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top of the morning ladies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to not only Nostalgia week but to Plague Inc incorporated I woke up with a migraine today and it's been killing my brain all morning so this could go very badly um but I figured since the last couple of years that we've had and it's it's down here sometimes if I click that that's pretty cool I didn't know they did that that makes a lot of sense I feel like okay this is kind of not cool but I feel like this is the more obvious thing that I'm gonna do with the fact that we've had two years of it I'm playing this game for Nostalgia and I just want to see what happens you know what happens when I put it in and I completely forget how to play this game I have no idea what I'm doing I have to select a country to begin in um see I don't want to do the obvious I don't want to do that there was a a tactic to this that I could do like you start in a place that has two ports it's in the middle of everything things come and go from that all the time I think I think this is where I used to start before right I can't remember and then Madagascar was hard to do in Greenland and that kind of stuff Antarctica doesn't even count apparently uh we'll start here and see what happens covid-19 has infected its first human week but used to hot temperatures it must evolve using DNA points to infect more people yay spread I also there was a point on YouTube as well where you couldn't even mention this or you would get like demonetized or like crippled by the algorithm so I'm like should I even mention it this means that it randomly mutates rapidly and can be hard to control across DNA points to devolve cool I'll do that I am going to kill everybody there's only one person infected in the world right now hold on there's two and two shall become four and four shall become a billion then the game update we're at eight billion people on the planet now too much Papa's DNA Bubbles and they randomly appear yes and then I'm able to get more stuff for where do I go I don't this game anymore they oh it's over here my abilities my symptoms and my transmission [Music] so which were the okay okay again there used to be a time to attack to this I completely forget it there was a way of getting it to spread faster like through water yeah through the air through the air I think is good everybody breathes air not everybody is a sheep but not everybody drinks water successfully evolved in you've spent DNA points let's go take over the whole planet and I'll get air and or water now in a second as well as air covid-19 begins to spread this is kinda [ __ ] up but I'll take it for nostalgia's sake you know what are the diseases I used to have before I think I had a play called stupidity I had a plague God I completely forgot what I used to do in this game okay water time Water and Air the more I do remember that the more we infect people then we start killing them after a certain amount of them are infected so we get our infectivity way way way up and then we start going for The lethality of it covid-19 is mutated and developed the cysts symptom without using DNA points see this is kind of bad you don't want symptoms to spread because when symptoms spread that means they're able to catch it faster which means they're able to cure it better this case scenario Planet like covid-19 right now in our current day and age we've kind of like rounded a lot of it and we're in like the lull Zone where we're like okay cool find out more about a country click the country I don't care as far as I'm concerned all countries are equal right now they all have to spread how much do we need to these 16 and 17. gives organism ability to spread through blood to blood contact no see this is not as vital yet let's count now when it starts infecting England and Ireland I'll start putting in the Sheep mystery still surrounds the decision to postpone the Tokyo Olympics okay we're way out of date on this what are you gonna do mention the World Cup as well that's already over everything has passed nothing matters anymore through the air go Iran has been infected your disease has taken an important step to becoming a plague yeah we need to go from endemic to pandemic to plague when a new country is infected pop the red bubble to get bonus all right chair my love this is also so weird because when I played this game before we didn't really have plagues and pandemics going around as much anymore and now after the rough two years we've had now it's like oh now I know more about how all of this actually works has affected thousands in Saudi Arabia yes it has what's the population of Saudi Arabia 71 million healthy people here just see one million people in Saudi Arabia had such a small country for so many people it's deceiving well actually yeah it's gonna say Ireland has like six million people in it in the landmass probably a bit more than that now but oh we're going to France we're in France LEDs or Spain I mean not France Jesus again look I woke up with a killer migraine I'm trying my best not to yell the sun was in my eyes and the person who beat me up was much bigger than me they go to a different school you don't know boof boof mutated and developed the nausea symptom it could be anything you don't know it's covered 19. it's just nausea you could have just had bad stir fry you could have had bad chicken wings it could have been anything you're fine all right let's let's start spreading this even more I need 20 for that and Mother of God it's going well though oh God I hate that that like put the fight or flight in me you know when covert was going around and then everyone heard a cough for the first time you were like what was that what are you doing stop coughing is bad okay we have six million eight million 12 million people aren't getting infected like a wildfire right now has infected more people in the world than TB it is very infectious yes it is hold on almost kicked out of my screen all right here we go boom baby all right we don't want too many symptoms we don't want hypersensitivity and abscesses we don't want any of that we do want better abilities though later on once it starts to being cured we need to be able to Curb Your Enthusiasm Curb Your plague but if this doesn't kill everybody in the world in the world situation because it's true to life then in a normal checkup a doctor in Saudi Arabia found a new disease which has been named covet 19. it appears to be mostly harmless but must be investigated further other diseases are also or other other diseases other countries maybe I shouldn't be recording after having a migraine it's not a great idea that's going to be my next plague is going to be called migraines I never used to get migraines until last year I started getting them and I don't know why everyone every doctor and psychiatrist and everybody that I talk to are like oh you're hyper mobile because I can do like like I can bend my joints really far and I can like bend my back really far and that's why I get tons of back pain you're like oh yeah you're hyper Mobile by the way which means that you're more susceptible to migraines more people who have ADHD or hypermobile you're also more susceptible to back pain to bowel issues and I'm like great I hit the jackpot thanks parents okay Saudi Arabia is first to instruct doctors to begin Research into a cure no no pathogen becomes resistant to class one entire class 2 antivirals increase Effectiveness in wealthy countries evolve evolve adapt bro Ireland's infected let's go 10 people in Ireland that's like half the country good job Ireland we're part of the system it'd be it'll probably be really easy to kill us covid-19 has affected more people in the world than HIV that that's that makes me proud oh that makes me feel so good is mutating developed a vomiting symptom without using DNA points okay maybe I should like bring some of these back pathogen becomes harder to analyzing the lab decreases further research speed just yet I'm bringing blood to blood because if you're like my logic here is that if you're trying to like figure it out and you're taking blood samples you're like oh yeah you got disease what's going on with that now it's gonna [ __ ] you up all right good good nice good yes nice good yes good good oh Saudi Arabia you are fault there's not a single healthy person in Saudi Arabia right now I think if this was happening in real life if an entire country of almost 72 million people were infected with something we would be making progress way quicker but the game's a little far behind you know the Tokyo Olympics haven't even happened Iran is [ __ ] as well it's not a single person healthy there either guys I'm so sorry and Egypt not a single healthy person there either this is full-blown like worldwide panic could you imagine if every single person in a country got covered like legitimately in the real world how bad that would be now we need cold resistance I think and heat resistance so now it can start spreading in hotter countries like Africa and Greenland for the coal countries we're gonna do this Australia we're coming for you do you think because Australia has such a harsh climate all the time and it's so hot all the time that the species of animals that are there are so scary because they're like we're not dying we're not going anywhere you think you can increase the heat it's like a fever in your body where it increases the Heat and the disease is like I'm not going [ __ ] anywhere I'm here to stay spiders alligators crocodiles serpents they're all over Australia Australia I'm convinced it's just a magical country that doesn't actually exist I've never been there and I'm convinced that it doesn't exist I'm convinced it's just a ploy by the internet to tell me that oh God stop coughing like that it puts me on edge and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable covid-19 is mutated and developed anemia symptom without using DNA points isn't anemia that you have low iron is that what anemia is okay people are vomiting the crease in red blood cells are hemoglobin in the blood can lead to hypoxia in the organs that all sounds like something my disease should do pathogens has more works for a cure increased Effectiveness in wealthy countries yes pathogen does not reproduce in lab conditions decreases further research speed yes this is good when you can start cutting off the scientists early this is like a this is like a Maniacs game before the pandemic happened in real life this game was like haha so funny imagine imagine I'll go back to sipping on my tea and smoking my cigars while my butler comes in and Pats me on the back the world is so good and now it's like man this is kind of [ __ ] up this is making me uncomfortable why did I decide to play this game at some point Nostalgia is just not worth it maybe I should have started with something sillier like geese geese take over the planet the junkening I should do that actually okay increase the the effectiveness in wealthy countries so then we can start oh North America you and your capitalist agenda you and all the money that you have all the debt that you have and all of your corporate climbing North America oh stocks this stocks that huh idiots oh you're gonna buy Twitter I'm increasing the effectiveness in wealthy countries you're going down North America needs to be taken down a peg okay I think we can all agree most of the [ __ ] that we hear these days is because of people here look it's bad all over guys [Music] but people just love to talk about North American things a tsunami hits Madagascar [Music] that wasn't me I didn't do that okay hands up that wasn't me that was an act of God I'm just trying to like spread covid God is trying to kill you I haven't killed anybody yet I have killed almost 6 000 people but in the grand scheme of the amount of people that are in the world that's not that many covid-19 is mutating develop the rash symptom stop developing stop developing things okay this is good though we're infecting at a colossal rate but I need to save up this stuff so I can start killing people kind of a weird sentence to say but I'll do rats ooh mosquitoes is good as well actually we'll do that that's the last ones I'll do this is the last Transmissions I'm doing this is the last transmission for me I can get a lot of bubbles from all these other countries they're about to get absolutely decimated that right ran out of DNA points and I can't actually oh yeah insomnia symptom imagine if the worst thing that happened when you got a disease is that or a plague is that you just couldn't sleep I mean that that's bad but it's not really as bad as like coughing up blood you know I had crazy insomnia after I got covered I couldn't think properly you know how I knew I had a migraine when I woke up this morning I couldn't read that's how bad it gets like I'm not just saying this stuff to be like oh whoa is me and like making up excuses for the video but honestly since I got migraines last year I can't think the same way I always do have you noticed that in my videos I like flipped my sentences more I like merge words in my sentences I never used to do that as much I know it happens all the time I'm legitimately concerned that my brain is collapsing on me and I'm gonna die but that's just anxiety maybe I should put anxiety as a disease covid-19 has been placed in the who watch list oh it's on the watch list after six billion people get infected they're like maybe we should keep an eye on that thing that thing that's infecting like basically the entire planet maybe that's concerning I don't know Korea starts cure research Korea you sons of [ __ ] no you don't no you don't Korea no you don't okay I'm using up all my points I will have no points left to be able to do anything diarrhea symptom mutated again to kill everybody diarrhea from food poisoning everybody on the planet all six and a half billion of you just had bad chicken you just said salmonella what's going on you have so many people you have 35 million and only eight and a half thousand of you are infected this is why no one likes you Canada get infected already first death in Colombia first deaths from covid-19 has been confirmed in Colombia oh that oh these deaths were from the tsunami oh all right okay it's starting to kill people I have no points I need points did I spend them all stupidly oh oh okay India has shut down India I mean does it matter your whole country's infected I don't think anyone's coming or going company needs me today to develop the pulmonary edema okay Greenland baby thanks for joining the party it's pretty it's very hard to infect Greenland Russia leading Global cure effort okay I have some points so I need to start killing people pulmonary fibrosis what are the bad ones sweating that's not bad if we break down in the digestive system causing infected sewage okay pockets of infected flesh abscesses hypersensitivity hemophilia immune system produces Inhibitors that destroy Factor okay that that sounds good anything that destroys sounds good this costs 20 to do so I'm assuming that's good give me more points please this can't be it this can't be it I can't be stopped here pop blue cure bubbles oh I will get out of here trying to cure things [Music] that's [ __ ] up basically playing songs from like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street um Fight The Cure there are two ways to fight the bottom of the Cure evolve aggressive symptoms to destroy countries that's how I do it but I'm running out of like money to do this Insanity that's not really a good one see I need to get to these yes turtle turtle Argan failure Turner I'm gonna run out of points [Music] come on bye already die no one wants you alive world did you ever notice that ever since the world started evolving from single-celled organisms that everything started to go wrong we have anxiety today and epidemics and pandemics depression all of these things because something in the ocean was like oh what if I walked on land idiot oh my God there's still a few people holding on there's 15 and a half million people on the planet that are just absolute tanks okay sweating symptom good good where you going little plane where you going where are you going no no no no no no no no no no no can I eat oh man I ran out of points it's going to get cured yes [Music] it's absolutely gonna get cured there's not a chance that I'm going to be able to get enough points at this point to do it it's [ __ ] Greenland Greenland with its stupid healthy people and Iceland [ __ ] you guys get out of here already Houston Texas show the covid-19 is the deadliest plague ever it has killed over 300 million people worldwide worse than smallpox Insanity symptom we're all going crazy ah okay good good normal life in Italy is beginning to break down due to covid-19 your research is starting to slow take that Italy do you think the algorithm on YouTube won't know that I'm joking profuse bleeding symptom combo hemophilia and skin lesions are causing the infection are infected to have blood pouring out of their skin oh you just be like bleeding and [ __ ] I really want 31 points for this but I don't think I'm gonna get it increasing infection rates on burst Rich regions particularly vulnerable can distract the immune system see these are good but should I just go for these I don't think it's enough seizures can be fatal let's just do that I guess let's just do that and see what happens at this point it's just like how many can we kill 34 paranoia symptom yeah keep the symptoms coming I'm happy with this though almost a billion people did that's good that's good that's an effective disease I like that come on Greenland be a buddy be a buddy Greenland 56 000 healthy 20 infected two dead you can do a little better Greenland you can do a little better turn on the mute they're the gene thing you know how you can like make a build at the start of these runs I should put it on that I get some of this from popping cure bubbles because when you get to this point it's really hard to get any DNA points so I should get whatever I can I can't afford any of these are you ready to develop tumors yeah baby I'm just happy to know that even if I don't kill everyone on the planet I've basically put the planet back into the Dark Ages it's been pretty successful okay okay we're going up I don't know where these points are coming from 50 cured [ __ ] if I held out on my points I could have had enough for total organ failure come on baby come on baby we can get there we can get total yeah it's over 19. I am not gonna finish that I'm not gonna finish that immune suppression what is this coma I don't know what the more lethal ones are that's 25 points this is 16 points 31. large swedes or swaths of infected tissue lose blood supply and become fatal sources of gangrene oh wait this shows me The lethality down here I forgot slightly more lethal slightly more lethal not as lethal not as lethal so I should get this one like immune suppression I think that's good because then I think the Cure can't really keep up with that it's great this is great oh yeah weep I'm getting so many of these people are dying in Iceland faster than new people are being infected I don't know how that works but that's actually bad because that means that people are dying and don't what I can't remember what plague that was the Spanish Flu something like that that was like killing people faster that they could get infected that's why covert was so scary because the incubation period was so long that people didn't know what was happening and then it was getting inside people and then it was killing people um where Spanish Flu was killing people way too quickly so it couldn't spread to people as much you know it's just a nice little lesson systematic infection pathogen affects multiple organs and tissue types causing blood white infections that spread fast can be fatal yes foreign keep it going keep it going oh yeah oh yeah so many people dead Italy is the first to fall into Anarchy due to covet 19. no cure research can take place Italy come on Italy out of all the places in the world the people are like oh who would fall to chaos first the game has decided that it's you Italy any of my Italian fans out there talk to your country you guys fell into absolute Anarchy as soon as things went wrong paralysis symptoms these are good symptoms oh and the Cure went down stinky cure can't cure what kills everybody uh which is oh this is way more lethal internal hemorrhaging don't mind if I yes this one's pretty fatal yeah it's more than this one actually I'm not infecting anymore it's kind of hard to Greenland is the only thing that's going to survive this was incredibly effective dude I haven't lost it I still got it I'm still able to kill the entire planet with ease that's scary I shouldn't have this much power okay if we get to 29 Points should I infect more does it does it count if not everybody gets infected do I have to kill absolutely everybody I can't remember like one of these is it the Sheep does Greenland have a lot of sheep and that's why they didn't get infected maybe surviving in harsh cold climates I don't know insomnia and anemia are causing people to walk around gray with tiredness scientists working on the cure for covid-19 are less productive yeah because they're sleepy I mean who is working on it Greenland Iceland the only two places in the world that are left like parts of Russia actually no rush is [ __ ] everybody's gone uh the Cure is actually being developed kind of fast that [ __ ] stinks that that just stinks that stinks how dare you impede my progress so no people are infected covid-19 killed all its hosts some healthy people survived how many the killer only got to 60 percent this stinks look at it go though watch my baby flourish all right give it a while there it goes there he goes yeah baby nice that's so scary that is absolutely the whole planet has a fever so there's only 379 000 people left in the entire planet that are healthy 7.1 billion people are dead I'm sorry but that's a success in my book I don't care all right let's try a new one I can turn people into vampires that's wild okay I'm gonna start enter inserting some jeans uh orange and red bubbles get more DNA yeah get bonus DNA from popping blue cure bubbles that's gonna be important for me I think increase the chance of plague mutating no playing it's harder to cure your play can mutate Transmissions easier to cure oh no harder to cure there's no bonus for cold climates arid claimants I mean is that no humid climates rural urban let's just do everything they hear a young gunning geese are gonna rise up Brothers shut up kids the honking begins in Saudi Arabia again Saudi Arabia I'm sorry I just keep going there because it's it's the most Central and everything comes and goes and spreads around and it's a nice web of influence like if I start in Greenland we only have C it doesn't work as well like so you need a place that has it's Central but has seaports and airports apparently Ireland doesn't even have all right okay I'm gonna use my influence as a Creator to point out the fact that Ireland the Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK that's Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland we fought very hard to get our independence and become the Republic no not business as usual all right I'm going to use my influence to come down hard onto developers of Plague Inc and say that this is an absolute insult I'm sure there's many other countries around the world in this game that a lot of people can point out the same things to be like excuse me you merged us you thought that we were there but this is about me and Ireland how dare you call me part of the UK I know I lived there but all right let's just spread a disease and kill everybody because I'm upset you have successfully evolved hyankening you have spent DNA points to evolve your disease and more and more options have been opened up the young cunning spreads Brothers Arise My Goose brethren the honking is now I just imagine like a whole pile of geese running around Saudi Arabia right now just [ __ ] everybody up just so angry all the time as the geese progress as everybody goes through the planet geese will spread see they don't need sea or air they're able to swim they're able to sit in the water and go they're able to fly they're able to go south for the winter hyunkening has infected hundreds in Saudi Arabia the geese are everywhere they're attacking everybody wait till they start spreading wait till everybody hears about the hyunkening I should have called it the youngering instead of just yanking but whatever just imagine Danish Mafia becoming too powerful recent events involving the Danish Mafia Have prompted the German Chancellor to Communism or communism oh my God no no I told you my brain doesn't work today the German Chancellor prompted to Danish Mafia communism commission a new investigation I shouldn't have recorded I forgot has been infected your disease has taken an important step into becoming a plague you're welcome South Africa it's infected again good old France ah yes the sunny the Sunny Country of France I feel like this one isn't going as well that's good Iceland's getting infected all we need now is Greenland all right do I have enough to buy stuff uh transmission yes pathogen bypasses air and water filters due to Adaptive cellular shell actually these are pretty infective as well yeah but that one's huge I'm gonna evolve mosquitoes after this too can I yeah yeah let's go infection I do remember at some point I was like trying to devolve as well oh look at that infection rate go oh look at it go more infectious than the common cold and that shit's everywhere I'll make the multiple versions of this I guess blood and this is like crazy infection right okay that's my last infection I feel like anything else I I need to start saving for cure stuff come on yonking come on England swim for two look at that infection go up a hundred million a second let's speed this up a little I have all day to watch you all dying and infected oh yeah Greenland got infected noisy symptom okay we're up to 53 that's good I can keep all of these points new minor disease is spreading in a normal check a doctor in China found a new disease oh no you don't oh no you don't um Effectiveness in wealthy countries yes yes now keep going keep going oh yeah we're getting so much infection This Time come on West Africa get your [ __ ] together Canada North America rash symptom okay rashes are fine no one cares about a rash babies get rashes Mexico starts working a cure well Mexico why would you do that this is good decreases for the research speed yes okay get all of those you're not curing anything the only thing you're curing is it's not going up it's not going up okay I need to start killing I need to start killing yes yes let's go Australia you [ __ ] okay but I get stuff now for popping those remember I get three that's good that's good that's good I like it I like it I like it ah [ __ ] which do I do which do I do maybe the Cure one so I can just keep the disease going longer UK shuts down airports ashes we all get killed oh my God the Cure is progressing so fast multiple strangers the passages now exists increasing the work needed to help develop a cure we're at 30 of a cure oh it's going down nice yes look at all those geese everywhere Goose now is the winter of our Goose content [Music] this is great oh no the Olympics whatever we gonna do there's so many people infected and dying and you guys are like but what about the Olympics [Music] okay this is progressing way fast for my liking oh I was looking at infectivity before not lethality oh stupid stupid stupid stupid this I was like supposed to be looking at this one not this one well infectivity is good too because I still need some people to get infected but we need severity and lethality oh hey wait how much did I need for that uh 30. okay one more bubble one more Buble boom total organ failure everybody die I'll kill more than smallpox oh it's about to kill way more than that not gonna work I'm still not gonna be able to do it they're going to develop a cure too fast I think technically I still need more people to get infected because I'm going to end up killing everybody and they're not going to get infected anymore so I need like a mix I mean it's not gonna work I think I think this run is lost because the Cure is too high but let's see what happens I'm at 40 points Jesus okay reduce the Cure no to cure I brought it down by two let me just go balls to the wall on my infection at the end and see what happens let me just find out let me [ __ ] around and find out it's not gonna work we're already running out of people God damn it I got defeated again y'all getting killed all its holes some healthy people survive stupid geese you can't do anything all right well that's gonna do it for Plague Inc this game is still really really fun I would love to see them make a sequel to this game I wonder if they ever have I would play the crap out of it anyway that does it for this episode thank you guys so much hopefully this rocks back some sort of nostalgia if not for Plague Inc but maybe for the pandemic you know but thank you guys for watching this stay tuned for more Nostalgia week videos it's going to be epic
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,366,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: ZuYi1CEtIB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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