around people who are of like mind that's really helpful too let me pull on some super chats real quick [Music] i love this right here [Laughter] okay gi joe want to point out that i'm the pooper i'm on the pooper and you're my favorite party time content um raise your hand does anybody watch youtube while doing your business totally me man that's where i get my motivation like um life hack uh i i don't know it seems like men spend more time in the bathroom than women i don't know that i just i i know that my gosh we're getting into a weird topic i'm trying to but um yeah i guess my best uh motivation time in the private time is your anyone else am i amongst good company it's just me and g.i joe here um yeah i consume my best content and the uh get my best ideas that's awesome um i'm gabriel great question uh where can i ask for help if i'm stuck jag keeper said the discord next topic thank you i already moved on uh where can i ask for help if i'm stuck discord i've got a discord server you can join if you just do the command exclamation point discord in the chat right now you get the link to it join it you'll get help right there tons of people who are in the same boat as you or i've already gone been in that boat and are trying to help you they're there oh gi joe uh meaner better i don't know what you're trying to say here let me let me try to find your super chat and uh so i'm gonna identify you just said better you know what i'm gonna tell you oh that's your word that's your word of the year better so earlier in the stream this is very a very goal focused stream like what are we doing this year um i don't want to know what you're doing this year because you shouldn't tell me i want to know what you've done this year and we'll talk about that when you do it and then i ask for your your word your theme of the year i like to identify one word to kind of encapsulate what i want to be this year mine was consistency i asked you what yours was um meaner says better i like that i like that because you can always become better and not better than someone else not better than than brittany not better than bill not better than bob better than you yesterday that's who you're going to be better than don't compare yourself to someone else make sure you become better and it doesn't have to be this is this is the thing that we we get into the trap of i need to study for four hours every day and today i'm gonna change the whole today i'm gonna master this no no no it doesn't have to be that today just it can be the smallest thing it could be you read one page out of a book and you got better it could be that you watched a live stream with one of your favorite creators and you got motivated maybe you became better from watching this that's that's good you became one percent better and that's the compound interest of life just becoming a little bit better every single day it could be 15 minutes learning python it can be 15 minutes studying for your ccna it can be just one little small thing that adds up to huge huge huge gains so i love that word better just want to get better i love that i might add that to my that's my third word one was consistency my second one is discipline third is better i love that uh great question from hunter and let's give hunter some guidance y'all help me with this one says hello i have about seven classes left for my diploma however i feel like i should drop out and focus on my certifications any thoughts that's tough because i know how you feel you feel like spending the money and the time to finish out those seven classes would would just keep you from focusing on what you want to do will make you just waste time like you think you're gonna waste time right um i can't answer that question for you i wish i could that's something you kind of just look in look at everything in your your environment kind of think about that um some points and advice i can give um you're right asking the question it's the whole sunk cost mentality like you've already done so much with your degree i might as well finish it it might be in your best interest to say you know what i'm going to cut my losses here pursue my certification save all that time it's very possible that you can get certifications a bunch and get experience and and get a job and do all these amazing things instead of finishing out your diploma and you might you might end up in a better position you might but on the alternative you could just finish out your degree and have that degree because you've already you've already done most of it finishing it out and then you can pursue search after that so yes in the immediate like looking right out here and the next few steps it might feel frustrating to waste your time spin your wheels with a degree i think in the long run because you've already done so much it might be better to stick with it but i'll let the chat kind of give you some advice there maybe jump into my discord and ask for advice but i could see it both ways but you have to look at it there's variables i don't know in your life there's things that are you have to consider in your life that i don't know about but that's the advice i can give it's not a it's not a waste to finish your degree you'll come away with something cool it also wouldn't be a waste to just say i'm gonna cut my losses i learned a lot but i'm gonna get my certifications and pursue a career either one would work either way you're on top like either way you're winning it's it's amazing what you've done so far and it's amazing what you're going to do i think that the best thing i can say to you right now is that either way you win so don't stress out too much about it either way you win uh let's see and thank you for the generous super chat you're killing me with that killing me that's awesome thank you i'm losing my voice now i have a live stream in a while i'm getting back into it oh uh i'm gonna butcher your name and i i one of my goals that i'm not gonna tell you is to um become more proficient at french um so je gu am i saying your name right i'm not sure hi chuck i'm from france i'm a computer science student and i have just discovered your channel your content is really interesting thanks a lot awesome i appreciate that i love hearing how global um my audience is it's really fun to see this i love that i can reach people everywhere and i love that we can feel part of the community even though we're so dispersed across the world i mean people on my discord my staff they're from everywhere like it's it's amazing it's the coolest thing in the world uh let me see the only refreshment i know i saw some super chats come in let me grab a few just from the random chat here let's see conway says cloud is future-proof sometimes i mean yeah yeah i would say learning the cloud is definitely a good idea right now um kamal samuel says for someone who wants to start educating via youtube as well recommended the mic and camera to buy so my best advice for you right now would be just don't let any equipment needs get in the way so if you have an iphone or an android phone that's better than the camera i started with in fact some of my youtube videos earlier on was my iphone um so what i would do is use your phone as the camera because that's this incredible quality i would invest in a microphone first you can find a cheap microphone for under a hundred dollars that's amazing uh one of the mics i used on this youtube channel for a long time was the um oh gosh it's been so long can't remember it's like 70 dollars uh it's the let me look it up real quick oh gosh the a t or the at2020 of the audio technica at2020 it's a hundred bucks right now fantastic microphone truly amazing microphone and um you already got a great camera in your pocket so i wouldn't worry too much about that yeah don't let anything get in the way of you starting now the audio is the most important consideration and uh i love that you want to give back so start doing it now it'd be amazing let me see only make sure to miss anything good here i know i'm going to miss stuff good but i want to make sure i didn't grab some random stuff here dk cider says i shocked my cs teacher when i told him i'm studying the same things he is hey we're all students man we're all students um we the united says are we the untitled he says hey network chuck i just got i just turned 20. recently got into it and i'm currently studying for my ccna just got into an interview with amazon as a data center tech my first step into it any tips first of all it's awesome that's amazing you're going to have a blast my my tips are starting out like if you're able to start working and get experience immediately that's a gift it is a lot of people have to work really hard to get their first certifications before they get they can land that first roll um it's not rare um but some people have to do that so you're blessed already by having this opportunity to work in tech just like that my advice for starting out would be first just focus on that job become become amazing at that job walk in there learn what they need to learn become amazing at it if you have to learn extra if you have to go home and study what you're doing i need to learn the network or whatever it is do that become amazing when you get to the point where you feel like you have a handle on things then resume your study but my best advice would be just become amazing at your job make that study your job study your job that's what i would say because you'll see the most return from your time if you invest all that that effort into becoming better at that that's amazing dude so so freaking cool let me grab some more super chats real quick just gonna refresh my page here oh you guys are killing me um jd i thought you're able quick says i stream software engineering and games do you think that's an amazing idea yeah i do um streaming is like one of those things that i think is really going to take off especially tech which is why i've started streaming on twitch if you don't follow me on twitch go check me out if you do exclamation point twitch i think i have that set up if not it's just forward slash network chuck i see people on there doing live coding all kinds of stuff it's it's cool now you do have to go through the extra effort of making it interesting because let's be honest uh sometimes just going through code might be boring so you have to make it exciting uh but yeah a really good idea i think there's gonna be a lot of success in that oh i like uh defury's idea here always good to see you fury i asked you earlier if you had unlimited resources this unlimited like yet all the money you could ever have if you were if intelligence was not an issue if you were the smartest person for the idea you wanted to pursue what would you do and wake up tomorrow and do the fury says if i had unlimited resources i would own a data center one can dream i could see that i wouldn't mind having a data center but to what end for what reason probably to mine bitcoin or something right ethereum or something i love it so let me know in the chat in the description below or the comments below what would you do if you had unlimited resources um lionel i think i already answered your question i i grabbed it before you super chatted but thank you for the super chat let me just throw you up real quick um you asked i'm super overwhelmed how do i deal with all these courses and tutorials and my answer was one thing at a time one thing at a time don't try don't don't view it all as this one big monster you have to conquer no it's just take one course one certification do that and then move on to the next one uh spencer coleman i thought i saw you coming in earlier good to see you man dude thanks for the massive super chat it's awesome he says because of you chuck i'm in my second semester of college i'm following my dreams and it doesn't even seem real i've never done something that i look forward to doing every day i will never be able to thank you enough that's amazing man thank you so much for telling me that now you know how i feel about college but yeah again college it depends for everyone you found out that college is totally worth it for you and that's that's your reality that's the path you're living that's awesome um i'm so happy to hear that i could be part of your motivation and you're killing it that's amazing i'm so excited for you to be able to have the freedom to wake up and do something every day that gets you excited that you love that you don't dread is the best thing like how many of you are have been or in the situation right now where you were like monday was coming around you were like dreading it like you got that that just that horrible like butterfly but not the good butterfly feeling in your stomach you're just like oh god the case of the mondays you don't want to live your life like that like if you're living for the weekend then your life sucks dude if you're living like let me say that again if you're living for the weekend then your life sucks because most of your life is monday through friday make sure your monday through friday is awesome if it's not if it's not awesome right now you're doing something wrong you better change and you can change like don't think you can't change will it take work yes yes it will uh but it's worth it it's worth it so you can freaking change dude um but don't don't don't if you're dreading monday then it's time for a change flip the script change it up spencer did it and that's awesome um we oh three minutes almost done let me see three up real quick there it is hey chuck recently got into it and i'm studying for my ccna just going to interview with amazon oh i already saw this one i grabbed it already this is a super chat i already answered that one thanks to super shadow i didn't realize i just grabbed the random chat from the stream um nate j let me throw you up real quick awol did i skip your super chat i didn't see it in here now let me let me throw awol real quick up because i i must have missed this stuff his uh big grand message is more cisco um i do need a more cisco emoji to to use in our stream here let me grab a few more super chats and i gotta i gotta get out of here cause i've been going too long and i'm starting to like die a bit oh i did miss some super chats here i didn't see ben's here let me let me throw ben up real quick so good to be back um i love doing this this this is what i love doing uh ben says hi network chuck i just want to say a big thank you for helping me pass my mta networking fundamentals exam as i was really struggling on my osi tcp model and your video helped me uh it's daniel by the way or damn you i don't know um awesome that's amazing so this is what's so cool is i i have a free ccna series which i'm i'm not gonna do anything with this year i'm not completing my ccna this year wink wink um if you're just tuning in please understand that doesn't mean i'm not going to do it but it does mean that because i'm not going to tell you my public goals anymore but it's cool to hear that while it's for ccna you're you're using my stuff for mta or whatever other discipline you're using and whatever cert you're using that's really cool congrats ben or daniel that's amazing all right let's go through super chats real quick we're gonna do speed around because i got to get out of here um we got spencer's we the untitled nate jay did we i wouldn't answer yours and aj i almost did not answer yours and that would have been a pull you up tragedy quick uh i got my first job in it have a degree in networking cyber security thinking of taking security plus ccna and linux plus pentax plus this year is that a good route trying to decide is that a play on words good route uh trying to decide what will be best um let's see chat what do you think security plus ccna linux plus pen test plus this year um i think it's good um if you if you but however i will say this if you already have a degree in cyber security you may not need those basic security plus i would say that you could possibly skip security plus unless you need that dod uh compliance i think it's skip it a ccna solid you want that networking is always good to have um linux for sure and then pentest plus yeah that's a good one so i think it's a great path i think it is good healthy goals for this year i'll just maybe reconsider security plus with your cyber security degree already in your pocket there maxim let me see if i missed your chat i'll say put a super chat in but i don't didn't see any text whoa you posted a lot of stuff uh let's see i don't know what to do i love physics electronics i.t programming networking servers what would you do uh to know what you love study i study and know a lot right you study you know iot so it sounds like you have a lot of interest and um you love it all and you try to figure out which one since you love everything i would just pick one and dedicate yourself to it for a time and put a time frame on it so maybe it's networking for example i would say take six months and become certified in networking get your ccna that's what i would say it's i i'm the same boat i've been in the same boat where i'm like i want to study this and this i want to i want to study all the things right now that's what i want to do that's the worst place to be um pick one stick to it dedicate yourself to it put a time frame say i have to stick with this for six months i have to get my ccna only then only then after i've gotten that can i move on to something else that gives you enough time to actually go through the hard parts have fun with it and see if it's something you enjoy and that's your passion that's what i would say i think it's a good path um reuben let me throw up real quick i'm taking the google i t support professional certificate through coursera i started it without knowing i didn't have a great reviews keep at it i think it's free isn't it so if it's something you didn't pay for i think you do have to pay for this easy for me to say the certificate at the end but i don't get to pay for the actual course the knowledge in there you'll get is great but it's not great on the resume so i think if you're not too far into it maybe pivot to another certification like a plus for getting that first help desk roll um if you just started this i would switch if you've been in it for a while maybe finish it um it's only going to help you it'll help you with the other like there's nothing stopping you from getting that certification then jumping to the a plus you'll be better for it yeah you're right the reviews on it aren't great just because it doesn't have a lot of cred right now in the industry you can't really search for jobs for that yet unless you want to work on google's it support desk uh let's see there's a few more super chats and i gotta get out of here gabriel we'll end with this oh wait i'll do these last two i'm seeing and i gotta get because i have the uh this is from hot mustard gas 20. i have the aws solutions architect associate aws security specialist i have nine years experience at dc data center do you have any tips for getting a cloud job dude you've got so much going on for you right now i'm going for you man that's a lot so any tips so i wouldn't i wouldn't get any more cloud certification at this point like i wouldn't do anything else um the things that will help you land a job are knowing linux and knowing scripting getting more into devops stuff um because again cloud is some one thing where it's just it's knowing all the basics the fundamentals just somewhere else so knowing networking python linux data centers or servers databases knowing all that stuff as a prerequisite and just putting it in the cloud so i would polish up those underlying skills um i was talking with anthony square today on our stream and he's like i see we're talking about how we see like they're they're being specialized skills in cloud like someone who's specialized in the compute side of cloud people who are specialized in the databases of cloud and uh and machine learning of cloud so i would pick up skills that'll help you become better at cloud don't get another cloud certification unless it's going to help you unless they're looking for that but i would say python linux i focus on that that'll help you and then my last super chat i'm gonna do here from gabriel it's a good uh good note to end on here this thing we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down and that's true that's true failure is staying down um you never fail if you keep going you can keep getting back up yeah you can fail an exam the official term for it is you failed they'd tell you and it sucks um but as long as you get back up you're not a failure um i love that thank you gabriel for the reminder in the super chat guys that's all i got today a quick recap on me switch cameras here a quick recap on what we talked about um i'm doing nothing in 2021 as far as you know you're gonna have to watch and see what i do you'll see what i do you're not gonna hear from my mouth right now about what i'm going to do keep your goals to yourself keep yourself silent put your head down and do the work what the problem with telling people your goals is that you get that endorphin rush that little satisfaction your unconscious brains like yeah yeah i feel like we already did it just because you told someone you're going to do it and what that does is it ruins your motivation it actually increases the likelihood you won't follow through so what you should do is don't tell anyone if someone's asking you hey what are you doing this year what are your goals you say you know what wait and see wait and see i don't have to tell you what i'm about i don't have to tell you what i'm going to do you're going to see what i'll do you're going to see how awesome i am and what i'm going to accomplish and then we talk a lot about goal setting some books i think you should pick up the new year is a great time to reset to reset step back and look at your past year and go huh the direction i was going is it the direction i wanted to actually go am i where i want to be what was wrong it's time for some course correction if you if you're over here it's probably because you're going that way or letting something else steer you that way course correct get back on on the right path control your destiny control where you want to be that involves stepping back and being intentional planning your year out figuring out what you want to do i'm developing some great great habits so some books i recommend the four hour work week atomic habits and your best year ever anyways guys that's all i got today i appreciate you coming here and hanging out with me on my first stream of the year i took a break it's good to be back and um i'm doing nothing so don't look for anything you'll see you'll see i'll show you but i'm not making any promises that's all i got i'll catch you guys later [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] again [Music] my friends [Music] foreign [Music] come oh come on [Music] [Music] again [Music] again [Music] can you hear me now cool cool so like any good marvel movie i'll do the same thing here some post scene credits i want to give away some coffee right now so real quick if you're still watching i appreciate you for watching till the end all 352 of you i'm gonna give away a 20 gift card to network chuck coffee let me get that spun up and ready to go let me make sure my other mic isn't live right now okay yeah we're solid let me grab that coupon code so you gotta be quick on this one guys um oh yeah i was gonna do it with a google gotta be careful with this because i get myself in trouble i'm gonna do a quick little google form the first person to access this form fill it out will win coffee a coffee gift card again twenty dollars to network chuck coffee i do sell my own coffee i got merch on there and everything so feel free to peruse that if you feel so inclined uh but let me let me get this set up for you real quick how many times i'm gonna say that 10 times fast um what is today the 14th coffee 114 all i want to do is ask for your email address and just fill it out real quick and be fast that's all i want you to do and answer this question getting ready you guys got to be quick man and you guys are quick like it's insane and let me add a first name field so i can congratulate you all right here it comes it's getting ready getting ready let me shorten that url and grab it right now okay so right now in the chat i'm going to post a link you got to be quick the first one the first one to respond to this you're going to win a 20 gift card to network coffee here we go i'm going to monitor it right now and see who wins no winners as of yet no winners yet we got our winner it's that quick our winner is uh let's see edgar thank you edgar for being the first one you are freaking fast i'll reach out to you with some network shut coffee here in a bit maybe a discount code and uh if you want to buy some coffee network chuck coffee it's what i'm drinking right now and if you want to get this mug right now you can too and edgar says what should my next video be it should be ccna but i'm not gonna tell you i'm gonna do that i'm making no promises it's all got guys catch y'all later [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 76,982
Rating: 4.9034815 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 goals, 2021, tim ferris, atomic habits, four hour work week
Id: aY7R4NiSuAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 38sec (6338 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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