Cast Iron RESTORATION. Why I almost Dry Aged my Nephew!

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Well. Sorry man, sorry man. -This is the story of  how my nephew Angel almost got dry aged by me because he did this to my beloved cast iron  skillet. As you can imagine when I came back home   and found this in my backyard, man my heart broke.  If you love your cast iron skillet and your nephew   does this to yours you know exactly how I feel. It  is very mixed emotions. So to all nephews if you   are watching this do not do this to your uncles cast iron skillet. Trust me you do not want to   get dry aged, it is not a good experience. but with  all that being said I have to stop crying about it   and we need to fix it. That is one of the wonderful  things about cast iron skillet we can always bring   it back to life. But if you take a closer look  this one is rough. It has been outside on the   rain and sun for almost two weeks. The rust got so  bad that you can see that it's eating the metal,  especially on the bottom right here you can  tell that this pan has really been mistreated.   I mean by picking it up and turning it out to the  back, oh boy take a look at this. I've never seen   anything this bad. Man! Put down on the comment  section what do you think I should do with my   nephew. Maybe dry aging him is just not enough.  But I know you guys will have great suggestions.   So the first thing I needed to do is to start the  cleaning and for that I recommend using gloves   and also some type of cast iron chains to clean  it all up. But most importantly you're gonna have   to put some elbow grease because this is no easy  work. So we got a suit up to go ahead and begin   the process. So I started by adding a little  bit of soap and washing it as best as I can.   This thing is rough and if you're not careful this  will cut you like there's no tomorrow. Since the   rust started eating the edges they are all very  sharp, so going nice and slow is the way to go.  And as you can see it is so rough that it's hard  to come out but if you are persistent most of it   will definitely come out right now. Keep repeating  the process as many times as necessary to make   sure your water is nice and clear because once  you are done it should look something like this.  As you can see not much progress has been made  we still have quite a bit of rust which is almost   impossible to take it out with soapy water. I mean  take a look at this. You see that? Even though it   was washed many times it's still no good. Now for  the next step I highly recommend using a container   that you can throw it away. The only important  thing you gotta keep in mind is to make sure that   it fits. Now the only thing left to do is to throw  in the acid, and for that I chose white vinegar.   Add a good amount, you're looking for one part  vinegar and two parts water, this ratio will be   perfect to get all of that rust out. One of the  most important things you gotta remember when   doing this is that you need to give it enough time  for the acid to do its job. The longer you leave it   the more the acid will start eating everything so  there's a fine line when it stops eating the rust   and it starts eating the cast iron. If you ask  me, two hours is good enough. Once the two hour   was up I went ahead and started putting some elbow  grease and I hope you can see this clearly because   it works. All of the rust after soaking it for two  hours comes out like nothing. I mean take a look at   this. It's now almost getting to bare metal. You can  always go even rougher and use an angle grinder   but if you do this you will lose all of the  details on your pan. At least to me, for restoration,   this is one of the best ways to do it especially  if you want to keep all of the details from the   pan. But once I was happy with the progress this  is what it looks like. As you can see I was able to   remove all of the rust. That is exactly what you're  looking for. However this next step is very crucial   because the acid is still on the pan we gotta  take it all out if not it's gonna keep eating it.  For that you just gotta take it outside and go  to town with a hose. Make sure you wash it all out,   the last thing we want is for it to lose all of  the details. And here's what we're left with check   it out that coloration on the bottom there  is totally normal however the process is not   done yet. The next step is extremely important and  that is to put the seasoning and for this I highly   recommend a very high temperature oil. For today  I'm using grape seed. Now here's where most people   make a huge mistake the more oil is not better, you  want an extremely thin layer almost like nothing.  So after applying it to the whole thing make sure  you take all of the excess out. As you can see once   I was done this is what you're looking for. The  less greasy the better and that's because we   want that oil to stick to this pan forever and for  that we're gonna be using fire. Now if you have a   barbecue at home I highly recommend you using it.  You can always do it in your oven but believe me   when I tell you your entire house is gonna smell. I like to keep my temperature at 375 degrees   fahrenheit this ensures perfection every single  time. You want to leave it there for at least   one hour once that one hour is up you want to  remove it and repeat the process. The more times   you do this the longer your seasoning will last  and at the same time it will make your cast iron   skillet non-stick. For me I did it a total of three  times and once the last one was done these are the   results. Now that is a good cast iron skillet and  if you take a closer look the seasoning is perfect.   It even gives a nice color to it even though  it's nice and black it still has a little bit   of reddish color. That is how I like to keep all of  my cast iron cookware. If you compare it before and   after side by side oh man what a difference. Take a  look at this, brand new. That will make anyone proud!   But hey this is not ready to cook on it yet and  that's because we still gotta do one of the most   important step. The very first cook whenever  you're restoring something usually has a very   metallic taste and in order for you to remove  that out here's what I like to do. Start by   adding a good amount of grapeseed oil. Keep your  flames nice and high and then go ahead throw in   a good amount of onions. The wonderful things about  onion is that they take a while to cook but most   important they also release some oils onto your  cast iron skillet and I don't know the science   behind it but it does remove all of that metallic  taste. You want to cook this until it's completely   caramelized and obviously do not forget to  deglaze it by adding a little bit of water.   This right here does wonders to your cast iron  skillet and after every restoration you do I   highly recommend you doing this, because yes  once you're done you gotta discard these onions   but most importantly your cast iron skillet is  ready and it is now non-stick and super easy to   clean, and if you treat it right it will last you  for generations to come. That is how I restored   this beauty and it's now ready to cook once  again. Guga this this message is for you bro. Uh my bad I really didn't mean to do that, but hey man you brought this thing right back at least, at least   we both learned something you know. We both  learned not to leave it out, and how to fix. Well sorry man! But now I want to go ahead and  test this cast iron skillet so for that I'm making these incredible roasted potatoes. They are really simple and everything is done in one pan. I started with a good amount of bacon, crispen them up until they are fully cooked. Once that has been   achieved go ahead and remove all of the bacon.  However leave the fat behind and that's because   we're going to throw in a good amount of onions.  You want to saute this until we get a nice color   and as always do not forget to use a little bit of  water to deglaze the pan. Once they've been fully   cooked go ahead and put them together with the  bacon because now it's time to add in the potatoes.   I like to put them all facing the same direction  that way we can get nice browning, we want to cook   them until we get a nice color just like this.  Once that's done the next step is to throw back   the bacon and the onions, mix it all well and  put it in your oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit   because after about 15 minutes your potatoes  are done, If you choose to make them even better   throw in a little bit of parmesan cheese and  parsley, Now that is some easy potatoes to make.   At the same time they will be perfect  for a steak and just so you know   my cast iron skillet is super easy to clean  check it out with a paper towel is good enough.   That is why I love cast iron skillets. It's now  ready for the steak talking about that i chose   this beautiful rib eye, as you can see it has  wonderful marbling and exactly what I was looking   for. I cannot emphasize how important it is to  have nicely well marbled steak just like this,   that is why I only season it with salt  freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder   nothing else. As always make sure you season both  sides and the edges. To cook a steak in a cast iron   skillet is super easy I highly recommend using  a high temperature oil once again. Keep your pan   under medium high heat and throw in your steak. You should immediately hear a nice sizzle if you   don't it's because your pan is not hot enough.  After exactly one minute and a half it's time   to flip. The only downside of cooking a steak in a  cast iron skillet is the smoke, trust me there will   be plenty of it that is why I always love to cook  it outside. After it has been cooked for another   minute and a half flip it once again and throw in  some butter because the next step is very crucial   if you want your steak to be incredible. And that  is to baste it, keep basting it until you reach   your internal temperature that you like if you  enjoy medium rare you're looking at 135 degrees   fahrenheit that will give you a perfect steak.  Another thing I recommend is to keep flipping   it. Remember you got both sides to cook and if you  need to flip this thing 10 times do it there is   no such thing as flip your steak only once that  is just terrible advice. But once your internal   temperature is reached your steak is ready. If you  don't want your steak to dry out it is important   to let it rest. For steak this size five minutes is  good enough because once that time has reached the   only thing left to do is to go ahead and slice  it open, and as I did you can clearly see that   it was cooked to perfection. The only thing left  to do is to give it a try and see how it tastes. All right everybody here we have our beautiful  steak and potatoes today Maumau. -It looks beautiful   but it looks very little. -Yeah I know just one.  I was not expecting Maumau to show up. Maumau showed up I said Maumau you wanna be on the video. yeah let's go  i wanna eat. -Yeah why not. -Remember that cast iron that Angel   messed up? -The one that was completely rusted. -Yes  he left it outside and you know I got a little uh   happy with Angel let's just say that. -Is  this one? -Yes it's this one here, so let's   check it out it. -It looks brand new. -Yeah I know it  looks so nice. -The other thing was like orange.  -And many other colors too. -Orange is the nicest. -And  uh it was so bad that on the bottom the actual   metal was starting to warp you know what I mean.  -Yeah -He left it there almost two weeks everybody   and I didn't notice until then. But anyway Angel I still love you it's okay I forgive you. One of   the reasons you would choose cast iron steak over  the grill is first of all if it's nice and cold   outside and you don't want to go outside you know.  -Like right now? -Yeah like right now it's starting   to chill over here but uh and the other reason  will be for convenience you know. You just cook it   inside the house and you're good to go. At the same  time expect quite a bit of smoke in your house   because whenever you're doing it but there's  nothing that beats that wonderful cast iron   sear you know what I mean. -Yep. -And there's some  extra butter here this was just supposed to be   for me but I don't mind sharing it with you  Maumau. -I appreciate it. -Cheers everybody! Im going with both at the same time. -Oh my god!  That crust is amazing. -I know. -It doesn't have that   char flavor. -Right. -But they have like the extra  crisp crispiness from nice good sear. -That's one of   the things that I love about cast iron it's so  versatile you can cook anything with it. You know what I mean? -Yeah -Absolutely and it produces a wonderful,  wonderful flavor. So let me try to give you guys a   few tips. One of the reasons you would restore it  is if you really enjoy that pan. You know what I   mean? If you like that pan you want to restore it  you don't want to throw it away because it's going   this is going to last forever and it is one of my  favorite sizes that I have. Now most importantly   once you restore a pan like this it has a  special part on your heart and you take very   good care of it and you never let your nephew  use it again okay. You're just going to town I'm   talking like there's no tomorrow. -I enjoy this so much. -You like this cast iron? -Yes this is my favorite cast iron too. -Anyway guys these are the results. I hope you  guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it   make sure to give it a thumbs up, if you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos   remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,574,269
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Keywords: restoration, cast iron, seasoning, now to season cast iron, rust remover, how to remove rust, how to save cast iron, best cast iron method
Id: vihjlKvIUIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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